Mental Health Ministry Resources
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Equipping faith communities for mental health ministry in a pandemic-changed world

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Mental Health First Aid is a program of the National Council for Behavioral Health that teaches mental health first aid skills to the public. It teaches how to identify signs of mental illness and substance use disorders and how to respond in a helpful way when someone is in crisis or pain, including when someone may be having suicidal thoughts. Three types of courses are offered: adult (skills needed to reach out to adults), youth (skills for adults to reach out to youth), and teens (skills for teens to reach out to teen peers). Courses are offered across the country, and the website has a search function to find courses being offered near you. Special trainings for organizations, companies, and groups can be arranged.
Mental Health Ministries offers a range of educational resources with a focus on the elimination of stigma about mental illness and the creation of caring faith communities. It publishes an outstanding newsletter six times yearly with a wealth of seasonal materials and resources for observations such as Mental Health Month in May, Suicide Prevention Month in September, and Mental Illness Awareness Week in October.
NAMI FaithNet is an information resource and network for its members, and for clergy and people of faith from all traditions. The goal is to encourage the development of welcoming and spiritually nourishing environments in every place of worship. NAMI FaithNet provides a wide variety of resources such as bulletin inserts and a ready-to-use presentation, Bridges of Hope (,-Training-and-Outreach-Programs/Outreach-and-Advocacy/NAMI-FaithNet/Bridges-of-Hope), to educate faith communities about mental illness so they can create stronger safety nets and welcoming communities for people affected by mental illness.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization. NAMI provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness. NAMI has chapters throughout the U.S. that equip and train grassroots volunteer facilitators who provide individual and family-to-family support groups. The NAMI website has mental health statistics, a HelpLine, articles written by people living with mental health conditions, and a special section with resources for faith communities. NAMI HelpLine volunteers respond with free referrals, information and support. For information about what is available in your community, contact your local NAMI affiliate directly or call the NAMI HelpLine at 800-950-NAMI (6264).
Mental Health America is dedicated to the needs of those living with mental illness and to promoting the mental health of all. This website features a wealth of resources addressing the intersection of mental health and racial equity.
National Institute of Mental Health is the lead federal agency for research on mental health with a comprehensive collection of downloadable resources for the general public and for mental health professionals, including information about specific conditions and evidence-based treatment options, statistical data, and the latest research and clinical trials.
Pathways to Promise is an interfaith cooperative that provides information, resources, and training in the Companionship program model for ministries with people experiencing mental illness and their loved ones
UCC (United Church of Christ) Mental Health Network offers a wealth of resources for congregations at any stage of mental health ministry, including an introduction to their W.I.S.E. (Wise, Inclusive, Supportive, and Engaged) program for congregations.