Guide to the David and Polly Miller Papers
Open for research.
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Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not have been digitized in their entirety.
David V. (Vines) Miller was born in Johnson City, Tennessee on August 23, 1926. He was the son of Earl Matson Miller (1888-1962) and Caroline (Carrie) Hewes Miller (née Wharton; 1892-1975). After high school, David served in the U.S. Navy aboard the battleship "Indiana" from 1944 to 1946. He attended East Tennessee State College from 1946 to 1948 before transferring to Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina, where he graduated in 1950 with a Bachelor of Science degree. Polly Jean Yandell was born in Charlotte, North Carolina on July 3, 1927. She is the daughter of Benjamin F. Yandell (1893-1967) and Mildred Lorraine Yandell (née Miller; 1898-1984). Polly attended Mars Hill College (Mars Hill University in Mars Hill, North Carolina) and earned an A.A. degree in business. She then attended the General Assembly's Training School for Lay Workers (later called the Presbyterian School of Christian Education) in Richmond, Virginia. Polly and David met while he was attending Davidson College.
In 1951, David entered Union Theological Seminary in Richmond. On June 6, 1952, he and Polly married. David graduated in 1954 with a Bachelor of Divinity degree. He was licensed on July 13, 1954, then ordained by Holston Presbytery on August 1, 1954. After studying French at the Colonial School (Colonial University of Belgium) in Brussels, the couple were assigned to Luebo Station (American Presbyterian Congo Mission) in the Belgian Congo in August 1954, which began the couple's careers as missionaries of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. (PCUS). David and Polly's children, David, Nancy, and Edward, accompanied them as well.
David and Polly spent 23 years in the Congo (in the Belgian Congo, the Republic of the Congo [Léopoldville], the Democratic Republic of the Congo [Kinshasa], and the Republic of Zaire), where David worked as an itinerating pastor, as a translator, and in the Evangelism Department of the Presbyterian Church in the Congo (Église Presbytérienne au Congo; EPC) and served as Moderator. In July 1960, Polly and the children evacuated during the events of Congolese Independence. In 1977, the Board of World Missions (PCUS) assigned David and Polly to serve with the Lesotho Evangelical Church (LEC; Kereke ea Evangeli Lesotho), where David was Projects Officer and oversaw projects pertaining to evangelism and church growth, village water systems, school buildings, Christian education, and agriculture. During David and Polly's time in Lesotho and during their time living in Harare, Zimbabwe, David worked as the Coordinator/Liaison for Southern Africa and with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s (PC(USA)) Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project (also referred to as PECGA, the Project for Evangelism and Church Growth in Africa), part of the Global Mission Unit. PECGA's purposes were to assist in building new centers of worship and witness in urban and rural areas, to assist in renovating and rebuilding churches in areas of limited local resources, to support formal and informal ministerial training for candidates, to provide support for construction and renovation of church-related educational facilities, and to support local and national church officer and Christian educational training initiatives for Presbyterian and Reformed churches, particularly in Southern Africa.
David and Polly retired from mission service in 1994 and left Zimbabwe to return to the U.S., where they settled in Black Mountain, North Carolina. They continued to itinerate throughout the PC(USA) to promote mission involvement. David died on December 23, 2019.
The collection contains architectural records, correspondence, financial records, photographs, printed materials, reports, subject files, and other records that chiefly document the missionary careers of David and Polly Miller and David's roles and work within the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. (PCUS) and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (PC(USA)), including his role as Coordinator/Liaison for Southern Africa and his work with the PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project / Project for Evangelism and Church Growth in Africa) program.
The Country and Region Files series, circa 1952-2006, contains files of architectural records, correspondence, financial records, minutes, photographs (prints and negatives; chiefly identified), reports, printed materials, and other records arranged by country, then region. Materials in the Congo and Lesotho file groups chiefly document David and Polly's time as missionaries in those countries. Materials in the Botswana, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland (Eswatini), Zambia, and Zimbabwe file groups chiefly document David's work as Coordinator/Liaison for Southern Africa and his work on projects with participating African churches and other Christian entities through the PECGA program. Many of these projects pertain to the construction and renovation of church buildings and educational facilities. Materials in the Southern Africa region file group document David's work as Coordinator/Liaison for Southern Africa throughout the region of Southern Africa.
The Other PCUS / PC(USA) Files series, 1950-2006, contains correspondence, financial records, reports, printed materials, and other records chiefly documenting David's communications with PCUS / PC(USA) entities and ecumenical entities, David and Polly's itineration work in the United States, and David and Polly's communications with churches that supported their mission work. Entities and events represented include the Board of World Missions (PCUS), conferences in Montreat (North Carolina), and the PECGA program. The furlough / itineration file group chiefly contains correspondence and printed materials that document David and Polly's visits to Presbyterian churches to speak and teach about their experiences as missionaries. The supporting churches file group chiefly contains correspondence documenting specific churches' financial support for David and Polly's mission work and David's work through the PECGA program.
The Personal Papers series, circa 1936-2002, contains correspondence, financial records, photographs (chiefly unidentified), and other records that David and Polly identified as personal in nature. Included is a file pertaining to their missionary service. Also in the series are the papers of Rev. Charles and Anne McKee, PCUS missionaries in the Belgian Congo and Zaire from 1949 to 1976. These materials include correspondence, ministerial and professional papers, and printed items, with many of the materials in the Tshiluba language.
The collection is arranged as follows:
To browse this collection's digitized content visit Pearl.
Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not have been digitized in their entirety.
The Presbyterian Historical Society holds additional resources related to this collection:
Researchers should also consult RG 424, Series III (Foreign Missionary Vertical Files Index) for additional biographical information related to David and Polly Miller.
Researchers should also consult RG 432 (American Presbyterian Congo Mission Records) for additional materials related to the American Presbyterian Congo Mission.
Researchers should also consult RG 510 (Missionary Correspondence Department Letters) for additional materials related to David and Polly Miller.
Researchers should also consult accession no. 11 0626b (Bill and Nancy Warlick correspondence and photographs, 1983-1990, 0.33 cubic feet) for additional materials related to the PECGA program. Catalog record.
Donated by David and Polly Miller to the Department of History / Presbyterian Historical Society (Montreat, N.C.) in 1994 and 1996 and by David and Polly Miller to the Presbyterian Historical Society (Philadelphia) in 2011.
Collection processed and guide prepared in 2022 by Nicholas Skaggs, Processing Archivist.
