basket holiday-bow
Divine Offerings: A Testament to the Diversity of Finds in the PHS Cookbook Collection

Starting to stress with regard to what you will cook for the upcoming holidays? Are you looking for an assortment of appropriate recipes to send along from a safe social distance, as thoughtful, pandemic-period gifts to foodie friends, vegans, or relatives with particular culinary tastes or dietary concerns? Perhaps, you are just an “adventurous” eater, someone who loves a level of cuisine kitsch. Might you be a person with a penchant for winter-themed alcoholic beverages? Maybe, you are a scholar looking for a great cultural studies topic to fulfill your end-of-the semester term-paper needs, or an artist, seeking inspiration in 20th Century culinary spreads?

Well, look no longer! Worry no more!

The Presbyterian Historical Society's (PHS) recipe book collection—consisting of around 100 different titles, spanning from the mid-to-late 19th century, and running through the end of the 20th century—has you covered. Cover-to-cover, literally.


1950s-era woman with cookbook, artist unknown.

When I first flipped open the buttercream-colored, glossy cardstock cover of Recipe Notes, in order to catalogue it for the library collection, I never expected to find my curiosity piqued. Never, when I stood tall at my desk and first paged through this inch-thick book with its black plastic spiral binding, did I believe that I’d keep the book “checked out” and sitting on my Easter-egg-purple library cart for a few weeks more. No, never could I have imagined that I would soon become so intrigued by the allotment of cookbooks in the PHS collection that I would come to share about them in a short blog post.


Cover of Recipe Notes, 1981, held by PHS, image courtesy of Staff

I was in for a treat! Hiding within the ageing, seldom-turned pages of Recipe Notes and two intuitional-green shelves’- worth of other cookbooks in the PHS stacks waited a diverse, culinary-themed collection that speaks to a variety of interests and questions, including scholarly inquiries about cuisine choices and foodways; questions about the changing senses of both humor and goûte within culture; queries about how to make vegetarian, vegan, or other “special-diet-friendly” versions of traditional recipes; inquiries about the art of table setting and dish design; nostalgic twinges; glimpses into cuisines from around the world; a thirst for a “happy hour” drink; questions regarding ingredients and whether certain food products are still being produced by manufacturers, today; and—well, let me be honest—questions about the palatability of some of the “tried and true” recipes chosen for inclusion.

Yes, I would soon find a bountiful array of offerings—all set to satiate (or upset) the stomach, and each sure to feed any creative or inquisitive soul.

I now invite you over for a virtually curated feast of the cookbooks, and their contents, which you might not have expected PHS to have.

“Salad Days”: Not So Appetizing Appetizers and Desserts to “Pass On” 

Let’s start with the unsavory—or perhaps the “unappetizing,” at least according to what some might consider to be my picky palate!

Sure, plenty of questionably delectable dishes abound in cookbooks the world round, from all eras. Yet, below are a few of my personal, Presbyterian-community-focused, favorites—highlighted for either their kitsch value or their ability to elicit gastronomic grimaces.


1950s Housewife, image courtesy of

First on my list—and surely the all-time winner for turning (me) a bit green—is a recipe for “Shredded Lettuce in Cream.” Might this sound strange to you, too? We are not to judge, right? (Or can we judge, just a little, with our epicurean tastes of 2020?). Why, indubitably, it is a truly “simple” recipe, well worth someone’s try…. maybe, just not mine.

Shredded Lettuce in Cream (very simple)

Shred 1 head of lettuce. Cover with cream—even coffee rich (cover liberally with it—so the lettuce actually “swims” in it. Add sugar to suit your taste (you will want it   sweet). Add the cream approx. 20 minutes before serving.[1]

Next up in the queue:

Liver Sausage Nut Ball

1 lb. liverwurst                                                                 

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

¼ cup mayonnaise                                                           

3 drops Tabasco sauce

1 8 ounce package cream cheese                                 

2 tbs. dill pickle juice

1/3 cup chopped dill pickle                                            

¼ tsp. garlic salt

¼ finely chopped onion                                                  

 ½ cup chopped salted pecans

Except the nuts, thoroughly mix together all ingredients. Shape into one large ball or two smaller balls… cover with nuts. Serve with variety of crackers. Can be frozen.[2]

I am not sure about you, but even were I not an ovo-vegetarian, I would never be inclined to eat liver—neither in any disguise nor served on any variety of cracker.

