Poverty - St. Mark's Presbyterian, Lomita, California
60,000 people are experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles, See how St. Mark's Presbyterian Church responded when they discovered one of their own was living in homeless encampment, near their church.
St. Mark’s Presbyterian Church is one of many Matthew 25 congregations across the country. St. Mark’s story of compassionate care includes active participation in Pacific Presbytery’s Homelessness and Housing Task Force. The Presbytery also participates in the Hunger Action Advocate program of the Presbyterian Hunger Program of the PC(USA).
Across the country, congregations, mid councils, and the Presbyterian Mission Agency are working together to eradicate systemic poverty, dismantle structural racism, and build congregational vitality.
To learn more: pcusa.org/matthew25 and presbyterianmission.org/ministries/matthew-25/poverty/