Guide to the Lane Theological Seminary Records
Open for research.
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In 1828 Ebenezer Lane, a Baptist layman and New Orleans merchant, and his brother, William, pledged to finance from their business profits the establishment of a seminary in the vicinity of Cincinnati. When the Baptists were unable to carry the project through, the Presbyterians assumed it. A Board of Trustees was selected (originally known as the "Ohio Board of Education") and the institution was chartered in 1829. Elnathan Kemper and his brothers, in February 1829, donated 60 acres of land in Walnut Hills, near Cincinnati, to the Board of Trustees.
The seminary was organized into Preparatory, Literary and Theological Departments. An academy, the Walnut Hills School, that was already on the property, was continued as the preparatory department of the seminary from 1829 until 1834. The seminary was at first run on the "manual labor plan" popular at the time, requiring students to work a portion of each day. It was abandoned sometime after 1844.
In 1830, Lyman Beecher was elected president and professor of systematic theology but was not inducted until December 1832, at which time the Theological Department was opened. He served from 1832-1850. Calvin E. Stowe was installed as professor of biblical literature.
During much of its existence, Lane Seminary had financial difficulties. Among the early subscribers were Arthur and John Tappan of New York who had difficulty meeting commitments because of the depression of 1837.
Theodore D. Weld became the student leader in the agitation over the slavery question. When the Board tried to restrain the activities of the abolition society in 1834, he led the majority of the students to Oberlin, where a new theological seminary was then formed.
When in the Presbyterian schism of 1837-1870 the faculty of the seminary adhered to the New School branch, the Old School leaders went to the civil courts in an unsuccessful attempt to take control of the institution.
The library of the seminary library was developed by book-buying trips to Europe by Calvin E. Stowe in 1836 and George E. Day in 1865-1866.
Lane Seminary became involved in the doctrinal controversies of the 1890s when Professor Henry Preserved Smith was suspended by the Presbytery of Cincinnati for heresy. The General Assembly expressed disapproval of Lane's retention of Smith on the faculty and forbade the Board of Education to aid Lane students until Smith's resignation. Professors at Lane also contributed to the debate over the revision of the Confession of Faith.
The General Assembly of 1910 directed that an "alliance" be consummated between the Presbyterian Theological Seminary of the South located in Lebanon, Tennessee, and Lane Seminary.
In 1932, Lane Seminary was merged with the McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago.
The bulk of the material in this collection consists of correspondence and financial records from about 1828 to 1865, a large portion being the records of Gabriel Tichenor, treasurer, and Dr. D. H. Allen, superintendent. There are also lectures and sermons of faculty members and records of student organizations. The records of the Society of Missionary Inquiry has letters from missionaries.
Researchers should take into account that the attribution of lecture notes to specific professors is not certain in some cases.
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Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not be available on Pearl or in their entirety.
Portions of the collection are available on microfilm: MFPOS 747 reels 1-3.
Microfilming was done before the collection was transferred to the Presbyterian Historical Society. Following its transfer to PHS, the collection was reorganized. Consequently, the order of microfilming does not match the order of items in the present collection. Microfilm reel numbers are provided in the collection inventory. Please note that some folders have been microfilmed in their entirety, and some have not.
The following is a detailed table of contents for MFPOS 747, reels 1-3. Note that the folder numbers in this table of contents refer to the organization of contents when they were microfilmed, NOT the present organization.
Reel 1:
Folder No. 1 – Historical Material
Draft of bill for the incorporation. 1829.
Act to amend incorporation.
Agreement with Lane brothers. (Letter to D.H. Allen from Ebenezer Lane).
Commendatory letters.
Clipping from Cincinnati Pandect, September 8, 1829, on its founding.
Lane Seminary and Walnut Hills School. 1832. (Early catalogue).
Project for preparatory department. 1834.
Plea for endowment. 1837.
Charter and amendments. 1858.
Address by Rev. Henry A. Nelson. 1899. (Reminiscences).
Lane-Lebanon Alliance.
Eschatalogue. 1930.
Court of Appeals, First Appellate district, Hamilton County, Ohio. no. 3966. Trustees of Lane Seminary, Plaintiff vs. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States, etc., et a1., defendants. Brief for the Plaintiff.
Newspaper clippings regarding the merger of Lane and McCormick.
