Guide to the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America Division of Christian Education Records
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The Division of Christian Education was organized in 1950 as part of the new National Council of Churches. It assumed the activities of the International Council of Religious Education, the National Protestant Council on Higher Education, and the Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada.
The purposes of the Division were:
- To encourage the study of the Bible.
- To promote the study and influence of the Christian religion.
- To assist member denominations in the conduct of their work of Christian education as carried on (a) through local churches, Sunday Schools, and other Christian agencies and programs; (b) through colleges, universities, and foundations and agencies for student work; and (c) through community agencies, such as local, county, and state councils of churches and religious education.
- To encourage organization of Sunday Schools and other institutions for Christian education.
The governing body of the Division was the Division Assembly. Business affairs were handled by a Board of Directors. Roy G. Ross was executive secretary of the Division from 1950 to 1951. He was replaced by Gerald E. Knoff, who served as executive secretary from 1951 to 1964 and then under the title of associate general secretary from 1965 to 1972.
From 1950 to 1956 the Division maintained its headquarters in Chicago in the offices of the former International Council of Religious Education. In 1956 the offices were moved to New York.
With the reorganization of the NCC in 1972 the Division of Christian Education became the Division of Education and Ministry.
When the Division of Christian Education was established, it was stated that the "Executive Secretary shall administer and supervise work of the Division, with the help of his associates and other members of the Division staff. His duties include (a) presentation of staff nominations and (b) preparation of administrative reports." The duties also included such things as initiation and direction of Division programs and fundraising.
The title of executive director was changed to general secretary and in 1965 to associate general secretary, reflecting changes in NCC organizational structure. Gerald E. Knoff held the position from 1951 until 1972. The Commission on General Christian Education, formed in 1950, assumed the activities of the International Council of Religious Education.
The Commission served "as the medium of the Department for Christian Education for advancing the work of Christian education in local church and community." It assisted "member boards, councils of churches, and related agencies in the development of a comprehensive Christian education service for persons of all ages in the home, local church, and community."
The educational program of the Commission was carried out by thirteen departments including Administration and Leadership; Adult Work; Audio-Visual and Broadcast Education; Children's Work; Curriculum Development; Family Life; Newspaper Lesson Syndication; Weekday Religious Education; Youth Work; Camps and Conferences; Vacation Religious Education; Religion and Public Education; and the International Journal of Religious Education. Some of these departments were combined or eliminated as the Commission developed.
Working in conjunction with the departments were seventeen advisory sections of professional workers and lay leaders. These sections included Adult Work; Children's Work; City Executives; Denominational Directors; Directors; Editors; Lay; Leadership Education; Missionary Education; National Denominational Executives; Pastors; Professors and Research; Publishers; Regional Executives; State Council Executives; Weekday Religious Education; and Youth Work.
E. Fay Campbell served as general director of the Commission from 1950 to 1951. Alcwyn L. Roberts was general director from 1953 to 1963, when Eli F. Wismer, Jr. assumed the post.
With the reorganization of the National Council in 1965 the Commission on General Christian Education was eliminated. Much of its work was assigned to the newly created Department of Educational Development. However, the Department of Youth Work was placed within the new Division of Christian Unity.
The Department of Educational Development was formed in 1965 to replace the Commission on General Christian Education. The Department of Educational Development assists "the denominations in expressing mission, ministry, and unity through education, especially in church, home, and community." The purpose of the Department is defined as "developing more effective educational theory, media, technologies, curriculum designs and resources, programs and practices, and strategies of change." This purpose is implemented in three functions including facilitating "data gathering, information dissemination, communication and dialogue among the churches about education; coordinating "research and development;" and administering "cooperative planning and joint programming of projects."
Eli F. Wismer served as executive director of the Department from 1965 to 1974.
The Commission on Christian Higher Education was formed in 1950 to assume the activities of the Interseminary Movement, the Department of the Ministry of the Federal Council of Churches, and the National Protestant Council on Higher Education. In 1953 the United Student Christian Council and the Student Volunteer Movement joined the Commission as related movements.
The structure of the Commission included an Administrative Committee; the Joint Department of Christian Vocations, consisting of the Student Volunteer Movement and the Department of the Ministry; the Department of Campus Christian Life, which supervised projects in cooperative campus ministry, held workshops, provided consultation and survey services, and brought together denominational personnel responsible for campus Christian life; and the Department of Christian Institutions, which was designed to carry on the concerns of the churches in relation to their colleges.
In 1959 the Commission underwent extensive reorganization. In January the Council of Protestant Colleges and Universities replaced the Department of Christian Institutions. The Council was a voluntary association of private colleges and universities, whose purpose was "to develop a vital relationship among the member colleges and universities that will enable them to maintain the historic Protestant tradition of concern for higher education, to develop... a greater unity of theological understanding of their nature as Christian institutions and to maintain a vital relationship between the Protestant colleges and Protestant churches..."
In September 1959 the National Student Christian Federation was formed by the merger of the United Student Christian Council, the Student Volunteer Movement, and the Interseminary Movement. Its purpose was "to stimulate, to strengthen, and increasingly unite the student Christian movements in a corporate life of study, work and worship, and to foster Christian community." This federation was replaced in 1966 by the University Christian Movement, composed of student Christian movements of the major Protestant denominations, the student YMCA and YWCA, the National Newman Federation, the National Federation of Catholic College Students, and local and regional campus groups. The University Christian Movement was dissolved in July 1969.
A related movement of the Commission was the Faculty Christian Fellowship. Formed in October 1952, it was "a community of teachers and scholars seeking to determine their responsibilities as Christians in their teaching, their scholarship, and their total involvement in the life of the university and the church." In 1964 it became the Committee on Faculty Interests.
Another related movement of the Commission on Higher Education was the Commission on Ecumenical Voluntary Service Projects, which promoted and recruited individuals for worldwide service projects. In 1965 it was placed under the control of the Division of Christian Unity.
In 1965, with NCC reorganization, the Commission on Christian Higher Education became the Department of Higher Education. The stated concerns of the revamped department were "the nature and mission of the church in higher education and in the academic world, critical issues in the development of higher education, the relevance of Christian faith and vocation to learning and education, the Christian student's responsibility in his calling and in areas of social concern, and provision for disciplined study of Christian faith in all institutions of higher education."
Raymond F. McClain served as general director of the Commission from 1950 to 1954. He was replaced by Hubert C. Noble, who was general director from 1955 to 1970.
The Interseminary Movement had its beginnings in 1880 as the American Interseminary Missionary Alliance. From 1937 onward it was sponsored by the Young Men's Christian Associations and the American Committee for the World Council of Churches. Its purpose was "to promote understanding among students at the various theological seminaries." The Movement joined the NCC in 1950 as the Interseminary Committee. In 1959 it became part of the National Student Christian Federation.
The Student Volunteer Movement was created in 1886 as the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions. The Movement's purpose was to promote the missionary enterprise both at home and overseas and to enlist qualified students in the mission field. The Student Volunteer Movement joined the NCC in 1953 as the Missionary Services Department of the Joint Department of Christian Vocations. The Movement, although an integral part of the NCC, maintained its own identity and had autonomy in matters of policy, program, and pronouncements. In 1959 the Movement became the Department of Missionary Services of the National Student Christian Federation.
The United Student Christian Council was founded in 1944 as a national federation of fourteen Protestant student Christian movements. The Council coordinated the work of its member movements and served as the United States member of the World Student Christian Federation. The Council joined the NCC in 1953 as a related movement and in 1959 was one of the merging agencies of the National Student Christian Federation.
The Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada joined the NCC at its formation as the Joint Commission on Missionary Education under the Division of Christian Education. The name was changed to the Department of Education for Mission in 1965.
The purpose of the Department is "to serve churches by fostering and strengthening the work of education for mission." The Department annually publishes and distributes study materials on themes in the areas of home and foreign missions. The term mission often refers to a special discipline rather than geographical outreach. For example, the home mission theme of 1966 was "Affluence and Poverty: Dilemma for Christians." The study materials, published under the imprint of the Friendship Press, include books, plays, films, filmstrips, maps, and albums on the selected mission study themes. The cooperating communions then use the materials in educational and organizational programs. The Department also promotes denominational study conferences and a series of interdenominational summer conferences across the country.
Franklin D. Cogswell served as executive director of the Joint Commission from 1951 to 1953. He was succeeded by J. Allan Ranck, who served from 1953 to 1967. William C. Walzer was executive director from 1967 to 1977.
The Department of Ministry began in 1950 as a part of the Joint Department of Christian Vocation under the direction of the Department of Higher Education. In 1956 the joint department became the Department of the Ministry within the Department of Higher Education. The Department of Pastoral Services merged with the Department of the Ministry in 1965 to form a new independent Department of Ministry within the structure of the Division of Christian Education.
The Department of Ministry "is concerned for persons employed by the churches in the professional work of ministry... identifies elements that contribute to their health and effectiveness... works with denominational and interdenominational agencies to establish or improve education and support structures... assumes a special responsibility for the professional servant group within the ministry..."
Ralph E. Peterson was executive director of the Department from 1965 to 1966. John E. Biersdorf served in the position from 1967 to 1972.
The papers of the Division of Christian Education, 1897-1974, detail the history, organization, and activities of the Division and its various departments, commissions, and committees. Although the papers extend from the years 1897 to 1974, they date primarily from the period 1950 to 1972.
The papers are arranged in six series according to the departments and commissions which existed in the organizational structure of the Division of Christian Education. In each series the papers are arranged alphabetically by subject category. Material within the subject files is arranged chronologically by year, month, and day. Partially dated material is placed at the end of the month or year; undated items are placed after all dated material. Enclosures are placed after their letter of transmittal. Newspaper clippings, unless enclosed with correspondence, are placed at the end of subject files.
The papers of the Division of Christian Education, 1897-1974, are organized in the following series:
Series I: Associate General Secretary, 1944-1972
Series II: Commission on General Christian Education, 1947-1968
Series III: Department of Educational Development, 1950-1973
Series IV: Department of Higher Education, 1897-1972 Series V: Department of Education for Mission, 1950-1974
Series VI: Department of Ministry, 1955-1973
The Associate General Secretary, 1944-1972, files date primarily from 1951 to 1972. The files are those of Gerald E. Knoff.
Series I files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, or name of organization. Material within the files is arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated items are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, agenda, constitutions, bylaws, financial statements, budgets, legal papers, plays, bibliographies, programs, pamphlets, leaflets, and newspaper clippings.
A number of the files concern the governing and administrative bodies of the Division of Christian Education, including the Division Assembly, Executive Board, Business Committee, General Board, General Planning and Program Committee, and the Program Board. The files relate to various subjects such as the Black Manifesto, the Chatham Street Chapel, prayer in public schools, the Revised Standard Version Bible, United Ministries in Public Education, and black higher education.
There is extensive material concerning the World Council of Christian Education, its assemblies, and its merger with the World Council of Churches. There are files detailing the International Sunday School Convention, especially its 1955 meeting in Cleveland.
The Commission on General Christian Education, 1947-1968, Series II files date primarily from 1951 to 1964. The material represents the combined papers of Alcwyn L. Roberts, general director, 1953-1963; Mildred A. Magnuson, executive director of Curriculum Development, 1950-1960; Alice Goddard, executive director of Children's Work, 1950-1958; Mary E. Venable, executive director of Children's Work, 1959-1966; Pearl Rosser, executive director of Audio-Visual and Broadcast Education, 1950-1956; Erwin L. Shaver, executive director of Weekday Religious Education, 1950-1957; A. Wilson Cheek, director of Youth Work, 1950-1957, and director of Adult Work, 1957-1959; Donald O. Newby, director of Youth Work, 1959-1961; and John S. Wood, director of Youth Work, 1962-1969.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, and name of organization. The majority of the files occur under departmental or advisory section headings, such as ADMINISTRATION AND LEADERSHIP DEPARTMENT and CHILDREN'S WORK SECTION. These groups may be further divided as with the Graded Series Committee of the CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated documents are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda, reports, financial statements, budgets, speeches, press releases, legal documents, bills and receipts, schedules, bibliographies, newsletters, reprints, pamphlets, leaflets, broadsides, and newspaper clippings.
Material within the files represents the activities of the various departments and advisory sections of the Commission. These include departments such as Administration and Leadership, Children's Work, Family Life, and Curriculum Development. The advisory section files include City Executives, Children's Work, Directors, Professors and Research, Lay, Publishers, and State and Regional Executives.
The files of the Children's Work Department include extensive material concerning an outdoor experiment conducted by the department in 1964 at Syracuse, New York. The behavior of forty-six children from various social and economic backgrounds was observed and reported. The Newspaper Lesson Syndication files contain copies of newspaper columns produced by the Commission. These include "The Bible Speaks," "Prayer for Today," "Sidewalk Sermons," and the "International bible Lesson."
The files of the Youth Work Department detail the history and activities of the United Christian Youth Movement, a related movement. Included in these files are items concerned with the Christian Youth Conference of North America, the North American Ecumenical Youth Assembly, and the Evanston Assembly of the World Council of Churches. The series also contains files relating to the annual meetings of the Division of Christian Education, as well as the Joint Committee from the Associated Sections.
The Department of Educational Development, 1950-1973, Series III files date primarily from 1965 to 1970. The series represents the combined files of Eli F. Wismer; Paul B. Maves, associate executive director; Ima Jean Kidd, program assistant; and Barbara P. Poppe and Mary Venable, staff associates in children's work.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject or name of organization. Material within the files is arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated items are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, agenda, newsletters, press releases, bibliographies, pamphlets, leaflets, and newspaper clippings. The documents reflect various ministries of the Department including the ministry to children under six, marriage and family life, cooperative articles, educational resources for special settings, inner city ministries, and the ministry to migrant workers. These ministries concern various subjects such as day care, the Head Start project, abortion, black families, Appalachia, American Indians, Hispanics, the Peace Corps, the mentally retarded, sex education, and urban education.
The Department of Higher Education, 1897-1972, Series IV files date primarily from 1950 to 1969. The papers are the combined files of Raymond F. McClain and Hubert Noble, general directors; J. Edward Dirks, associate general director from 1957 to 1958; William N. Lovell, associate general director from 1962 to 1970; David B. Sageser, executive director of the Department of Campus Christian life from 1956 to 1960; Herluf M. Jensen, general secretary of the National Student Christian Federation from 1961 to 1962; and from the Commission on Ecumenical Voluntary Service Projects, the papers of Frederick Stoerker, associate secretary from 1958 to 1965.
This series also contains material from the related movements which had joined the Department of Higher Education. The files of the United Student Christian Council contain the papers of its executive secretaries: John Deschner, 1945-1952; Ruth Wickes, 1952-1954; and Herluf M. Jensen, 1954-1959. The files of the Interseminary Committee contain the papers of its executive secretaries: Robert S. Bilheimer, 1944-1950; Arch Tolbert, 1950-1953; Richard L. Heaton, 1953 -1959; and William E. Crews, 1959-1961. The files of the Student Volunteer Movement contain the papers of Winburn T. Thomas, general secretary from 1942 to 1947.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, name of organization, or geographic location. Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated documents are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, agenda, constitutions, bylaws, financial statements, budgets, articles of incorporation, press releases, application forms, newsletters, theses, speeches, biographies, surveys, bibliographies, membership lists, programs, reprints, pamphlets, leaflets, broadsides, and newspaper clippings.
The files contain extensive materials detailing the activities of the various departments and related movements of the Commission and Department. These include the Campus Christian Life Department, the Council of Protestant Colleges and Universities, the Commission on Ecumenical Voluntary Service Projects, the Department of the Ministry, the Faculty Christian Fellowship, the National Student Christian Federation, the University Christian Movement, and the World Student Christian Federation.
