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Vital Congregations Revitalization Initiative

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? —Isaiah 43:19

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? —1 Corinthians 3:16

See, the home of God is among mortals… See, I am making all things new. —Revelation 21: 3,5


By the power of the Holy Spirit, and in authentic relationships with mid-councils, we seek to equip, nurture, and support church leaders to empower their congregations to renew, recover, and live more fully into faithful discipleship to Jesus Christ.


The purpose of the Vital Congregations Initiative is to work alongside leaders of existing congregations continually assessing, discerning, and living into faithful actions that increase vitality through intentional spiritual practices that take them deeper into following Jesus Christ, so that their own lives are changed, congregations are transformed, and the mission of God spreads throughout particular communities and the world.

The resources attached can be used now to begin the work of revitalization in your church or Presbytery. Please note that these are drafts while we are in our pilot phase.

Copyrights to all materials are owned by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). These materials are for use only by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations, Presbyteries and Mid-Councils. The materials are not to be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed or published, in whole or in part, by or for outside entities including third-party consultants and the content is not to be revised, adapted and/or incorporated into other materials without the express written permission of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Published Date
Mar 23, 2018