When it comes to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), a leader’s enthusiasm is a gift in itself. Research shows church members give significantly more when their leaders share their excitement and passion for a Special Offering.
Consider these ideas to involve your members & inspire them to give:
- Download the Leader’s Guide, with all sorts of resources to help you build excitement for this Offering season, including a sample pastor letter, blog post content, newsletters, and stories of OGHS's impact around the world
- Set a goal for your church, and publicly track your progress towards meeting it
- Plan a special church service highlighting the OGHS ministries
- Encourage the energy and creativity of your youth by involving them in coin box projects, music suggestions or skits, and handing out bulletin inserts
- Host a church rummage sale or pitch-in, with proceeds going to the OGHS Offering
If you have not received your OGHS Materials, call Presbyterian Distribution Services at 800-524-2612. Download additional resources here.
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