Guide to the Church World Service Records
Open for research.
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Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not have been digitized in their entirety.
In 1946, seventeen denominations formed Church World Service (CWS) as a relief agency. Churches throughout the United States provided over 11 million pounds of food and medical supplies to communities in Europe and Asia that were affected by World War II. CWS was sponsored by three agencies: the Federal Council of Churches, the Foreign Missions Conference of North America, and the American Committee for the World Council of Churches.
In 1947, CWS collaborated with Lutheran World Relief and the National Catholic Welfare Program to create the Christian Rural Overseas Program (CROP). CROP was a hunger appeal known for raising money through annual Hunger Walks held by churches across the United States. CROP also created “One Great Hour of Sharing” which U.S. congregations used to raise funds that would send wheat, rice, and bean shipments to communities around the world.
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, CWS expanded its work into Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. The mission of the organization shifted from providing immediate disaster relief to creating long-term development projects in partnership with local communities. CWS often partnered with other NGOs, local churches, and ecumenical organizations. Many of these partnerships led to new organizations forming such as the Middle East Council of Churches, the Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh, and the Council of Evangelical Churches for Denominational Alliance in Nicaragua.
In 1950, Church World Service was a founding member of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC). The NCC's Division of Foreign Missions (DFM) carried out work similar to CWS and was divided into area and functional offices. The area offices directed cooperative work in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and Europe. The functional departments provided specialized services in such fields as literacy, education, audiovisual communication, medical, and agricultural work.
In January 1965, Church World Service united with the Division of Foreign Missions to form the Division of Overseas Ministries. Although Church World Service maintained its corporate identity and central administration, its work was completely merged with that of the existing DFM departments. (For a complete history of these mergers please see the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America Division of Overseas Ministries Records, NCC RG 8
Within the United States, CWS began to respond to natural disasters in the 1970s at the request of their member churches. CWS also created educational materials to teach congregations in the United States about the root causes of hunger, poverty, and refugee movements. In 1974, CWS worked with Lutheran World Relief to create a Development Policy Office in Washington D.C. The office brought CWS concerns about the root causes of poverty to Congress and fought to reform government policies that affected the countries they worked in.
Another main focus of CWS was working with refugees, immigrants, and asylum seekers through its Immigration and Refugee Program. In 1976, CWS created refugee resettlement offices throughout the United States. CWS provided screening for resettlement to the United States, direct legal services, and education for congregations who served as co-sponsors. CWS used its Development Policy Office to lobby for changes to immigration policies and advocated for the fair treatment of refugees in the United States and in other countries. Throughout the 20th century, the organization helped to resettle almost half a million refugees.
NCC reorganized in the early 1990s and Church World Service transitioned from being a program under the Division of Overseas Ministries into its own NCC unit. In 2000, Church World Service separated from NCC and became its own organization. NCC programs documented in the Church World Service Records include Intermedia files and the Burned Churches Project files. Brief histories of these organizations are provided below:
Intermedia history: The Committee on World Literacy and Christian Literature (Lit-Lit) was organized in 1938 and sponsored literacy campaigns and produced reading material. ALFALIT, an independent literature program of the Committee on Cooperation in Latin America, eventually merged with Lit-Lit. The Radio, Visual Education, and Mass Communication Committee (RAVEMCCO) was formed by the Foreign Missions Conference in 1948. RAVEMCCO published technical literature, conducted surveys, sponsored conferences, and encouraged the use of modern mass-media methods. It was closely involved with radio station DYSR in the Philippines and the Lutheran-sponsored Radio Voice of the Gospel, transmitting from Ethiopia throughout the Near East and to Africa and Southern Asia. Intermedia was formed by the merger of Lit-Lit and RAVEMCCO in 1971.
Burned Churches Project history: In June 1996, the NCC brought the epidemic of hate-motivated church burnings to nationwide attention when Rev. Charles Mac and pastors from 38 burned churches went to Washington, D.C. to meet with President Clinton and the Secretaries of the Treasury and Justice Departments. A month before, in May 1996, the NCC initiated the Burned Churches Fund, which included Jewish, Muslim, and Roman Catholic partners. The Burned Churches Project emerged from this fund and assembled a network of volunteers to help rebuild churches and ecumenical efforts to promote arson prevention measures. In July 1997, the Burned Churches Project Office closed and the rebuilding work was undertaken by the Church World Service Disaster Response Office.
[Please note: Some materials within this collection contain graphic images and descriptions of violence, human rights violations, and hate crimes.]
This collection contains program files, project evaluations, and photographs that document Church World Service (CWS) work around the globe, mostly from the 1960s through the early 2000s.
The Area Offices series, 1947-1999, includes subject files, correspondence, and meeting minutes from each of the six area offices at the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) headquarters in New York. The collection is divided into subseries based on the office that created the material.
The subject files for each office are arranged by either general administrative files or by country. Many include newsletters and clippings documenting the work of NGOs or local ecumenical groups. Also included are trip reports by staff who visited the countries where CWS was working, donation appeal letters for development projects, and publications either collected or created by CWS staff. Throughout the subseries, there are files on political prisoners which mostly contain reports from Amnesty International and news clippings. There are also files labeled “human rights” which contain reports on human rights violations and advocacy work.
The East Asia and the Pacific subseries, 1947-1997, includes minutes from regional Joint Action Groups of the Committee for East Asia and Pacific and files from the NCC China Program. Throughout the country subject files are documents created by Gary Gamer and the Task Force on Militarization in Asia and the Pacific (for additional material see Series VI: Disarmament, Development, and Militarization, 1976-1988).
The South Asia subseries, 1960-1999, includes several boxes documenting wheat shipments to Vietnam funded by American congregations following the Vietnam War. Howard Schomer’s files on Vietnam and CWS work in South Asia are at the end of the subseries.
The Europe subseries, 1961-1999, includes files from the Churches Human Rights Program and the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. A substantial amount of this subseries consists of files on the USSR, including travel seminars and trips by NCC staff. Several items are in Russian, including copies of “The Moscow Church Herald” and “Russian Bulletin.”
The Middle East subseries, 1964-1997, includes files documenting the work of the Middle East Office as well as the Middle East Council of Churches and the United Nations Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees. Many of the files contain information on Palestinian refugees, CWS refugee programs, and CWS advocacy for changes to immigration policies. Also included are subject files on the Gulf War and how NGOs reacted to the crisis. This consists of background and analysis documents, letters sent to Congress, media coverage, and statements from the National Campaign for Peace in the Middle East.
The Africa subseries, 1962-1998, includes correspondence and minutes from the NCC Africa Working Group/Africa Committee and files documenting decolonization as well as the lasting effects of colonialism on African communities. This history is documented through publications, news clippings, and reports on liberation movements.
The Latin America and Caribbean subseries, 1963-1995, includes meetings and correspondence from the Committee on the Caribbean and Latin America (CCLA); subject files on the Lutheran World Federation, the Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program, and Mennonite Central Committee; and correspondence on NGO efforts to aid asylum seekers.
The Executive Director files series, 1946-2000, contains subject files created by CWS executive directors including financial correspondence, voluntary agency meeting minutes, and correspondence with area working groups such as the Africa Working Group or East Asia Working Group. Most of the files were donated by Paul McCleary who served as executive director from 1975-1985, including two boxes of his correspondence arranged alphabetically. Materials outside of these dates were created by other executive directors: James MacCracken (1967-1974), Richard Butler (1985-1989), Lonnie Turnipseed (1994?-1996), and Rodney Page (1996-). Files are arranged by those created or used by McCleary and then files donated after McCleary left CWS in 1985. Also included are two boxes of minutes from CWS committees including the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Unit Committee, ranging from 1977 to 1999.
The Intermedia, Photographs, and CWS Publications series, 1911-2000, contains communication files and publications created by Church World Service.
The Intermedia files subseries, 1911-1998, consists of committee minutes and correspondence from NCC literacy groups. Included are historical documents, administrative committee minutes, consultation programs, and newsletters created by the Committee on World Literacy and Christian Literature (Lit-Lit); ALFALIT; Radio, Visual Education and Mass Communication Committee (RAVEMCCO); and Intermedia. Also included are communication files from Christian broadcasting networks in China and the Philippines; a box of slides of Intermedia presentations, conferences, and literacy projects in various countries; and five boxes of filmstrips. Some of the filmstrips are unlabeled, but available labels have been transcribed directly into the collection inventory.
The Photographs subseries, 1928-1979, contains photographs, negatives, albums, and scrapbooks mostly arranged by the country that they were taken in. Some of the folders also contain news releases, reports, and correspondence, likely related to the photographs in that folder. The photographs document vocational training projects, schools, refugee aid efforts, relief distribution (unpacking supplies, distributing clothing), and CWS work with other NGOs. There are many photos documenting life in refugee camps through candid shots of families, individuals, and children. Some of these are unlabeled while others include narrative captions attached to the back of the photograph. The majority of the refugees photographed by CWS are unnamed. Also included are movie and publicity stills from CWS communications, and staff portraits from 1948 to 1973.
The Publications subseries, 1954-2000, contains reports, newsletters, and brochures published by CWS. Included are Division of Foreign Missions/Division of Overseas Ministries annual reports from 1954 to 1981; CWS annual reports from 1958 to 1998; anniversary reports; newsletters such as “Connections” and “Monday Developments;” reports from the countries that CWS was working in, including disaster response efforts; and refugee sponsorship manuals for congregations.
The Disaster Response series, 1972-1994, consists of eight folders created by the Disaster Response team. The folders contain correspondence, reports, and news clippings documenting natural disasters in the United States and the ecumenical relief efforts that followed.
The Burned Churches Project series, 1988-1998, contains project proposals, correspondence, church and volunteer data sheets, and accounting records from the NCC project to help rebuild churches that were victims of racially motivated arson throughout the United States. Also included are news clippings documenting church burnings and videocassettes of news segments on the Burned Churches project.
The Disarmament, Development, and Militarization series, 1972-1988, contains files created by Gary Gamer while working for the Social Economic Development Office and serving on the Task Force on Militarization in Asia and the Pacific. The subject files were created during Gamer’s research for the task force and are divided into topics on either “disarmament and development,” “militarization,” or "news clippings." Additional materials can be found throughout Series I, Subseries II: East Asia and the Pacific, 1947-1997.
The collection is arranged as follows:
Subseries 1: East Asia and the Pacific, 1947-1997
Subseries 2: South Asia, 1960-1999
Subseries 3: Europe, 1961-1999
Subseries 4: Middle East, 1964-1997
Subseries 5: Africa, 1962-1998
Subseries 6: Latin America and Caribbean, 1963-1995
Subseries 1: Intermedia files, 1911-1998
Subseries 2: Photographs, 1928-1979
Subseries 3: Publications, 1954-2000
To browse this collection's digitized content visit Pearl.
Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not have been digitized in their entirety.