And last but surely not least:

Tang Cookies

1/2/ lb. margarine                                                            

¼ tsp. salt

1 1/8 c. sugar (scant)                                                       

1 tsp. rum extract

2 tbsp. Tang (either orange or grapefruit)                   

½ tsp. soda

1 ¾ c. sifted flour

Cream margarine and sugar; add salt and Tang. Cream quite thoroughly. Sift flower with soda; stir into sugar mixture. Add rum flavoring using ½ tsp (or 1 tsp if you want papa-size cookies). Form dough into balls; dip fork tines into flower and press criss-cross into cookies. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet at 325˚ [for] 12 minutes or until light brown. You can use half butter if you desire very rich cookies.[3]

Tang? Now there’s a blast of taste from my ‘80s-childhood past. I cannot claim to have ever been a Tang fan. Neither can I report that I ever knew there to be grapefruit flavored Tang. Orange is all that I recall (not liking). Yet, finding the idea of cookies made with Tang to be far less than appealing is somewhat beside the point. What struck me most about this recipe was that it prompted me to have a conversation with a colleague about the product, Tang. It also motivated us to look up this “foodstuff” to see if it was still being manufactured. It is (although it has been reformulated)![4] 


Tang Advertizement from 1959, image courtesy of

What memories does reading over recipes and their concomitant ingredient lists spark for you? What food products mentioned in cookbooks from different eras might you be prompted to research or discuss with others? Which comestibles or brands were in our respective pantries of twenty years ago that we would not be caught brining into the house today?

What’s Brewing, and other Ambrosial Spirits

I must admit: I am still in the process of learning about Presbyterianism. As an outsider to the faith, I incorrectly thought that Presbyterians—especially those of earlier generations—stood in opposition to “the drink”. Well, the Presbyterian cookbooks held by PHS have exposed my naïveté and served to set me straight (although far from straight edge!). Featured just as prominently within the yellowing pages of Housekeeping in the Blue Grass, an 1878 Ladies of the Presbyterian Church publication, as in Church Mouse Favorites and Recipes of Note (both published in 1981), are instructions for making all and sundry types of drinks worthy of a guzzle, gulp, sip, or swig.


"Beverages and Miscellaneous", in More Oven Lovin' 1982, PHS collections

In case you’re looking to make malted bread, feel tempted to brew beer, concoct a tasty alcoholic drink, or are inclined to spice up your next post-pandemic holiday event or birthday celebration, consider one of the recipes below.

“Cheese and Beer Wheat Bread”

1 ¼ cup beer (12 oz.)                                               ½ cup wheat germ

2/3 cup water                                                           2 teaspoons salt

1/3 cup cooking oil                                                  2 packages active dry yeast

1 ½ cup whole wheat flour                                    1 egg

4 ½ to 5 cups all-purpose flour                             8 oz. (2 cups) cheddar cheese cut into ½” cubes

½ cup sugar

In a saucepan, heat first 3 ingredients until very warm (120-130 F). Lightly spoon flour into measuring cup and level off. In a large bowl, combine liquid [beer and water], whole wheat flour, 1 cup all-purpose four, sugar, wheat germ, salt, yeast, and egg. Beat 2 minutes at medium speed. Stir in remaining all-purpose flour.

On well floured surface, knead dough until smooth and elastic—about 5 minutes. Place in greased bowl and cover. Let rise in warm place until light and doubled in size, about 1 to 1 ¼ hours. Line two 1 quart casseroles or two loaf pans with foil (optional). Grease well.

Punch down dough on well floured surface. Work cheese cubes into dough half at a time until evenly distributed. Shape into 2 loaves covering cheese cubes. Place in greased casseroles or loaf pans. Cover; let rise ion warm place until light and doubled in size 45-60 minutes.

Bake in preheated oven at 350 for 40-50 minutes or until loaves sound hollow when lightly tapped. Remove immediately form pans.

