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Presbyterian Historical Society

Born-Digital: Information originally created in an electronic format, rather than digitized from paper records.

Digitize: The process of transforming analog information, especially paper, into digital form. Also called digitalize.

Disposition: A records’ final destruction, deletion, or transfer to the archive.

Electronic Record:  Data and information that has been captured and fixed through electronic means, and that requires the use of specialized equipment and systems to render it intelligible by a person. Often used interchangeably with digital record.

Inactive: Records that are no longer used in the regular course of business or that are consulted infrequently.

Permanent Value: A record with ongoing usefulness or significance that justifies their perpetual preservation.

Records Management: The systematic, orderly, and efficient control of records throughout their creation, use, and disposition.

Records Retention Schedule: A document that identifies and describes an organization’s records and provides instructions for their final disposition.  Also called a disposal schedule, records schedule, or retention schedule.

Temporary Record: A record of transitory value that can be shredded or deleted after a short time period.