Guide to the Jerry Andrews Papers
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Jerry Andrews, a pastor in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), was born in Detroit, Michigan on January 19, 1953. He received a Bachelor of Arts from William Tyndale College, a Master of Divinity from the Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, a Master of Theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, a Master of Arts from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Chicago.
After his ordination in the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., Andrews served as pastor at the Mill Creek Presbyterian Church (Hookstown, PA) from 1978 to 1986. He then served as interim pastor for three churches in Chicago before becoming the senior pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn, IL in 1992. In 2009, Andrews left Glen Ellyn and became the senior pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of San Diego.
During his seventeen years at the First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn, Jerry Andrews was a leader within the Presbytery of Chicago and the PC(USA). In 2001, he served as co-moderator for the Peace, Unity, Purity Task Force of the Chicago Presbytery and as moderator of the PC(USA) General Assembly Theological Issues and Educational Institutions Committee. He was a commissioner to the PC(USA) General Assembly in 2001 and 2010.
Andrews also moderated two conservative Presbyterian groups: the Genevans and the Presbyterian Coalition. The Genevans were organized in the mid-1990s as an open fellowship devoted to reforming the PC(USA) through information and education. The Genevans held meetings across the country to provide Presbyterians with resources on current issues facing the church, including the debate over homosexuality and ordination. Andrews was the moderator for the Genevans from 1996 to 1999.
In 1999, Andrews accepted the role of moderator for the Presbyterian Coalition. The Presbyterian Coalition was created in 1993 to present a united witness on theological issues, focused on maintaining ordination standards. From 1996 to 1998, the Coalition successfully campaigned for the adoption of Amendment B, known as the “fidelity-chastity” amendment, and for the defeat of Amendment A, the “fidelity-integrity” amendment. Andrews conversed with leaders of the Covenant Network following the defeat of Amendment A in 1998 to organize meetings of Presbyterians on both sides of the debate over homosexuality and ordination. Andrews hosted two meetings at his church in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.
Andrews served as moderator of the Coalition from 1999 to 2001, and from 2004 to 2011. In 2017, the Coalition transferred all assets to The Fellowship Community (TFC) and Andrews accepted the position of TFC president.
Correspondence, minutes, publications, and subject files document Jerry Andrews' service to the PC(USA), the Presbytery of Chicago, the Genevans, and the Presbyterian Coalition.
The collection is divided into five series: The Genevans, 1994-2003; The Presbyterian Coalition, 1996-2010; Chicago Presbytery and PC(USA) Committees, 1994-2008; Homosexuality Resources, 1977-2014; and Audio-visual Recordings, 1996-2012.
The Genevans series, 1994-2003, contains correspondence and meeting minutes documenting Jerry Andrews' work with the Genevans. Included in this series are planning notes and correspondence related to the General Assemblies that the Genevans attended and the information sessions that the organization held to brief assembly commissioners.
The Presbyterian Coalition series, 1996-2010, consists of three subseries documenting Andrews' work with the Presbyterian Coalition. The Administrative Files subseries contains correspondence, meeting minutes, mailing lists, and preliminary meeting notebooks which contain agendas, membership lists, minutes from past meetings, and task force reports. Digital files (text, images, spreadsheets, and webpages) were extracted from a DVD copy of a 2006 board meeting notebook. Also included are two folders from joint meetings that the Coalition held with other renewal groups in the PC(USA), including Presbyterians for Renewal, Presbyterians Pro-life, and the Lay Committee.
The Subject Files subseries contains Andrews' files on the various organizations and issues that the Coalition dealt with, including material on the debate over homosexuality and ordination. The files include correspondence, press releases, and publications. There are two folders that contain proposals for reforming the church created by renewal groups in the PC(USA). Also included are two folders related to the Coalition’s advocacy to reject Amendment A in 1998 and again in 2001. In 1998, Amendment A proposed to strike “fidelity and chastity” from the church’s ordination standards. In 2001, the amendment proposed to give presbyteries the power to make their own decisions regarding all aspects of ordination.
