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Presbyterian News Service

Advent hope in the midst of uncertainty

Call to Worship journal guides readers and faith leaders in planning

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November 6, 2024

Beth Waltemath

Presbyterian News Service

Christ in Glory, a 15th-century Russian icon, adorns the Dec. 1 resource published in the Call to Worship journal’s latest issue.

Advent is a time of prayer and waiting for the fulfillment of God’s promises. The Advent liturgy and worship resources published in the annual Lectionary Companion of the Call to Worship journal remind readers and faith leaders of this eternal hope, especially in the midst of wondering what election results and new administrations will hold for our common life together.

The prayers of intercession written for Dec. 1, the first day of Advent this year, open with these words: “Trusting in the steadfast love of the Lord, let us pray for the fulfillment of God’s promises, saying, ‘Emmanuel, come; O come and save us.’”

The “Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts Lectionary Companion for Year C, 2024–2025,” includes weekly and seasonal suggestions for liturgy, music and art responding to Scripture readings from the Revised Common Lectionary in Year C, which begins Dec. 1. Samples for the first Sunday of Advent are available on the Call to Worship journal website now. Subscriptions to the journal include this annual resource and three thematic issues on topics such as collaboration, liturgy in times of crisis and shared space. Each year, subscribers receive a Lectionary Companion issue that is helpful for planning worship each year.

The latest issue of the Call to Worship journal begins a new lectionary year with hope.

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In the past year, the journal has introduced a new website where content from all issues can be accessed and liturgical resources for each Sunday and season of the church year can be found easily.

The Rev. Sally Ann McKinsey, editor of “Call to Worship,” approaches her role as a collaboration with contributors and with readers.

“I am grateful for all the contributors to vol. 58.1 whose work invites us to reflect on the meaning of the liturgical seasons through the coming year,” said McKinsey, offering special thanks to Phillip Morgan, music editor; Tina Noll, copy editor; and Michelle Vissing, layout designer, all of whom were vital partners in the process of producing this issue.

“I am glad to be a conversation partner about topics in liturgy, music, preaching and the arts, so please contact me if you have questions or thoughts about the work of the journal,” said McKinsey.

An invitation to discipleship from “Call to Worship” contributor Erina Kim-Eubanks is a fitting prayer for uncertain times:

In this season of Advent,

we embrace the growing dark

as a place where new life and new worlds are born.

Let us be stretched in our waiting.

Let us be steady in our hoping.

Let us remain ready and alert,

to receive Christ’s birth with joy and expectation. Amen.


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주제: Advent, Call to Worship