Folder No. 2 – Trustees
Notices of meetings.
Minutes and reports.
Reports to trustees.
Appointments and resignations.
Protest against their hiring professors not of the Presbyterian faith.
Folder No. 3 – Executive Committee
Minutes and resolutions.
Letter from A. S. Bishop to Nathaniel Wright concerning the adoption of regulations. 1834.
Folder No. 4 – Board of Examiners
Reports. 1862-1863.
Folder No. 5 – Subscriptions
- Boal.
- Dickinson.
- Eastmann.
- Ellis.
- Grosbeck. Wilson withdraws pledge — professors aren't Presbyterian.
- Tappen. Correspondence and copies of bankruptcy papers.
- Tichenor.
- Vail.
- Warren.
Folder No. 6 – Faculty
Minutes. 1833.
Reports to trustees.
Inauguration formula. (Dickinson and Baxter inaugurations).
Recommendations for professors. Appointments and resignations.
- Agnew.
- Biggs.
- Folsom.
- Howell. Resignation.
- Lewis.
- Mitchell.
- Morgan.
- Slack.
- Smith. Resignation.
- Stowe.
- Stowe-Morgan.
- Warren.
- White.
- Witel.
- Wynkoop.
- Young.
Reel 2:
Folder No 7 – Scholarships
Rules and conditions with regard to the acceptance and administration of scholarship funds.
Letter from F. Y. Vail to N. Wright about doing something in the way of securing scholarships. 1837.
Report on scholarships. 1838.
Bequest from Mrs. Catharine Hunt of $500.00 for the scholarship fund.
Proposed plan for scholarships. 1852.
Gift of forty shares of capital stock of the Bellfontaine and Indiana railroad from Nathaniel Sawyer.
Resolution. That of money received after May 1, 1892, $6600.00 be credited to the scholarship fund.
Folder No. 8 – Students
List of Students. 1831.
Students admitted in 1833.
Students admitted in 1836.
Students admitted in 1838.
Inquiries-and recommendations.
- Preparatory department. 1831-1834.
- Literary department. 1829-1833.
- Theological department. 1829-.
Letters from students.
- Bridgman.
- Byers.
- Caswell.
- Chamberlain.
- Clark.
- Davison.
- Everts.
- Hitchcock.
- Masters.
- Robinson.
- Sexton.
- Smith.
- Stanton.
- Weeks.
- Whitney.
- Wright.
Complaint of James Kemper about students.
Request for dismissal.
Request for permission to attend lectures in city.
Request-for permission to give course of lectures on temperance.
Request for permission of farming a lot.
Pledge against use of tobacco.
Answer to inquiries of students about revivals.
Folder No. 9 – Examination Questions
Folder No. 10 – Clubs and Societies
General regulation on student meetings.
Lane Seminary Club.
- Constitution.
- Letter from Horace C. Hovey.
Philadelphia Education Society.
- Circular letter.
Presbyterian Education Society.
Smith Rhetorical Society.
- Certificate of incorporation.
- Constitution.
- Minutes.
- Resolutions.
Society of Alumni.
Society of Missionary Inquiry.
- Letters from students in other seminaries and colleges.
-Springville Academy.
- Letters from missionaries.
-Sandwich Islands.
-Dakota Indians.
-Sioux Indians.
- Notebook containing constitution and paper read by Dr. E.D. Morris "The Foreign missionary alumni of Lane Seminary". Mar. 20, 1891.
- Western Education Society.
Reel 3:
Folder No. 11 – Manual Labor
Broom Factory.
Mechanical Association.
Printing Department.
Folder No. 12 – Building and Grounds
Plan of buildings. 1829.
Map of Grounds. 1833(?).
Directory to landmarks on grounds.
Kemper monument.
Lane Seminary hall. North Wing. 1880.
Folder No. 13 – Library
Librarian's report. 1862.
Reports to the Board of Trustees. 1873-1884.
Neander Library.
- Day.
- Morris.
- Stowe.
- Vail.
- Warren.
Petition for periodicals by the Athenaeum club.
Folder No. 14 – Walnut Hill School
- Beckwith.
- Blanchard.
- Cole.
Folder No. 15 – Slavery Question
Requests for dismission.
Letters and reports on right of students to leave.
Folder No. 16 – Old and New Schools
Resignation of J. B. Wilson from Board of Trustees. 1831.