Nearly 150 years later, these recipes are still set to pack a punch:


Two quarts of wheat bran, two and a half gallons of water, a few hops, one pint of molasses, and one pint of yeast. --Miss Kate Spears.[5]


"Whisky Punch"

One gallon of whisky, six tumblerfuls of sugar and one half dozen lemons[6]


"Egg Nog"

Six eggs, beaten separately; one pound of sugar, two pints of rich cream, one pint of whisky, one half pint of Jamaica rum; beat the yelks well; mix sugar and whisky together; whip the cream; add whites of eggs and cream last. Reserve a little whisky and cream for the next morning. It is best made overnight.--Mrs. Jonathan Owen7]

Moreover, if you enjoy a glass of wine and are also into local foraging--or are otherwise into working with plants and herbs--PHS again has you covered. Consider the following:

“Dandelion Wine”

4 quart boiling water                                              

3 oranges

4 quarts dandelion blossoms, washed                

3 ½ lbs. sugar

3 lemons                                                                     

1 ½ teaspoons dry yeast

Pour the boiling water over the washed blossoms and bring to a boil. Cool and set aside 3 days. Strain, discarding blossoms. Cut the colored rind from the lemons and oranges; add to strained [dandelion] liquid. Bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. Add the lemon and orange pulp and the sugar; stir well. Cool. Add the yeast and set the brew in a cool place for a week to 10 days. Strain and bottle.[8]

“Whip it, Whip it good”… Or Maybe Just Mould It Into Shape

Perhaps, it is no coincidence that in the 1980s the band, Devo, wrote a popular song in which the singer makes passing mention of whipping cream. American cookbooks from the 1960s through the 1980s offer an array of options for either heaping whipping cream, or the preferred Cool Whip, onto or into everything--from what are termed “salads”, to more recognizable deserts. Moreover, these cookbooks feature bountiful options—some with “enticing” color photographs--for meat-and seafood-filled appetizers and entrees, as well as “salads” and desserts, all moulded into an array of shapes, thanks to the wonders of gelatin.


Vintage Cool Whip advertisement, circa 1980

Two of my most curious, although not so appetizing finds in the whip topping and moulding categories include: 

“Coca Cola Salad”

1 lg. pkg. cherry jello                                              

1 large pkg. Philadelphia cream cheese

1 lg. pkg. strawberry jello                                     

1 16 oz. bottle Coca Cola or Pepsi

2 can dark sweet cherries (pitted)                      

1 cup chopped nuts

1 can crushed pineapple                                       

2 cups mini-marshmallows

Drain juice from fruit. Add enough water to make three c. liquid. Bring to boil and dissolve jello. Mix in Coke. Refrigerate until mixture sis syrupy. Mix in fruits, nuts, marshmallows and creamed cheese cut into small cubes. Makes a large salad.[9]


Image of a "Seafood Mousse" made in the shape of a fish, 1973, image from

“Creamy Tuna Mold”

2 (8 oz) cream cheese                                                           

1 ½ pkg. Knox gelatin

1 can of mushroom soup                                                     

12 to 15 oz. canned tuna, drained well

1 c. celery, chopped                                                              

1 cup mayonnaise

½ to 1 c. nuts, chopped                                                       

½ c. cold water

1 Tbsp. onion, grated                                                           

¾ cup hot water

Over low heat, melt cheese and mushroom soup. While that’s melting, chop celery, nuts and onion. Soak 1 ½ packages gelatin in ½ cup cold water. Then dissolve with ¾ cup hot water. Mix celery, nuts and onion with mayonnaise and gelatin. Drain, wash and flake tuna. Combine all ingredients. Pour into mold and chill overnight. (Really easy for a do ahead party).[10]


Vintage Jello advertizement, image courtesy of

I can’t say I ever recall sitting down to a table spread of gelatin-moulded fare (perhaps, fortunately—or maybe I just don’t know what I missed and plan to continue missing, today). I can, however, claim to have grown up during an era when Cool Whip or whip cream-topped delectables were made and presented for consumption at parties and school events.

While the sentiment of nostalgia doesn’t really suit my experience in these aforementioned cases, a perusal of recipe books surely can evoke nostalgia in the minds of others. What recipes might you find in PHS's cookbook collection that will harken memories of halcyon days of childhood? Which of the recipes in our collections might make you nostalgic for a certian location, or for the company of freinds or family?

The Aw[e]ful “Joy [and art] of Cooking”

The artist and foodie at my core was struck with both joy and aw[e]ful incredulity surrounding many of the offerings—however inedible many of the displayed food items appear—presented in the various cookbooks. To add to the selection of visuals were many helpful  “How To” illustrations—including the likes of “How to Carve a Leg Of Lamb”and “Handy Chart[s]” for measuring, substituting ingredients, and making candies. There, too, were lists outlining the main properties and culinary uses of spices and herbs. Then, there were the illustrations featuring “practical seating arrangements” for buffets and dinner parties, along with sketches of the various flatware found in traditional, Western-world dining rooms.