Included with this series are documents of three related movements whose existence predated the National Council of Churches. These movements, while being administratively joined to the Department of Higher Education, maintained an independent character. They are the Interseminary Movement, the Student Volunteer Movement, and the United Student Christian Council.
The Interseminary Movement files, dating from 1935 to 1963, contain correspondence, minutes, agenda, reports, constitutions, press releases, speeches, newsletters, programs, pamphlets, and leaflets.
The Student Volunteer Movement files, dating from 1897 to 1962, contain correspondence, minutes, agenda, reports, budgets, financial statements, biographies, bylaws, theses, bibliographies, reprints, pamphlets, leaflets, and broadsides.
The United Student Christian Council files, dating from 1944 to 1959, contain correspondence, minutes, agenda, budgets, financial statements, pamphlets, and leaflets. In conjunction with the files of the United Student Christian Council, the researcher is also referred to the files of the World Student Christian Federation found within this series.
A number of files contain correspondence, budgets, reports, minutes, and printed matter relating to The Christian Scholar, a major publication of the Department from 1953 to 1967.
There are also extensive files concerning the Regional Counseling Committees and the Regional Staff Committees, which provided consultation and planning for campus ministry development. These files are arranged by geographic location. Numerous files also concern colloquia, consultations, and quadrennial convocations of the Department.
The Department of Education for Mission, 1950-1973, Series V files are organized in three parts: Subject Files, 1950-1974; Manuscripts, 1956-1973; and Filmstrips, 1957-1963. Descriptions and folder lists for each part follow:
The Subject Files, 1950-1974, date primarily from the 1960s. They are the combined files of William C. Walzer, executive director; Gilbert Q. LeSourd, associate director, 1951-1952; Robert R. Wright, director of adult publications, 1966-1969; Mae H. Ashworth, associate director of the Department of Adult Work, 1959-1963, and later director of Special Mission Education Resources, 1964-1969; and Ward L. Kaiser, director of the Department of Youth Work, 1959-1974.
The files are arranged alphabetically by name of individual, name of organization, and subject. A general file for each letter of the alphabet precedes subject files for the same letter of the alphabet (i.e., "A" precedes "Abels, Rev."). Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated documents are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, agenda, bylaws, financial statements, budgets, press releases, leaflets, pamphlets, broadsides, and newspaper clippings.
The files contain extensive correspondence with the authors of the various publications of Friendship Press. There is also material concerning the study themes of the Department such as "The Americas; How Many Worlds?;" "How the Word Gets Around;" "New Forms of Mission;" and "Reconciliation in a Broken World."
The Manuscripts, 1956-1973, files date primarily from 1965 to 1972. The files are arranged alphabetically by title of the work. Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated documents are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of manuscripts, galley proofs, and cartoons of books, pamphlets, and plays published by the Friendship Press. The manuscripts concern a variety of subjects including India, civil disobedience, the Americas, Asia, family planning, faith and justice, China, worship, and ecology.
The Filmstrips, 1957-1963, files consist of the artwork used in producing eight filmstrips. The material, primarily undated, is arranged by title of the filmstrip. The artwork includes both photographs and drawings.
The Department of Ministry, 1955-1973, series VI files date primarily from 1969 to 1972. The files are chiefly those of Burnice Fjellman, assistant director for Vocation and Enlistment. There is also material of John Biersdorf.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, or name of organization. Material within the files is arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated items are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, agenda; financial statements, newsletters, bibliographies, pamphlets, leaflets, directories, and broadsides. The material concerns principally four subject areas -- conventions of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, mailings of the Commission on Vocation and Enlistment, Department personnel records, and meetings of the Program Board.
For pre-1965 material concerning the Department of Ministry the researcher is also referred to the files of the Department of Higher Education.
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Materials marked "Digital" in the Collection Inventory may not have been digitized in their entirety.
The archives of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America were processed in 1980-1984 through two grants awarded to the Presbyterian Historical Society by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Work under the first grant was performed by Dr. Alan Thomson and under the second grant by Donald L. Haggerty.
The archives of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America have been dated from 1950 to 1972; however, there is material dating from before and after this time period. Documents from the predecessor organizations date from as early as 1839. There is also a small amount of material found in the files from as late as 1975. The year 1972 was selected as a cutoff date for the archives because of the major reorganization which the NCC underwent at this time. The archives are arranged in the following record groups:
NCC RG 1: Planning Committee for the NCC, 1941-1951
NCC RG 2: General Assemblies, 1952-1972
NCC RG 3: General Board, 1950-1972
NCC RG 4: General Secretary, 1950-1973
NCC RG 5: Deputy General Secretary, 1947-1975
NCC RG 6: Division of Christian Life and Mission, 1945-1973
NCC RG 7: Division of Home Missions, 1950-1964
NCC RG 8: Division of Overseas Ministries, 1914-1972
NCC RG 9: Division of Christian Education, 1897-1974
NCC RG 10: Division of Christian Unity, 1935-1973
NCC RG 11: Office of Administration, 1938-1973
NCC RG 12: Assistant General Secretary for Executive Operations, 1950-1966
NCC RG 13: Washington Office, 1951-1966
NCC RG 14: Office of Planning and Program, 1943-1973
NCC RG 15: Department of Information, 1951-1974
NCC RG 16: Broadcasting and Film Commission, 1923-1974
NCC RG 17: Special Topics, 1951-1970
NCC RG 18: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, 1894-1952
NCC RG 19: International Council of Religious Education, 1839-1953
NCC RG 20: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1901-1952
NCC RG 21: National Protestant Council of Higher Education, 1911-1951
NCC RG 22: United Stewardship Council, 1917-1950
NCC RG 23: Inter-Council Field Department, 1935-1950
NCC RG 24: Association of Council Secretaries, 1915-1971
NCC RG 25: Church Executive Development Board, 1960-1974
NCC RG 26: Home Missions Council of North America, 1903-1951
NCC RG 27: Foreign Missions Conference of North America, 1887-1951
NCC RG 28: Scrapbooks, 1915-1963
Catalog Note
In the society's electronic catalog, all 28 NCC record groups are cataloged together as the records of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
Box | Folder | Description | Alternative Formats |
1 | 1 | Guide to NCC RG 9 | |
1 | 2 | American Council of Christian Churches, March 1953-Nov 1958; n.d | |
1 | 3 | American Council of Christian Laymen, Feb 1951-Dec 1956; n.d | |
1 | 4 | Annual Meeting (1964), Press Releases, Feb. 1964 | |
1 | 5 | Annual Meeting, Programs, Feb 1951-Feb 1963 | |
1 | 6 | Annual Meeting, Programs, Feb 1964-Feb 1969 | |
1 | 7 | Associated Sections, Constitutions and Bylaws, Feb 1951-Feb 1954; n.d. | |
1 | 8 | Bible Reading and Prayer in Public Schools, Feb 1961-May 1964; n.d. | |
1 | 9 | The Black Manifesto, April-May 1969 | |
1 | 10 | The Black Manifesto, June 1969 | |
1 | 11 | The Black Manifesto, July 1969-Feb 1970; n.d. | |
1 | 12 | Board of Directors, Minutes, Nov 1950 | |
1 | 13 | Budget, 1951-Feb 1953 | |
1 | 14 | Budget, 1965 | |
1 | 15 | Budget, 1966 | |
1 | 16 | Budget, 1967 | |
1 | 17 | Budget, 1968 | |
1 | 18 | Budget and Finance Committee, Minutes, March 1956-Feb 1959 | |
1 | 19 | Budget and Finance Committee, Minutes, Sept 1959-Sept 1961 | |
1 | 20 | Budget and Finance Committee, Minutes, May 1962-Feb 1964 | |
1 | 21 | Budget and Finance Committee, Minutes, Sept 1964-Feb 1966 | |
1 | 22 | Budget and Finance Committee, Minutes, June 1966-April 1968 | |
1 | 23 | Business Committee, Minutes, Feb 1951 | |
1 | 24 | Business Committee, Minutes, Nov 1951 | |
1 | 25 | Business Committee, Minutes, Feb-Sept 1952 | |
1 | 26 | Business Committee, Minutes, Dec 1952-Feb 1953 | |
1 | 27 | Business Committee, Minutes, Sept 1953-Feb 1954 | |
1 | 28 | Business Committee, Minutes, Oct-Nov 1954 | |
2 | 1 | Business Committee, Minutes, Feb 1955 | |
2 | 2 | Business Committee, Minutes, Sept 1955-Feb 1957 | |
2 | 3 | Business Committee, Minutes, Sept-Dec 1957 | |
2 | 4 | Business Committee, Minutes, Sept 1958-Feb 1960 | |
2 | 5 | Business Committee, Minutes, Sept 1960-June 1961 | |
2 | 6 | Business Committee, Minutes, Sept 1961-Oct 1962 | |
2 | 7 | Business Committee, Minutes, Feb 1963-Feb 1964 | |
2 | 8 | Business Committee, Minutes, Oct 1964 | |
2 | 9 | Bylaws, Division of Christian Education, Nov 1950-Dec 1957 | |
2 | 10 | Bylaws, National Council of Churches (Miscellaneous), [1954?]-May 1955 | |
2 | 11 | Calendar of Field Events, March 1956 | |
2 | 12 | Chatham Street Chapel, 1959; n.d. | |
2 | 13 | Christian Education Bibliography, 1952 | |
2 | 14 | Church-State Issues, April 1952-Nov 1963 | Digital |
2 | 15 | Church-State Issues, Feb 1964-Feb 1967; n.d. | |
2 | 16 | The Church and Higher Education, Feb 1962-May 1967 | |
2 | 17 | Colloquium on New Directions in Higher Education, March 1968 | |
2 | 18 | Commission on General Christian Education, Feb 1951 | |
2 | 19 | Committee and Board Memberships, April 1952-May 1964 | |
2 | 20 | Committee and Board Memberships, Aug 1965-1968 | |
2 | 21 | Committee and Board Memberships, Feb 1969-1970 | |
2 | 22 | Conference Point Camp, Auditors' Reports, Nov 1957-Nov 1962 | |
2 | 23 | Conference Point Camp, Board of Trustees, Minutes, April 1957-July 1960 | |
2 | 24 | Conference Point Camp, Board of Trustees, Minutes, Nov 1960-Nov 1962 | |
3 | 1 | Consultation on the Study of Religion in College and University, Feb 1966-July 1967 | |
3 | 2 | Council of Protestant Colleges and Universities, Jan 1958-1968 | |
3 | 3 | Council of Protestant Colleges and Universities, Jan 1969-Jan 1970; n.d. | |
3 | 4 | Custodian Account, Jan 1951-Oct 1952 | |
3 | 5 | Department of Higher Education, March 1966-Sept 1972; n.d. | |
3 | 6 | Directory of Denominational Boards, Sept 1968 | |
3 | 7 | Division Assembly, Denominational Appointees (F-N), Undated | |
3 | 8 | Division Assembly, Denominational Appointees (P-S), Undated | |
3 | 9 | Division Assembly, Denominational Appointees (U), Undated | |
3 | 10 | Division Assembly, Dockets and Reports, 1952 | |
3 | 11 | Division Assembly, Minutes, Nov 1950 | |
3 | 12 | Division Assembly, Minutes, Feb 1952 | |
3 | 13 | Division Assembly, Minutes, Dec 1952 | |
3 | 14 | Division Assembly, Minutes, Nov 1954 | |
3 | 15 | Division Assembly, Minutes, Dec 1957 | |
3 | 16 | Division Assembly, Minutes, Dec 1960 | |
3 | 17 | Division of Christian Education, History, June 1951; n.d. | |
3 | 18 | Editor's Associated Section, Editors of Church Magazines for Children and Youth (Story Paper Editors), May 1951-May 1958 | |
3 | 19 | Editor's Associated Section, Editors of Church Magazines for Children and Youth (Story paper Editors), May 1959-May 1961 | |
3 | 20 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1951 | |
3 | 21 | Executive Board, Minutes, Nov 1951 | |
3 | 22 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1953-Feb 1954 | |
3 | 23 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1955 | |
3 | 24 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1956 | |
3 | 25 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1957 | |
4 | 1 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1958 | |
4 | 2 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1959 | |
4 | 3 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1960 | |
4 | 4 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1961 | |
4 | 5 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1962 | |
4 | 6 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1963 | |
4 | 7 | Executive Board, Minutes, Feb 1964 | |
