Guide to the Beatty Family Papers
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Charles Clinton Beatty was born in Ireland, between 1712 and 1715. He left for America in 1729 and matriculated at the Log College in Neshaminy, Pennsylvania Colony. He succeeded William Tennent as pastor of the Neshaminy Church and was ordained around 1743. In 1754, the Synod of New York appointed Charles to travel as a missionary to North Carolina and Virginia. In 1756, he was chaplain on an expedition headed by Benjamin Franklin during the French and Indian War in the Lehigh River area of the Pennsylvania Colony. Additionally, the Synod of New York approved Charles’s commission as chaplain to the First Battalion of the Pennsylvania Regiment in western Pennsylvania in 1758.
In 1759, Charles was elected as a member to the Corporation for the Relief of Poor and Distressed Presbyterian Ministers and of the Poor and Distressed Widows and Children of Presbyterian Ministers. The Corporation selected him to travel to England, Ireland, and Scotland to raise funds. In communications sent to prospective donors, the Corporation conveyed their intention to support and minister to “our Frontier Inhabitants ... As the Frontier Counties of Pennsylvania and Virginia were mostly settled by people of our Denomination.”1 This refers to white Presbyterian frontier colonizers who had encroached on Indigenous lands before and during the French and Indian War. Charles raised close to 4,000 pounds for the Corporation during his time in Great Britain, with the money to be used for the Corporation’s evangelistic work.
The Corporation and the Synod of New York and Philadelphia planned for Charles and John Brainerd to embark on a missionary trip to the frontier of the Pennsylvania Colony and Ohio Country in 1763. The Synod asked them to preach to the white frontier colonizers and to “report their distresses, and to let us know where new congregations are a forming, and what is necessary to be done to promote the spread of the gospel among them, and that they inform us what opportunities there may be of preaching the gospel to the Indian nations in their neighbourhood.”2 The trip was postponed with the onset of Pontiac’s War. Instead, Charles and George Duffield (Brainerd’s replacement) set off on their assignment on August 12, 1766, with Charles recording the trip in a journal. Joseph Peepy, a Lenape guide and translator, traveled with the party. Joseph had earlier converted to Christianity and had been a member of John Brainerd’s congregation. Joseph's services as a translator were used by other preachers who entered the Ohio Valley. His Indigenous name has elsewhere been recorded as Weholelahund.3 Starting in Chester County (Pennsylvania Colony), the party traveled through Lancaster County and Cumberland County to eventually reach Fort Pitt.
Once at Fort Pitt, the party planned to travel to “Keghalampegha” (Newcomerstown), the principal town of the Lenape peoples. They passed by “Maughwawame” (Logstown) and stayed the night in “Tuskatawa” (Tuscarawas), where they were hosted by “Opamaheghon” (Oppohwhyeckun), a Lenape leader. The party arrived at Newcomerstown on September 18 and requested a meeting with the Lenape sachem and spiritual leader “Netatwhelman” (Netawatwees).
Charles describes his time and the party’s actions in Newcomerstown, the locale itself, and the Lenape people in his journal. He records that Netawatwees granted the ministerial party an audience with the Lenape leaders. The party delivered a prepared speech, stating that “ther Fathers ye English con[c]erned for them & pitying thir Ignorant condition sent now two Ministrs to ask them whether they would Embrace to gospel that they might see clearly as we do & that the Evil Spirit might not tempt them any more to what is wrong.”4 The party asked if they would be allowed to preach the Gospel and to return to do more evangelizing in the future. After some discussions, Lenape leaders allowed the ministers to preach on September 21. After the ministers preached on September 21, Neolin, a Lenni Lenape prophet, visited the party that evening and discussed his visions. On September 22, the party read to Lenape leaders a letter from John Gibson which called for the release of Betsey Henry, a prisoner of the Lenape. Lenape leaders delivered a statement to the party, asking that white frontier colonizers no longer sell rum to the Lenape peoples nor pay Lenape women alcohol for sex.5 The Lenape leaders then told the party of other Indigenous peoples and settlements in the region. The ministers preached again on September 23, then the party departed on September 24.
During the return trip, the party encountered Shingas, the brother of Tamaqua (King Beaver) at Beaver Creek on September 27.
Charles published his 1766 journal in 1768. In 1772, he traveled to Barbados in the West Indies on another fundraising trip, this time for the College of New Jersey (later Princeton University) where he was a trustee. He and James Witherspoon, son of John Witherspoon, were to meet with wealthy plantation owners and slaveholders to seek donations and encourage the planters’ sons to attend the College of New Jersey. Charles died in Barbados of yellow fever during that trip on August 13.6
In 1746, Charles married Anne (Ann) Reading, daughter of the president of the Council of New Jersey. They had ten children. John Beatty, the eldest son, was born in 1749. He became a doctor, setting up his first practice in Hartsville, Pennsylvania in 1772. He volunteered for the Continental Army in 1776, was captured in the battle of Fort Washington, and was not exchanged until 1778. He was then appointed commissary general of prisoners and promoted to the rank of colonel. After the war, John settled near Princeton, New Jersey. He served as a delegate to the Continental Congress from 1784 to 1785 and as a member of the Third Congress of the United States from 1793 to 1795. John was absent from Congress during a vote of Thomas Jefferson’s 1784 proposed ban on slavery in all future territories. Jefferson said that John’s absence affected the outcome of the vote, with New Jersey not being able to submit its vote. This led to the proposal failing. John was Secretary of State of New Jersey from 1795 to 1805. He was also a slaveholder of an enslaved woman (Dinah or Diana) and her two sons Henry Hanibal and Charles Henry.7 John died on May 30, 1826.
William Pitt Beatty, Charles Clinton and Anne (Ann) Beatty’s youngest son, was born on March 31, 1766. In the 1780s, William worked as a tailor in Philadelphia and Neshaminy. In the 1790s, he held various clerkships with Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Schuylkill Canal. He also had a mercantile business and opened stores in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. In November 1799, he married Eleanor Polk. Their children were: Anne (Ann) Reading, Charles Clinton, George, Esther, and Erkuries. During his career, William worked in local government in Pennsylvania and in the private sector for companies like the York and Susquehanna Turnpike Co. The family eventually moved to South Carolina in 1811 after William accepted a job at the Columbia Bridge Company. Throughout his life, William was an active Presbyterian. He was a ruling elder at his church in Columbia, South Carolina, represented his church at presbytery and synod meetings, and attended general assemblies. He died in Philadelphia in July 1848.
George Beatty, the son of William Pitt and Eleanor Beatty and the grandchild of Charles Clinton and Anne (Ann) Beatty, was born on November 22, 1802. George attended West Nottingham Academy in 1817. After briefly pursuing a career in medicine, he held various secretarial jobs in the transportation construction industries, including secretary to the superintendent of the Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad. In the late 1830s, he was the acting clerk of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs for the Northwest. In 1840, George participated as a conductor in one of the U.S. Army’s forced removals of the Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) people from their land to the West side of the Mississippi. He married Eliza Salter Ansley on November 30, 1842. They moved to New York for George to work in real estate and in the lumber industry. He became proprietor and editor of “Niles National Register” in 1848. In the 1850s, he took charge of the construction of a railway from Lake Ontario to Lake Huron. In 1863, he and Eliza settled in Philadelphia where he eventually died in 1888.
Bibliography/Works Cited
1. Corporation for Relief of Poor and Distressed Presbyterian Ministers, and of the Poor and Distressed Widows and Children of Presbyterian Ministers Minutes, 1759-1797. Pages 17-18. Accession number 93 0208f. Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS).
2. Synod of New York and Philadelphia Minutes, 1758-1788. Page 385. Call number VAULTFOLIO BX 8951 .A3 1758-, 1788. PHS.
3. Soderlund, Jean R. “Lenape country : Delaware Valley society before William Penn” (Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015), page 191.
4. Beatty, Charles and Guy S. Klett (editor). “Journals of Charles Beatty.” Page 61, journal entry Saturday September 20, 1766. Call number BX 9225 .B458 A3 1963. PHS.
5. Ibid. Pages 66-67, journal entry Monday September 22, 1766.
6. Mack, Jessica R. “Princeton in the West Indies,” Princeton & Slavery Project, accessed 18 February 2025,
7. Hunterdon County, Clerk’s Office, Birth Certificates of Children of Slaves, 1804-1835. Accession number 1977.013. Series number CHNCL004. New Jersey Department of State, New Jersey State Archives.
Record Group 293 contains the papers of three generations of the Beatty family. Materials include correspondence, diaries/journals, and genealogical notes.
The Charles Clinton Beatty series, 1766-1769, includes two original journals created and kept by Charles. The 1766 journal documents his missionary trip to the Pennsylvania Colony frontier and the Ohio Country. The 1769 journal documents his time in England. Also included is a transcript (typescript copy) of the 1766 journal.
