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Presbyterian Historical Society

Philadelphia, First United Presbyterian Church

The Historical Directory of Presbyterian Churches and Presbyteries of Greater Philadelphia: Related to the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and its Antecedents, 1690-1990, by Kenneth A. Hammonds, states that the First United Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia was organized in 1768 by the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania. In 1846, the congregation split; part founded the Shippen Street Associate Church and part participated in the establishment of the Independent Associate Presbytery of Philadelphia. The continuing group that was involved with the establishment of the Independent Associate Presbytery of Philadelphia was known as the First Associate Church. First Associate moved from Walnut near Fourth Street to Broad and Lombard Streets in 1856, just before it took on the name First United during the 1858 merger of the Associate and the Associated Reformed denominations to form the United Presbyterian Church of North America. In 1906, the church relocated to Fifty-Second Street and Chester Avenue. The congregation was dissolved in 1974.

We hold the following records from the First United Presbyterian Church which are relevant to genealogical research:

  • Session minutes, 1866-1974. 8 volumes. (Call number: Vault BX 9211 .P41943 F51)
  • Register, 1914-1974. (Call number: Vault BX 9211 .P41943 F52)
    • v.1, Membership, 1914-1935 -- Baptisms, 1914-1947 -- Marriages, 1915-1947.
    • v.2, Membership, 1947-1972 -- Baptisms, 1946-1974 -- Marriages, 1949-1951.
  • Records, 1932 – 1949. (Call number: 03 0124c)
    • Directories for 1932, 1948, and 1949
    • Yearbook for 1937.
  • Pew rent ledger, 1840-1858. (Call number: V F MJH18 P4759p)

The society also holds photographs, trustees records, women’s society records, communion ware, and financial records for First United Presbyterian Church.

Shippen Street Associate Church formed when it split off from the First Associate Church in 1845. In 1858, the congregation’s request to rejoin the Associate Church was granted, even as the denomination was merging with the United Presbyterian Church of North America. During this time of unification, the church was called the Shippen Street United Presbyterian Church. In 1862, the name was changed to Eighth United. By 1883, the church had relocated from Shippen (or Bainbridge) and Floridas streets to Fifteenth and Christian streets. In 1919, Eighth United merged with the Fifth United Presbyterian Church at 56th Street and Wyalusing Avenue in West Philadelphia. Fifth United relocated in 1945 to a site on Haverford Road between Argyle and Morris roads in Wynnewood. Although it retained the name Fifth United, it was known in the community as Overbrook Park United. In 1949, the congregation’s name was changed to Wynnewood United. Wynnewood United and Christ-West Hope merged in 1975 to form Penn Wynne Presbyterian Church.

A search of our catalogs and databases for information from this congregation identifies the following records.

  • Eighth United Presbyterian Church, Overbrook Hills, Pennsylvania. Session minutes 1869-1919. (Call Number: Vault Folio BX 9211 .P49146 E41

We also hold the following early genealogical records from the Fifth United Presbyterian Church:

  • Fifth United Presbyterian Church (Philadelphia, Pa.). Registers, 1848-1870 (3 vols.) (Call No: Vault BX 9211 .P4913 F52)
    • v.1, Membership, 1848-1852 -- Baptisms, 1848-1856 -- Marriages, 1848-1852.
    • v.2, Membership, 1853-1864 -- Baptisms, 1851-1864 -- Marriages, 1862-1863.
    • v.3, Membership, 1864-1870 -- Baptisms, 1864-1870 -- Marriages, 1863-1867.
  • Directory of the Fifth United Presbyterian Church (Philadelphia, Pa.), including; 1884, 1911, 1915. (Call Number: Pam BX 9211 .P49131 F504)

Penn Wynne is still an active congregation. You may wish to contact them directly to discover what records they have:

Penn Wynne Presbyterian Church
130 Haverford Ave.
Wynnewood, PA 19096-3204