Guide to the Tucson Indian Training School Records
Open for research.
Because of confidential and sensitive material, the student records (Series IV and Series V) are restricted, so that only persons seeking information from their own personal records are permitted access. Others must seek special permission from the appropriate authority; please contact the repository for details.
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Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not be available on Pearl or in their entirety.
Throughout the nineteenth century, Christian denominations and the United States government worked together to enact their agendas of cultural assimilation, conversion, proselytization, and evangelization upon American Indian/Indigenous peoples. Building upon Reverend Charles H. Cook's proselytization and missionary efforts in Sacaton, Arizona and in the Pima Agency, the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Home Missions (BHM) moved to open a contract mission school (a federally supported Christian boarding school) in Tucson, Arizona, targeted at converting "Papago" (Tohono O'odham) and Pima (Akimel O'odham) children to Christianity and assimilating them into white American society. The BHM wrote in its report within the 1889 General Assembly minutes that "It seems to be recognized among all friends of the Indians that religious education is essential to their elevation and that the contract schools, where the Scriptures are taught and studied, and the voice of prayer is daily heard, and where the Government renders assistance in their support, are the best schools for them in existence."1
BHM agents obtained a land grant and a ninety-nine year lease from the Tucson City Council in 1886. The Indian Industrial Training School (later called the Tucson Indian Training School) officially opened at a temporary location in Tucson in early January 1888, then moved to a permanent location later that year. Charles E. Walker, a Tucson resident, was temporary superintendent. Mary Whitaker was one of the first teachers. Walker also sold a forty-two acre lot to the BHM, which was used as the Tucson School's farm. The United States Office of Indian Affairs subsidized per student costs, and the BHM, specifically the Woman's Board/Woman's Executive Committee, covered teachers' salaries, building construction, and other operational costs. This funding structure remained in place until it was dissolved in 1895, with the Tucson School no longer receiving federal subsidies after that time.
There were ten students present on the Tucson School's opening day, with around eighty students enrolled by the end of the year. Students' ages ranged from six to nineteen. Mirroring assimilationist policies at other federal and Christian mission boarding schools, the Tucson School's administrators did not allow students to wear traditional Indigenous clothing or to speak their native languages. Alice H. Record, teacher at the Tucson School and daughter of superintendent James F. Record (1912-1915), wrote, "It was especially hard to dress the new girls, for they were at first embarrassed to wear short dresses."2 Administrators required that students' hair be cut and kept short. Along with religious education and English language instruction, students did manual labor under the guise of learning industrial and vocational skills. Female students did cooking, cleaning, and sewing, while male students did carpentry, farming, and blacksmithing. Student labor kept the Tucson School running from its inception and was also used in the construction of buildings and facilities.
The Tucson School's first official superintendent was Reverend Howard A. Billman, who held the position from 1888 to around 1894. In 1893, Billman was quoted in The Arizona Daily Star describing the purpose of the Tucson School as "… civiliz[ing] the Indian by teaching him the beauty of the blistered hands. Among my own people I used to exhort, 'Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.' Now I bear down upon the Indian boys and girls: 'Six days shalt thou labor.'"3 Billman ignored Indigenous cultural norms, traditions, and customs surrounding gender and division of labor, specifically regarding farming. He utilized male students to plow land and harvest crops. Billman also cut students' hair himself.4 Billman's attitude toward the students and their families is documented in an 1894 circular letter in which he wrote, "Formerly our Indians were ... idle, dirty, and almost naked ... More than this, they had no money, and were hungry often, and always wretched." Commenting further in the same circular letter on the assimilation of the students, he said, "We have thrown ourselves into it with all our strength … The long hair, and dirt, and idleness are beginning to disappear from the reservation ...."5
Billman's successor was Reverend Frazier S. Herndon, who held the position from 1895 to 1903 but had been at the Tucson School since 1893. In a 1900 circular letter, Herndon wrote, "The time was when the education of our Indians would have been classed among the impossibilities, but the attitude of our people has changed. I think the progress which has been made warrants the statement that the red man of the South-west is as susceptible to our Caucasian civilization as was the Briton to Roman culture and refinement. Industrial training must go hand in hand with the intellectual. 'Help to self help is the only true help.'"6 In the same circular letter, Herndon mentions that the Tucson School benefited monetarily from student labor, with "the boys engag[ing] in outside work" and "grading a street of the city," for which the Tucson School received eight hundred dollars.
Charles Cook visited the Tucson School during Herndon's tenure. Describing his visit in a 1901 writing, Cook commented on the Tohono O'odham: "Many Papagoes would like a religion which will permit them to steal, gamble and live according to their old, sinful ways, just like the Pima some twenty years ago ... A large and influential class of them belong to the medicine element; others try to eke out a living by gambling, and other evil practices and they do all they can to keep their people in darkness."7
In 1902, the Tucson School saw its first graduating class of four students, though graded coursework had only been implemented two years prior. The first Tohono O'odham student to graduate was Jose Xavier Pablo, who had entered the Tucson School in 1894 at eight years old and graduated in 1903.8
In 1906, an 8-year-old Pima (Akimel O'odham) student named Annie Moore enrolled at the Tucson School. "We were not allowed to speak the Pima tongue at school," Moore wrote in her 1974 autobiography "A Pima Past."9 "Some students would report on those who spoke in Indian, and as a punishment our mouths would be taped." Moore wrote fondly about her year at the school, despite recounting harsh discipline and obvious acts of cruelty by staff. "Do the children get whipped?" Moore asked May Enos, a fellow student she met aboard the train to the school. "When they are naughty," May answered. A lack of funds to provide everyday comforts was evident as early as 1906: "In the winter our hands became chapped and painful. Instead of the ko'owi gihgi (rattlesnake fat) or Vaseline that mother had used, they gave us a can of lard for our hands. I later learned that the school was doing its best on a very slim budget."
During the superintendency of Haddington C. Brown (1903-1909) in 1907, the BHM purchased the George C. Kohler ranch of one hundred and sixty acres, located three miles south of Tucson along the Santa Cruz River. The Tucson School moved to this location, and a post office opened on the campus. After that, the Tucson School and its new location were commonly referred to as Escuela.
Following Brown were the short superintendencies of Jarvis B. Lawrence (1909-1910), John B. Robe (1910-1912), and James F. Record (1912-1915). Martin L. Girton held the position from 1915 to 1941. By this time, the student population was made up of more than just Tohono O'odham and Pima (Akimel O'odham) students. A 1938 letter from Tucson School staff reported that "This year twelve tribes are represented: Papago, Pima, Maricopa, Mono, Yaqui, Kickapoo, Hopi, Navajo, Mojave, Apache, Zuni, Walapai. These students come from Arizona, California, Mexico, and Oklahoma. They come to seek learning and go back to their homes enriched in mind and spirit."10 Under Girton's tenure, a critical water supply problem was resolved. After his arrival at the school, severe flooding of the Santa Cruz River damaged the motor of the school's farm well. To avert a cave in, the well was dug out and replaced almost entirely by student labor.
John E. King, former superintendent of the Presbyterian-run Dwight Indian Training School in Marble City, Oklahoma, was superintendent from 1941 to 1943, followed by Leslie M. Cronk from 1943 to 1944. In 1942, Johnson McAfee, a Pima (Akimel O'odham) graduate of the Tucson School, entered the University of Arizona upon the recommendation of Cronk. In a 1942 letter, King wrote about the intentions behind this arrangement: "This step will help our prestige on the reservations considerably. A number of reservation parents ask us frequently why we do not change our program to include certain required subjects such as algebra and geometry so that their children might go on to higher education. We are happy that our more gifted youngsters will be able to go on to further study without our having to include subjects in our program which would not be of great value to the majority of our pupils."11 Questions about the quality of boarding school education for Indigenous students had already been brought forward in the 1928 Meriam Report. Passage of the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act also encouraged public school attendance for Indigenous children and established elementary schools on reservations.
Anna E. Falls, previously a teacher and principal at the Ganado Mission, was superintendent until her death in 1945. Joseph A. Poncel, former principal of the Allison-James School in Santa Fe, was superintendent from 1945 to 1949.
The Tucson School's last superintendent was William D. Hennessy, Jr., who held the position from 1950 to 1960. Around 1952, Hennessey sought to make several changes to school operations, including shifting the Tucson School's main focus to be a hostel-type residence for out of district students to attend accredited public schools.12 These changes were in full effect by 1957, when the Tucson School discontinued senior high school classes and only high school preparation classes for seventh and eighth graders remained. Most students living on the Tucson School's campus were attending Pueblo High School at that time.
Hennessey's tenure as superintendent exacerbated pre-existing problems of the Tucson School. Staff complained about lack of leadership or a well-defined school mission. A recurrent concern was an increasing need to address "delinquency" among students, rather than teaching and promoting Christian leadership. Some parents favored enrolling their children in non-segregated public schools instead to receive a better education. Both staff and parents accused Hennessey of making no effort to foster relationships with the Indigenous communities.
In 1960, the Board of National Missions (BNM), the successor body of the BHM, decided to close the Tucson School. In a statement, the BNM outlined its reasons for the closure: "Tucson Indian Training School has had limited classroom responsibilities for the past three years. Under a program begun in September, 1957, fifty of the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth graders are boarded on the mission campus. It sends these youngsters to nearby integrated Pueblo High School. About fifteen junior highs attend classes at the mission … Christian stewardship of resources again cast the deciding ballot for closing the Tucson program. The mission buildings, constructed in the days when the school had an enrollment of about 150 youngsters, are not suited for the present small boarding operation … The public school tuition fee, which the Board of National Missions pays for each of its students, is extremely high."13 The Tucson School was demolished in 1964.
Bibliography/Works Cited
1Minutes of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, 1889. Reports of the Boards. Board of Home Missions. Page 15. Call number REF BX 8951 .A3. Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS).
2Record, Alice H. "A First Week at the Tucson Indian Training School." (New York : Woman's Board of Home Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., 1915). Call number E 97.6.T56 R43 1915. PHS.
3"Educating the Young Indians. What is Being Done in the Arizona Schools." (1893, April 23) "Arizona Daily Star," accessed from World Collection.
4"Howard Billman and the Tucson Indian School, 1888-1894." Jere' Franco. "The Social Science Journal." Vol. 26, No. 2. Pages 147, 149. 1989.
5United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of National Missions Department of Mission Development Records, RG 301.7, PHS. Box 7, Folder 46. 1894, September 6 circular letter.
6Ibid. Box 7, Folder 44. 1900, February 16 circular letter.
7Ibid. Box 7, Folder 44. 1901, January 8 typewritten letter.
8Tucson Indian Training School Records, RG 103, PHS. Box 10, Folder 6. Page 75 of register.
9Shaw, Anna Moore. "A Pima Past." (Tucson : University of Arizona Press, 1974). Call number E 99.P6 S52 1974. PHS.
10United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of National Missions Department of Mission Development Records, RG 301.7, PHS. Box 7, Folder 44. 1938, November 10 letter from Reed to Foss.
11Ibid. Box 7, Folder 44. 1942, October 14 letter from King to Voss.
12Ibid. Box 7, Folder 44. 1952, April 18 letter from Hennessy to Gladfelter.
13Tucson Indian Training School Records, RG 103, PHS. Box 1, Folder 35. 1960 statement.
The collection contains administrative records, correspondence, historical and promotional materials, staff personnel records, student records, and other materials created by Tucson Indian Training School administrators, staff, and students during the Tucson School's operations, chiefly in the 1930s to the late 1950s. Student records make up the bulk of the collection.
The Administrative Correspondence and Records series, 1896-1961, undated, contains materials that document administrative activities and matters at the Tucson School, chiefly in the 1950s. Materials include correspondence, tax and utility records, financial records, and other records. Correspondence throughout the series documents communications between school administrators and school staff/personnel; communications with Board of National Missions (BNM) staff, chiefly Katharine E. Gladfelter and Florence Goddard; and communications regarding school building construction projects and property matters. Most correspondence is to and from superintendent William G. Hennessy, Jr., though some earlier superintendents are also represented. Tax and utility records are generally receipts of property tax and water utility payments. Financial records include receipts of monetary donations to the Tucson School and lists of "special needs" supplies sent to BNM staff for approval. Also of note are materials pertaining to the Santa Cruz River channel change and subsequent flooding (circa 1919 to 1920), including notes with photographs documenting work done on the Tucson School’s well motor that was affected by flooding.
The Historical, Promotional, and Student Materials series, circa 1905-1991, undated, contains correspondence, printed items (including newsletters and newspaper clippings), writings, and other materials that provide limited documentation and broad context of the Tucson School's history and student life at the school.
The Staff Personnel Records series, 1942-1960, contains files of personnel records, chiefly routine correspondence, leave requests, and letters of recommendation. Some files contain BNM transfer requests, generally dated 1960 (the year of the Tucson School's closing).
The Student Records, Graduates series, circa 1925-1986, contains files of student records of school graduates. These files of student records often contain: medical records, including nurse's notes, dental records, and physical examination documents; educational records, including transcripts, applications for enrollment, report cards, progress reports, and test results; and correspondence between school staff and parents, sometimes documenting disciplinary actions enacted on students but usually regarding financial matters like tuition payments. Often present are the original student file folders created by the Tucson School, which usually document date of student entry, names of parents, and a tribal designation assigned by school staff (this information can also be found on applications for enrollment). Some files also include photographs, usually headshots or portraits of students. Photographs are often affixed to the original student file folders.
The Student Records, Non-Graduates series, circa 1930-1980, contains similar materials found in the Student Records, Graduates series. Files in the Non-Graduates series are usually not as robust or complete as those found in the Graduates series. Some files, particularly for male students, contain personal correspondence written by students to school staff. This personal correspondence, usually accompanied by photographs, often documents a student’s enlistment in the United States Armed Forces and service during World War II.
The Miscellany and Oversize Items series, 1888-1961, chiefly contains architectural drawings and blueprints of school buildings and facilities. Of note is a school register (1888-1952) which includes entries of dates students entered the school and their ages upon entry.
The student records are arranged alphabetically within graduate and non-graduate categories. The completeness of the student records within the individual folders varies greatly and it is not always clear what work the student did at the school. Because of this and possible misfiling, researchers should look for the names of students in both graduate and non-graduate categories.
The collection is arranged accordingly:
To browse this collection's digitized content visit Pearl.
Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not have been digitized in their entirety.
The Presbyterian Historical Society holds additional resources related to this collection:
Researchers should also consult RG 289 (William Orr Papers, SERIES II) for additional photographs (slides) related to the Tucson Indian Training School.
Researchers should also consult RG 301.1 (Board of National Missions Office of the General Secretary Records, SERIES II, Subseries 1) for additional information related to the Tucson Indian Training School.
Researchers should also consult RG 301.7 (United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of National Missions Department of Mission Development Records, SERIES I, Subseries 8) for additional information related to the Tucson Indian Training School.