Researchers should also consult RG 525 (Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Board of World Missions Photographs, Series IX: Subject Files, Box 20) for additional photographs related to Church World Service.
Researchers should consult NCC RG 8 (National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America Division of Overseas Ministries Records, Series VIII: Church World Service, 1929-1972) for earlier Church World Service materials.
Researchers should consult RG 530 (NCC Burned Churches Project Records) for additional material on the Burned Churches Project.
Transferred from the National Council of Churches in 1984; the Church World Service offices in 2001, 2002, 2005; and the Commission on Ecumenical Mission and Relations (COEMAR) in 2005.
Collection processed and guide prepared in 2021 by Elizabeth Wittrig, Processing Archivist. Series III, Subseries II: Photographs processed in 2021 by David Staniunas, Records Archivist.
Church World Service Records, RG 529, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box | Folder | Description | Alternative Formats |
[Please note: Some materials within this collection contain graphic images and descriptions of violence, human rights violations, and hate crimes.] | |||
SERIES I: AREA OFFICES, 1947-1999 | |||
Subseries 1: East Asia and the Pacific, 1947-1997 | |||
1 | 1-2 | East Asia and the Pacific Office (EAPO) and East Asia and the Pacific Committee, 1982-1987 | |
1 | 3-4 | EAPO administrative committee, minutes and correspondence, 1983-1987 | |
1 | 5 | EAPO ministry committee, joint sessions, 1986-1996 | |
1 | 6 | EAPO ministry committee, meetings, 1990-1993 | |
1 | 7 | EAPO ministry committee, budget, 1993 | |
1 | 8 | Publications (miscellaneous), 1981-1986 | |
1 | 9 | Publications - "Development Problems of the Pacific Islands" by George Kent, 1981 | |
1 | 10 | Publications - Education for Self-Government newsletter, 1979 | |
1 | 11 | Publications - "Follow the Sun" newsletter, 1982 | |
1 | 12 | Publications - land and migration, 1975-1985 | |
1 | 13 | Publications - Marshall Islands radiological surveys, 1975-1982 | |
2 | 1-2 | Publications - Marshall Islands radiological surveys, 1967-1987 | |
116 | 1 | Publications - Marshall Islands survey, 1978 [OVERSIZED] | |
2 | 3 | Publications - The Minority Rights Group newsletter, 1987 | |
2 | 4 | Publications - United Nations nuclear-free pacific, 1976-1987 | |
2 | 5 | Publications - trusteeship council, 1982-1986 | |
2 | 6 | World Council of Indigenous People Pacific/Asia Empowerment Program, 1985-1987 | |
2 | 7-8 | China - administrative committee, 1966-1978 | |
2 | 9 | China - Amity teachers, 1966-1997 | |
2 | 10 | China - Catholics in America Concerned with China, 1980 | |
2 | 11-12 | China - "History of the Catholic Church in China" conference, 1990 | |
3 | 1 | China - Theological Conference on China at Notre Dame, 1976-1980 | |
3 | 2-3 | China - Chinese Christian Delegation to the United States, 1978-1980 | |
3 | 4 | China - earthquakes, 1976-1977 | |
3 | 5 | China - educational outreach, 1976-1978 | |
3 | 6 | China - Field Services Project newsletters, 1974-1976 | |
3 | 7 | China - Field Services staff reports (Thornberry, Milo), 1972-1975 | |
3 | 8 | China - filmmaking project in the People's Republic of China, 1981-1982 | |
3 | 9 | China - film "Ever Faithful, Ever Sure" correspondence, 1982 | |
3 | 10 | China - ministry to Americans in China, 1978-1987 | |
3 | 11 | China - Ecumenical Sharing Bible Study (Nanjing), 1986 | |
3 | 12 | China - NCC staff retreat, 1979 | |
3 | 13 | China - NCC study/travel seminar, 1983-1985 | |
3 | 14 | China - China Panel meetings, 1969-1976 | |
3 | 15 | China - photo exhibit, "China selfhood and community," 1982 | |
3 | 16-17 | China - policy statements, denominations, 1950-1974 | |
3 | 18 | China - policy statements, NCC, 1982-1983 | |
4 | 1 | China - policy statements, NCC, 1968 | |
4 | 2 | China - reactions to NCC policy statements, 1968 | |
4 | 3 | China - policy statements, reactions, 1963-1969 | |
4 | 4 | China - policy statements, nonreligious bodies, 1958-1971 | |
4 | 5 | China - policy statements, United States government, 1966-1969 | |
4 | 6 | China - publications, 1984-1995 | |
4 | 7-8 | China - publications, "China Notes," 1969-1987 | |
117 | 1 | "China Bulletin" microfilm no. 60-1, 1947 February-1958 December [2 copies] | |
117 | 2 | "China Bulletin" microfilm no. 68-1, 1959 January-1962 June and "China Notes," 1962 September-1967 [3 copies] | |
117 | 3-5 | Audiocassettes: China, unlabeled | |
117 | 6-10 | Microcassettes: panels on food aid, agriculture, and medicine, chiefly in North Korea, 1990s. | |
4 | 9 | China - publications, Revised Directory of the Protestant Christian Movement (published by the National Christian Council of China), 1950 | |
4 | 10 | China - San Francisco Theological Seminary study seminar, 1987 | |
4 | 11 | China - NCC China program Summer of Sharing (SOS), 1993 | |
4 | 12 | China - SOS, 1994 | |
4 | 13 | China - SOS recruitment, 1994 | |
4 | 14 | China - SOS participants, 1994 | |
4 | 15 | China - SOS evaluations, 1994 | |
4 | 16 | China - SOS group journal and photographs, 1994 | |
5 | 1 | China - SOS, 1995 | |
5 | 2 | China - SOS evaluations, 1995 | |
5 | 3 | China - SOS participants correspondence, 1995 | |
5 | 4 | China - SOS recruitment, 1995 | |
5 | 5 | China - SOS group journal, 1995 | |
5 | 6 | China - SOS photographs, 1995 | |
5 | 7-8 | China - SOS, 1997 | |
5 | 9 | China - SOS recruiting, 1997 | |
5 | 10 | China - SOS participants, 1997 | |
5 | 11 | China - SOS evaluations, 1997 | |
5 | 12 | China - SOS photographs, 1997 | |
5 | 13 | China - United Methodist China Program Committee, 1981 | |
5 | 14 | China - United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. China Concerns Committee, 1978-1981 | |
5 | 15 | China - Wickeri, Philip L. correspondence, 1982-1984 | |
5 | 16 | China - United States and China Youth Friendship Camp, 1982-1984 | |
6 | 1 | Hong Kong Christian Council history, 1953-1972 | |
6 | 2-4 | Hong Kong Christian Council, 1966-1978 | |
6 | 5 | Hong Kong Christian Hospital photographs, 1968-1980 | |
6 | 6 | Hong Kong Christian Hospital, 1967-1978 | |
6 | 7 | Hong Kong Christian Industrial Committee, 1965-1979 | |
6 | 8 | Hong Kong Christian Services finances, 1969-1979 | |
6 | 9 | Hong Kong Christian Services publications, 1964-1973 | |
6 | 10 | Hong Kong - Chung Chi College Theological Council, 1967-1971 | |
6 | 11 | Hong Kong - Community Chest Corporation, 1968 | |
7 | 1 | Hong Kong - fish farming project, 1975-1978 | |
7 | 2 | Hong Kong Joint Action Group, 1986 and 1994 | |
7 | 3 | Hong Kong - rural area reports, 1966 | |
7 | 4 | Hong Kong Society for Community Organization, 1973-1978 | |
7 | 5 | Hong Kong - university graduates/graduate students, 1979-1982 | |
7 | 6 | Japan Joint Action Group, 1991-1993 | |
7 | 7 | Japan - publications, 1986-1997 | |
7 | 8 | Korea Communique (Japan Emergency Christian Conference on Korean Problems), 1983-1986 | |
7 | 9 | Korea - conferences on unification, 1985-1988 | |
7 | 10 | Korea - Gary Gamer file and correspondence, 1976-1986 | |
7 | 11 | Korean Institute for Human Rights, 1985-1987 | |
7 | 12 | Korean International Consultation on Development in Korea, 1981-1985 | |
7 | 13-15 | Korea Joint Action Group, 1981-1993 | |
8 | 1 | Korea Joint Action Group, 1983-1991 | |
8 | 2 | Korea Joint Action Group - North Korea, 1985 | |
8 | 3 | Korea - International Christian Consultation on Justice and Peace in Korea, 1988 | |
8 | 4 | Korea - Japan laws regarding Korea, 1979-1986 | |
8 | 5 | Korea- Kim Dae Jung, 1983-1987 | |
8 | 6 | Korea - NCC meetings and policy statements, 1986-1992 | |
8 | 7-8 | Korea - North America Coalition for Human Rights in Korea, 1983-1987 | |
8 | 9 | Korea - policy statements and resources, 1985-1988 | |
8 | 10 | Korea - political prisoners, 1987 | |
8 | 11 | Korea - press clippings, 1983-1988 | |
8 | 12 | Korea - publications, 1988-1996 | |
8 | 13 | Korea - publications, "Korea Report" newsletter, 1987-1988 | |
8 | 14 | Korean Orphan Committee correspondence and reports, 1962-1968 | |
8 | 15 | Korea Opportunity Project (film on reunited family), 1985-1986 | |
8 | 16-17 | Micronesia, 1978-1990 | |
9 | 1 | Micronesia - budgets, 1981-1982 | |
9 | 2 | Micronesia - Coalition background materials, 1979-1989 | |
9 | 3-5 | Micronesia - Coalition meetings, 1988-1989 | |
9 | 6 | Micronesia - law reviews, 1976-1987 | |
9 | 7 | Micronesia - East Asia and the Pacific Committee lobby on Micronesia, 1983-1987 | |
9 | 8 | Micronesia - Marshall Islands hearings, 1979-1987 | |
9 | 9 | Micronesia - political negotiations and reports, 1968-1984 | |
10 | 1-3 | Micronesia - political negotiations and reports, 1976-1981, 1983, and 1986 | |
10 | 4-6 | Micronesia - publications and study papers, 1977-1989, 1996 | |
10 | 7 | Micronesia - publications, "Micronesia Independent," 1978-1979 | |
10 | 8 | Micronesia - Support Committee Bulletin, 1975-1982 | |
10 | 9 | Micronesia - United Nations Trusteeship Council, 1989 | |
10 | 10-11 | New Caledonia - correspondence and reports, 1980-1988 | |
11 | 1 | New Caledonia - "A Case of the Kanaks vs French Colonialism" report, 1983 | |
11 | 2 | New Zealand - background, 1983-1988 | |
11 | 3 | New Zealand - Waitangi Treaty Issues, 1972-1986 | |
11 | 4-6 | Pacific Joint Action Group meetings, 1983-1988 | |
11 | 7 | Pacific Joint Action Group meetings, 1993 | |
11 | 8 | Pacific Joint Action Group - "To Kill a Bird with Two Stones: A Short History of Vanuatu" proposal, 1983 | |
11 | 9 | Pacific Joint Action Group - resources, 1975-1983 | |
11 | 10 | Philippines - Church Coalition for Human Rights (CCHRP), 1987-1988 | |
11 | 11 | Philippines - consultation, 1988 | |
11 | 12 | Philippines - correspondence and notes by Gary Gamer, 1987-1988 | |
11 | 13-15 | Philippines Joint Action Group, 1985-1988, 1993 | |
12 | 1 | Philippines - publications and resources, 1985-1989 | |
12 | 2 | Philippines - study paper for U.S churches on the Philippine Crisis, 1986 | |
12 | 3 | Taiwan Joint Action Group, 1969-1987 | |
12 | 4 | Taiwan - self-determination, 1975-1976 | |
12 | 5 | Taiwan - United States and China relations, 1977-1978 | |
12 | 6 | Vanuatu - reports on independence (Vanua'aku Pati), 1975-1978 | |
Subseries 2: South Asia, 1960-1999 | |||
13 | 1 | Asia Regional Group Meeting, 1985-1988 | |
13 | 2 | Asia Regional Group Meeting, 1991-1993 | |
13 | 3 | Asian Resource Center activities, 1979-1988 | |
13 | 4 | Asia Women's Institute newsletter, 1982-1989 | |
13 | 5 | Asian Women Theologians, 1985-1987 | |
13 | 6 | "Children of War" tour, 1984-1986 | |
13 | 7 | CWS country program reports, 1981 | |
13 | 8 | CROP project proposals, 1983-1985 | |
13 | 9 | Ecumenical Coalition on Third World Tourism, 1985-1987 | |
13 | 10 | Finances and budget planning, 1974-1997 | |
13 | 11 | Project lists and proposals, 1985 | |
13 | 12 | Refugees and displaced persons in Southern Asia, reports, 1986 | |
13 | 13 | Bangladesh - agriculture and community development projects, 1984-1986 | |
13 | 14 | Bangladesh - Bogra Christian Hospital, 1987-1988 | |
13 | 15 | Bangladesh - Burmese refugees, updates and correspondence, 1976-1988 | |
13 | 16-17 | Bangladesh - Chittagong Hill Tracts Amnesty International reports, 1978, 1986-1989 | |
14 | 1 | Bangladesh - Christian Commission for Bangladesh (CCBD) corresponence, 1978-1992 | |
14 | 2 | Bangladesh - CCBD finances, 1982-1985 | |
14 | 3-4 | Bangladesh - CCBD meetings (Dhaka), 1987-1989 | |
14 | 5 | Bangladesh - CCBD reports, 1984-1990 | |
14 | 6 | Bangladesh - Concerned Women for Family Planning, 1976-1978 | |
14 | 7 | Bangladesh - country profile, 1977-1994 | |
14 | 8 | Bangladesh - Christian hospitals, 1984 | |
14 | 9 | Bangladesh - Community Welfare Foundation, 1986-1988 | |
14 | 10 | Bangladesh - disaster reports and preparedness, 1980-1987 | |
14 | 11 | Bangladesh - disaster reports, floods and tornadoes, 1987-1989 | |
14 | 12 | Bangladesh - funding priorities and plans, 1982-1989 | |
14 | 13 | Bangladesh - Integrated Development Program for Rural Women and Children, 1996 | |
14 | 14 | Bangladesh - Karbala Gram Unnayan Kendro, 1983-1987 | |
14 | 15 | Bangladesh - Khulna Eye Foundation, 1986-1987 | |
14 | 16 | Bangladesh - Khulna Shishu Foundation, 1987-1988 | |
14 | 17 | Bangladesh - National Christian Fellowship of Bangladesh, 1979-1987 | |
14 | 18 | Bangladesh - personnel correspondence, 1977-1980 | |
14 | 19 | Bangladesh - press clippings and background information, 1983-1986 | |
14 | 20 | Bangladesh - projects and funding, 1985-1992 [includes projects for the Ecumenical Center of Women] | |
15 | 1 | Bangladesh - projects and funding, 1977-1993 | |
15 | 2 | Bangladesh - Shivalaya Rural Development Program (SRDP), 1988-1998 | |
15 | 3 | Bangladesh - training seminar proposal, "Being Christian in Bangladesh Islamic Culture," 1987 | |
15 | 4 | Bangladesh - Voluntary Health Services Society, 1982-1987 | |
15 | 5 | Bangladesh - "Weekly Reader" reports, 1978-1979 | |
15 | 6 | Bangladesh - YWCA and YMCA, 1978-1985 | |
15 | 7 | Burma Council of Churches, 1978-1992 | |
15 | 8 | Cambodia/Kampuchea - American Friends Service Committee, 1981-1987 | |
15 | 9 | Cambodia - annual reports, 1995-1997 | |
15 | 10 | Cambodia - background publications and correspondence, 1963-1990 | |
15 | 11 | Cambodia - brochure memos, 1990 | |
15 | 12 | Cambodia - Campaign to Oppose the Return of the Khmer Rouge, 1990-1991 | |
15 | 13-14 | Cambodia - correspondence, 1963-1990 | |
15 | 15 | Cambodia - correspondence (Smith, Perry), 1986-1991 | |
15 | 16 | Cambodia - Crisis Committee, 1988 | |
15 | 17 | Cambodia - development projects, 1988-1990 | |
15 | 18 | Cambodia - Directory of Human Assistance, 1994 | |
15 | 19 | Cambodia - Disaster Bulletin, 1979-1985 | |
15 | 20 | Cambodia - education appeal, 1990 | |
16 | 1 | Cambodia - emergency officer, 1992-1993 | |
16 | 2 | Cambodia - film team correspondence (Ellen Bruno), 1981-1990 | |
16 | 3 | Cambodia - finances, 1979-1989 | |
16 | 4 | Cambodia - Hancock, Dean correspondence, 1982-1985 | |
16 | 5-6 | Cambodia - Hancock, Dean monthly reports, 1983-1985 | |
16 | 7 | Cambodia - hydrology department, 1981-1993 | |
16 | 8 | Cambodia - licenses, 1980-1989 | |
16 | 9 | Cambodia - medical team, 1983-1984 | |
16 | 10 | Cambodia - NCC statements, 1989 | |
16 | 11 | Cambodia - NGO conference, 1986-1989 | |
16 | 12 | Cambodia - NGO forums, 1988-1992 | |
16 | 13 | Cambodia - personnel job descriptions, 1981-1987 | |
17 | 1 | Cambodia - program plans, 1980-1983 | |