4 | 8 | Executive Board, Minutes, April 1964 | |
4 | 9 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Feb 1965-Feb 1966 | |
4 | 10 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Sept 1966-Sept 1967 | |
4 | 11 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Feb-Sept 1968 | |
4 | 12 | Faculty Christian Fellowship, Undated | |
4 | 13 | General Administration and Finance Committee, May 1971-Jan 1972 | |
4 | 14 | General Administration and Finance Committee, May 1972 | |
4 | 15 | General Board, Committee of Sixteen, July 1969; n.d. | |
4 | 16 | General Board, Executive Committee, Minutes, Dec 1968-Dec 1972 | |
4 | 17 | General Board, Minutes, June-Nov 1964 | |
4 | 18 | General Board, Minutes, Jan 1971 | |
4 | 19 | General Board, Minutes, Jan 1971 | |
4 | 20 | General Board, Minutes, June 1971 | |
4 | 21 | General Board, Minutes, Sept 1971 | |
4 | 22 | General Board, Minutes, Feb 1972 | |
4 | 23 | General Board, Minutes, Feb 1972 | |
4 | 24 | General Board, Minutes, June 1972 | |
5 | 1 | General Planning and Program Committee, Meeting, Sept 1969 | |
5 | 2 | General Planning and Program Committee, Meeting, Sept 1969 | |
5 | 3 | General Planning and Program Committee, Minutes, Feb-Sept 1968 | |
5 | 4 | General Planning and Program Committee, Minutes, Feb 1969-Sept 1970 | |
5 | 5 | General Planning and Program Committee, Minutes, Jan-Sept 1971 | |
5 | 6 | General Planning and Program Committee, Miscellaneous, Feb 1966-1971 | |
5 | 7 | General Planning and Program Committee, Miscellaneous, Feb-July 1972; n.d. | |
5 | 8 | General Planning and Program Committee, Research Committee, Jan-April 1969 | |
5 | 9 | General Secretary Report, April-May 1966 | |
5 | 10 | Goals for Mission in the '70s, Feb 1967-April 1969 | |
5 | 11 | Goals for Mission in the '70s, May 1969 | |
5 | 12 | Goals for Mission in the '70s, Sept-Oct 1969; n.d. | |
5 | 13 | "The Household of God," Dec 1960; n.d. | |
5 | 14 | Incorporation of Division of Christian Education, March 1950-Jan 1951 | |
5 | 15 | The Interchurch Center, Aug 1951-[1958?] | |
5 | 16 | The Interchurch Center, Sept 1959-April 1961; n.d. | |
5 | 17 | International Association of Daily Vacation Bible Schools, Annual Meetings, Feb 1951-Feb 1958 | |
5 | 18 | International Association of Daily Vacation Bible Schools, Bylaws, May 1956-March 1957; n.d. | |
5 | 19 | International Council of Religious Education, Legal Status, Oct 1970-Sept 1971 | |
5 | 20 | International Council of Religious Education, Legal Status, Oct 1971-May 1972 | |
5 | 21 | The International Sunday School Convention, 1832-1960; 1960 | |
5 | 22 | The International Sunday School Convention, 1832-1960; 1960 | |
5 | 23 | Administration, Dec 1953-Aug 1955; n.d. | |
5 | 24 | Advance Promotion, June 1954-July 1955 | |
5 | 25 | Budget, Aug 1953-Aug 1955; n.d. | |
5 | 26 | Denominational Program, July 1955 | |
5 | 27 | Exhibits, May 1954-July 1955 | |
5 | 28 | General Convention Committee, Feb 1954-July 1955 | |
5 | 29 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1954-July 1955 | |
5 | 30 | Miscellaneous, Feb 1956; n.d. | |
5 | 31 | Pageant Scripts, July 1955 | |
5 | 32 | Poster, Jan 1954-July 1955 | |
5 | 33 | Program Committee, July 1954-April 1955 | |
5 | 24 | Promotion Committee, May 1954-May 1955 | |
5 | 25 | Registration Processes and Reports, July-Aug 1955; n.d. | |
5 | 26 | Staff Committee, Feb 1953-Dec 1954 | |
5 | 27 | International Training School for Sunday School Leaders, Auditors' Reports, Dec 1951-Nov 1956 | |
6 | 1 | International Training School for Sunday School Leaders, Board of Trustees, Minutes, Jan 1951-July 1954 | |
6 | 2 | International Training School for Sunday School Leaders, Board of Trustees, Minutes, Nov 1954-Nov 1956 | |
6 | 3 | International Training School for Sunday School Leaders, Board of Trustees, Correspondence, March 1951-Oct 1956 | |
6 | 4 | Knoff, Gerald E., Articles, Feb 1945-May 1952 | |
6 | 5 | Knoff, Gerald E., Book Reviews, Sept 1944-Aug 1952 | |
6 | 6 | Knoff, Gerald E., Sabbaticals, Dec 1953-June 1957; n.d. | |
6 | 7 | Kraft, James L., Feb-Oct 1953; n.d. | |
6 | 8 | Laboratory School in Christian Education, Feb 1951 | |
6 | 9 | Lawson, Margaret (Annual Meetings), Jan 1962-Jan 1969 | |
6 | 10 | Major Trends in Cooperative Protestant Adult Education, 1936-1964; Jan 1966 | |
6 | 11 | Miscellaneous, Oct 1950-Dec 1959 | |
6 | 12 | Miscellaneous, Sept 1961-April 1969; n.d. | |
6 | |||
6 | |||
6 | 13 | Meetings, May 1963-[1966?] | |
6 | 14 | Meetings, Jan 1967-Dec 1968 | |
6 | 15 | Membership, July 1955-1968; n.d. | |
6 | 16 | Minutes, Feb 1951-May 1954 | |
6 | 17 | Minutes, Nov 1954-Feb 1956 | |
6 | 18 | Minutes, Nov 1956-Nov 1960 | |
6 | 19 | Minutes, May 1961-Dec 1964 | |
6 | 20 | Minutes, April 1965-Oct 1966 | |
6 | 21 | Minutes, April 1967-Dec 1968 | |
6 | 22 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1965-Aug 1969 | |
6 | 23 | Publications, March 1957-Feb 1967; n.d. | |
6 | 24 | National Student Christian Federation, June 1957-July 1966; n.d. | |
6 | 25 | Negro Higher Education, April 1965-Feb 1967 | |
6 | 26 | New Zealand and Fiji, Dec 1957-Oct 1960 | |
6 | 27 | Parshad Scholarships, March 1948-Dec 1958 | |
6 | 28 | Parshad Scholarships, Jan 1956-July 1957; n.d. | |
6 | 29 | Policy Issues, Feb 1958-June 1967 | |
7 | 1 | Policy Issues, Sept 1967-May 1970 | |
7 | 2 | Policy Issues, Undated | |
7 | 3 | Production Conference (Third), Jan 1951 | |
7 | 4 | Program Board, Correspondence, Feb 1963-April 1968; n.d. | |
7 | 5 | Program Board, Minutes, Feb 1965 | |
7 | 6 | Program Board, Minutes, Feb-Dec 1966 | |
7 | 7 | Program Board, Minutes, Feb 1967 | |
7 | 8 | Program Board, Minutes, Feb-Oct 1968 | |
7 | 9 | Program Board, Minutes, Feb 1969 | |
7 | 10 | Program Report and Evaluation, Feb-Sept 1969 | |
7 | 11 | Public Education Task Force, Nov 1968-Jan 1969 | |
7 | 12 | Religion and Race, Harmon Report, Undated | |
7 | 13 | Religious Drama Workshop, April 1960-Aug 1965 | |
7 | 14 | Religious Education Foundation, Jan 1951-[1964?] | |
7 | 15 | Revised Standard Version Bible, Committee on Use and Understanding, March 1954-Oct 1963; n.d. | |
7 | 16 | Revised Standard Version Bible, Policies Committee, Dec 1957-Nov 1966 | |
7 | 17 | Revised Standard Version Bible Room, July 1964-July 1965 | |
7 | 18 | Charles M. Ross Trust, Nov 1968 | |
7 | 19 | Russell Colgate Citation, Jan 1951-Dec 1963; n.d. | |
7 | 20 | Staff Retreats, June 1951-April 1966; n.d. | |
7 | 21 | Sunday Schools, March 1953-Sept 1958 | |
7 | 22 | United Ministries Development, March 1966-1968 | |
7 | 23 | United Ministries in Public Education, June 1971-Jan 1972 | |
7 | 24 | United Ministries in Public Education, Feb-May 1972 | |
7 | 25 | University Christian Movement, March 1965-Jan 1969 | |
7 | 26 | University Christian Movement, Feb 1969-April 1971; n.d. | |
7 | 27 | Belfast Assembly, Feb 1959-July 1962 | |
8 | 1 | Board of Managers, Minutes, July 1962-July 1971 | |
8 | 2 | Board of Managers Meetings, Berlin, Aug 1960 | |
8 | 3 | Board of Managers Meetings, Geneva, April-July 1969 | |
8 | 4 | Board of Managers Meeting, Loccum, Germany, Workbook, July 1970 | |
8 | 5 | Board of Managers Meeting, Mexico City, June - Aug 1965; n.d. | |
8 | 6 | Board of Managers Meeting, New York, July 1961 | |
8 | 7 | Board of Managers Meeting, Ottawa, July-Sept 1963; n.d. | |
8 | 8 | Education Renewal Fund, July 1967-1970; n.d. | |
8 | 9 | Executive Committee, Jan-May 1968 | |
8 | 10 | Family Album, 1971 | |
8 | 11 | Frankfurt Assembly, July 1954 | |
8 | 12 | Huampani Assembly, Dec 1970-June 1971 | |
8 | 13 | Huampani Assembly, July 1971; n.d. | |
8 | 14 | International Sunday School Convention, Cleveland, Jan-May 1955 | |
8 | 15 | Issues Facing Christian Educators, Nov 1967-Feb 1968 | |
8 | 16 | Joint Negotiating Group, 1959-April 1969 | |
8 | 17 | Joint Negotiating Group, Nov 1969-1970; n.d. | |
8 | 18 | Joint Office of Education, DCE - DOM, June 1963-1970; n.d. | |
8 | 19 | Joint Study Commission, Sept 1963-1965 | |
8 | 20 | Joint Study Commission, June 1966-Aug 1969; n.d. | |
8 | 21 | Merger with World Council of Churches, Dec 1968-Oct 1971 | |
8 | 22 | New Delhi Assembly, Jan 1960-April 1962 | |
8 | 23 | Noble, Hubert C., Jan 1969-March 1971 | |
8 | 24 | North American Regional Committee, Nov 1959-March 1971 | |
8 | 25 | Planning Committee, Jan 1960-July 1964 | |
8 | 26 | Reports, Dec 1966-Feb 1968; n.d. | |
8 | 27 | Theological Education Seminar, Belfast, Feb 1961-July 1962; n.d. | |
8 | 28 | Tokyo World Convention, May 1955-1958 | |
9 | 1 | World Curriculum Conference, April 1963-May 1964 | |
9 | 2 | Central Committee Meeting, Addis Ababa, Oct 1970-Jan 1971 | |
9 | 3 | Central Committee Meeting, Addis Ababa, Jan 1971 | |
9 | 4 | The Education Crisis and the Church, Aug 1970-Feb 1972; n.d. | |
9 | 5 | Evanston Assembly, Aug-Sept 1954 | |
9 | 6 | Upsala Assembly, July 1968 | |
9 | 7 | Yearbook, 1959-1960 | |
9 | 8 | Administration and Leadership Committee, Feb 1951-Feb 1954 | |
9 | 9 | Administration and Leadership Committee, Oct 1954-Oct 1957 | |
9 | 10 | Administration and Leadership Committee, Oct 1958-Oct 1960 | |
9 | 11 | Dynamics of Participative Groups, 1959 | |
9 | 12 | Group Leadership Institutes, April 1959-April 1961 | |
9 | 13 | Programmed Cases, Dec 1961-May 1963 | |
9 | 14 | Programmed Cases, Radet Corporation Course, 1962 | |
9 | 15 | Programmed Cases, Radet Corporation Course, 1962 | |
9 | 16 | Programmed Cases, Radet Corporation Course, 1962 | |
10 | 1 | Protestant Church Leadership Laboratory (1st), March 1956 | |
10 | 2 | Protestant Church Leadership Laboratory (2nd), April-May 1957 | |
10 | 3 | Protestant Church Leadership Laboratory (2nd), April-May 1957 | |
10 | 4 | Protestant Church Leadership Laboratory (3rd), April-May 1958 | |
10 | 5 | Protestant Church Leadership Laboratory (4th), April 1959 | |
10 | 6 | Protestant Church Leadership Laboratory (5th), April-May 1960 | |
10 | 7 | Protestant Church Leadership Laboratory (6th), April 1961 | |
10 | 8 | Protestant Church Leadership Laboratory (7th), April-May 1962 | |
10 | 9 | Protestant Church Leadership Laboratory (8th), May 1963 | |
10 | 10 | Protestant Training Laboratory, April 1964 | |
10 | 11 | Administration and Leadership Section, Minutes, Feb 1951-Feb 1961 | |
10 | 12 | Adult Christian Education Television Committee, Feb 1956-May 1960 | |
10 | 13 | Adult Work Committee, Minutes, Feb 1951-Oct 1955 | |
10 | 14 | Adult Work Committee, Minutes, Feb 1956-Oct 1959 | |
10 | 15 | Adult Work Committee, Minutes, Oct 1960-Sept 1965 | |
10 | 16 | Christian Education of Adults Workshop, Nov 1957-June 1958 | |
10 | 17 | Christian Education of Adults Workshop, Charting the Future Course of Christian Adult Education in America, 1958 | |
10 | 18 | Christian Education of Adults Workshop, Charting the Future Course of Christian Adult Education in America, 1958 | |
10 | 19 | Christian Education of Adults Workshop, Formulating the Objectives of Christian Adult Education, 1958 | |
10 | 20 | Church and Agency Relationships Committee, Feb 1955-Dec 1964 | |
10 | 21 | Consultation on Research Needs, April 1958 | |
10 | 22 | North American Conference on Older Youth and Young Adults in the Churches, Feb 1955-April 1957 | |
11 | 1 | Older Youth-Young Adult Subcommittee on Research, Nov 1957-Feb 1959 | |
11 | 2 | Research Abstract Reports, Undated | |
11 | 3 | Training Workers with Adults Conference, April 1957-Nov 1959 | |
11 | 4 | Young Churchmen's Conference, Sept 1957-April 1959 | |
11 | 5 | Annual Meeting (Cleveland), Nov 1950 | |
11 | 6 | Annual Meeting (Columbus), Feb 1951 | |
11 | 7 | Annual Meeting (Columbus), Feb 1952 | |
11 | 8 | Annual Meeting (Cincinnati), Feb 1953 | |
11 | 9 | Annual Meeting (Cincinnati), Feb 1953 | |
11 | 10 | Annual Meeting (Cincinnati), Feb 1954 | |
11 | 11 | Annual Meeting (Cincinnati), Feb 1955 | |
11 | 12 | Annual Meeting (Cincinnati), Feb 1956 | |
11 | 13 | Annual Meeting (Cincinnati), Feb 1957 | |
11 | 14 | Annual Meeting (Omaha), Feb 1958 | |
11 | 15 | Annual Meeting (Omaha), Feb 1959 | |
11 | 16 | Annual Meeting (St. Louis), Feb 1960 | |
11 | 17 | Annual Meeting (St. Louis), Feb 1960 | |
11 | 18 | Annual Meeting (St. Louis), Feb 1961 | |
11 | 19 | Annual Meeting (St. Louis), Feb 1961 | |
11 | 20 | Annual Meeting (St. Louis), Feb 1962 | |
11 | 21 | Annual Meeting (St. Louis), Feb 1962 | |
11 | 22 | Annual Meeting (St. Louis), Feb 1963 | |
12 | 1 | Annual Meeting (Cincinnati), Feb 1964 | |
12 | 2 | Annual Meeting, Correspondence, Jan 1954-[1964?] | |
12 | 3 | Annual Meeting Survey, Feb-March 1963 | |
12 | 4 | Appraisal Committee, July 1951-Sept 1952; n.d. | |
12 | 5 | Area Program Planning Guide, Aug 1956 | |
12 | |||
12 | 6 | Address Book, Undated | |
12 | 7 | The Aperture, Undated | |
12 | 8 | Associated Sections, 1952-[1955?]; n.d. | |
12 | 9 | Audio-Visual Activities, Oct 1953-Sept 1955 | |