The Gathering of Presbyterians and Y’all Come Meetings subseries consists of material from the annual Gathering of Presbyterians sponsored by the Coalition. Included in this subseries are correspondence and meeting notes from the gathering planning teams and packets of resource materials that were sent to attendees. The packets contain copies of General Assembly reports and statements on current issues facing the PC(USA). For videotapes of Gathering III, IV, and VI see the Audio-visual Recordings series, subseries 1.
Also included in this subseries are planning correspondence and notes from Y’all Come meetings. These were open meetings held by the Coalition following General Assemblies, centered on assessing assembly actions and possible responses.
The Chicago Presbytery and PC(USA) Committees series, 1994-2008, consists of material related to Andrews' work with the Presbytery of Chicago and the PC(USA). Included in this series is correspondence regarding the Presbytery of Chicago’s campaign to pass Amendment B and collected resources from the presbytery's homosexuality task force. There are also two folders related to the Peace, Unity, Purity Task Force of the Chicago Presbytery which studied the work of the PC(USA) General Assembly Theological Committee on the Peace, Unity, and Purity of the Church.
The series also contains material from Andrews' role as moderator for the General Assembly Committee on Theological Issues and Educational Institutions and correspondence from his time spent as a commissioner to the General Assembly.
The Homosexuality Resources series, 1977-2014, consists of reference files containing publications, essays, and presentations that Andrews collected during his ministry. Included in this series are four folders of articles on homosexuality and Christianity; reports from task forces in the UPCUSA and the PC(USA); overtures to the General Assembly on homosexuality and ordination; and compiled scriptural passages.
The Audio-visual Recordings series, 1996-2012, is organized into two subseries. The Gathering of Presbyterians subseries contains videotapes from three gatherings organized by the Coalition, including addresses given by Andrews and panel discussions. See the Presbyterian Coalition series, subseries 3 for related material.
The Homosexuality and Ordination subseries consists of videotapes, DVDs, and audio-cassettes related to debates over homosexuality and the church. Included in this subseries are videotapes of conferences on the church and homosexuality, presentations to the PC(USA) General Assembly committee on ordination standards, and roundtable discussions on homosexuality. The videotapes "In the Midst of God's Yes, Is There a No? Shall We Ordain Practicing Homosexuals" and "A Faithful Vote: No on Amendment A" have been digitized.
The collection is arranged as follows:
Digital material has been integrated into the arrangment. Original folder structure was kept.
To browse this collection's digital content visit Pearl.
Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not be available on Pearl or in their entirety.
Digital access copies are available for some folders by request (see the Collection Inventory section of this guide).
The Presbyterian Historical Society holds additional resources related to this collection:
Audio of an oral history interview with Jerry Andrews, 2017 (accession number 17-0902) is available in Pearl.
Laird J. Stuart Papers, 1996-2016, .50 cubic feet (RG 513). These records contain additional material on the ordination debate groups organized by leaders in the Presbyterian Coalition and the Covenant Network.
Jack Haberer Papers, 1983-2013, 3.00 cubic feet (RG 511). These records contain additional material on the Presbyterian Coalition.
Received from Jerry Andrews in 2018.
Collection processed and guide prepared in 2018 by Elizabeth Wittrig, Pam Byers Memorial Fund Project Archivist, as part of the Pam Byers Memorial Collection.
Directory lists of the original and processed file structure and file names for born-digital content are available upon request.
