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God, give me the faith to go

Answering God’s call begins with a heartfelt prayer for faith

This article is from the Spring 2017 issue of Mission Crossroads magazine, which is printed and mailed free to subscribers’ homes three times a year by Presbyterian World Mission.

March 29, 2017

Today, African-American mission co-workers continue the transforming work of God’s mission, answering the call to service through Presbyterian World Mission. Leisa Wagstaff, currently serving in South Sudan, shares her personal reflection on this irresistible call. Like the mission workers who served a century before her, Leisa has found herself personally transformed. That is the essence of God’s mission.


I always knew—as simply as this—that God was calling me to full-time ministry. Growing up in a rural and traditional African-American faith setting, however, I could not imagine opportunities for a future in ministry. The people who had answered God’s call were all preachers—and all men. I remember begging God to not make me be a preacher, for I did not want to be the lone female. The only other option I was aware of was to become a nun.

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After more than 30 years, I have returned to the area of South Sudan after having journeyed in faith with citizens in several other African countries. People often ask me in which capacities I have served. I respond with a list:  by strengthening communities as they seek to provide education; training pastors, lay leaders and primary school teachers; administrating schools and curricula; training youth workers; coaching gymnastics, and more. I believe my most important work to be the sharing of self—shortcomings included—and the ministry of presence as I walk with the host community at their pace through the challenges of having been born in places where people have not been allowed to reach their fullest potential.

Some people are under the impression that I have given up much in order to be here. What is not understood is that in accepting God’s call, I am receiving much more than I can ever possibly give. African communities have taught me the true essence of compassion and faithfulness, even in the midst of the most adverse of settings, and have welcomed me as a part of their extended families and cultures. This is the richness of the blessings of accepting my call.

Leisa TonieAnn Wagstaff, mission co-worker serving in education-related mission assignments in five African countries for more than 30 years, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Lesoto, Zimbabwe, Cameroon and, since July 2013, in South Sudan, one of the world’s most impoverished nations.

Today's Focus:  Leisa TonieAnn Wagstaff, mission co-worker serving in South Sudan

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Mission Co-workers

Lynn Kandel, South Sudan

Sharon Kandel, South Sudan

Tracey King Ortega, Nicaragua

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Bob Abrams, PMA                                                                     

Simone Adams-Andrade, PMA                          

Let us pray:

Open our eyes, O God, to see your way. And if our eyes aren’t ready to see, open our hearts to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Keep pointing us in the right direction. We want to answer your call, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen.

Daily Readings

Morning Psalms 5; 147:1-11

First Reading Jeremiah 18:1-11

Second Reading Romans 8:1-11

Gospel Reading John 6:27-40

Evening Psalms 27; 51