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How to Apply

The General Assembly nominations process is an application-based process.  Individuals wishing to be considered for membership on the ongoing entities of the General Assembly (boards, committees, councils, and commission) as well as special committees, commissions, or task forces approved by a General Assembly must complete an online application to be considered in the pool of applicants.

Most positions for service must be filled by active members and ministers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).  There are some positions that can only be filled by teaching elders or ruling elders.  The description for each entity should clarify whether or not ordination to one of the ordered ministries is required for membership.

If you wish to be considered for nomination, you will need to complete an application form and provide the name of three personal references.  The manager for GA Nominations will contact your council of membership – presbytery for teaching elders, session for ruling elders, deacons, and church members – for an additional reference.

  • Get acquainted with the GA Nominations Process
  • Please thoroughly review the description, skillset, and time commitment requirements for serving in the entity board, commission, or committee for which you wish to apply to assist you in your prayerful discernment. This information can be found on the Entity List & Descriptions Page.

    Review Descriptions  
  • Prayerfully decide for which entity you will apply. 
  • Know your presbytery and synod name.
  • Determine the 3 people you would like to serve as personal references and collect their contact information.

Please contact valerie izumi, Assistant Stated Clerk & Manager for GA Nominations & Representation if you have questions or comments.  

Thank you for your willingness to serve the larger church.  Grace to you and peace.  

Applications for nomination are submitted online using the GA Nominations Portal.

You may access the online nominations form by creating an account at the GA Nominations Portal and selecting the name of the entity for which you feel called to apply.  

Deadlines for submitting your application may vary by entity.  Please be sure to note the deadline on the online application form.  

Access the Portal


Additional Information to Aid Your Discernment

Thank you for your interest in being considered for elected service at the General Assembly level.