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Nadia Ayoub Prayer Card

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Use this card as you pray for mission co-worker Nadia Ayoub. This card includes a photo and overview of her work.  The Evangelical Church of Greece mission is “the alleviation of human hardship regardless of ethnicity, race, and creed. For all of us who share the vision of Perichoresis and work towards its realization, we embrace our destitute fellow man and encompass all people, both native and foreign, in the spirit of inclusion.” As by God’s grace this global partner seeks to minister to the refugees by providing a wide range of projects, including food distribution, protection, logistics, housing, health care, legal aid, and education projects. “With the Evangelical Church of Greece I trust the Holy Spirit will empower me with all gifts and talents that I need to serve the Lord and bring glory to God in the church.”


Published Date
May 16, 2018