For your enjoyment and edification, as much as for mine, feast your eyes on a few of the aformentioned, below:


Cover image from  Favorite Recipes of Presbyterian Women: Meats, Including Seafood and Poultry, 1968, from the PHS collections



Image from Favorite Recipes of Presbyterian Women: Meats, Including Seafood and Poultry, 1968, from the PHS collections


"Main Dishes," from More Oven Lovin' , 1982, PHS collections


"Lamb Chart", from More Oven Lovin', 1982, from the PHS collections

International Cuisines: Tasty Treats and Delectable Dishes Set to Satiate the Palates of the 2020 "Armchair Traveler"

As an avid world-traveler and someone who lived for several years in Scandinavia, I was thrilled to find a smattering of “International” recipes punctuating the pages of a selection of cookbooks in our collections. I was equally interested by the rather oddly titled (by today’s standards) but nevertheless intriguing 1970s publication, Cooking, Third World Women, which features the recipes of “Asian, Black, Native American, and Latina Women.” Perusing these various cookbooks gave me pause to wonder whether or not the contributors of the recipes were actually members of minority groups, first- or second-generation immigrants, or individuals whose heritage otherwise linked directly with the recipes they contributed.


Della Reese, 1977, cooking for Kraft Foods, courtesy of Wikipedia

Unequivocally, we all come with recipes passed down to us by our relatives and community members—either in the form of actual instructions for making beloved, tantalizing dishes, or memories of eating, sharing, or maybe being forced to sample a not-so-appetizing, but prized dish presented on special occasions by a family friend or relative.

With the primary idea of holiday baking in mind, below is a selection of recipes that caught my attention. Without question, this selection is influenced by my own international living and travel experiences, along with my thoughts about several of my PHS colleagues and their family origins.

What recipes from the holdings at PHS might stoke your memories, soothe your nostalgic soul, remind you of your grandmother or uncle, or make you think of friends or family in other countries or from different cultural or regional backgrounds? Which recipes might make you long for travel—domestically or internationally?



Finnish Flag, courtey of Wikipedia

"Omenakiisseli (Finland)"

6 medium apples                                                           

¼ cup sugar

2 cups water 

cinnamon stick

½ teaspoon lemon rind, grated

2 tablespoons cornstarch

½ teaspoon lemon rind, grated

2 tablespoons cornstarch

Peel and cut apples into wedges. Boil with sugar, cinnamon and lemon peel in water until soft. Mix corn starch with two tablespoons of cold water; add to apples, slowly, constantly stirring. Quickly let come to a boil. Pour into a bowl, and sprinkle with sugar. Refrigerate. Serve cooled with whipped cream.[11]



Ostakaka, 1968, image courtesy of

“Ostakaka (Sweden)” ---Translates to Cheesecake!

1 cup flower

2 gallons raw milk

1 rennet tablet

1 tbsp warm water

4 eggs

1 cup sugar

1 1/2 cups cream

Mix flower with ¼ cup milk; add remaining milk. Dissolve rennet tablet in warm water; add to milk. Stir gently until milk starts to set. Let stand for 30 minutes. Cut through with a knife several times and let set another 30 minutes. Drain off whey, about a gallon. Beat eggs until light. Add sugar and beat. Add cream. Pour egg mixture over cheese and work in a little. Pour into 2-inch baking pans. Dot with butter. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Serve warm or cold with sweetened and thickened lingonberries.[12]



Swiss Butterhorns, topped with cinnamon, ca. 2020, image courtesy of Taste of Home

“Butter Horns” (Switzerland)

4 cups flour

½ teaspoon salt

1 cake compressed yeast

1 ½ cup butter

1 ½ teaspoon vanilla

½ cup sour cream

3 eggs separated

½ cup ground walnuts

Powdered sugar and cinnamon

Sift flour; add salt and crumble yeast into flour. Cut in butter; add ½ teaspoon vanilla, sour cream and egg yolks. Dough will be stiff like piecrust. Beat egg whites stiff; add 1 dup sugar gradually. Add nuts and 1-teaspoon vanilla. Dredge breadboard with powdered sugar. Divide dough into 8 portions. Roll each portion to size of 9-inch circle; cut into 8 wedges. Place filling on wide end of wedge and roll into horn shape. Lay open end down on cookie sheet; curve slightly. Bake at 400 degrees about 15 minutes. Bake at 400 degrees about 15 minutes. Dust while hot with powdered sugar and cinnamon.[13]



