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GA commissioners and advisory delegates got a lot done in Salt Lake City

A top 10 list of accomplishments between June 29 and July 4

The Rev. CeCe Armstrong, co-moderator of the 226th General Assembly and Commissioner Dustin Wilsor join commissioners and advisory delegates in a dance break during Tuesday night’s plenary at the 226th General Assembly. Photo by Rich Copley.
The Rev. CeCe Armstrong, co-moderator of the 226th General Assembly joins commissioners and advisory delegates in a dance break. Photo by Rich Copley

July 4, 2024

Mike Ferguson | General Assembly News

SALT LAKE CITY — Commissioners to the 226th General Assembly discerned God’s will in numerous ways during the past six days. What follows are 10 of the most significant things they did at the Salt Palace Convention Center and in neighboring churches between June 29 and July 4.

The Rev. Jihyun Oh is elected, then installed, as Stated Clerk

With family members laying on their hands and more than 500 commissioners and advisory delegates in full-throated support, the Rev. Jihyun Oh, director of Mid Council Ministries in the Office of the General Assembly, was elected and then installed Monday as the next Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). “I love this church for who we have been, warts and all, and for who we are now, and who we will become as we faithfully discern God’s call for us,” Oh told the Assembly.

The Rev. CeCe Armstrong and the Rev. Tony Larson are selected as Co-Moderators

Hailing from adjacent presbyteries in South Carolina, the Rev. Tony Larson and the Rev. CeCe Armstrong were elected on the first ballot on Sunday by a 249-171 count over the Rev. Danny Morales and the Rev. Dr. Marian McClure Taylor. Prior to their election, Larson and Armstrong sported stoles that formed the PC(USA) logo — but only when they stood next to one another. They called that a symbol of working together for the good of the Church and those it serves.

Both portions of the ‘Olympia Overture’ are approved

POL-01, which had been divided into two parts, will amend the Book of Order to include sexual orientation and gender identity among the categories against which this Church does not discriminate. Lengthy discussions took place on this item. The item will be sent to presbyteries for ratification.

General Assembly backtracks on complete divestment from the fossil fuel industry

In a surprise reversal on Tuesday, the Assembly made an about-face by deciding against complete divestment from the fossil fuel industry after having voted in favor of it that morning. After tough and lengthy discussion, commissioners voted to disapprove ENV-02 and instead go with an amended version of ENV-06.

‘Our ancestors’ wildest dreams’

In a tribute brimming over with affection, admiration, gratitude, tears, laughter and the occasional touch of irreverence, the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, the former Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA), was joyfully celebrated for changing the denomination that shaped and changed him. Throughout the evening, Nelson — who retired in 2023 — was lauded for cultivating young adult leadership and for his never-ending commitment to addressing social justice challenges including poverty, discrimination and gun violence.

Next stop: Milwaukee

On Wednesday, the Assembly voted to accept the Presbytery of Milwaukee’s invitation to host the 227th General Assembly in 2026. Commissioners resisted a motion to hold both committee and plenary sessions in person. Instead, they’ll occur just how they did in Salt Lake City: committees meeting online, and plenary sessions occurring in person.

The 226th General Assembly is one for the ages

Commissioners agreed to per capita levels for 2025 and 2026 and approved the unifying budgets for both years. They also paid tribute to the tireless work of the Acting Stated Clerk, the Rev. Bronwen Boswell, and the newly elected Stated Clerk, the Rev. Jihyun Oh.

Technology, committee support pass the test at General Assembly

Headed into plenary sessions following three days of online committee work, Acting Stated Clerk the Rev. Bronwen Boswell and the Director of GA Planning, Kate Trigger Duffert, lauded preparations by commissioners and advisory delegates to learn how to use MyGA, where the work of plenaries and committees was conducted. “We’ve used these tools before, but learning something new when you’re isolated is a challenge,” Trigger Duffert said.

Young Adult Advisory Delegates participate in GA orientation

Eighty-two YAADs from across the country received orientation on Saturday led by the Rev. Katrina Pekich-Bundy and Ekama Eni. In part, a YAAD’s role is to make commissioners aware of issues and ideas they might not otherwise had known about. The leaders offered the YAADs Zoom debriefs following committee meetings and plenaries.

Utah churches welcome commissioners and advisory delegates

As depicted here, here, here and here, Presbytery of Utah churches put out their welcome mats for those attending the 226th General Assembly. Following worship, guests and church members alike enjoyed food and fellowship.

주제: General Assembly, Environment, Moderator, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly