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Presbyterian Disaster Assistance

Active Disaster Response Accounts

Your financial support and partnership enables Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) to witness to the healing love of Christ and to bring hope to communities and individuals recovering from natural and human-caused disaster situations. The list of active accounts provides an opportunity to make donations to specific disaster situations. Thank you!

Initial Response Accounts 

DR000148 — General Relief and undesignated program support: supplements the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offering and enables members and congregations to make general designations to use funds where they are most needed as determined by PDA.

DR999999 — International Disasters and Emergencies: supplements the OGHS offering to enable a significant, initial response to major international disasters and emergencies.

DR000015 — U.S.A. Disasters and Emergencies: supplements the OGHS offering to enable a significant, initial response to major national disasters and emergencies.

OG100000 — to designate your One Great Hour of Sharing Gift to PDA.

Designated Disaster Accounts

Asia-Pacific (DR000195)

Bangladesh (see South Asia)

Blanket Fund (DR000072)

Caribbean Disasters (DR000166)

Central America (DR000139)

Church Burnings (DR000126)

CWS Gift of the Heart Kits (DR000151)

Democratic Republic of Congo (DR000088)

East Africa (DR000097)

East Asia (DR000196)

Food Security (International) - Foods Resource Bank (FRB) (DR000182)

Gun Violence/Public Violence (DR000188)

Haiti Relief (DR000064)

Hurricanes & Typhoons (DR000194)

 This account is used for ALL hurricanes and typhoons

Indonesia (See Southeast Asia)

Iraq (DR000082)

Israel/Palestine (DR000081)

Kenya (see East Africa)

Lebanon/Syria (DR000007)

Mexico (DR000014)

Middle East (DR000081)

Nepal (see South Asia)

Palestine/Israel (DR000081)

Pastoral Support and Caregivin (DR000177)

Peru (DR000179)

Philippines (see Southeast Asia)

Refugee Emergencies (in the U.S.A.) (DR000095)

Refugee and IDP Programs (International) (DR000156)

South Sudan (see East Africa)

South Asia (DR000197)

Southeast Asia (DR000198)

Southern Africa (DR000158)

Syria (see Lebanon)

Tornadoes and Windstorms (DR000200)

Ukraine (see Refugee and IDP Programs (International))

U.S. Flooding (DR000191)

U.S. Hurricanes (DR000169)

U.S. Wildfires (DR000165)

Western Africa (DR000168)

Open quote
But someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith without works, and I by my works will show you my faith.
Close quote
James 2:18

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