17 | 2 | Cambodia - program reports, 1981-1987 | |
17 | 3-4 | Cambodia - publications, 1971-1985 [includes photographs of Vietnamese troop withdrawal] | |
17 | 5 | Cambodia - publications, "Dateline" newsletter and press releases, 1979-1983 | |
17 | 6 | Cambodia - political prisoners reports, 1986 | |
17 | 7-8 | Cambodia - press releases and updates, 1983-1991 | |
17 | 9 | Cambodia - refugee reports, 1986-1989 | |
17 | 10 | Cambodia - reports, 1980-1989 | |
17 | 11 | Cambodia - resolutions and testimony, 1978-1982 | |
17 | 12 | Cambodia - resolution on Cambodia conflict, 1989-1990 | |
17 | 13 | Cambodia - Schomer, Mark journals and notes on work in Kampuchea, 1979-1980 | |
17 | 14 | Cambodia - Sim Sovanna and Ly Vath case, 1984-1987 | |
17 | 15 | Cambodia - trip reports, 1981-1983 | |
17 | 16 | Cambodia - trip reports, Oscar Paez, 1982-1988 | |
18 | 1 | Cambodia - trips and delegation visits, 1980-1994 | |
18 | 2 | Cambodia - United Nations, 1980-1986 | |
18 | 3-4 | Cambodia - vegetable production progress reports, 1984-1990 | |
18 | 5 | Cambodia - Vickery, Michael and Thion, Serge research paper, 1981-1983 | |
18 | 6 | Cambodia - Washington Office visits and senate resolution, 1989 | |
18 | 7 | India - agricultural work history, 1972-1973 | |
18 | 8 | India -Allahabad Agricultural Institute, 1977-1988 | |
18 | 9 | India - All India Council of Christian Women, 1981-1987 | |
18 | 10-11 | India - Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI), 1976-1989 | |
18 | 12 | India - CMAI family planning, 1979-1985 | |
18 | 13 | India - Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA) agreements, 1979-1984 | |
18 | 14 | India - CASA Indo-American agreements, 1963-1974 | |
18 | 15 | India - CASA audit, 1980 | |
19 | 1-2 | India - CASA audit, 1978-1983 | |
19 | 3 | India - CASA board meetings, 1977-1981 | |
19 | 4 | India - CASA budgets and finances, 1982-1988 | |
19 | 5 | India - CASA consultative group, 1982-1992 | |
19 | 6 | India - CASA correspondence, 1978-1987 | |
19 | 7 | India - CASA correspondence with Major J.K. Michael (CASA Executive Director), 1979-1986 | |
19 | 8 | India - CASA emergency response, 1987 | |
19 | 9 | India - CASA drought relief programs, 1984-1986 | |
19 | 10 | India - CASA drought relief program "Water for Tomorrow," 1987-1988 | |
19 | 11 | India - Ecumenical Loan Fund of India, 1982-1989 | |
19 | 12-13 | India - CASA evaluations, 1984, 1986-1987, 1989 | |
19 | 14 | India - CASA evaluations, 1989 [includes photographs] | |
20 | 1 | India - CASA forward consortium plan, 1981 | |
20 | 2 | India - CASA history and background, 1976-1987 | |
20 | 3 | India - CASA information bulletins, 1968, 1980-1986 | |
20 | 4-5 | India - CASA projects, 1976-1986 | |
20 | 6 | India - CASA annual reports, 1975, 1980-1989 | |
20 | 7 | India - CASA action plans and program reports, 1984-1988 | |
20 | 8 | India - CASA director's reports, 1986-1988 | |
20 | 9 | India - CASA rules and regulations, 1976 | |
20 | 10 | India - CASA "Souvenir," 1975-1978 | |
20 | 11 | India - Church of North India, 1977-1984 | |
20 | 12 | India - Church of South India, 1981-1985, 1996 | |
20 | 13 | India - comprehensive rural health project, 1982 | |
20 | 14 | India - correspondence, 1982-1987 | |
21 | 1 | India - correspondence, M.P. Joseph, 1983-1992 | |
21 | 2 | India - country profile, 1987 | |
21 | 3 | India - Dalit Christians, 1988-1990 | |
21 | 4 | India - Henry Martyn Institute of Islamic Studies, 1980-1989 | |
21 | 5 | India - Human Rights Committee documentation of anti-Muslim hate crimes, 1987-1988 [Please note: contains images of hate crimes] | |
21 | 6 | India - Indian Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1984-1988 | |
21 | 7 | India - Kodaikanal School, undated | |
21 | 8 | India - Madras Christian Council of Social Services, 1984-1987 | |
21 | 9 | India - NCC assemblies, 1983-1985 | |
21 | 10 | India - NCC policy statements, 1986-1987 | |
21 | 11 | India - nuclear program, 1986 | |
21 | 12 | India - press clippings, 1984-1986 | |
21 | 13 | India - "Report on the Punjab Conflict" by Reeta Roy (Program Assistant), 1987 | |
21 | 14 | India - Sikh theology, 1987 | |
21 | 15 | India - South Asia Theological Research Institute, 1987-1992 | |
21 | 16 | India - trip reports, 1978-1982 | |
21 | 17 | India - theological education, 1979-1983 | |
21 | 18 | India - United Theological College, 1984-1987 | |
21 | 19 | India - Rajpur Christian Retreat and Study Center, 1969-1985 | |
21 | 20 | India - U.S. Doctoral Advisory Group, 1985-1986 | |
21 | 21 | India - Voluntary Health Association of India, 1980-1987 | |
21 | 22 | India - West Bengal Voluntary Health Association, 1982-1984 [includes photographs] | |
21 | 23 | Indochina, 1977-1992 | |
21 | 24 | Indochina - chemical warfare, 1982-1983 | |
21 | 25 | Indochina - consortium, 1979-1984 | |
21 | 26 | Indochina - Consultation on Refugees, 1979-1993 | |
21 | 27 | Indochina - ecumenical consultation, 1975 | |
22 | 1 | Indochina - Reconstruction and Reconciliation Fund, 1975-1978 | |
22 | 2 | Indochina - roundtable meetings, 1986-1989 | |
22 | 3 | Indochina - workshop on humanitarian needs (Bangkok, Thailand), 1985-1986 | |
22 | 4 | Indonesia - CWS agreement, 1969 and 1989 | |
22 | 5-6 | Indonesia - Core Consortium meetings, 1984-1989 | |
22 | 7 | Indonesia - Council of Churches, 1977-1981 | |
22 | 8 | Indonesia - Council of Churches Women's Leadership Training, 1978-1979 | |
22 | 9 | Indonesia - development projects, 1984-1991 [includes Women's Bureau projects] | |
22 | 10 | Indonesia - Dewan Gereja-gereja Indonesia (DGI) correspondence and CWS agreements, 1976-1991 | |
22 | 11 | Indonesia - DGI Consultation on Development, 1982 | |
22 | 12 | Indonesia - East Timor visit, 1981-1982 | |
22 | 13 | Indonesia - East Timor project funding, 1985-1988 | |
22 | 14 | Indonesia - finances/budgets, 1983-1990 | |
22 | 15 | Indonesia - ministry to released political prisoners, 1977-1978 | |
23 | 1-2 | Indonesia - Persekutuan Gereja-Gereja di Indonesia (PGI) consultations, 1983-1989 | |
23 | 3 | Indonesia - PGI and Parpem evaluations, 1985-1988 | |
23 | 4 | Indonesia - PGI internal review, 1986-1990 | |
23 | 5 | Indonesia - PGI roundtable, 1986-1990 | |
23 | 6 | Indonesia - personnel correspondence and job descriptions, 1985-1991 | |
23 | 7 | Indonesia - project proposals, human resources development, 1980-1999 | |
23 | 8 | Indonesia - publication, "The Growing Seed," 1980 | |
23 | 9 | Indonesia - rural development, 1980-1991 [includes photographs] | |
23 | 10 | Indonesia - scholarships, 1982-1985 | |
23 | 11 | Indonesia - theological education, 1979-1988 | |
23 | 12 | Indonesia - working group meetings, 1983-1992 | |
23 | 13-14 | Irian Jaya - CONFORD III, 1984-1988 | |
23 | 15 | Irian Jaya - correspondence, 1984-1991 | |
24 | 1 | Irian Jaya - correspondence, Rebecca Young, 1989-1991 | |
24 | 2 | Irian Jaya - emergency aid, 1984-1992 [includes photographs] | |
24 | 3 | Irian Jaya - refugees in Papua New Guinea, news clippings, 1985-1988 | |
24 | 4 | Irian Jaya - scholarships, 1985-1992 | |
24 | 5 | Laos - development projects (orphanage), 1988-1992 | |
24 | 6 | Laos - development projects (schools), 1987-1992 | |
24 | 7 | Malaysia - detainees, 1987-1988 | |
24 | 8 | Malaysia - Iban theatre equipment (development project), 1989-1990 | |
24 | 9 | Malaysia - NCC, 1978 | |
24 | 10 | Nepal - community development, 1987-1992 | |
24 | 11 | Pakistan - Christian Study Centre, 1979-1995 | |
24 | 12 | Pakistan - correspondence and development project reports, 1979-1993 | |
24 | 13 | Pakistan - Raiwind floods, 1985 | |
24 | 14 | Singapore - detentions, 1987-1988 | |
24 | 15 | Sri Lanka - analysis by Paul Wakeley, 1987 | |
24 | 16 | Sri Lanka - Centre for Study of Society/Religion, 1984-1987 | |
24 | 17 | Sri Lanka - development projects, 1983-1987 | |
24 | 18 | Sri Lanka - development projects, Christian Workers Fellowship, 1987-1997 | |
24 | 19 | Sri Lanka - hearing and testimony to the House Subcommittee on Asia, 1987 | |
25 | 1 | Sri Lanka - human rights, "Documentation on Race, Minority, and Caste Concerns," 1977-1998 | |
25 | 2 | Sri Lanka - human rights workers (SAO letter to subcommittee), 1987 | |
25 | 3 | Sri Lanka - human rights "Stop Genocide" letter, 1987 | |
25 | 4 | Sri Lanka - human rights telexes, 1987 | |
25 | 5 | Sri Lanka - meetings, 1986-1987 | |
25 | 6 | Sri Lanka - notes on humanitarian response by Christopher Candland, 1986-1987 | |
25 | 7 | Sri Lanka - press and publications, 1987-1988 | |
25 | 8 | Sri Lanka - publications, "Home News: The Voice of the Nation" newspaper, 1984 | |
25 | 9 | Sri Lanka - press clippings, 1983-1987 | |
25 | 10 | Sri Lanka - South Asia Working Group on Sri Lanka, 1984-1987 | |
25 | 11 | Sri Lanka - Tamil Information Centre, human rights violations reports, 1984-1986 | |
25 | 12 | Sri Lanka - Tamil Information Centre newsletter, 1986-1987 | |
25 | 13 | Sri Lanka - Tamil Information Centre refugee reports, 1986-1987 | |
25 | 14 | Sri Lanka - Union of the U.S.A., 1985-1987 | |
25 | 15 | Sri Lanka - World Conference on Religion and Peace, 1986-1987 | |
25 | 16 | Sri Lanka - The World Thamil Eelam convention, 1986-1988 | |
25 | 17 | Sri Lanka - YMCA, 1982-1988 | |
25 | 18 | Thailand - Church of Christ in Thailand annual reports, 1988-1991 | |
25 | 19 | Thailand - Church of Christ in Thailand social development and service department, 1987-1988 | |
26 | 1 | Thailand - correspondence, 1978-1991 | |
26 | 2 | Thailand - development projects, 1978-1992 | |
26 | 3 | Thailand - human rights reports, 1976-1981 | |
26 | 4-5 | Thailand - refugee relief program (Church of Christ in Thailand and WCC), 1978-1991 | |
26 | 6 | Thailand - Karen/Burmese refugees, 1986-1990 | |
26 | 7 | Tibet - detentions, 1987 | |
26 | 8-9 | Tibet - publications and press clippings, 1980-1989 | |
26 | 10 | Tibet - reports by Christopher Candland, 1987-1988 | |
26 | 11 | Tibet - resolutions and congressional record, 1961-1987 | |
26 | 12 | Tibet - Samaya foundation, 1987 | |
26 | 13 | Vietnam - Amerasian children, 1982-1985 | |
26 | 14 | Vietnam - background information, 1975-1985 | |
26 | 15 | Vietnam - border conflict with Kampuchea, 1975-1979 | |
26 | 16 | Vietnam - Children in Vietnam Task Force, 1979-1984 | |
27 | 1 | Vietnam - Christian Service activity reports, 1974 | |
27 | 2 | Vietnam - Christian Service alumni, 1985-1988 | |
27 | 3 | Vietnam - Christian Service financial aid, 1973-1989 | |
27 | 4 | Vietnam - Christian Service pamphlets, 1975 | |
27 | 5 | Vietnam - church rebuilding project, 1978-1982 | |
27 | 6 | Vietnam - correspondence, 1975-1987 | |
27 | 7 | Vietnam - correspondence, Humphrey letter, 1977-1978 | |
27 | 8 | Vietnam - Kim Phuc (burn victim) letter and clippings, 1986 | |
27 | 9-10 | Vietnam - delegation visits, 1980-1988 | |
27 | 11 | Vietnam - development projects, 1990-1993 | |
27 | 12-13 | Vietnam - disasters and national emergencies, 1976-1986 | |
27 | 14 | Vietnam - Dixion study, 1986-1988 | |
27 | 15 | Vietnam - ecology, 1987 | |
27 | 16 | Vietnam - feasibility study, 1977 | |
27 | 17 | Vietnam - food crisis, 1988 | |
27 | 18 | Vietnam - human rights, newsletters and correspondence, 1976-1984 | |
27 | 19 | Vietnam - Indochina Core Consortium, 1975-1989 | |
28 | 1 | Vietnam - legislation and testimonies before Congress, 1977-1981 | |
28 | 2 | Vietnam - legislation, Congressional record, 1978 | |
28 | 3 | Vietnam - licenses, 1983-1987 | |
28 | 4 | Vietnam - Mennonite Central Committee (joint office), 1978-1985 | |
28 | 5 | Vietnam - mission to the United Nations, 1976-1987 | |
28 | 6 | Vietnam - CWS mission delegation and reception, 1978-1979 | |
28 | 7 | Vietnam - NCC resolutions and policy, 1965-1977 | |
28 | 8 | Vietnam - NCC resolutions, "Multi-Media Album to Encourage Debate and Action" | |
28 | 9 | Vietnam - NGO forum (directory of NGOs) in Vietnam, 1992 | |
28 | 10 | Vietnam - news clippings and press releases, 1987-1996 | |
28 | 11 | Vietnam - programs, 1979-1993 | |
28 | 12 | Vietnam - project reports, 1977-1988 | |
28 | 13 | Vietnam - reconciliation (10th anniversary celebration), 1985 | |
28 | 14 | Vietnam - reconstruction, 1978 | |
28 | 15 | Vietnam - television specials correspondence and guides, 1982-1983 | |
28 | 16 | Vietnam - trips, 1980-1991 | |
29 | 1 | Vietnam - Friendshipment, 1975-1978 | |
29 | 1 | Friendshipment information packet and publicity materials, 1975 | Digital |
29 | 2-3 | Vietnam - wheat shipment correspondence, 1976-1978 | |
29 | 4 | Vietnam - wheat shipment correspondence (Houston press packet), 1978 | |
29 | 5 | Vietnam - wheat shipment endorsements, 1977-1978 | |
29 | 6 | Vietnam - wheat shipment press clippings, 1978 | |
29 | 7 | Vietnam - wheat shipment promotion and correspondence on documentaries, 1977-1978 | |
29 | 8 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - historical background, 1960-1969 | |
29 | 9 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - background information for delegation to NCC/EACC meeting, 1961-1965 | |
29 | 10 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - building moratorium, 1969 | |
29 | 11 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - Commission of Inquiry on United States Vietnam Policy, 1969 | |
29 | 12 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - correspondence, 1967-1968, 1971 | |
29 | 13 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - correspondence, Interfaith Campaign to Set the Date, 1970 | |
29 | 14 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - correspondence, letters to Nixon, 1969-1971 | |
29 | 15 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - Vietnam Consultation (Paris), Flemming background material and first draft, 1968-1969 | |
29 | 16 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - Vietnam Consultation (Paris), "Vietnam Tomorrow", 1969-1970 | |
30 | 1 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - Vietnam Consultation (Paris), reports, 1966-1969 | |
30 | 2 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - Vietnam Consultation (Paris), NCC delegation, 1968-1969 | |
30 | 3 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - Vietnam Consultation (Paris), NCC delegation report, 1969 | |
30 | 4 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - Vietnam Liaison Team, 1976 | |
30 | 5 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - personal report to the general secretary, 1970 | |
