Guide to the American Indian Correspondence: the Presbyterian Historical Society Collection of Missionaries' Letters
Open for research.
Bound letterpress volume in Box 33 restricted for preservation reasons; please use alternative format.
To browse this collection's digital content visit Pearl.
Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not be available on Pearl or in their entirety.
Presbyterian mission work among Native Americans began in the 18th century. New York Presbytery commissioned the first official American Presbyterian missionary in 1741 for work among the Indians of Long Island. The first official commission under the national structure, the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America (PCUSA), was issued in 1803 for mission work among the Cherokee. The PCUSA also joined the mission efforts of the Dutch Reformed and the Associate Reformed Churches in 1817 to form the United Foreign Missionary Society (UFMS), which after a few years was absorbed by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM).
While many Presbyterians continued to join the combined efforts of the ABCFM, some others preferred a denominational approach and formed the Western Foreign Missionary Society (WFMS) in 1831. By 1837 the WFMS was replaced by the PCUSA's newly created Board of Foreign Missions (BFM) and the new agency quickly moved to establish mission work among the southern Indian nations.
In the next 55 years, the BFM, in addition to the Indian Territory missions, established missions among the Chippewa (Ojibwa), Ottawa, Dakota, and Sioux in the North; among the Iowa, Omaha, Otoe, Sac, and Fox tribes in the Midwest; among the Nez Percé, Sioux, and Spokane in the Northwest; and among the Navajo, Apache, Pueblo, and Pima in the far Southwest. In 1870 the ABCFM transferred its Seneca and Ojibwa missions to the BFM. Beginning in 1884 the BFM began switching its work among Native Americans to the Board of Home Missions, completing the process by 1893.
The collection consists primarily of the correspondence of missionaries written to the secretaries of the ABCFM and the Presbyterian BFM. Documenting the mission work among Native Americans, letters are presumably official in nature but often contain much personal comment and experiences. A much smaller portion of the collection consists of reports, including school and mission station reports and statistics; financial statements, accounts, and vouchers; agreements/contracts; maps; and other assorted material.
The collection was originally bound in volumes and stored in letter-boxes numbered 1-12; and A-H and J-R. Please note: to avoid confusion with Box 1, the original numbering system excluded Box "I". The letters were removed from the bound volumes, foldered, and filed under the library call number for manuscripts: MS/In25. The original order has been maintained. Both the original filing numbers and the current call numbers are written on the folders: the original box and volume number is located at the top right in pencil (e.g., In25 box number-volume number) and the current box and folder number is located at the top left (e.g., RG 224-box number-folder number).
The bulk of the individual letters themselves are also numbered and some are continuously paginated, beginning again with each volume. The page and letter number are both handwritten on each letter and can be easily confused with one another. Generally, the lower number on the first page of the letter is the correct letter number. The folders indicate which letters are contained inside and the page range those letters encompass. Archives boxes 25, 26, and 33 contain bound letterpress volumes.
Partial chronological, alphabetical, and tribe card file indexes are available at the society in the reading room. There are also author and tribal indexes found in the published User's Guide to the microfilm of the American Indian Correspondence collection. This guide is available in the society's reading room (REF. Z 7817 .P7). While the guide is designed for the microfilm, both it and the card indexes use the same original filing system of box number and volume number as the physical collection. The card file indexes and User’s Guide can be used with this guide's Collection Inventory to locate specific letters by author, tribe, and year within the current physical arrangement. The cards may also contain very brief information on the subject of the letters.
To learn more about the scope and content of the collection and its arrangement, see "Introduction" on pages 5-6 and "Notes to the Reader" on page 7 of the User’s Guide.
See Collection Overview for more information regarding the arrangement of this collection.
