Statement of Values
We believe the church is called to manifest God’s gracious love for all people in a wounded world.
Therefore, we will respond to human suffering based on need, without discrimination based on the race, religion or nationality of recipients and without adverse distinction of any kind.
We believe that all persons are created in the image of God.
Therefore, we will ensure that the role and contributions of women are recognized and supported through our response.
We believe that God’s will is a restored and reconciled human community.
Therefore, we will include components of spiritual accompaniment and psycho-social assistance, advocacy and peace building that contribute to this vision, and guard against any actions that would do further harm to communities.
We believe that God gives all people dignity. Dignity is diminished when people are seen and portrayed as helpless victims.
Therefore, we will involve affected communities in the identification of needs, priorities, approaches and mechanisms for response. We will reflect their dignity and initiative in our communications and fundraising materials. We will guard against any abuse of power by those responsible for protection and assistance to emergency survivors and displaced people.
We believe that our vocation to service calls us to be faithful to our principles and effective in our response.
Therefore, we will uphold high ethical and programmatic standards (including the Code of Conduct, Humanitarian Charter, SPHERE Standards) in all our programs.
We believe that good stewardship requires attention to the sustainability of our efforts.
Therefore, we will prioritize the use of local resources (human, material, cultural, etc.) whenever possible, use approaches which strengthen existing community capacity, and integrate preparedness and prevention into the emergency response. We will engage and strengthen local expressions of the church and civil society in order to build capacity for meeting future humanitarian needs.
We believe that the church is called to be prophetic as well as to be a presence of consolation and healing.
Therefore, we shall endeavor not to act as an instrument of any particular government’s policy nor accept conditions on funding that would compromise our ability to speak and act independently
We believe our Christian witness is more clearly understood by ourselves and communicated to the world when we work together.
Therefore, we will build relationships, strengthen effectiveness, and avoid duplication and waste of time, talents or resources, through our cooperation.
We believe that all resources are gifts from God and that we are accountable to those who wish to assist and those who require assistance.
Therefore, we will be truthful in how we report on the nature and extent of each emergency, and how we will use the funds and other resources provided.
We believe that we must learn from our experience in order to improve the quality of emergency prevention, preparedness and response.
Therefore, we will undertake ourselves and commission analysis of adherence to our values, and assess the impact of our programs, sharing the lessons learned in ways that strengthen the alliance at the national, regional, and global levels.