12 | 10 | Audio-Visual Research, 1952-Nov 1953 | |
12 | 11 | Audio-Visual Resource Guide, 1950-1951 | |
12 | 12 | Audio-Visual Resource Guide, 1952 | |
12 | 13 | Audio-Visual Services, May 1953-May 1955; n.d. | |
12 | 14 | Audio-Visual Workshop Manual, Dec 1951-Oct 1952; n.d. | |
12 | 15 | "Bless This House," Jan 1955-Aug 1956 | |
12 | 16 | Budget and Finance, March 1951-June 1953 | |
12 | 17 | Budget and Finance, July 1953-1954 | |
12 | 18 | Budget and Finance, Jan 1955-March 1956 | |
12 | 19 | Budget and Finance, April-July 1956 | |
12 | 20 | Budget and Finance, Aug 1956-Jan 1957 | |
12 | 21 | Budget and Finance, Feb-July 1957 | |
12 | 22 | Budget and Finance, Aug-Nov 1957 | |
12 | 23 | Budget and Finance, Dec 1957-Jan 1958 | |
12 | 24 | Cartoons, Undated | |
12 | 25 | Christian Education Television Consultation, Feb 1954-Nov 1955 | |
12 | 26 | Christian Education Television Consultation, Dec 1955-Feb 1956 | |
12 | 27 | Christian Education Television Project, Adult-Family Life, Oct 1955-May 1956 | |
12 | 28 | Christian Education Television Project, Adult-Family Life, Nov 1956-Jan 1957 | |
13 | 1 | Christian Education Television Project, Adult-Family Life, Feb-July 1957; n.d. | |
13 | 2 | Christian Education Television Project, Children's Work, Jan 1955-Dec 1956 | |
13 | 3 | Christian Education Television Project, Children's Work, Jan-June 1957; n.d. | |
13 | 4 | Christian Education Television Project, Coordinating Committee, May 1955- April 1957 | |
13 | 5 | Christian Education Television Project, Coordinating Committee, May-July 1957 | |
13 | 6 | Christian Education Television Project, Denominational Support, March-Dec 1956; n.d. | |
13 | 7 | Christian Education Television Project, Denominational Support, Jan-July 1957; n.d. | |
13 | 8 | Christian Education Television Project, Youth Work, Sept 1955-[1957?] | |
13 | 9 | Christian Education Television Staff Conference, Feb 1956-1957 | |
13 | 10 | Effective Use of Television for Christian Goals, Feb-March 1955 | |
13 | 11 | Financial Cultivation, Jan 1951-April 1952 | |
13 | 12 | Financial Cultivation, May 1952-Nov 1955 | |
13 | 13 | Financial Cultivation, Feb-April 1956; n.d. | |
13 | 14 | International Audio-Visual Workshop, Audio-Visual Library, Sept 1951-Sept 1954 | |
13 | 15 | International Audio-Visual Workshop, Delegate's Packet, Sept 1955 | |
13 | 16 | International Audio-Visual Workshop, Findings, Sept 1951-Oct 1955 | |
13 | 17 | International Audio - Visual Workshop, Promotional Mailings, Nov 1955-May 1956 | |
13 | 18 | international Audio-Visual Workshop, VEF Daily, Sept 1951-Aug 1956 | |
13 | 19 | International Uniform Lessons, March 1954-Sept 1955; n.d. | |
13 | 20 | International Workshop Subcommittee, Jan 1951-Jan 1957; n.d. | |
13 | 21 | Leadership Cultivation Subcommittee, Feb 1951-1955 | |
13 | 22 | Mailings, Feb 1951-Nov 1954 | |
13 | 23 | Mailings, Feb-Dec 1955 | |
13 | 24 | Membership, July 1954-May 1956 | |
13 | 25 | Membership, July-Sept 1956; n.d. | |
13 | 26 | Minutes, Jan 1951-Sept 1954 | |
13 | 27 | Minutes, Feb 1955-Feb 1957 | |
13 | 28 | Miscellaneous, Sept 1952-Aug 1957; n.d. | |
14 | 1 | National Council Finances, Jan 1953 | |
14 | 2 | Office Procedures, April 1954-March 1956 | |
14 | 3 | Organizing Audio-Visual Services in a Council of Churches, Jan 1956; n.d. | |
14 | 4 | Outside Help, May 1955-April 1956; n.d. | |
14 | 5 | Personnel, Nov 1955-Sept 1957 | |
14 | 6 | Printed Matter, June 1953-Feb 1958; n.d. | |
14 | 7 | Production and Distribution, Jan-Dec 1951 | |
14 | 8 | Production and Distribution, Jan 1952-March 1953 | |
14 | 9 | Production and Distribution, April 1953-Sept 1955; n.d. | |
14 | 10 | Program Services, Jan 1954-Oct 1956; n.d. | |
14 | 11 | Radio-Television Subcommittee, Feb 1951-[1955?] | |
14 | 12 | Radio-Television Subcommittee, Feb 1956; n.d. | |
14 | 13 | Research Subcommittee, Dec 1951-Feb 1956 | |
14 | 14 | Staff Meetings, Jan 1951-Dec 1954 | |
14 | 15 | Staff Meetings, Jan 1955-March 1956; n.d. | |
14 | 16 | Sunday School Series on Mutual Network, Feb-March 1957; n.d. | |
14 | 17 | Television Committee, Nov 1955-1957 | |
14 | 18 | Third Series Work of the Standard Leadership Curriculum, 1954 | |
14 | 19 | Treasurer's Reports, Jan-Dec 1951 | |
14 | 20 | Treasurer's Reports, Jan-Dec 1952 | |
14 | 21 | Treasurer's Reports, Feb 1953-Dec 1954 | |
14 | 22 | Treasurer's Reports, Feb-Dec 1955 | |
14 | 23 | "The Way," Undated | |
14 | 24 | Weekday Religious Education and Audio Visuals, Undated | |
14 | 25 | Work Schedules, Jan 1953-March 1956; n.d. | |
14 | 26 | Buck Hill Falls Christian Education Consultation, Feb-Nov 1960 | |
14 | 27 | Camp Outlines, Sept 1951-May 1953; n.d. | |
14 | 28 | Day Camping, Oct 1956-May 1961; n.d. | |
14 | 29 | Evening Program Manual, Undated | |
14 | 30 | Experimental Junior Camp, May-Sept 1953 | |
14 | 31 | International Journal Articles, Dec 1951-June 1954 | |
14 | 32 | Mailings, Nov 1953-Dec 1963; n.d. | |
14 | 33 | Minutes, Feb 1951-Oct 1953 | |
14 | 34 | Minutes, Feb 1954-Oct 1956 | |
15 | 1 | Minutes, March 1957-March 1960 | |
15 | 2 | Minutes, Sept 1960-Sept 1964 | |
15 | 3 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1951-Aug 1954; n.d. | |
15 | 4 | National Camp, May 1951-1958; n.d. | |
15 | 5 | National Camp Problems, Church Camp Leadership Session, Aug-Sept 1951 | |
15 | 6 | National Camp Problems, Church Camp Leadership Session, Aug-Sept 1952 | |
15 | 7 | National Training Sessions, Sept 1955-1965 | |
15 | 8 | Printed Matter, 1952-1955 | |
15 | 9 | Recreation Seminars, Sept 1951-Feb 1953; n.d. | |
15 | 10 | Regional Training Camps, 1952-1958; n.d. | |
15 | 11 | Workshop on Camp and Conference Philosophy, Objectives, Methods and Procedures, Sept 1960-May 23, 1962 | |
15 | 12 | Workshop on Camp and Conference Philosophy, Objectives, Methods and Procedures, May 23-June 1962; n.d. | |
15 | 13 | Workshop on Campsite Development, April 1952-Dec 1953 | |
15 | 14 | Workshop on Strategy of Training Camp Leaders, Oct 1955; n.d. | |
15 | 15 | Workshop on Summer Conferences, July-Oct 1957; n.d. | |
15 | 16 | Workshop on Training Christian Education Conference Directors, Feb 1960- March 1961 | |
15 | 17 | Aim Your Activities at Teaching Religion, Undated | |
15 | 18 | Art in the Christian Education of Children, 1946-March 1952; n.d. | |
15 | 19 | Audio-Visual Subcommittee, Oct 1950-Nov 1952 | |
15 | 20 | Audio-Visual Subcommittee, Feb 1953-Feb 1955 | |
15 | 21 | Audio-Visuals in Christian Education, 1954; n.d. | |
15 | 22 | Drama and Puppetry for Children, 1952-1961; n.d. | |
15 | 23 | Singing with Children, 1951-1959; n.d. | |
15 | 24 | Television Use in Christian Education, Feb 1954-Jan 1964; n.d. | |
15 | 25 | Using Records and Audio-Visuals with Children, Feb 1955-April 1956; n.d. | |
15 | 26 | Building the Church for Christian Education, May 1956-1963; n.d. | |
15 | 27 | Children's Questions and Comments About and Applications of the Christian Faith, June 1962 | |
15 | 28 | Children's Work in State and Local Councils of Churches, June 1949; n.d. | |
15 | 29 | Children's Work Objectives Committee, Jan 1959-Feb 1960 | |
16 | 1 | Children's Day, Undated | |
16 | 2 | A Child's Religious Library, 1959; n.d. | |
16 | 3 | Church, Community, and World, April 1955-Oct 1963; n.d. | |
16 | 4 | The Family and Christian Education, 1959-Sept 1963; n.d. | |
16 | 5 | Family Worship Services for Advent and Christmas, Undated | |
16 | 6 | For Every Child—Faith in God, 1953 | |
16 | 7 | Hospital Ministry to Children, Feb 1963; n.d. | |
16 | 8 | Visiting in the Home, 1956 | |
16 | 9 | World Day of Prayer–Children's Service, Feb 1947-Feb 1967 | |
16 | 10 | Christian Education Objectives and Local Boards, 1953-1958; n.d. | |
16 | 11 | Christian Education Resources, 1955-1960 | |
16 | 12 | Christian Education Resources, 1961-1964; n.d. | |
16 | 13 | Christian Education Week, Sept 1951-Oct 1953 | |
16 | 14 | Church Camps, 1955 | |
16 | 15 | The Churches' Responsibility for the Christian Education of Exceptional Persons, Oct 1957 | |
16 | 16 | Committee on Cooperative Articles, Oct 1956-Nov 1964 | |
16 | 17 | Instructions to Supervising Editors, Feb 1962 | |
16 | 18 | Manuscripts, Jan 1956-Dec 1957 | |
16 | 19 | Manuscripts, Jan 1958-Nov 1959 | |
16 | 20 | Manuscripts, Jan 1960-Nov 1961 | |
16 | 21 | Manuscripts, Feb 1962-Oct 1963 | |
16 | 22 | Manuscripts, Feb-Oct 1964 | |
16 | 23 | Names and Addresses of Editors, Jan 1962-Dec 1963 | |
16 | 24 | Procedures for Developing Cooperatively Planned Articles, Feb-Oct 1962 | |
16 | 25 | Request Forms, 1964 | |
16 | 26 | Tentative Schedules, Oct 1956-Feb 1963 | |
16 | 27 | Working Descriptions on Cooperative Articles, Oct 1962 | |
16 | 28 | Discipline and Children, 1951-1957; n.d. | |
16 | 29 | Evangelism of Children, 1954-1959; n.d. | |
16 | 30 | Evangelism of Children, Child Evangelism Fellowship and Other Organizations, Feb 1955-1961; n.d. | |
16 | 31 | Exceptional Children, The Church and the Handicapped, 1954 | |
16 | 32 | Exceptional Children, Working with the Troubled Child, Oct 1958; n.d. | |
16 | 33 | Executive Committee, Feb 1960-Jan 1964 | |
16 | 34 | "For Every Child," Oct 1952 | |
16 | 35 | "For Every Child," Nov 1952-Jan 1955 | |
16 | 36 | Group Discussion and Christian Education, 1952-1961; n.d. | |
16 | 37 | "Baby' Articles, May 1955-March 1956; n.d. | |
16 | 38 | "Five Senses" Articles, April 1965-June 1966 | |
16 | 39 | Miscellaneous Articles, May 1949-Sept 1961; n.d. | |
16 | 40 | "Outdoor" Articles, 1957 | |
16 | 41 | "Use Drama in Your Church" Articles, Undated | |
16 | 42 | Let the Bible Speak Out of Doors, 1962 | |
16 | 43 | The "Let's" Series, Undated | |
16 | 44 | Let's Teach Through Group Relations, 1959 | |
16 | 45 | Mailings, Jan 1951-Nov 1953 | |
16 | 46 | Mailings, Jan-Oct 1954 | |
16 | 47 | Mailings, Nov 1954-Dec 1957 | |
17 | 1 | Mailings, Jan 1958-April 1959 | |
17 | 2 | Mailings, May 1959-Oct 1960 | |
17 | 3 | Mailings, Nov 1960-Oct 1961 | |
17 | 4 | Mailings, Feb 1962-1964 | |
17 | 5 | Migrant Education, Oct 1961-Nov 1964; n.d. | |
17 | 6 | Minutes, Feb 1951-Feb 1953 | |
17 | 7 | Minutes, Oct 1953 | |
17 | 8 | Minutes, March 1954-Dec 1955 | |
17 | 9 | Minutes, March-Nov 1956 | |
17 | 10 | Minutes, Nov 1957 | |
17 | 11 | Minutes, Nov 1958-Dec 1959 | |
17 | 12 | Minutes, Dec 1960-Oct 1961 | |
17 | 13 | Minutes, Dec 1962 | |
17 | 14 | Minutes, Dec 1962 | |
17 | 15 | Minutes, Dec 1962 | |
17 | 16 | Minutes, Oct 1963-Oct 1964 | |
17 | 17 | American Camping Association, Inc., 1962; n.d. | |
17 | 18 | Anecdotes, June-July 1964 | |
17 | 19 | Answers to Four Questions, Undated | |
17 | 20 | Ayres, Stanley, June-July 1964; n.d. | |
17 | 21 | Bacon, Descena, Undated | |
17 | 22 | Bacon, Willie, Undated | |
17 | 23 | Bakeman, James, Undated | |
17 | 24 | Brown, Alan, July 1964; n.d. | |
17 | 25 | Bus Reports, June-July 1964 | |
17 | 26 | Carpenter, Nancy, June-July 1964; n.d. | |
17 | 27 | Church Picture Interview, Feb 1967; n.d. | |
17 | 28 | Church Picture Interview, Undated | |
17 | 29 | Cochran, Thomas, Undated | |
18 | 1 | Coded Sheets, Undated | |
18 | 2 | Comeau, Robert, July 1964; n.d. | |
18 | 3 | Computer Cards, Undated | |
18 | 4 | Computer Cards, Undated | |
18 | 5 | Correspondence, Sept 1962-Sept 1963 | |
18 | 6 | Correspondence, Oct 1963-May 1964 | |
18 | 7 | Correspondence, June 1964-July 1966 | |
18 | 8 | Correspondence, Aug 1966-Feb 1967; n.d. | |
18 | 9 | Cutler, Constance, Undated | |
18 | 10 | Data on Children's Questions, Undated | |
18 | 11 | Dixon, Joyce, June 1964; n.d. | |
18 | 12 | Finances, June 1962-Dec 1964; n.d. | |
18 | 13 | Geographical Settings, May-June 1966; n.d. | |
18 | 14 | Greer, John, Undated | |
18 | 15 | Grindy, Donna, June 1964; n.d. | |
18 | 16 | Group I, June-July 1964 | |
18 | 17 | Group I: Barry, John (James Bakeman), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 18 | Group I: Brewster, Albert (Alan Brown), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 19 | Group I: Kent, Paul (Peter Kuhl), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 20 | Group I: Kole, Vera (Kathryn Vermilye), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 21 | Group I: Lance, Eve (Ellen Lovelace), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 22 | Group I: Macy, Walter (Willie McArthur), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 23 | Group I: Smith, Gloria (Gail Sprenger), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 24 | Group I: Winters, Kay (Karen White), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 25 | Group II: June-July 1964 | |