30 | 6 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - report from United States Study Team on Religious and Political Freedom in Vietnam, 1969 | |
30 | 7 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - Washington conversations and Congressional correspondence, 1964-1970 | |
30 | 8 | Vietnam - Howard Schomer Files - Washington convocation, 1970 | |
Subseries 3: Europe, 1961-1999 | |||
31 | 1-2 | Churches Human Rights Program (CHRP) in the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) annual meetings, 1992-1997 | |
31 | 3 | CHRP annual meeting (Cyprus), 1996 | |
31 | 4 | CHRP conference on comprehensive security (Sweden), 1992-1997 | |
31 | 5-7 | CHRP conference calls and correspondence, 1989-1999 | |
31 | 8 | CHRP evaluations, 1994-1996 | |
31 | 9 | CHRP "Rights of Minorities in the CSCE," 1993 | |
31 | 10 | CSCE Digest, 1998-1999 | |
32 | 1 | CSCE Geneva proposals and closing statements, 1991 | |
32 | 2 | Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) meetings, 1996-1999 | |
32 | 3 | OSCE seminar on tolerance (Romania), 1995 | |
32 | 4 | OSCE dossier "Racism in the USA," 1995 | |
32 | 5 | OSCE summit, 1998 | |
32 | 6 | Consultation - Second Interconfessional Conference (Minsk, Belarus), 1996 | |
32 | 7 | Consultation - Moscow Summit Prayer Vigil, 1991 | |
32 | 8 | Consultation - Response to the Changing Situation in the Former Soviet Union, 1991-1992 | |
32 | 9 | Europe Committee Working Groups, 1992 | |
32 | 10 | Europe Survey, 1990-1993 | |
32 | 11 | World Council of Churches Conference of European Churches, 1972 | |
32 | 12-13 | Budapest - Human Enmity conference, 1993-1995 | |
32 | 14 | Czechoslovakia, 1980-1981 | |
32 | 15 | Greece, 1972-1978 | |
32 | 16 | Greece - Mani Peninsula beekeeping, 1971-1972 | |
32 | 17 | Greece - Mani Peninsula reports, 1972 | |
33 | 1 | Greece - Mani Peninsula survey, 1961-1974 | |
33 | 2 | Hungary, 1972 | |
33 | 3 | Ireland - Anglo-Irish Agreement, 1983-1985 | |
33 | 4 | Ireland - The Birmingham Six, Guildford four, and Maguire seven newspaper clippings (photocopies), 1980-1987 | |
33 | 5 | Ireland - Bowan, Dave trip, 1986-1987 | |
33 | 6 | Ireland - British Information Services, 1980-1989 | |
33 | 7 | Ireland - human rights (history and current conditions), 1975-1985 | |
33 | 8-9 | Ireland - Irish Council of Churches (ICC) correspondence and meetings, 1974-1987 | |
33 | 10 | Ireland - ICC and Irish Commission for Justice and Peace, 1983-1989 | |
33 | 11 | Ireland - ICC Northern Ireland Caucus, 1987-1989 | |
33 | 12 | Ireland - the Irish Republican Army history, 1983-1986 | |
33 | 13 | Ireland - "Looking at Churches and Worship in Ireland," 1987 | |
33 | 14 | Ireland - MacBride principles, 1987-1989 | |
33 | 15 | Ireland - plastic and rubber bullets news clippings, 1981-1982 | |
33 | 16 | Ireland - publications, 1985-1987 | |
34 | 1 | Ireland - Simon Community Northern Ireland, 1988-1990 | |
34 | 2 | Ireland - workers party, 1987-1989 | |
34 | 3 | Poland, 1971-1972 | |
34 | 4 | Romania - reports, 1971-1972 | |
34 | 5-7 | Russia Bulletin, 1987-1989 | |
34 | 8 | Russia and the U.S. Ecumenical Work Camp, 1995-1998 | |
34 | 9 | Russia Easter Sunday Tour, 1995 | |
34 | 10 | USSR - American Soviet walk, 1987 | |
34 | 11 | USSR - Anti-Semitism, 1990 | |
34 | 12 | USSR - Appeal of Conscience foundation, 1986-1987 | |
34 | 13 | USSR - Baptists, 1987-1990 | |
34 | 14-15 | USSR - Church Relations Committee, 1984-1990 | |
34 | 16 | USSR - correspondence, 1987-1989 | |
34 | 17 | USSR - Fellowship of Reconciliation "Faces of the Soviet Union," 1987-1989 | |
34 | 18 | USSR - Georgia, 1987 | |
34 | 19 | USSR - Glasnost, 1987 | |
34 | 20 | USSR - human rights, 1986-1989 | |
35 | 1-3 | USSR - millennium celebration and "Moscow Church Herald," 1987-1989 [includes photographs] | |
35 | 4 | USSR - Moscow Protestant Chaplaincy Program, 1987-1990 | |
35 | 5 | USSR - organization for American-Soviet exchange, 1987-1989 | |
35 | 6 | USSR - "People and Churches of the USSR" materials, 1984-1991 | |
35 | 7 | USSR - publications, 1987-1990 [includes CWS refugee orientation guide] | |
35 | 8 | USSR - NCC news briefs, 1987-1989 | |
35 | 9 | USSR - "News and Views of the USSR," 1987-1989 | |
35 | 10 | USSR - "Perspectives," 1987-1988 | |
35 | 11 | USSR - Religion in the USSR, 1987-1990 | |
35 | 12 | USSR - Round Table Conference (Moscow), 1987 | |
35 | 13 | USSR - schools, Leningrad Theological Academy and Norwich University, 1987-1989 | |
35 | 14 | USSR - schools and theological dialogue, 1987-1991 | |
35 | 15 | USSR - The Slepak Foundation, 1988-1989 | |
35 | 16 | USSR - Slavic Gospel Association, 1987-1990 | |
35 | 17 | USSR - source materials, 1971-1989 | |
36 | 1 | USSR - travel seminar newsletter "MIRror," 1985-1992 | |
36 | 2-3 | USSR - travel seminars, 1982-1984 [includes photographs] | |
36 | 4-6 | USSR - travel seminars, 1983-1984 [includes photographs] | |
36 | 7 | USSR - trips, 1986-1989 [includes attitudes study] | |
36 | 8 | USSR - trips, press coverage, 1984 | |
36 | 9 | USSR - trips, Soviet Ecumenical visit, 1984 | |
36 | 10 | USSR - trips, Soviet Ecumenical visit photographs, 1984 | |
Subseries 4: the Middle East, 1964-1997 | |||
37 | 1 | AD Hoc Committee of Artists and Writers for Israeli Palestinian Peace, 1988 | |
37 | 2 | Agricultural missions, 1979 | |
37 | 3 | American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 1987-1990 | |
37 | 4 | American Baptist Church, 1987 | |
37 | 5 | American Friends Service Committee, 1990-1992 | |
37 | 6 | American-Jewish organizations, 1990 | |
37 | 7 | Antiochian Orthodox Church, 1987 | |
37 | 8 | Arab-Jewish Economic Development Centre, 1990-1992 | |
37 | 9 | Armenian Orthodox Church, 1986-1987 | |
37 | 10 | Assyrian Church refugees, 1987 [includes passports] | |
37 | 11 | Beita Relief Project, 1988 | |
37 | 12 | Chelliah, Daniel (Consultant for Relief and Development), 1991 | |
37 | 13 | Children's rights campaigns, 1984-1993 | |
37 | 14-16 | Churches for Middle East Peace (Washington DC), correspondence and meeting minutes, 1986-1993 | |
37 | 17 | Church statements on the Middle East, 1987 | |
38 | 1 | Church Women United, 1968-1972 | |
38 | 2 | CWS staff meetings, 1991 | |
38 | 3 | Correspondence from the Middle East Office, 1976-1991 | |
38 | 4 | Correspondence with area offices, 1991 | |
38 | 5-6 | Correspondence with Charles Kimball, 1977-1991 | |
38 | 7 | Denominational Middle East Survey, 1978-1979 | |
38 | 8 | Development and budget for Middle East Office, 1988-1992 | |
38 | 9 | Ecumenical agencies - Middle East Coordinating Committee, 1973-1975 | |
38 | 10 | Ecumenical agencies - Christian/Muslim dialogue, 1972-1993 | |
38 | 11 | Ecumenical agencies - Committee on New Alternatives in the Middle East (CONAME) steering committee, 1973-1974 | |
38 | 12 | Ecumenical agencies - Conference on Constructive Alternatives in Palestine, 1972-1974 | |
38 | 13 | Ecumenical agencies - correspondence re: Christian/Jewish relations, 1973-1974, 1993 | |
38 | 14 | Ecumenical agencies - correspondence re: issues, 1974 | |
38 | 15 | Ecumenical Conference on the Middle East at Stony Point, 1991 | |
39 | 1 | Education and Fundraising Program - Middle East trips, 1987-1988 | |
39 | 2 | Family planning, 1972 | |
39 | 3 | Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1987-1990 | |
39 | 4 | Film/video productions, correspondence, 1987-1991 | |
39 | 5 | Foundation for Middle East Peace, 1988 | |
39 | 6 | Gulf Crisis - background and analysis, 1990-1991 | |
39 | 7 | Gulf Crisis - Committee on Foreign Relations of the United States Senate (testimony to), 1990 | |
39 | 8 | Gulf War - Conscientious Objectors, 1991 | |
39 | 9 | Gulf Crisis - correspondence, 1990 | |
39 | 10 | Gulf Crisis - Friends Committee on National Legislation, 1990 | |
39 | 11-13 | Gulf Crisis - media coverage and statements, 1990-1991 | |
39 | 14 | Gulf Crisis - National Campaign for Peace in the Middle East, 1990-1991 | |
39 | 15 | Gulf Crisis - Palestine Committee, 1991 | |
40 | 1 | Gulf Crisis - refugees, 1991 [includes David Weaver's Iran trip diary] | |
40 | 2 | Gulf Crisis - resources for pastors and worship, 1991 | |
40 | 3 | Gulf Crisis - NCC Gulf Crisis Task Force and Heads of Communion, 1991 | |
40 | 4-5 | Gulf Crisis - United Nations, 1990-1991 | |
40 | 6 | Gulf Crisis - WCC and MECC correspondence, 1990-1991 | |
40 | 7 | "History of U.S. Mission in the Middle East," study by John Buteyn, 1964-1967 | |
40 | 8 | Human rights organizations, 1990 | |
40 | 9-10 | Immigration and Refugee Program, 1987-1991 [includes "Monday" a weekly newsletter on refugee and immigration issue] | |
40 | 11 | InterAction meetings, 1991 | |
41 | 1 | International Jewish Peace Union, 1990 | |
41 | 2 | Interns for Peace, 1987-1991 | |
41 | 3 | Interreligious Committee for Peace in the Middle East, 1990 | |
41 | 4 | Karekin visit, 1990 May 22 [includes photographs] | |
41 | 5-6 | Middle East Committee (NCC), 1977-1988 | |
41 | 7 | Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) - children's hospital project, 1986 | |
41 | 8 | MECC - communications, 1990-1993 | |
41 | 9-11 | MECC - correspondence, 1981-1993 [includes trip reports] | |
41 | 12 | MECC - correspondence, Gabriel Habib, 1987-1990 | |
41 | 13-14 | MECC - Department on Services to Palestinian Refugees, 1986-1993 | |
42 | 1 | MECC - Department on Services to Palestinian Refugees, 1986-1993 | |
42 | 2 | MECC - financial reports and correspondence, 1993 | |
42 | 3 | MECC - General Assembly, 1990 | |
42 | 4 | MECC - reports, 1991-1993 | |
42 | 5 | Middle East and Europe Working Group (MEEWG) - Christian Peace Conference, 1972 | |
42 | 6 | MEEWG - correspondence, 1974-1979 | |
42 | 7 | MEEWG - Middle East Awareness meetings, 1974 | |
42 | 8 | MEEWG - reports from European countries, 1972-1974 | |
42 | 9 | MEEWG - reports from North African countries, 1964-1972 | |
42 | 10 | Middle East Research and Information Project, 1987-1990 | |
42 | 11 | Middle East Witness minutes, 1990 | |
42 | 12 | Missionary file, Alex Awad, 1991 | |
42 | 13-14 | Mubarak Awad expulsion news coverage, 1981-1988 | |
42 | 15 | Nasrallah Peter Sfeir visit (Maronite Church), 1988 [includes negatives] | |
43 | 1 | NCC - resolutions and reports, 1970-1974 | |
43 | 2 | NCC - DOM executive and unit committee, 1979-1988 | |
43 | 3 | Nazareth Hospital Capital Campaign, 1986 | |
43 | 4 | "New Outlook," 1990 | |
43 | 5 | PAX World Foundation, 1987 | |
43 | 6 | Peace organizations (miscellaneous), 1989-1990 | |
43 | 7 | Pope Shenouda III visit, 1990-1991 | |
43 | 8 | Refugees and immigration policies, 1974-1993 | |
43 | 9 | Resource Center for Nonviolence (Santa Cruz), 1987-1988 | |
43 | 10 | Stony Point Cross Consultation, 1992 | |
43 | 11 | Trip reports (David Weaver in Iran and Dale Bishop throughout the Middle East), 1990-1991 | |
43 | 12 | United States government policies on the Middle East, 1987-1990 | |
43 | 13 | World Christian Student Federation, 1988-1990 | |
43 | 14 | World Council of Churches project lists, 1972-1974 | |
43 | 15 | World Council of Churches reports, 1971-1972 | |
43 | 16 | Yesh Gvul visit, 1988 | |
43 | 17 | YMCA and YWCA, 1987-1990 | |
44 | 1 | Bahrain political prisoners, 1989 | |
44 | 2 | Egypt, 1982-1990 | |
44 | 3 | Egypt - Coptic Orthodox Church, 1985-1996 | |
44 | 4 | Egypt - Cyprus, 1979-1993 | |
44 | 5 | Greece, 1984-1985 | |
44 | 6 | Grenada human rights, 1983 | |
44 | 7 | Gulf states, 1983 | |
44 | 8 | Iran, 1978-1979 | |
44 | 9 | Iraq, 1978-1990 | |
44 | 10-11 | Israel, 1978-1990 | |
44 | 12 | Jordan, 1978-1990 | |
44 | 13 | Lebanon, 1977-1990 | |
44 | 14 | Lebanon Emergency Relief Program, 1987-1988 | |
44 | 15 | Libya, 1989 | |
44 | 16 | Morocco, 1987-1990 | |
45 | 1 | Palestine - Ahli Arab Hospital, 1985-1988 | |
45 | 2 | Palestine - arrests and trials of Palestinians: cases of Ziad Abu-Eain; Sami Esmail and Terre Fleener, 1977-1982 | |
45 | 3 | Palestine - correspondence re: Jerusalem, 1988-1990 | |
45 | 4 | Palestine - correspondence re: West Bank, 1985 | |
45 | 5 | Palestine - human rights campaign, 1987-1993 | |
45 | 6-8 | Palestine - human rights advocacy, Palestinian deportation, American-Arab Anti-discrimination Committee legal briefs and case statements, 1986-1988 | |
45 | 9 | Palestine - International Coordinating Committee on the question of Palestine (ICCP), 1985-1990 | |
45 | 10 | Palestine - Near East Council of Churches Committee for Refugee Work (Gaza area), 1987-1988 | |
45 | 11-12 | Palestine - project proposals and publications, 1991 | |
45 | 13 | Palestine - United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights reports, 1990 | |
46 | 1-2 | Palestine - United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights reports, 1991 | |
46 | 3 | Syria - Souryani Schools, 1985 | |
46 | 4 | Turkish Kurdistan - human rights reports, 1986-1987 | |
46 | 5 | Turkey, 1981-1985 | |
46 | 6 | Turkey - Development Foundation of Turkey, 1992-1997 | |
Subseries 5: Africa, 1962-1998 | |||
47 | 1 | Africa Working Group budgets, 1974-1978 | |
47 | 2 | Africa Committee correspondence, 1975-1985 | |
47 | 3 | Africa Working Group guidelines and agreements, 1973-1985 | |
47 | 4 | Africa Working Group/Executive Committee meetings, 1973-1975 | |
47 | 5-11 | Africa Committee meetings, 1976-1989 | |
48 | 1 | Africa Committee meetings, 1990-1992 | |
48 | 2 | Africa Committee - Consultation on United States Policies on Africa, 1981 | |
48 | 3 | African Independent Churches Association, 1972-1973 | |
48 | 4 | African Medical and Research Foundation, 1970-1985 | |
48 | 5 | "Africa News," 1978-1985 | |
48 | 6 | Africare (Washington DC), 1982-1985 | |
48 | 7 | AFROLIT society, 1974-1981 | |
48 | 8 | Agricultural missions, 1977-1982 | |
48 | 9-10 | American Committee on Africa, 1976-1985 | |
48 | 11 | American Committee on Africa - South Africa and Israel relations, 1977-1979 | |
48 | 12 | Grants and disaster relief funds (Africa Office), 1992-1997 | |
48 | 13 | Organization of African Instituted Churches, 1968-1986 | |
49 | 1 | Pan African Congress (6th), 1974 June | |
49 | 2 | United Nations - conferences on least developed countries, 1981 | |
49 | 3 | Angola Consultative Committee, 1974-1981 | |
49 | 4 | Angola - delegation visit reports, 1975 | |
49 | 5 | Angola - União Nacional pela Independência Total de Angola (U.N.I.T.A)., 1971-1976 | |
49 | 6 | Angola - Congressional Black Caucus call to end United States involvement in war, 1974-1976 | |
49 | 7 | Angola - news clippings on Angola war, 1974-1976 | |
49 | 8 | Botswana - Association of Medical Missions, 1976-1979 | |
