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Earth Care Congregation Takes a Stand

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church cannot support any location for any facility that would cause similar risks to schoolchildren, clean air and water, and sustainable development.


May 23, 2019

Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church passes resolution opposing Rockwool factory location

Contact: Than Hitt

Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church in West Virginia

Shepherdstown WV – Today Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church (SPC) is releasing a statement passed by the governing body of the church opposing the location of the planned Rockwool factory in Jefferson County, WV.  (Rockwool is a Denmark-based company that makes stone wool insulation.)

The resolution cites concerns over air quality, children’s health, sustainable development, climate change, and safe drinking water. The resolution was passed unanimously by SPC Session which is a body of elected elders who govern each local Presbyterian church.

“This is a moral issue,” said Than Hitt, SPC Mission Committee member, “the location of this factory puts our community at risk, so we are called to take a stand.”

SPC is recognized as an Earth Care Congregation within the Presbyterian Church (USA) and is dedicated to environmental stewardship locally and globally. The resolution and SPC’s Open Letter to the CEO of Rockwool are available on their website:


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Topics: Advocacy, Congregations, Earth Care Congregations, Eco-Justice, Environment
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