Major tribes: Chippewa, Nez Percé, Seneca, 1876-1879, 1885-1888, bulk 1886-1887
Box 1, Folders 3-24
Box 1a, Folders 1-6
Major tribes: Chippewa, Dakota, Nez Percé, Seneca, 1880-1887, bulk 1885-1886
Box 1a, Folders 7-23
Box 2, Folders 1-11
Major tribes: Sac & Ioway, Sioux, Wea, 1833-1837, 1850-1864
Box 2, Folders 12-24
Box 3, Folders 1-33
Major tribes: Omaha, Otoe, Sac & Ioway, 1845-1865
Box 4, Folders 1-35
Box 5, Folders 1-7
Major tribes: Kickapoo, Otoe & Omaha, Sac & Ioway, 1846-1859
Box 5, Folders 8-33
Box 6, Folders 1-13
Major tribes: Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, 1849-1864, bulk 1850-1864
Box 6, Folders 14-37
Box 7, Folders 1-39
Major tribes: Chippewa, Ottawa, 1834-1864, bulk 1838-1864
Box 8, Folders 1-33
Box 8a, Folders 1-17
Box 9, Folders 1-19
Major tribes: Dakota, Sac & Ioway, Wea, 1834-1845, 1885-1893
Box 9, Folders 20-31
Box 9a, Folders 1-11
Major tribes: Choctaw, Creek, 1841-1849
Box 10, Folders 1-30
Box 11, Folders 1-5
Major tribes: Chickasaw, Choctaw, 1849-1863, bulk 1856-1861
Box 11, Folders 6-30
Box 12, Folders 1-15
Major tribes: Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, 1843-1859, 1880-1887
Box 12, Folders 16-34
Box 13, Folders 1-9
Major tribes: Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, 1849-1859, bulk 1850-1855
Box 13, Folders 10-26
Box 14, Folders 1-22
Major tribes: Blackfeet, Iowa, Omaha, Sioux, 1851-1868
Box 14, Folders 23-27
Box 15, Folders 1-29
Box 16, Folders 1-9
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Omaha, Seminole, 1844, 1853-1870, bulk 1867-1870
Box 16, Folders 10-30
Box 17, Folders 1-19
Major tribes: Apache, Chippewa, Creek, Navajo, Nez Percé, Seminole, 1873-1877, bulk 1876-1877
Box 17, Folders 20-28
Box 18, Folders 1-21
Major tribes: Chippewa, Navajo, Nez Percé, Omaha, 1875-1881, bulk 1878-1880
Box 18, Folders 22-25
Box 19, Folders 1-23
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Nez Percé, Omaha, Seminole, Seneca, 1878-1880
Box 20, Folders 1-22
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Nez Percé, Omaha, 1880-1881, bulk 1881
Box 21, Folders 1-26
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Dakota, Omaha, 1864, 1882-1884, bulk 1883-1884
Box 22, Folders 1-26
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Omaha, 1876-1885, bulk 1884-1885
Box 23, Folders 1-20
Box 24, Folders 1-7
Major tribes: Choctaw, Omaha, Winnebago, 1882-1893
Box 25, Folders 1-16
Major tribes: Chippewa, Omaha, Winnebago, 1863-1891
Box 26, Folders 1-4
Major tribes: Chippewa, Navajo, Nez Percé, Pueblo, 1872
Box 26a, Folders 1-7
Box 27, Folders 1-23
Major tribes: Chippewa, Navajo, Nez Percé, 1873
Box 27, Folders 24-28
Box 28, Folders 1-27
Major tribes: Chippewa, Nez Percé, Seminole, 1865, 1872-1875
Box 29, Folders 1-27
Major tribes: Apache, Choctaw, Navajo, Otoe & Omaha, Pueblo, 1845-1855, 1871-1875
Box 29a, Folder 1
Box 30, Folders 1-24
Major tribes: Dakota, Chickasaw, Chippewa, Choctaw, Creek, circa 1885-1893, 1949-1950
Box 31, Folders 1-9
Box 31a, Folders 1-4
Major tribes: Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Navajo, Seminole, 1838-1871, bulk 1871
Box 32, Folders 1-29
Major tribes: Apache, Chippewa, Creek, Navajo, Nez Percé, Omaha, Ottawa, Seminole, Winnebago, Zuni, 1869-1873
Box 33, Folder 1
Collection available on microfilm: MFPOS 1051 r. 1-35. The microfilm has been digitized and published by Gale Cengage as a part of their Archives Unbound collection. A Cross Reference list has been created to clarify the contents and organization of the digitized microfilm and to aid in identifying/locating the corresponding physical materials. At this time, the digitized microfilm can only be accessed in the society's reading room or directly through Gale for a fee.
