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About PC(USA)

International Funded Partners

Since 1970, the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People has been a partner with grassroots projects around the world that seek to improve the lives of poor and underserved people. Our mission has been, and continues to be, a God-inspired work "toward the self-development of economically poor, oppressed and disadvantaged people who own, control and benefit directly" from such projects.
As situations in 1970 directed concerned people to launch the SDOP ministry, so situations in 2006 directed concerned people to re-examine the nature of that work and its methods. Spreading funds thinly across the world no longer seemed effective. In 2006 SDOP determined it was time to become more focused and proactive in responding to the plight of people living in poverty. From 2006 to 2010 the ministry established long-term, committed and focused relationships with community groups in the Dominican Republic; during that same time, partnerships were established with intermediary partners in different parts of the world who work directly with communities of economically poor, oppressed and disadvantaged people. Using the SDOP criteria, they established partnerships in their region. In 2010 SDOP moved its focused funding from the Dominican Republic to Belize. An intermediary partnership was established in the Dominican Republic with CE-Mujer to continue the work of SDOP. In 2013 SDOP established an intermediary partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Rwanda. 

Focus Country

In 2005 when Self-Development of People instituted ‘The Mission Funding Strategy for the International Task Force of the Self-Development of People’, a five-year pilot program, the country identified for focused funding was the Dominican Republic. This segment of the strategy has proven to be an effective way of engaging in partnership with communities in a specific country. The pilot program has evolved into the “SDOP International Partnership Development Mission Strategy.” The partnerships established have been and continue to be about hope, dignity, empowerment, justice, and compassion. 

In 2010, the International Task Force identified the country of focused engagement for the next six years as Belize, the northern most Central American nation — bordered on the north by Mexico, on the south and west by Guatemala and on the east by the Caribbean Sea.

Belize is a country of contrast. The initial tourist image quickly fades into a much more complex image dealing with issues of urban squalor and rural poverty. Rural poverty is especially prevalent in the southern part of the country. The two southernmost districts are Stann Creek and Toledo. Our first visits to Belize were educational and relationship building, particularly relating to Stann Creek and Toledo. These two districts are home to the indigenous cultures of the Mayan and Garifuna (descendants of Carib Indians and African slaves) people. This is a country rich in culture. The people are warm, friendly and confident in their ability to face life’s challenges, both old and new ones, together making a better world for themselves, their children, communities, and country.

In 2018, the International Task Force identified the country of focused engagement for the next six years as Panama. Panama is a country in Central America, bordered by Costa Rica to the west, Colombia to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The capital and largest city is Panama City, its metropolitan area is home to nearly half the country’s 4 million people. It is a country of contrasts and inequalities. Fifty percent of the population in Panama is poor. The economic inequality between urban and rural areas is extraordinary. There is a huge contrast between the richest and poorest people. The wealth of the country is not well distributed. Because of the COVID effects, the SDOP International Task Force were not able to travel there, they decided to extend their partnership in Panama. In 2025, SDOP is still working in Panama.

Map with the locations of all projects funded in Panama since 2019

Map of projects in Panama

1.Group of Women of Value, S.A. Ciudad Panamá
2.Craft Art and Beauty Las Tablas, Los Santos
3.Panamanian Women Center (CEMP), San Miguelito, Ciudad Panamá 4.Women Committee at Villa Nueva and Water Council, Comunidad Villa Nueva, Comarca Embera
5.Colonense International Performing Arts Foundation (FAECI), Colon
6.United Producers of Valle San Miguel, Valle San Miguel 7.Chilibre women's training centers, Gonzalillo Community,Organization and Women's Meeting Space, Chilibre, Gonzalillo
8.El Espino Agro Entrepreneurs, El Espino del Retiro de Anton 9.Panama Women's Committee (COFEP), Chorrillo
10.United Peasants of Banazo , Banazo, Toabre, Pinonone
11.Peasant Network of Native Rice, Banazo, Coclesito, El Espino y Valle de San Miguel
12.Bakery and Refreshment Shop “The Great Blessing,” Ciudad de Panama
13..Progress group Solis No. 2, Bajo Solis, Corregimiento Fidel Palacios
14. 15 de Abril GroupBajo Solis, Justo Fidel Palacio
15.Women's Meeting Space, Panama City Azuero 16.Craft Women Group, Corregimiento y distrito de Parita, Provincia de Herrera
17.New Mexico Women's Training Centers, Comunidad de Nuevo México
18.The Small School Chame
19.Women Group of Boca La Caja Boca La caja, Panama City
20. Women group of Buena Vista Colon
21.The Blessing Las Tablas, Los Santos
22..Boca de Tucue Agro-Entrepreneurs Boca de Tucue
23.Boca de Tigre JAAR Darien, Comarca Embera Wounaan
24.Nazareth JAAR Darien, Comarca Embera Wounaan
25.Nuevo Belen Community Nuevo Belen, Distrito de Cemacó
26.Peasant coordinator for life and land. Comunidad de Valle de Escabal
27.Cinep Gonzalillo
28.Petare Barber Shop Panama City
29.United to Produce Juan Diaz
30. Ngobe Women’s Union Comarca Ngobe -Bugle

SDOP Intermediary Partners

Interchurch Center for Theological and Social Studies (CIEETS)
Evangelical Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA)