Clone of Comisión de Unificación
Próximas reuniones
14 de diciembre de 2024
3:00 - 5:00 p.m. (EST)
Más información, o para dirigirse u observar la reunión:
Alejandra Sherman
Anciana Docente Debra Avery
Presbiterio de Great Rivers
Comité de Implementación de Moving Forward
Anciano Gobernante Carson Brown
Peace River Presbytery
Delegado Asesor de Adultos Jóvenes - GA225
Anciana Docente Dee Cooper
Presbiterio de Denver
Junta de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misiones
Anciano Docente David Davis
Coastlands Presbytery
Comité sobre la Oficina de la Asamblea General
Anciano Docente Francis Lin
Presbiterio de Riverside
Anciano Docente Scott Lumsden
Presbiterio de Seattle
Comité Especial Per Cápita y de Sostenibilidad Financiera
Barry Creech
Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión
Kathy Lueckert
Grupo de Servicios Administrativos
Anciana Gobernante Emily Martin
Presbiterio del Norte Central de California
Delegada Asesora Joven Adulta - GA225
Anciano Docente Felipe N. Martínez
Ohio Valley Presbytery
Comisionado - GA225
Anciano GobernanteJosé Rosa Rivera
Presbiterio de San Juan
Comité sobre Capitaciones y Sostenibilidad Financiera
Anciana Gobernante Cristi Scott Ligon
Presbiterio de Middle Tennessee
Comisionada - GA225
Anciano Docente Bill Teng
Peace River Presbytery
PCUSA, A Corp Board
Anciana Gobernante Kris Thompson
Presbiterio de la Capital Nacional
Oficina de la Asamblea General
Sobre la Comisión de Unificación
The committee is authorized to review the current Standing Rules of the General Assembly and related documents and propose a new set of Standing Rules to the 226th General Assembly (2024), along with any amendments to related documents required to enable those changes.
Reviewing past revisions and proposed changes to the Standing Rules, including the work of the Committee to Review Biennial Assemblies; Consulting with the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly and the six agencies and other entities and standing committees of the assembly regarding any changes to the Standing Rules necessary to enable their work; and Promoting broad access and participation by the whole church in its work.
The new set of Standing Rules proposed by the special committee will:
- Use language that opens the General Assembly to an expansive understanding of gender;
- Reflect the church’s commitments to unity and diversity and full participation and representation (F-1.0403);
- Assist the General Assembly in promoting equity throughout its processes and in its decisions;
- Look at the role of advisory delegates in the life and deliberations of the General Assembly to ensure a continuing voice of constituencies that represent the breadth of the present and future of the church;
- Promote broad access and participation in the General Assembly by the whole church, particularly providing for translation services, accommodations for people with different abilities, and other circumstances as they arise;
- Provide permission for spaces that encourage innovation and creativity in the General Assembly’s discernment;
- Simplify the language of the Standing Rules and the processes of the General Assembly to reflect more fully the 21st-century church, embodying the flexibility of the current Form of Government in the life and work of the General Assembly;
- Incorporate technology to promote communication, conversation, and discernment in the deliberations and processes of the General Assembly;
- Adjust the scale and complexity of the General Assembly meeting envisioned in the Standing Rules for a church that has substantially fewer people and financial resources; and
- Reflect any decisions of the 225th General Assembly (2022) regarding the location and format of future General Assembly meetings.
- Two members (current or former) from the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly
- Two members (current or former) from the General Assembly Committee on Representation
- One Young Adult advisory delegate or one Theological advisory delegate to the 225th General Assembly
- Two commissioners to the 224th General Assembly (2020) or the 225th General Assembly (2024)
- Two at-large members
- Also including with voice but no vote: one member from the Racial Equity Advocacy Committee and one member from the Advocacy Committee for Women and Gender Justice.
Alejandra Sherman
Asistente Ejecutiva de Presidencia
Grupo de Servicios Administrativos
Open Meeting Policy
As approved by the 209th General Assembly (1997) and amended by the 218th General Assembly (2008), the Open Meeting Policy applies to the General Assembly and its related entities and work groups.