49 | 9 | Botswana - correspondence, 1973-1977 | |
49 | 10 | Comoro Islands reports, 1976 | |
49 | 11 | Ethiopia - Christian Relief and Development Association, 1977-1978 | |
50 | 1 | Ethiopia - correspondence, 1974-1976 | |
50 | 2 | Ethiopia - Eritreans for Liberation in North America, publications, 1973-1976 | |
50 | 3 | Ethiopia - projects, 1975-1976 | |
50 | 4 | Ethiopia - finished projects, 1975-1979 | |
50 | 5 | Ethiopia - drought reports, 1973-1976 | |
50 | 6-8 | Ethiopia - reports, 1973-1978 | |
50 | 9 | Ghana - consultation, 1975-1978 | |
50 | 10 | Guinea Bissau - correspondence, 1974-1975 | |
50 | 11 | Guinea Bissau - Party for Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde, 1969-1974 | |
51 | 1 | Guinea Bissau - reports, 1975 | |
51 | 2 | Indian Ocean region reports (Madagascar and Mozambique), 1978 | |
51 | 3-5 | Kenya - reports and publications, 1975-1984 | |
51 | 6 | Lesotho - reports, 1970-1983 | |
51 | 7 | Liberia - communications team, 1990-1991 | |
51 | 8-9 | Liberia - correspondence, 1987-1991 | |
51 | 10 | Liberia - hearing testimony of Willis H. Logan, 1991 | |
51 | 11 | Liberia - NCC statements on humanitarian situations, 1991-1996 | |
51 | 12 | Liberia - publications and news articles, 1990-1992 | |
52 | 1 | Liberia - refugees, 1990-1991 | |
52 | 2 | Liberia - relief workers, 1991 | |
52 | 3-4 | Liberia - reports and updates, 1975-1982, 1990-1991 | |
52 | 5 | Madagascar - correspondence, 1976-1987, 1998 | |
52 | 6 | Madagascar - cyclone emergency, 1982 | |
52 | 7 | Madagascar - finances, 1975-1986 | |
52 | 8 | Madagascar - photographs, 1976 | |
52 | 9 | Madagascar - reports, 1971-1976 | |
52 | 10 | Malawi - Private Hospital Association, 1974-1975 | |
52 | 11 | Malawi - Christian Service Committee reports, 1976-1982 | |
52 | 12 | Mali reports, 1975-1978 | |
53 | 1 | Mauritius Council of Social Services, 1974-1985 | |
53 | 2 | Mauritius Council of Social Services, 1976-1977 [includes audiocassette] | |
53 | 3 | Mauritius - reports, 1975-1979 | |
53 | 4 | Mozambique/Cape Verde background, 1975-1976 | |
53 | 5 | Mozambique - reports, 1974-1983 | |
53 | 6-7 | Namibia, 1971-1980 | |
53 | 8 | Namibia - Southwest Africa National Union (SWANU), 1970-1979 | |
53 | 9 | Namibia - South West African Peoples' Organization of Africa (SWAPO), 1972-1976 | |
53 | 10 | Namibia - United Nations Bulletin, 1971-1980 | |
53 | 11 | Niger - administrative correspondence, 1974-1976 | |
54 | 1 | Niger - administrative correspondence, 1974-1976 | |
54 | 2 | Niger - finances, 1974-1975 | |
54 | 3 | Niger - projects, 1974-1975 | |
54 | 4-6 | Niger - reports and background, 1974-1979 | |
54 | 7 | Nigeria - Christian Council representatives, 1972 | |
54 | 8 | Nigeria - reports and background, 1977-1984 | |
54 | 9 | Rhodesia - internal settlement and responses, 1975-1979 | |
54 | 10-11 | Rhodesia - internal settlement news clippings, 1975-1979 | |
55 | 1 | Rhodesia - sanctions news clippings, 1972-1978 | |
55 | 2 | Rhodesia - senator reports, 1975-1978 | |
55 | 3 | Rhodesia - tourism news clippings, 1974 | |
55 | 4 | Rwanda - reports, 1971-1982 | |
55 | 5 | Senegal, 1972-1981 | |
55 | 6 | Senegal - Porte Ouverte project, 1979-1981 | |
55 | 7 | Sierra Leone - news clippings, 1974-1984 | |
55 | 8 | Somalia - background, 1980-1982 | |
55 | 9-10 | Somalia - correspondence, 1980-1987 | |
55 | 11 | Somalia - correspondence (Elizabeth Enloe), 1982 | |
55 | 12 | Somalia - educational resources and news articles, 1975-1981 | |
55 | 13 | Somalia - finances, 1987-1989 | |
55 | 14 | Somalia - Interchurch Response (IRC) agricultural projects and water, 1981-1983 | |
56 | 1-6 | Somalia - IRC correspondence, 1980-1992 | |
56 | 7 | Somalia - IRC finances, 1981-1982 | |
56 | 8-9 | Somalia - IRC medical team, 1981-1982 | |
56 | 10 | Somalia - IRC Operations Committee, 1980-1982 | |
57 | 1 | Somalia - IRC refugee health unit, 1981-1982 | |
57 | 2 | Somalia - IRC monthly reports, 1982-1983 | |
57 | 3-5 | Somalia - IRC reports, 1971-1989 | |
57 | 6 | Somalia - reports and publications, 1992-1993 | |
57 | 7 | Somalia - updates and "Hotline" newsletter, 1981-1994 | |
57 | 8 | South Africa - African National Congress, 1986-1988 | |
57 | 9 | South Africa - agenda and reports, 1986 | |
57 | 10 | South Africa - children in detention, 1987 | |
57 | 11 | South Africa - Conference on Implications for United States Foreign Policy, 1975-1978 | |
57 | 12 | South Africa - Conference in Solidarity with the People of South Africa, 1981 | |
58 | 1 | South Africa - Consultation with United States and Canadian Anti-apartheid Movements, 1991-1992 | |
58 | 2-4 | South Africa - correspondence, 1978-1990 | |
58 | 5 | South Africa - correspondence, John Daries, 1986-1987 | |
58 | 6 | South Africa Council of Churches (SACC) - Asingeni relief fund, 1978-1986 | |
58 | 7 | SACC - correspondence, 1978-1986 | |
58 | 8 | SACC - John Rees trial, 1983 | |
58 | 9 | SACC - mailings, 1986-1990 | |
58 | 10 | SACC - press clippings, 1986 | |
58 | 11 | SACC - reports, 1984-1985 | |
58 | 12 | SACC - sanctions, 1986-1987 | |
58 | 13 | South Africa - crisis statements, 1976-1978 | |
58 | 14 | South Africa - Panel of Eminent Church Persons, 1989 | |
58 | 15 | South Africa - Free South Africa Movement, 1985 | |
59 | 1 | South Africa - information packet, 1985 | |
59 | 2 | South Africa - Institute for Contextual Theology, 1984-1991 | |
59 | 3 | South Africa - Inter-Religious Consultation, 1980-1986 | |
59 | 4 | South Africa - Nelson Mandela correspondence, 1990 | |
59 | 5 | South Africa - meeting for religious leaders, Nelson Mandela programs and declarations, 1990 | |
59 | 6 | South Africa - publications and news clippings, 1962-1986 | |
59 | 7 | South Africa - Rustenburg Declaration, 1990 | |
59 | 8 | South African Students Committee, 1984 | |
59 | 9 | Southern African Task Force, 1974-1986 | |
59 | 11 | South Africa - CWS updates, 1984-1986 | |
59 | 10 | South Africa - United States relations, 1978-1986 | |
59 | 11 | South Africa - Venda detainees, 1989 | |
59 | 12-14 | Sudan - advocacy, 1984-1994 | |
59 | 15 | Sudan - Informazioni, Agosto, 1967 | |
59 | 16 | Sudan - Informazioni, Gennaio Giugno, 1968 | |
60 | 1 | Sudan - Informazioni, Luglio, 1968 | |
60 | 2-3 | Sudan - reports, 1972-1984 | |
60 | 4 | Uganda, 1974-1976 | |
60 | 5 | Zaire - background information, 1983-1992 | |
60 | 6 | Zaire - consultation, 1985 | |
60 | 7 | Zaire - consultation, 1992 [includes four audiocassettes] | |
60 | 8-9 | Zaire - correspondence, 1975-1976, 1985-1993 | |
60 | 10 | Zaire Task Force, 1982-1984 | |
60 | 11 | Zambia, 1974-1978 | |
60 | 12 | Zimbabwe African National Union, 1969-1980 | |
Subseries 6: Latin America and the Caribbean, 1963-1995 | |||
61 | 1 | Latin America/Caribbean department - activities reports/annual reports, 1988-1993 | |
61 | 2 | Acción Social Ecuménica Latinoamericana, 1978-1980 | |
61 | 3 | Alfalit, 1971-1976 | |
61 | 4 | Armenian Genocide Action United Nations, 1985 August | |
61 | 5 | Asamblea de Iglesias de América, 1978 | |
61 | 6 | Caribbean Committee on Joint Christian Action Codrington College proposal, 1964-1970 | |
61 | 7-8 | Caribbean Conference of Churches, 1969-1977 and 1991-1993 | |
61 | 9 | Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program (CICOP), 1968-1970 | |
61 | 10 | Children in Crisis, 1990-1993 | |
61 | 11 | Children in Crisis - Consultation on Boys and Girls in Latin America, 1990-1994 | |
61 | 12 | CWS minutes of area directors and officers meetings, 1979-1983 | |
61 | 13 | CWS/DOM minutes and history, 1974-1983 | |
61 | 14 | CWS Unit Committee, 1994 | |
61 | 15-16 | Committee on the Caribbean and Latin America (CLAI/CCLA) meetings, 1963-1980 | |
62 | 1-4 | CCLA meetings, 1981-1994 | |
62 | 5-6 | CCLA meetings (Indianapolis), 1988-1991 | |
62 | 7-9 | CCLA meetings (Cuba), 1988-1994 | |
62 | 10 | CCLA meetings (Emergencies in Latin America Central America strategy), 1989-1990 | |
63 | 1 | CCLA meetings (Emergencies in Latin America Colombia and Brazil delegation), 1990 | |
63 | 2 | CCLA meetings (Emergencies in Latin America Guatemala delegation), 1990 | |
63 | 3 | CCLA meetings (Emergencies in Latin America Panama Delegation), 1990 | |
63 | 4-5 | CCLA meetings (Sao Paulo process), 1991-1994 | |
63 | 6 | CCLA - Central America Working Group, 1992-1993 | |
63 | 7 | CCLA - Pastors for Peace, Cuba delegation, 1993-1994 | |
63 | 8 | CCLA - Guatemala delegation for peace, 1993-1994 | |
63 | 9 | Comisión Cristiana de Desarrollo, 1988-1989 | |
63 | 10 | CER (Compartir Ecuménico de Recursos), 1991-1993 | |
63 | 11 | Computers, 1977-1978 | |
63 | 12 | Coordinacion Ecuménica Latinoamericana (CEL), 1981 | |
63 | 13 | Correspondence, Oscar Bolioli, 1980-1994 | |
63 | 14 | Correspondence, Paul F. McCleary, 1980-1982 | |
63 | 15 | Correspondence, Latin America Department staff, 1978-1983 | |
64 | 1 | DOM - disaster bulletins, 1980-1983 | |
64 | 2 | Ecumenical projects, 1991-1993 | |
64 | 3 | European Agencies, 1982-1983 | |
64 | 4 | Family life and education, 1982-1983 | |
64 | 5 | Food policy notes, 1980 | |
64 | 6 | Food crisis, 1983 | |
64 | 7 | "Freedom of Faith" newsletter, 1980 | |
64 | 8 | "Frontlines" newspaper (Agency for International Development), 1980-1981 | |
64 | 9 | Funding and finances, 1987-1992 | |
64 | 10 | General Board of Global Ministries - United Methodist Church, 1980-1983 | |
64 | 11 | Human rights - Interchurch Committee, 1981-1983 | |
64 | 12 | Human Rights Committee, 1991-1993 | |
64 | 13 | Immigration and refugees, 1981-1983 | |
64 | 14 | Interchurch Medical Assistance, 1981-1983 | |
64 | 15 | International congregations - pastors conference, 1980 | |
64 | 16 | Inter-Religious Task Force on Central America, 1989 | |
64 | 17 | Inter-Unit Committee on First Asylum, 1981 | |
64 | 18 | Intra-Continental Theological Consultation, 1988-1989 | |
64 | 19 | Latin America Council of Churches, 1980-1982 | |
64 | 20 | Latin America Theological Fraternity, 1980 | |
64 | 21 | Lutheran World Relief, 1980-1982 | |
65 | 1 | Material resources program, 1980-1982 | |
65 | 2 | Mennonite Central Committee "News Service," 1980-1982 | |
65 | 3 | Mutuality in Mission, 1982 | |
65 | 4 | NCC Governing Board and staff cabinet, 1979-1980 [includes racial justice audit] | |
65 | 5 | NCC Governing Board Committee on Major Issues and Priorities, 1981 | |
65 | 6 | NCC policy statements on Latin America, 1981-1983 | |
65 | 7 | NCC policy statements on Latin America responses, 1980-1983 | |
65 | 8 | North American Free Trade Agreement, 1992-1993 | |
65 | 9 | Project Program Committee funds, 1982 | |
65 | 10-11 | Project evaluations, 1986-1992 | |
65 | 12 | Publications and academic papers, 1967-1969 | |
65 | 13 | Publications and academic papers - Brady Tyson, 1966-1968 | |
65 | 14 | Publications and academic paper - Brady Tyson newsletters on Brazil, historical overview and dossier, 1964-1970 | |
66 | 1 | Publications and academic papers - Brady Tyson collected statements and testimonials about torture, 1969-1970 | |
66 | 2 | Publications - "The Bush Administrations Enterprise for the Americas Initiative," 1991 | |
66 | 3 | Publications - "Central America in the Decade of the 90s," 1990 | |
66 | 4 | Publications - "Hotline" newsletter, 1991-1992 | |
66 | 5 | Seminars, 1966-1972 | |
66 | 6 | United States Conference on Church and Society, 1967-1968 | |
66 | 7-9 | United States Women's Delegation to Latin America, 1989 | |
66 | 10 | Washington Office on Latin America, 1980 | |
66 | 11 | World Council of Churches, 1980 | |
66 | 12 | Argentina - Centro Cristiano de Comunicaciones and intermedia reports, 1971-1976 | |
66 | 13 | Argentina - Centro de estudios cristianos, 1981-1982 | |
66 | 14 | Argentina - Consejo Unido de Educación Cristiana, 1982 | |
66 | 15 | Argentina - correspondence, 1984-1994 | |
66 | 16 | Argentina - floods, 1983 | |
66 | 17 | Argentina - Junta Unida de misiones, 1979-1984 | |
66 | 18 | Argentina - missing children correspondence, 1979-1981 | |
67 | 1 | Bolivia - Aid to Bolivian Refugees in Peru, 1980 | |
67 | 2 | Bolivia - Alfalit, 1968-1976 | |
67 | 3 | Bolivia - Church Women United, 1979 | |
67 | 4 | Bolivia - correspondence, 1977-1983, 1994 | |
67 | 5 | Bolivia - drought in Bolivia/Peru, 1983 | |
67 | 6 | Bolivia - prisoners and disappearances, 1983-1986 | |
67 | 7 | Brazil - CAVE studio, 1967-1972 | |
67 | 8 | Brazil - Centro de Estudos de Cultura Contemporânea (CEDEC), 1981 | |
67 | 9 | Brazil - Centro Ecuménico de Servicios a la Evangelización y Educación Popular (CESEP), 1991-1995 | |
67 | 10 | Brazil - Diakonia, 1979-1981 | |
67 | 11 | Brazil - film, 1981 | |
67 | 12 | Brazil - floods, 1983 | |
67 | 13 | Brazil - Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas (IBASE), 1980-1982 | |
67 | 14 | Brazil - Instituto de Estudos da Religião (ISER), 1981-1983 | |
67 | 15 | Brazil - Movement for Basic Education and Communications School, 1970-1976 | |
67 | 16 | Chile - Diakonia, 1976-1980 [includes photographs] | |
67 | 17 | Chile - Mapuche people film proposal, 1983 | |
67 | 18 | Chile - human rights and political prisoners, 1974-1985 | |
67 | 19 | Chile - Las Urracas Emaus slides, 1980 | |
67 | 20 | Chile - memos, 1991-1994 | |
67 | 21 | Chile - School of Christian Communication, 1975-1976 | |
67 | 22 | Chile - Servicio de asistencia y coordinación ecuménica laboral (SACEL), 1979-1980 | |
67 | 23 | Colombia - CAVECOL, 1970-1976 | |
68 | 1 | Colombia - CAVECOL, 1970-1976 | |
68 | 2 | Colombia - film guide "Problem of Power," 1971 | |
68 | 3 | Colombia - human rights, 1979-1982 | |
68 | 4 | Colombia - publications/press releases, 1969-1994 | |
68 | 5-7 | Costa Rica - Alfalit, 1968-1976 | |
68 | 8 | Cuba - correspondence and meetings, 1979-1984, 1993-1994 | |
68 | 9 | Cuba - humanitarian aid meeting (Miami), 1994 | |
68 | 10 | Cuba - licenses, 1991-1994 | |
68 | 11 | Dominican Republic - Alfalit, 1975-1977 | |
68 | 12 | Dominican Republic - Anniversary Committee (10th), 1975 | |
68 | 13 | Dominican Republic - Bajeaux letters, 1980 | |
68 | 14 | Dominican Republic - correspondence, 1982-1983, 1994 | |
68 | 15-16 | Dominican Republic - Servicio Social de Iglesias Dominicanas (SSID), 1981-1984 | |
69 | 1 | Dominican Republic - SSID, 1981-1985 | |
69 | 2 | Dominican Republic - SSID, Juan Jose Feliz, 1983 | |
69 | 3 | Ecuador - Alfalit, 1968-1974 | |
69 | 4 | Ecuador - correspondence and reports, 1971-1984 | |
69 | 5 | Ecuador - development programs, 1976-1983 | |
69 | 6 | Ecuador - floods, 1983 | |