Researchers should also consult RG 301.8 (United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of National Missions Department of Health, Education and Welfare Records, SERIES II, Subseries 2; SERIES V, Subseries 1 and Subseries 28; SERIES VI; and SERIES IX) for additional information related to the Tucson Indian Training School.
Researchers should also consult RG 303 (United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Support Agency Photographs, SERIES I, Subseries 1) for additional photographs related to the Tucson Indian Training School.
Researchers should also consult RG 305 (Woman's Executive Committee of Home Missions/Woman's Board of Home Missions Records, SERIES I) for additional information related to the Tucson Indian Training School.
The George Walker Papers (accession 10-0907a) contains "A History of the Presbyterian Work among the Pima and Papago Indians of Arizona, a Master of Arts Thesis" by John M. Hamilton (University of Arizona, 1944).
Data file (1 folder). Call number PAMFOL E 97.6 .T56 D3. Catalog record.
A first week at the Tucson Indian Training School / by Alice H. Record. Call number E 97.6.T56 R43 1915. Catalog record.
Howard Billman / by Harry Kelso Eversull, D.D., minister in the Walnut Hills Congregational Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. Call number BX 9225 .B536 E8 1935. Catalog record.
Indians at home and in school / Emma Jessie Ogg. Call number E 97.6.K57 O34 1915. Catalog record.
[Interview of] Miss Hazel Cuthill / by Fred Wills. Call number CASSETTE 560. Catalog record.
A Pima past / Anna Moore Shaw. Call number E 99.P6 S52 1974. Catalog record.
Print file picture (8 folders). Call number PRINTFILE 58. Catalog record.
[Program of slides of the Tucson Indian School, Spring, 1959]. Call number KIT 333. Catalog record.
Voices from the desert / written and illustrated by the Sixth Grade class. Call number PAMFOL E 98 .F6 V6 1946. Catalog record.
Whispers of Arizona / written and illustrated by the sixth grade class. Call number PN 6066 .W54 1944. Catalog record.
Resources at external institutions:
Elsie Prugh Herndon Papers, MS 1038, Arizona Historical Society, Tucson. Finding aid. Catalog record.
Elsie Prugh Herndon Photograph Collection, PC063, Arizona Historical Society, Tucson. Finding aid. Catalog record.
Tucson Indian Training School Records, MS 0809, Arizona Historical Society, Tucson. Finding aid. Catalog record.
Transferred from the Board of National Missions in 1967 and 2012; Carlos Gutierrez in 1989; and the Presbyterian Historical Society library collection in 1988, 1996, and 1997.
Original processing done in 1973.
Records were reprocessed and material added in 1990.
Accrual to collection processed and Collection Inventory updated in 2023 by Nicholas Skaggs, Processing Archivist.
Collection guide revised in May 2024 by Nicholas Skaggs, Allison Davis, and Elaine Shilstut to address outdated or harmful descriptive language. During that revision, description was changed in Biographical Note / Administrative History, Collection Overview, and Catalog Headings. Additional historical contextual information and citations were added to the Biographical Note / Administrative History. Series description information was created in the Collection Overview. Local subject headings were added to replace some Library of Congress Subject Headings in the Catalog Headings. Specifically, uses of "Indians" have been replaced with "Indigenous peoples" in headings. Headings for specific Indigenous peoples/tribes have been formed using the National Museum of the American Indian Culture Thesaurus (NMAICT).
Additional description was created and added to folder titles in the Collection Inventory for Series IV and Series V by Nicholas Skaggs, Amalia Cottrell, Maura Weil, David Staniunas, and Kyna Herzinger. This description includes date ranges of materials and students' tribal names/designations. Tribal names/designations were transcribed chiefly from students' applications.
Previous versions of this collection guide are available. Citations to resources used and consulted during the revision process are also available. Please contact the Presbyterian Historical Society for details.
Tucson Indian Training School Records, RG 103, Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Box | Folder | Description | Alternative Formats |
1 | 1 | Finding Aid to Record Group 103 | |
1 | 2 | Brand Certificate (Live Stock Sanitary Board of Arizona), 1941 | |
1 | 3 | Building Repairs and Remodeling [includes architectural drawings and plans], 1953-1960 | |
1 | 4 | Christian Education Program Statement (1955) and Report (1957), 1955-1957 | |
1 | 5 | Commissioning of Missionaries: Correspondence and Certificate, 1954 | |
1 | 6 | Cooper Memorial (Chapel Building) Fund Correspondence, 1942-1944, 1951 | |
1 | 7 | Equipment Grants, 1943, 1952-1959 | |
1 | 8 | Gifts, Correspondence Regarding, 1957-1960 | |
1 | 9 | Goddard Cottage Construction and Dedication, 1951-1952, 1954 | |
1 | 10 | Industrial Arts Class Gavel Project, 1955-1957 | |
1 | 11 | Job Analyses [chiefly school position descriptions], 1950-1956 | |
1 | 12 | Miscellaneous Tax and Utility Records, 1896-1903, undated | |
1 | 13 | Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1909, 1924, 1934, 1941-1961, undated | Digital |
1 | 14 | Model Cottage Project (Questions and Student Responses), undated | |
1 | 15 | New Accounting System, 1957 | |
1 | 16 | Opportunity Giving, 1955-1958 | |
1 | 17 | Personnel Correspondence, 1942, 1951-1957 | |
1 | 18 | Personnel Correspondence, 1958-1960 | |
1 | 19 | Property: Correspondence and Blueprints, 1921, 1938, 1946, 1954-1960 | |
1 | 20 | Property: Repair Needs and Grants, 1952-1958 | |
1 | 21 | Property: Right of Way and Easement Correspondence and Agreements, 1911, 1916, 1941, 1952-1959 | |
1 | 22 | Property: Correspondence Regarding Use of School Swimming Pool, 1947-1952 | |
1 | 23 | Receipts (Monetary Gifts), Transmittal Letters, 1950-1954 | |
1 | 24 | Santa Cruz River Channel Change, 1920: Correspondence (1920, 1953); Photographs, Notes, Sketch Map (undated), 1920-1953, undated | Digital |
1 | 25 | Sewing Supply Needs Correspondence and Reports, 1953-1959 | |
1 | 26 | Soil Conservation Plan and Aerial Photographs, 1955-1956 | |
1 | 27 | Special Needs Outside the Budget, 1952-1957 | |
1 | 28 | Clippings, 1934-1960, 1991 | |
1 | 29 | Clippings (Norman Roberts Murder Case) [also regarding Stanley Blaine Johnson, the alleged murderer], 1953 | |
1 | 30 | Correspondence Regarding Dr. John E. King's Proposed Historical Collection [chiefly correspondence received], 1942 | |
1 | 31 | Historical Information [includes historical circular and timeline], circa 1905-1952, undated | |
1 | 32 | Newsletters (School): "Escuela Booster" (1923); "Escuela News" (1958, 1960); "News Bulletin" (1953); "The Arrow" (1953), 1923-1960 | Digital |
1 | 33 | Pageant Scripts, 1938, 1943, 1955, undated | |
1 | 34 | Photographs [two photographs of Dr. John E. King], circa 1941-1943 | |
1 | 35 | Promotional Leaflets and Releases, 1936, 1946, 1957, 1960, undated | Digital |
1 | 36 | School Bulletin, 1956-1957 | |
1 | 37 | Student Handbooks: Tucson Senior High School (1945-1946) and Tucson Indian Training School (circa 1945-1949), circa 1945-1949 | |
1 | 38 | Student Writings and Illustrations [used in "Voices from the Desert" and "Whispers of Arizona"], 1944, 1946 | |
1 | 39 | Anderson [née Holder], Catherine Elizabeth (Mrs. Marshall L.), 1956-1960 | |
1 | 40 | Bard, Audrey Elizabeth, 1954-1959 | |
1 | 41 | Bartholemew, David Morris, 1950-1953 | |
1 | 42 | Bayliss, Kathryn, 1953-1960 | |
1 | 43 | Bell, Walter C., 1955-1958 | |
1 | 44 | Benson, Josephine Jackson, 1946-1953 | |
1 | 45 | Bennett, Bess, 1953 | |
1 | 46 | Brown, Jessie Hastie, 1943-1960 | |
1 | 47 | Burr, Duane, 1956-1958 | |
1 | 48 | Butler, Blanche, 1954-1956 | |
1 | 49 | Corliss, Catherine M. (Mrs. Clayton B.), 1952-1960 | |
1 | 50 | Craig, Herbert S., 1954-1959 | |
1 | 51 | Cronk, Leslie M., 1943, undated | |
1 | 52 | Cuthill, Hazel, 1951-1953 | |
1 | 53 | Davis, Katherine (Kay) E., 1948-1958 | |
1 | 54 | Dekker, Peter, 1958 | |
1 | 55 | Donaldson, William Louis, 1948-1956 | |
1 | 56 | Dumm, Mabel, 1953-1955 | |
1 | 57 | Edwards, Russell Wright, 1954-1957 | |
1 | 58 | Fanning, Mrs. Florence C., 1960 | |
1 | 59 | Fassett, Charles Hershel, 1952-1959 | |
1 | 60 | Fink, Claudia Grugan, 1952-1953 | |
1 | 61 | Flurkey, William Henry, II, 1959-1960 | |
1 | 62 | Forbes, Helen F., 1957-1958 | |
1 | 63 | French, Carrie I., 1948-1959 | |
1 | 64 | Hancock, Robert, Sr., 1958-1960 | |
1 | 65 | Haynes, Mabel, 1951-1954 | |
1 | 66 | Hazard, Edgar R., 1944-1954 | |
1 | 67 | Hennessey, William D., Jr., 1950-1960 | |
1 | 68 | Herbert, Jeanne Clark, 1959-1960 | |
1 | 69 | Hicks, Ralph Sterling, 1953-1958 | |
1 | 70 | Holt, Maude E., 1952-1954 | |
1 | 71 | Jewell, Charlotte Smith (Mrs. James P.), 1947-1960 | |
1 | 72 | Johnsrude, Magnus (Reverend), 1957-1958 | |
1 | 73 | Jones, Mary Ann (Mrs. Davis Roberts), 1954-1958 | |
1 | 74 | Kaap, Theodore F., Jr., 1945-1956 | |
1 | 75 | Kreino, Frederick William, 1957-1958 | |
1 | 76 | Krauch, Jo Ann (Mrs. Ivan Taylor), 1948-1949 | |
1 | 77 | Kuipers, Albert L., 1958-1960 | |
1 | 78 | Lieb, Mrs. Eunice, 1958-1960 | |
1 | 79 | Love, Anna Marie, 1946-1960 | |
1 | 80 | McNair, Thomas, 1953-1958 | |
1 | 81 | McQuarrie, Bruce Cale, 1951-1954 | |
1 | 82 | Martinez, Johnnie J., 1948-1958 | |
1 | 83 | Matthews, Jane Jenness (Mrs. Emory George Lowe, Jr.), 1950-1952 | |
1 | 84 | Merino, Isaias Anzurez, 1948-1959 | |
1 | 85 | Miller, Joyce I., 1952-1956 | |
2 | 1 | Musser, Nancy H., 1952-1953 | |
2 | 2 | Newhouse, Marjorie Ann (Mrs. Kenneth L. Lowe), 1955-1959 | |
2 | 3 | Ottipoby, Collins J., 1952-1960 | |
2 | 4 | Palmer, Alice, 1953-1955 | |
2 | 5 | Parker, Anna Margaret, 1942-1960 | |
2 | 6 | Parker, Paul O., 1957-1960 | |
2 | 7 | Peckham, Charles Robert, 1956-1958 | |
2 | 8 | Peterson, Vernon, 1959 | |
2 | 9 | Pontius, Lester L., 1957-1960 | |
2 | 10 | Puls, Sandra Jean, 1955-1959 | |
2 | 11 | Roberts, Owen David, 1954-1960 | |
2 | 12 | Roseveare, Carl G., 1955-1958 | |
2 | 13 | Scribner, Mrs. Nellie Jane Pirkey, 1955-1956 | |
2 | 14 | Smith, Mrs. Margie B., 1954-1955 | |
2 | 15 | Spears, Mrs. Nancy Louise, 1956-1957 | |
2 | 16 | Swen, Hwei-Lan, 1954-1958 | |
2 | 17 | Taylor, Anne, 1944-1960 | |
2 | 18 | Taylor, Warner, 1945 | |
2 | 19 | Timmer, The Reverend Gerrit, 1953-1957 | |
2 | 20 | Watson, Milton Edward, 1950-1957 | |
2 | 21 | Wheatley, Emma, 1943-1958 | |
2 | 22 | Williams, Thomas Fred, 1956-1960 | |
2 | 23 | Wilson, Robert Leroy, 1954 | |
2 | 24 | Witt, Isabel M., 1955-1956 | |
2 | 25 | Young, Laura Evelyn (Mrs. Edward Young), 1954-1960 | |
2 | 26 | Zander, Johnny Wilson, 1955-1960 | |
[Please note: tribal names/designations have been transcribed chiefly from applications within each student's file] | |||
2 | 27 | Antone, Bernice (Papago), circa 1956-1961 | |
2 | 28 | Antone, Eliza (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1938-1960 | |
2 | 29 | Antone, Mabel Evelyn (Papago), circa 1958-1960 | |
2 | 30 | Antone, Viola Marian (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1943-1960 | |
2 | 31 | Bergen, Allen (Navajo), circa 1950-1960 | |
2 | 32 | Blackwater, Darline (Darlene) (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
2 | 33 | Blackwater, Elvira Jean (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1943-1960 | |
2 | 34 | Blackwater, Lavina (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
2 | 35 | Blackwater, Lewis (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
2 | 35a | Blackwater, Louella (Pima), circa 1945-1960 | |
2 | 36 | Blackwater, Oreen (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1944-1960 | |
2 | 37 | Bradley, Anita Louise (Navajo), circa 1950-1960 | |