While the processor maintained creator-supplied folder titles, the processor also created additional description to supplement folder titles. Processor-supplied descriptions are enclosed in square brackets in the Collection Inventory.
Some previous processing work was done by David and Polly Miller at the Presbyterian Historical Society (Montreat, N.C.), circa 1994-2002.
David and Polly Miller Papers, RG 537, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box | Folder | Description | Alternative Formats |
Botswana (Republic of Botswana) Files | |||
1 | 1 | Botswana Christian Council (BCC; Lekgotla la Sekeresete la Botswana) [chiefly printed items and reports], circa 1976-1985 | |
1 | 2 | BCC [includes Kgatleng Development Board (Mochudi) materials], 1977-1982 | |
1 | 3 | BCC - Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) correspondence, circa 1975-1986 | |
1 | 4 | Church World Service (CWS), 1979-1987 | |
1 | 5 | Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) [chiefly Pelegano Village Industries (Gabane) materials], circa 1977-1987 | |
1 | 6 | Visit reports, 1974-1987 | |
Congo (Democratic Republic of the Congo / Zaire) Files [includes French and Tshiluba language materials] | |||
1 | 7 | American Presbyterian Congo Mission (APCM) [includes bylaws and calendars], 1957-1965, undated | |
1 | 8 | APCM - Centennial celebration (April 29-May 16, 1991) and PC(USA) delegates [includes photographs], 1991-1992 | |
1 | 9 | APCM - Église Presbytérienne au Congo (EPC; Presbyterian Church in the Congo) integration, 1958-1966 | Digital |
1 | 10 | APCM - EPC integration, 1967-1970 | |
1 | 11 | APCM - Evangelism, circa 1955-1960 | |
1 | 12 | APCM - Minutes, 1958-1961 | |
1 | 13 | Articles and newspaper clippings, circa 1957-2002, undated | |
1 | 14 | Colleges, schools, and universities, circa 1958-2002 | |
1 | 15 | Committee of Overseas Missionaries (COM), circa 1969-1976 | |
1 | 16 | Conferences, consultations, and conventions, 1959-1976 | |
1 | 17 | Conseil Protestant du Congo (Congo Protestant Council) [chiefly printed items and publications], 1955-1980 | |
1 | 18 | Correspondence [includes William Warlick correspondence], 1955-1991 | |
1 | 19 | Correspondence [includes friendships and debts materials], 1962-1979 | |
1 | 20 | Correspondence, circa 1968-1995 | |
1 | 21-22 | Dissertation - "The Development of the Ideology of Authenticity as a Pragmatic Solution to the Problem of Cultural Identity in Zaire" (by Tshihamba Mukoma Luendu; Howard University, Washington, D.C.), 1975 May | |
1 | 23 | Education [includes scholarship materials], 1959-1987 | |
1 | 24 | Église du Christ au Zaïre (Church of Christ in Zaire), circa 1970-1980, undated | |
1 | 25 | Église du Christ au Zaïre (Church of Christ in Zaire) [includes La Société Biblique du Congo and Protestant centennial materials], circa 1958-1977 | |
2 | 1 | Église Presbytérienne au Congo (EPC; Presbyterian Church in the Congo) - General Assembly minutes, circa 1960-1972 | Digital |
2 | 2 | EPC / Communauté Presbytérienne au Zaïre (CPZ; Presbyterian Community in Zaire), circa 1959-1987 | |
2 | 3 | Evacuation [chiefly correspondence, reports, and special bulletins], 1960-1967 | Digital |
2 | 4 | Evacuation / Independence [chiefly newspaper articles and clippings], circa 1959-1978 | |
2 | 5 | Field Treasurer - Accounts, 1969-1973 | |
2 | 6 | Field Treasurer - Procurement report, circa 1979 | |
2 | 7 | Independent Synod, circa 1959-1960 | |
2 | 8 | Institut Médical Chrétien du Kasaï (IMCK; Christian Medical Institute of Kasai), 1972-2002 | |
2 | 9 | Languages - Tshiluba, circa 1960-1969 | |
2 | 10 | Léopoldville (Kinshasa) [includes American Presbyterian Congo Mission (APCM) and La Librairie Évangélique au Congo (LECO; The Evangelical Library in the Congo) materials], circa 1959-1966 | |
2 | 11 | Luebo Presbytery / Luebo Station - Minutes, 1956-1957 | |
2 | 12 | Luluabourg Presbytery (Kananga) [chiefly correspondence, including David Miller as Moderator], circa 1959-1965 | |
2 | 13 | Luluabourg Station (Kananga) [chiefly correspondence and minutes], 1958-1960 | |
2 | 14 | Mbujimayi (Mbuji-Mayi) [includes photographs], 1964-2003 | |
2 | 15 | Methodist-Presbyterian Hostel (Kinshasa) [chiefly correspondence and minutes], 1966-1996 | |
2 | 16-17 | Moderator (David Miller) - General Assembly, Église Presbytérienne au Congo (EPC; Presbyterian Church in the Congo) [chiefly correspondence and reports], 1967-1969 | |
2 | 18 | Personal correspondence, circa 1976-2005 | |
2 | 19 | Photographs (chiefly identified), circa 1956-1976, undated | |
2 | 20 | PCUS / PC(USA) [chiefly printed items], circa 1954-2006, undated | |
2 | 21 | Professional development interviews, circa 1960-1983 | |
2 | 22 | Printed items and publications, 1964-2000, undated | |
2 | 23-24 | Printed items and publications - French language items, circa 1952-1998, undated | |
2 | 25 | Printed items and publications - Tshiluba language items, circa 1960-1978 | |
2 | 26 | Printed items and publications - Tshiluba language items [includes "Tuyaya Kunyi?" issues], circa 1963-1966 | |
2 | 27 | Projects [chiefly Mbujimayi (Mbuji-Mayi) area], 1966-1973 | |
2 | 28 | Radio broadcasting, 1961 | |
3 | 1 | Reports [includes 1977 visit report], circa 1961-1980 | |
3 | 2 | Rev. Dr. Jacques Mbiya Mulumba [includes correspondence], 1971-2000 | |
3 | 3 | Thesis - "Sons of Muntu: An Ethnological Study of the Bena Lulua Tribe in South Central Congo" (by David Alexander McLean), 1962 July | |
3 | 4 | Youth centers [oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1965-1973, undated | |
Lesotho (Kingdom of Lesotho) Files [includes Sesotho language materials] | |||
3 | 5 | Articles, newspaper clippings, and printed items, circa 1976-1994, undated | |
3 | 6-7 | Benjamin M. Masilo - Correspondence, 1980-2002 | |
3 | 8 | Benjamin M. Masilo - General file [includes photograph and scholarship materials], circa 1980-1995 | Digital |
3 | 9 | Benjamin M. Masilo - Lesotho Evangelical Church (LEC; Kereke ea Evangeli Lesotho) [includes Georges Richard manuscript; covers 1981 attack against Masilo], circa 1981-2000 | |
