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The Land of Smiles

A Letter from Myoungho Yang and Jiyeon Yoo, serving in Thailand

Summer 2022

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Dear friends in Christ,

Greetings from Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Jiyeon and I finally arrived in Chiang Mai in June right after the hot season had passed. As I mentioned in our last letter, there are three seasons in Thailand. If we translate the names directly from Thai, they are the “hot season,” the “rainy season,” and the “cold season.” We are now in the rainy season, and it rains almost every day. When the rain stops, the temperature rises. So, it is still hot and humid. The Thai government warns against mosquitoes, snakes and thunderbolts, especially in the rainy season. Two weeks after we arrived here, both of us got sick for about a week. Now, we are doing well, and we are getting adjusted to the weather.

At Thai class

Since July, we have been taking a Thai language course. We are memorizing lots of new words every day. You might think it is challenging. Yes, it is, but we are enjoying learning a new language. The Thai language institute is in Payap University. It is about 2.5 miles away from our house, which is not far. But it is not easy to get there because there is no public transportation such as a subway or a bus. You might imagine what it might be like to live without a car in a suburban area where public transportation is not available. Thankfully, we can use a cell phone App to get transportation.

At the market

We are in the process of assimilating into the life and culture of Thai by learning Thai, making friends, eating with them, and even talking with them as we buy groceries at local open-air markets. Most Thai we have met so far are kind. They respond with smiles, which I think is part of their culture. It seems that’s why Thailand is often called “The Land of the Smile.” As we are walking through this “Land of the Smile,” we pray that they have smiles coming from God-given joy by living as “God’s own people” as Peter wrote in 1 Peter 2:9. In your prayers, please remember the people of Thailand.

We also would like to ask you to pray for us as we are adjusting to a new environment, culture and language. We are grateful for your prayers and support which make our ministry in Thailand possible. We hope you stay safe and healthy during this pandemic, which is not over yet. We pray that you could experience the promise David professed in Psalm 23: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”

In Grace of our Lord,

Myoungho and Jiyeon

Please read the following letter from Rev. Mienda Uriarte, acting director of World Mission:

Dear Partners in God’s Mission,

What an amazing journey we’re on together! Our call to be a Matthew 25 denomination has challenged us in so many ways to lean into new ways of reaching out. As we take on the responsibilities of dismantling systemic racism, eradicating the root causes of poverty and engaging in congregational vitality, we find that the Spirit of God is indeed moving throughout World Mission. Of course, the past two years have also been hard for so many as we’ve ventured through another year of the pandemic, been confronted with racism, wars and the heart wrenching toll of natural disasters. And yet, rather than succumb to the darkness, we are called to shine the light of Christ by doing justice, loving kindness and walking humbly with God.

We are so grateful that you are on this journey as well. Your commitment enables mission co-workers around the world to accompany partners and share in so many expressions of the transformative work being done in Christ’s name. Thank you for your partnership, prayers and contributions to their ministries.

We hope you will continue to support World Mission in all the ways you are able:

Give – Consider making a year-end financial contribution for the sending and support of our mission personnel (E132192). This unified fund supports the work of all our mission co-workers as they accompany global partners in their life-giving work. Gifts can also be made “in honor of” a specific mission co-worker – just include their name on the memo line.

Pray – Include PC(USA) mission personnel and global partners in your daily prayers. If you would like to order prayer cards as a visual reminder of those for whom you are praying, please contact Cindy Rubin (; 800-728-7228, ext. 5065).

Act – Invite a mission co-worker to visit your congregation either virtually or in person. Contact to make a request or email the mission co-worker directly. Email addresses are listed on Mission Connections profile pages. Visit to search by last name.

Thank you for your consideration! We appreciate your faithfulness to God’s mission through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).



Rev. Mienda Uriarte, Acting Director

World Mission

Presbyterian Mission Agency

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

To give, please visit

For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6