2 | 38 | Brown, Leita (Navajo), circa 1950-1960 | |
2 | 39 | Brown, Louise (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
2 | 40 | Burnett, Imogene Rosita, circa 1960-1961 | |
2 | 41 | Carlisle, Elaine Thurza (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
2 | 42 | Carmen, Colleen (Mono), circa 1945-1960 | |
2 | 43 | Charles, Leonard Henry (Navajo/Pima), circa 1950-1960 | |
2 | 44 | Chepo, Joyce Dinah (Mono) [includes photograph], circa 1948-1979 | |
2 | 45 | Chepo, Loyce Ina (Mono) [includes photograph], circa 1950-1979 | |
2 | 46 | Clark, Bernadine (Assiniboine), circa 1950-1960 | |
2 | 47 | David, Alexander (Apache/Mojave) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
2 | 48 | Dilyou, Davidson (Apache), circa 1950-1960 | |
2 | 49 | Doka, Harold (Apache/Mojave), circa 1950-1960 | |
2 | 50 | Donahue, Dorrine (Dorine) (Maricopa/Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1936-1960 | |
2 | 51 | Donahue, Helen (Klamath/Maricopa) [includes photograph], circa 1936-1971 | |
2 | 52 | Donahue, Lylah Patricia (Maricopa) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
2 | 53 | Donahue, Norma (Maricopa), circa 1930-1930 | |
2 | 54 | Eddy, Ida Annette (Sioux) [includes photograph], circa 1949-1960 | |
2 | 55 | Emerson, Euretta M. (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1941-1960 | |
2 | 56 | Enjady, Lida Pearl (Mescalero Apache), circa 1950-1960 | |
2 | 57 | Enos, Abraham (Navajo/Pima), circa 1935-1960 | |
2 | 58 | Enos, Daniel G., Jr. (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1938-1948 | |
2 | 59 | Enos, Edward Hamilton (Pima) [includes photograph], 1936-1960 | |
2 | 60 | Enos, Glenna June (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1928-1960 | |
2 | 61 | Enos, Horton (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1931-1960 | |
2 | 62 | Enos, Lamberta (Pima), circa 1949-1960 | |
2 | 63 | Enos, Nathan (Pima) [includes photograph], 1939-1930 | |
2 | 64 | Enos, Neal (Pima) [includes photographs], circa 1935-1960 | |
2 | 65 | Enos, Rachel (Pima) [includes photograph], 1934-1960 | |
2 | 66 | Evans, Wilfred Paul (Pima), circa 1947-1960 | |
2 | 67 | Flores, Pearl (Mono) [includes photograph], circa 1938-1960 | |
2 | 68 | French, Winston Douglas (Maricopa/Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1958-1961 | |
2 | 69 | Garcia, Dorothy (Papago), circa 1929-1960 | |
2 | 70 | Gonzales, Alexander Joe (Papago) [includes photograph], 1958-1961 | |
2 | 71 | Hall, Evanel (Shoshone), circa 1950-1977 | |
2 | 72 | Hall, Marjorie Helen (married name: Puella) (Shoshone) [includes photograph], circa 1949-1979 | |
2 | 73 | Hammond, Elda (Mojave) [includes photograph], circa 1939-1960 | |
2 | 74 | Harvey, Joann (Papago), circa 1951-1960 | |
2 | 75 | Harvey, Joleen (Jolene) Virginia (Papago/Pima), circa 1947-1960 | |
2 | 76 | Harvey, Leonard (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1935-1960 | |
2 | 77 | Harvey, Marianna (Papago), circa 1950-1960 | |
2 | 78 | Haskie, Albert (Navajo) [includes photograph], circa 1955-1961 | |
2 | 79 | Hendricks, Gerald Lloyd (Navajo/Papago), circa 1951-1960 | |
2 | 80 | Hendricks, Katherine Louise (Navajo/Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1947-1960 | |
2 | 81 | Hendricks, Nathan Mervin (Papago), circa 1951-1961 | |
2 | 82 | Hood, Lillian Joann (Yavapai), circa 1951-1960 | |
2 | 83 | Ignacia (Ignacio), Elizabeth (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1925-1960 | |
2 | 84 | Jackson, Charlotte Maureen (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1948-1954 | |
2 | 85 | Jackson, Corinne Doris (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
2 | 86 | Jackson, Erwin (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
2 | 87 | Jackson, Faith Rosalyn (married name: Rovie) (Tonto Apache) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1986 | |
2 | 88 | Jackson, Melvin Leland (Pima), circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 1 | Jackson, Raymond (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1936-1960 | |
3 | 2 | Jackson, Rose (Pima), circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 3 | James, Frances (Papago/Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 4 | Jefferson, Eleanor Mae (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1944-1960 | |
3 | 5 | Jenkins, Claudina Fay (Hopi/Maricopa), circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 6 | Jenkins, Ervin Joe (Hopi/Maricopa), circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 7 | Johns, Byron B. (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1935-1960 | |
3 | 8 | Johnson, Stanley Blaine (Papago), circa 1950-1970 | |
3 | 9 | Jones, Mae Fern (Choctaw/Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 10 | Jones, Marvin (Choctaw/Pima) [includes photographs], circa 1934-1960 | |
3 | 11 | Jones, Myrtle (Choctaw/Pima), circa 1934-1960 | |
3 | 12 | Joseph (née Chavez), Christine (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1943-1960 | |
3 | 13 | Joseph, Edward (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 14 | Juan, Malinda P. (Papago/Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1935-1960 | |
3 | 15 | Justin, Roland (Pima) [includes photographs], circa 1935-1960 | |
3 | 16 | Kalka, Marjorie Dorothy (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1935-1960 | |
3 | 17 | La Pointe (LaPointe), Lloyd Wayne (Sioux), circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 18 | La Pointe (LaPointe), Marie Winifred (Sioux) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 19 | Lewis, Bevin (Pima), circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 20 | Lewis, Leanora (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1934-1960 | |
3 | 21 | Lopez, Evelyn Rose (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1943-1960 | |
3 | 22 | Lopez, Florence (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1934-1960 | |
3 | 23 | Lopez, Grace (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1930-1960 | |
3 | 24 | Lopez, Isabel Angelita (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1937-1960 | |
3 | 25 | Lopez, Lucy (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1936-1960 | |
3 | 26 | Ludlow, Frank, Jr. (Pima) [includes photographs], circa 1937-1960 | |
3 | 27 | Ludlow, Irving Dale (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1943-1960 | |
3 | 28 | Ludlow, Maurice Glenn (Pima), circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 29 | Mack, Cora (Maricopa) [includes photograph], circa 1943-1960 | |
3 | 30 | Magoosh, Meredith (Mescalero Apache), circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 31 | Makil, Ardell (Pima), circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 32 | Manuel, Erwin Milton (Pima), circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 33 | Manuel, Esther (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1948-1952 | |
3 | 34 | Manuel, Permelia Violet (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 35 | Manuel, Priscilla Jane (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1943-1960 | |
3 | 36 | McAfee, Cameron (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1943-1960 | |
3 | 37 | McAfee, Johnson (Merton Johnson), Jr. (Pima) [includes photographs], circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 38 | McIntosh, Ella Mae (Creek) [includes photograph], circa 1939-1942 | |
3 | 39 | McIntosh, Joe (Joseph; stage name: Rene de Haven) (Creek) [includes photographs], circa 1938-1960 | |
3 | 40 | Mendez, Barbara (Paiute/Papago) [includes photographs], circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 41 | Mendez, Joyce (Paiute/Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 42 | Mendez, Juanita Marie (Paiute/Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 43 | Mitchell, Ramona (Pit River/Washoe) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 44 | Morris, Joshua, Jr. (Pima) [includes photographs], circa 1938-1944 | |
3 | 45 | Meyers, Edwardine (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1969 | |
3 | 46 | Naiche, Silas (Apache), circa 1950-1966 | |
3 | 47 | Nelson, Edmund (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1934-1950 | |
3 | 48 | Noriego, Norma Katherine (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1950-1961 | |
3 | 49 | Norris, Della Katherine (married name: L'Esperance) (Papago), circa 1938-1970 | |
3 | 50 | Okemah (O'Kemah), Alexander (Kickapoo) [includes photographs], circa 1939-1960 | |
3 | 51 | Osife, Caroldine Phyllis (Pima), circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 52 | Osife, Majel Joyce (Pima), circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 53 | Pablo, Glenn Anthony (Papago), circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 54 | Pancott, Priscilla (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 55 | Parker, Edwin (Paiute/Shoshone) [includes photograph], circa 1950-1961 | |
3 | 56 | Patch, Claudine (Claudina) Jane (Mojave), circa 1950-1962 | |
3 | 57 | Patricio, Loren Francis (Papago), circa 1950-1961 | |
3 | 58 | Patton (Patten), Rebecca (Apache) [includes photographs], circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 59 | Pedro, Clinton (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1939-1960 | |
3 | 60 | Perkins, Eunice G. (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1936-1960 | |
3 | 61 | Peters, Charlotte (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1948-1960 | |
3 | 62 | Porter, Donald [includes photograph], circa 1938-1947 | |
3 | 63 | Porter, Felix Neilson, Jr. (Pima) [includes photographs], circa 1938-1960 | |
3 | 64 | Porter, Geraldine (Papago/Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1938-1960 | |
3 | 65 | Porter, Lawrence (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1930-1960 | |
3 | 66 | Puckeshino, Beulah (Chickasaw/Kickapoo), circa 1937-1960 | |
3 | 67 | Puckeshino, Lucille P. (D.?) (Chickasaw/Kickapoo) [includes photograph], circa 1937-1960 | |
3 | 68 | Rhodes, Neely (married name: Zilliox) (Cheyenne/Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1939-1975 | |
3 | 69 | Romero, James (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1935-1950 | |
3 | 70 | Sampson, Leatrice Gary (Pima), circa 1938-1955 | |
3 | 71 | Scott, Marietta (Hopi), circa 1935-1958 | |
3 | 72 | Shaw, JoAnn (Jo Ann; JoAnne; Jo Anne) Theresa (married name: Poncho) (Paiute) [includes photograph], circa 1950-1983 | Digital |
3 | 73 | Smith, Alasko (Apache), circa 1949-1960 | |
3 | 74 | Smith, Diane Rogene (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1950-1961 | |
3 | 75 | Smith, Elizabeth Carolyn (Apache/Mojave/Yavapai), circa 1945-1955 | |
3 | 76 | Smith, Evangeline (married name: Jones) (Apache) [includes photograph], circa 1948-1970 | |
3 | 77 | Smith, Joan (Apache/Mojave/Yavapai) [includes photograph], circa 1943-1960 | |
3 | 78 | Smith, Roger (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1939-1960 | |
3 | 79 | Sneed, Kenneth Arthur (Pima) [includes photographs], circa 1938-1958 | |
3 | 80 | Sneed, Mildred (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1938-1960 | |
3 | 81 | Steele, Paulita (Apache), circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 82 | Stevens, Burton Allen (Pima), circa 1948-1958 | |
3 | 83 | Stevens, Rogene Louise (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 84 | Stillman, Alberta Ivora (Mojave) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1953 | |
3 | 85 | Stillman, Jeannette M. (Mojave) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 86 | Suminimo, Leota (Hualapai), circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 87 | Sunn, Edena Belva (Maricopa), circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 88 | Tapia, Lorenza G. (married name: Kopacz) (Yaqui) [includes photograph], circa 1948-1967 | |
