Educator Certification Committee

The Educator Certification Committee establishes the standards of the Educator Certification process and are described in the Educator Certification Handbook. Standards include the oversight of courses offered, connecting with Educator Certification Advisors, maintaining/establishing communication with certified educators, evaluating certification examinations, and maintaining relationships with the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators and with theological institutions related to the PC(USA).
Mission Statement
Much of the work of the Educator Certification Committee is done through two sub-committees: People Connections and Courses & Exams.
People Connections supports relationships and fosters communication among constituent groups connected to the educator certification process, including providing leader training and connecting with mid councils. This group also communicates about and advocates for the educator certification process within PC(USA)-related groups and bodies.
The Courses & Exams sub-committee provides oversight and administration of all certification-approved courses and the Christian Education Associate endorsement process. This group reviews and approves course descriptions, syllabi, and instructor qualifications. ECC members are appointed to sub-committees based on their experience, skills, and gifts.
Brett Foote
Class of 2028
Sarah Hegar
Class of 2028
Denise Kennedy
Class of 2026
Gregg Neel
Class of 2026
Rachel Pedersen
Class of 2026
Carson Rhyne
Class of 2026
Elaina Sipes
Class of 2026
Rebecca Davis
Appointed by Union Presbyterian Seminary
Cheryl Carson
Appointed by Assoc. of Partners in Christian Education
Martha Miller
ex-officio member
PC(USA) Staff
Members of the Committee are nominated through the General Assembly Nominations process.
Open Meeting Policy
As approved by the 209th General Assembly (1997) and amended by the 218th General Assembly (2008), the Open Meeting Policy applies to the General Assembly and its related entities and work groups.