18 | 26 | Group II: Day, Jan (Joyce Dixon), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 27 | Group II: Henry, Sara, (Susan Hodge), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 28 | Group II: Hollis, Nora (Nancy Haase), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 29 | Group II: Kerney, Carl (Charle Kilgore), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 30 | Group II: Merritt, Lue (Linda McCarthy), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 31 | Group II: Trace, Sam, (Scott Titus), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 32 | Group II: Wallace, Dan (David Wright), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 33 | Group II: Weaver, Bill (Bryan Wiggins), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 34 | Group III: June-July 1964 | |
18 | 35 | Group III: Andrews, Scott (Stanley Ayres), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 36 | Group III: Brawn, Dolly (Descena Bacon), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 37 | Group III: Collins, Ted (Thomas Cochran), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 38 | Group III: Crane, Candy (Constance Cutler), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 39 | Group III: Long Warren (Willard Lape), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 40 | Group III: Marty, Sara (Sherry Miller), June-July 1964 | |
18 | 41 | Group III: Mullins, Mary (Marilyn Merritt), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 1 | Group III: Trace, Nancy (Naomi Titus), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 2 | Group III: Vance, Dave (Darryl Vanderpool), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 3 | Group IV: June-July 1964 | |
19 | 4 | Group IV: Brawn, Ward (Willie Bacon), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 5 | Group IV: Hoover, Lucy (Lynn Hill), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 6 | Group IV: Lance, Matt (Mark Lovelace), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 7 | Group IV: Lewis, Daisy (Deborah Longley), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 8 | Group IV: Park, Tammy (Theodora Perez), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 9 | Group V: June-July 1964 | |
19 | 10 | Group V: Cramer, Rich (Robert Comeau), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 11 | Group V: Grime, Debbie (Donna Grindy), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 12 | Group V: Henry, Kitty (Karen Hodge), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 13 | Group V: Saunders, Helen (Holly Steuart), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 14 | Group V: Winters, Ken (Keith White), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 15 | Group VI: June-July 1964 | |
19 | 16 | Group VI: Gore, Jim (John Greer), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 17 | Group VI: Miller, Tom (William Moore), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 18 | Group VI: Richards, Milly (Mary Riposo), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 19 | Group VI: Salter, Colleen (Cathryn Seamens), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 20 | Group VI: Silver, George (Gerald Strong), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 21 | Group VII: June-July 1964 | |
19 | 22 | Group VII: Cook, Nelly (Nancy Carpenter), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 23 | Group VII: Jones, Cathy (Candee Johnson), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 24 | Group VII: Saunders, Bea (Bonnie Steuart), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 25 | Group VII: Shultz, Evans (Eric Siegel), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 26 | Group VII: Vance, Rod (Ronald Vanderpool), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 27 | Group VII: Wallace, Stan (Stephen Wright), June-July 1964 | |
19 | 28 | Haase, Nancy, Undated | |
19 | 29 | Hill, Lynn, Undated | |
19 | 30 | Hodge, Karen, July 1964; n.d. | |
19 | 31 | Hodge, Susan, July 1964; n.d. | |
19 | 32 | Johnson, Candee, June 1964; n.d. | |
19 | 33 | Kilgore, Charles, Undated | |
19 | 34 | Kuhl, Peter, Undated | |
19 | 35 | Lape, Willard, June 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 1 | Longley, Deborah, Undated | |
20 | 2 | Lovelace, Ellen, Undated | |
20 | 3 | Lovelace, Mark, June 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 4 | McArthur, Willie, Undated | |
20 | 5 | McCarthy, Linda, Undated | |
20 | 6 | Marginals, Undated | |
20 | 7 | Matrix, Undated | |
20 | 8 | Matrix, Undated | |
20 | 9 | Merritt, Marilyn, Undated | |
20 | 10 | Miller, Sherry, Undated | |
20 | 11 | Miscellaneous, 1958-[1963?] | |
20 | 12 | Miscellaneous, March 1964-1965 | |
20 | 13 | Miscellaneous, June 1966-Jan 1968; n.d. | |
20 | 14 | Miscellaneous, Undated | |
20 | 15 | Moore, William, Undated | |
20 | 16 | Narrative Reports, Undated | |
20 | 17 | Nebraska Child Study, Undated | |
20 | 18 | Ocean City Staff Meeting, Oct 1963 | |
20 | 19 | Perez, Theodora, Undated | |
20 | 20 | Printed Matter, Sept 1959-1964; n.d. | |
20 | 21 | Relationships Between People, June 1966; n.d. | |
20 | 22 | Riposo, Mary, Undated | |
20 | 23 | Roy, Deborah, Undated | |
20 | 24 | Seamens, Cathy, June-July 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 25 | Siegel, Eric, June-Oct 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 26 | Spencer, Arnita, Undated | |
20 | 27 | Sprenger, Gail, Sept 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 28 | Staff Handbook, May 1964 | |
20 | 29 | Statement, April 1963-Jan 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 30 | Steuart, Bonnie, Undated | |
20 | 31 | Steuart, Holly, June 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 32 | Strong, Gerald, June 1964-Jan 1965; n.d. | |
20 | 33 | Teacher vs. Child Instigated Behavior, June 1966; n.d. | |
20 | 34 | Television Interests, Undated | |
20 | 35 | Titus, Naomi, Undated | |
20 | 36 | Titus, Scott, Undated | |
20 | 37 | Vanderpool, Darryl, June-July 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 38 | Vanderpool, Ronald, Undated | |
20 | 39 | Vermilye, Kathryn, Undated | |
20 | 40 | White, Karen, Undated | |
20 | 41 | White, Keith, June 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 42 | Wiggins, Bryan, Undated | |
20 | 43 | Wright, David, July 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 44 | Wright, Norman, Undated | |
20 | 45 | Wright, Stephen, June 1964; n.d. | |
20 | 46 | Learning About the Church Through Activities, Dec 1959 | |
20 | 47 | Learning Through Activities, Dec 1959 | |
20 | 48 | Playschools, Out of Doors, etc., 1952-1963; n.d. | |
20 | 49 | Prejudice and Children, Aug 1961-May 1965; n.d. | |
20 | 50 | Church Programs for Preschool Children, 1951-1961; n.d. | |
20 | 51 | Easter Programs and Materials, Dec 1964 | |
20 | 52 | The Helping Series, Undated | |
20 | 53 | Learning Experience for Young Children, Undated | |
20 | 54 | Teaching in the Church School, 1954-June 1961; n.d. | |
20 | 55 | "What Is a Good Program" and "It Can Happen" Series, April-July 1961 | |
20 | 56 | Printed Matter, Undated | |
20 | 57 | Religious Attitudes and Concepts of Four and Five Year Olds, March 1955 | |
21 | 1 | Reports to Commission on General Christian Education, Jan 1951-June 1957 | |
21 | 2 | Training of Church School Teachers, 1949-Sept 1963; n.d. | |
21 | 3 | Understanding Children, 1952-1960 | |
21 | 4 | We Ask the Lord's Blessing, Undated | |
21 | 5 | Addresses, Feb 1954-Feb 1963 | |
21 | 6 | Annual Meeting, Program Booklets, Feb 1951-Feb 1964 | |
21 | 7 | Attendance, April 1958-1964 | |
21 | 8 | Books for Children/Books for Leaders, 1951-1958 | |
21 | 9 | Books for Children/Books for Leaders, 1959-1964 | |
21 | 10 | Bylaws, Feb 1954-Feb 1964 | |
21 | 11 | Committees, June 1954-Dec 1961 | |
21 | 12 | Evaluations, 1960-1963 | |
21 | 13 | Miscellaneous, Jan-Nov 1951 | |
21 | 14 | Miscellaneous, Jan-Dec 1952 | |
21 | 15 | Miscellaneous, Feb-Nov 1953 | |
21 | 16 | Miscellaneous, Jan-April 1954; n.d. | |
21 | 17 | Officers, June 1958-1964 | |
21 | 18 | Program Highlights, Feb 1959-Oct 1964 | |
21 | 19 | Christian Education and Church Building, Feb 1953-Oct 1954; n.d. | |
21 | 20 | Christian Education Objectives Committee, Feb 1952-June 1955 | |
21 | 21 | Christian Education Objectives Committee, Oct 1955-Jan 1959; n.d. | |
21 | 22 | Christian Education Objectives for Senior High Young People, Nov 1954-March 1957; n.d. | |
21 | 23 | Christian Education Television, Sept 1955-Feb 1957 | |
21 | 24 | Church School Year Consultation, Nov 1955-Dec 1958 | |
21 | 25 | The Churches and the Air Force Manual Issue, Undated | |
21 | 26 | City Executives' Section, Feb 1951-1956; n.d. | |
21 | 27 | Committee Membership, Policies, and Procedures, June-July 1963; n.d. | |
21 | 28 | Communicators Conference on Problems of Prejudice, Dec 1957-Jan 1958 | |
21 | 29 | Community Christian Education Project, June 1949-Oct 1953 | |
21 | 30 | Community Christian Education Project, 1953-Feb 1956; n.d. | |
21 | 31 | Cooperative Publication Association, Minutes, June-Nov 1951 | |
21 | 32 | Cooperative Publication Association, Minutes, July 1952-June 1953 | |
22 | 1 | Cooperative Publication Association, Minutes, Nov 1953-Nov 1954 | |
22 | 2 | Cooperative Publication Association, Minutes, June 1955-Nov 1956 | |
22 | 3 | Cooperative Publication Association, Minutes, June 1957-Nov 1958 | |
22 | 4 | Cooperative Publication Association, Minutes, May-Nov 1959 | |
22 | 5 | Cooperative Publication Association, Minutes, Nov 1960-Nov 1962 | |
22 | 6 | Cooperative Publication Association, Minutes, Oct 1963-Nov 1964 | |
22 | 7 | Cooperative Curriculum Project, June 1960-Sept 1961 | |
22 | 8 | Cooperative Curriculum Project, Nov 1961 | |
22 | 9 | Cooperative Curriculum Project, Dec 1961-March 1962 | |
22 | 10 | Cooperative Curriculum Project, April-July 1962 | |
22 | 11 | Cooperative Curriculum Project, Aug-Dec 1962 | |
22 | 12 | Cooperative Curriculum Project, Jan-June 1963 | |
22 | 13 | Cooperative Curriculum Project, July-Sept 1963 | |
22 | 14 | Cooperative Curriculum Project, Oct 1963 | |
22 | 15 | Cooperative Curriculum Project, Nov 1963-Nov 1965; n.d. | |
22 | 16 | Curriculum Development, Miscellaneous, June 1951-1964; n.d. | |
22 | 17 | Curriculum Guide, Feb 1951-May 1952 | |
22 | 18 | Curriculum Guide, July 1952-April 1953 | |
22 | 19 | Curriculum Guide, June 1953-June 1954 | |
23 | 1 | Curriculum Study Committee, Executive Committee, Oct 1958-Sept 1959 | |
23 | 2 | Curriculum Study Committee, Mailings, Dec 1955-May 1960; n.d. | |
23 | 3 | Curriculum Study Committee, Minutes, Oct 1956-Dec 1959 | |
23 | 4 | Curriculum Study Committee, Presentations, March 1957-April 1959 | |
23 | 5 | Curriculum Study Committee, Presentations, Sept 1959-March 1960 | |
23 | 6 | Curriculum Study Committee, Steering Committee, Nov 1957-Dec 1959 | |
23 | 7 | Executive Editors Committee, Dec 1955-June 1960 | |
23 | 8 | Executive Editors Committee, Aug 1960-Feb 1964 | |
23 | 9 | Children's Closely Graded Subcommittee, March 1957-March 1960 | |
23 | 10 | Children's Cycle Graded Subcommittee, Feb 1958-March 1964; n.d. | |
23 | 11 | Intermediate Cycle Graded Lessons, July 1957 | |
23 | 12 | Intermediate Society Topics, July 1957-April 1961 | |
23 | 13 | Junior Cycle Graded Lessons, July 1957-Nov 1964; n.d. | |
23 | 14 | Junior Society Topics, July 1957-Feb 1964; n.d. | |
23 | 15 | Junior Topics Subcommittee, March 1957-March 1963 | |
23 | 16 | Kindergarten Cycle Graded Lessons, March 1957-April 1964 | |
23 | 17 | Mailings, March 1957-July 1964 | |
23 | 18 | Minutes, March 1957 | |
23 | 19 | Minutes, March 1957 | |
23 | 20 | Minutes, March 1957 | |
23 | 21 | Minutes, March 1958 | |
23 | 22 | Minutes, March 1958 | |
23 | 23 | Minutes, March 1958 | |
23 | 24 | Minutes, April 1959 | |
23 | 25 | Minutes, April 1959 | |
23 | 26 | Minutes, April 1959 | |
24 | 1 | Minutes, March 1960-March 1961 | |
24 | 2 | Minutes, March 1962 | |
24 | 3 | Minutes, March 1962 | |
24 | 4 | Minutes, March 1963 | |
24 | 5 | Minutes, March 1963 | |
24 | 6 | Minutes, March 1964 | |
24 | 7 | Older Youth-Young Adult Subcommittee, May 1957-March 1963 | |
24 | 8 | Planning Committee, March 1957-Oct 1961 | |
24 | 9 | Primary Cycle Graded Lessons, July 1957-Nov 1964 | |
24 | 10 | Senior Cycle Graded Lessons, July 1957; n.d. | |
24 | 11 | Senior Society Topics, April 1959-Feb 1964; n.d. | |
24 | 12 | Youth Section, March 1957-Sept 1962 | |
24 | 13 | Adult Curriculum Subcommittee, Feb 1951-March 1961; n.d. | |
24 | 14 | Children's Closely Graded Subcommittee, March 1951-May 1956 | |
24 | 15 | Children's Cycle Graded Subcommittee, March 1951-March 1957 | |
24 | 16 | Closely Graded Lessons, April 1953-July 1956 | |
24 | 17 | Cycle Graded Lessons, Feb 1952-March 1954 | |
24 | 18 | Cycle Graded Lessons, June 1954-April 1955 | |
24 | 19 | Cycle Graded Lessons, July 1955-July 1956 | |
24 | 20 | Home Curriculum Subcommittee, April 1951-March 1958 | |
24 | 21 | Intermediate Society Topics, March 1951-July 1956 | |
24 | 22 | Junior Society Topics, May 1951-July 1956 | |
24 | 23 | Junior Topics Subcommittee, April 1951-March 1956 | |