Letter from Amos Blanchard concerning difficulty in obtaining funds on account of New School. 1832.
Letter from I. S. Frary regarding Old and New School. 1832.
Letter from A. Bullard requesting payment of debt and also giving his opinion of the New School.
Letter from Luther Halsey concerning the New School and suggesting that the seminary has no Presbyterian sympathies. 1840.
Letter from Robert Cathcart to Lyman Beecher regarding suits against the New School. 1847.
Resolution of First Presbyterian Church of Ripley to withdraw from the Synod of Cincinnati and seek a union with the New School branch of the Cincinnati Presbytery. Also concerning the refusal to exclude slave holders and the apologists of slave holding from the communion of the church. 1858.
Beecher's slander against Dr. Wilson repelled.
Copy of H. P. Smith's appeal to the Board.
Folder No. 17 – Taxation
Report of Committee. 1835.
Letter from T. G. Odiorne. Kenyon College, on subject of taxation.
Folder No. 18 – Beckwith Correspondence
E. Porter to James Warren about possibility of acquiring Dr. Beckwith for Lane. 1829.
Beckwith asks about position offered him. 1829.
Letter of acceptance. 1829.
Letter to James Warren with copy of letter of acceptance. 1829.
Appointment of Beckwith as agent to solicit funds for the space of six months. 1830.
David Root to Beckwith concerning the establishment of a central school for young ladies in the West. 1830.
Beckwith. His eyes prevent him from accepting appointment as agent. Suggests I. Hawes. 1830.
Letter about visit to Oneida Institute. Encouraged by reports of Lane. 1830.
Beckwith to Warren. Deplores failure to obtain funds. Tenders resignation. 1830.
Letter suggesting Mr. Labaree as teacher in Walnut Hills School. 1830.
Letter concerning action of Board on his resignation. 1831.
Request for payment of money due. 1832.
Second request for payment. 1833.
Third request. 1835.
Fourth request. 1835.
Folder No. 19 – Beecher Correspondence
Appointment as president. 1830.
Appeal for Dr. Beecher to go to Lane. No date.
Letter from F. T. Vail to James Warren on qualifications of Dr. Beecher. 1830.
F. T. Vail to James Warren. Beecher's obligation to stay with his people prevents his going to Lane at that time. And the prospect of his acceptance at a later time. 1831.
Eastman to Vail. Offers congratulations on success in raising funds. Suggests renewal of Dr. Beecher's appointment. 1832.
Eastman to Vail. Dr. Beecher on way to Cincinnati. 1832.
F. T. Vail to Blanchard and Mahan relating to Dr. Beecher's acceptance. 1832.
S. Agnew to Lyman Beecher. Regarding his son's appointment. 1832.
Lyman Beecher to the friends of Lane Seminary and the West. 1833.
Lyman Beecher to John Tappan. Concerning A. Tappan's pledge to lane. 1837.
Lyman Beecher to G. Tichenor. Requests payment of salary. 1839.
B. Labaree to Lyman Beecher. Concerning character of Tyson. 1844.
Lyman Beecher to Trustees. Resignation. 1850.
Mrs. Caroline Wilson presents bust of Dr. Beecher to Lane. 1842 (?).
Subscription for support of Dr. Beecher. 1850.
Folder No. 20 – Condit Correspondence
Letter to Board of Trustees asking that the duty of instruction in the Department of church polity by transferred to Professor Allan. 1852.
Letter of resignation of the office of sacred rhetoric, because of impaired health.
Letter to Executive Board, again tendering his resignation. 1854.
Folder No. 21 – The Dickinsons
Austin Dickinson.
- Letters of recommendation of Samuel Dickinson. 1833.
- Austin Dickinson to professors of Lane. Thoughts on elevating the character of the secular press. 1844.
Baxter Dickinson.
- Letters of recommendation.
-Patton/Stuart/Edwards. (Three letters in one.)
- Testimonials. 1835.
-Vail. (Two documents.)
-Eastman/Noyes/Judd. (Three letters in one.)
- Letter considering acceptance. 1835.
- Letter of acceptance. 1835.
- Letter concerning moving to Cincinnati. 1835.
- Biggs to Dickinson. 1835.
- Wright to Dickinson. Prospects for getting students. Subscriptions. 1839.
- Resignation. 1839.
