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Sexuality and the Human Community

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In 1966, the Council on Church and Society of The United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, formed a committee to study the Christian concept of sexuality in the human community and to provide the church with a report of its endeavors. Sexuality as we understand the term refers to our entire experience as persons who are created male and female and not exclusively to coital behavior. The report that follows is a brief resume of the reflections and conclusions of that committee after more than a year of meetings, discussions, and papers.

The assignment given was this:
To explore the mystery of sexuality in a broad range of human experience; to identify and analyze the forces that enhance or inhibit the realization of sexual values; and to evaluate the church's role and responsibility in interpreting the meaning of sexuality and in bringing a Christian ethical view to bear upon its expression in human relationships.

Published Date
Aug 01, 1970