Jerry Andrews Papers, RG 514, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box | Folder | Description | Alternative Formats |
SERIES I: THE GENEVANS, 1994-2003 | |||
1 | 1 | Correspondence, 1996-2003 | |
1 | 2 | Financial transactions, 1996-1997 | |
1 | 3 | General Assembly work, 1994-1998 | |
1 | 4 | General Assembly work, analysis papers on homosexuality and ordination, 1995 | |
1 | 5 | General Assembly work, orientations and briefings for commissioners, 1996-1997 | |
1 | 6 | Mass mailings and mailing list, 1999 and undated | |
1 | 7 | Membership forms, 1999 | |
1 | 8 | Newsletters, 1996-1999 | |
1 | 9 | Steering committee meeting minutes, 1995-1999 | |
Subseries 1: Administrative Files, 1998-2009 | |||
1 | 10 | Board directory, by-laws, and job descriptions, 1998-1999 and undated | |
1 | 11 | Board meeting minutes, 1999-2001 | |
1 | 12 | Board meeting notebook, 2001-2002 | |
1 | 13 | Board meeting minutes [includes revised by-laws], 2003-2004 | |
1 | 14 | Board meeting minutes, 2005 | |
1 | 15 | Board meeting notebook [includes DVD copy of notebook], 2006 | Digital* |
1 | 16 | Board meeting notebook, 2008-2009 | |
1 | 17 | Correspondence [includes correspondence with the Covenant Network], 1999-2001 | |
1 | 18 | Finances, request for support from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 2005 | |
1 | 19 | General Assembly activities, 1999-2000 | |
1 | 20 | Joint Renewal gathering, meeting minutes and correspondence, 2000 | |
1 | 21 | Joint Renewal pre-General Assembly meeting notebook, 2008 | |
1 | 22 | Mailing list, 1999 | |
Subseries 2: Subject Files, 1997-2008 | |||
1 | 23-24 | Amendment A, 1997-1998 | |
1 | 25 | Amendment A, 2001-2002 | |
1 | 26 | Coalition publications [includes "Declaration and Strategy Paper," 1998], 1999-2000 | |
1 | 27 | Confessing Church Movement, 2000-2001 | |
1 | 28 | Covenant Consultations, 2003-2004 | |
1 | 29 | Covenant Network, 1999-2001 | |
1 | 30 | National Network of Presbyterian College Women (NNPCW), 1998-1999 | |
2 | 1 | New Wineskins Initiative, 2006 and undated | |
2 | 2 | Ordination and sexuality, 1999-2007 | |
2 | 3 | Pastors Renewal Network, 1994-2000 | |
2 | 4 | Plans for reformation in the PC(USA), 2001-2007 | |
2 | 5 | Reformed/Reforming Fellowship [includes additional plans for reformation in the PC(USA)], 1998-2007 | |
2 | 6 | Tall Steeple churches, 2002-2008 | |
Subseries 3: Gathering of Presbyterians and Y'all Come Meetings, 1996-2010 | |||
2 | 7 | Gathering I (Chicago, IL), planning team correspondence, 1996 | |
2 | 8 | Gathering I (Chicago, IL), resource materials, 1996 | |
2 | 9 | Gathering II (Dallas, TX), planning team correspondence, 1997 | |
2 | 10 | Gathering II (Dallas, TX), resource materials, 1997 | |
2 | 11 | Gathering III (Dallas, TX), planning team correspondence, 1998 | |
2 | 12 | Gathering IV (Dallas, TX), planning team correspondence, 1999 | |
2 | 13 | Gathering IV (Dallas, TX), "Future of the Church," 1998-1999 | |
2 | 14 | Gathering V (Indianapolis, IN), planning team correspondence, 2000 | |
2 | 15 | Gathering VI (Orlando, FL), planning team correspondence, 2001 | |
2 | 16 | Gathering IX (Orlando, FL), planning team correspondence, 2005 | |
2 | 17 | Gathering X (Houston, TX), resource materials, 2007 | |
2 | 18 | Gathering XI (Newport, CA), schedule, 2008 | |
2 | 19 | Y'all Come meeting (Denver, CO), 2001 | |
2 | 20 | Y'all Come meeting (Chicago, IL), 2004 | |
2 | 21 | Y'all Come meeting (Chicago, IL), 2010 | |
2 | 22 | Chicago Presbytery, Amendment B correspondence and strategy, 1996 | |
2 | 23 | Chicago Presbytery, Homosexuality task force, 1994-1995 | |
2 | 24 | Chicago Presbytery, Peace, Unity, Purity task force, 2005-2008 | |
3 | 1 | Chicago Presbytery, Peace, Unity, Purity task force, 2005-2008 | |
3 | 2-3 | PC(USA) General Assembly Committee on Theological Issues and Educational Institutions, 2001 | |
3 | 4 | PC(USA) General Assembly correspondence with commissioners, 2001 | |