Samuel Dickinson.
- Accepts appointment as superintendant. 1833
- E. Hayden to S. Dickinson. 1835.
- Chadwick Smith to S. Dickinson. Hears rumor of Dickinson's return to New England. Asks recommendation for his position. 1835.
- Whitney to Dickinson. Asks for certificate of church membership. Hesitation in joining the church because of the slavery question. Refuses to listen to minister who is a slave holder or one who advocates slavery. 1835.
- J. B. Clark to Dickinson. Concerning family to take charge of commons. 1836.
- Dickinson to committee. Plan of organization. 1836.
- Clark to Dickinson. Concerning position. 1836.
- Dickinson to Bullard. 1836. Two letters.
- Dickinson to Boal. 1836.
- Dickinson to Ely. 1837.
- William Dickinson to Samuel Dickinson. 1836.
- F. Dickinson to R. Boal about death of S. Dickinson. 1838.
- Metcalf to Ely concerning payment of money to Dickinson estate. 1835.
Folder No. 22 – Humphrey Correspondence
Notice of election to the chair of sacred rhetoric and pastoral theology. 1840.
Acknowledgement of election.
Declines position. 1840.
Folder No. 23 - Morris
Memoranda of trusteeship. 1879-1886.
Smith to Morris. Concerning indebtedness of seminary to Morris.
Flora S. Watkin to Morris.
Folder No. 24 – Stowe Correspondence
Stowe to Mahan. Acknowledges appointment to chair of Biblical literature. 1832.
Stowe to Vail. Accepts appointment. 1833.
Stowe to Vail. Asks how to get his books and other articles to Cincinnati. 1833.
Stowe to Boal. Asks payment of salary. 1833.
Stowe to Vail. Asks for payment of salary. Cites his dire need. 1834.
Stowe to Executive Committee. Tells of the conditions of his acceptance to chair of Biblical literature. 1836.
Stowe to Vail. Expects to meet him in New York. 1836.
Stowe to Vail. Meeting arranged. 1836.
Stowe to Executive Committee. His claims on the trustees. 1837.
Stowe to Executive Committee. Must have suitable house. 1838.
Stowe to N. Wright. Concerning conditions of Seminary. Has offer from a New England college. 1839.
Stowe to Tichenor. Account with Seminary. 1839.
Stowe to Tichenor. Acknowledges draft. 1842.
Stowe to Executive Committee. Salary. 1845.
Stowe to Tichenor concerning order for payment of salary. 1845.
Stowe to Executive Committee about salary. 1850.
Resignation. 1850.
Stowe to Tichenor. Rental of farm. 1851.
Stowe to Allen. Asks collection of note. 1854.
Stowe to Tichenor. Reports progress as agent. 1854.
Stowe to N. Wright. Violation of terms of professorship. 1838.
Stowe to Tarrent. Concerning debt. No date.
Neff. Against raising Stowe's salary..
Stowe to Vail. Lists books to be had. 1854 (2)
Patterson, R. W.‘ Reminiscences of Calvin E. Stowe. Read before Lane Club.
Folder No. 25 — Tichenor Correspondence
Letters and memoranda concerning financial affairs of the Seminary. 1839-1862.
Folder No. 26 — Vail Correspondence.
Biggs. 1831-1834.
Blanchard. 1832.
Boal. 1832.
Bond. 1836.
Eastman. 1830-1833.
Edwards. 1836.
Ely. 1836-1837.
Farrar. 1836.
Haight. 1836.
Hitchcock. 1838.
Morgan. 1834.
Porter. 1830.
Todd. 1837. ,
Van Nostrum. 1838.
Wilson. 1829.
A. D. O. (last name illegible) 1835.
Folder No. 27 - Miscellaneous
Receipt for payment for building Smokehouse and necessary. 1830.
Concerning making of stoves. 1832.
Gift of wagon. 1837.
Bill of fare. 1833 (?). (On film but document misplaced.)
Petition for change of diet. 18331
Gift of pony. 1833.
Order of exercises of induction of Lyman Beecher.
Boarding of students. 1830.
Plan for economizing in board of students. (On film but document misplaced).
Petition against pasturing cows on Seminary lawn.
W. S. Merrill offers to give lectures on chemistry. 1829.
H. W. White offers cabinet of minerals. 1861.
Petition for coffee to be served at breakfast.