3 | 89 | Thomas, Beverly Jean (Hopi/Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1950-1961 | |
3 | 90 | Thomas, Samuel H. (Pima) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photographs], circa 1940-1945 | |
3 | 91 | Thomas, Theodore (Hopi/Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1950-1961 | |
3 | 92 | Thomas, Wilma Mae (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 93 | Thompson, Lois (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1933-1960 | |
3 | 94 | Thompson, Marion (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 95 | Throssell, Gerald (Papago) [includes personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1940-1952 | |
3 | 96 | Throssell, Henry Mervyn, Jr. (Papago), circa 1950-1966 | |
3 | 97 | Throssell, Margueritta Ann (Papago), circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 98 | Throssell, Roselene Helen (Papago), circa 1940-1960 | |
3 | 99 | Throssell, Thomas (Papago), circa 1938-1966 | |
3 | 100 | Treas, Rudolph (Mescalero Apache) [includes photograph], circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 101 | Ventura, Doris Glenna (Papago) [includes photograph], circa 1950-1960 | |
3 | 102 | Ventura, Frances (Papago), circa 1945-1960 | |
3 | 103 | Victor, Lucille (Apache) [includes photograph], circa 1948-1960 | |
3 | 104 | Walker, Roland James [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1940-1978 | |
3 | 105 | Watters, Loren (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1948-1961 | |
3 | 106 | Waye, Loretta (Apache), circa 1950-1960 | |
4 | 1 | Wellington, Joshua Lewis (Hopi/Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1935-1960 | |
4 | 2 | Wero, Gladys (Navajo), circa 1945-1956 | |
4 | 3 | Whitman, Erma Charlene (Pima), circa 1945-1966 | |
4 | 4 | Whitman, Leon Richard (Pima), circa 1950-1960 | |
4 | 5 | Whitman, Orieanna Roseline (Pima) [includes photograph], circa 1945-1960 | |
4 | 6 | Whitaker, Leatrice Geneva (Pima), circa 1950-1960 | |
4 | 7 | Williams, Elizabeth Ellen (married name: Garcia) (Chukchansi), circa 1940-1950 | |
4 | 8 | Wright, Marian Susan (Pit River), circa 1950-1960 | |
4 | 9 | Yazzie, Nina M. (Navajo), circa 1950-1960 | |
[Please note: tribal names/designations have been transcribed chiefly from applications within each student's file] | |||
4 | 10 | Acuna, Juan M. (Yaqui), circa 1946 | |
4 | 11 | Acuna, Flanco (Maricopa), circa 1942-1944 | |
4 | 12 | Adams, Edward (Papago), circa 1940-1949 | |
4 | 13 | Adams, George (Papago), circa 34-1944 | |
4 | 14 | Adams, James (Papago), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 15 | Ahmsaty, Dean E. (Pima/Zuni), circa 1934-1943 | |
4 | 16 | Albert, Enoch (Maricopa/Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 17 | Allen, Frank (Papago/Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 18 | Allen, Loretta (Apache), circa 1950 | |
4 | 19 | Allen, Ralston (Papago/Pima), circa 1940-1943 | |
4 | 20 | Allen, Roy (Papago/Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 21 | Allison, Arlene Faye (Pima), circa 1955-1960 | |
4 | 22 | Allison, Beulah B. (Pima), circa 1940-1946 | |
4 | 23 | Allison, Delbert E. (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 24 | Allison, Marcella (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 25 | Allison, Lena Nadine (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 26 | Allison, Imogene Wanda (Pima), circa 1950-1959 | |
4 | 27 | Allison, Rhoda R. (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 28 | Allison, Robert E. (Pima), circa 1940-1960 | |
4 | 29 | Allison, Ronald Wayne (Pima), circa 1950-1960 | |
4 | 30 | Alsenay, Elaine (White Mountain Apache), circa 1950-1957 | |
4 | 31 | Alsenay, Thomas, Jr. (Apache), circa 1940-1950 | |
4 | 32 | Anderson, Merceline (Apache), circa 1953-1956 | |
4 | 33 | Andrews, Joan (Joanne) (Pima), circa 1944-1950 | |
4 | 34 | Andrews, Louvella (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 35 | Andrews, Marlene Gloria (Pima), circa 1950-1958 | |
4 | 36 | Anton, Alec (Maricopa), circa 1948-1954 | |
4 | 37 | Antone, Allen Floyd (Papago), circa 1955-1960 | |
4 | 38 | Antone, Amos (Papago), circa 1940-1946 | |
4 | 39 | Antone, Charles Herbert (Pima), circa 1940-1960 | |
4 | 40 | Antone, Clara (Papago), circa 1958 | |
4 | 41 | Antone, Elmira, circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 42 | Antone, Ernest Philip (Papago), circa 1947-1964 | |
4 | 43 | Antone, Eugene Floyd (Papago), circa 1945-1950 | |
4 | 44 | Antone, Floyd Delbert (Pima), circa 1950-1953 | |
4 | 45 | Antone, George Dolores (Papago), circa 1945-1950 | |
4 | 46 | Antone, Gilbert Gordon (Papago), circa 1955-1960 | |
4 | 47 | Antone, Henry (Papago), circa 1934-1945 | |
4 | 48 | Antone, Hugh (Papago), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 49 | Antone, Joyce Marie (Papago), circa 1950-1955 | |
4 | 50 | Antone, Leonard Wilbur (Papago), circa 1950-1951 | |
4 | 51 | Antone, Louise (Papago), 1942 | |
4 | 52 | Antone, Margaret Phyllis (Papago), 1959 | |
4 | 53 | Antone, Margaret Ruth (Papago), circa 1947-1955 | |
4 | 54 | Antone, Randall Juan (Papago), 1952 | |
4 | 55 | Antone, Robert (Papago), circa 1938-1943 | |
4 | 56 | Antone, Sallie (Papago), circa 1949-1955 | |
4 | 57 | Antone, Stewart (Pima), 1948 | |
4 | 58 | Antone, Theodore (Papago), circa 1947-1952 | |
4 | 59 | Antone, Virginia Marie (Papago), circa 1946-1950 | |
4 | 60 | Antone, Wilfred Leo (Pima), circa 1952-1953 | |
4 | 61 | Antonio, Bonnie Jane (Mescalero Apache), circa 1954-1956 | |
4 | 62 | Apkaw, Josephine (Pima), circa 1940-1947 | |
4 | 63 | Archambault, Wynema Rose (Pawnee/Sioux), circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 64 | Armstrong, Donaldson Ralph (Mojave), circa 1950-1959 | |
4 | 65 | Ascensio, Mariano (Mariona) (Papago), circa 1938-1945 | |
4 | 66 | Astor, Bryant (Apache), circa 1949-1950 | |
4 | 67 | Astor, Ronald (Apache), circa 1947-1948 | |
4 | 68 | Azul, Gladys Eileen (Papago), 1941 | |
4 | 69 | Azul, Harrison Davis (Papago), 1950 | |
4 | 70 | Azule, Kenneth [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], 1942-1945 | |
4 | 71 | Baha, Lydia (Apache), circa 1945-1950 | |
4 | 72 | Baha, Sydney (Apache), circa 1949-1950 | |
4 | 73 | Barehand, Delmar Wayne (Pima), circa 1955-1960 | |
4 | 74 | Barehand, Verlene Janice (Pima), circa 1954-1958 | |
4 | 75 | Barlow, Betty Ann (Paiute), circa 1949-1950 | |
4 | 76 | Bear Runner, Harold Victor (Oglala Sioux), circa 1955-1956 | |
4 | 77 | Bear Runner, Leola Wynema (Oglala Sioux), circa 1956-1957 | |
4 | 78 | Begay, Lee S. (Navajo), circa 1950-1951 | |
4 | 79 | Beihn, Lupe (Guadaupe) (Yaqui) [includes U.S. Army/Navy records, personal/World War II correspondence, and photograph], circa 1930-1948 | Digital |
4 | 80 | Belvado, Dennis (Apache), circa 1953-1956 | |
4 | 81 | Bergen, Carl Lee (Navajo), circa 1953-1956 | |
4 | 82 | Bergen, Oliver Joe (Navajo), circa 1951-1955 | |
4 | 83 | Bergen, Verda Jean (Navajo), circa 1955-1959 | |
4 | 84 | Berryhill, Joan (Cherokee/Creek), circa 1944-1946 | |
4 | 85 | Bethel, Cecelia (Mono), circa 1945-1948 | |
4 | 86 | Bethel, Claudina Velma (Mono), 1948-1950 | |
4 | 87 | Bighorn (Big Horn), Lavonne Jean (Sioux), circa 1955-1956 | |
4 | 88 | Billy, Woody (Navajo), circa 1948-1952 | |
4 | 89 | Blackwater, Charlotte Sue (Pima), circa 1940-1946 | |
4 | 90 | Blackwater, Cora Mae (Pima), circa 1940-1948 | |
4 | 91 | Blackwater, Everett (Pima), circa 1942-1947 | |
4 | 92 | Blackwater, Idella Faye (Pima), circa 1950-1955 | |
4 | 93 | Blackwater, Jack (Pima), circa 1943-1944 | |
4 | 94 | Blackwater, Julian Ellsworth (Pima), circa 1950-1953 | |
4 | 95 | Blackwater, Myrna Joyce (Pima), circa 1957-1958 | |
4 | 96 | Blaine, Pauline, circa 1939-1942 | |
4 | 97 | Blaine, Peter F., Jr. (Papago), circa 1954-1958 | |
4 | 98 | Blount, Lucille Tessa (Assiniboine/Sioux), circa 1951-1952 | |
4 | 99 | Boni, Samuel, Jr. (Apache), circa 1947-1948 | |
4 | 100 | Booth, Byron (Mojave/Papago) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1940-1945 | |
4 | 101 | Booth, Gerald (Mojave/Papago), circa 1935-1945 | |
4 | 102 | Botella, Etheline Reginah (Mescalero Apache), circa 1950-1952 | |
4 | 103 | Bradley, Alfred Kee (Navajo), circa 1950-1957 | |
4 | 104 | Breckenridge, Melvin (Pima), circa 1945-1949 | |
4 | 105 | Breckenridge, Mildred (Pima), circa 1943-1951 | |
4 | 106 | Bricker, Florene Nelda (Mojave), circa 1956-1959 | |
4 | 107 | Brochini, Ed (mother: Miwok; father: Italian), 1941 | |
4 | 108 | Brochini, Lawrence (mother: Miwok; father: Italian) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence; includes photograph], circa 1941-1947 | |
4 | 109 | Brown, Collins McKinley (Pima), circa 1957-1960 | |
4 | 110 | Brown, Dale Joe (Sioux), circa 1954-1966 | |
4 | 111 | Brown, Ira (Apache), circa 1940-1947 | |
4 | 112 | Brown, Vanita Charlotte (Pima), circa 1957-1960 | |
4 | 113 | Brown, William Edison (Yaqui/Mexican American), circa 1953-1954 | |
4 | 114 | Bryan, Leona Judy (Mojave), circa 1950-1953 | |
4 | 115 | Bryan, Rudolph Lee (Mojave), circa 1943-1945 | |
4 | 116 | Buckles, Patsy (Sioux), circa 1950-1956 | |
4 | 117 | Buff, Delores Faye (married name: Knox) (Paiute), circa 1946-1966 | |
4 | 118 | Buff, Harold D. (Paiute), circa 1946-1961 | |
4 | 119 | Burke, Franklin James (Pima), 1952 | |
4 | 120 | Burke, Harry (Pima), 1944 | |
4 | 121 | Burke, Marilyn Mae (Pima), 1947-1948 | |
4 | 122 | Burnett, Imogene Rosita (Apache), circa 1955-1960 | |
4 | 123 | Burrell, Francis (Papago), 1943 | |
4 | 124 | Burruel, Esperanza (Mexican), circa 1954-1960 | |
4 | 125 | Burruel, Grace Gonzalez (Mexican), circa 1957-1960 | |
4 | 126 | Burruel, Margarita Canes (Cáñez) (Mexican), circa 1951-1953 | |
4 | 127 | Burruel, Lourdes Mary (Mary Lou) (Mexican), circa 1954-1960 | |
4 | 128 | Bustamente, Consuelo (Connie) Castillo, circa 1950-1958 | |
4 | 129 | Button, Dorothy May (Shoshone), circa 1954-1956 | |
4 | 130 | Bylas, Betty Jane (Apache), circa 1954-1957 | |
4 | 131 | Bylas, Remajo (Apache), 1950 | |
4 | 132 | Cachora, Andrew (Papago) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photographic postcards], circa 1943-1945 | |
4 | 133 | Cachora, Helen (Papago), circa 1935-1937 | |
4 | 134 | Cachora, Catherine, circa 1939-1941 | |
4 | 135 | Cachora, Peter (Papago) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], 1945 | |
4 | 136 | Cachora, Willard (Papago), circa 1945-1948 | |
4 | 137 | Calnimptewa, Uberta (Hopi), circa 1944-1946 | |
4 | 138 | Cannon, Adeline (Addeline), circa 1941-1944 | |
4 | 139 | Cannon, Allen (Pima) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photographs], circa 1941-1945 | |
4 | 140 | Cannon, Percy Leon (Maricopa/Pima), circa 1940-1943 | |
5 | 1 | Carlisle, Buickert Leon (Pima), 1950 | |
5 | 2 | Carrera, Gilberto Rivera, circa 1959-1960 | |
5 | 3 | Carroll, Luna Theresa (Apache), 1941 | |
5 | 4 | Chavez, Bernice Lolita (Papago), circa 1943-1946 | |
5 | 5 | Chavez, Claudine Ramona (Papago), circa 1943-1947 | |
5 | 6 | Chavez, Lillian V. (Papago), circa 1943-1947 | |
5 | 7 | Chepo, Velma (Mono), circa 1945-1947 | |
5 | 8 | Chiago, Carol Ann (Navajo/Pima), circa 1957-1960 | |
5 | 9 | Chiago, Robert Keams (Navajo/Pima), circa 1957-1960 | |
5 | 10 | Chopin, Esther, circa 1939-1947 | |
5 | 11 | Clark, Janice Helen (Pima), circa 1953-1960 | |
5 | 12 | Clark, Maxine Ann (Pima), circa 1953-1959 | |
5 | 13 | Clark, Ruby (Apache), circa 1940-1945 | |
5 | 14 | Clark, Wesley (Pima) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1943-145 | |
5 | 15 | Collins, Gretta T. (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
5 | 16 | Commanche, Jerry (Apache), circa 1954-1956 | |
5 | 17 | Conger, Frances (Papago/Pima), circa 1943-1947 | |
5 | 18 | Conger, Priscilla (Papago/Pima), circa 1941-1946 | |
