Giving Tuesday
Support the PHS Research Fellowship Program
This year, our Giving Tuesday campaign is all about helping researchers and scholars. We set a goal to raise money to support four Research Fellowships in 2025. Thanks to a generous challenge gift from an anonymous donor, all donations up to $5,000 will be doubled.
The Presbyterian Historical Society’s Research Fellowship Program awards annual research and travel grants to eligible scholars, students and independent researchers who wish to use PHS’s rich holdings. Since 2004, the program has supported scholarship in a range of fields including mission history, social justice movement and ecumenism. Fellows submit reports to PHS and are encouraged to publish their work in the Journal of Presbyterian History.
The significance of scholarship and access to research materials has never been more important. Each grant of $2,500 is awarded through a competitive application process and can be used to cover travel, lodging, and other research expenses. Consideration is given to those whose primary residence is more than seventy-five miles from Philadelphia.