Real talk, here (by now, what do you expect from me?).
I am so excited for the New Year. I am especially excited for the kickoff training for our first group of Special Offerings Ambassadors. As Sally has passed along information about each new member of this group, I feel so blessed to share their passion about Special Offerings with you. A perfect example of this is Leah Hester Johnson. Hearing about her 24 years of experience, and how she hopes to bring this to her new home, makes me excited to meet her in January.
What draws you to be an Ambassador with the Special Offerings Leader Support Network?

"I am moving.... My leadership team role within Donegal Presbytery and my work as Westminster's Clerk of Session are ending. I feel this could provide an opportunity to continue denominational service while I meet new people in a new setting. I have promoted various special offerings within both my congregation and in the Presbytery. I believe deeply in the value of our connectional system and feel that when we combine our assets we are stronger and more effective. There is compelling evidence of this whether it's PDA, Peacemaking initiatives, hunger programs, racial/ethnic educational institutions or others that benefit from our offerings. This would provide me a path to learning how congregations new to me are connecting with the various special offerings and provide them ideas for new promotions and new or continued connections. I was pleased to know that training would be provided and that there will be opportunities to share ideas with other ambassadors as we work through the seasons. Fresh interpretation of the offerings and information sharing about the new framework of the offerings are necessary for the continued growth and viability of the special offerings. I'm disappointed when I learn of congregations not participating, ones not aware of resources to interpret the offerings and/or don't know of the value to the recipients."
What does mission in the PC(USA) mean to you?
"Mission is our expression of faith in being sent to the world to share the Good News of the Gospel and in sharing work and witness. Mission is our calling; Mission is working together for the benefit of others. Mission is active, intentional, focused, work alongside partnership. We are all called to serve. Sent in service."
Our group is growing. We continue to add Ambassadors of varying ages, genders, and experience to this number - but there is definitely room for you! Visit for more information, or to request a follow up from Sally. Training begins in January!
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