3 | 10 | Bible Society (Die Bybelgenootskap / Mokhatlo oa Bibele) [includes photographs], circa 1977-1979 | |
3 | 11 | Christian Children's Fund, Inc. / Crisis Fund, 1977-1990 | |
3 | 12 | Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada - Division of Overseas Ministries, circa 1983-1988 | |
3 | 13-14 | Christian Council of Lesotho, 1975-1988 | |
3 | 15 | Christian Council of Lesotho - Refugee program, 1983-1984 | |
3 | 16-18 | Correspondence - David Miller assignments, 1976-2002 | |
3 | 19 | Correspondence - Projects Officer (David Miller), circa 1981-1990 | |
3 | 20 | General Assembly Mission Board (GAMB; PCUS / PC(USA)) - Financial support / Peacemaking funds, 1977-1985 | |
3 | 21-22 | GAMB (PCUS / PC(USA)) - Finances, 1977-1986 | |
3 | 23 | Leribe Parish (Leribè), circa 1970-1988 | |
3 | 24 | Lesotho Evangelical Church (LEC; Kereke ea Evangeli Lesotho) - Commission of Inquiry, 1987-1990 | |
3 | 25 | LEC - Correspondence, 1977-1993, undated | |
3 | 26 | LEC - Financial support, circa 1981-1985 | |
3 | 27 | LEC - General file [includes sample missionary contract], circa 1973-2003 | |
4 | 1 | LEC - "Law Book" (Book of Church Order), 1979 | |
4 | 2 | LEC - "Leselinyana la Lesotho" newsletter issues [oversize materials moved to box 19], 1981-1987 | |
4 | 3 | LEC - Scott Hospital (Morija), 1983-1998 | |
4 | 4 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence, circa 1979-1989 | |
4 | 5 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Finances, 1980-1987 | |
4 | 6 | Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), 1973-1982 | |
4 | 7 | Morija Theological Seminary [includes library project materials and photographs], 1987-1993 | |
4 | 8-9 | Personnel, circa 1980-1989 | |
4 | 10 | Photographs (chiefly identified), circa 1970-1991 | |
4 | 11 | Photographs (chiefly identified), circa 1970-1991 | Digital |
4 | 12 | Photographs (chiefly identified), circa 1970-1991 | Digital |
4 | 13 | Photographs (chiefly identified), circa 1970-1991 | Digital |
4 | 14 | PC(USA) - Financial support, 1984-1986 | |
4 | 15 | Presbyterian Church in Canada (L'Église Presbytérienne au Canada) - Board of World Mission (Commission de la Mission Mondiale), 1977-1985 | |
4 | 16 | Printed items and publications [includes maps], circa 1967-1983 | |
4 | 17 | Projects - Ha Mabote Church construction [includes Myers Park Presbyterian Church (Charlotte, N.C.) materials and photographs], 1982-1990 | |
4 | 18 | Projects - Mophato oa Morija Church / Leloaleng Trades School [includes photographs], circa 1983-1987 | |
4 | 19 | Projects - Morija Museum and Archives, 1990-1995 | |
4 | 20 | Projects - Multiple [oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1973-1991 | |
4 | 21 | Projects - Multiple [includes church construction project materials and photographs], circa 1977-1993 | |
4 | 22 | Projects - Qoaling Parish facility construction [includes photographs; oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1978-1984 | |
4 | 23 | Projects - Upgrading primary schools, circa 1983-1986 | |
4 | 24 | Projects - Upper Thamae Church construction [includes photographs], circa 1982-1986 | |
4 | 25 | Report - Overseas trip of David Miller and John Diaho (May 19-June 18, 1979), circa 1978-1979 | |
4 | 26 | Scholarships, 1980-1988 | |
4 | 27 | Special Opportunities for Support (SOS), 1975-1987 | |
5 | 1 | Study paper - "Lesotho and South Africa: How Do They Relate?" (by Edward Miller; January 15, 1979), 1979 | |
5 | 2 | Thaba Khupa Ecumenical Centre (Farm Institute) [includes Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) materials], circa 1977-1984 | |
5 | 3 | Thaba Khupa Ecumenical Centre (Farm Institute) [includes photographs], circa 1985-1993 | |
5 | 4 | United Church of Canada (L'Église Unie du Canada), 1977-1988 | |
5 | 5 | Visit reports, 1974-1993 | |
5 | 6 | World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) - Lesotho elections observer packet, 1990-1993 | |
Madagascar (Republic of Madagascar) Files [includes French and Malagasy language materials] | |||
5 | 7 | Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (Fiangonan' i Jesoa Kristy eto Madagasikara [FJKM]; Église de Jésus Christ à Madagascar) - Faculté de Théologie, 1986-1993 | |
5 | 8 | Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) - General files [includes correspondence, printed items, and publications], circa 1979-1992 | |
5 | 9 | Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) - General files [includes Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) and Federation of Protestant Churches in Madagascar correspondence], 1982-2000 | |
5 | 10 | Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) - General files [includes David Miller's binder titled "Asa Fitoriana ny Filazantsara"], 1986-2005 | |
5 | 11 | Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) - Printing press, 1984-2000 | |
5 | 12 | Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) - Sampana Dorkasy project, circa 1990-1993 | |
5 | 13 | Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) - Study visit of archivist Berthe Raminosoa to the Department of History (Montreat, N.C.), circa 1999-2000 | |
5 | 14-15 | Coordinator / Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence, 1979-2000 | |
5 | 16 | Disaster relief, 1982-1992 | |
5 | 17 | Personal correspondence [includes photographs], circa 1990-2003 | |
5 | 18 | Personnel - Dan and Elizabeth Turk (née Warlick), circa 1994-2203 | |
5 | 19 | Photographs (chiefly identified), circa 1984-1995, undated | |
5 | 20 | Project for Evangelism and Church Growth in Africa (PECGA; Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) - Administrative funds and resources, 1989-1991 | |
5 | 21 | PECGA - Archives et Bibliotéque de la FJKM (Archives and Library of the Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar) [includes photographic slides], circa 1991-1992 | |
5 | 22 | PECGA - Church construction and repair projects (multiple) [oversize materials removed to box 19], 1989-1992 | |