Contemporary image of Kifli, courtesy of Wikipedia

“Kipfels” (Hungary) --More traditionally spelled Kifli

2 cups flour

¼ teaspoon salt

2 3 oz packages cream cheese

½ lb. butter

2 tablespoons sour cream

Jam or preserves

Powdered sugar

Sift flour and salt. Cut in cream cheese and butter until pieces are size of small peas. Add sour cream. Mix well until dough comes together and can be shaped into ball. Roll out to 1/8-inch thickness. Cut into 2-inch squares. Place 1 teaspoon jam or preserves in center of each square. Fold into triangle and seal edges. Bake on cookie sheet at 425 degrees for 15 minutes. Dust with powdered sugar when cool.[14]



Contemporary image of Nigerian Puff-Puff, courtesy of Wikipedia

“Puff-Puff Nigerian Bread"

1 cup hot water                 

4-5 cups flour

6 tablespoons shortening                 

3 tablespoons chopped parsley

1 teaspoon salt

4 tablespoons honey

3 teaspoons salad herbs (combining oregano, basil, chives, and mint)

3 packages dry yeast

½ cup lukewarm water

1 egg beaten


Melt shortening inn hot water; add honey and salt. Add yeast and egg to shortening mixture and blend into flour, 1 cup at a time, using enough flour to form a soft dough that is easy to handle. Let dough rise in a warm place until it has doubled [in size].

Turn out [dough] onto lightly floured board. Sprinkle over chopped parsley and salad herbs; gently knead into dough. Shape dough into 1-inch balls and let rise. Fry balls until brown and fluffy.[15]



Hopi Nation Flag, courtesy of the Hopi Tribal Nation

“Hopi Corn Stew with Blue Corn Meal Dumplings”

2 lbs. stewing beef, cut into 1-inch cubes                                   

1 tablespoon chili powder

4 cups frozen corn kernels

2 tablespoons lard or oil                                                                       

1 medium pumpkin peeled and cubed

1 medium onion, chopped

1 small sweet green pepper, chopped

2 tablespoons whole wheat flour

salt to taste

In a large, heavy saucepan, sauté meat in lard until lightly browned. Transfer meat to plate. Sauté onion and green pepper in same pan until onion is slightly wilted. Return meat to pan with chili powder; add enough water to cover meat and simmer for 1 ½ hours.

Add corn, pumpkin and salt to taste. Simmer until tender. Add flour mixed with 2 tablespoons water to stew; add dumplings and simmer, covered, for 15 minutes.

For the Blue Corn Meal Dumplings:

2 cups ground blue corn meal

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

¼ cup lard or other shortening

¾ cup milk

Combine corn meal, baking powder and salt. Cut in lard until mixture looks like meal.

Add milk to form a soft but stiff dough. Drop mixtures by the spoonfuls into the stew.[16]

Peddling Elixirs, Historical Tastes, and Crafting “Toys for Tots”

Tried and True Elixirs of Old

I don’t know about you, but I am a huge proponent of natural medicines. It is a personal choice, for certain. During this time of pandemic, however, I thought it especially interesting to read of the various “foods for the sick” and “remedies” disseminated in 19th century cookbooks. Again, as I learned, and as you will soon see, too, Presbyterians were no strangers to the consumption of alcohol.


Remedy for Sickness from House-Keeping in the Blue Grass, p. 154, 1878, from the PHS collections




Page of "Remedies Recipes" from House-Keeping in the Blue Grass, 1878, from the PHS collections


Dishing Up History

Some people love dogs, and others love horses or cats. I just happen to be a fan of rabbits. I know rabbits are eaten in different communities around the world. I also know that at one time they were considered acceptable fare in North American homes. Thus, it wasn’t so much surprising as it was tear-inducing for me to encounter an historical recipe, reprinted in a 20th century text, for baked rabbit. Ah, but cuddly rabbits aside, this recipe makes me think of the study of foodways and of changes in eating preferences and palates; technological advancements that re-shaped meal preparation practices; and of dietary trends, as they evolve from one generation to the next.