Petition against serving coffee.
Request of student for permission to eat his meals in his room. 1836.
C. Cotton to James Warren. On the subject of his preaching on revivals in America while in London.
S. W. Bonney to Rev. D. H. Allen On his missionary labors in China at Canton and Macao. 1839.
Researchers should also consult the library card catalog for additional relevant materials.
Received from the McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, between 1990 and 1992.
A selection of these records was microfilmed while the records were at McCormick Theological Seminary. Most of these are in the first two boxes of the processed collection. The financial records are arranged by year and are largely in the order in which they came from McCormick.
Collection processed and finding aid prepared: July 1992
Glenn Colliver, Assistant Archivist
Box | Folder | Description | Alternative Formats |
1 | 1 | Finding Aid to Record Group 286 | |
1 | 2 | Documents of the Establishment and Early history of the Seminary, 1829-1837 | MFPOS 747 reel 1 and reel 3 |
1 | 3 | Lyman Beecher Correspondence, 1830-1852 | MFPOS 747 |
1 | 4 | Calvin E. Stowe Correspondence, 1832-1854 | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
1 | 5 | Correspondence of Professors and Superintendent, 1829-1854 | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
1 | 6 | Gabriel Tichenor Correspondence, 1839-1862 | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
1 | 7 | Franklin Y. Vail Correspondence, 1829-1838 | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
1 | 8 | Miscellaneous Correspondence and Reports, 1830-1861 | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
1 | 9 | Orders of Exercises, 1846-1877, 1922, 1927, undated | |
1 | 10 | The Lane Bulletin; Catalogue, 1911-1931 | |
Board of Trustees | |||
1 | 11 | Meeting Notices, Minutes, Reports, 1833-1862 | MFPOS 747 reel 1 |
1 | 12 | Correspondence re Faculty Appointments and Resignations, 1831-1835, 1865 | MFPOS 747 reel 1 |
1 | 13 | Protest Against Hiring Non-Presbyterian Professors, undated | MFPOS 747 reel 1 |
1 | 14 | Subscription Accounts, 1828-1844, 1863 | |
1 | 15 | Subscription Accounts, F.Y. Vail, Agent, 1830-1837 | MFPOS 747 reel 1 |
1 | 16 | Arthur and John Tappan Subscription Correspondence, 1833-1847 | MFPOS 747 reel 1 |
1 | 17 | Subscription Pledges, Reports, Correspondence, 1830-1844 | MFPOS 747 reel 1 |
1 | 18 | Subscription Books for Professorial Endowments, 1879-1881 (1 volume) | |
1 | 19 | Subscription Book for New Building, 1879 (1 volume) | |
1 | 20 | Building Committee Minutes, 1879-1881 (1 volume) | |
1 | 21 | Property Records, 1829-1881, undated | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
Executive Committee | |||
1 | 22 | Minutes, Reports, Correspondence, 1834-1864 | MFPOS 747 reel 1 |
1 | 23 | Annual Reports, 1837-1864 | MFPOS 747 reel 1 |
Students | |||
1 | 24 | Scholarships, 1837-1852, 1892, undated | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
1 | 25 | Certificates of Student Admission, 1831, 1833 | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
1 | 26 | Student Correspondence, 1833-1838 | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
1 | 27 | Student Letters re Loans, 1833-1843 | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
1 | 28 | Inquiries and Recommendations, 1829-1836, 1845 | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
1 | 29 | Manual Labor (Broom Factory, Mechanical Association, Printing Department), 1829-1838 | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
1 | 30 | The Students and the Slavery Question, 1834 | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
2 | 1 | William C. Oliver (Student, 1862-1864), Class Notes, undated | |
2 | 2 | Financial Support, 1846-1860 | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
2 | 3 | Record of Absences...for the year 1840-1841 | |
2 | 4 | Student Rolls by Year and Session, 1919-1929 (1 volume) | |
Societies | |||
2 | 5 | Society of Missionary Inquiry: Constitution, Members' Signatures, A Paper 1872-1898 (1 volume) | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
2 | 6 | Letters from Missionaries, 1836-1874 | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