5 | 23-24 | PECGA - Church construction and repair projects (multiple), circa 1989-1993 | |
5 | 25 | PECGA - Church construction and repair projects - Antananarivo (Tananarive), 1991-1993 | |
5 | 26 | PECGA - Church construction and repair projects - Toamasina (Tamatave), 1989-1992 | |
6 | 1 | PECGA - Church construction and repair projects - Toliara (Tuléar), 1989-1993 | |
6 | 2 | PECGA - College and school repair projects (multiple) [oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1991-1993 | |
6 | 3 | PECGA - College and seminary repair projects (multiple), 1989-1993 | |
6 | 4 | PECGA - Evangelism projects, 1989-1991 | |
6 | 5 | PECGA - Projects (multiple), 1986-1993 | |
6 | 6 | PECGA - Projects (multiple) [chiefly repair work], 1989-1993 | |
6 | 7 | PECGA - Projects (multiple), 1991-1993 | |
6 | 8 | PECGA - Scholarships [includes Rev. Jean D'Elinivo correspondence], 1991-1993 | |
6 | 9 | Rehabilitation center for juvenile girls, 1979-1993 | |
6 | 10 | Visit reports, 1979-1995 | |
Malawi (Republic of Malawi) Files | |||
6 | 11 | Articles, newspaper clippings, and printed items [oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1970-1995 | |
6 | 12 | Christian Council of Malaŵi (Malawi), 1978-1987 | |
6 | 13 | Christian Service Committee of the Churches in Malaŵi (CSC; Malawi), 1978-1987 | |
6 | 14-15 | Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) - Synod of Blantyre, circa 1977-1993 | |
6 | 16 | CCAP - Synod of Blantyre [oversize materials removed to box 19], 1989-1993 | |
6 | 17 | CCAP - Synod of Livingstonia (Kondowe), 1980-1994 | |
6 | 18 | CCAP - Synod of Livingstonia (Kondowe) - PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) projects (multiple), circa 1986-1994 | |
6 | 19 | CCAP - Synod of Livingstonia (Kondowe) - PECGA projects (multiple), 1989-1992 | |
6 | 20 | CCAP - Synod of Livingstonia (Kondowe) - PECGA projects (multiple) [oversize materials removed to box 19], 1989-1993 | |
6 | 21 | Church of God Mission (Mikolongwe), 1983-1985 | |
6 | 22 | Joint International Observer Group (JIOG) - "Briefing Book - Malawi National Referendum" (June 14, 1993), 1993 | |
6 | 23 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence, 1975-1990 | |
6 | 24 | Photographs (chiefly identified), circa 1989-1993 | |
7 | 1 | Photographs (chiefly identified), circa 1989-1993 | |
7 | 2 | Private Hospital Association of Malaŵi (PHAM; Malawi), circa 1978-1986 | |
7 | 3 | Visit reports, 1980-1998 | Digital |
7 | 4-5 | World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) - Referendum, circa 1963-1993 | |
Mauritius (Republic of Mauritius) Files [includes French language materials] | |||
7 | 6 | Articles, newspaper clippings, reports, and printed items [chiefly Presbyterian Church of Mauritius materials], circa 1979-1991 | |
7 | 7 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence [chiefly Presbyterian Church of Canada and Presbyterian Church of Mauritius correspondence], 1979-1981 | |
7 | 8-9 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence, 1982-1996, undated | |
7 | 10 | Presbyterian Church of Mauritius (Église Presbytérienne de Maurice), circa 1980-1986 | |
7 | 11-13 | Presbyterian Church of Mauritius - "La Sève et la Vigne" newsletter issues, 1991 March-2002 December | |
7 | 14 | Presbyterian Church of Mauritius - Personnel, 1979-1990 | |
7 | 15 | Presbyterian Church of Mauritius - Personnel - Rev. David White, circa 1979-1988 | |
7 | 16 | Presbyterian Church of Mauritius - Projects (multiple), 1982-1989 | |
7 | 17 | Presbyterian Church of Mauritius - Seven year development plan [includes photographs (prints and negatives)], circa 1985-1987 | |
7 | 18 | PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) projects - Presbyterian Church of Mauritius - Multiple projects, circa 1990-1993 | |
7 | 19 | Ravat family (Doris, Gérard, and Vincent) - Correspondence, 1979-1990 | |
7 | 20 | Visit reports, 1979-1993 | |
Mozambique (Republic of Mozambique) Files [includes Portuguese language materials] | |||
7 | 21 | Articles, newspaper clippings, and reports, circa 1975-1989 | |
7 | 22 | Chicumbane Hospital [includes PECGA materials], 1987-1994 | |
7 | 23 | Church World Service (CWS) / Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), circa 1980-1987 | |
7 | 24 | Christian Council of Mozambique (Conselho Cristão de Moçambique), 1976-1987 | |
7 | 25 | Evangelism in the North, 1977-1987 | |
7 | 26 | Igreja Presbiteriana de Moçambique (Presbyterian Church of Mozambique) - Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence, circa 1975-1993 | |
7 | 27 | National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. (NCCC), 1980-1984 | |
8 | 1 | Photographs (prints; chiefly identified), circa 1991-1994 | Digital |
8 | 2 | Photographs (negatives; chiefly identified), circa 1991-1994 | |
8 | 3 | PCUS / PC(USA) [chiefly correspondence], 1977-1993 | |
8 | 4 | PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) - Training for youth leadership, 1991-1992 | |
8 | 5 | Projects (multiple) [includes Tete (Chimadzi / Chimadze) chapel construction project materials and photographs], 1980-1991 | |
8 | 6 | Seminário Unido de Ricalta (United Seminary of Ricalta), 1978-1991 | |
8 | 7 | Seminário Unido de Ricalta (United Seminary of Ricalta) [includes PECGA materials], 1990-1992 | |
8 | 8 | Visit reports, 1974-1991 | |
Namibia (Republic of Namibia) Files | |||
8 | 9 | Correspondence, newspaper clippings, and reports, circa 1978-1984 | |
8 | 10 | Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN) - "CNN Information" newsletter issues, 1980-1988 | |
South Africa (Republic of South Africa) Files [includes Afrikaans language materials] | |||
8 | 11 | African Presbyterian Church / Presbyterian Church of Africa (PCA) [includes insignia pins], circa 1980-1990 | Digital |
8 | 12 | African Presbyterian Church / Presbyterian Church of Africa (PCA) [chiefly correspondence], 1983-1995 | |
8 | 13 | Articles, newspaper clippings, and printed items, circa 1972-1996, undated | |
8 | 14 | Articles, newspaper clippings, printed items, and publications [chiefly pertaining to apartheid], circa 1972-1995, undated | |