69 | 7 | El Salvador - affidavits for political asylum, 1987 | |
69 | 8 | El Salvador - Alfalit, 1973-1976 | |
69 | 9-10 | El Salvador - Asociacion Salvadoreña De Ayuda Humanitaria (ASESAH), 1982-1983 | |
69 | 11 | El Salvador - civil strife, 1982-1983 | |
69 | 12-13 | El Salvador - correspondence and reports, 1980-1984 | |
69 | 14 | El Salvador - Diakonia, 1982-1983 | |
70 | 1-2 | El Salvador - elections, 1988-1994 | |
70 | 3 | El Salvador - Federation of Cooperative Association of Agricultural Production of El Salvador (FEDECOOPADES) case, 1986-1987 | |
70 | 4-6 | El Salvador - human rights incident summaries, 1977-1994 | |
70 | 7-9 | El Salvador - Interchurch delegation, 1989-1990 | |
70 | 10 | El Salvador - the Institute on Religion and Democracy, 1981-1982 | |
70 | 11 | El Salvador - reconstruction, 1991-1992 | |
70 | 12 | El Salvador - refugees in the United States and Central America, 1980-1983 | |
70 | 13 | El Salvador - resolutions, 1982-1989 | |
71 | 1 | El Salvador - Socorro Juridico Christiano, 1980-1985 | |
71 | 2 | El Salvador - John Sullivan (missing journalist case), 1981 | |
71 | 3 | Grenada, 1980-1983 | |
71 | 4 | Guatemala - Coca-Cola labor abuses, 1979-1984 | |
71 | 5 | Guatemala - Comité "Justicia y Paz," 1981-1982 | |
71 | 6 | Guatemala - community development, 1980 | |
71 | 7-9 | Guatemala - CONCAD, 1980-1983 | |
71 | 10 | Guatemala - general correspondence, 1975-1983 | |
71 | 11 | Guatemala - correspondence re: Julia Esquirel, 1980 | |
71 | 12 | Guatemala - correspondence, H.A. Penner, 1980 | |
71 | 13 | Guatemala - correspondence, Mark Schomer re: humanitarian aid, 1981-1982 | |
71 | 14 | Guatemala - financial reports, 1980-1982 | |
71 | 15 | Guatemala - FUNDACED, 1980 | |
72 | 1-2 | Guatemala - human rights, 1982-1983, 1991-1993 | |
72 | 3 | Guatemala - meeting for peace and democracy, 1993 | |
72 | 4 | Guatemala - Peace for Guatemala (coordinator Eddie Fischer), 1982-1983 | |
72 | 5 | Guatemala - political prisoners and disappearances, 1977-1978 | |
72 | 6 | Guatemala - publications, 1979-1982 | |
72 | 7 | Guatemala - publications, "Historia de la Obra Evangélica Presbiteriana en Guatemala," 1982 | |
72 | 8 | Guatemala - publications, "Witness to the Slaughter: The Church in Guatemala" filmstrip notes, 1984 | |
72 | 9 | Guatemala - Guatemalan refugees in Chiapas, 1982-1984 | |
72 | 10 | Guatemala - refugees, 1993 | |
72 | 11 | Guyana, 1983 | |
72 | 12-13 | Haiti - correspondence, 1980-1982, 1992-1994 | |
72 | 14 | Haiti - Heifer Project International, 1980-1982 | |
72 | 15-16 | Haiti - refugees, 1980-1982 | |
72 | 17 | Haiti - Service Chrétien d'Haïti, 1972-1979 | |
73 | 1-2 | Haiti - Service Chrétien d'Haïti, 1980-1989 | |
73 | 3-4 | Honduras - Comité Evangélico de Desarrollo y Emergencia Nacional (CEDEN), 1981-1984 | |
73 | 5 | Honduras - Committee on Development and Emergencies (CODE), 1982-1983 | |
73 | 6 | Honduras - correspondence, 1982-1983 | |
73 | 7 | Honduras - news clippings, 1980-1982 | |
73 | 8-9 | Honduras - refugees, 1981-1983 | |
73 | 10 | Jamaica, 1982 | |
73 | 11 | Mexico, 1981-1982, 1993 | |
73 | 12 | Nicaragua - Board of World Mission of the Moravian church, 1982 | |
73 | 13 | Nicaragua - border conflict, 1983-1984 | |
73 | 14 | Nicaragua - Centro Ecuménico Antonio Valdivieso, 1981-1983 | |
73 | 15 | Nicaragua - CEDPAD, 1979-1982 | |
74 | 1 | Nicaragua - CEDPAD, 1982 | |
74 | 2 | Nicaragua - CEDPAD, 1990-1993 | |
74 | 3 | Nicaragua - correspondence, 1980-1982 | |
74 | 4 | Nicaragua - country profile, 1973-1981 | |
74 | 5 | Nicaragua - Instituto Histórico Centroamericano, 1981-1982 | |
74 | 6 | Nicaragua - filmstrip advertisements, 1983-1986 | |
74 | 7 | Nicaragua - finances, 1980 | |
74 | 8 | Peru - correspondence, 1991-1992 | |
74 | 9 | Peru - floods/emergencies, 1983 | |
74 | 10 | Puerto Rico, 1980, 1992-1993 | |
74 | 11 | Uruguay, 1980 | |
74 | 12 | West Indies - Caribbean Conference of Churches, 1980 | |
74 | 13 | West Indies - Christian Action for Development in the Caribbean (CADEC), 1980 | |
74 | 14 | West Indies - correspondence, 1980 | |
75 | 1 | Division of Foreign Missions - Foreign Missions Conference and Asia Committee, 1948-1951 | |
75 | 2 | Division of Foreign Missions - Foreign Missions Conference surplus supplies, 1946-1955 | |
75 | 3 | Division of Foreign Missions - China licenses, 1952-1953 | |
75 | 4 | NCC revised constitution and reports, 1963-1964 | |
75 | 5 | Action for relief and rehabilitation in Kampuchea, 1980 | |
75 | 6 | Administrivia, 1974 | |
75 | 7 | Adult Basic Education, 1975 | |
75 | 8 | Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, 1977-1984 | |
75 | 9 | Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, 1982-1985 | |
75 | 10-13 | Africa Working Group, 1973-1975 | |
75 | 14 | Africa Working Group – telex and cables, 1973-1975 | |
75 | 15 | Agency for International Development, 1973 | |
76 | 1 | Agency for International Development, 1974-1975 | |
76 | 2 | Agency for International Development, 1976-1978 | |
76 | 3 | Agricultural missions, 1975 | |
76 | 4-5 | American Council of Voluntary Agencies (ACVA), 1973-1975 | |
76 | 6 | ACVA, 1983-1984 | |
76 | 7 | ACVA, 1977-1978 | |
76 | 8 | American Freedom from Hunger Foundation, 1975 | |
76 | 9-10 | Asia – East, 1973-1974 | |
76 | 11 | Asia - East Asia Working Group, 1975-1977 | |
76 | 12 | Asia – South, telex and Cables, 1973-1975 | |
76 | 13 | Asia – South, 1973 | |
76 | 14 | Asia – South, 1974 | |
76 | 15 | Asia – South, 1975 | |
77 | 1 | Asia – South, 1975 | |
77 | 2 | Bangladesh Ecumenical Relief and Rehabilitation Service (BERRS), 1973-1974 | |
77 | 3 | Bicentennial Corporation, 1975 | |
77 | 4 | Bread for the World, 1973-1974 | |
77 | 5 | Brash, Alan – World Council of Churches, 1972 | |
77 | 6 | Brash, Alan – World Council of Churches, 1973 | |
77 | 7 | Brazil, 1973-1974 | |
77 | 8 | CASA, 1975 | |
77 | 9 | Catholic Relief Services, 1973-1975 | |
77 | 10 | Chile, 1973-1974 | |
77 | 11 | Christian Aid, 1975 | |
77 | 12 | Church Women United, 1973-1975 | |
77 | 13 | Church of the Brethren, 1974 | |
77 | 14 | Coordination in Development (CODEL), 1974 | |
77 | 15-16 | CODEL, 1975 | |
77 | 17 | CODEL - Board of Directors and Board of Advisors meetings and memos, 1976-1984 | |
77 | 18 | CODEL - Executive Committee meetings, 1976-1982 | |
77 | 19 | CODEL - financial statements, 1973-1980 | |
77 | 20 | CODEL – member profiles, 1982 | |
78 | 1 | “CODEL News,” 1977-1983 | |
78 | 2 | CODEL – project overviews and annual reports, 1975-1984 | |
78 | 3 | Christian Rural Overseas Program (CROP), 1973 | |
78 | 4 | CROP, 1974 | |
78 | 5 | CROP, 1975 | |
78 | 6 | Chautauqua sermons by Leslie Cooke, 1957-1967 | |
78 | 7 | Church World Service Inc. standing rules and certificate of incorporation, 1974-1975 | |
78 | 8 | CWS area directors, 1975 | |
78 | 9-11 | CWS department committee, 1973-1975 | |
78 | 12 | CWS focus groups on world hunger and attitudes toward international assistance, 1984 | |
78 | 13 | Executive program, 1975 | |
78 | 14 | Executive Director’s reports, 1975-1979, 1981 | |
78 | 15 | CWS finance, 1975 | |
78 | 16 | CWS finance - DuPont stock purchase, 1976 | |
79 | 1 | “Quo Vadis CWS” - self-study and planning, 1973 | |
79 | 2 | Committee on Church Use of Public Funds, 1964-1968 | |
79 | 3 | CWS staff, 1973-1975 | |
79 | 4 | Denominations, 1973 | |
79 | 5 | Denominations, 1974 | |
79 | 6 | “Disappearances” reference materials, 1979 | |
79 | 7-8 | Division Overseas Ministries (DOM), 1973-1975 | |
79 | 9 | DOM mailings and mailing lists, 1976-1977 | |
79 | 10 | DOM project listing, 1977 | |
79 | 11 | DOM staff meetings and correspondence, 1975-1977 | |
79 | 12 | DOM staff retreat and unionization correspondence, 1977 | |
79 | 13 | DOM unit committee, 1982-1984 | |
79 | 14 | Ecumenical Scholarships and Theological Education, 1973 | |
79 | 15 | Episcopal church, 1975 | |
79 | 16-17 | European churches, 1972-1975 | |
79 | 18 | Fifth assembly, 1975 | |
79 | 19 | Fifth commission, 1975 | |
80 | 1 | Financial management, 1974-1975 | |
80 | 2 | Greece, 1973 | |
80 | 3 | Honduras, 1974 | |
80 | 4-5 | Immigration, 1974-1975 | |
80 | 6-7 | India, 1973-1974 | |
80 | 8 | Indochina, 1973-1975 | |
80 | 9 | Indonesia, 1974 | |
80 | 10 | Indonesia, the Council of Churches in Indonesia material resources study, 1983 | |
80 | 11 | IFCO, 1974 | |
80 | 12 | Interchurch Medical Assistance, 1975 | |
80 | 13 | Intermedia, 1975 | |
80 | 14 | International congregations, 1975 | |
80 | 15 | International Voluntary Services, 1973-1974 | |
80 | 16 | Interreligious Task Force on Food Policy, 1975 | |
80 | 17 | Joint Committee on Structure, 1974 | |
80 | 18 | Joint Committee on Structure, 1975 | |
80 | 19 | Joint Strategy and Action Committee, 1974-1975 | |
80 | 20 | Latin America Working Group, 1972 | |
80 | 21 | Latin America Working Group, 1973 | |
81 | 1 | Latin America Working Group, 1974 | |
81 | 2 | Latin America Working Group, 1975 | |
81 | 3 | Lutheran World Relief, 1975 | |
81 | 4 | Material Resources Program, 1974-1975 | |
81 | 5 | James McCracken, 1966-1972 | |
81 | 6 | James McCracken, 1973 | |
81 | 7 | James McCracken, 1974 | |
81 | 8 | James McCracken speeches, 1969-1974 | |
81 | 9 | James McCracken report "CWS support of national Christian councils," 1968 | |
81 | 10 | Middle East Working Group, 1973-1975 | |
81 | 11-12 | National Council of Churches of Christ (NCC), 1972-1974 | |
82 | 1 | NCC, 1975 | |
82 | 2 | NCC policy statements, 1951-1980 | |
82 | 3 | Nicaragua, 1973-1974 | |
82 | 4 | Nigeria, 1973 | |
82 | 5 | North America, 1974 | |
82 | 6 | Overseas Development Council, 1974-1975 | |
82 | 7 | Overseas Personnel Department, 1974-1975 | |
82 | 8 | Pakistan, 1974 | |
82 | 9 | Peru, 1973 | |
82 | 10 | Philippines, 1973-1974 | |
82 | 11 | Planned Parenthood, 1974-1975 | |
82 | 12 | "The Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief: A Report," 1977 | |
82 | 13 | Promotion, 1974-1975 | |
82 | 14 | Rhodesia refugees - funding, 1973 | |
82 | 15 | Refugees and migration services, 1977 | |
82 | 16 | Sahel drought, 1973 | |
82 | 17 | Special assistant to the executive director, 1975 | |
82 | 18 | Strategy Technical and Area Program (STAP), 1971-1974 | |
82 | 19 | Sudan, 1974 | |
82 | 20 | Taiwan, 1973-1974 | |
82 | 21 | Technoserve, 1973-1975 | |
82 | 22 | Termination data, 1973-1974 | |
82 | 23 | Tornados – United States, 1974 | |
83 | 1 | United Methodist Church, 1975 | |
83 | 2 | United Nations, 1974-1975 | |
83 | 3 | United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., 1975 | |
83 | 4 | Emanuel Urhobo, 1971-1972 | |
83 | 5 | United States Committee for Refugees, 1973-1974 | |
83 | 6-7 | Vietnam Christian Service (VNCS), 1973-1974, 1975 | |
83 | 8 | Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA), 1974-1975 | |
83 | 9 | World Council of Churches (WCC), 1971 | |
83 | 10 | WCC, 1972 | |
83 | 11-14 | WCC, 1973 | |
83 | 15-16 | WCC, 1974-1975 | |
84 | 1-2 | WCC, 1975 | |
84 | 3 | WCC – Programme Unit on Justice and Service, 1973-1975 | |
84 | 4 | WCC - project summaries, 1974-1975 | |
84 | 5-6 | World hunger, 1974-1975 | |
84 | 7 | Wounded Knee, 1974 | |
84 | 8 | YMCA, 1975 | |
84 | 9 | Paul McCleary correspondence and speeches, 1975 | |
84 | 10 | Paul McCleary notes, 1975 | |
84 | 11 | Paul McCleary correspondence, A (including Samuel Araya), 1975 | |
84 | 12 | B, 1975 | |
84 | 13 | C-E, 1975 | |
84 | 14 | F-I, including Betty Fore, 1975 | |
85 | 1 | J-L, including Boyd Lowry, 1975 | |
85 | 2 | M, 1975 | |
85 | 3 | James McCracken, 1975 | |
85 | 4 | Larry Minear, 1975 | |
85 | 5 | N-R, 1975 | |
85 | 6 | Claire Randall, 1975 | |
85 | 7 | S, including Ellsworth Stanton, 1975 | |
85 | 8 | T-V, 1975 | |
85 | 9 | W, 1975 | |
85 | 10 | Muriel Webb, 1975 | |
Files created after Paul McCleary | |||
85 | 11 | Dick Butler - Episcopal Church, 1985-1987 | |
85 | 12 | Dick Butler - CWS public relations and communications, 1986 | |
85 | 13 | Dick Butler - NCC by-laws, 1985 | |
85 | 14 | Dick Butler - Presbyterian Church, 1985-1988 | |
85 | 15 | Dick Butler - Presbyterian Hunger Program finances, 1986-1988 | |
86 | 1 | CWS standing rules, 1990-1991 | |
86 | 2-5 | CWS/NCC transition team meetings & correspondence, 1990-1991 | |
86 | 6 | NCC executive coordinating committee manual, 1992-1995 | |
86 | 7 | Lonnie Turnipseed - Common Witness Consultations, 1994-1998 | |
86 | 8 | Lonnie Turnipseed - Interfaith IMPACT, 1992-1995 | |
86 | 9 | Lonnie Turnipseed - One Great Hour of Sharing history, 1950-1986 | |
86 | 10 | Lonnie Turnipseed - One Great Hour of Sharing committee, 1986-2000 | |
86 | 11 | Rodney Page - correspondence, 1998 | |
86 | 12 | Rodney Page - correspondence: Presbyterian Layman article response, 2000 | |
86 | 13 | Rodney Page - Interaction, 1990-2000 | |
Committee minutes | |||
118 | 1 | Lists of actions taken, 1965-1988 | |
118 | 2-4 | Board and Executive Committee meetings, 1988-1997 | |
118 | 5-8 | Finance Committee meetings, 1988-1999 | |
119 | 1-5 | Unit Committee meetings, 1977-1997 | |
Subseries 1: Intermedia, 1911-1998 | |||
87 | 1 | Committee on World Literacy and Christian Literature (Lit-Lit), trademark, 1962-1970 | |
87 | 2 | World Literacy and Christian Literature – minutes, 1958-1969 | |
87 | 3 | Radio Visual Education and Mass Communication Committee (RAVEMCCO) history, 1946-1969 | |
87 | 4 | RAVEMCCO “Bagazine,” 1967-1969 | |
87 | 5 | Joint Lit-Lit/RAVEMCCO administrative committee, 1970 | |
87 | 6 | Lit-Lit/RAVEMCCO communication ministry, 1969-1970 | |
87 | 7 | Intermedia – historical documents, 1969-1970 | |
87 | 8 | Intermedia - administrative committee, 1970-1972 | |
87 | 9 | Intermedia – annual and semi-annual meetings, 1970-1971 | |
87 | 10 | Intermedia – adult basic education, 1984-1985 | |
87 | 11 | Intermedia – certificates, 1971 | |
87 | 12-13 | Intermedia - committees, 1987-1989 | |
88 | 1 | Consultation on Global Justice and Communication, 1988-1989 | |
88 | 2 | Post-consultation material, 1988-1989 | |
88 | 3 | Intermedia Committee, 1988-1989 | |
88 | 4 | Intermedia Committee, 1992 | |
88 | 5 | Intermedia Working Group, 1993-1998 | |
88 | 6 | Committee on Literature Women and Children (CCLWC) early documents/correspondence/minutes, 1911-1990 | |
88 | 7-8 | CCLWC minutes and correspondence, 1986-1992 | |
88 | 9 | CCLWC budgets, 1959-1988 | |
88 | 10 | Coordinating Staff Council, 1971-1972 | |
88 | 11 | “Connections” advisory committee, 1983-1987 | |
89 | 1 | Intermedia Director David Briddell, 1984-1993 [includes portrait] | |
