We Are All Workers With God
A Letter from Nadia Ayoub, soon to serve in Greece
How good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in Unity, … for there the Lord bestows his blessings, even life forevermore.
Psalms 133:1, 3b
Dear Family and friends,
With my heart full of joy, I give thanks to the Lord our God for each one of you, and for how pleasant it is to have the chance to visit with many brothers and sisters in Christ, new friends and longtime friends. My heart is overjoyed with your faith in the Lord and your strong commitment to continue to serve Jesus Christ our Risen Savior. Thank you so much for your encouragement, prayers and support that allow me to continue in the mission field where the Lord leads.
Recently, one pastor asked me if I would be able to come the next week because her daughter and grandchildren would be worshipping in her church on that Sunday. I replied, “I trust God I will be able to come next week.”
The following week, when she introduced her daughter and the grandchildren, she told them, “This is a real, living missionary. Touch her.” We laughed, and they asked many questions about my work with the Roma and my travels, and about the mission field and how I chose to become a missionary.
Praise the Lord that spring has finally arrived in the eastern US, as this makes traveling to distant churches easier. By the Grace of God, I have been able to visit one congregation each weekend during my Interpretation Assignment in the US. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the amount of preparation the churches undertake when they invite me to come and share with them what the Lord has been doing.
All the churches I have visited so far have been well attended with joyful people celebrating the Risen Lord Jesus Christ. The joy of the knowledge of God’s love for them and the acceptance of the saving work of Jesus on their behalf encourages them to share the good news with others. This is God’s work, for God brings us to faith and keeps us faithful.
I have had the opportunity to share in a variety of forums what the Lord has been doing with me and the Roma people and about my new assignment as interpreter for refugees in Greece. I have spoken with presbyteries, talked with mission committees, shared with Presbyterian Women groups, delivered children’s sermons and Minutes for Mission, and presented in Sunday school and formation classes. I have even been invited to share during a knitting group and have been asked to cook bogracs, the Roma national food.
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The sharing time was spent very well in informing PC(USA) congregations how my assignment in Ukraine was concluded in good standing with the partner church, the Reformed Church in Karpatalja, Ukraine (RCK), and with the Roma people. We had been praying for a long time that the local believers would be able to manage the ministry themselves, and when this became a reality, my appointment with the RCK ended. Congregations were comforted to know that the mission among the Roma is continuing with the leaders with whom I entrusted the ministry. Even from a thousand miles away, I was able to guide my former team as they distributed food to families in the three Roma settlements on April 22.
Congregations rejoiced in God’s call for them to partner with me and the Evangelical Church in Katerini in Greece, as we help address the needs of refugees. Many congregants are anxious to know how they can be of help. I assure you that I will communicate these needs as they become apparent.
We all are workers with God:
For it is by grace we have been saved, through faith — not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:8-10
Your prayers, encouragement and support for God’s work overseas is essential. Partnering with the PC(USA) and its global partners, together we are working to accomplish God’s plan for extending God’s kingdom.
I thank you for the warm reception I have received from each one of you. Thank you for your eagerness to learn about the ministry with the Roma people and your commitment to continue to be an active partner in my new call to serve among refugees in Greece. Please continue your prayerful and monetary support. May the Lord who calls you to faith keep you faithful until the end of the days.
Serving the living God with you,
Nadia Ayoub