Vital Congregations

Welcome to the office of Vital Congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
The office of Vital Congregations is currently welcoming inquiries into the next cohort of the Vital Congregations Initiative. Let us partner with you on your journey – whether you are discerning the needs of your ministry, you have begun to examine ways to engage your community, or you are already embodying “kingdom” work. Interested churches are encouraged to contact the office to join the movement. Click the “learn more” button to get started.

The purpose of the Vital Congregations Initiative is to work alongside leaders of existing congregations continually assessing, discerning, and living into faithful actions that increase vitality through intentional spiritual practices that take them deeper into following Jesus Christ, so that their own lives are changed, congregations are transformed, and the mission of God spreads throughout particular communities and the world.
By the power of the Holy Spirit, and in authentic relationships with mid councils, we seek to equip, nurture and support church leaders to empower their congregations to renew, recover, and live more fully into faithful discipleship to Jesus Christ.

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