Select documents from RG 224 have been digitized by PHS staff. To browse this collection's digitized content visit Pearl. Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not have been digitized in their entirety.
For more information regarding this collection, please see:
"Index of American Indian Correspondence" by Charles A. Anderson in the March 1953 issue of the Journal of The Presbyterian Historical Society; available in the society's reading room (REF. BX 8905 .J8 v.31).
Collection rehoused and Finding Aid prepared: February-April 1988
Kristin Gleeson, Associate Archivist and Dale Plummer, Archives Technician.
Guide to RG 224 revised and collection rehoused and more consistently labeled and organized; Cross Reference list created: summer 2016
Bill Brock, Collection Management Archivist; Jasmine Clark, Archival Technician; and Allison Davis, Archives Intern.
American Indian Correspondence: the Presbyterian Historical Society Collection of Missionaries' Letters, RG 224, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box | Folder | Description | Alternative Formats |
The information in the Description column is taken from the original filing system, while the information in the Box and Folder columns describes the current physical arrangement and call number. See the Collection Overview for more information regarding the arrangement of this collection. | |||
Original Arrangement | |||
1 | 1 | In25 1-1 [Box 1, Volume 1], Unnumbered letter signed by Dr. James E. Rhoads and seven other members of the Executive Committee of the Indian Rights Association (Philadelphia) protesting the requirement that all instruction in the Indian schools conducted by missionary organizations shall be given in the English language, November 10, 1887 [NOT ON MICROFILM]
[See also: Box 1 Folder 17, Letter 160 of November 11, 1887, from Herbert Welsh of the Indian Rights Association, referencing this letter] | Digital |
1 | 2 | In25 1-1 [Box 1, Volume 1], Articles of Agreement re an Industrial Boarding-school (blank 1880s U.S. government contract form) [NOT ON MICROFILM] | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Nez Percé, Seneca, 1876-1879, 1885-1888, bulk 1886-1887 | |||
1 | 3 | In25 1-1, Index to Box 1, Volume 1 | |
1 | 4-16 | In25 1-1, Letters 1-148 (pages 1-346), 1879, 1885-1888, bulk 1887 | |
1 | 17 | In25 1-1, Letters 149-160 (pages 346-378), 1879, 1885-1888, bulk 1887 | Digital |
1 | 18 | In25 1-2, Index to Box 1, Volume 2 | |
1 | 19-24 | In25 1-2, Letters 1-80 (pages 1-172), 1886 | |
1a | 1-6 | In25 1-2, Letters 81-140 (pages 173-284), 1876-1878, 1886, bulk 1886 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Dakota, Nez Percé, Seneca, 1880-1887, bulk 1885-1886 | |||
1a | 7 | In25 2-1, Index to Box 2, Volume 1 | |
1a | 8-13 | In25 2-1, Letters 1-77 (pages 1-148), 1885-1886 | |
1a | 14 | In25 2-2, Index to Box 2, Volume 2 | |
1a | 15-23 | In25 2-2, Letters 1-75, (pages 1-194), 1881, 1884-1885, bulk 1885 | |
2 | 1-11 | In25 2-2, Letters 76-225 (pages 195-533), 1880, 1885-1887, bulk 1885-1886 | |
Major tribes: Sac & Ioway, Sioux, Wea, 1833-1837, 1850-1864 | |||
2 | 12 | In25 3-1, Index to Box 3, Volume 1 | |
2 | 13-24 | In25 3-1, Letters 1-99 (pages 1-400), 1833-1837 | |
3 | 1 | In25 3-2(4), Index to Box 3, Volume 2(4) | |
3 | 2-20 | In25 3-2(4), Letters 1-230, 1850-1859 | |
3 | 21 | In25 3-3, Index to Box 3, Volume 3 | |
3 | 22-33 | In25 3-3, Letters 1-162, 1854-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | |
