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Preparation Tools for Ruling Elders and Deacons

Leaders are formed, in their faith and within their service in the church. Following the identification of gifts and confirmation of call, nomination and election to deacon and ruling elder occur within the congregation. Preparation for these roles and continued ecclesial formation also typically occurs through the local congregation or mid council, but resources to assist are available.

Coming Alive in Christ


Training for PC(USA) Ruling Elders and Deacons based on the Constitutional Questions

This multi-session resource, delivered through Equip, is created for the study by and training of those serving as ruling elders and deacons. Based on the theological principles of the constitutional questions asked and answered in ordination, study guides are provided for leaders using a monthly format to last throughout the year and for a three-session retreat format. 

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Other Training Opportunities

Available at the PC(USA) Store

Serving as a Ruling Elder

With Revisions from the New Form of Government

The Presbyterian Deacon

An Essential Guide

The Presbyterian Ruling Elder

An Essential Guide

Making Disciples, Making Leaders

Leader Guide

Making Disciples, Making Leaders

Participant Workbook

Selected to Serve

A Guide for Church Leaders