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Presbyterian News Service

New resources available for Youth in the Church and the World Sunday

Materials can be used Aug. 11 and beyond

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July 22, 2024

Beth Waltemath

Presbyterian News Service

Image contributed by Heather Leoncini

Aug. 11 is Youth in the Church and the World Sunday. To help plan for this day or anytime you want to hear the voices of young people in your church, the Office of Presbyterian Youth and Triennium has created resources for youth, youth workers, educators and clergy. These youth-friendly orders of worship are intergenerationally engaging while also being theologically significant and culturally relevant for younger Presbyterians. The stories, prayers, activities and themes cover a range of biblical themes and theological and liturgical concepts.

“This is a time in Presbyterian youth ministry at the national level, in particular, that we are very much focused on youth as leaders and the development of their unique gifts, voices, perspectives, passions and concerns,” said Gina Yeager-Buckley, manager of the PC(USA)’s Office of Presbyterian Youth and Triennium. “The very central longings of today’s young people are the foundation of these services and these creators.” Yeager-Buckley also described how youth from the churches of their writing team of active youth ministry practitioners were involved in the design and writing of the resources.

The Youth Led Worship Quicksheets feature practical information about how to plan from the start with young people, along with information and background about the various liturgical elements of Presbyterian worship and witness. The Quicksheets also include creative ideas for extending a worship service into an interactive church experience, suggestions around the themes of Matthew 25 and several other unique and creative themes.

The six new free Orders of Worship resources can be used on Aug. 11 or for another special Youth Sunday or anytime youth are involved in leading, planning or preparing for worship:

This new set of youth led order of worship resources was written by professional youth workers, mid council ministry leaders congregational worship directors and clergy. The Rev. Pepa Paniagua, Coordinator for Innovation and New Ministry Development at Grace Presbytery, wrote Quicksheets #92 – Finding the Center Youth Worship. Paniagua said it gave her an opportunity to think back and remember the Youth Sundays of her past.

“It gave me a moment to think back on the faces of the young people I have been in ministry with over the years,” Paniagua said. “It also invited me to think about ministering to the people who are ministering to the young people in their midst. Youth ministry has changed a lot in the last 20 years, and I know it can feel heavy at times.” Paniagua took the opportunity, through her reflection and writing, to pray for the leaders and the youth who will eventually use the resources.

Gina Yeager-Buckley

“When we talk about Youth Sunday, we often think about one Sunday a year. And while it is true that there is this special day of observance with Youth in the Church and the World, the exciting reality is that there are many opportunities and ways that young people can take on the leadership of worship,” said Yeager-Buckley, who pointed out that youth have been experiencing worship for years. “There is no reason that they should remain strictly participants. God has given them a voice, curiosity, opinions, talents and a desire to share their thoughts. And we, the church, should be scrambling to listen and to experience their leadership!”


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주제:Presbyterian Youth and Triennium