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Twelve Dynamic New Racial Ethnic & New Immigrant Communities of Faith

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In the following resource, we invite you to explore twelve dynamic new racial ethnic and new immigrant communities of faith. As you may know, new immigrant ministries are the fastest-growing communities of faith in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Of the 10,657 PC(USA) congregations, more than 12 percent are racial ethnic congregations. And, if we include other communities of faith, almost 15 percent of Presbyterian communities of faith are racial ethnic.

There are many new communities of faith in the PC(USA) that gather regularly for prayer and worship, who are not counted in the Stated Clerk’s annual statistics or by Research Services of the PC(USA) because they have not developed into chartered congregations. These pages include congregations, Bible study groups, fellowships and new church developments.

In Racial Ethnic & Women’s Ministries/PW we collaborate with congregations, churches and mid-councils, assisting in the effort to become diverse and cross cultural, and, by doing so, “some have entertained angels without knowing it.” (Hebrews 13:2)

Published Date
Mar 02, 2012