Major tribes: Omaha, Otoe, Sac & Ioway, 1845-1865 | |||
4 | 1 | In25 4-1, Index to Box 4, Volume 1 | |
4 | 2-17 | In25 4-1, Letters 1-237 (pages 1-224), 1847-1865 | |
4 | 18 | In25 4-2, Index to Box 4, Volume 2 | |
4 | 19-29 | In25 4-2, Letters 1-116, 1856-1859 | |
4 | 30 | In25 4-3, Index to Box 4, Volume 3 | |
4 | 31-35 | In25 4-3, Letters 1-65 (pages 259-375), 1845-1846 | |
5 | 1-7 | In25 4-3, Letters 66-156 (pages 376-666), 1846-1849 | |
Major tribes: Kickapoo, Otoe & Omaha, Sac & Ioway, 1846-1859 | |||
5 | 8 | In25 5-1, Index to Box 5, Volume 1 | |
5 | 9-19 | In25 5-1, Letters 1-139 (pages 1-142), 1852-1855 | |
5 | 20 | In25 5-2, Index to Box 5, Volume 2 | |
5 | 21-30 | In25 5-2, Letters 1-100 (pages 1-101), 1846-1851 | |
5 | 31 | In25 5-3, Index to Box 5, Volume 3 | |
5 | 32-33 | In25 5-3, Letters 1-31, 1856-1857 | |
6 | 1-13 | In25 5-3, Letters 32-180, 1857-1859 | |
Major tribes: Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, 1849-1864, bulk 1850-1864 | |||
6 | 14 | In25 6-1, Index to Box 6, Volume 1 | |
6 | 15-31 | In25 6-1, Letters 1-237 (pages 1-233), 1855-1859 | |
6 | 30 | Letter from John Lilley to Col. Rutherford, Aug. 25, 1859 | Digital |
6 | 32 | In25 6-2, Index to Box 6, Volume 2 | |
6 | 33-37 | In25 6-2, Letters 1-47, 1850-1852 | |
7 | 1-15 | In25 6-2, Letters 48-221, 1852-1855, bulk 1852-1854 | |
7 | 16 | In25 6-3, Index to Box 6, Volume 3 | |
7 | 17-39 | In25 6-3, Letters 1-280 (pages 15-255), 1849-1864 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Ottawa, 1834-1864, bulk 1838-1864 | |||
8 | 1 | In25 7-1(2), Index to Box 7, Volume 1(2) | |
8 | 2-5 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 1-47, 1850-1856 | |
8 | 6 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 48-59, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 7 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 60-71, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 8 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 72-83, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 9 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 84-94, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 10 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 95-104, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 11 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 105-115, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 12 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 116-127, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 13 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 128-138, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 14 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 139-150, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 15 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 151-161, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 16 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 162-173, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 17 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 174-184, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 18 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 185-197, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 19 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 198-211, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 20 | In25 7-1(2), Letters 212-224, 1850-1856 | Digital |
8 | 21 | In25 7-2, Index to Box 7, Volume 2 | |
