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Inflation Reduction Act for Churches


Senior Advisor at the U.S. Department of Treasury for Inflation Reduction Act Implementation, Ronald Newman, recently addressed the 226th General Assembly's Environmental and Climate Justice Committee. ( Learn more about the Inflation Reduction Act here.) 

The Committee then chose to share 10 minutes with Newman for their report to the whole assembly. That presentation can be seen here:

Newman has been connecting with faith communities as part of his task  of helping places of worship, other nonprofits, individuals and businesses to invest in clean energy and save on their energy bills by tapping into the hundreds of billions of dollars allocated under the Inflation Reduction Act, also known as IRA. Newman acknowledged that  he understands that  in order to access the benefits congregations have a great need for resources, materials and tools. In response to questions regarding those resources Newman shared with committee leadership several resources that he thought congregations would find useful. Those included:


Ronald Newman Zoom screen grab
Ronald Newman from the US Treasury department addresses the Environmental and Climate Justice Committee of the 2226th General Assembly.

Newman also shared that the IRS will soon launch rounds of “Office Hours” for tax-exempt entities that may have questions. Registration links below.


Newman mentioned that Interfaith Power and Light could be a helpful resource for churches. Nationally, Interfaith Power and Light works in all 50 States and U.S. territories with broad national network of state and regional-level affiliates.


Presbyterians for Earth Care will offer a webinar on July 23rd offering more information. Registration and recordings will be available on their website. 

Recordings of Environmental and Climate Justice Committee meetings are available  ">here.


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Topics: Climate Change, Congregations, Energy, Environment, Funding, General Assembly
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