2 | 7 | Letters from Other Colleges and Seminaries, 1833-1847 | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
2 | 8 | Lists of Books Read, undated | |
2 | 9 | Society of Alumni: Minutes, 1850-1898 (1 volume) | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
2 | 10 | Smith Rhetorical Society, Constitution, Incorporation, Minutes, 1872-1876 | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
2 | 11 | Lane Seminary Club of Cincinnati, 1880, 1887, 1899, undated | MFPOS 747 reel 1 and reel 2 |
Library | |||
2 | 12 | Library Correspondence, 1831-1865 | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
2 | 13 | Library Subscription Book, 1834 | |
2 | 14 | Librarian's Reports, 1862, 1873-1884 (1 volume) | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
2 | 15 | Lists of Books Wanted or Donated, undated | |
2 | 16 | Catalogue, undated | |
2 | 17 | Accessions Book (No. 1-12,200), undated | |
2 | 18 | Accessions Book (No. 12,201-22,100), undated | |
3 | 1 | Accessions Book (No. 22,101-23,100), 1914-1919 | |
3 | 2 | Accessions Book (No. 23,101-24,100), 1919-1926 | |
3 | 3 | List of Books from the Library of J. G. Monfort, undated | |
3 | 4 | List of Books from the Library of Thornton A. Mills, undated | |
3 | 5 | Bills for Book Purchases, 1836, 1846, 1884 | |
3 | 6 | George E. Day's Book Buying Trip to Europe: Bills, 1865-1866 | |
3 | 7 | George E. Day's Inventory of Purchases and Report, 1865-1866 (1 volume) | |
3 | 8 | Register of Borrowers, 1865-1881 | |
3 | 9 | Reading of Shelves: Missing Books, 1894 | |
Faculty | |||
D. Howe Allen | |||
3 | 10 | Day Book, 1861-1865 (1 volume) | |
3 | 11 | Lecture Notes, Reason and Faith, undated (1 volume) | |
3 | 12 | Syllabus of Lectures in Theology, undated (1 volume) | |
3 | 13 | Lectures on Theology, Volume 1, 1851 | |
3 | 14 | Lectures on Theology, Volume 1 ½ | |
3 | 15 | Lectures on Theology, Volume 2 | |
3 | 16 | Lectures on Theology, Volume 3 | |
3 | 17 | Lectures on Theology, Volume 4 | |
3 | 18 | Lectures on Theology, Volume 4 ½ | |
3 | 19 | Lectures on Theology, Volume 5 | |
3 | 20 | Lectures on Theology, Volume 6 | |
3 | 21 | Lectures on God as Redeemer, undated | |
3 | 22 | Lectures on God as Redeemer, undated | |
3 | 23 | Lectures on Morals undated | |
4 | 1 | Lectures on Mental Philosophy, undated | |
4 | 2 | Lectures on Mental Philosophy (continued), undated | |
4 | 3 | Lectures on Theology: Positive Institutions, undated | |
4 | 4 | Lectures on Church Government, undated | |
4 | 5 | Lectures on Eschatology, undated | |
4 | 6 | Lectures on the Composition of Sermons, undated | |
4 | 7 | Introductory Lecture to Theology and Sacred Rhetoric, 1854 | |
4 | 8 | Personal Accounts, 1854-1856, undated | |
Edward D. Morris | |||
4 | 9 | Memorandum Book, 1886 (1 volume) | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
4 | 10 | Correspondence, 1874, 1900, undated | MFPOS 747 reel 3 |
4 | 11 | Annotations to The Confession of Faith, undated | |
Henry Addison Nelson | |||
4 | 12 | Lectures on Theology, undated | |
David Schley Schaff | |||
4 | 13 | Lectures and Lecture Notes, undated | |
4 | 14 | Lectures on Christian Missions, undated | |
4 | 15 | Lectures on Religions, undated | |
4 | 16 | Examination Questions, 1891, 1907, undated | MFPOS 747 reel 2 |
Henry P. Smith | |||
4 | 17 | Lectures on the Art of Preaching, 1855 | |
E. E. White | |||
4 | 18 | Annotations to the Confession of Faith, undated | |
4 | 18a | Correspondence re Revision of Confession of Faith, 1891 | |
James Eells | |||
4 | 19 | Memorial Address for James Eells, 1886 (1 volume) | |
4 | 20 | Financial Correspondence, 1833-1862, 1900 | |
4 | 21 | Gabriel Tichenor Correspondence, 1823, 1833, 1846-1865 | |
4 | 22 | Lyman Beecher's Accounts with the Seminary, 1838-1852 | |
5 | 1 | Financial Reports, 1833-1865, undated | |
5 | 2 | Accounts, 1831-1847, 1898-1900 | |
5 | 3 | Rental Accounts, 1832-1858, 1899 | |
5 | 4 | Bank Correspondence, 1838-1860 | |
5 | 5 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1829-1831 | |
5 | 6 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1831-1832 | |
5 | 7 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1832 | |
5 | 8 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1833 | |