5 | 19 | Cook, Cecil (Apache), circa 1957-1960 | |
5 | 20 | Cooley, Ruth Ann (Arapaho/Cheyenne/Pima), circa 1946-1949 | |
5 | 21 | Crocker, John (Apache), 1945 | |
5 | 22 | Crowe, Rosalind June (Sioux), circa 1958-1959 | |
5 | 23 | Cruz, Christine Katy (Papago), circa 1953-1955 | |
5 | 24 | Cruz, Lorisa Josie (Papago), circa 1953-1956 | |
5 | 25 | Culbertson, Billie (Matthew), circa 1947-1948 | |
5 | 26 | Culbertson, Zelma Ann (Sioux), circa 1952-1956 | |
5 | 27 | Cuppawhe, Edward (Sac and Fox/Kickapoo), circa 1945-1948 | |
5 | 28 | Dahkoshay, Boyd (Apache), circa 1945 | |
5 | 29 | Darrell, Theodore (Pima), circa 1942-1945 | |
5 | 30 | Darrell, Willard (Pima), circa 1940-1943 | |
5 | 31 | David, Daisy (Apache/Mojave), circa 1943-1948 | |
5 | 32 | Davis, Elvira Elizabeth (Navajo), circa 1953-1957 | |
5 | 33 | Davis, Gerard R. (Pima), circa 1943-1948 | |
5 | 34 | Davis, Lloyd Chester (Papago/Pima), circa 1952-1956 | |
5 | 35 | Davis, Rose Marie (Navajo), circa 1952-1958 | |
5 | 36 | Davis, Rupert Wilfred (Pima), circa 1950-1956 | |
5 | 37 | Dick, Richard Charles (Shoshone), circa 1955-1960 | |
5 | 38 | Doka, Evalene (Apache/Mojave), circa 1951-1955 | |
5 | 39 | Dogka (Doka), Frederick (Apache), circa 1942-1943 | |
5 | 40 | Dogka (Doka), Myrtle H. (Apache/Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
5 | 41 | Donahue, Bruce Gordon (Klamath/Maricopa/Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
5 | 42 | Donahue, Byron (Klamath/Maricopa/Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
5 | 43 | Donahue, Clairee (Klamath/Maricopa/Pima), circa 1943-1948 | |
5 | 44 | Duane, Alonzo (Apache), circa 1948-1954 | |
5 | 45 | Duane, Andrea (Apache), circa 1952-1956 | |
5 | 46 | Duckey, Carol Ann (Paiute), circa 1955-1958 | |
5 | 47 | Duckey, Gertrude (Paiute), circa 1953-1958 | |
5 | 48 | Duwyenie, Ione (Hopi/Papago), circa 1953-1956 | |
5 | 49 | Duwyenie, Iva Lee (Hopi/Papago), circa 1954-1959 | |
5 | 50 | Earley, Allen Buster (Apache), circa 1954-1956 | |
5 | 51 | Earley, Seraphina (Apache), 1959-1960 | |
5 | 52 | Edwards, Raymus (Apache), circa 1946-1948 | |
5 | 53 | Eischen, James Bourke (Apache), circa 1941-1950 | |
5 | 54 | Ellis, Fletcher (Pima) / Emerson, Randall, circa 1935-1946 | |
5 | 55 | Enjady, Waynelle Marie (Apache), circa 1953-1955 | |
5 | 56 | Enos, Andrew I. (Papago/Pima), circa 1956-1960 | |
5 | 57 | Enos, Andy (Pima), 1941-1944 | |
5 | 58 | Enos, Blanche, circa 1941-1943 | |
5 | 59 | Enos, Gordon, circa 1941-1956 | |
5 | 60 | Enos, Josephine Phyllis (Papago/Pima), 1952-1953 | |
5 | 61 | Enos, Katherine (Navajo/Pima), circa 1935-1943 | |
5 | 62 | Enos, Larry (Lawrence) (Navajo/Pima), circa 1947-1956 | |
5 | 63 | Enos, Lester, circa 1945-1946 | |
5 | 64 | Enos, Lillian (Pima), circa 1933-1937 | |
5 | 65 | Enos, Permelia (Pima), 1945-4947 | |
5 | 66 | Enos, Russell J. (Pima) circa 1943-1948 | |
5 | 67 | Enos, Ruth Bernice (Pima), circa 1948-1954 | |
5 | 68 | Enos, Vernon C., circa 1933-1945 | |
5 | 69 | Escalante, Catherine (Papago), 1942-1943 | |
5 | 70 | Escalante, Richard (Papago), circa 1932-1945 | |
5 | 71 | Escalanti, Norma Shirley (Shoshone/Yuma), circa 1958-1960 | |
5 | 72 | Escalanti, Robert (Shoshone/Yuma), circa 1955-1960 | |
5 | 73 | Eschief, Christine (Pima), circa 1951-1959 | |
5 | 74 | Eschief, Inez Laurina (Pima), 1940-1941 | |
5 | 75 | Eschief, Olita Joyce (Pima), circa 1956-1961 | |
5 | 76 | Eschief, Owen Lee (Pima), 1959-1960 | |
5 | 77 | Eschief, Priscilla Mae (Pima), circa 1952-1955 | |
5 | 78 | Ethelbah, Eino, 1944-1955 | |
5 | 79 | Ethelbah, Perida, circa 1937-1945 | |
5 | 80 | Ethelbah, Priscilla, circa 1944-1945 | |
5 | 81 | Evans, George Leroy (Pima), circa 1941-1946 | |
5 | 82 | Evans, Maxine B. (Pima), circa 1943-1950 | |
5 | 83 | Evans, Shirley A. (Pima), circa 1941-1945 | |
5 | 84 | Fatty, Polly Ann (Mescalero Apache), circa 1950-1952 | |
5 | 85 | Felix-Cruz, Jesus Maximiliano (Mexican), circa 1954-1956 | |
5 | 86 | Ferguson, Ignacio, circa 1934-1943 | |
5 | 87 | Ferguson, Raymond, 1943-1944 | |
5 | 88 | Fimbres, Amelia (Paiute), circa 1955-1958 | |
5 | 89 | Fisher, Molly, circa 1946-1947 | |
5 | 90 | Fitzgerald, Edgar Stillman (Mojave), circa 1953-1954 | |
5 | 91-92 | Flores, Alexander (Mono), circa 1935-1951 | |
5 | 93 | Flores, Miguel Rivera (Mexican), circa 1952-1958 | |
5 | 94 | Fohrenkam, Betty Violet (Pima), circa 1943-1946 | |
5 | 95 | Fontenelle, Dorothy Jean, circa 1941 | |
5 | 96 | Francisco, Anna (Papago), circa 1945-1948 | |
5 | 97 | Francisco, Austin (Papago), circa 1930-1945 | |
5 | 98 | Francisco, Christine (Papago), circa 1947-1948 | |
5 | 99 | Francisco, Elmer (Papago), circa 1946-1949 | |
5 | 100 | Frank, Albert, circa 1942-1944 | |
5 | 101 | Frederick, Ethel Joyce (Pima), circa 1950-1956 | |
5 | 102 | Frederick, Gene Charles (Hopi), circa 1950-1956 | |
5 | 103 | Gage, Barbara Maurine (Pima), circa 1948-1949 | |
5 | 104 | Gage, Lorenzo (Pima), 1948 | |
5 | 105 | Gage, Verna (Pima), circa 1950-1953 | |
5 | 106 | Garcia, Alfred (Corp.), circa 1940-1943 | |
5 | 107 | Garcia, Esther Mae (Papago/Pima), circa 1955-1957 | |
5 | 108 | Garcia, Lawrence (Papago), circa 1934-1944 | |
5 | 109 | Garcia, Malinda Blache (Papago), circa 1944-1953 | |
5 | 110 | Garcia, Ramona Jean (Papago), 1944 | |
5 | 111 | Garcia, Wilfred [includes personal letter], 1944 | |
5 | 112 | Gardner, Isabell (Ute), circa 1957-1959 | |
5 | 113 | Gardner, Willard Max (Ute), circa 1957-1960 | |
5 | 114 | Gatewood, Nina (Apache/Navajo), circa 1940-1946 | |
5 | 115 | Gatewood, Ronda (Apache), circa 1940-1945 | |
5 | 116 | George, Ollerton M., 1944-1945 | |
5 | 117 | George, Frances (Maricopa), circa 1948-1949 | |
5 | 118 | George, Neva Mae (Maricopa), circa 1940-1942 | |
5 | 119 | Gibson, Joe, Jr. (Shoshone), circa 1958-1960 | |
5 | 120 | Gilbert, Clifford (Apache), 1952-1953 | |
5 | 121 | Gonzales, Alba, 1940-1942 | |
5 | 122 | Gonzales, Fernald Dean (Papago/Pima), circa 1950-1955 | |
5 | 123 | Gonzales, Igle Lee (Papago/Pima), circa 1950-1955 | |
5 | 124 | Gonzales, Jose Luis, circa 1957-1960 | |
5 | 125 | Gonzales, Nadene R. (Papago/Pima), circa 1950-1955 | |
5 | 126 | Gonzales, Theodore Francis (Papago), circa 1950-1960 | |
5 | 127 | Goode, Agatha (Apache), circa 1950-1952 | |
5 | 128 | Goode, Beth (Apache), circa 1950-1952 | |
5 | 129 | Goode, Dorothy (Mono), circa 1940-1945 | |
5 | 130 | Goode, Harriett (Mission/Mono), circa 1940-1945 | |
5 | 131 | Gorman, Franklin Reeve (Navajo), circa 1953-1957 | |
5 | 132 | Goseyun, Roberta Ann (Apache), 1955 | |
5 | 133 | Grant, Beulah [includes personal letter], 1940 | |
5 | 134 | Grant, Wallace Elmer [chiefly personal correspondence], circa 1940-1944 | |
5 | 135 | Gray, Bobby Peronne (Mexican), circa 1954-1957 | |
5 | 136 | Gray, John Parra (Mexican), circa 1953-1961 | |
5 | 137 | Gray Bear, Vina Mae (Sioux), circa 1955-1957 | |
5 | 138 | Gregario, Benjamin (Papago?), circa 1941-1943 | |
5 | 139 | Hall, Angelia Marie (Shoshone), circa 1956-1958 | |
5 | 140 | Hall, Maxine Roberta (Shoshone), circa 1954-1959 | |
6 | 1 | Hamilton, Violet Elaine (Assiniboine), circa 1950-1959 | |
6 | 2 | Hammond, Nina, circa 1939-1945 | |
6 | 3 | Harney, Dominic (Apache), circa 1951-1956 | |
6 | 4 | Harney, Isabelle (Apache), circa 1950-1955 | |
6 | 5 | Harney, Ruby (Apache), circa 1950-1955 | |
6 | 6 | Harney, Wayman (Apache/Mojave), circa 1955-1956 | |
6 | 7 | Harris, Dorothy Ramona (Papago), circa 1940-1950 | |
6 | 8 | Harris, Edward (Papago), circa 1933-1945 | |
-6 | 9 | Harris, Frank (Papago), circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 10 | Harris, Gladys Jane (Mono), circa 1945-1948 | |
6 | 11 | Harris, Samson (Papago), circa 1936-1948 | |
6 | 12 | Harvey, Boyd (Papago), circa 1940-1970 | |
6 | 13 | Harvey, Edgar B. [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], 1944-1945 | |
6 | 14 | Harvey, Florence (Apache), 1943 | |
6 | 15 | Harvey, Grace Lessnet (Papago), circa 1944-1953 | |
6 | 16 | Harvey, Henry [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 17 | Harvey, Hubert [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 18 | Harvey, Johnson Louis (Papago), circa 1943-1951 | |
6 | 19 | Harvey, Peter (Papago), circa 1935-1945 | |
6 | 20 | Haskie, Janet Ruth (Hopi/Pima), 1950 | |
6 | 21 | Haskie, Willis (Hopi/Pima), 1952 | |
6 | 22 | Haskins, Gerald (Moapa), circa 1950-1956 | |
6 | 23 | Havatone, Margaret (Margret) Rose (Hualapai), circa 1955-1958 | |
6 | 24 | Havatone, Marlene (Hualapai), circa 1956-1958 | |
6 | 25 | Havatone, Veronica (Hualapai), circa 1955-1958 | |
6 | 26 | Havier, Richard (Papago), circa 1953-1956 | |
6 | 27 | Hawes, Lois [church pledge card only], 1943-1944 | |
6 | 28 | Hayes, Perry F. [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1942-1944 | |
6 | 29 | Head, Colleen, circa 1940-1943 | |
6 | 30 | Heminger, Gene Ashley (Sioux), circa 1955-1958 | |
6 | 31 | Hendricks, Alice (Papago), circa 1937-1943 | |
6 | 32 | Hendricks, Annie, circa 1943-1944 | |
6 | 33 | Hendricks, Burton Luther (Papago), circa 1946-1948 | |
6 | 34 | Hendricks, Cecil Lyon (Navajo/Papago), circa 1952-1959 | |
6 | 35 | Hendricks, Dorothy, circa 1943 | |
6 | 36 | Hendricks, Flora (Papago), circa 1936-1942 | |
6 | 37 | Hendricks, Floyd Lawrence (Navajo/Papago), circa 1953-1957 | |
6 | 38 | Hendricks, Gladys (Papago), circa 1945-1974 | |
6 | 39 | Hendricks, Isabel (Papago), circa 1939-1945 | |
6 | 40 | Hendricks, Lorena (Papago), circa 1935-1943 | |
6 | 41 | Hendricks, Mac Norman (Papago), circa 1951-1958 | |
6 | 42 | Hendricks, Paul (Pvt.) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 43 | Hendricks, Phillip Wesley (Papago), circa 1954-1957 | |
6 | 44 | Hendricks, Roy (Papago), circa 1943-1957 | |
6 | 45 | Hendricks, Verna (Papago), circa 1939-1947 | |
6 | 46 | Henry, Harold (Apache), 1949 | |
6 | 47 | Henry, Rebecca (Apache), circa 1949-1951 | |
6 | 48 | Henry, Sarah, 1954-1955 | |
6 | 49 | Hensley, Marian Matilda (Mono), circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 50 | Hernandez, Richard Gregory (Mexican American), circa 1953-1956 | |
6 | 51 | Hill, Alberta (Bertha) (Apache), circa 1947-1948 | |
6 | 52 | Hill, Rita Maria (Osage), circa 1947-1948 | |
6 | 53 | Holtsoi, Earlenda Genevieve (Navajo), circa 1953-1958 | |
6 | 54 | Hood, Henry (Pfc.), circa 1942-1943 | |
6 | 55 | Hood, Kenneth (Yavapai), circa 1954-1957 | |
6 | 56 | Howard, Gertrude (Papago/Pima), circa 1941-1942 | |
6 | 57 | Howard, Hilda (Papago/Pima), 1940-1941 | |
6 | 58 | Howard, Larry Wayne (Pima), circa 1950-1952 | |
6 | 59 | Howard, Leatrice Mariam (Pima), circa 1950-1952 | |
6 | 60 | Howard, Stella Jane (Pima), circa 1952-1960 | |
6 | 61 | Huskon, Jane Helen (Navajo), circa 1952-1955 | |
6 | 62 | Hunter, Seraphina (Apache), circa 1952-1954 | |
6 | 63 | Ignacio, Esther D. (Papago), circa 1940-1949 | |
6 | 64 | Ignacio, Lloyd O. (Papago), circa 1940-1949 | |
6 | 65 | Innis, John, Jr. (Pima) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1940-1944 | |
6 | 66 | Iron Bear, James Loren (Lorne) (Sioux), circa 1953-1956 | |
6 | 67 | Jackson, Alberta (Pima), circa 1947-1953 | |
6 | 68 | Jackson, Dan, Jr. [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1940-1946 | |
6 | 69 | Jackson, Dillon Edward (Mono), 1950 | |
6 | 70 | Jackson, Eleanor (Pima), circa 1948-1951 | |
6 | 71 | Jackson, Everett (Pima), circa 1943-1953 | |
6 | 72 | Jackson, Fern Ruby (Papago/Pima), circa 1940-1947 | |
6 | 73 | Jackson, Fred [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1942-1944 | |
6 | 74 | Jackson, Gertrude Ruth (Pima), circa 1952-1957 | |
6 | 75 | Jackson, Harlena Mae (Mono), circa 1950-1952 | |
6 | 76 | Jackson, Joan, circa 1942-1944 | |
6 | 77 | Jackson, Julia (Pima), circa 1940-1944 | |
6 | 78 | Jackson, Leon Hargis (Pima), 1950 | |
6 | 79 | Jackson, Pearl Eula (Pima), circa 1940-1948 | |