24 | 24 | Kindergarten Closely Graded Courses, April 1953 | |
24 | 25 | Mailings, Jan 1951-March 1952 | |
24 | 26 | Mailings, June 1952-Feb 1955 | |
24 | 27 | Mailings, April 1955-March 1957 | |
24 | 28 | Minutes, March 1951 | |
24 | 29 | Minutes, March 1951 | |
25 | 1 | Minutes, March 1952 | |
25 | 2 | Minutes, March 1952 | |
25 | 3 | Minutes, March 1952 | |
25 | 4 | Minutes, March 1953 | |
25 | 5 | Minutes, March 1953 | |
25 | 6 | Minutes, March 1954 | |
25 | 7 | Minutes, March 1954 | |
25 | 8 | Minutes, March 1954 | |
25 | 9 | Minutes, March 1955 | |
25 | 10 | Minutes, March 1955 | |
25 | 11 | Minutes, March 1955 | |
25 | 12 | Minutes, March 1956 | |
25 | 13 | Minutes, March 1956 | |
25 | 14 | Minutes, March 1956 | |
25 | 15 | Older Youth-Young Adult Subcommittee, Dec 1950-Oct 1956 | |
25 | 16 | Planning Committee, March 1951-Oct 1956 | |
25 | 17 | Primary Closely Graded Lessons, July 1956 | |
25 | 18 | Senior-Older Youth Society Topics, May 1951-July 1956 | |
25 | 19 | Weekday Church School Curriculum, Final Outlines, May 1953 July 1957 | |
25 | 20 | Weekday Curriculum Subcommittee, April 1951-July 1959; n.d. | |
25 | 21 | Youth Section, March 1951-1956; n.d. | |
25 | 22 | Executive Committee, Oct 1951-Oct 1956 | |
25 | 23 | Home Daily Bible Readings, Dec 1959-Oct 1966 | |
25 | 24 | Mailings, Jan 1951-Oct 1956 | |
25 | 25 | Minutes, Oct 1951-Oct 1952 | |
26 | 1 | Minutes, Oct 1953-Oct 1954 | |
26 | 2 | Minutes, Oct 1955 | |
26 | 3 | Minutes, Oct 1956 | |
26 | 4 | Curriculum Evaluation Conference, Nov 1959-Oct 1961 | |
26 | 5 | Curriculum on Christian Education for Adults Workshop, May 1960-June 1961 | |
26 | 6 | Curriculum Study Conference, April 1959-March 1960; n.d. | |
26 | 7 | Directors' Section, Minutes, Feb 1951-Feb 1956 | |
26 | 8 | Directors' Section, Workshop Findings, July 1951-July 1954 | |
26 | 9 | Directors' Section, Workshop Findings, July 1956-July 1957 | |
26 | 10 | Educational Field Services Committee, Area Program Planning Guide, Sept 1956 | |
26 | 11 | Educational Field Services Committee, Minutes, Feb 1951-Feb 1955 | |
26 | 12 | Educational Field Services Committee, Minutes, Oct 1955-Feb 1963 | |
26 | 13 | Educational Program of the Local Church Conference, Feb 1952-Oct 1953 | |
26 | 14 | Enlistment Consultations, Dec 1959-Oct 1960; n.d. | |
26 | 15 | Evaluation in Christian Education Conference, May 1958-Jan 1960 | |
26 | 16 | Evaluation Committee, April-Nov 1951 | |
26 | 17 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Dec 1950 | |
26 | 18 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Feb 1951 | |
26 | 19 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Oct 1951 | |
26 | 20 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Feb 1952 | |
26 | 21 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Oct 1952 | |
26 | 22 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Feb 1953 | |
26 | 23 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Oct 1953 | |
26 | 24 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Oct 1953 | |
26 | 25 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Oct 1954-Sept 1956 | |
26 | 26 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Oct 1956 | |
26 | 27 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Feb 1958-Dec 1960 | |
26 | 28 | Executive Committee, Minutes, March 1961-July 1962 | |
26 | 29 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Nov 1962-Feb 1965 | |
27 | 1 | Fact Folder, 1955-1959 | |
27 | 2 | Fact Folder Trends, March 1957-[1960?] | |
27 | 3 | Fall Committee Meetings, July 1951-Sept 1961 | |
27 | 4 | Fall Committee Meetings, Oct 1961-Nov 1964 | |
27 | 5 | Changing Relationships of Men and Women in Church, Family and Society, Aug 1963 | |
27 | 6 | "Collection of Family Leaflets," March 1953 | |
27 | 7 | Family Camping, Aug 1963-July 1964 | |
27 | 8 | "Family Life Packet," June 1955 | |
27 | 9 | Family Life Programs for Councils of Churches, June 1958 | |
27 | 10 | Family Week, 1951-1961 | |
27 | 11 | Family Week, 1962-1964 | |
27 | 12 | Foundations for Christian Family Policy, 1961 | |
27 | 13 | Minutes, Dec 1950-Oct 1954 | |
27 | 14 | Minutes, Feb 1957-Oct 1960 | |
27 | 15 | Minutes, Feb 1961-Sept 1964 | |
27 | 16 | Miscellaneous, July 1952-March 1955 | |
27 | 17 | Printed Matter, 1952-1958 | |
27 | 18 | Printed Matter, June 1960-1961; n.d. | |
27 | 19 | Publications, June 1953-Jan 1959 | |
27 | 20 | "Selected Leaflets for the Home," June 1955 | |
27 | 21 | Sex Education, Nov 1958-Jan 1959 | |
27 | 22 | Field Services, Dec 1954-Oct 1955; n.d. | |
27 | 23 | Field Strategy Conference, July-Nov 1953 | |
27 | 24 | Harris Report on Public Relations and Communications, July-Sept 1953 | |
27 | 25 | Correspondence, Jan 1952-May 1963 | |
27 | 26 | Executive Committee, Oct 1958-Oct 1964 | |
27 | 27 | Finances, Sept 1950-Jan 1958; n.d. | |
27 | 28 | Manuals on the Annual Meeting, Oct 1960-Jan 1962 | |
27 | 29 | Minutes, Feb 1951-Oct 1957 | |
27 | 30 | Minutes, Feb 1958-Feb 1963 | |
27 | 31 | Minutes, March 1963-Oct 1964 | |
27 | 32 | Joint Committee on Audio-Visual Materials, Feb 1951-Dec 1952 | |
27 | 33 | Joint Committee on Audio-Visual Materials, Feb 1953-Feb 1956 | |
27 | 34 | Joint Committee on Education for Lay and Professional Christian Service, Sept 1951-Feb 1952 | |
27 | 35 | Juvenile Delinquency Consultation, Jan-Sept 1960; n.d. | |
27 | 36 | Lay Personnel in Christian Education Consultation, Feb 1958 | |
27 | 37 | Lay Associated Section, Financial Reports, Jan 1951-Dec 1955 | |
27 | 38 | Lay Associated Section, The Lay Councilgram, Feb 1951-Jan 1955 | |
28 | 1 | Leadership Education Schools, 1950-Jan 1955 | |
28 | 2 | Manual of Operation for the Education Program, June 1952 | |
28 | 3 | Methodist Young Adult Conference, Oct 1961-Sept 1964; n.d. | |
28 | 4 | "The Bible Speaks," Jan 1951-Jan 1956 | |
28 | 5 | "The Bible Speaks," Jan 1956-Jan 1960 | |
28 | 6 | "The Bible Speaks," Jan 1960-Jan 1965 | |
28 | 7 | International Bible Lesson Column, Jan 1951-Jan 1955 | |
28 | 8 | International Bible Lesson Column, Jan 1955-Jan 1960 | |
28 | 9 | International Bible Lesson Column, Jan 1960-Jan 1965 | |
28 | 10 | Newspaper Lesson Syndication Committee, Jan 1951-Oct 1952 | |
28 | 11 | Newspaper Lesson Syndication Committee, Feb 1953-1955 | |
28 | 12 | Newspaper Lesson Syndication Committee, Feb 1956-1960 | |
28 | 13 | Newspaper Lesson Syndication Committee, Feb 1961-Oct 1964 | |
28 | 14 | "Prayer for Today," Jan 1952-Dec 1955 | |
28 | 15 | "Prayer for Today," Dec 1955-Dec 1959 | |
28 | 16 | "Prayer for Today," Dec 1959-Jan 1965 | |
28 | 17 | "Sidewalk Sermons," Jan-Dec 1951 | |
28 | 18 | "Sidewalk Sermons," Jan-Aug 1952 | |
28 | 19 | "Sidewalk Sermons," Sept 1952-April 1953 | |
28 | 20 | "Sidewalk Sermons," May-Dec 1953 | |
28 | 21 | "Sidewalk Sermons," Jan-Aug 1954 | |
28 | 22 | "Sidewalk Sermons," Sept 1954-April 1955 | |
29 | 1 | "Sidewalk Sermons," May-Dec 1955 | |
29 | 2 | "Sidewalk Sermons," Jan-Aug 1956 | |
29 | 3 | "Sidewalk Sermons," Sept 1956-March 1957 | |
29 | 4 | "Sidewalk Sermons," April-Sept 1957 | |
29 | 5 | "Sidewalk Sermons," Oct 1957-Jan 1958 | |
29 | 6 | Syndicated Releases of Uniform Lessons for Radio, Dec 1953-Oct 1955 | |
29 | 7 | Nominating Committee, March 1953 | |
29 | 8 | North American Conference on Family Life, Feb-April 1961; n.d. | |
29 | 9 | North American Ecumenical Youth Assembly, May-Dec 1961; n.d. | |
29 | 10 | Officers Meeting, Nov 1956-Oct 1957 | |
29 | 11 | Correspondence, May 1951-1953 | |
29 | 12 | Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1954 | |
29 | 13 | Correspondence, Jan 1955-Jan 1956 | |
29 | 14 | Correspondence, Feb 1956-May 1957 | |
29 | 15 | History, Jan 1963 | |
29 | 16 | Membership Applications, 1963 | |
29 | 17 | Minutes, April 1951-1964 | |
29 | 18 | Program Priorities Committee, Nov 1962-Feb 1963 | |
29 | 19 | Charts and Tabulations, Undated | |
29 | 20 | Consultations, Feb 1953-1955 | |
29 | 21 | Denominational Staff Reports, Jan 1954-Oct 1955 | |
29 | 22 | Follow-up, Jan-June 1956; n.d. | |
29 | 23 | Joint Committee on Program Services, June 1953-Sept 1955 | |
29 | 24 | Joint Committee on Program Services, Oct 1955-Nov 1956; n.d. | |
29 | 25 | Inquiry and Interviews, Aug 1953-Oct 1955; n.d. | |
29 | 26 | Priorities, Aug 1960-June 1961 | |
29 | 27 | Reports, Nov 1955-[1956?] | |
29 | 28 | Resource Manual for State Council Departments, May 1955-Sept 1959; n.d. | |
29 | 29 | Responses from Church Councils, Feb 1954-Dec 1955; n.d. | |
29 | 30 | Staff Services Committee, March 1955-Oct 1959 | |
29 | 31 | Study of Program Services, Feb 1954-Dec 1955; n.d. | |
29 | 32 | United Field Strategy Committee, Jan 1951-Feb 1952 | |
29 | 33 | Progress Reports, Jan 1959-1964 | |
30 | 1 | Proposals, July 1965; n.d. | |
30 | 2 | Proposals, 1957, Jan-Feb 1957 | |
30 | 3 | Proposals, 1958, Nov 1957-1958 | |
30 | 4 | Proposals, 1959, Nov 1958-1959 | |
30 | 5 | Proposals, 1960, July 1959-1960 | |
30 | 6 | Proposals, 1961, Nov 1960-1961 | |
30 | 7 | Proposals, 1962, June 1961-1962 | |
30 | 8 | Proposals, 1963, Nov 1962-Feb 1963 | |
30 | 9 | Proposals, 1964, Aug 1963-1964 | |
30 | 10 | Proposals, 1965, Sept 1964-Feb 1965 | |
30 | 11 | Proposals Procedure, Nov 1958-Nov 1964; n.d. | |
30 | 12 | Publishers' Associated Section, Proceedings, Feb 1951-Feb 1957 | |
30 | 13 | Publishers' Associated Section, Proceedings, Feb 1958-Feb 1962 | |
30 | 14 | Publishers' Associated Section, Proceedings, Feb 1963-Feb 1964 | |
30 | 15 | Religion and Public Education, Feb 1953-July 1958 | |
30 | 16 | "Causal" Research, Dec 1955-1960 | |
30 | 17 | Children and Prejudice Bibliography, Sept 1963 | |
30 | 18 | Day Camp Experiments, Aug-Oct 1956 | |
30 | 19 | Internship in Children's Education, Aug 1958-Jan 1961 | |
30 | 20 | Inventory of Research Needs, March-April 1962 | |
30 | 21 | Outdoor Exploration, Seward, Nebraska, Oct 1961-June 1962 | |
30 | 22 | Outdoor Exploration, Seward, Nebraska, June 1962-June 1963 | |
30 | 23 | Outdoor Exploration, Seward, Nebraska, Undated | |
30 | 24 | A Study of the Church Relationships of Parents of Children in the Elementary Division of the Church School, 1958 | |
30 | 25 | Summertime Activities of Children, May 1957-Aug 1961 | |
30 | 26 | University of Chicago Children's Work School, 1954 | |
30 | 27 | Urban Church, April 1955 | |
30 | 28 | Staff Committee on Annual Meetings, April 1951-Dec 1964; n.d. | |
30 | 29 | Staff Meetings, Minutes, Jan-Sept 1951 | |
30 | 30 | Staff Meetings, Minutes, Oct 1951-Dec 1952 | |
30 | 31 | Staff Meetings, Minutes, Jan 1953-May 1954 | |
31 | 1 | Staff Meetings, Minutes, June 1954-Dec 1955 | |
31 | 2 | Staff Meetings, Jan 1956-Sept 1957 | |
31 | 3 | Staff Meetings, Minutes, Oct 1957-Sept 1959 | |
31 | 4 | Staff Meetings, Minutes, Oct 1959-May 1961 | |
31 | 5 | Staff Meetings, Minutes, Sept 1961-Dec 1964 | |
31 | 6 | State and Regional Executives' Section, Oct 1951 - March 1955; n.d. | |
31 | 7 | Stone Report on Organizational and Administration of NCC, Nov 1953 | |
31 | 8 | United Field Strategy, Feb 1952 | |
31 | 9 | Vacation Church School, 1951-Sept 1958 | |
31 | 10 | Vacation Church School, 1958-Aug 1961 | |
31 | 11 | Vacation Church School, Oct 1962-March 1963; n.d. | |
31 | 12 | Vacation Church School Fiftieth Anniversary, May 1949-Jan 1951 | |
31 | 13 | Vacation Church School Fiftieth Anniversary, Feb-June 1951 | |
31 | 14 | Vacation Church School Fiftieth Anniversary, July-Dec 1951; n.d. | |
31 | 15 | Vacation Religious Education Committee, Jan - Sept 1951 | |
31 | 16 | Vacation Religious Education Section, Dec 1950-1951 | |
31 | 17 | Abstracts of Theses, March 1951-June 1953 | |
31 | 18 | Alternate Plans, Undated | |
31 | 19 | Awards, Feb 1952-March 1965; n.d. | |
31 | 20 | Better Schools, March 1955-Sept 1958; n.d. | |
31 | 21 | Bible Reading in the Public Schools, Feb 1952-Jan 1953 | |
31 | 22 | Child Evangelism, March 1960-March 1962; n.d. | |
31 | 23 | Child Study Association, Nov 1957 | |
31 | 24 | Church-State Relationships, July 1951-Feb 1953 | |
31 | 25 | Cooperative Publication Association, Correspondence, Nov 1956-May 1959 | |
31 | 26 | Cooperative Publication Association, Correspondence, June 1959-May 1960 | |
31 | 27 | Cooperative Publication Association, Course on Jeremiah, June-July 1957; n.d. | |
31 | 28 | Cooperative Publication Association, Text Leaflets, Feb 1957-Dec 1960; n.d. | |
31 | 29 | Curriculum, Nov 1952-Aug 1953; n.d. | |
31 | 30 | Curriculum, Course Descriptions, May 1951-July 1957; n.d. | |
31 | 31 | Definition of Phases of Christian Education, Dec 1958 | |
31 | 32 | Functions of Committee and Section on Weekday Religious Education, Oct 1953 -Oct 1957 | |
31 | 33 | Communities in Operation, Feb 1957-June 1958 | |
31 | 34 | Communities Resuming, Dec 1957-April 1958 | |
31 | 35 | Curriculum for Elementary and Junior High, July 1956-June 1958 | |