8 | 22-33 | In25-7-2, Letters 1-144, 1850-1859, bulk 1857-1859 | |
8a | 1 | In25 7-3, Index to Box 7, Volume 3 | |
8a | 2 | In25 7-3, Letters 1-9 (pages 1-23), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 3 | In25 7-3, Letters 10-21 (pages 24-47), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 4 | In25 7-3, Letters 22-33 (pages 48-68), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 5 | In25 7-3, Letters 34-44 (pages 69-91), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 6 | In25 7-3, Letters 45-53 (pages 92-109), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 7 | In25 7-3, Letters 54-64 (pages 110-130), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 8 | In25 7-3, Letters 65-73 (pages 131-149), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 9 | In25 7-3, Letters 74-94 (pages 150-172), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 10 | In25 7-3, Letters 95-105 (pages 173-192), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 11 | In25 7-3, Letters 106-116 (pages 193-213), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 12 | In25 7-3, Letters 117-126 (pages 214-235), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 13 | In25 7-3, Letters 127-137 (pages 236-258), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 14 | In25 7-3, Letters 138-150 (pages 259-278), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 15 | In25 7-3, Letters 151-160 (pages 279-300), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 16 | In25 7-3, Letters 161-168 (pages 301-323), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
8a | 17 | In25 7-3, Letters 169-177 (pages 324-346), 1834-1849, bulk 1838-1849 | Digital |
9 | 1 | In25 7-4, Index to Box 7, Volume 4 | |
9 | 2 | In25 7-4, Letters 1-9, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital |
3 | In25 7-4, Letters 10-21, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
4 | In25 7-4, Letters 22-33, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | ||
5 | In25 7-4, Letters 34-46, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
6 | In25 7-4, Letters 47-59, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
7 | In25 7-4, Letters 60-71, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
8 | In25 7-4, Letters 72-82, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
9 | In25 7-4, Letters 83-93, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | ||
10 | In25 7-4, Letters 94-104, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
11 | In25 7-4, Letters 105-115, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
12 | In25 7-4, Letters 116-126, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
13 | In25 7-4, Letters 127-138, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
14 | In25 7-4, Letters 139-149, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
15 | In25 7-4, Letters 150-160, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
16 | In25 7-4, Letters 161-171, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
17 | In25 7-4, Letters 172-181, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
18 | In25 7-4, Letters 182-191, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
19 | In25 7-4, Letters 192-200, 1850-1864, bulk 1860-1864 | Digital | |
Major tribes: Dakota, Sac & Ioway, Wea, 1834-1845, 1885-1893 | |||
9 | 20 | In25 8-1, Index to Box 8, Volume 1 | |
9 | 21-31 | In25 8-1, Letters 1-149 (pages 1-367), 1834-1845 | |
9a | 1-3 | In25 8-1, Letters 150-183 (pages 368-440), 1845 | |