6 | 80 | Jackson, Stanley (Apache), circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 81 | Jackson, Thelma, 1944 | |
6 | 82 | Jackson, Truman Roswell (Pima), circa 1948-1949 | |
6 | 83 | Jackson, Wilfred [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1940-1943 | |
6 | 84 | Jackson, Yvonne Lois (Tonto Apache), circa 1950-1953 | |
6 | 85 | James, Beverlene (Pima), circa 1950-1951 | |
6 | 86 | Jefferson, Beverly Sharon (Pima), circa 1947-1950 | |
6 | 87 | Jefferson, Thelma (Mono/Shoshone), circa 1947-1950 | |
6 | 88 | Jenkins, Francis Lloyd (Hopi/Maricopa), circa 1944-1950 | |
6 | 89 | Jenkins, Reuben Donald (Hopi/Maricopa), circa 1945-1962 | |
6 | 90 | Joe, Verna Jean (Pima), circa 1945-1950 | |
6 | 91 | Johns, Byron (Pima), circa 1955-1962 | |
6 | 92 | Johns, Delsie Ione (Pima), circa 1944-1945 | |
6 | 93 | Johns, Duriat Erwin (Pima), 1944-1945 | |
6 | 94 | Johns, Geraldine, circa 1939-1942 | |
6 | 95 | Johnson, Alice F. (Papago); Johnson, Marian R. (Papago), circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 96 | Johnson, Bernice Cecilia (Papago), circa 1943-1946 | |
6 | 97 | Johnson, David (Papago), circa 1956-1959 | |
6 | 98 | Johnson, Delores (Pima), circa 1951-1954 | |
6 | 99 | Johnson, Elliott (Papago), circa 1954-1959 | |
6 | 100 | Johnson, Elsie Esther (Pima), circa 1940-1944 | |
6 | 101 | Johnson, Esther, circa 1940-1943 | |
6 | 102 | Johnson, Eugene Bryan (Papago/Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 103 | Johnson, Evelyn (Pima); Johnson, Lorraine B. (Pima), circa 1940-1946 | |
6 | 104 | Johnson, Evelyn Mae (Papago), circa 1957-1960 | |
6 | 105 | Johnson, John A., Jr. (Pima), circa 1943-1944 | |
6 | 106 | Johnson, Juan M. (Papago), circa 1946-1948 | |
6 | 107 | Johnson, Larry (Papago), circa 1947-1953 | |
6 | 108 | Johnson, Leonard C. (Papago), circa 1946-1952 | |
6 | 109 | Johnson, Lloyd Finley (Papago), circa 1937-1945 | |
6 | 110 | Johnson, Lyman Nickolas (Hopi), circa 1955-1961 | |
6 | 111 | Johnson, Mary Ann (Papago/Pima), circa 1944-1947 | |
6 | 112 | Johnson, Percy Robert (Papago), circa 1950-1955 | |
6 | 113 | Johnson, Richard (Kickapoo), 1947 | |
6 | 114 | Johnson, Sadie Irene (Hopi), circa 1957-1960 | |
6 | 115 | Jones, Delphina Dora (Papago), circa 1957-1960 | |
6 | 116 | Jones, Gilbert D. (Pima/Yavapai), circa 1945-1951 | |
6 | 117 | Jones, Leroy A. (Apache/Pima), circa 1943-1964 | |
6 | 118 | Jones, Phyllis Jean (Pima/Yavapai), circa 1945-1951 | |
6 | 119 | Jones, Sylvester (Choctaw/Pima), circa 1940-1946 | |
6 | 120 | Jones, Vernon Gene (Pima), circa 1955-1960 | |
6 | 121 | Jose, Cipriano (Papago), circa 1940-1952 | |
6 | 122 | Jose, Daniel V. (Papago), circa 1944-1951 | |
6 | 123 | Jose, David M. [includes personal/World War II correspondence and photograph of the "USS Alhena"], circa 1943-1962 | |
6 | 124 | Jose, Elita Dorane (Pima), circa 1954-1956 | |
6 | 125 | Jose, Henry (Papago), circa 1935-1948 | |
6 | 126 | Jose, Lawrence (African American/Papago), circa 1957-1960 | |
6 | 127 | Jose, Mary Ann (Papago), circa 1936-1944 | |
6 | 128 | Jose, Sally Marie (Pima), circa 1953-1958 | |
6 | 129 | Jose, Sarah Marie (Papago), circa 1940-1944 | |
6 | 130 | Jose, Virginia Ruby (Papago), circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 131 | Joseph, Martin Luther (Mexican/Papago/Pima), circa 1945-1950 | |
6 | 132 | Juan, Ellsworth C. (Papago/Pima), circa 1935-1947 | |
6 | 133 | Juan, Emendo [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], 1944-1946 | |
6 | 139 | Juan, Grace (Pima), circa 1944-1947 | |
6 | 135 | Juan, Hugh [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1940-1943 | |
6 | 136 | Juan, Lauretta (Papago/Pima), circa 1940-1943 | |
6 | 137 | Juan, Ramon [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1940-1946 | |
6 | 138 | Justin, Boyd [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1940-1943 | |
6 | 139 | Justin, Ellsworth Edwin (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
6 | 140 | Justin, Leonard (Pima) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1937-1945 | |
7 | 1 | Justin, Lucille Carol (Pima), 1955-1956 | |
7 | 2 | Kalka, Dirk Lay, 1944-1945 | |
7 | 3 | Kanseah, Arylis Ray (Mescalero Apache), 1953-1959 | |
7 | 4 | Kanseah, Velma Lee (Apache), 1958-1960. | |
7 | 5 | Kanesewah, Leonard (Mescalero Apache), 1946-1947 | |
7 | 6 | Karty, Penny Lou (Comanche), circa 1957-1959 | |
7 | 7 | Kazhe, Lynette Rogene (Mescalero Apache/Pima), 1959-1960 | |
7 | 8 | Kill, Stanley, 1943-1945 | |
7 | 9 | Kindelay, Glenn (Apache), circa 1949 | |
7 | 10 | Kinsley, Fred Victor (Hopi/Papago), 1956-1957 | |
7 | 11 | Kinsley, Lois Jean (Hopi/Papago), 1956-1957 | |
7 | 12 | Kisto, Laverne Faye (Fay) (Pima), circa 1948-1953 | |
7 | 13 | Kisto, Lillian Barbara (Papago), circa 1957-1959 | |
7 | 14 | Kisto, Lurline Agnes (Papago), circa 1958-1959 | |
7 | 15 | Kisto, Manuel, 1943-1945 | |
7 | 16 | Knox, Adelma (Pima), circa 1943-1944 | |
7 | 17 | Knox, Ronald Elfry (Maricopa/Pima), circa 1950-1954 | |
7 | 18 | Kozie, Vera (Apache), circa 1955-1956 | |
7 | 19 | Laffoon, Harry (Mojave/Yuma), circa 1933-1943 | |
7 | 20 | Laffoon, Herman, 1942-1945 | |
7 | 21 | Lame, Leonard (Sioux), circa 1955-1956 | |
7 | 22 | Lamore, Gladys Violet (Maricopa), circa 1942-1947 | |
7 | 23 | Lamore, Jewel Beatrice (Maricopa), circa 1941-1945 | |
7 | 24 | Lamore, Robert James (Maricopa), circa 1944-1945 | |
7 | 25 | Laws, Joan (Pima), 1943 | |
7 | 26 | Laws, Richard (Pima), 1945 | |
7 | 27 | Lavender, Asa (Apache), circa 1942-1943 | |
7 | 28 | Lesso, Wesley Emery (Hopi/Pima), circa 1937-1946 | |
7 | 29 | Lewis, Avery (Papago/Pima), circa 1943-1946 | |
7 | 30 | Lewis, Bernard F. (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
7 | 31 | Lewis, Clifford (Pima), 1949-1955 | |
7 | 32 | Lewis, Clifford Spencer (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
7 | 33 | Lewis, Daniel H. (Pima), circa 1943-1951 | |
7 | 34 | Lewis, Daniel T. [includes "The Arrow" issue, March 1945], circa 1944-1945 | |
7 | 35 | Lewis, David (Pima), circa 1949-1951 | |
7 | 36 | Lewis, Ethel Dorris (Chukchansi), circa 1948-1951 | |
7 | 37 | Lewis, Ethelene Lucille (Pima), circa 1948-1951 | |
7 | 38 | Lewis, Evelyn, circa 1942 | |
7 | 39 | Lewis, Evelyn Elizabeth (Pima), 1953 | |
7 | 40 | Lewis, Gloria Jane (Pima), circa 1954-1957 | |
7 | 41 | Lewis, Henrietta (Pima), circa 1948-1952 | |
7 | 42 | Lewis, Imogene Paulette (Pima), circa 1948-1952 | |
7 | 43 | Lewis, Irene Lara (Mexican), circa 1955-1956 | |
7 | 44 | Lewis, Lorraine (Pima), circa 1935-1940 | |
7 | 45 | Lewis, Marjorie Ann (Chukchansi), circa 1949-1952 | |
7 | 46 | Lewis, Marilyn (Papago/Pima), circa 1945-1949 | |
7 | 47 | Lewis, Norman Henry (Pima), 1941 | |
7 | 48 | Lewis, Raymond (Pima), circa 1940-1942 | |
7 | 49 | Lewis, Richard C. (Papago/Pima), circa 1941-1943 | |
7 | 50 | Lewis, Sianna (Pima), circa 1953-1957 | |
7 | 51 | Lewis, Spencer Thomas (Pima), 1952-1957 | |
7 | 52 | Lewis, Tillman (Pima), 1936-1943 | |
7 | 53 | Listo, Stephen (Papago), 1942-1943 | |
7 | 54 | Liston, Clarence (Papago), 1946-1947 | |
7 | 55 | Liston, Phillipa (Papago), 1951-1955 | |
7 | 56 | Liston, Stanley Ramon (Papago), 1953-1954 | |
7 | 57 | Lomakema, Madeline Rose (Hopi), 1957-1959 | |
7 | 58 | Lomauhie, Eleanor, 1940-1959 | |
7 | 59 | Lopez, Albert (Papago) [includes personal/World War II letter and photograph], 1943-1980 | |
7 | 60 | Lopez, Alice (Papago), 1946-1948 | |
7 | 61 | Lopez, Andew R. (Papago), 1945-1960 | |
7 | 62 | Lopez, Carlos, 1943-1944 | |
7 | 63 | Lopez, Catherine Fae (Papago), 1945-1946 | |
7 | 64 | Lopez, Chico (Papago), 1945-1946 | |
7 | 65 | Lopez, Eduardo (Mexican), 1958-1960 | |
7 | 66 | Lopez, Franklin (Papago), 1946-1950 | |
7 | 67 | Lopez, Joe A. [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], 1944 | |
7 | 68 | Lopez, Jose, 1940-1943 | |
7 | 69 | Lopez, Ramon (Papago), circa 1940 | |
7 | 70 | Lopez, Virginia (Papago), 1936-1941 | |
7 | 71 | Louis (Lewis), Melton Michael (Sioux), 1956-1958 | |
7 | 72 | Louis (Lewis), Wendell Reed (Sioux), 1956-1958 | |
7 | 73 | Ludlow, Myra Jane (Pima), 1944 | |
7 | 74 | Luna, Elias (Pima), 1944 | |
7 | 75 | Macias, Hector Aguilar (Mexican), 1952-1958 | |
7 | 76 | Makil, Elizabeth (Pima), 1943 | |
7 | 77 | Makil, Milfred (Pima), 1945-1947 | |
7 | 78 | Malvido, Manuel Japia [includes photograph], 1957-1960 | |
7 | 79 | Manuel, Anna Mae, 1941-1945 | |
7 | 80 | Manuel, Bernard, 1945 | |
7 | 81 | Manuel, Glenda Faye (Pima), 1955-1956 | |
7 | 82 | Manuel, Jeanette Lorraine (Pima), 1948 | |
7 | 83 | Manuel, Laura Mae (Mojave/Papago), 1941-1945 | |
7 | 84 | Manuel, Laverna Patricia (Pima), 1946-1959 | |
7 | 85 | Manuel, Lorene (Pima), 1944-1945 | |
7 | 86 | Manuel, Loretta (Mojave/Papago), 1944-1945 | |
7 | 87 | Manuel, Lottie (Pima), 1941-1942 | |
7 | 88 | Manuel, Marlene Alma (Papago/Pima), 1953-1957 | |
7 | 89 | Manuel, Max, 1963 | |
7 | 90 | Manuel, Muriel (Pima), 1941-1942 | |
7 | 91 | Manuel, Orlando (Pima), 1947-1950 | |
7 | 92 | Manuel, Virginia, 1941-1942 | |
7 | 93 | Manuel, Wayne Bruce (Pima), 1952-1955 | |
7 | 94 | Margo, Gabby (Apache), 1954-1957 | |
7 | 95 | Margo, Shirley (Apache), 1956-1957 | |
7 | 96 | Marks, Angelita (Papago), 1951-1952 | |
7 | 97 | Marks, Annette, 1942 | |
7 | 98 | Marks, Irene Rachel (Papago), 1951-1953 | |
7 | 99 | Marks, Raymond (Papago), 1945-1946 | |
7 | 100 | Marietta, Harry (Pima), 1941-1942 | |
7 | 101 | Marietta, Hastings [includes photograph], 1943-1945 | |
7 | 102 | Marietta, Timothy (Pima) [includes photograph], 1935-1942 | |
7 | 103 | Martin, Germaine Hedy (Sioux), 1953-1956 | |
7 | 104 | Martine, Imogene (Mescalero Apache), 1946 | |
7 | 105 | Martine, Ivora Lou (Mescalero Apache), 1951-1954 | |
7 | 106 | Mathews, Cramer (Pima), 1942-1945 | |
7 | 107 | Mathews, Gladys (Pima), 1943-1945 | |
7 | 108 | Mattias, Carl Andrew (Papago), 1958-1959 | |
7 | 109 | McAfee, Marcella Ruth (Pima), 1945-1946 | |
7 | 110 | McAfee, Rodney (Pima), 1943-1947 | |
7 | 111 | McAfee, Wilmer (Pima), 1940-1943 | |
7 | 112 | McDonald, Iris (Pima), circa 1950-1954 | |
7 | 113 | McIntosh, Joseph (Apache), circa 1948-1952 | |
7 | 114 | McKinney, Althea (Shoshone), circa 1957-1960 | |
7 | 115 | Mead, Bernard (Apache), 1949 | |
7 | 116 | Meeden, Alfred, Jr. (Yuma), circa 1949-1950 | |
7 | 117 | Meeden, Robert (Bobby) (Yuma), circa 1949-1951 | |
7 | 118 | Melvin, Marcella, circa 1940-1945 | |
7 | 119 | Mendez, Donald Watterson (Paiute/Papago), circa 1948-1952 | |
7 | 120 | Mendez, Howard, circa 1937-1940 | |
7 | 121 | Mendez, Johnnie [high school record and personal/World War II letter only], 1944 | |
7 | 122 | Meyers, Luther (Pima), circa 1944-1952 | |
7 | 123 | Miguel, Harry (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
7 | 124 | Miguel, Lydia, circa 1943-1944 | |
7 | 125 | Miguel, Wallace [includes personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1939-1945 | |
7 | 126 | Mike, Tommy Eddy (Chemehuevi), circa 1955-1958 | |
7 | 127 | Milda, Darlene (Papago/Pima), circa 1944-1951 | |
7 | 128 | Milda, Peggy Annette (Papago/Pima), 1943 | |
7 | 129 | Milda, Richard (Papago/Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
7 | 130 | Miles, Ethalene (Maricopa/Pima), 1944 | |
7 | 131 | Miles, Frederick Joseph (Papago/Pima), circa 1940-1948 | |
7 | 132 | Miller, Luella (Pit River), 1954 | |
7 | 133 | Mills, Delphina (Mojave), circa 1940-1947 | |
7 | 134 | Mitchell, Joyce (Sac and Fox), circa 1945-1948 | |
7 | 135 | Mitchell, Rose Edith (Sac and Fox), circa 1946-1950 | |
7 | 136 | Molina, Glenda Manzanedo (Mexican), circa 1950-1955 | |
7 | 137 | Monreal, Homero (Mexican), 1950-1955 | |
7 | 138 | Monreal, Joaquin Munoz (Mexican), 1954-1955 | |
7 | 139 | Montana, David (Papago), circa 1938-1942 | |
7 | 140 | Morago, Jay Roe, Jr. [address only], undated | |
7 | 141 | Morales, Carlos, Jr. (Mexican), circa 1950-1957 | |