8 | 15 | Articles, reports, printed items, and publications [chiefly Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa (PCSA) and Dutch Reformed Church materials], circa 1974-1994, undated | |
8 | 16 | Botshabelo United Church hall construction project [includes photographs (prints and negatives); oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1987-1989 | |
8 | 17-18 | Coordinator / Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence [chiefly Presbyterian Church of Southern African (PCSA) correspondence], 1977-2003 | |
8 | 19 | Disinvestment / Sanctions, 1978-1989 | Digital |
8 | 20 | Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa (Nederduiste Gereformeerde Sendingkerk In Suid-Afrika; NGSK), circa 1980-1994 | |
8 | 21 | Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa (NGSK) - General file, 1982-1995 | |
8 | 22 | Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa (NGSK) - Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) projects - Burgersdorp [includes photographs]; Montagu and Ashton, 1983-1993 | |
8 | 23 | Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa (NGSK) - Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) projects - Prieska [includes photographs; oversize materials removed to box 19], 1985-1987 | |
9 | 1 | Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa (NGSK) - Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) projects - Prieska [includes Central Florida Presbytery materials], circa 1986-1988 | |
9 | 2 | Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa (NGSK) - Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) projects - Prieska [includes photographs], circa 1987-1993 | |
9 | 3 | Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa (NGSK) - Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) projects - Prieska, circa 1987-1993 | |
9 | 4 | Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa (EPCSA; Swiss Mission in South Africa), 1982-1993 | |
9 | 5 | Federal Theological Seminary of South Africa [chiefly correspondence; includes photographs], 1979-1993 | |
9 | 6 | Federal Theological Seminary of South Africa, 1982-1993 | |
9 | 7 | Paris Evangelical Church in Southern Africa (PECSA; Kereke ea Fora) - Thembisa Parish (Tembisa) / Thembisa Church dedication [includes photographs (prints and negatives); oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1987-1991 | |
9 | 8 | Photographs (prints and negatives; chiefly identified), circa 1980-1993 | Digital |
9 | 9 | Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa (PCSA), circa 1978-1997 | |
9 | 10 | PCSA [includes Khayelitsha project materials], 1979-1993 | |
9 | 11 | PCSA - Directory, 1992 | |
9 | 12 | PCSA - General Secretary (I. C. Aitken) correspondence, 1978-1990 | |
9 | 13 | PCSA - "Perspective" / "Presbyterian Perspective" newsletter issues, 1994 March-2001 April | |
9 | 14 | PCSA - PCUS and PC(USA) study groups, 1978-1993 | |
9 | 15 | PCSA - "Presbyterian Life" newsletter issues, 1987-1989 | |
9 | 16 | PCSA - Stewardship Department - A Call to Stewardship (ACTS) materials, undated | |
9 | 17 | PCSA - Youth conference, PCUS / PC(USA) delegations, 1982-1984 | |
9 | 18 | PCUS / PC(USA) - Communications, circa 1978-1993 | |
9 | 19 | Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) - Mfesane welfare (Transkei), 1982-1987 | |
9 | 20 | Presbytery partnerships (with overseas churches), circa 1984-1988 | |
9 | 21 | PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) projects - PCSA - Langa Presbyterian Church renovation project [includes photographs; oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1988-1993 | |
9 | 22 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Multiple projects [includes Blue Downs United Church materials and photographs], circa 1990-1993 | |
9 | 23 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Sunday school materials, circa 1986-1993 | |
9 | 24 | Reformed Church in Africa (Krugersdorp), 1980-1985 | |
9 | 25 | Reformed Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa (RPCSA), 1983-1989 | |
9 | 26 | South African Council of Churches (SACC; Die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad van Kerke) [includes Desmond M. Tutu correspondence], 1974-1988 | Digital |
9 | 27 | SACC [chiefly printed items], circa 1976-1980 | |
9 | 28 | South African Institute of Race Relations - Domestic Workers and Employers Project (DWEP), 1976-1982 | |
10 | 1 | South African Institute of Race Relations - Domestic Workers and Employers Project (DWEP), 1978-1982 | |
10 | 2 | United Congregational Church of Southern Africa, 1978-1984 | |
10 | 3 | Visit reports, 1982-1993 | |
Swaziland (Kingdom of Eswatini) Files | |||
10 | 4 | Articles, newspaper clippings, printed items, and reports, 1976-1993, undated | |
10 | 5 | Council of Swaziland Churches (CSC), 1981-1996 | |
10 | 6 | CSC - Printed items and reports, 1982-1989, undated | |
10 | 7 | CSC - Round Table Conference (February 3-March 3, 1989), 1989 | |
10 | 8 | Dissertation - "'The Christian Catholic Apostolic Holy Spirit Church in Zion' as It Exists in Swaziland: Its Development, Life and Worship" (by Timothy L. L. Dlamini; University of Botswana and Swaziland), 1976 | |
10 | 9 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence, 1977-1993 | |
10 | 10 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence [chiefly CSC correspondence], circa 1977-1993 | |
10 | 11 | Photographs (prints and negatives; chiefly identified), 1987-1993 | |
10 | 12 | Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), 1982-1990 | |
10 | 13 | PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) projects - (CSC) - African Apostolic Faith Mission building completion [includes photographs], circa 1991-1993 | |
10 | 14 | Swaziland Conference of Churches, circa 1975-1983 | |
10 | 15 | Visit reports, 1974-1993 | |
Zambia (Republic of Zambia) Files | |||
10 | 16 | Christian Council of Zambia / Churches Medical Association of Zambia (CMAZ), 1978-1987 | |
10 | 17 | Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP), 1989-1992 | |