9a | 4 | In25 8-2, Index to Box 8, Volume 2 | |
9a | 5-11 | In25 8-2, Letters 1-162 (pages 1-279), 1885-1893 | |
Major tribes: Choctaw, Creek, 1841-1849 | |||
10 | 1 | In25 9-1, Index to Box 9, Volume 1 | |
10 | 2-14 | In25 9-1, Letters 1-188 (pages 389-706), 1841-1849 | |
10 | 15 | In25 9-2, Index to Box 9, Volume 2 | |
10 | 16-30 | In25 9-2, Letters 1-186 (pages 500-927), 1842-1848 | |
11 | 1-5 | In25 9-2, Letters 187-246 (pages 928-1077), 1848-1849 | |
Major tribes: Chickasaw, Choctaw, 1849-1863, bulk 1856-1861 | |||
11 | 6 | In25 10-1, Index to Box 10, Volume 1 | |
11 | 7-21 | In25-10-1, Letters 1-335, 1849-1863, bulk 1860-1861 | |
11 | 22 | In25 10-2, Index to Box 10, Volume 2 | |
11 | 23-30 | In25 10-2, Letters 1-113, 1856-1857, bulk 1856 | |
12 | 1-15 | In25 10-2, Letters 114-365.5, 1853-1859, bulk 1857-1859 | |
Major tribes: Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, 1843-1859, 1880-1887 | |||
12 | 16 | In25 11-1, Index to Box 11, Volume 1 [fragile, handle with care] | |
12 | 17-19 | In25 11-1, Letters 1-82 (pages 6-130), 1886-1887 | |
12 | 20 | In25 11-2, Index to Box 11, Volume 2 | |
12 | 21-29 | In25 11-2, Letters 1-130 (pages 671-873, 474-486), 1843-1849 | |
12 | 30 | In25 11-3, Index to Box 11, Volume 3 | |
12 | 31-34 | In25 11-3, Letters 1-83, 1855-1856 | |
13 | 1-5 | In25 11-3, Letters 84-186, 1856-1859 | |
13 | 6 | In25 11-4, Index to Box 11, Volume 4 | |
13 | 7-9 | In25 11-4, Letters 1-46, 1880, 1885-1886 | |
Major tribes: Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, Seminole, 1849-1859, bulk 1850-1855 | |||
13 | 10 | In25 12-1, Index to Box 12, Volume 1 | |
13 | 11-26 | In25 12-1, Letters 1-245 (pages 1-959), 1850-1855 | |
14 | 1-2 | In25 12-1, Letters 246-285 (pages 960-1078), 1855 | |
14 | 3 | In25 12-2, Index to Box 12, Volume 2 | |
14 | 4-22 | In25 12-2, letters 1-340, 1849-1859, bulk 1850-1854 | |
Major tribes: Blackfeet, Iowa, Omaha, Sioux, 1851-1868 | |||
14 | 23 | In25 A, Index to Box A, Volume 1 | |
14 | 24-27 | In25 A, Letters 1-50.1, 1851-1866, bulk 1850s | |
15 | 1-29 | In25 A, Letters 50.2-485, 1858-1866 | |
16 | 1 | In25 A, Letters 485.5-492, 1856, 1858, 1866-1868 | |
2 | In25 A, Letters 493-507, 1856, 1858, 1866-1868 | Digital | |
3-9 | In25 A, Letters 508-572.5, 1856, 1858, 1866-1868 | ||
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Omaha, Seminole, 1844, 1853-1870, bulk 1867-1870 | |||
16 | 10 | In25 B-1, Index to Box B, Volume 1 | |
16 | 11 | In25 B-1, Letters 1-15, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital |
12 | In25 B-1, Letters 16-31, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital | |
13 | In25 B-1, Letters 32-46, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital | |
14 | In25 B-1, Letters 47-62, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital | |
15 | In25 B-1, Letters 63-73, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | ||
16 | In25 B-1, Letters 74-86, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital | |
17 | In25 B-1, Letters 87-99, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | ||
18 | In25 B-1, Letters 100-117, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital | |
19 | In25 B-1, Letters 118-131, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital | |
20 | In25 B-1, Letters 132-142, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | ||
21 | In25 B-1, Letters 143-152, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital | |
22-25 | In25 B-1, Letters 153-184, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | ||