7 | 142 | Morales, Clara Rosa (Mayo/Mexican/Papago), circa 1940-1947 | |
7 | 143 | Morales, Jean (Spanish/Spanish American) [Mexican American?], circa 1950-1955 | |
7 | 144 | Morales, Juanita (Spanish/Spanish American) [Mexican American?], circa 1950-1953 | |
7 | 145 | Morales, Juanita Rose (Mayo/Papago), circa 1948-1959 | |
7 | 146 | Morales, Ray (Raynaldo) (Mayo/Papago), circa 1949-1954 | |
7 | 147 | Moreno, Lucy; Moreno, Elizabeth J. (Papago), circa 1935-1943 | |
7 | 148 | Morris, Eugene W. (Pima), circa 1940-1944 | |
7 | 149 | Mott, Edward [personal letter only], 1943 | |
7 | 150 | Murdock, Dianna Mae (Kickapoo), circa 1949-1954 | |
7 | 151 | Murdock, Mitchell (Kickapoo), circa 1950-1954 | |
7 | 152 | Myers, Elwood H. [includes personal letter and photograph], 1943 | |
8 | 1 | Myore, Marylin (Ute), circa 1955-1959 | |
8 | 2 | Myron, Carlotta (Hopi), circa 1954-1959 | |
8 | 3 | Nachi, Marjorie J. (Hopi), circa 1955-1960 | |
8 | 4 | Namow, Leatrice Joyce (Mojave), circa 1954-1955 | |
8 | 5 | Napalee (Napelee), Alonzo (Pima/Zuni), circa 1940-1962 | |
8 | 6 | Narcho, Ella (Papago) [personal letter and newspaper clipping only], 1943 | |
8 | 7 | Narcho, Henry (Papago), circa 1955-1960 | |
8 | 8 | Narcia, Elizabeth (Papago/Pima), circa 1950-1955 | |
8 | 9 | Narcia, Mildred (Papago/Pima), circa 1950-1955 | |
8 | 10 | Nash, Martha (Apache/Navajo), circa 1952-1955 | |
8 | 11 | Nata, Goldie Agnes (Apache), 1947 | |
8 | 12 | Neal, Rose Ellen (Navajo), circa 1955-1960 | |
8 | 13 | Nelson, Betty [physical examination and health record only], circa 1939-1941 | |
8 | 14 | Nelson, Dennis (Pima) [includes personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 15 | Nelson, Donna, circa 1939-1941 | |
8 | 16 | Nelson, Edna (Pima), circa 1940-1943 | |
8 | 17 | Nelson, Inez D. (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 18 | Nelson, Nancy (Apache/Mojave), circa 1940-1944 | |
8 | 19 | Newman, Percival Herbert (Apache), circa 1950-1953 | |
8 | 20 | Newman, Violet (Apache), circa 1949-1951 | |
8 | 21 | Nix, Ray, circa 1940-1944 | |
8 | 22 | Nix, Ruth (Klamath/Mono), circa 1940-1944 | |
8 | 23 | Noline, Luamber (Lou Amber) (Apache), circa 1950-1957 | |
8 | 24 | Norris, George, circa 1940-1946 | |
8 | 25 | Norris, Gleason (Papago), circa 1940-1947 | |
8 | 26 | Norris, Henry, circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 27 | Norris, Herman (Navajo), circa 1950-1952 | |
8 | 28 | Norris, James J. (Papago), circa 1945-1951 | |
8 | 29 | Norris, John (Papago), circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 30 | Norris, Rose Ann (Papago), circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 31 | Norzagaray, Armando Avina, circa 1950-1955 | |
8 | 32 | Ortiz, Wilfred P. (Papago), circa 1940-1947 | |
8 | 33 | Osif, Elizabeth Ann (Papago/Pima), circa 1954-1960 | |
8 | 34 | Osif, Ramona Marlene (Papago/Pima), circa 1955-1960 | |
8 | 35 | Osif, Rose Verna (Pima), circa 1943-1947 | |
8 | 36 | Osife, Alda Jean (Papago/Pima), circa 1954-1960 | |
8 | 37 | Osife, Annie L. (Pima), circa 1942-1947 | |
8 | 38 | Osife, George, Jr. (Pima), circa 1953-1957 | |
8 | 39 | Osife, Keith Albert (Pima), circa 1945-1953 | |
8 | 40 | Osife, Willard (Pima) [includes personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1936-1945 | |
8 | 41 | Pablo, Chester [photograph and test score only], circa 1937-1945 | |
8 | 42 | Pablo, Elsie (Pima), circa 1940-1947 | |
8 | 43 | Pablo, Irving Floyd (Pima), circa 1954-1960 | |
8 | 44 | Pablo, Lethan (Pima) [includes personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1936-1945 | |
8 | 45 | Pablo, Myra (Pima), circa 1936-1945 | |
8 | 46 | Pablo, Wilma Jean (Pima), circa 1955-1960 | |
8 | 47 | Pablo, Winfield (Pima), circa 1943-1957 | |
8 | 48 | Padgley, Ernestine Joyce (Mexican/Papago/Pima), circa 1943-1948 | |
8 | 49 | Paiva, David (Paiute), circa 1949-1951 | |
8 | 50 | Paiva, Shirley Ann (Paiute), circa 1950-1951 | |
8 | 51 | Palimo, Kenneth, circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 52 | Palimo, Ruth (Papago), circa 1942-1948 | |
8 | 53 | Pancho, Chavilla (Papago), circa 1940-1943 | |
8 | 54 | Pancot (Pancott), Glenn, circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 55 | Parker, Larry (Shoshone), circa 1950-1959 | |
8 | 56 | Parra, Rosa Alicia (Mexican), circa 1955-1960 | |
8 | 57 | Parra, Victor (Mexican), circa 1957-1960 | |
8 | 58 | Parsons, Edward Lester (Paiute), circa 1946-1950 | |
8 | 59 | Patch, Sampson Lloyd (Mojave), circa 1949-1951 | |
8 | 60 | Patricio, Ralph (Jose) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], 1943-1945 | |
8 | 61 | Patricio, Stanley David (Papago), circa 1955-1960 | |
8 | 62 | Patrick, Earl Kirk (Apache/Mojave), circa 1944-1952 | |
8 | 63 | Patrick, Esau (Apache/Mojave), circa 1950-1955 | |
8 | 64 | Patten, Arthur (Apache), circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 65 | Patten, Leo (Apache), circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 66 | Patton (Patten), Elizabeth (Apache), circa 1940-1947 | |
8 | 67 | Paxon, Ruth (Apache), circa 1955-1959 | |
8 | 68 | Pedro, Arlene, circa 1940-1947 | |
8 | 69 | Pedro, Francis Willard (Pima), circa 1947-1953 | |
8 | 70 | Pentewa, Faye R. (Hopi), circa 1945-1949 | |
8 | 71 | Perez, Oscar Molina (Mexican), 1958 | |
8 | 72 | Perkins, George C. [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photographs], circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 73 | Perkins, Hubert [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 74 | Perkins, James (Pima) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1938-1945 | |
8 | 75 | Perkins, Ruth Ann (Pima), circa 1952-1958 | |
8 | 76 | Perkins, Thelma Ellen (Pima), 1949 | |
8 | 77 | Peso, Edris Ann (Apache), 1947 | |
8 | 78 | Peters, Alberta Ruth (Pima), circa 1950-1979 | |
8 | 79 | Peters, Alvin Virgil (Pima), circa 1954-1958 | |
8 | 80 | Peters, Billy E. (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 81 | Peters, Johnston (Pima) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photographs], circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 82 | Peters, Marjorie Elva (Pima), circa 1953-1958 | |
8 | 83 | Peters, Pauline, circa 1939-1943 | |
8 | 84 | Phillips, Emery (Apache), 1947-1958 | |
8 | 85 | Polimo, Frank [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], 1942-1944 | |
8 | 86 | Polimo, Max (Papago), circa 1936-1944 | |
8 | 87 | Polk, Wilson (Apache), circa 1953-1956 | |
8 | 88 | Ponselle, Maybern R. (Pima), circa 1946-1953 | |
8 | 89 | Porter, Carolyn France (Pima), circa 1955-1958 | |
8 | 90 | Porter, Glenn Bernard (Papago/Pima), circa 1941-1947 | |
8 | 91 | Porter, Harless Clayton (Pima), 1944 | |
8 | 92 | Porter (Stone), Harold (Pima), circa 1943-1948 | |
8 | 93 | Porter (Stone), Leonard (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 94 | Porter (Stone), Lillian Mae (Pima), circa 1940-1949 | |
8 | 95 | Porter, Merrill Joe (Papago/Pima), 1940-1945 | |
8 | 96 | Porter, William Everett (Papago/Pima), circa 1940-1946 | |
8 | 97 | Pratt, Barbara Jean (Pima), circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 98 | Pratt, Laveda Fern (Pima), circa 1950-1953 | |
8 | 99 | Preston, Emil Louie (Pima), circa 1950-1956 | |
8 | 100 | Puella, Eloisa (Papago), circa 1950-1953 | |
8 | 101 | Puella, Kenneth (Papago), circa 1947-1953 | |
8 | 102 | Puella, Lawrence (Papago), circa 1940-1951 | |
8 | 103 | Puella, Morris Dennis (Papago), circa 1951-1955 | |
8 | 104 | Puella, Ralph M. (Papago), circa 1940-1950 | |
8 | 105 | Puella, Stephen (Papago), circa 1950-1954 | |
8 | 106 | Queahpama, Cleta Marie (Warm Springs), circa 1955-1960 | |
8 | 107 | Queahpama, Katherine Agnes (Warm Springs), circa 1955-1960 | |
8 | 108 | Quimayousie (Quomayousie, Quamayousie), Gloria (Hopi), circa 1944-1946 | |
8 | 109 | Rambler, Timothy Hurley (Apache), circa 19557-1960 | |
8 | 110 | Ramon, George (Papago), circa 1938-1942 | |
8 | 111 | Randall, Martin (Apache), 1947 | |
8 | 112 | Randall, Myrtle (Pima), 1942 | |
8 | 113 | Randall, Virginia (Pima), 1940-1943 | |
8 | 114 | Raye, Harry John, Jr. (Pima), circa 1950-1953 | |
8 | 115 | Redbird, Gordon (Maricopa), circa 1940-1943 | |
8 | 116 | Red Buffalo, Gloria Delores (Cheyenne/Sioux), circa 1953-1957 | |
8 | 117 | Rhodes, Dallas, circa 1938-1945 | |
8 | 118 | Rhodes, Roy (Cheyenne/Pima), circa 1939-1943 | |
8 | 119 | Rhodes, William Roy (Cheyenne/Pawnee/Pima/Sioux), circa 1944-1948 | |
8 | 120 | Ricker, Alice Faye (Sioux), circa 1953-1957 | |
8 | 121 | Rios (Rias), Joan (JoAnn) (Papago), circa 1958-1960 | |
8 | 122 | Rivers, Karen Marlene (Pima), circa 1957-1960 | |
8 | 123 | Roberts, Joan, circa 1943-1945 | |
8 | 124 | Roberts, Lorice Allison (Pima), circa 1950-1955 | |
8 | 125 | Roberts, Norman Leo (Pima), circa 1950-1953 | |
8 | 126 | Robinson, Bryon Lee (Hoopa/Hopi/Pima), circa 1948-1952 | |
8 | 127 | Rogers, Grace (Hopi), circa 1944-1946 | |
8 | 128 | Rogers, Loretta Doris (Hopi), circa 1943-1947 | |
8 | 129 | Rogers, Margaret Elaine [West High School (Phoenix, Arizona) records only], 1966-1968 | |
8 | 130 | Romero, James (Papago) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1943-1947 | |
8 | 131 | Rovie, Donald Glenn (Pima), circa 1943-1946 | |
8 | 132 | Ruby, Delores (Pima), circa 1950-1956 | |
8 | 133 | Runnels, Dean (Sioux), circa 1954-1957 | |
8 | 134 | Rush, Norma Arlene (Assiniboine), circa 1954-1959 | |
8 | 135 | Russell, Archie [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], 1942-1944 | |
8 | 136 | Russell, Naomi Janice (Tonto Apache/Yavapai), circa 1943-1946 | |
8 | 137 | Russell, Robert (Apache/Yavapai), circa 1940-1943 | |
8 | 138 | Saavedra, Leticia Carrasco (Mexican), circa 1955-1958 | |
8 | 139 | Sago, Corrine (Mescalero Apache), 1945-1946 | |
8 | 140 | Sakiestewa, Beverly Corinne (Hopi/Navajo), circa 1947-1957 | |
8 | 141 | Salazar, Mildred Mary (Papago), circa 1956-1959 | |
8 | 142 | Sarafico, Lawrence [photograph only], circa 1940-1945 | |
8 | 143 | Scott, Bernice (Mescalero Apache), 1947 | |
8 | 144 | Scott, Helen (Hopi), 1958 | |
8 | 14S | Scott, Hiram [personal/World War II letter and photograph only], 1942 | |
8 | 146 | Scott, Valora Jane (Hopi), circa 1957-1960 | |
8 | 147 | Seaton, Alice Marlene (Navajo), circa 1956-1960 | |
8 | 148 | Segundio, Frances, 1940-1945 | |
8 | 149 | Segundo, Anita (Papago), circa 1941-1950 | |
8 | 150 | Segundo, Elliott R. [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], circa 1940-1943 | |
8 | 151 | Segundo, Herman LeRoy (Papago), circa 1945-1950 | |
8 | 152 | Seimatewa, Calvin [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1940-1944 | |
9 | 1 | Seimatewa, Leona Belle (Hopi/Tewa), circa 1956-1958 | |
9 | 2 | Sequieros, Alice (Papago), circa 1937-1944 | |
9 | 3 | Sequieros, Leonard (Papago), circa 1940-1945 | |
9 | 4 | Shaw, Betty Rosalee (Paiute), circa 1956-1958 | |
9 | 5 | Shaw, Leonard George (Paiute), circa 1951-1958 | |
9 | 6 | Shaw, Marian Sylvia (Paiute), circa 1954-1957 | |
9 | 7 | Shaw, Roderick [personal/World War II letter only], 1945 | |
9 | 8 | Sherman, Elmer (Mono), circa 1947-1951 | |
9 | 9 | Sherman, William (Mono) [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photograph; includes "The Arrow" issue, January 1945], circa 1940-1945 | |
9 | 10 | Shields, Roseann (Sioux), circa 1955-1957 | |
9 | 11 | Silas, Charlotte Ruth (Hopi), circa 1946-1948 | |
9 | 12 | Smith, Allen L., Jr. (Pima), circa 1940-1943 | |
9 | 13 | Smith, Carolyn (Apache), 1951-1956 | |
9 | 14 | Smith, Corrine (Pima), 1952 | |
9 | 15 | Smith, Delphina, 1943-1946 | |
9 | 16 | Smith, Herbert [personal/World War II letter only], 1945 | |
9 | 17 | Smith, Iva Lee, 1949 | |
9 | 18 | Smith, Kathleen Dorothy (Pima), 1946-1951 | |
9 | 19 | Smith, Lennadine (Apache/Mojave), 1945 | |
9 | 20 | Smith, Lenora L. (Pima), 1941-1943 | |