89 | 2 | Intermedia – general survey, 1971 | |
89 | 3 | Intermedia – literacy projects, 1978-1985 | |
89 | 4 | Intermedia – magazine/bulletin, 1976-1991 | |
89 | 5 | CWS media campaign, 1986 | |
89 | 6 | CWS promotional films correspondence, 1968-1970 | |
89 | 7 | Intermedia – multimedia kit, circa 1972 | Digital |
89 | 8 | NCC Broadcasting and Film Commission, 1974-1975 | |
89 | 9 | NCC International Literacy Year, 1990 | |
89 | 10 | "Word at Work” newsletter, 1958-1984 | |
89 | 11 | China - Report on Christian Publishing, 1969 | |
89 | 12 | China - SEARV Christian broadcasting to China, 1968-1971 | |
89 | 13 | Philippines - Christian Literature Society of the Philippines, 1965-1976 | |
89 | 14 | Philippines – Juliana Macaraeg, 1975-1976 | |
89 | 15 | Philippines – mass media, 1955-1970 | |
89 | 16 | Philippines – mass media commission, 1970-1975 | |
89 | 17 | Philippines – National Council of Churches Broadcasting Network, 1959-1970 | |
89 | 18 | Philippines – Southeast Asia Radio Voice, 1970-1973 | |
89 | 19 | Philippines – Southeast Asia Radio Voice, 1965-1970 | |
Slides | |||
90 | 1 | Conference/workshops, 1968-1973 | |
90 | 2 | Xn Writer's Conference, 1962-1978 | |
90 | 3 | Consultation, 1985 [includes negatives and photographs] | |
90 | 4 | Consultation ABE (Stony Point), 1977 | |
90 | 5 | The Challenge of Popular Education, 1977 [includes transcripts and audiocassette] | |
90 | 6 | ALFALIT - presentation by Bob Naujok, 1974 | |
90 | 7 | ALFALIT, 1963-1974 [includes photographs] | |
90 | 8 | Intermedia - strategic periodicals, 1977 | |
90 | 9 | Intermedia - publications, 1973 and 1977 | |
90 | 10 | Africa - Lit-Lit and All African Literature and Planning Conference, 1959-1961 | |
90 | 11 | East Africa, 1960-1969 | |
90 | 12 | East Asia - SEARV, 1967-1968 | |
90 | 13 | South America, 1957-1970 | |
90 | 14 | Argentina, undated [contains audiocassettes; filmstrip located in box 91, item 1] | |
90 | 15 | Brazil - CAVE studio, 1962 | |
90 | 16 | Burma, 1977 | |
90 | 17 | Cambodia, 1967-1968 | |
90 | 18 | Costa Rica, 1964 | |
90 | 19 | Dominican Republic, 1963 | |
90 | 20 | Egypt, 1959 | |
90 | 21 | Ethiopia, 1959-1969 | |
90 | 22 | Haiti, 1960-1977 | |
90 | 23 | Hong Kong Radio, 1960s | |
90 | 24 | India - literacy, circa 1963 | |
90 | 25 | Japan, 1967-1972 | |
90 | 26 | Kenya - Intermedia Literature Campaign, 1961 | |
90 | 27 | Korea - RAVEMCCO, 1959-1967 | |
90 | 28 | Liberia, 1957 | |
90 | 29 | Malawi - literacy class, 1967 | |
90 | 30 | Mexico, 1967-1968 | |
90 | 31 | Pakistan, 1972-1973 | |
90 | 32 | Peru, 1962-1966 | |
90 | 33 | Phillipines, 1961-1966 | |
90 | 34 | Sudan - Lit-Lit, 1959 | |
90 | 35 | Tanzania, 1956-1967 | |
90 | 36 | Thailand, 1964-1968 | |
90 | 37 | Togo - literacy group, 1959 | |
90 | 38 | Uganda, 1963-1964 | |
90 | 39 | Unlabeled slides and captions, 1960, 1972, and undated | |
Filmstrips | |||
91 | 1 | Buenos Aires (Jose Maria Moreno), undated | |
91 | 2-3 | Poor Man on a Throne | |
91 | 4 | The Disabled | |
91 | 5 | An Act of Love | |
91 | 6 | It started with Two Women | |
91 | 7 | Lit-Lit Makes Wishes Come True | |
91 | 8 | Literacy Unlocking the Bible | |
91 | 9 | Literacy Unlocking the Bible in South Asia | |
91 | 10 | Laubach Method | |
91 | 11-12 | Village Development in Iran | |
91 | 13 | Literacy Opening Blind Eyes | |
91 | 14-15 | Hohlfeld's follow-thru in Africa | |
91 | 16-17 | Portuguese E. Africa | |
91 | 18 | British East Africa | |
91 | 19 | Korea | |
91 | 20 | Team Files New Guinea | |
91 | 21-22 | Peoples of New Guinea | |
91 | 23-24 | Getting Acquainted with Liberia | |
91 | 25-26 | Story of Anand | |
91 | 27-28 | Africa Goes to School | |
91 | 29-30 | Book Making Town in Liberia (Lit-Lit) | |
91 | 31-32 | Thailand Finds the Way | |
92 | 1-2 | Which Way Japan? | |
92 | 3-4 | Now I Can Read | |
92 | 5-6 | Village Reborn | |
92 | 7 | Ti-ti in Hong Kong | |
92 | 8 | Hope on the Hill | |
92 | 9-10 | A New Day for African Women | |
92 | 11 | Christ in the Art of the Philippines | |
92 | 12 | Christ in the Art of India | |
92 | 13 | Christian Association for Radio and Audio-Visual Series (CARAVS) of India - Life of Christ in Indian Art Part I | |
92 | 14-15 | Christ in the Art of Japan Part I and II | |
92 | 16-17 | Christ in the Art of China Part I and II | |
92 | 18 | Christ in the Art of Hussein Behzad of Iran | |
92 | 19 | Christ in the Art of Africa | |
92 | 20-21 | Glorifying God in the Art of Africa | |
92 | 22 | Drumbeat | |
92 | 23 | The Nativity - Nigeria | |
92 | 24-25 | Argentina – The Life of Paul | |
92 | 26 | The Growth in Our Idea of God | |
92 | 27 | Argentina – The Church in New Testament Times | |
92 | 28 | Argentina - Porque de Ellos es el Reino | |
92 | 29 | Argentina – Y un Niño los Pastoreará | |
92 | 30 | Argentina – Conocer Para Ensenar | |
92 | 31 | Argentina – Crecía en Estatura | |
93 | 1 | Argentina – Jesus and His Disciples | |
93 | 2 | Argentina – The Prodigal Son | |
93 | 3 | Argentina - Our World of Happy Differences | |
93 | 4 | Argentina – The Lands of the Bible | |
93 | 5 | Brazil – A Última Semana | |
93 | 6 | Brazil – God is Spirit | |
93 | 7 | Brazil - This is CAVE | |
93 | 8 | Brazil – CAVE Vidas Transformadas | |
93 | 9 | Brazil – The Lost Sheep | |
93 | 10 | Brazil – Parable of the Seed | |
93 | 11 | CAVE David and Goliath | |
93 | 12 | CAVE Aspects of Evangelism | |
93 | 13 | CAVE The Story of Amos | |
93 | 14 | Will Yvonne Want to Come Back | |
93 | 15 | Costa Rica “Milagros Modernos” | |
93 | 16 | China - You Are What You Eat | |
93 | 17 | China - Why Did You Save Me? | |
93 | 18 | China - How Persons Learn Chinese, 1966 | |
93 | 19 | Burma - Ancestors of the Jewish People | |
93 | 20 | Burma – Loving Family | |
93 | 21 | Burma - How to be a Better Teacher | |
93 | 22 | Burma – Baby Jesus | |
93 | 23 | Burma - Happier Family (in Burmese) | |
93 | 24 | RAVEMCCO - A Special Kind of Servant | |
93 | 25 | The CARAVS Story (India) | |
93 | 26 | CARAVS of India - The Birth of Christ | |
93 | 27-28 | CARAVS of India - Life of Christ in Indian Art Part II and III | |
93 | 29 | CARAVS of India – Sadhu Sundar Singh (Saints of India series) | |
93 | 30 | CARAVS of India - Naragyan Vaman Tilak (Saints of India series) | |
93 | 31 | CARAVS of India - Bishop Azariah of Dornakal (Saints of India series) | |
93 | 32 | CARAVS of India - Pandita Ramabai (Saints of India series) | |
93 | 33 | India - Guinea Worm | |
93 | 34 | India – leprosy | |
93 | 35 | India – Malaria | |
93 | 36 | India - The Transformed Life Color | |
93 | 37 | India - That They May All Be One | |
93 | 38 | India - To Speak to India’s Heart | |
93 | 39 | India - Cholera | |
93 | 40 | India - Tetanus | |
93 | 41 | India - Stewardship in Hindi | |
93 | 42 | India - NCC | |
93 | 43 | India - NCC 3 Ten Rubee Notes | |
94 | 1 | India - NCC Masan Chula | |
94 | 2 | India - NCC Fallow Ground | |
94 | 3 | India - NCC Hari Dasi | |
94 | 4-5 | India -NCC Part I and II | |
94 | 6-7 | India - NCC | |
94 | 8 | Hookworm | |
94 | 9 | Literacy Comes to New Guinea | |
94 | 10 | Japan – Jacob and Esau | |
94 | 11 | Japan – In The Beginning | |
94 | 12 | Japan – Unforgiving Petin | |
94 | 13 | Japan - Juju and Shii | |
94 | 14 | Japan - Two Old Men | |
94 | 15 | Japan - Family | |
94 | 16 | Japan - Cartoon | |
94 | 17 | Japan - Christ and Art | |
94 | 18 | Japan - Just One Woman | |
94 | 19 | Japan - The Good Samaritan | |
94 | 20 | Japan - Mass Media Challenges in Changing Japan | |
94 | 21 | AVACO, 1966 | |
94 | 22 | AVACO, 1968 | |
94 | 23 | AVACO, 1969 | |
94 | 24 | AVACO Progress Report on the Ecumenical Church Center | |
94 | 25 | AVACO Highway is My Parish | |
94 | 26 | Korean Stewardship | |
94 | 27 | Mexico a Parable of Water | |
94 | 28 | CAVE | |
94 | 29 | La unión hace la fuerza | |
94 | 30 | historia de 3 billetes | |
94 | 31 | Escuela Para Todos by Jim Ross (ALFALIT), Nicaragua Classes for Everyone | |
94 | 32 | Clinic Day | |
94 | 33 | Caring for a Sick Child at Home | |
94 | 34 | ABES Pakistan “Children’s Immunization” | |
94 | 35 | Film Strip Afghanistan | |
94 | 36 | Nigeria - Using Audiovisuals | |
94 | 37 | Nigeria - Wet Mounting Techniques | |
94 | 38 | Nigeria - The Prodigal Son | |
94 | 39 | Zambia In Color and Glass | |
94 | 40 | Rhodesia - Life of Christ H. Beridze | |
94 | 41 | Africa - 2 Parables Charles Lord | |
95 | 1 | Philippines - Federation | |
95 | 2 | Philippines - RAVEMCCO “Love and Courtship and Marriage” | |
95 | 3 | Philippines - Four Parables of Jesus | |
95 | 4 | Philippines - NCC Offerings to God | |
95 | 5 | Philippines - The Story of Onesimus | |
95 | 6 | Philippines - Is Your Home Fun? | |
95 | 7 | Back to Life | |
95 | 8 | Cooperating with God for Better Living | |
95 | 9 | Unlimited Love | |
95 | 10 | Worship Through Offering | |
95 | 11 | Strength in Unity | |
95 | 12 | The Magic Loop | |
95 | 13 | Martin the Shoemaker | |
95 | 14 | The Gospel in Spain | |
95 | 15 | A Christmas Carol | |
95 | 16 | Holland nu sijt wellecome (Birth of Christ) | |
95 | 17-27 | 11 film canisters in Dutch “film strokenbureau der ned herv kerk” | |
95 | 28-39 | 12 film canisters in Finnish "svomen pyhakouluhdistys" | |
Subseries 2: Photographs, 1928-1979 | |||
96 | 1 | Jordan, 1955-1962 | |
96 | 2 | Jordan, 1959-1962 | |
96 | 3 | Jordan, 1963-1965 | |
96 | 4-5 | Jordan, 1955-1965 | |
96 | 6 | Jordan, 1959-1963 | |
96 | 7 | Jordan, 1959-1975 | |
96 | 8 | Jordan, children, 1962-1976 | |
96 | 9 | Jordan – Napalm victims, 1967 [Please note: contains graphic images] | |
96 | 10 | Jordan – frontier village, 1967 | |
96 | 11 | Jordan – refugees, 1967 | |
96 | 12 | Jordan – Marka camp and dairy farm, 1966-1967 | |
96 | 13 | Jordan, 1961-1964 | |
96 | 14 | Lebanon, 1956-1978 | |
96 | 15 | Lebanon – Jibrail Rural Fellowship Center, 1948-1956 | |
96 | 16 | Lebanon – Sidon Girls’ School, 1967 | |
96 | 17 | Palestine, 1954-1968 | |
96 | 18 | Palestine, 1958-1975 | |
97 | 1 | Palestine, 1949-1970 | |
97 | 2 | Palestine, 1956-1970 | |
97 | 3 | Palestine – refugee vocational training, 1958-1961 | |
97 | 4 | Palestine – refugee education, 1961-1969 | Digital |
97 | 5 | Palestine – West Bank goat project summary, 1975 | |
97 | 6 | Syria, 1947-1969 | |
97 | 7 | Iran – earthquake, 1962 | |
97 | 8-9 | Middle East, 1946-1975 | |
97 | 10 | Cyprus, 1969-1976 | |
97 | 11 | Turkey, 1966-1976 | |
97 | 12 | Turkey – Diyarbakir, 1978 | |
97 | 13 | Greece, 1959-1976 | |
97 | 14 | Greece, 1955-1962 | |
97 | 15 | Greece, 1956-1958 | |
97 | 16 | Greece, 1955-1958 | |
97 | 17 | Greece, 1953-1962 | |
98 | 1 | Greece – Macedonia program scrapbook, 1960s | |
98 | 2 | Greece – Mani project reports, 1969 | |
98 | 3 | Greece – Trechandiri boat yard photo album, 1960s | |
98 | 4 | Albania – refugees, 1960s | |
98 | 5 | Yugoslavia, 1956-1965 | |
98 | 6 | Yugoslavia, 1956-1965 | |
98 | 7 | Austria, Switzerland, 1959 | |
98 | 8 | Hungary, 1956-1959 | |
98 | 9 | Belgium, Holland, 1947-1957 | |
98 | 10 | Italy, 1953-1956 [includes reports] | |
98 | 11 | France - scrapbooks, 1955-1956 | |
98 | 12 | Germany, 1948-1953 | |
98 | 13 | India, 1952-1973 | |
98 | 14 | India, 1960s-1970s | |
98 | 15 | India – West Bengal, 1971 | |
98 | 16 | India – Action for Food Production, 1967 | |
98 | 17 | India – Action for Food Production, 1967 | |
99 | 1 | Pakistan, 1959-1970 | |
99 | 2 | Pakistan, 1959-1970 | |
99 | 3 | Pakistan, 1959-1970 | |
99 | 4 | Bangladesh, 1971-1972 | |
99 | 5 | Bangladesh, 1960-1975 | |
99 | 6 | Burma/Myanmar, 1950s-1960s | |
99 | 7 | China (scrapbooks, narrative stories), 1940-1947 [includes “True Stories of Refugees Typed by Refugee Workers”] | |
99 | 8 | Tibet, including Amdos, 1959-1966 | |
99 | 9 | Vietnam Christian Service, 1969-1971 | |
99 | 10 | Vietnam Christian Service, 1969-1971 | |
99 | 11 | Vietnam Christian Service, Quang Nai, 1969-1971 | |
99 | 12 | Vietnam, 1966-1971 | |
100 | 1 | Vietnam, 1966-1971 | |
100 | 2 | Vietnam, 1966-1971 | |
100 | 3 | Thailand, 1957-1971 | |
100 | 4 | Malaya, 1958 | |
100 | 5 | Indonesia, 1966-1975 | |
100 | 6 | Hong Kong, 1956-1962 | |
100 | 7 | Hong Kong, 1956-1962 | |
100 | 8 | Taiwan, 1960-1968 | |
100 | 9 | Philippines, 1948-1970 | |
100 | 10 | Japan – Okinawa, 1961 | |
100 | 11 | Japan, 1947-1959 | |
100 | 12 | Japan, 1956-1960 | |
100 | 13 | Korea, 1963 | |
101 | 1 | Korea, 1963 | |
101 | 2 | Korea – Dae Duk tideland reclamation, 1964 | |
101 | 3 | Korea, 1954-1962 | |
101 | 4 | Korea, 1953-1963 | |
102 | 1 | Madagascar, 1973-1975 | |
102 | 2 | Madagascar, 1973-1975 | |
102 | 3 | Tanzania, 1963-1964 | |
102 | 4 | Burundi, 1960s | |
102 | 5 | Kenya, 1957-1963 | |
102 | 6 | Botswana, 1965 | |
102 | 7 | Malawi, 1969-1970 | |
102 | 8 | Uganda, 1958-1963 | |
102 | 9 | Zimbabwe, 1960s | |
102 | 10 | Congo, 1960-1965 | |
102 | 11 | Niger, 1973 | |
102 | 12 | Nigeria/Biafra, 1963-1969 | |
102 | 13 | Ghana, 1960s | |
102 | 14 | Ghana – Harlan Slenger and African Art Tour, 1967 | |
102 | 15 | Gabon - unlabeled photograph of a child, 1960s | |
102 | 16 | Sudan, 1972-1976 | |
102 | 17 | Ethiopia, 1967-1972 | |
102 | 18 | Eritrea – Liberation army training, 1974 | |
102 | 19 | Egypt – Assiut, circa 1950 | |
102 | 20 | Tunisia, 1960-1962 | |
102 | 21 | Algeria, 1954-1962 | |
102 | 22 | Morocco – Agadir, 1960-1964 | |
102 | 23 | Sahel – drought, 1973-1974 | |
102 | 24 | Africa, 1960-1970 | |
102 | 25 | Africa - airplane wreckage and funeral album, 1960s | |
103 | 1 | Haiti - photo caption lists, 1966 and undated | |
103 | 2 | Haiti, 1963-1966 | Digital |
103 | 3 | Haiti, 1966-1976 | |
103 | 4 | Haiti – Hurricane Flora, 1963 | Digital |
103 | 5 | Haiti – disaster team, 1964 | Digital |
103 | 6 | Haiti, 1966-1969 | |
103 | 7 | Haiti – agricultural work (Fort Jacques), 1969-1979 | |
103 | 8 | Haiti, 1958-1968 | |
103 | 9 | Dominican Republic – Najaryo, 1972 | |
103 | 10 | Jamaica, 1960s | |
103 | 11 | Grenada, 1969 | |
103 | 12 | Cuba, 1959-1962 | |
103 | 13 | Honduras - Incateco cement workers' strike, 1970s | |
103 | 14 | Honduras, 1969-1976 | Digital |
103 | 15 | Guatemala, 1968-1976 | |
103 | 16 | Belize, 1969-1978 | |
103 | 17 | Nicaragua 1973-1974 | |
104 | 1 | Nicaragua, 1972-1973 | |
104 | 2 | Brazil, 1955-1972 | |
104 | 3 | Brazil – Pernambuca, Primaern, 1967 | |
104 | 4 | Brazil, 1961-1970 | |
104 | 5 | Brazil - Diakonia photo album, 1970s | |
104 | 6 | Peru - trip photo album, 1966 | |
104 | 7 | Peru, 1970-1971 | |
104 | 8 | Peru - Huarmey, stack-sack house construction, circa 1970 | |
104 | 9 | Peru - Potokas, 1967 | |