26 | In25 B-1, Letters 185-200, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital | |
27 | In25 B-1, Letters 201-210, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | Digital | |
28-30 | In25 B-1, Letters 211-233, 1844, 1853-1869, bulk 1867-1869 | ||
17 | 1 | In25 B-2, Index to Box B, Volume 2 | |
17 | 2 | In25 B-2, Letters 1-12, 1870 | |
3 | In25 B-2, Letters 13-24, 1870 | Digital | |
4-5 | In25 B-2, Letters 25-53, 1870 | ||
6 | In25 B-2, Letters 54-70, 1870 | Digital | |
7-13 | In25 B-2, Letters 71-203, 1870 | ||
14 | In25 B-2, Letters 204-221, 1870 | Digital | |
15-19 | In25 B-2, Letters 222-287, 1870 | ||
Major tribes: Apache, Chippewa, Creek, Navajo, Nez Percé, Seminole, 1873-1877, bulk 1876-1877 | |||
17 | 20 | In25 C, Index to Box C, Volume 1 | |
17 | 21-28 | In25 C, Letters 1-113, 1873-1876, bulk 1876 | |
18 | 1-21 | In25 C, Letters 114-401, 1876-1877 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Navajo, Nez Percé, Omaha, 1875-1881, bulk 1878-1880 | |||
18 | 22 | In25 D, Index to Box D, Volume 1 | |
18 | 23-25 | In25 D, Letters 1-51 (pages 1-50), 1875-1879 | |
19 | 1-23 | In25 D, Letters 52-385 (pages 51-374), 1878-1881 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Nez Percé, Omaha, Seminole, Seneca, 1878-1880 | |||
20 | 1 | In 25 E, Index to Box E, Volume 1 | |
20 | 2-22 | In25 E, Letters 1-316, 1878-1880 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Nez Percé, Omaha, 1880-1881, bulk 1881 | |||
21 | 1 | In 25 F, Index to Box F, Volume 1 | |
21 | 2-26 | In25 F, Letters 1-373 (pages 1-358), 1880-1881, bulk 1881 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Dakota, Omaha, 1864, 1882-1884, bulk 1883-1884 | |||
22 | 1 | In25 G, Index to Box G, Volume 1 | |
22 | 2-26 | In25 G, Letters 1-363 (pages 1-346), 1864, 1882-1884, bulk 1883-1884 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Creek, Omaha, 1876-1885, bulk 1884-1885 | |||
23 | 1 | In25 H, Index to Box H, Volume 1 | |
23 | 2-13 | In25 H, Letters 1-151, 1876-1885, bulk 1884-1885 | |
23 | 14 | In25 H, Letters 152-165, 1876-1885, bulk 1884-1885 | Digital |
23 | 15-20 | In25 H, Letters 166-229, 1876-1885, bulk 1884-1885 | |
24 | 1-7 | In 25 H, Letters 230-315, 1885 | |
Major tribes: Choctaw, Omaha, Winnebago, 1882-1893 | |||
25 | 1 | In25 J, Index to Box J, Volume 1 | |
25 | 2-15 | In25 J-1, Letters 1-226 (pages 1-248), 1882-1889 | |
25 | 16 | In25 J-2 [Box J, Volume 2], Letters 1-62 (bound letterpress volume), 1891-1893 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Omaha, Winnebago, 1863-1891 | |||
26 | 1 | In25 K-1 [Box K, Volume 1], Bound letterpress volume [fragile, handle with care], 1863-1869 | |
26 | 2 | In25 K-2 [Box K, Volume 2], Bound letterpress volume [fragile, handle with care], 1873-1879 | |
26 | 3 | In25 K-3 [Box K, Volume 3], Letterpress copies [fragile, handle with care], 1885-1891 | |
26 | 4 | In25 K-4 [Box K, Volume 4] Bound letterpress volume [fragile, handle with care], 1884-1889 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Navajo, Nez Percé, Pueblo, 1872 | |||
26a | 1 | In25 L, Index to Box L, Volume 1 | |
26a | 2-7 | In25 L, Letters 1-90, 1872 | |
27 | 1 | In25 L, Letters 91-101, 1872 | |
27 | 2 | In25 L, Letters 102-119, 1872 | Digital |
27 | 3-23 | In25 L, Letters 120-372, 1872 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Navajo, Nez Percé, 1873 | |||
27 | 24 | In25 M, Index to Box M, Volume 1 | |
27 | 25-28 | In25 M, Letters 1-62, 1873 | |
