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Acerca de la IP (EE. UU.)

Task Force to Explore Theology and Practice of Ordination

Ordination Task Force - November 2024

Future Meeting Dates

June 30 - July 2, 2025
Location TBD


Teaching Elder Deborah Boucher-Payne
Missouri Union Presbytery

Ruling Elder Renda Brinson
Charlotte Presbytery

Ruling Elder Cheryl Carson
Central Florida Presbytery

Teaching Elder Sean Chow
San Diego Presbytery

Libby Janes
Mission Presbytery

Teaching Elder Brint Pratt Keyes
Shenandoah Presbytery
Committee on Theological Education (COTE)

Teaching Elder Hope Lee
National Capital Presbytery

Ruling Elder Mary Lloyd
Detroit Presbytery

Teaching Elder Rachael McConnell
Grace Presbytery

Teaching Elder Bobby Musengwa
Tampa Bay Presbytery

Teaching Elder Juan Sarmiento
San Fernando Presbytery

Ruling Elder Alejandra Spir-Haddad
Ohio Valley Presbytery

Teaching Elder Courtney Steininger
Cayuga-Syracuse Presbytery
Advocacy Committee for Women and Gender Justice

Ruling Elder Lance Wiesmann
Maumee Valley Presbytery


David Gambrell
Associate for Worship  

More About the Task Force

Assembly Mandate

The Task Force to Explore Theology and Practice of Ordination serves to explore the theology and practice of ordination, including commissioned ruling elders, as well as membership, church structure, accountability, and chartering, and to recommend any needed changes to the 227th General Assembly (2026).

Membership Composition

The 226th General Assembly (2024) expanded the membership of the Task Force to include two members: one who is a Minister of the Word and Sacrament who has been ordained within the past five years, and one who is currently enrolled as an Inquirer or Candidate working toward ordination as Minister of Word and Sacrament, as well as liaisons identified by the Advocacy Committee for LGBTQIA+ Equity (ACQ+E), the Advocacy Committee for Women and Gender Justice (ACWGJ), and the Racial Equity Advocacy Committee (REAC), and extended the timeline for the Task Force to report to the 227th GA (2026).

The task force will reflect the breadth of the PC(USA) and shall include, but not be limited to, representatives from:

  • Those who identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color)
  • Immigrant congregations
  • Immigrant fellowships
  • New worshiping communities
  • The Committee on Theological Formation
  • Middle governing body leadership

The task force will work with denominational staff, including 1001 New Worshiping Communities.

Contact Us

David Gambrell
Associate for Worship

Open Meeting Policy

As approved by the 209th General Assembly (1997) and amended by the 218th General Assembly (2008), the Open Meeting Policy applies to the General Assembly and its related entities and work groups.

Review the Policy