10 | 18 | CCAP - Correspondence, 1985-1994 | |
10 | 19 | CCAP - PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) projects (multiple), 1989-1993 | |
10 | 20 | CCAP - Synod of Zambia [includes minutes, photographs, and reports; oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1984-1993 | |
10 | 21 | "Freedom and Full Humanity" (by Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo), 1977 | |
10 | 22 | Justo Mwale Theological College [includes PECGA scholarship materials], circa 1990-1993 | |
10 | 23 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Notes, circa 1985, undated | |
10 | 24 | Personnel, circa 1984-1985 | |
10 | 25 | Photographs (prints and negatives; chiefly identified), circa 1990-1993 | |
10 | 26 | Presbyterian Church in Zambia [includes church construction projects materials; oversize materials removed to box 19], 1985-1993 | |
10 | 27 | Presbyterian Church in Zambia - PECGA projects, 1989-1993 | |
10 | 28 | United Church of Zambia (UCZ), 1983-1992 | |
10 | 29 | UCZ - Coordinator / Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence, 1977-1993 | |
11 | 1 | UCZ - Mwandi Hospital, 1984-1994 | |
11 | 2 | UCZ - Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) [chiefly project materials], 1977-1990 | |
11 | 3 | UCZ - PECGA projects, circa 1990-1993 | |
11 | 4 | Visit reports, 1989-1993 | |
Zimbabwe (Republic of Zimbabwe) Files | |||
11 | 5-6 | Articles, newspaper clippings, printed items, and publications, 1977-2003, undated | |
11 | 7 | Harare Presbyterian Church [includes Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) materials; oversize materials removed to box 19], 1980-1987 | |
11 | 8 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence, 1977-2002, undated | |
11 | 9-10 | Photographs (prints; chiefly identified), circa 1978-1990 | |
11 | 11 | Photographs (negatives), circa 1991-1995 | |
11 | 12 | Presbyterian Church of Southern Africa (PCSA) [includes photographs], 1983-1995 | |
11 | 13 | PCSA - Correspondence, 1988-1993 | |
11 | 14 | PCSA - Harare Presbyterian Church, Presbyterian Training and Resource Centre (Mbare), circa 1982-1993 | |
11 | 15 | PCSA - Presbytery of Zimbabwe and Presbytery of Philadelphia partnership, 1993-1995 | |
11 | 16 | PCSA - Synod of Zimbabwe [includes Makokoba Church materials], circa 1988-1993 | |
11 | 17 | Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), 1980-1989 | |
11 | 18 | PHP - Zion Apostolic Church (Gweru), 1990-1993 | |
11 | 19 | PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) projects - Finances, 1989-1993 | |
11 | 20 | PECGA projects - General file, 1990-1995 | |
11 | 21 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Chitungwiza Parish church construction, 1985-1991 | |
11 | 22 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Correspondence, 1983-1994 | |
11 | 23 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Mhangura Church building project [oversize materials removed to box 19], 1990-1993 | |
11 | 24 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Multiple projects [oversize materials removed to box 19], 1980-1997 | |
12 | 1 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Multiple projects, 1985-1993 | |
12 | 2 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Presbytery of Matabeleland [oversize materials removed to box 19], 1985-1992, undated | |
12 | 3 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Presbytery of Matabeleland [includes photographs], 1990-1991 | |
12 | 4 | PECGA projects - PCSA - Presbytery of Zimbabwe, Kuwadzana Presbyterian Church construction (Harare) [includes photographs; oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1985-1993 | |
12 | 5 | Sturge and Joanne Poorman - Correspondence, 1985-1994 | |
12 | 6 | Visit reports, 1980-1994 | |
12 | 7 | Zimbabwe Christian Council (ZCC), 1977-1986 | |
12 | 8 | Zion Apostolic Church [oversize materials removed to box 19], 1983-1987 | |
12 | 9 | Zion Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ (Lalapanzi) - Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) farm project [includes photographs], circa 1982-1989 | |
12 | 10 | Zion Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ (Lalapanzi) - PHP farm project, 1987-1990 | |
Southern Africa Region Files | |||
12 | 11 | Articles, newspaper clippings, printed items, and publications [includes "Southern Africa" magazine issues], circa 1976-1980, undated | |
12 | 12 | Finances, circa 1975-1987 | |
12 | 13 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Correspondence, 1977-1994 | |
12 | 14 | Peacemaking, 1984-1985 | |
12 | 15 | PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) - Southern Africa annual financial reports and project proposals, 1988-1994 | |
12 | 16 | PECGA - Southern Africa annual financial reports, circa 1984-1994 | |
12 | 17-18 | PECGA - Southern Africa correspondence, circa 1989-1999 | |
12 | 19 | Project funding and requests, circa 1978-1988 | |
12 | 20 | Reports and summaries of medical work [includes photographs], circa 1983-1985 | |
SERIES II: OTHER PCUS / PC(USA) FILES, 1950-2006 | |||
PCUS / PC(USA) and Ecumenical Entities Files | |||
12 | 21 | Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) - "Resolution on Africa," 2001 | |
12 | 22 | Africa - Articles, newspaper clippings, printed items, publications, and reports, circa 1964-2000 | |
12 | 23 | African Bible Guides Program / Project (Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham, U.K.), circa 1989-1991 | |
13 | 1 | All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC), circa 1961-1990, undated | |
13 | 2 | Association of Presbyterians in Cross-Cultural Mission, circa 1984-1999 | |
13 | 3 | Belgium - Chaplaincy in Belgium (Alastair J. Scougal) [includes photographs], circa 1974-1995 | |
13 | 4 | Board of Pensions (PC(USA)) [chiefly printed items and publications], circa 1987-1994 | |
13 | 5 | Board of World Missions (BWM; PCUS) - Accounting / Missionary accounts [chiefly David and Polly Miller materials], circa 1964-1975 | |
13 | 6-11 | BWM (PCUS) - Correspondence, 1950-1979 | |