31 | 36 | Curriculum for High Schools, Dec 1956-Feb 1958 | |
31 | 37 | Financing of Schools, March 1958 | |
31 | 38 | Free Time Classes, Jan-June 1958 | |
31 | 39 | High Schools, Feb 1957-April 1958 | |
31 | 40 | Housing of Classes, Sept 1954-March 1958; n.d. | |
31 | 41 | Insurance, Jan-Feb 1959 | |
31 | 42 | New Communities, Dec 1956-June 1958 | |
32 | 1 | Professors, Jan 1957-June 1958 | |
32 | 2 | Requests for General Information, Dec 1956-April 1958 | |
32 | 3 | Special Programs, Jan-July 1957 | |
32 | 4 | Students, Dec 1956-May 1958 | |
32 | 5 | High School Weekday Religious Education, April 1951-Sept 1952 | |
32 | 6 | Information Service, Sept 1951-Dec 1952 | |
32 | 7 | Inquiry Report and Appraisal, Undated | |
32 | 8 | Interfaith Relationships, March 1957-Jan 1958 | |
32 | 9 | Kindergarten Weekday Religious Education, July 1951-March 1955; n.d. | |
32 | 10 | Leader's Guides, Sept 1955-Aug 1956; n.d. | |
32 | 11 | Attorneys General Opinions, March 1951-Oct 1952; n.d. | |
32 | 12 | Brooklyn Case, Nov 1950-Nov 1951 | |
32 | 13 | Brooklyn Case, Dec 1951-March 1955 | |
32 | 14 | Brooklyn Case, Undated | |
32 | 15 | Brooklyn Case, Undated | |
32 | 16 | Correspondence, May 1951-Feb 1958 | |
32 | 17 | Opposition to Supreme Court Decision, April 1952 | |
32 | 18 | Lists of Weekday Religious Education Programs, May 1957-April 1961; n.d. | |
32 | 19 | Literature, July 1955-Feb 1961; n.d. | |
32 | 20 | Masonic Lodge, May 1958 | |
32 | 21 | Miscellaneous, Feb 1952-June 1960; n.d. | |
32 | 22 | National Defense Education Act, 1958 | |
32 | 23 | National Education Association, April 1958-Sept 1960 | |
32 | 24 | Advance Studies, March-Aug 1955; n.d. | |
32 | 25 | Committee Meetings, April 1954-June 1956; n.d. | |
32 | 26 | Miscellaneous, May 1955-June 1956; n.d. | |
32 | 27 | Observers, April-July 1956 | |
32 | 28 | Report, June 1956 | |
32 | 29 | Oberlin Curriculum Consultation, June 1958 | |
32 | 30 | Opposition, Dec 1953-April 1961; n.d. | |
32 | 31 | Parochial Schools, May 1952-June 1958 | |
32 | 32 | Prayer in Public Schools, July-Oct 1962 | |
32 | 33 | Proposals, Nov 1957 | |
32 | 34 | Proposed Survey of Weekday Religious Education, March 1955-Dec 1956 | |
32 | 35 | Publicity, Dec 1951 | |
32 | 36 | Released Time Religious Education, Nov 1951-Dec 1958 | |
32 | 37 | Religion and Public Education, April 1951-June 1957; n.d. | Digital |
32 | 38 | Religious Motives for Teaching, June 1954 | |
32 | 39 | Reports from States and Cities, Oct 1952-1958; n.d. | |
32 | 40 | Reprints, Jan 1951-Feb 1956; n.d. | |
32 | 41 | Research, Dec 1953-Nov 1957 | |
32 | 42 | Research, Dec 1957-1958 | |
32 | 43 | Research, Feb 1959-1964; n.d. | |
32 | 44 | Reserved Time, July-Aug 1959; n.d. | |
32 | 45 | Resource Materials, Jan 1953-April 1961; n.d. | |
33 | 1 | Rural Weekday Religious Education, Oct-Nov 1954; n.d. | |
33 | 2 | Service Records of Weekday Workers, Oct 1952-April 1958; n.d. | |
33 | 3 | A Study of Factual Bible Knowledge on the Part of Southern Baptists, Sept 1963 | |
33 | 4 | "We Believe in the Weekday Church School," Undated | |
33 | 5 | Weekday Experimentation Project, Dec 1949-[1951?] | |
33 | 6 | Weekday Religious Education Association, Feb 1951-Feb 1962; n.d. | |
33 | 7 | Weekday Religious Education Committee, Mailings, Feb 1959-Jan 1962 | |
33 | 8 | Weekday Religious Education Committee, Meetings, Oct 1961-Oct 1962 | |
33 | 9 | Weekday Religious Education Committee, Minutes, Feb 1951-Oct 1960; n.d. | |
33 | 10 | Weekday Religious Education Newsletter, 1951-Nov 1960 | |
33 | 11 | Weekday Religious Education Newsletter, Jan 1961-April 1963 | |
33 | 12 | White House Conference on Aging, March 1959-Dec 1960; n.d. | |
33 | 13 | White House Conference on Children and Youth, Feb 1959-Nov 1960 | |
33 | 14 | White House Conference on Children and Youth, 1960; n.d. | |
33 | 15 | American Field Service, Jan 1954; n.d. | |
33 | 16 | Articles, Oct 1962-Dec 1964; n.d. | |
33 | 17 | Blyden Fund, Nov 1952-May 1953 | |
33 | 18 | Budget, Aug 1950-1961 | |
33 | 19 | Budget, March 1962-1964 | |
33 | 20 | Budget Reports, Monthly, July 1958-Dec 1964 | |
33 | 21 | Campus Liaisons, 1964; n.d. | |
33 | 22 | Caravans, 1956 | |
33 | 23 | Christian Youth and International Affairs, Undated | |
33 | 24 | Church and Agencies Conference, Dec 1956-Nov 1958 | |
33 | 25 | Committee for Overseas Service by Youth, Questionnaire, Aug 1960-Jan 1961; n.d. | |
33 | 26 | Committee on Cooperation in Latin America, July 1957 | |
33 | 27 | Committee to Investigate New Forms for the Engagement of Youth in Society | |
33 | 28 | Chicago Project, Feb 1963-Oct 1964; n.d. | |
33 | 29 | Miscellaneous, April 1963-Dec 1964 | |
33 | 30 | Muncie Project, Feb-March 1963; n.d. | |
33 | 31 | Philadelphia Project, March 1962-May 1963; n.d. | |
33 | 32 | Pilot Penetration, May 1960-April 1964; n.d. | |
33 | 33 | Rushville, Indiana, Project, March-Nov 1963 | |
33 | 34 | Committee to Study Youth Work, March 1956-Nov 1959 | |
33 | 35 | Committee to Study Youth Work, Jan 1960-April 1961 | |
33 | 36 | Committee to Study Youth Work, May 1961-Jan 1962 | |
33 | 37 | Committee to Study Youth Work, May 1962 - Oct 1963; n.d. | |
34 | 1 | Committee II, Oct 1960 | |
34 | 2 | Communion at Ecumenical Gatherings, Undated | |
34 | 3 | Coordinating Committee on Youth Work, March 1951-Jan 1956 | |
34 | 4 | Denominational Support, 1962-1964 | |
34 | 5 | Ecumenical High School Encounters, 1963-1964 | |
34 | 6 | Ecumenical Seminar for Youth Workers, 1963 | |
34 | 7 | Ecumenical Student Workers Conference, Aug 1954-Dec 1956; n.d. | |
34 | 8 | Ecumenical Work Camps, Handbook, April 1957 | |
34 | 9 | Ecumenical Work Camps, Minutes, Oct 1951-Jan 1960 | |
34 | 10 | Ecumenical Work Camps, Miscellaneous, Feb 1951-1952; n.d. | |
34 | 11 | Ecumenical Youth Assembly in Europe, Lausanne, 1956-July 1960 | |
34 | 12 | Ecumenical Youth Assembly in Europe, Lausanne, Aug 1960-Jan 1961; n.d. | |
34 | 13 | Ecumenical Youth Caravan, 1960 | |
34 | 14 | Evangelism and Rural Youth, May 1956 | |
34 | 15 | Experimental Lab School, June 1957-March 1961 | |
34 | 16 | Finance, Clearing Account, Sept-Oct 1962 | |
34 | 17 | Finance, Committee Meetings, Jan-Nov 1962 | |
34 | 18 | Finance, Duplication, Jan-July 1962 | |
34 | 19 | Finance, Duplication, Aug-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 20 | Finance, Office Supplies, Jan-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 21 | Finance, Official Representation, Jan-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 22 | Finance, Promotion, July-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 23 | Finance, Publication Service, Dec 1962 | |
34 | 24 | Finance, Registration Fees, Oct-Nov 1962 | |
34 | 25 | Finance, Sales and Subscriptions, Jan-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 26 | Finance, Service Fees and Honorarium, March-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 27 | Finance, Special Projects, Jan-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 28 | Finance, Staff Travel, Jan-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 29 | Finance, Temporary Employees, June-Sept 1962 | |
34 | 30 | Finance, Travel Allowance, Jan-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 31 | Finance, World Travel Fund, March-Dec 1962 | |
34 | 32 | Finance, Youth Associates Travel, Jan-Nov 1962 | |
34 | 33 | Finance Office, June 1963-Aug 1964 | |
34 | 34 | The Good News of God, 1957 | |
34 | 35 | Houston, Texas, 1957-1958; n.d. | |
34 | 36 | Integration, April 1957-May 1958 | |
34 | 37 | Intergroup Agencies, Feb 1953 | |
34 | 38 | Intergroup Manual, Undated | |
34 | 39 | Intergroup Regionals, Undated | |
34 | 40 | Intergroup Seminars, Jan-June 1951; n.d. | |
34 | 41 | International Affairs, March 1957-Dec 1959; n.d. | |
34 | 42 | International Affairs, Clippings, Dec 1957-June 1958 | |
34 | 43 | International Affairs Department, May 1951-1958 | |
34 | 44 | International Voluntary Service Study, July 1955-May 1962 | |
34 | 45 | International Voluntary Service Study, June-Oct 1962; n.d. | |
34 | 46 | "Introduction: The Concept of Maturity," Undated | |
34 | 47 | Johnson Study, Feb 1961-March 1962 | |
34 | 48 | Jones, William D., Jan-March 1962 | |
34 | 49 | Junior High Consultation, Sept 1959-March 1960; n.d. | |
34 | 50 | Junior High Objectives, Dec 1951-Dec 1961 | |
34 | 51 | Junior High Subcommittee, Oct 1951-Jan 1961; n.d. | |
34 | 52 | Junior High-Senior High Consultation, Undated | |
34 | 53 | Juvenile Delinquency, 1959 | |
34 | 54 | Laboratory School Manual for Workers with Youth, Undated | |
34 | 55 | Latin American Consultation, July 1957 | |
34 | 56 | Leadership Education, April 1954-Jan 1955; n.d. | |
34 | 57 | Leadership Education Study, Feb 1961-Jan 1962 | |
34 | 58 | "Let There Be Light," Feb-March 1954; n.d. | |
34 | 59 | Maccubbin, Malcolm D., April 1963; n.d. | |
34 | 60 | Miscellaneous, Sept 1951-Oct 1959; n.d. | |
34 | 61 | National Conference of Christians and Jews, 1951-Feb 1953 | |
34 | 62 | National Conference on International Economic and Social Development, Feb 1958 | |
34 | 63 | Addresses, Aug 1961 | |
34 | 64 | Assembly Bulletin, Aug 1961 | |
35 | 1 | Correspondence, Nov 1959-July 1961 | |
35 | 2 | Correspondence, Aug 1961-April 1963; n.d. | |
35 | 3 | Evaluation Sheets, Aug-Sept 1961; n.d. | |
35 | 4 | Executive Committee, Oct 1959-July 1961; n.d. | |
35 | 5 | Financial Records, Jan 1960-April 1961 | |
35 | 6 | Financial Records, May-June 1961 | |
35 | 7 | Financial Records, July 1961 | |
35 | 8 | Financial Records, Aug 1961; n.d. | |
35 | 9 | Groups, Undated | |
35 | 10 | Insurance, Aug 1961 | |
35 | 11 | Miscellaneous, May 1959-Aug 1961 | |
35 | 12 | Miscellaneous, Sept 1961-Dec 1962; n.d. | |
35 | 13 | Miscellaneous, Undated | |
35 | 14 | Opening Night Drama, Nov 1961; n.d. | |
35 | 15 | Overseas Delegates, Feb 1960-Aug 1961; n.d. | |
35 | 16 | Peace Corps Information Kit, Undated | |
35 | 17 | Press Releases, July-Aug 1961 | |
35 | 18 | Syndicated Articles, Oct 1959-Aug 1961 | |
35 | 19 | North American Faith and Order Study Conference, June-Sept 1957 | |
35 | 20 | North American Faith and Order Study Conference, Undated | |
35 | 21 | Older Youth-Young Adults, Feb 1953-Feb 1961; n.d. | |
35 | 22 | Orthodox Youth, Nov 1954-Aug 1960; n.d. | |
35 | 23 | Peace Corps Committee, May 1961-Jan 1963 | |
35 | 24 | Peace Corps Committee, Jan-Oct 1963 | |
35 | 25 | Peace Corps Committee, Jan-Oct 1964; n.d. | |
36 | 1 | People to People Program, Youth Activities Committee, Dec 1957-Feb 1960; n.d. | |
36 | 2 | "Personality in Its Social Setting," Oct 1955 | |
36 | 3 | Pilgrim Fellowship, May 1957 | |
36 | 4 | Planning for 1960 Meeting, Oct 1959 | |
36 | 5 | Point Four Youth Conference, Sept-Nov 1960; n.d. | |
36 | 6 | Press Releases, Oct 1958-March 1959; n.d. | |
36 | 7 | Production Committee, Oct 1956-Dec 1959 | |
36 | 8 | Program Services Study, Feb-March 1954; n.d. | |
36 | 9 | Projects and Proposals, Oct 1959-May 1961 | |
36 | 10 | "A Prophet to the Nations," Undated | |
36 | 11 | Public Relations, July 1953-Feb 1954 | |
36 | 12 | Publication and Distribution Department, Jan 1961-March 1964 | |
36 | 13 | Publications Subcommittee, Oct 1955-Oct 1959 | |
36 | 14 | Race Relations, Dec 1959-Oct 1963; n.d. | |
36 | 15 | Reports to Commission on General Christian Education, Feb 195-Oct 1956 | |
36 | 16 | Research Subcommittee, April 1956-1957 | |
36 | 17 | Senior High Objectives, Feb 1952-1958 | |
36 | 18 | Senior High Objectives, Undated | |
36 | 19 | Senior High Subcommittee, Feb 1954-Oct 1959; n.d. | |
36 | 20 | Social Education, Oct 1956 | |
36 | 21 | Staff Reports, Feb 1951-Oct 1953 | |
36 | 22 | Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, May 1960 | |
36 | 23 | A Study of Adolescent Boys, 1955 | |
36 | 24 | A Study of Youth Work in Protestant Churches, Jan 1955 | |
36 | 25 | A Study of Youth Work in Protestant Churches, Undated | |
36 | 26 | "All One Body We," Undated | |
36 | 27 | Amsterdam Youth Conference, Feb 1959 | |
36 | 28 | The Apocrypha, Oct 1958 | |
36 | 29 | Baptist Youth Fellowship, June 1958; n.d. | |
36 | 30 | Biographical Sketches, Dec 1957-May 1960; n.d. | |
36 | 31 | Bylaws, Dec 1950-Aug 1955 | |
36 | 32 | Cabinet, Minutes, Feb 1956-Feb 1962 | |
36 | 33 | California, Southern State Office, May 1951 | |
36 | 34 | Call to United Christian Youth Action, Jan 1951-May 1952; n.d. | |
36 | 35 | Cartoons, Undated | |
36 | 36 | Cartoons, Undated | |
36 | 37 | Central Training Conference, 1951, Aug 1951 | |
36 | 38 | Central Training Conference, 1952, March-Oct 1952; n.d. | |
36 | 39 | Central Training Conference, 1953, Nov 1952-Aug 1953; n.d. | |
36 | 40 | Central Training Conference, 1954, Aug 1953-Feb 1954 | |
36 | 41 | Central Training Conference, 1954, March-July 1954 | |
36 | 42 | Central Training Conference, 1954, Aug-Oct 1954 | |