9 | 21 | Smith, Leroy (LeRoy) (Pima) [includes personal letters], circa 1939-1947 | |
9 | 22 | Smith, McKenzie (Apache), 1954-1960 | |
9 | 23 | Smith, Randall Leroy (Pima), 1952-1957 | |
9 | 24 | Smith, Vincent (Apache/Mojave), 1940-1944 | |
9 | 25 | Smith, Wallace [includes personal/World War II correspondence and photographs], 1943-1945 | |
9 | 26 | Soke, Corrigan (Pima), 1950-1951 | |
9 | 27 | Soke, Laverne Katherine (Pima), 1953-1959 | |
9 | 28 | Somegastava, Virgil Warren (Maricopa/Pima), 1955-1957 | |
9 | 29 | Soto, Ignacio (Mexican), 1950-1952 | |
9 | 30 | Spex, Wilbur Robinson (Yavapai), 1951 | |
9 | 31 | Spider, Dorothy Norma (Sioux), 1956-1957 | |
9 | 32 | Stacey, Arthur (Apache/Mojave), 1943-1944 | |
9 | 33 | Stafne, Joy Lanell (Sioux), 1955-1957 | |
9 | 34 | Stanley, Richard (Maricopa/Pima), 1941-1942 | |
9 | 35 | Steele, Lola Josephine (Apache), 1954-1958 | |
9 | 36 | Stillman, Courtney (Mojave), 1956-1957 | |
9 | 37 | Stillman, Jovita (Mojave), 1946-1958 | |
9 | 38 | Stillman, Sylvia (Mojave), 1951-1955 | |
9 | 39 | Stoldt, Marvin Albert (Oglala/Sioux), 1955 | |
9 | 40 | Stone, Anthony (Paiute/Washoe), 1955-1956 | |
9 | 41 | Stone, Norma Fay Porter (Pima), 1946-1947 | |
9 | 42 | Stone, Geraldine Roberta (Paiute), 1947-1961 | |
9 | 42a | Stone, Harold (Pima), 1945 | |
9 | 43 | Stone, Thomas (Paiute/Washoe), 1955-1956 | |
9 | 44 | Suminimo, Pansy (Hualapai), 1956-1959 | |
9 | 45 | Sundust, Alvord (Pfc.) [includes personal/World War II correspondence], 1937-1943 | |
9 | 46 | Sundust, Imogene, 1941-1943 | |
9 | 47 | Sunn, Betty (Maricopa), 1942-1945 | |
9 | 48 | Sunn, Donald (Maricopa), 1950-1951 | |
9 | 49 | Swick, Jacqueline (Mojave), 1944-1946 | |
9 | 50 | Swick, Malcolm (Mojave), 1944-1948 | |
9 | 51 | Talas, Alverna Mae (Hopi/Paiute), 1955-1957 | |
9 | 52 | Talas, Francis Raymond (Hopi/Paiute), 1948-1949 | |
9 | 53 | Talas, Woodrow Don (Hopi/Paiute), 1950 | |
9 | 54 | Tenario, Henry (Papago/Pueblo), 1944-1948 | |
9 | 55 | Thomas, Carolyn Lee (Paiute/Shoshone), 1956-1958 | |
9 | 56 | Thomas, Duane Norris (Maricopa), 1948 | |
9 | 57 | Thomas, Everett James (Pima), 1952 | |
9 | 58 | Thomas, F. Arthur [includes personal/World War II correspondence and photographs; also includes "The Arrow" issue, May 1944], 1942-1944 | |
9 | 59 | Thomas, Geraldine (Pima), 1943-1947 | |
9 | 60 | Thomas, Leonard P. (Pima), 1944 | |
9 | 61 | Thompson, Ivan (Pvt.) [includes personal/World War II correspondence and photograph], 1943-1944 | |
9 | 62 | Thompson, Mary Helen (Navajo), 1958-1959 | |
9 | 63 | Thompson, Neva Olive (Apache/Pima), 1959-1960 | |
9 | 64 | Thompson, Sarah Jane (Pima), 1943 | |
9 | 65 | Thompson, Wilda Lavine (Pima), 1947-1948 | |
9 | 66 | Throssell, Allen (Papago), 1956 | |
9 | 67 | Throssell, Phyllis Marie (Papago), 1945-1948 | |
9 | 68 | Titus, Ruth Gladys (Sioux), 1954 | |
9 | 69 | Tom, Phyllis Patricia (Paiute), 1955-1958 | |
9 | 70 | Truax, Otis, 1944-1945 | |
9 | 71 | Two Bulls, LaVerda Eva (Sioux), 1955-1958 | |
9 | 72 | Valadez, Antonio [includes photograph], 1959-1960 | |
9 | 73 | Valdez, Amelia (Papago), 1937-1944 | |
9 | 74 | Valdez, Helen, 1939-1940 | |
9 | 75 | Valdez, Ronald (Apache), 1958-1959 | |
9 | 76 | Valenzuela, Absalom Mercado (Spanish American) [Mexican American?], 1951-1954 | |
9 | 77 | Valenzuela, Eleanor (Papago), 1945-1946 | |
9 | 78 | Valenzuela, Joel (Spanish American) [Mexican American?], 1951-1953 | |
9 | 79 | Valenzuela, Nathan Mercado (Mexican), 1952-1953 | |
9 | 80 | Valenzuela, Olga (Mexican), 1952-1954 | |
9 | 81 | Valisto, Ida Rose Mary (Papago), 1942-1945 | |
9 | 82 | Vasques (Vasquez), Albert (Papago), 1941-1948 | |
9 | 83 | Vasques (Vasquez), Manuel (Papago), 1941 | |
9 | 84 | Vasques (Vasquez), Mary (Papago), 1941-1942 | |
9 | 85 | Vasquez, Ramon Sanchez (Mexican), 1954 | |
9 | 86 | Ventura, Lawrence, Jr. (Papago), 1947-1953 | |
9 | 87 | Ventura, Ronald Clifford (Papago), 1947-1953 | |
9 | 88 | Victor, Ferma (Apache), 1948-1952 | |
9 | 89 | Victor, Genevieve (Apache), 1947-1949 | |
9 | 90 | Victor, Isla (Apache), 1946-1947 | |
9 | 91 | Victor, Phyllis (Apache), 1948-1951 | |
9 | 92 | Victor, Velma (Apache), 1955 | |
9 | 93 | Walker, Elfrey Wayne (Pima), circa 1956-1957 | |
9 | 94 | Walker, Evelyn (Mono), circa 1942-1944 | |
9 | 95 | Walker, Freeman [includes personal/World War II correspondence], 1942-1944 | |
9 | 96 | Walker, Glorianna (Mono), circa 1943-1945 | |
9 | 97 | Walker, Kenneth (Mono), circa 1950-1952 | |
9 | 98 | Walker, Raymond, circa 1939-1943 | |
9 | 99 | Walker, Robena Blanche (Mono), circa 1953-1954 | |
9 | 100 | Walker, William L. [?] (Mono), circa 1943-1945 | |
9 | 101 | Washington, Dennett (Pima), circa 1951-1958 | |
9 | 102 | Washington, Duane (Maricopa/Pima), circa 19551962 | |
9 | 103 | Waterman, Victor Sonny (Apache), 1954 | |
9 | 104 | Wathogoma, Carolyn Betty (Yavapai), circa 1952-1956 | |
9 | 105 | Wathogoma, Ronald (Yavapai), circa 1954 | |
9 | 106 | Waye, Rebecca (Apache), circa 1953-1957 | |
9 | 107 | Webb, Madeline (Pima), circa 1951-1954 | |
9 | 108 | Webb, Melvin (Pima), circa 1948-1952 | |
9 | 109 | Wellington, Alma Mae (Pima), circa 1952-1954 | |
9 | 110 | Wellington, Clarence H. [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1943 | |
9 | 111 | Wellington, Elvira (Pima), circa 1951-1952 | |
9 | 112 | Wellington, Gloria Jean (Pima), circa 1957-1959 | |
9 | 113 | Wellington, Loulla (Pima), circa 1957-1960 | |
9 | 114 | Wellington, Mary (Pima), circa 1953-1956 | |
9 | 115 | Wellington, Myra (Pima), circa 1946-1950 | |
9 | 116 | Wellington, Wilfred (Pima); Wellington, Leon (Pima), circa 1942-1945 | |
9 | 117 | Wellington, Wilma (Pima), circa 1957-1958 | |
9 | 118 | White, Leonard (Pima), circa 1944-1945 | |
9 | 119 | White, Raymond (Crow/Sioux), 1942-1943 | |
9 | 120 | White, Sherlie Jolene (Crow/Sioux), 1948 | |
9 | 121 | Whitehead, Iris Kay (Sioux), circa 1955-1957 | |
9 | 122 | Whitman, Beverly (Pima), circa 1945-1950 | |
9 | 123 | Whitman, Carolyn (Pima), circa 1946-1947 | |
9 | 124 | Whitman, Edrie May (Mae) (Pima), circa 1945-1956 | |
9 | 125 | Whitman, Glendon Erwin (Pima), circa 1951-1953 | |
9 | 126 | Whitman, Maxine (Pima), circa 1942-1946 | |
9 | 127 | Whittaker, Amos, Jr. (Pima), 1952 | |
9 | 128 | Whitaker, Vera Mae (Pima), circa 1947-1951 | |
9 | 129 | Whittier, Eleanor (Pima), circa 1943-1945 | |
9 | 130 | Williams, Dennis (Pima), 1959 | |
9 | 131 | Williams, Joanna (Apache/Mojave), circa 1944-1945 | |
9 | 132 | Williams, Roy (Pima), 1943-1944 | |
9 | 133 | Williams, Trenie (Navajo), circa 1952-1953 | |
9 | 134 | Wilson, Alfred (Papago), circa 1944-1948 | |
9 | 135 | Wilson, Clara (Papago), circa 1936-1945 | |
9 | 136 | Wilson, Devorre Jackie (Mojave), circa 1954-1960 | |
9 | 137 | Wilson, Felix (Papago), circa 1943-1948 | |
9 | 138 | Wilson, Frank Gabriel (Maricopa/Pima), circa 1952-1953 | |
9 | 139 | Wilson, Harriet LeRoyce (Maricopa/Pima), circa 1952-1953 | |
9 | 140 | Wilson, Jose [chiefly personal/World War II correspondence and photographs] , circa 1943 | |
9 | 141 | Wilson, Stephen [personal/World War II letter only], 1943 | |
9 | 142 | Winn, Alfred (Pima), 1942-1944 | |
9 | 143 | Winn, Mathew [includes personal/World War II correspondence], circa 1938-1949 | |
9 | 144 | Wood, Gordon Wallace (Navajo/Papago), circa 1943-1947 | |
9 | 145 | Wood, Merna Louise (Navajo/Papago), circa 1947-1948 | |
9 | 146 | Yazza, Jodee (Apache/Navajo), 1958 | |
9 | 147 | Yazzie, Maybelle Lucille (Navajo), circa 1949 | |
9 | 148 | Yazzie, Mary (Navajo), circa 1953-1958 | |
9 | 149 | Yazzie, Nona (Navajo), circa 1954-1955 | |
9 | 150 | Youngman, Michael Wayne (Sioux), circa 1951-1955 | |
9 | 151 | Yoyokie, Mary Lou (Hopi), 1959 | |
9 | 152 | Zuzuarregui, Sierra (Siramas) Liliana (Mexican), circa 1954-1962 | |
10 | 1 | Log Book for Gifts, 1950-1958 | |
10 | 2 | Correspondence, Deeds, Bill of Sale, Power of Attorney, Contracts, 1889, 1892-1894, 1904-1913, 1927, 1934-1948 | |
10 | 3 | Board of National Missions Newsletters re Tucson Indian Training School, 1940-1959 | |
10 | 4 | Evangelistic Services (Escuela Presbyterian Church) - Report of Student Responses, 1923 | |
10 | 5 | Student Arithmetic Exercises (1923); letters (1924), 1923-1924 | |
10 | 6 | Tucson Indian Training School register (includes entries of dates students entered the school and their ages upon entry; 1888-1952); loose letters regarding Ricardo Manuel and Isaac Paul (1960-1961), 1888-1961 | Digital |
10 | 7 | Tucson Indian Training School cashbook, 1946-1951 | |
10 | 8 | "An Evaluation of the Tucson Indian Training School Program" (by Ernst H. Suerken; Board of National Missions), 1959 December | |
Blueprints and architectural drawings (rolled; stored in oversize box) | |||
11 | -- | Model cottage/house (1 sheet), 1948 June 4 | |
11 | -- | Boys' dormitory (2 sheets), 1947 March 17 | |
11 | -- | Boys' dormitory (2 sheets), 1947 March 17 | |
11 | -- | Boys' dormitory (2 sheets), 1947 March 17 | |
11 | -- | School administration building (6 sheets), 1950 October | |
11 | -- | Music building (1 sheet), 1954 February 18 | |
11 | -- | School for Presbyterian Mission at San Miguel, Arizona, Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. (owner), drawn at Tucson Indian Training School, Tucson, Arizona (1 sheet), 1947 February 12 | |
11 | -- | Kumler - McKelvey Cottage, Tucson Indian Training School (7 sheets), 1927 December 17 | |
11 | -- | Administrative offices (3 sheets), 1951 February 21 | |
Blueprints and architectural drawings (flat; stored in oversize folder 1 in basement oversize storage) | |||
-- | -- | Tucson Indian Training School, Escuela, Arizona (annotated site plan by Cronk and Hoff; 1 sheet), 1936 May | |
-- | -- | Music Building (2 sheets), 1950 October | |
-- | -- | Girls Dormitory Basement (2 sheets), 1950 October | |
-- | -- | Industrial Arts Building (2 sheets), 1950 October | |
-- | -- | Tucson Indian Training School, Tucson, Arizona (site plan from drawing by Cronk and Hoff of May 1936; corrected to October 1950 by Hazard; 2 sheets), 1950 October | |
-- | -- | Tucson Indian Training School, Escuela, Arizona (annotated site plan by Cronk and Hoff; 2 sheets), 1936 May | |
-- | -- | Tucson Indian Training School, Escuela, Arizona (annotated site plan by Cronk and Hoff with road drawings; 2 sheets), 1936 May | |
-- | -- | Tucson Indian Training School, Escuela, Arizona (annotated site plan by Cronk and Hoff with water, sewer, and gas line drawings; 1 sheet), 1936 May | |
-- | -- | Tucson Indian Training School, Escuela, Arizona (site plan by Cronk and Hoff; 3 sheets), 1936 May | |
Blueprints and architectural drawings (flat; stored in oversize folder 2 in basement oversize storage) | |||
-- | -- | First floor and second floor plans, Tucson Indian Training School (2 sheets), 1921 | |
-- | -- | Survey of Tucson Indian School Property (land east of school), Pima County, Arizona (plat map; 1 sheet), 1927 March | |
-- | -- | Proposed mezz. floor, Tucson Indian Training School (1 sheet), 1947 September 2 | |
-- | -- | Practice cottage (Harbison Cottage), Tucson Indian Training School (5 sheets), 1928 | |
-- | -- | Mr. M. L. Girton, Esquela, Arizona (Preston Cottage plans; 2 sheets), undated | |
-- | -- | Teachers' hall, Tucson Indian Training School (2 sheets), 1923 | |
-- | -- | Teachers hall (1 sheet), 1922 December 12 | |
-- | -- | Dining hall (alteration to old chapel), Tucson Indian Training School (3 sheets), 1922-1923 | |
-- | -- | Spiral stair (girls' dormitory) for Tucson Indian Training School (1 sheet), 1947 August 19 | |
-- | -- | Executives home (1 sheet), 1951 August 17 | |
-- | -- | Industrial arts building (1 sheet), 1950 October | |
-- | -- | Girls dormitory (1 sheet), 1950 October | |
-- | -- | Music building (1 sheet), 1950 October | |
-- | -- | Survey of land, Pima County, Arizona (plat map, 1 sheet), 1948 July |