Indigenous individuals mentioned in the 1766 journal include [please note: this list may not be exhaustive]:
Capt Jacob the Indian
-Diary date entry: 27 SATURDAY [September]
Delawere Jack
-Diary date entry: SEP. 2D. TUESDAY
Joseph Peepy/Peepee (sometimes referred to just as the Interpreter)
-Diary date entries: AUGT. 12TH. 1766; MONDAY 25 [August]; 19 FRIDAY [September]; 21 SABBATH [September]; 22 MONDAY [September]
-Diary date entry: 22 MONDAY [September]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: Philip compas
King Beavers brother
-Diary date entry: 27 SATURDAY [September]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: Shingas
Negh kaw leegh hung
-Diary date entry: 22 MONDAY [September]
-Diary date entries: 21 SABBATH [September]; 22 MONDAY [September]; 23 TUESDAY [September]; 24 WEDENSDAY [September]
-Diary date entries: 21 THURSDAY [August]; 18 THURSDAY [September]; 19 FRIDAY [September]; 21 SABBATH [September]; 22 MONDAY [September]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: Netawatwees, Nettautwaleman, Newcomer; referred to as the “King or Headman of the Delaware Nation,” 21 THURSDAY [August])
-Diary date entry: 17 WEDENSDAY [September]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: Opamaheghon, Oppohwhyeckun
Unnamed first Indian preacher
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]
-Diary date entries: 19 FRIDAY [September]; 21 SABBATH [September]; 22 MONDAY [September]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: Samll, Saml., Samuel
Tuhnye Bawla we hand
-Diary date entry: 22 MONDAY [September]
White Eyes/Captain White Eyes
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: Quequedegatha, Koguethagechton, Koquethagechton, Kuckquetackton
White Mingoe/Mingo
-Diary date entries: 7 SABBATH [September]; 8 MONDAY [September]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: may be identical with “Conengayote” or “Canigaatt”
Places and locations mentioned in the 1766 journal include [please note: this list may not be exhaustive]:
Fort Pitt
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]; SEP. 2D. TUESDAY; 5 FRIDAY [September]; 6 SATERDAY [September]; 7 SABBATH [September]; 8 MONDAY [September]; 20 SATERDAY [September]; 22 MONDAY [September]; 27 SATURDAY [September]; SABBATH 28 [September]; MONDAY 29TH [September]; TUESDAY 30TH [September]; FRIDAY [October 3]
Juniata settlement by the name of Farmanagh
-Diary date entry: 22D FRIDAY [August]
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]; 18 THURSDAY [September]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: Keghalampegha, New Comers town, Newcomerstown
Maughwawame/Logstown/Logs Town
-Diary date entry: 11 THURSDAY [September]
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: the Big Lick
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: White Corn Town
Shawana Town
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: Salk Lik
Tuskalawa/Tuskalawas (Indian Town)
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]; 18 THURSDAY [September]
-Diary date entries: 15 MONDAY [September]; 16 TUESDAY [September]; 17 WEDENSDAY [September]
-Alternate spellings and additional names: Tuskatawa, Tuscarawas
Tuskorora settlement by the name of Lack Township
-Diary date entry: 22D FRIDAY [August]
Worm Town Moghwheston
-Diary date entry: 21 THURSDAY [August]
The John Beatty series, 1778-1842, includes annotated almanacs/diaries, incoming correspondence, military records, and legal documents.
There are three annotated almanacs/diaries (1803, 1808-1810, and 1811-1814). The 1808-1810 almanac/diary includes some documentation of those John had enslaved. There is a handwritten note in the March 1808 section regarding the birth of an enslaved child named Charles (born March 8, 1808) and the death of an enslaved woman named Dinah (the enslaved child’s mother). A handwritten note in the September 1808 section mentions that on August 16th “Hanibal went on board sloop with Capt. Might.” Hanibal is another enslaved child born to Dinah. Another handwritten note near the beginning of the almanac records that Wednesday, December 30th [1807?] “‘Little George,’ went from the wharf to Philad[elphia] and returned on Sunday the 31st of January.” Most other annotations and notes in the almanacs/diaries pertain to weather, agricultural work, routine finances, and death dates of John’s acquaintances.
Incoming correspondence (1779-1822) includes a letter (1786 March 22) from Josiah Hornblower; a letter (1786) from John de Brahm, writing from Philadelphia; letters (1793-1794) from Samuel Stanhope Smith, writing from Princeton; letters (1793-1794) from R. L. (Richard Longstreet) Beatty, John’s son; a letter (1794) from Jonathan Dayton; and a letter (1815 December 7) from Erkuries Beatty (John’s brother), writing from Castle Howard.
Military records (1778-1804) include commissions, brigade orders, and returns of troops documents, chiefly pertaining to the Continental Army of the U.S. and the U.S. Army. Materials include a document listing the names and rank of officers in the Somerset Brigade (1793 August 5) and a letter to General Washington from Mr. (James?) Barnett (1779 July 3), writing from Boston, regarding the exchange of prisoners taken by the “Vengeance” vessel.
Legal documents (1781-1842) chiefly pertain to the real estate and property of the Imlay family, including John Imlay, John Martin Imlay, and Mary Malloy Imlay. There is also an indenture between John Beatty and Samuel Priest (1781 April 1).