28 | 1-27 | In25 M, Letters 63-378, 1873 | |
Major tribes: Chippewa, Nez Percé, Seminole, 1865, 1872-1875 | |||
29 | 1 | In25 N, Index to Box N, Volume 1 | |
29 | 2-27 | In25 N, Letters 1-375, 1865, 1872-1875 | |
Major tribes: Apache, Choctaw, Navajo, Otoe & Omaha, Pueblo, 1845-1855, 1871-1875 | |||
29a | 1 | In25 0-1 [Box O, Volume 1], Bound correspondence volume, 1845-1855 | |
30 | 1 | In25 O-2, Index to Box O, Volume 2 | |
30 | 2-24 | In25 O-2, Letters 1-284, 1871-1875 | |
Major tribes: Dakota, Chickasaw, Chippewa, Choctaw, Creek, circa 1885-1893, 1949-1950 | |||
31 | 1-4 | In25 P-1 [Box P, Volume 1], Letters 369-440; 1, 2, 1885-1893 | |
31 | 5 | In25 P-2 [Box P, Volume 2], Dakota Mission - Pine Ridge Agency - Letters of C.G. Sterling (1-37), 1887-1888 | |
31 | 6 | In25 P-2 [Box P, Volume 2], Dakota Mission - Pine Ridge Agency - Letters of C.G. Sterling (38-63), 1889-1891, and A.F. Johnson (1-3), 1893 | |
31 | 7 | In25 P-2 [Box P, Volume 2], Letters of B.A.R Stocker (1-3), 1892; letters of J.B. Dickson (337-374), 1885-1893; letters of B.A.R. Stocker (1-6), 1892-1893, and three pictures of Pine Ridge, 1894 and undated; and letters of C.C. McCreight (1-3), 1892 | |
31 | 8 | In25 P-3 [Box P, Volume 3], Dakota Mission, Montana Agency, Poplar Creek and outstations - Letters of G.W. Wood (369-395), 1887-1890, and E.J. Lindsey (1-17), 1890-1893 | |
31 | 9 | In25 P-4 [Box P, Volume 4], Dakota Mission financial estimates, 1887-1893 | |
31a | 1 | In25 P-5 [Box P, Volume 5], Dakota Mission - Montana and Poplar Creek agenices; school reports, circa 1885-1893 | |
31a | 2 | In25 P-5 [Box P, Volume 5], Dakota Mission - Yankton Agency and outstations; school reports, 1886-1891 | |
31a | 3 | In25 P-5 [Box P, Volume 5], Miscellaneous correspondence, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, relative to the Indians served by the Dakota Mission, 1886-1891 | |
31a | 4 | In25d [Box P, Notes], "Notes and comments by Clifford Merrill Drury on work of missionaries, listed and arranged by tribes, and based on correspondence from the field and Board headquarters." v. 1, A-C, 1949-1950 | |
Major tribes: Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Navajo, Seminole, 1838-1871, bulk 1871 | |||
32 | 1 | In25 Q-1 [Box Q, Volume 1], Unumbered letters, 1849-1850, 1864 | |
32 | 2 | In25 Q-2 [Box Q, Volume 2], Unumbered letters, 1838-1847, 1853 | Digital |
32 | 3 | In25 Q-3(1) [Box Q, Volume 3(1)], Unumbered letters, 1840-1850 | |
32 | 4 | In25 Q-3(2) [Box Q, Volume 3(2)], Unumbered letters, 1840-1864 | |
32 | 5 | In25 Q-4 [Box Q, Volume 4], Unumbered letters, 1852, 1854 | |
32 | 6 | In25 Q-5 [Box Q, Volume 5], Unumbered letters, 1841, 1849 | |
32 | 7 | In25 Q-6 [Box Q, Volume 6], Letters 50-130, 1871 | Digital |
32 | 8-11 | In25 Q-6 [Box Q, Volume 6], Letters 50-130, 187 | |
32 | 12 | In25 Q-6 [Box Q, Volume 6], Letters 50-130, 187 | Digital |
32 | 13 | In25 Q-6 [Box Q, Volume 6], Letters 50-130, 187 | |
32 | 14-17 | In25 Q-7 [Box Q, Volume 7], Letters 1-49, 1871 | |
32 | 18-22 | In25 Q-8 [Box Q, Volume 8], Letters 225-283, 1870-1871, bulk 1871 | |
32 | 23-28 | In25 Q-9 [Box Q, Volume 9], Letters 131-224, 1871 | |
32 | 29 | In25 Q-10 [Box Q, Volume 10], Letters 45-47, 49-50, 1850 | |
Major tribes: Apache, Chippewa, Creek, Navajo, Nez Percé, Omaha, Ottawa, Seminole, Winnebago, Zuni, 1869-1873 | |||
33 | 1 | In25d R, [Box R, Volume 1], Bound letterpress volume [restricted for preservation reasons], 1869-1873 |