104 | 10 | Peru - Quechua self-help project, Huancavelica, 1967 | |
104 | 11 | Peru - Quechua bilingual school, 1968 | |
104 | 12 | Bolivia, 1973 | |
104 | 13 | Colombia, circa 1970 | |
104 | 14 | Chile, 1960-1971 | |
104 | 15 | Chile, 1960-1971 | |
104 | 16 | Chile – malnourished children, 1974 | |
116 | 2 | Cuba, 1959 [OVERSIZED] | |
104 | 17 | Latin America, 1960-1970 | |
105 | 1 | Agriculture, 1965-1977 | |
105 | 2 | Agricultural project report (Tyre, Lebanon), 1973 | |
105 | 3 | Heifer project, 1955 | |
105 | 4 | Education, 1956-1960 | |
105 | 5 | Annual reports photos and illustrations, 1966-1972 | |
105 | 6 | Share Our Substance, 1959-1964 | |
105 | 7 | Filmstrips, exhibits, films, 1963-1972 | |
105 | 8 | Medical work, 1928-1950 | |
105 | 9 | United Nations, 1951-1968 | |
105 | 10 | One Great Hour of Sharing, 1966-1971 | |
105 | 11 | Album “What’s the Difference," circa 1970 | |
105 | 12 | Album, circa 1955 | |
105 | 13-14 | Refugees, 1956-1973 [includes Ethiopian Child and Family Welfare Association newsletter] | |
105 | 15 | Children, 1950-1965 | |
106 | 1 | Children, 1950-1965 | |
106 | 2 | Promotion - Gregory Peck, Senator Bill Proxmire, 1950-1971 | |
106 | 3 | Promotion – shipments, displays, 1950-1971 | |
106 | 4 | Hunger program, 1950-1969 | |
106 | 5 | Hunger program, 1950-1969 | |
106 | 6 | Disasters, 1957-1962 | |
106 | 7 | United Clothing Appeal, 1956-1969 | |
106 | 8 | United Clothing Appeal, 1956-1969 | |
106 | 9 | United Clothing Appeal, 1957-1964 | |
106 | 10 | Fabric parcels for women in Vietnam, 1965 | |
106 | 11 | United Clothing Appeal News – Vietnam, 1965 | |
106 | 12 | United Clothing Appeal News, 1966 | |
106 | 13 | United States - Rapid City, SD flood, 1972 | |
106 | 14 | United States - Lancaster County, PA flood 1972 | |
106 | 15 | South Carolina - prison, 1973 | |
106 | 16 | South Carolina – expanded nutrition, 1973 | |
106 | 17 | Georgia – Tifton short course, Ag. Missions Inc. 1973 | |
106 | 18 | World Community Day, 1959-1960 | |
106 | 19 | Service projects for your church, 1960-1962 | |
107 | 1 | Published images, 1960s | |
107 | 2 | Movie stills – Travelin' Man, late 1960s | |
107 | 3 | Movie stills – need is my neighbor and neighbor is my name, 1969 | |
107 | 4 | Movie stills – bread is for laughter, 1969 | |
107 | 5 | Movie stills – between the dark and the daylight, 1969 | |
107 | 6 | Movie stills – the wanted child, 1968 | |
107 | 7 | Movie stills – wait a minute, 1966 | |
107 | 8 | Publicity stills – Africa looks to the future, 1968 | |
107 | 9 | Publicity stills - Part of Our Family Too, 1970 | |
107 | 10 | Publicity stills – rooted in love, circa 1968 | |
107 | 11 | OPRO at Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, 1970 | |
107 | 12 | Negatives used in news releases, 1963-1964 | |
107 | 13 | Artworks – Europe, 1950s | |
107 | 14 | Staff groups and events, 1948-1970 | |
107 | 15 | Staff portraits, 1948-1970 | |
107 | 16 | Gary Ambrose – Ryukyn Islands representative, 1967 | |
107 | 17 | Jeanne Armstrong – Malawi Project Utumiki administration, 1967 | |
107 | 18 | Horace Ballard – Ghana, agriculturist, 1968 | |
107 | 19 | Nash Basom – Malawi project director, circa 1968 | |
107 | 20 | Abner Batalden – Korea representative, circa 1968 | |
107 | 21 | Roger Beck – Greece, Mani project, circa 1965 | |
107 | 22 | George Bibler – Nigeria, medical, 1968 | |
107 | 23 | David Bower – Pakistan, circa 1965 | |
107 | 24 | Lorna Barber – Jordan, circa 1965 | |
107 | 25 | Ernest Campbell – Vietnam Christian Service, division, 1974 | |
107 | 26 | Michel Castet, 1972 | |
107 | 27 | Leonard Ching, circa 1965 | |
107 | 28 | Joe and Nancy Cruikshank – Taiwan, circa 1965 | |
107 | 29 | Leif O Dahl – Korea, 1967 | |
107 | 30 | Doris Dore – Vietnam Christian Service, circa 1970 | |
107 | 31 | Harry Dorman, 1966 | |
107 | 32 | Mr. and Mrs. Peter Downs – Vietnam Christian Service, 1972 | |
107 | 33 | James Dungan – Chile | |
107 | 34 | Aase – Margarethe Dybing – Vietnam Christian Service, 1968 | |
107 | 35 | Hugh D. Farley – executive director, 1964 | |
107 | 36 | John T. Friedrich – Indonesia, 1967 | |
107 | 37 | Noel Frohmacker – Peru, 1970 | |
107 | 38 | Elbert E. Gates Jr., 1959 | |
107 | 39 | Roger Getz – Vietnam Christian Service, 1971 | |
107 | 40 | Raymond Giles – Hong Kong, 1964 | |
107 | 41 | Charles S. Grant – Indonesia, 1963-1969 | |
107 | 42 | Philip Hanson – Brazil, 1971 | |
107 | 43 | William Harrup – Ryukyu, Okinawa, 1963 | |
107 | 44 | Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hemphill – Grenada, 1971 | |
107 | 45 | Sam Hope – Vietnam, personnel service, circa 1970 | |
107 | 46 | Gerald Horath – Poland, 1964 | |
107 | 47 | Frank Hutchinson, 1966 | |
107 | 48 | Jam Isaac, 1968 | |
107 | 49 | Lela Johnson – Vietnam Christian Service, 1971 | |
107 | 50 | John D. Metzler, 1964-1965 | |
107 | 51 | Robert C.L.S. Powell, 1970 | |
107 | 52 | Frederick Rex, 1966 | |
107 | 53 | J. Benton Rhoades, 1966-1971 | |
107 | 54 | Vern Rossman – Intermedia, 1971 | |
107 | 55 | John W Schauer, 1966 | |
107 | 56 | Perry Smith, 1972 | |
107 | 57 | Ellsworth Stanton, 1966 | |
107 | 58 | Eugene Stockwell, 1969-1973 | |
107 | 59 | Dwight Swartzendruber, 1971 | |
107 | 60 | W.F. Wiffler (Latin America Director), 1967-1971 | |
Subseries 3: Publications, 1954-2000 | |||
108 | 1 | Division of Foreign Missions (DFM) annual reports, 1954-1957 | |
108 | 2 | DFM annual reports, 1958-1962 | |
108 | 3 | DFM annual reports, 1963-1964 | |
108 | 4 | DFM annual reports, 1965-1969 | |
108 | 5 | Triennial report NCC, 1966-1969 | |
108 | 6 | DFM annual reports, 1970-1981 | |
108 | 7 | “The Times Were Very Full: A Perspective on the First 25 Years of the NCC" by Nathan H. Vanderwerf, 1975 | |
108 | 8 | CWS annual reports, 1958-1962 | |
108 | 9 | CWS annual reports, 1963-1968 | |
108 | 10 | CWS annual reports, 1969-1983 | |
109 | 1 | CWS annual reports, 1994-1998 | |
109 | 2 | Self-Development of People annual report, 1981 | |
109 | 3 | CWS miscellaneous publications, 1963-1980 | |
109 | 4 | CWS anniversaries, 1975-1998 | |
109 | 5 | World Hunger Fact Sheet, 1977-1979 | |
109 | 6 | “Connections” newsletter, 1984-1987 | |
109 | 7 | “Dateline” newsletter, 1980-1985 | |
109 | 8 | "The Digest" newsletter, 1984-1986 | |
109 | 9 | “Monday Developments” 1983-1985 | |
109 | 10 | “CWS Updates” and “DOM Notes," 1978-1983 | |
109 | 11 | One Great Hour of Sharing, 1981-1983, undated | |
109 | 12 | Peace with Justice Week, 1995-2000 | |
109 | 13 | Refugee sponsorships manuals, 1982-1987, undated | |
109 | 14 | Ecumenical dialogue guides - Christian-Muslim relations, 1983 and 1986 | |
109 | 15 | Country reports – Latin America, 1971-1983 | |
109 | 16 | Country reports – Africa, 1976-1988 | |
109 | 17 | Country reports - “Chernobyl: The Intangible Disaster Continues,” 1990 | |
110 | 1 | Country reports – Asia, 1966-1988 | |
110 | 2 | Agricultural missions' publications and "Hunger Manuscript," 1972, 1982-1986 | |
110 | 3 | Church responses to U.S. disasters, 1982 | |
110 | 4 | CROP, 1980 | |
110 | 5 | “Highways of Service” and miscellaneous brochures, 1977-1985, undated | |
110 | 6 | Case Studies of Development Programs, 1972-1982 | |
110 | 7 | Voluntary Service Organizations, 1988 | |
110 | 8 | Plans and reports, 1972-1988 | |
110 | 9 | Alabama tornadoes, 1974 | |
110 | 10-11 | Love Canal, 1978-1994 | |
110 | 12-13 | South Carolina “Hugo," 1989-1992 | |
110 | 14 | West Virginia, Texas, and Hawaii, 1977-1982 | |
110 | 15 | Round table, 1991 | |
111 | 1 | Accounting and disbursement procedures, 1997 | |
111 | 2 | Assessment meetings (Phase 1), 1996-1997 | |
111 | 3 | Assessment reports (Phase II), 1997-1998 | |
111 | 4 | Christmas in April work camps, 1996-1997 | |
111 | 5 | Church file – Avenue “M” Church of God in Christ, 1998 | Digital |
111 | 6 | Church file – Bethel Lutheran, ELCA (Plano, Texas), 1998 | |
111 | 7 | Church file – Christ Church St. James, BME (Toronto, Ontario), 1998 | |
111 | 8 | Church file – Last Call Ministry (Harvey, IL), 1996-1998 | |
111 | 9 | Church file – New Hope Baptist Church project manual, 1996 | |
116 | 3 | Church file – New Hope Baptist Church blueprints [OVERSIZED] | |
111 | 10 | Church file – 2nd Baptist (Colombus, IN), 1998 | |
111 | 11 | Church file – United Methodist volunteers in mission, 1996-1997 | |
111 | 12-13 | Church data (printed database sheets), 1997 | |
111 | 14 | Conference – Church Rebuilding (Birmingham, Alabama), 1996 | |
111 | 15 | Conference – “Out of Ashes," 1997 | |
111 | 16 | Conference - Emergency Conference on Racism (Columbia, South Carolina), 1996-1997 | Digital |
111 | 17 | Conference – The Congress of National Black Churches (Church Rebuilding and Arson Prevention Program), 1998 | |
111 | 18 | Conference – National Church Burning Status, 1998 | |
111 | 19 | Correspondence, 1996-1997 Summer [includes newsletters and reports] | |
112 | 1 | Correspondence, 1997 Fall [includes newsletters and reports] | |
112 | 2 | Correspondence – Charlie Means lawsuit, 1997 | |
112 | 3 | Correspondence – Church Rebuilding Partners, 1997 | |
112 | 4 | Correspondence – damaged church lists, 1998 | |
112 | 5 | Grants Committee proposal summaries, 1996 | |
112 | 6 | Grant meetings #1-3, 1996-1997 | |
112 | 7 | Grant meetings #4, 1997-1998 | |
112 | 8 | Grant meetings #5, 1998 | |
112 | 9 | Initial assessment forms and guidelines, 1996-1998 | |
112 | 10 | Management staff retreat, 1998 | |
112 | 11 | News clippings, reports, publications, 1996-1998 | Digital |
112 | 12 | Videocassette: From the Ashes - The Burned churches Project | |
112 | 13 | Videocassette: Tried by Fire - St Stephens C.O.G.I.C. (George D. McKinney Jr.) | |
112 | 14 | Videocassette: International Paper Rebuilding Church in Proctor, AR news clip (Ch. 5 NBC), 1997 April 19 | |
112 | 15 | Proposal: Rebuilding Burned Churches academic study, 1997 | |
112 | 16 | Proposal: Burned Churches Disaster Response, 1998 | |
112 | 17 | Questionnaire mailed to pastors, 1998 | |
112 | 18 | Site visits, 1996 | |
112 | 19 | Site visit - trip to Birmingham, 1998 May | |
113 | 1 | Speaking engagements and outreach programs, 1997-1998 | |
113 | 2 | Statistics, 1996-1998 | |
113 | 3 | Statistics - community forum remarks, 1998 | |
113 | 4-5 | Volunteer data (printed database sheets), 1996-1997 | |
Subject Files | |||
113 | 6 | Congress of National Black Churches, 1994-1998 | |
113 | 7 | Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1996 | |
113 | 8 | Executive Steering Committee of Volunteer Organizations, 1996 | |
113 | 9 | FBI list, 1996 | |
113 | 10 | Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1996 | |
113 | 11 | GE Capital Mobile Offices, 1996 | |
113 | 12 | Habitat for Humanity, 1996-1997 | |
113 | 13 | Housing and Urban Development Loan Program, 1996-1997 | |
113 | 14 | Interfaith Rebuilding Project, 1997-1998 | |
113 | 15 | National Arson Prevention Initiative, 1993-1996 | |
113 | 16 | South Carolina Burned Church Restoration Coalition, 1994-1997 | |
113 | 17 | State of Alabama, 1996 | |
113 | 18 | State of Indiana, 1997-1998 | |
113 | 19 | State of Tennessee Governor's Task Force on Arson in Places of Worship, 1996 | |
113 | 20 | United States Fire Administration, 1988-1993 | |
114 | 1 | Disarmament and Development (D&D) - bibliographies, 1980 | |
114 | 2 | D&D – briefings, 1980-1983 | |
114 | 3 | D&D – conference, 1987 | |
114 | 4 | D&D – conference, 1988 | |
114 | 5 | D&D – conversion of U.S. bases in the Philippines, 1986-1987 | |
114 | 6 | D&D – hunger and militarism study, 1984 | |
114 | 7 | D&D – international debt crisis, 1987 | |
114 | 8 | D&D – international economic conversion conference, 1983-1987 | |
114 | 9 | D&D – making D&D an NCC programmatic concern, 1987 | |
114 | 10 | D&D – Melman video project, 1983-1986 | |
114 | 11 | D&D – militarization and development study, 1977-1988 | |
114 | 12 | D&D – military spending, 1976-1985 | |
114 | 13 | D&D – military spending, 1981-1986 | |
114 | 14 | D&D – military employment costs, 1985-1987 | |
114 | 15 | D&D – press clips, 1988 | |
114 | 16 | D&D – United Nations information materials on disarmament, 1981-1986 | |
114 | 17 | D&D – United Nations information materials on disarmament, 1978-1987 | |
114 | 18 | D&D – views from the United States, atomic scientists, and the right, 1981-1987 | |
114 | 19 | D&D – working papers, 1977-1987 | |
115 | 1 | Militarization- ABM treaty, 1987 | |
115 | 2 | Militarization – arms control treaties, 1972-1988 | |
115 | 3 | Militarization – Asia, 1982-1988 | |
115 | 4 | Militarization - East Asia relations with the United States, 1982-1988 | |
115 | 5 | Militarization – East Asia and the Pacific, 1980-1984 | |
115 | 6 | Militarization – military accidents and the global community, 1986-1987 | |
115 | 7 | Militarization – National Security Doctrine Bill Wipfler transcript, undated | |
115 | 8 | Militarization – NATO, 1986-1987 | |
115 | 9 | Militarization - naval nuclear weapons, 1988 | |
115 | 10 | Militarization – non-nuclear missiles, 1987 | |
115 | 11 | Militarization – nuclear proliferation, 1985 | |
115 | 12 | Militarization – nuclear testing, 1987 | |
115 | 13 | Militarization – SDI notes, 1986 | |
115 | 14 | Militarization – the Soviet Threat, 1987 | |
115 | 15 | Militarization – women and militarization, 1983-1986 | |
115 | 16 | News clippings - Bangladesh, 1987 | |
115 | 17 | News clippings - Belau, 1987 | |
115 | 18 | News clippings - Brunei, 1987 | |
115 | 19 | News clippings - Burma, 1987 | |
115 | 20 | News clippings - China, 1987 | |
115 | 21 | News clippings - East Timor, 1975-1987 | |
115 | 22 | News clippings - Fiji, 1987 | |
115 | 23 | News clippings - India, 1987 | |
115 | 24 | News clippings - Indochina, 1987 | |
115 | 25 | News clippings - Indonesia, 1987 | |
115 | 26 | News clippings - International Security, 1988 | |
115 | 27 | News clippings - Japan, 1987 | |
115 | 28 | News clippings - Cambodia, 1987 | |
115 | 29 | News clippings - Korea, 1987 | |
115 | 30 | News clippings - Malaysia, 1987 | |
115 | 31 | News clippings - Micronesia, 1987 | |
115 | 32 | News clippings - New Caledonia, 1987 | |
115 | 33 | News clippings - Pakistan, 1987 | |
115 | 34 | News clippings - Philippines, 1987 | |
115 | 35 | News clippings - Singapore, 1987 | |
115 | 36 | News clippings - Soviet Union, 1987-1988 | |
115 | 37 | News clippings - Sri Lanka, 1987 | |
115 | 38 | News clippings - Taiwan, 1987 | |
115 | 39 | News clippings - Thailand, 1987 | |
115 | 40 | News clippings - Tibet, 1987 | |