What historical recipes have been passed down within your family? Are there 19th century recipes that you still adore? Are there recipes that you loved as a child, which you still have stored in a wooden recipe box, but which you now look askance at as an adult?

 “Baked Rabbit”

First catch the rabbit. Skin, clean and remove all fat. Place in pan, pack down, with just enough water to cover the bottom of the pan. Put lump of lard about the size of a large hen’s egg on the rabbit. Place in a moderately heated oven until well done. Drain the melted lard and water off. Place a lump of butter about twice the size of an egg on rabbit and out in oven until the butter melts. From an old cookbook.[17]


Prefect for Play

Easy on the pocket and guaranteed for hours of fun! Yes, even home kitchen-based ideas for entertaining youngsters can be found in some of the Presbyterian-community-oriented cookbooks. No need to buy store-brand products! Here, for example, is one intended for satiating the creative minds, versus the stomachs, of children.


Vintage Play-Doh Box, circa mid-20th century, image found here

“Play Dough” 

2 cups flour                                                                    2 Tbsp alum powder

1 cup salt                                                                        food coloring

2 cups water                                                                       

2 tablespoons salad oil

Mix flour, salt, and powdered alum. Boil water and salad oil. Add food coloring to liquid and immediately pour over dry ingredients. Mix well while hot, knead it with your hands as soon as you can stand the heat. This keeps well for long periods when stored in a plastic bag in a coffee can.[18]

Intended for a Belly-Full of Laughs?

I would not have thought it, but it is often there. Yes, peppered throughout the various mid-to-late 20th century cookbooks in the PHS collection are instructions for concocting smiles on the face of readers, as well as series of chuckles, if not, on occasion, great guffaws and hearty laughs.

Although this is not my cup of humorous tea, so curious are these “recipes of humor” that I could not help but share at least one:

“Recipe for a Christian”

1 Human Being

1 full measure of Christian Fellowship

1 way to Salvation

A great amount of Faith

A lot of Hope

A lot of Charity

Unmeasured Love

The Word of God

Take on Human Being, big or small, of any race, color or creed; add a full measure of Christian Fellowship. Enrich with Way of Salvation; Fill with Faith, Hope and Love; Sprinkle daily with the Blessed work of God. Let set until Firm. Yield: One dedicated Christian.[19]


Cover image, 1981, from Our Favorite Recipes, from the PHS collections

Stay tuned for my forthcoming, spring 2021 article exploring forms of 20th century humor interjected into Presbyterian Cookbooks—inspired by my findings in this same collection of culinary works, at PHS.

In the interim, Bon Appetit!

[1]First Presbyterian Church in Germantown, “Shredded Lettuce in Cream,” Recipe Notes (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: First Presbyterian Church of Germantown, date unknown): 15.

[2]Ibid., p. 7.

[3]United Presbyterian Women’s Association, First Presbyterian Church, Bakersfield, CA, Our Favorite Recipes (Waseca, Minn.: Walter’s Publishing Company, 1981): 28-29.

[4] See “Tang”, accessed on December 1, 2020.

[5]House-Keeping in the Blue Grass (Paris, Kentucky : George E. Stevens & Co., 1878): 143.

[6]Ibid., 140.

[7] Ibid., 142.

[8]“Dandelion Wine,” Church Mouse Favorites: A selection of recipes from the kitchens of members and friends of the Riverside Presbyterian Church (Western Springs, Illinois : Canan Press, 1981): 12-13.

[9]“Coca Cola Salad,” Our Favorite Recipes, p. 104.

[10]Members and Friends of Clear Lake Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Potluck (Houston, Texas : Clear Lake Presbyterian Church, 1983): 8.

[11]“Omenakiisseli,” Church Mouse Favorites, p. 173.

[12]Favorite Recipes of Presbyterian Women: Desserts, Including Party Beverages (Montgomery, AL: Favorite Recipes Press, 1968): 373.

[13]Ibid. 375.

[14]Ibid., 362.

[15]Cooking, Third World Women, p. 115.

[16]Ibid., 53.

[17]“Baked Rabbbit,” A Century of Cooking (Santa Fe, New Mexico: The Women’s Association, First Presbyterian Church, Sante Fe, New Mexico, 1968): 123.

[18]“Play Dough,” Church Mouse Favorites, p. e.

[19] “Recipe for a Christian,” Our Favorite Recipes, p. 105.

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