General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission

The General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (GAPJC) is a permanent commission of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) that exercises church discipline through judicial process.
The responsibilities of the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission are described in the Rules of Discipline section of the Book of Order. Members of the GAPJC shall have experience in interpreting the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Experience with the Rules of Discipline and the normal functioning of church councils is helpful. The GAPJC shall have an equal number (as nearly so as possible) of minister and elder members with one member at-large elected from each synod for a six-year term.
GAPJC Membership & Electoral Process
The General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (GAPJC) is composed of one member from each of its constituent synods. One’s membership on the GAPJC shall end when he or she transfers membership to a church or presbytery outside the synod from which nominated. Every two years, the General Assembly shall elect members for a term of six years to fill the vacancies then occurring. Their terms of office will begin with the dissolution of the General Assembly at which they are elected.
Any vacancy due to resignation, death, or any other cause may be filled by the electing governing body, which may elect a person to fill the unexpired term at any meeting thereof.
Paige Bass
Class of 2028
Synod of the Sun
Scott Clark
Class of 2026
Synod of the Pacific
Mari Glory Gonzalez Guerra
Class of 2026
Sínodo Presbiteriano de Boriquén
en Puerto Rico
Chad Herring
Class of 2028
Synod of the Mid-America
Larry Hollar
Class of 2026
Synod of the Covenant
Bennet McConaughy
Class of 2026
Synod of Alaska-Northwest
Leah Ntuala
Assistant Clerk
Class of 2028
Synod of the Northeast
José Olagues
Class of 2028
Synod of the Southwest
Roberty Smalley III
Class of 2030
Synod of the South Atlantic
Rocky Supinger
Class of 2028
Synod of Lincoln Trails
Wendy Tajima
Class of 2026
Synod of Southern California and Hawaii
Vince Thomas
Class of 2026
Synod of Lakes and Prairies
John Welch
Class of 2028
Synod of the Trinity
Flor Vélez-Díaz
Manager for Judicial Process
888-728-7228, ext. 5432
Past Hearings
Friday, April 5, 2024
Kisup Park and Kyung Hee Park (Appellants) v. Presbytery of San Fernando Valley (Appellee)
Friday, Oct. 28, 2022
Rev. Dr. Brian John (Appellant/Cross-Appellee) v. Presbytery of New York City (Appellee/Cross-Appellant)
Friday, Sept. 9, 2022
GAPJC Appeal 2022–02, Cary Tolley, Appellant/Cross-Appellee (Complainant) v. The Presbytery of Tropical Florida Appellee/Cross-Appellant (Respondent)
Friday, April 1, 2022
GAPJC Appeal 2021-03, The Presbytery of Lake Michigan, Appellant v. Session of North Kent Presbyterian Church
Due to restrictions put in place to address recent events, access to paper mail will be severely limited until further notice. For that reason, any filings directed to the General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission will be received by Assistant Stated Clerk Flor Vélez-Díaz until access to paper mail can be restored.
The General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission is staffed by the department of Constitutional Interpretation.
“Church discipline is the church’s exercise of authority given by Christ.” (Book of Order, D-1.0101).
Judicial process is the exercise of authority for the church by the councils for the correction of:
- irregularities and delinquencies taken by councils, the Mission Agency, or an entity of the General Assembly (referred to as remedial cases); and
- offenses by individual members (referred to as disciplinary cases).
Judicial process is explained in the Rules of Discipline found in the Book of Order, which is Part Two of The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The General Assembly, each synod, and each presbytery elects a permanent judicial commission composed of ministers and elders subject to its jurisdiction. The General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (GAPJC) is composed of one member elected by the General Assembly from each of its constituent synods (16). The General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission issues Authoritative Interpretations of The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) through its decisions.
Contact Us
Flor Vélez-Díaz
Manager for Judicial Process
888-728-7228, ext. 5432
Open Meeting Policy
As approved by the 209th General Assembly (1997) and amended by the 218th General Assembly (2008), the Open Meeting Policy applies to the General Assembly and its related entities and work groups.