After Interpretation Ministry
A Letter from César Carhuachín, serving in Colombia
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Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ in the U.S.A.,
Greetings from Barranquilla, Colombia! My wife Dania and I returned to Barranquilla on October 17 after eight months in the United States where I was doing my Interpretation Ministry. Those eight months were very rich and productive. We visited many church gatherings where we shared about God’s mission in Colombia and were blessed by them. In addition to visiting congregations, we had the opportunity to rest and renew our spiritual life. We stayed at Mission Haven in Decatur, GA, and attended Columbia Presbyterian Church in Decatur when we didn’t have commitments elsewhere. We enjoyed the worship services and the inspired and creative sermons of Rev. Tom Hagood.

As a part of my Interpretation Ministry, I dedicated some time to classes at Dubuque University Theological Seminary in the Master of Arts in Reformed Theology program. Instruction took place in a hybrid format that included both in-person and online instruction. I am very thankful to Theology Matters for providing the scholarship for this study. My wife Dania accompanied me to a week of intensive classes in Hilton Head, SC on September 25-29.
Before my return to Colombia, I felt sick to my stomach. I began to feel ill on October 3. I hoped that was going to pass in a couple of days, but this stomachache persisted. I contacted a physician and on October 12, and began taking medication. I began to feel better on October 17, five days after beginning treatment. I feel much better now. I don´t know what kind of illness I had, but I thank God that now I feel good. My wife supported me as did God of course and my family doctor.
The Theology program of our ecumenical partner the Reformed University of Colombia has a new director, the Rev. Angelica Munera. She is an alumna of McCormick Theological Seminary and the former pastor of Cartagena Presbyterian Church. The former director of the program, Rev. Luís Romero is now dean of the school of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities. One of the new activities that Rev. Munera has implemented is an event called “Expotheo” which took place on October 27. During this event professors of different courses were showing what they teach in their classrooms through pictures, costumes and art.
This is brand new type of the program, and I think that it is very original and requires some creativity in the faculty. Please continue praying for our ecumenical partner the Reformed University, the Theology program and its challenges.

My friend Rev. Michael Wallace, his wife Courtney, and their three children have been in Barranquilla since the past June. He is a pastor at Christ Presbyterian Church in Canton OH. He wanted to spend his sabbatical in Latin America and share his gifts with others. So, he decided to come to Barranquilla and support the Theology program of our ecumenical partner the Reformed program of our ecumenical partner the Reformed University. During this time, his and Courtney’s children are enrolled at the American school of Barranquilla. Rev. Wallace is teaching two courses at the university. They are Systematic Theology I and II. On November 1 he is going to present a conference entitled “Looking for Exegetical Gems in the Old Testament.” I want to request your prayers for Rev. Wallace and his family, so they can be a blessing here and be blessed by our churches and the city during their stay in Colombia.

University President, R.E. Helis Barranza and Dean Rev. Luís Romero have been invited to be a part of a group of professors who will create the curriculum of a Master in Neurosciences and Spirituality program. This will be the first master's program at the university. I am attending several meetings in November to help strategize. My final task for this year is to edit the online Theological Journal Palabra y Vida. This year the theme is “Fundamentalisms and Peace, and Related Issues.” I ask for your prayers so I can complete my duties by the first week of December. Then, I will take my 2023 vacation.
I want to ask your prayers for the next months and for God´s mission around the world. I want to invite you to sign up to receive my mission connection letters at:
Thank you for your church and individual partnership with God´s mission in Colombia. Your support allows us to serve as mission co-workers in different parts of the world!
Grace and peace!