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Presbyterian Historical Society

Norristown, Norriton-Providence/Lower Providence/New Providence Presbyterian Church

According to the Historical Directory of Presbyterian Churches and Presbyteries of Greater Philadelphia, by Kenneth A. Hammonds (Philadelphia: PHS, 1993), Norriton, or Norriton Lower Providence Presbyterian Church, was established in 1705. The congregation’s services were originally held at a location on the Germantown Pike. In 1730, after the congregation erected a new building on Ridge Pike which became known as New Providence, membership gradually diminished in the original building. This accounts for the congregation’s use of dual names up to 1961. At that time, the congregation went back to a single name, Lower Providence Presbyterian Church. In 1964, the mailing address changed from Norristown, to Eagleville, Pennsylvania.

Records containing genealogical information deposited with the society include:

Norristown PA. Norriton Providence Presbyterian Church.

  • Session Minutes and Register. 1826 -1896. Includes memberships, baptisms, and marriages. 3 volumes. (Call number: V MI46 N798ns, also on microfilm: MF3 N798n) (Cannot ILL)
  • Registers, 1836-1927. Includes membership, baptisms and marriages. 3 volumes. (Call number: V MI46 N798nr, also on microfilm: MF3 N798n) (Cannot ILL)

Other records include:

  • Print of the Norriton Presbyterian Church, church and camp news, and other historical data on Old Norriton Presbyterian Church.

The Lower Providence Presbyterian Church is an active congregation and may still have some of their records. You may wish to contact them directly.

Clerk of Session
Lower Providence Presbyterian Church
3050 W Ridge Pike
Norristown, PA 19403-1581