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PC(USA) at the United Nations COP 24

Country flags outside the climate talks in Paris, December 2015

Right now, Presbyterian staff and volunteers and many ecumenical friends are traveling or just arrived in Katowice, Poland, for the United Nations' Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)'s "Conference of the Parties" (COP) 24. Since the original 1992 agreement between nations in Rio de Janeiro, there have been annual meetings, and we are at the 24th COP. PC(USA) has been to all of them except for one!

Andrew Kang Bartlett, Associate for National Hunger Concerns, is representing the Presbyterian Mission Agency there this week along with Burkhard Paetzold, Regional Liaison Central and Western Europe and Roma, and Bill Somplatsky-Jarman, former Coordinator for Mission Responsibility Through Investment. Andrew is blogging at Eco-Journey's sister blog, also in Presbyterian Hunger Program, "Food and Faith."

Follow COP 24 news from Andrew by reading the blog and/or subscribing to the Food and Faith blog's email subscription if you like.

Andrew, Burkhard, and Bill will be joined by ecumenical colleagues and other partners as they observe the UNFCCC COP 24, and provide a witness and challenge to the gathering. Especially in a time where it seems that the United States will not send its higher level officials to these critical negotiations, it is important that Americans who are committed to building a low carbon future and to combatting climate change show up and partner with global brothers and sisters.

Please keep this delegation in your prayers, and follow along their journey.

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Topics: Advocacy, Climate Change, United Nations
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