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Pentecost: Building a Strong Foundation

Right Here, Right Now

Rev. Dr. David Gambrell spends of plenty of time with young people. He is a father of two daughters, he volunteers to teach confirmation classes at Highland Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky and he was one of the youth leaders who preached at the 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium.

He says Triennium was quite an experience for him and shares: “Our kids need to know they are valued in this moment—their gifts, wisdom and experiences are important. They need to know that we take them seriously and honor them as members of  Christ’s body, and that we want to learn from them even as they learn from us —  right here, right now.”

Being valued is something that Rev. Ashley Faul-Erwin can certainly affirm makes a  big difference in embracing a life of faith and service. A native of Northern Ireland, Ashley was looking for ways to express herself and serve in a faith community. After some searching, she connected with a program at Second Presbyterian Church in Nashville through the Young Adult Volunteer program. Her experience as a Young Adult Volunteer was so profound that Ashley decided to attend seminary and now serves as the community outreach pastor at Setauket Presbyterian Church on Long Island.

God’s youngest family members need support for developing their full potential in both faith and life, and all of us have a role to play. From projects like the churchwide Educate a Child, Transform the World national initiative to the Presbyterian Youth Triennium to tutoring and mentoring children in our own community—this is a mission that unites us as Presbyterians. Susan Byrne, a volunteer tutor at Willow Brook Elementary who attends First Presbyterian Church of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, says, “Our immediate support of children is critical. If a person can get a good education, they have a chance to succeed in life, no matter where they come from.”

Building the Household of God with Our Young People

And isn’t that what we all want? For our young folks to succeed in life? Your gifts to the Pentecost Offering support many programs for both children at risk and youth and young adults and are a testament to your commitment. And as a shared offering, gifts also support countless programs in communities and congregations across the country.

David says, “We tend to say something like ‘we’re investing in the future because the youth are the future of our church.’ But our youth already have gifts to give and important ways to serve and lead in the church.”

Together, we are building a life of faith and building the household of God with our children, youth and young adults. And every building needs a strong foundation — a foundation in faith that begins right here, right now and is strong enough to last a lifetime.

Let us pray

Spirit of God, work with and through us  as we build a strong foundation of faith with children, youth and young adults. May your household, O God, bustle with the energy and leadership expressed by young people as together we work to share your love with the world. Amen.

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This post is based on the Minute for Mission script which can be found on our website as a script.

Please give generously to the Offering:

  • Through your congregation
  • Text YOUNG to 20222 to give $25
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