5 | 9 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1833 (continued) | |
5 | 10 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1834 | |
5 | 11 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1834 (continued) | |
5 | 12 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1835 | |
5 | 13 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1835 (continued) | |
5 | 14 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1836 | |
5 | 15 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1837 | |
5 | 16 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1838 | |
6 | 1 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1839 | |
6 | 2 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1840-1844 | |
6 | 3 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1841-1844 | |
6 | 4 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1842-1847 | |
6 | 5 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1845-1847 | |
6 | 6 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1848 | |
6 | 7 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1849 | |
6 | 8 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1850-1851 | |
6 | 9 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1850-1852 | |
6 | 10 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1853 | |
6 | 11 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1852-1854 | |
6 | 12 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1855 | |
6 | 13 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1856 | |
6 | 14 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1857 | |
6 | 15 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1858-1859 | |
7 | 1 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1858-1859 (continued) | |
7 | 2 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1860-1862 | |
7 | 3 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1860-1862 (continued) | |
7 | 4 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1863-1865 | |
7 | 5 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1863-1865 (continued) | |
7 | 6 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1883 | |
7 | 7 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1883-1884 | |
7 | 8 | Miscellaneous Financial Records, 1821-1856 | |
7 | 9 | Tichenor's Financial Records, 1802-1855 | |
7 | 10 | Tichenor's Financial Records, 1802-1855 (continued) | |
7 | 11 | Tichenor's Financial Records, 1802-1855 (continued) | |
7 | 12 | Tichenor's Financial Records, 1802-1855 (continued) | |
7 | 13 | Tichenor's Financial Records, 1802-1855 (continued) | |
7 | 14 | Margaret Overaker's Financial Records, 1833-1860 | |
8 | 1 | Scrapbook of Clippings re Lane Professors and Ecclesiastical Trials and Confessional Revision, 1891-1894 | |
8 | 2 | Index of Articles re Revision of The Confession of Faith, 1890 | |
8 | 3 | “Library of Tribune Extras: Presbyterianism and Creed Revision,” 1890 | |
8 | 4 | Committee on Revision of the Confession of Faith, Report, 1891 | |
8 | 5 | Clippings re Revision of Confession of Faith, 1890-1892 | |
SERIES IV: MISCELLANY, 1795-1932 | |||
9 | 1 | Legal Brief and Clippings Concerning the Merger, 1931-1932 | |
9 | 2 | Brochures and Leaflets, 1910, undated | |
9 | 3 | Publication, Eschatologue, 1930 (Incl. Photographs of the Seminary Staff) | MFPOS 747 reel 1 |
9 | 4 | Jerome, the Rev. Theodore C., Class of 1872, Sermons, 1878-1881 | |
9 | 5 | Manuscript Sermons or Lectures (authors and dates are not identified) | |
9 | 6 | Manuscript Sermons, Author Unidentified, 1795-1850 | |
9 | 7 | Sharpless, S. F., “Ministerial Experience,” 1883 | |
9 | 8 | Junkin, A. T. “Recollections of Lane Seminary,” undated | |
9 | 9 | Student as Western Female Seminary, Oxford, OH: Letter to Her Father, 1862 | |
9 | 10 | Letter of a Committee to the Rev. Joshua Wilson, Promoting Hodge’s History of the Presbyterian Church, 1839 | |
9 | 11 | Turner, the Rev. William C.: Correspondence and Depositions re Investigation and Suspension by Presbytery of Cleveland, 1871-1872 | |
9 | 12 | Notebook: Matthew 1-10 in a Native American Language (?), undated | |
9 | 13 | Dr. Alexander’s Lectures (Notes copied by the Rev. Jacob Tuttle), undated | |
9 | 14 | Miscellaneous Letters and Papers, 1834-1893, undated |