13 | 12 | BWM (PCUS) - Financial (David Miller), circa 1971-1972 | |
13 | 13 | BWM (PCUS) - Mission handbooks and manuals, 1965-1966, undated | |
13 | 14 | BWM (PCUS) - Missionary in residence (home assignments), circa 1975-1981 | |
13 | 15 | BWM (PCUS) / Division of International Mission (PC(USA) - Field Secretary for Africa, circa 1963-1996 | |
13 | 16 | BWM (PCUS) / General Assembly Council (PC(USA)) - Strategy consultation, circa 1960-1987 | |
13 | 17 | BWM (PCUS) / Global Mission Ministry (PC(USA)), circa 1983-2002, undated | |
13 | 18 | Columbia Theological Seminary (Decatur, Ga.) - Graduate studies, circa 1982-1986 | |
13 | 19 | Conferences, convocations, and seminars, circa 1950-2006 | |
14 | 1 | Congo Consultation (PC(USA); Louisville, Ky.), 2000 | |
14 | 2 | Continuing education [chiefly American Summer Institute (Les Avants, 1987) materials], circa 1986-1987 | |
14 | 3 | Ecumenical consultation packet (PCUS) - Kanuga Conference Center (Hendersonville, N.C.; October 27-31, 1975), 1975 | |
14 | 4 | Ecumenism / Stewardship, circa 1970-2000 | |
14 | 5 | Evangelism, 1973-1990 | |
14 | 6 | General Assembly (1986) - New Mission Design, 1986 | |
14 | 7 | General Assembly Mission Board (GAMB; PCUS / PC(USA)) - Division of International Mission [chiefly handbooks and manuals], circa 1974-1992 | |
14 | 8 | GAMB (PCUS / PC(USA)) - Division of International Mission - John Pritchard (Staff Associate for Africa) correspondence, circa 1977-1984 | |
14 | 9 | General Assembly Mission Council (PCUS / PC(USA)) - Division of International Mission [chiefly correspondence], circa 1975-1992 | |
14 | 10 | General Executive Board (GFB; PCUS) - Policy papers and reports (binder), circa 1974-1975 | |
14 | 11 | Liaison, Southern Africa (David Miller) - Louisville office correspondence, circa 1982-1994 | |
14 | 12 | Mission / Missionary history [includes David Miller's research notes], circa 1953-2006 | |
14 | 13 | Mission manuals and study papers, circa 1951-2002 | |
14 | 14 | Mission position and study papers, circa 1979-1999, undated | |
14 | 15 | Missions / Missionaries - Printed items and publications [includes "Missions Update" (United Presbyterian Center for Mission Studies) newsletter issues], circa 1969-1980 | |
14 | 16 | Missionaries - Appointees (PCUS), 1976 | |
14 | 17 | Missionaries - Educational materials, circa 1970-1990 | |
14 | 18 | Missionary Correspondence Department (PCUS) / Missionary Correspondence Program (PC(USA)) [chiefly David and Polly Miller's letters], circa 1954-1993 | |
14 | 19 | Montreat (N.C.) - Board of National Ministries (PCUS) conference, 1971 | |
14 | 20 | Montreat (N.C.) - Board of World Mission (BWM; PCUS) conference, 1971 | |
14 | 21 | Montreat (N.C.) - Mission conferences / Missionary commissioning, circa 1955-1981 | |
15 | 1 | Montreat (N.C.) - Mission Consultation (February 1978), circa 1974-1978 | |
15 | 2 | Montreat (N.C.) - Mission Consultation (February 1978) binder, 1978 | |
15 | 3-4 | Montreat (N.C.) - Mission Consultation (February 1978) packet [chiefly papers, proposals, and reports], circa 1977-1978 | |
15 | 5 | National Association of Retired Ministers, Their Spouses, and Survivors, circa 1997-2000 | |
15 | 6 | National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. (NCCC), circa 1973-1979, undated | |
15 | 7 | NCCC - Consultation on the Church and Southern Africa, 1977 March | |
15 | 8 | Office of Review and Evaluation (PCUS) - Reports, 1975, undated | |
15 | 9 | Outreach Foundation of the Presbyterian Church, Inc. [includes PECGA materials], circa 1980-1991 | |
15 | 10 | Presbyterian Church in Canada (PCC) [chiefly printed items and publications], circa 1969-1984 | |
15 | 11 | PCUS - Restructuring, 1972 | |
15 | 12 | PCUS / PC(USA) - Articles, newspaper clippings, and printed items [chiefly Board of World Missions materials], circa 1950-2003, undated | |
15 | 13 | PCUS / PC(USA) - General file [oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1956-2002, undated | |
15 | 14 | Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) [chiefly correspondence], circa 1976-1990 | |
15 | 15 | Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), circa 1975-1980 | |
15 | 16 | "Presbyterian Outlook" - Editorials on Southern Africa, circa 1977-1980 | |
15 | 17 | PECGA (Project for Evangelism and Church Growth in Africa / Evangelism and Church Development and Global Mission, PC(USA)) [chiefly correspondence], circa 1986-1992 | |
15 | 18 | PECGA - Advisory Committee meeting minutes and project budgets, circa 1989-1992 | |
15 | 19 | PECGA - Meeting binder, circa 1989-1990 | |
15 | 20 | PECGA (Evangelism, Church Growth and Theological Education Project, PC(USA)) - Budgets and financial summaries, circa 1989-1993 | |
15 | 21 | PECGA - Correspondence, circa 1987-1993 | |
16 | 1 | PECGA - Correspondence, circa 1987-1993 | |
16 | 2-3 | PECGA - Dr. Richard Rodman (Coordinator), 1989-1991 | |
16 | 4 | PECGA - Lee R. McCutchen, circa 1990-1995 | |
16 | 5 | Reports [chiefly regarding Southern Africa], circa 1965-1983 | |
16 | 6 | Second Presbyterian Church (Richmond, Va.) / Hanover Presbytery - David Miller as Moderator, circa 1964-1966 | |
16 | 7 | Staff positions (Atlanta, Ga.), 1973-1985 | |
16 | 8 | Union Theological Seminary (Richmond, Va.) [includes graduate studies materials], circa 1951-1991 | |
16 | 9 | Union Theological Seminary (Richmond, Va.) - Tower Room Scholars, circa 1965-1981 | |
16 | 10 | United Student Christian Council (USCC), World's Student Christian Federation, 1950-1951 | |
16 | 11 | Visit reports (Africa Field Secretary, PCUS), circa 1971-1989 | |
16 | 12 | Visit reports (United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.; UPCUSA), circa 1976-1985 | |
16 | 13 | World Council of Churches (WCC), circa 1950-1979 | |
16 | 14-15 | Worldwide Ministries Division (PC(USA)), circa 1952-2006, undated | |
Furlough / Itineration Files | |||
16 | 16 | Furlough packet, circa 1950-1959 | |
16 | 17 | Furlough plans, 1958-1961 | |
16 | 18 | Furlough seminars and workshops, circa 1970-1971 | |
