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Basic Enrollment Form VCI

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The office of Vital Congregations invites presbyteries to join together in covenant relationship to God and each other, as we seek the Spirit’s revitalizing power for a vital life together, through a two-year Revitalization Initiative, which is a covenant relationship between presbyteries and the PC(USA) to prayerfully walk with pastors and existing congregations in intentional efforts of revitalization.

The focus of year one is on building authentic relationships of faith. As churches embark on an honest assessment, capturing their unique stories, confessing their realities and discerning the Spirit’s call, they will determine a course of actions — between three actions:

  1. Reforming Churches: Re-envision and change how we are church together through the seven marks of congregational vitality.
  2. Missional Cluster Churches: Revitalize clustering congregations into new communities of worship and ministry.
  3. Death and Resurrection: Revitalize by grace and gratitude in the death and legacy of a congregation, in witness to the resurrection.

Year two is about joining faithfully living into the change that the chosen course of action brings — allowing the wonder of God to transform and choosing to join Christ in the new thing taking place.

Through the seven marks of congregational vitality and the three courses of action, we pray God will revitalize the church in missional action and faithful disciples in Jesus Christ throughout our neighborhoods, our nation, and the world.

Published Date
Sep 20, 2024