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Jim and Jodi McGill’s New Adventure in Mission Webinar

June 2017

Dear Friend,

We wanted to let you know about a webinar with your mission co-workers Jim and Jodi McGill.

Jim and Jodi McGill’s New Adventure in Mission Webinar

PC(USA) mission co-workers Jim and Jodi McGill, who have spent the past 22 years serving in Malawi, will begin a new mission assignment based in Niger, working with the Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger (EERN) as well as the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan.

Please join us for a webinar to hear from the McGills about their call to Niger and South Sudan and the work they will be engaged in. After you register, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the details about joining the webinar.

Jim and Jodi McGill’s New Adventure in Mission Webinar

Thursday, June 29

12 noon EDT



You can also use your telephone or computer microphone and speakers (VoIP).

United States: +1 (562) 247-8422

Audio PIN: Shown after joining the webinar

Attendee – muted

Access Code: 835-229-018

We are so grateful for your prayers and support of our mission co-workers and global partners!

Your Presbyterian World Mission staff team