Spiritual Leadership and Nourishment
Serving as a spiritual leader within a community of faith may bring us to milestones at differing times, cause us to choose unfamiliar paths, or bring us together in unexpected ways. Through it all spiritual practices and nourishment are vital as we continue to grow in faith.
Nourishment in Your Inbox
Along the Road Podcast
Ministry in the church can be life-giving and life-changing and, in the midst of it, we all need faithful companions along the road. The third season of Along the Road — a podcast on faith and leadership for ministry leaders of the PC(USA) — is available now. Nourish episodes, available every other week, are geared specifically to ruling elders and deacons.
Leader Formation Webinars

As ruling elders and deacons serving in local congregations across the denomination, webinars give us an opportunity to gather together virtually and in the presence of other leaders who walk alongside us on this formation journey.
Publications for Leader Formation
Those serving in the ordered ministries of the church, particularly those called to serve as ruling elders and deacons in the PC(USA), serve vital roles in the life of the congregations and councils of the denomination. As a part of the process of the ecclesial formation of these leaders, the Office of the General Assembly and the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation have partnered to provide particular books and resources to aid in the ministries of these leaders at a significant discount when ordered through the PC(USA) Store.
Books listed in the following categories are available at a 40% discount with the use of the promo code: LEADER40*.
*Please note that there are a few exceptions to this offer that include, but are not limited to, certificates, Glory to God hymnal products, or Book of Common Worship resources. The promo code does not expire and there is no limit to the number of times you can use it.