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Preaching in a Climate Crisis, a Clergy Cohort, and Congregational Resources


LoveJoy United Presbyterian Church, a PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation, lives out its care for God's creation by preaching, teaching, recycling, landscaping and many other commitments. Preaching and worship are great ways to help us spread the word abo...

Synod of the Covenant recently offered an online workshop on preaching in the climate crisis. Rev. Dr. Jerusha Neal, professor of homiletics at Duke Divinity School, led this great offering, titled “Preaching Exilic Hope in the Climate Crisis.”   " target="_blank" rel="noopener">Watch the recording here. You won't be sorry- it was an excellent workshop with important elements of how to help congregants come around the issues related to climate change! Read about this workshop here.

Also, for ongoing relationships with other preachers, Blessed Tomorrow launched an Ambassador Program designed by clergy FOR CLERGY this year. Learn more here.  If you have not taken the specific training for Clergy and are interested, request the login information here.  ALL Ordained Clergy who have completed the Climate Ambassador Training for Clergy by 12/31/2023 will be invited to join a January 2024 Clergy Cohort which will meet on Wednesday afternoons for one hour. 

For additional resources, a reminder that is always a good collection of Presbyterian Church (USA) offerings and that Presbyterians for Earth Care has great recordings from its September 2023 that include preaching, bible studies and workshop on climate and related issues.

The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.

Blessed Tomorrow, which offers ambassador trainings as well as clergy and congregational resources, recently launched a 7 year interfaith campaign "One Home, One Future." Your congregation is invited to join and receive support materials! https://www....

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Topics: Climate Change, Worship, Worship Resources
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