3 | 5-8 | Articles on homosexuality, 1978-2012 | |
3 | 9 | “Amendment O Resources” by Presbyterians Together, 2000 | |
3 | 10 | “An Annotated List of the Actions of the General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church Regarding Human Sexuality (from 1970-2003)” by Robert Dooling, undated | |
3 | 11 | “Christian Marriage in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.): A Six Week Study,” Office of Theology and Worship, 2013 | |
3 | 12 | “Congregational Statements of Dissent and Non-Compliance, PC(USA), G-6.01106.b,” circa 2001 | |
3 | 13 | Homophobia Consultation articles, 1984-1985 | |
3 | 14 | “OneByOne Pastoral Care Guide,” OnebyOne, Inc., 1999 | |
3 | 15 | Other reformed denominations summary information on beliefs and polity, 1999-2001, undated | |
3 | 16 | Overtures to the General Assembly regarding homosexuality, 1995-2001 | |
3 | 17 | “Pastoring LGBT Persons: Position Paper," Vineyard USA, 2014 | |
4 | 1 | “Presbyterians and Human Sexuality: PC(USA) General Assembly Response to the Report of the Special Committee on Human Sexuality," 1991 | |
4 | 2 | “Resoures for the Debate on Amendment B,” The Presbyterian Renewal Network, 2008-2009 | |
4 | 3 | Scriptural passages on homosexuality, 1993-2000 | |
4 | 4 | “A Survey and Analysis of Evangelical Views on Changing Homosexuality” by John Fawcett, Wheaton College Graduate School, November 2001 | |
4 | 5 | UPCUSA General Assembly Blue Book, 1978 | |
4 | 6 | UPCUSA Task Force to Study Homosexuality, study packets and final report, 1977-1978 | |
4 | 7 | “What We Wish We Had Known, Breaking the Silence Moving Toward Understanding: A Resource for Individuals and Families,” First Tuesday group, the Presbyterian Church (Mt. Kisco, New York), 2000 | |
4 | 8 | William Stacy Johnson (Associate Professor of Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary) lectures on same-gender relationships, 2006-2008 | |
Subseries 1: Gathering of Presbyterians, 1998-2001 | |||
5 | 1 | Videotape: Gathering III, 1998 | |
5 | 2-9 | Videotapes: Gathering IV, 1999 Sept.-Oct. | |
5 | 10-14 | Videotapes: Gathering V, 2001 Oct. | |
6 | 1 | Videotape: Gathering V, 2001 Oct. | |
Subseries 2: Homosexuality and Ordination, 1996-2012 | |||
6 | 2 | Audio-cassette: Love Invites Confession, 1996 March 3 | |
6 | 3 | Audio-cassette: "What Would Jesus do Regarding PC(USA) and Homosexuality" by Alan Medinger, published by OneByOne, 1998 | |
6 | 4 | Videotape: "Amendment A - Church in Tension with Culture," United Presbyterian Church of Manoa, 1998 January 11 | |
6 | 5-8 | Videotapes: Conference on Human Sexuality: Focusing on Homosexuality and Ordination, sponsored by the Presbytery of San Fernando, undated | |
6 | 9-10 | Videotapes: The Conference on the Role of the Constitution in the Life of the Church, Columbia Theological Seminary, April 26, 2002 | |
6 | 11 | Videotape: "The Confessing Church Movement," produced by the Presbyterian Coalition, 2001 | |
6 | 12 | Videotape: "A Faithful Vote: No on Amendment A," produced by Presbyterians for Renewal in cooperation with The Presbyterian Coalition, 2001 | Digital |
6 | 13 | Videotape: "In the Midst of God's Yes, Is There a No? Shall We Ordain Practicing Homosexuals," prepared by the Presbytery of Chicago, produced by Tim Cramer, undated | Digital* |
6 | 14 | Videotape: "LET'S TALK: Presbyterian Perspectives on Homosexuality," undated | |
6 | 15 | Videotape: Overture Advocates' Presentation to the Committee on Ordination Standards, 213th General Assembly, 2001 June | |
6 | 16 | DVD: "Is Marriage Worth Defending?" Alan Wisdom presentation at National Presbyterian Church (Washington DC), produced by Theology Matters, 2010 May 2 | |
6 | 17 | DVD: "What's the Big Deal About Marriage? Reclaiming God's Plan for Men and Women," Alan Wisdom seminar at Elfinwild Presbyterian Church (Glenshaw, PA), prodcued by Theology Matters, 2012 Oct. 5-6 |