16 | 19-24 | Itineration files, 1958-1974 | |
16 | 25 | Itineration files [chiefly Florida-based visits], 1975-1976 | |
17 | 1 | Itineration files [chiefly Georgia, North Carolina, and Texas-based visits], 1975-1976 | |
17 | 2-4 | Itineration files, 1976-1985 | |
17 | 5 | Itineration files [chiefly Florida-based visits], 1987-1988 | |
17 | 6-11 | Itineration files, 1988-2005, undated | |
Supporting Churches Files | |||
17 | 12-13 | General correspondence, circa 1960-1994 | |
17 | 14 | Missouri [chiefly Central Presbyterian Church, Kansas City], 1959-1994 | |
17 | 15 | North Carolina [chiefly Mulberry Presbyterian Church, Charlotte], circa 1972-1995 | |
17 | 16 | North Carolina - Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, circa 1975-1996 | |
17 | 17 | North Carolina, circa 1979-1995 | |
17 | 18 | North Carolina [chiefly Laurinburg Presbyterian Church, Laurinburg], circa 1970-1995 | |
17 | 19 | South Carolina, 1989-1990 | |
17 | 20 | Tennessee, 1978-1990 | |
17 | 21 | Tennessee - First Presbyterian Church, Johnson City, circa 1969-1995 | |
18 | 1 | Texas - Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, Dallas [includes photographs], circa 1971-1993 | |
18 | 2 | Virginia, circa 1963-1993 | |
18 | 3 | Virginia [chiefly Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond], circa 1954-1995 | |
18 | 4 | West Virginia - Highlawn Presbyterian Church, St. Albans [includes photographs], 1965-2000 | |
18 | 5 | Addresses and speeches, 1976-1999 | |
18 | 6-7 | Correspondence, circa 1954-2002 | |
18 | 8 | Correspondence [chiefly pertaining to Board of World Missions], circa 1961-1987 | |
18 | 9 | Correspondence [chiefly pertaining to PECGA projects], circa 1985-1991 | |
18 | 10 | Financial, circa 1955-1994 | |
18 | 11 | Missionary service information (David and Polly Miller) [includes photographs; oversize materials removed to box 19], circa 1952-2002 | Digital |
18 | 12 | Notes and sermons [chiefly sermons of Albert Curry Winn], circa 1958-1977, undated | |
18 | 13 | Passports, circa 1954-1986 | |
18 | 14 | Photographs [chiefly unidentified], circa 1960-1979 | |
18 | 15 | Visa applications - South Africa, circa 1975-1995 | |
Rev. Charles and Anne McKee Papers [includes Tshiluba language materials] | |||
18 | 16-18 | Articles, printed items, and publications [includes Tshiluba language materials], circa 1936-1978 | |
18 | 19 | Ministerial and professional papers (Belgian Congo / Zaire) [includes pastoral education and Tshiluba language materials] | |
18 | 20-21 | Personal correspondence (Belgian Congo) [in Tshiluba language], 1965-1986 | |
Oversize Materials | |||
19 | Removed from box 3, folder 4: Architectural drawing/plan sheet: Centre de Jeunesse pour L'Église Presbytérienne au Congo (EPC), Luluabourg, undated | ||
19 | Removed from box 4, folder 2: "Leselinyana" broadside (Morija Printing Works), 1987 | ||
19 | Removed from box 4, folder 20: CEVAA (Evangelical Community for Apostolic Action) map and poster, 1973-1982 | ||
19 | Removed from box 4, folder 22: People's facility in Qoaling for the Lesotho Evangelical Church (LEC; Kereke ea Evangeli Lesotho) - Church site diagram/drawing, 1980 August | ||
19 | Removed from box 4, folder 22: EEC primary school improvement project - Drawing: General layout, single latrine, 1982 May 28 | ||
19 | Removed from box 5, folder 22: Fiangonana FJKM Antsiranana extension project - Plan view sheet and main façade drawing, circa 1991-1992 | ||
19 | Removed from box 6, folder 2: Extension project of FJKM school in Mahasolo, Tsiroanomandidy - Building/façade drawings, circa 1991-1993 | ||
19 | Removed from box 6, folder 2: Construction project, administrative block at FJKM college, Moramanga - Façade/foundation plan sheet, circa 1991-1993 | ||
19 | Removed from box 6, folder 11: Tourist maps of Malawi, 1973, 1989 | ||
19 | Removed from box 6, folder 16: Zomba Theological College mature students list (includes names and portraits), 1991 | ||
19 | Removed from box 6, folder 20: Ekwendeni Lay Training Centre architectural drawing/plan sheet, 1991 March | ||
19 | Removed from box 8, folder 16: New general purpose hall site for Botshabelo United Church - Plan and elevation sheets, 1988 October | ||
19 | Removed from box 8, folder 23: Proposed layout and ground plan of camping site in Prieska, 1987 | ||
19 | Removed from box 9, folder 7: Proposed church, house, and toilets, Tembisa (Thembisa) - Architectural drawing/plan sheet, 1987 | ||
19 | Removed from box 9, folder 21: Langa Presbyterian Church alterations to existing manse - Working and electrical drawings, 1988-1993 | ||
19 | Removed from box 10, folder 20: Reformed Church in Zambia, Solwezi Branch church building plan sheet and letter, 1984, 1991 | ||
19 | Removed from box 10, folder 26: Architectural drawings/plans for church buildings at Bauleni, Chilenje, Chipata, and Mtendere, 1993 | ||
19 | Removed from box 11, folder 7: Proposed creche and caretakers, Harare Presbyterian Church - Architectural drawing/plan sheet, 1980 | ||
19 | Removed from box 11, folder 23: Mhangura, Damba Village - Proposed site plan sheet, circa 1990 | ||
19 | Removed from box 11, folder 24: Njube Township Bulawayo - Proposed kitchen/dining/guest room for Presbyterian church, sketch plan, 1991 | ||
19 | Removed from box 12, folder 2: Proposed building plan for Presbyterian church next to Sigola school at Esiphezini Communal Lands, 1991; plan sheet for unidentified school building, undated | ||
19 | Removed from box 12, folder 4: Proposed Presbyterian church recreational hall and ablutions block, Kuwadzana, Harare - Plan sheet, 1988 | ||
19 | Removed from box 12, folder 8: Proposed dress-making room for Zion Apostolic Church in Bikita District, 1985 | ||
19 | Removed from box 15, folder 13: PCUS contributions from 1938 to 1968 chart/graph; use of contributions by percentage, 1938-1968 chart/graph, 1968 | ||
19 | Removed from box 18, folder 11: Poster - Our Partners in Mission through the Personal Interest Program: David and Polly Miller, Harare, Zimbabwe, undated | Digital |