The William Pitt Beatty series, 1795-1799, consists of a single letter and a letter book. The letter (1797) is from Charles Beatty Green, William’s nephew. The letter book (1795-1799) contains handwritten copies of William’s outgoing correspondence. The bulk of the letters are addressed to his brothers and sisters, and concern his business affairs.
The George Beatty series, 1840-1867, consists of incoming and outgoing correspondence. Outgoing correspondence (1840-1851) is chiefly addressed to Eleanor Beatty, George’s mother. In one letter (1840 May 26), George, writing from Fort Winnebago (Wisconsin), describes his and others’ involvement in the U.S. Army’s forced removal of the Ho-Chunk (Winnebago) people. Incoming correspondence (1867) is from S. Walker and mainly concerns transportation operations, freight shipping, and financial matters.
The Beatty Family series, 1775-1861, contains correspondence, genealogical materials, and writings. Included in the correspondence are letters from Reading Betty (1779 and 1784). Writings were most likely created by John Beatty.
The collection is arranged as follows:
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Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not be available on Pearl or in their entirety.
The Presbyterian Historical Society holds additional resources related to this collection:
Researchers should also consult RG 301.7 (United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of National Missions Department of Mission Development Records; SERIES I, Subseries 7) for additional materials related to Charles Clinton Beatty.
Researchers should also consult RG 414, Series I (Biographical Vertical Files) for additional biographical information related to Charles Clinton Beatty and Joseph Peepy.
Colonel Erkuries Beatty, 1759-1823 : Pennsylvania Revolutionary soldier, New Jersey judge, senator, farmer, and prominent citizen of Princeton / by Harry B. Weiss and Grace M. Ziegler. Call number F 138 .B4 W4. Catalog record.
The journal of a two months tour : with a view of promoting religion among the frontier inhabitants of Pennsylvania, and of introducing Christianity among the Indians to the westward of the Alegh-geny Mountains : to which are added remarks on the language and customs of some particular tribes among the Indians, with a brief account of the various attempts that have been made to civilize and convert them, from the first settlement of New England to this day / by Charles Beatty, A.M. Call number EURO E 98.M6 B3 1768. Catalog record.
Journals of Charles Beatty, 1762-1769 / edited with an introduction by Guy Soulliard Klett, research historian of the Department of History of the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Call number BX 9225 .B458 A3 1963. Catalog record.
Record of the family of Charles Beatty : who emigrated from Ireland to America, in 1729. Call number CS 71 .B42 R4 1873. Catalog record.
External resources:
John Beatty Family Collection; Manuscripts Division, Department of Special Collections, Princeton University Library.
Collection processed and finding aid prepared: August 1992
Stephanie Muntone, Processing Archivist
Collection guide revised in February 2025 by Nicholas Skaggs, Allison Davis, Elaine Shilstut, Sonia Prescott, and Jenny Barr to address outdated or harmful descriptive language. During that revision, description was changed in Biographical Note / Administrative History, Collection Overview, and Catalog Headings. Additional historical contextual information and citations were added to the Biographical Note / Administrative History. Series description information was created in the Collection Overview, as well as an index-style descriptive tool for the 1766 journal. Local subject headings were added to replace some Library of Congress Subject Headings in the Catalog Headings. Specifically, uses of "Indians" have been replaced with "Indigenous peoples" in headings. Headings for specific Indigenous peoples/tribes have been formed using the National Museum of the American Indian Culture Thesaurus (NMAICT).
Previous versions of this collection guide are available. Citations to resources used and consulted during the revision process are also available. Please contact the Presbyterian Historical Society for details.
Beatty Family Papers, RG 293, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box | Folder | Description | Alternative Formats |
1 | 1 | Journal, 1766 | Digital |
1 | 2 | Journal, 1769 | |
1 | 3 | Transcript of 1766 journal, undated | Digital |
SERIES II: JOHN BEATTY, 1778-1842 | |||
1 | 4 | Almanac diary, 1803 | |
1 | 5 | Almanac diary, 1808-1810 | Digital |
1 | 6 | Almanac diary, 1811-1814 | |
1 | 7 | Incoming correspondence, 1779-1822 | |
1 | 8 | Military records - Commissions, brigade orders, returns of troops, 1778-1804 | |
1 | 9 | Legal documents, 1781-1842, undated | |
1 | 10 | Incoming correspondence, 1797 | |
1 | 11 | Letter book, 1795-1799 | |
SERIES IV: GEORGE BEATTY, 1840-1867 | |||
1 | 12 | Outgoing correspondence, 1840-1851 | Digital |
1 | 13 | Incoming correspondence, 1867 | |
1 | 14 | Correspondence and writings, circa 1775-1794, undated | |
1 | 15 | Correspondence, 1816-1861 | |
1 | 16 | Genealogies, undated | Digital |