Come and Plant Your Seed
A Letter from Eliane Menezes, serving in Guatemala
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Dear friends,
This is still a very difficult time for many families around the world. In Guatemala, things are no different. Those who have been struggling for their survival are in serious need of assistance.
I believe that by working together, we can make a positive impact in the world. Planting a seed of compassion is one way we may make a difference. This seed will sprout and bear fruit in ways we can't foresee. Paul said in 1 Cor. 3:6-7, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So neither is the one who plants nor the one who waters anything, but only God who causes the growth.”
It’s through partnership we can forward God’s mission. When we work together combining our love for serving God, we can apply it in favor of others.
I recall meeting a young lady before I began my ministry. We sat together while eating lunch in a Miami airport restaurant. As our conversation progressed and we discussed our travel plans, she revealed that she was traveling to a country in Africa with a group of volunteers to work on a particular mission project. Her enthusiasm for that mission trip drew my attention right away because I, too, had a desire to serve in the mission field one day.
[ngg src="galleries" ids="1074" display="pro_horizontal_filmstrip" show_captions="1"]Let me pause a moment to take a deep breath. Isn’t that incredible? You can imagine how long my desire to serve in the mission field was rooted in my heart. It is only by God's grace that I am experiencing the fulfillment of my call right now in this wonderful ministry as I share that moment in my life with you.
Returning to my conversation with the young lady, I inquired about her purpose for taking this trip, and she told me that she was able to travel because of the help of one of the church elders. She revealed that an elderly lady had told her that she had wanted to go on a mission trip to Africa when she was younger but couldn’t afford it at that time. Now, she could afford to take the trip but felt she was too old. So instead, she funded this young lady’s mission trip to Africa.
The young lady’s testimony was amazing, and I couldn’t help but admire the elderly lady for her willingness to support this young lady. Because of their shared devotion to the Kingdom of God, both women were able to participate in this wonderful opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of many people in Africa.
This encounter teaches us that God unites us to encourage one another through the spirit of partnership. Sometimes, it is not possible to achieve certain dreams as an individual, but if we work in partnership, we can join our resources and accomplish our goals together.
In the spirit of collaboration, the National Union of Presbyterian Women of Guatemala (UNMP) initiated a project to provide Bibles to our sisters in Guatemala and were looking for a congregation to partner with them. First Presbyterian Church in Kingsport, Tenn. generously joined them in this endeavor. Because of this collaboration, the Word of God was brought to many women around the country who previously did not own a Bible.
This highlights the great significance of our sisters being gifted a Bible, especially for those who are receiving their first Bible. Additionally, obtaining a Bible inspires individuals who have not yet learned Spanish to do so by reading it. Through this partnership, the UNMP managed the project and delivered 550 Bibles to women in different parts of Guatemala.
Continuing this spirit of cooperation, the UNMP was able to assist with food distribution for several families in the women’s group, Missionary Society of the King of the La Paz de Dios Presbyterian Church located in Aldea Palá, Solola, thanks to a heartfelt donation from the First Presbyterian Church of Vero Beach, Fla. This donation aided a number of families who were facing food insecurity. The most essential factor, in my opinion, is to offer them dignity by providing food for their families. Like those in any other region of the world, many families are battling to keep food in their cupboards. Families in Guatemala may find it challenging to survive poverty due to a lack of work and social support.
We can make a difference in the lives of many others by combining our efforts and hearts for God’s mission in the world. Serving in the mission field is only possible when we work together with people like you who are committed to this cause.
My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all of our ministry partners and those who feel called to join us!
I hope you were moved by this ministry's endeavor and decide to support it with your prayers, thoughts and finances.
Many blessings,