36 | 43 | Central Training Conference, 1954, Nov 1954-July 1955; n.d. | |
36 | 44 | Central Training Conference, 1955, July 1953-March 1955 | |
37 | 1 | Central Training Conference, 1955, April-July 1955 | |
37 | 2 | Central Training Conference, 1955, Aug 1955-Jan 1956; n.d. | |
37 | 3 | Central Training Conference, 1959, Aug 1959 | |
37 | 4 | Chesapeake Training Conference, 1954, Sept 1953-Jan 1955; n.d. | |
37 | 5 | Chesapeake Training Conference, 1955, Sept 1954-Sept 1955; n.d. | |
37 | 6 | Christian Citizenship Commission, Sept 1951-1954 | |
37 | 7 | Christian Citizenship Commission, Jan 1955-Jan 1959; n.d. | |
37 | 8 | Christian Faith Commission, Sept 1951-Aug 1958; n.d. | |
37 | 9 | Christian Fellowship Commission, Sept 1951-Sept 1959; n.d. | |
37 | 10 | Christian Outreach Commission, Sept 1951-Aug 1959; n.d. | |
37 | 11 | Christian Vocation, Feb 1951-1955; n.d. | |
37 | 12 | Christian Witness Commission, Sept 1951-Aug 1958; n.d. | |
37 | 13 | Christian Youth and Christian Vocation, July 1950-1951; n.d. | |
37 | 14 | Christian Youth Conference of North America, 1952, Aug 1950-April 1952 | |
37 | 15 | Christian Youth Conference of North America, 1952, May-July 1952 | |
37 | 16 | Christian Youth Conference of North America, 1952, Aug-Dec 1952; n.d. | |
37 | 17 | Christian Youth Conference of North America, 1952, Undated | |
37 | 18 | Christian Youth Conference of North America, 1952, Conference Packet, Undated | |
37 | 19 | Christian Youth Conference of North America, 1956, Sept-Oct 1954; n.d. | |
37 | 20 | Christian Youth Conference of North America, Miscellaneous, May 1954-1956; n.d. | |
37 | 21 | Christian Youth in Cooperative Action, 1951 | |
37 | 22 | "Christian Youth Working Together," Undated | |
37 | 23 | Cincinnati Clinics, May-Sept 1952; n.d. | |
37 | 24 | Colorado Training Conference, 1954, March-Oct 1954; n.d. | |
37 | 25 | Colorado Training Conference, 1955, March 1954-June 1955; n.d. | |
37 | 26 | Common Commission Plan, Jan 1951-Feb 1954; n.d. | |
37 | 27 | Community Involvement, Nov 1957-[1958?] | |
37 | 28 | Contributions, Dec 1961-Dec 1962 | |
37 | 29 | Cooperative Finance Plan, May 1952-Oct 1954 | |
37 | 30 | Denominational Meetings at General Council, 1955-Nov 1956 | |
37 | 31 | The Draft, April 1951-March 1959 | |
37 | 32 | Eastern Training Conference, 1951 | |
37 | 33 | Eastern Training Conference, 1952, March-Aug 1952; n.d. | |
37 | 34 | Eastern Training Conference, 1953, March-Sept 1953; n.d. | |
37 | 35 | Eastern Training Conference, 1954, July 1953-May 1954 | |
37 | 36 | Eastern Training Conference, 1954, June-July 1954 | |
37 | 37 | Eastern Training Conference, 1954, Aug-Sept 1954; n.d. | |
37 | 38 | Eastern Training Conference, 1955, March 1954-Sept 1955; n.d. | |
38 | 1 | Eastern Training Conference, 1956, June 1955-Sept 1956 | |
38 | 2 | "Ecumaniacs All," June 1951 | |
38 | 3 | Ecumenical Work Camps, Jan 1951-1954 | |
38 | 4 | Ecumenical Youth Study Conference, Finance, June-Nov 1962; n.d. | |
38 | 5 | Estes Park Meeting, Aug-Oct 1957; n.d. | |
38 | 6 | "Five Sisters and Their Misters," April 1955; n.d. | |
38 | 7 | Florida Training Conference, Dec 1953 | |
38 | 8 | Foreign Correspondence, Jan 1951-Oct 1952 | |
38 | 9 | Forms, May 1952; n.d. | |
38 | 10 | General Council, 1955, May-Aug 1955; n.d. | |
38 | 11 | General Council, Clippings, July 1957-Aug 1958 | |
38 | 12 | General Council, Exhibit, Sept 1957-1960; n.d. | |
38 | 13 | General Council, Finance, Sept 1956-1957 | |
38 | 14 | General Council, Insurance, July-Oct 1958; n.d. | |
38 | 15 | General Council, Minutes, June 1951-March 1952 | |
38 | 16 | General Council, Minutes, Nov 1952-Nov 1953 | |
38 | 17 | General Council, Minutes, Aug 1955-Aug 1956 | |
38 | 18 | General Council, Minutes, Aug 1957-Aug 1958 | |
38 | 19 | General Council, Minutes, Aug 1959-Aug 1961 | |
38 | 20 | General Council, Minutes, Aug 1962-Nov 1963 | |
38 | 21 | General Council, Miscellaneous, July 1953-1958 | |
38 | 22 | General Council, Press Releases, Aug 1957-Aug 1959 | |
38 | 23 | General Council, Travel Pool, June 1955-Aug 1958 | |
38 | 24 | General Council, Travel Pool Forms, 1960 | |
38 | 25 | Georgia State Office, Sept 1956 | |
38 | 26 | Guide to Counselors, Aug 1954 | |
38 | 27 | Guide to Denominational Youth Fellowship Officers and Advisors, Undated | |
38 | 28 | History, Nov 1951-Sept 1952 | |
38 | 29 | The How, What, and Why of Ohio Christian Youth Movement, Sept 1954 | |
38 | 30 | Illinois State Office, April 1951-Feb 1952; n.d. | |
38 | 31 | Indiana State Office, April 1951; n.d. | |
38 | 32 | Indiana Training Conference, 1953, June 1953; n.d. | |
38 | 33 | Indiana Training Conference, 1954, Oct 1953-Sept 1954 | |
38 | 34 | Indiana Training Conference, 1955, Dec 1954 | |
38 | 35 | Integration, May-Oct 1957 | |
38 | 36 | International Affairs, May 1954-Aug 1958; n.d. | |
38 | 37 | Iowa State Office, Oct 1951 - Oct 1952 Folder 37 | |
38 | 38 | Iowa Training Conference, 1954, Nov 1953-Nov 1954; n.d. | |
38 | 39 | Iowa Training Conference, 1955, Dec 1954-Aug 1955; n.d. | |
38 | 40 | Jewish Youth, Oct 1951-Nov 1952; n.d. | |
38 | 41 | Journal Articles, Feb 1951; n.d. | |
38 | 42 | Kansas Training Conference, 1954, Oct 1953-Sept 1954 | |
38 | 43 | Kansas Training Conference, 1955, Dec 1954-Aug 1955 | |
38 | 44 | Langton, Stuart, May 1958 | |
38 | 45 | Local Council Resource Folio, Jan 1963 | |
38 | 46 | Local Youth Work, Undated | |
38 | 47 | Mid-Atlantic Training Conference, Jan-May 1953; n.d. | |
38 | 48 | Minnesota State Office, 1951-Dec 1952; n.d. | |
38 | 49 | Miscellaneous, March 1952-July 1955; n.d. | |
38 | 50 | Missouri Huddle, Sept 1954-July 1955; n.d. | |
38 | 51 | Missouri Training Conference, 1954, Sept 1953-Aug 1954 | |
38 | 52 | Missouri Training Conference, 1955, Sept 1954-Nov 1955; n.d. | |
38 | 53 | National Conference on Youth Service Abroad, March 1961 | |
38 | 54 | National Denominational Youth Leaders, Sept 1954 | |
38 | 55 | National Training Conference, 1954, Aug-Sept 1954; n.d. | |
38 | 56 | National Training Conference, 1955, June 1954-Sept 1955; n.d. | |
38 | 57 | Nebraska Training Conference, Oct-Dec 1953 | |
38 | 58 | New Jersey State Office, Jan 1951-Aug 1952; n.d. | |
38 | 59 | New York State Office, Feb-Nov 1951; n.d. | |
38 | 60 | News-Letter, Nov 1953-May 1954 | |
38 | 61 | News-Letter, June 1953-May 1954 | |
38 | 62 | News-Letter, Feb-June 1955 | |
38 | 63 | News-Letter, July 1955-Jan 1956 | |
39 | 1 | News-Letter, Feb 1956-Feb 1957 | |
39 | 2 | News-Letter, March-Dec 1957 | |
39 | 3 | News-Letter, Jan 1958-April 1959 | |
39 | 4 | Correspondence, April 1953-[1956?] | |
39 | 5 | Correspondence, Jan 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
39 | 6 | North Carolina Training Conference, Oct 1954-Feb 1956; n.d. | |
39 | 7 | Northwestern Training Conference, Sept 1954-Aug 1955; n.d. | |
39 | 8 | Ohio State Office, July 1956 | |
39 | 9 | Ohio Training Conference, 1954, Nov 1953-Sept 1954; n.d. | |
39 | 10 | Ohio Training Conference, 1955, July 1954 -Oct 1955; n.d. | |
39 | 11 | Oklahoma Training Conference, Aug 1953-July 1954; n.d. | |
39 | 12 | 100 Campaign, Nov 1950 | |
39 | 13 | 100 Campaign, Jan-Sept 1951; n.d. | |
39 | 14 | Pennsylvania State Office, Undated | |
39 | 15 | Pennsylvania Training Conference, 1954, Oct 1953-Nov 1954; n.d. | |
39 | 16 | Pennsylvania Training Conference, 1955, March-June 1955; n.d. | |
39 | 17 | Point IV, March 1952-1953; n.d. | |
39 | 18 | Point IV Essays, Dec 1952-March 1953; n.d. | |
39 | 19 | Political Education, Jan 1951-Feb 1953 | |
39 | 20 | Preparatory Commission on International Affairs, Jan 1957-Jan 1958; n.d. | |
39 | 21 | Printed Matter, 1951-Feb 1959; n.d. | |
39 | 22 | Printed Matter, Undated | |
39 | 23 | Race Relations, July 1951; n.d. | |
39 | 24 | Regional Planning Conferences, 1951-1952 | |
39 | 25 | Religion and Public Education, Nov 1954 | |
39 | 26 | Reports, Feb 1951-Jan 1960; n.d. | |
39 | 27 | Rocky Mountain Training Conference, March-Aug 1952; n.d. | |
39 | 28 | South Central Training Conference, 1954, May 1953-Aug 1954; n.d. | |
39 | 29 | South Central Training Conference, 1955, Sept 1954-Nov 1955; n.d. | |
39 | 30 | South Central Training Conference, 1957, Aug 1957 | |
39 | 31 | South Central Training Conference, 1959, Aug 1959 | |
39 | 32 | Southeastern Training Conference, 1951, June 1951 | |
39 | 33 | Southeastern Training Conference, 1952, Nov 1951-July 1952; n.d. | |
39 | 34 | Southeastern Training Conference, 1953, June-July 1953; n.d. | |
39 | 35 | Southeastern Training Conference, 1954, June 1953-Sept 1954; n.d. | |
40 | 1 | Southeastern Training Conference, 1955, May 1953-Aug 1955; n.d. | |
40 | 2 | Southern California Training Conference, March 1953 | |
40 | 3 | Southwestern Training Conference, 1951, July 1951; n.d. | |
40 | 4 | Southwestern Training Conference, 1952, March-Aug 1952; n.d. | |
40 | 5 | Southwestern Training Conference, 1953, Aug 1952-Aug 1953; n.d. | |
40 | 6 | Statement of Intention, Aug 1962-July 1964; n.d. | |
40 | 7 | Structure, July 1953 | |
40 | 8 | Summer Field Worker Itinerary, June 1958 | |
40 | 9 | Texas Training Conference, 1954, Dec 1953-Sept 1954; n.d. | |
40 | 10 | Texas Training Conference, 1955, Aug 1954-July 1955; n.d. | |
40 | 11 | Theological and Moral Bases for Christian Action in International Affairs, March 1959 | |
40 | 12 | "There've Been Some Changes Made," 1962 | |
40 | 13 | Third World Conference of Christian Youth, Travancore, Aug 1951-Nov 1952 | |
40 | 14 | Third World Conference of Christian Youth, Travancore, Dec 1952-March 1953; n.d. | |
40 | 15 | Training Conference Directors Meeting, Jan 1954-1955; n.d. | |
40 | 16 | Training Conferences, Background Information for Packets, April-July 1955; n.d. | |
40 | 17 | Training Conferences, Background Papers, May 1960 | |
40 | 18 | Training Conferences, Book Store and Displays, Feb-Dec 1955; n.d. | |
40 | 19 | Training Conferences, Delegate Packets, Feb 1954-1957 | |
40 | 20 | Training Conferences, Delegate's Packet, 1954 | |
40 | 21 | Training Conferences, Exchange Leaders, July 1954-June 1955 | |
40 | 22 | Training Conferences, Films, June-Oct 1956; n.d. | |
40 | 23 | Training Conferences, Folders, Dec 1953-Aug 1954; n.d. | |
40 | 24 | Training Conferences, Insurance, Nov 1953-Sept 1955 | |
40 | 25 | Training Conferences, Miscellaneous, Aug 1952-June 1955 | |
40 | 26 | Training Conferences, Miscellaneous, 1955 - 1960; n.d. Folder 26 | |
40 | 27 | Training Conferences, Reports, 1955; n.d. | |
40 | 28 | Training Conferences, Resource Leaders and Exchange Students, July 1953-Dec 1954; n.d. | |
40 | 29 | Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, June 1960; n.d. | |
40 | 30 | UCYM News, May 1951-Jan 1953 | |
40 | 31 | UNICEF, April-July 1953 | |
40 | 32 | Union Latino American de Juventudes Evangelicas, Congress, Dec 1951-April 1957 | |
40 | 33 | Union Latino American de Juventudes Evangelicas, Congress, May 1957-Sept 1958; n.d. | |
40 | 34 | Union Latino American de Juventudes Evangelicas, Team Visitations, May 1957 -April 1959 | |
40 | 35 | Union Latino American de Juventudes Evangelicas, Team Visitations, May 1959 -Feb 1960 | |
40 | 36 | Union Latino American de Juventudes Evangelicas, Team Visitations, Undated | |
40 | 37 | United Field Strategy Committee, Feb 1952 | |
40 | 38 | Utah State Office, Feb 1954; n.d. | |
40 | 39 | Virginia State Office, Undated | |
40 | 40 | Virginia Training Conference, Nov 1954-Sept 1955; n.d. | |
40 | 41 | Washington Visitation, Aug 1958-Sept 1959; n.d. | |
40 | 42 | West Virginia Training Conference, May 1954-Aug 1955; n.d. | |
40 | 43 | Working Outline for Commission Seminars, June 1955 | |
40 | 44 | Working Together as Christian Youth, 1954 | |
40 | 45 | World Council of Churches, Evanston Assembly, 1954, Oct 1952-May 1954 | |
41 | 1 | World Council of Churches, Evanston Assembly, 1954, June 1954-Jan 1955; n.d. | |
41 | 2 | World Council of Churches, Evanston Assembly, 1954, Undated | |
41 | 3 | World Council of Churches, Evanston Assembly, 1954, Study Leaflets, 1954 | |
41 | 4 | World Council of Churches, Evanston Notebook, 1954 | |
41 | 5 | World Council of Churches, Evanston Scrapbook, 1954 | |
41 | 6 | World Youth Projects, March 1951-1955 | |
41 | 7 | World Youth Projects, March 1956-April 1958 | |
41 | 8 | World Youth Projects, March 1959-1964 | |
41 | 9 | World Youth Projects Program, March 1954-June 1955 | |
41 | 10 | World Youth Projects Program, Feb 1956-1957 | |
41 | 11 | "Youth and the Latin Churches," June 1957 | |
41 | 12 | Youth and the Population Explosion, Nov 1959-Jan 1960 | |
41 | 13 | Youth Associates, April 1960-June 1961; n.d. | |
41 | 14 | Youth Council Services Chart, Jan 1955 | |
41 | |||
41 | 15 | Youth Pavilion, New York World's Fair, Jan-Aug 1962; n.d. | |
41 | 16 | Youth Week, 1951, Jan-Feb 1951 | |
41 | 17 | Youth Week, 1952, Jan-Feb 1952 | |
41 | 18 | Youth Week, 1953, Jan-Feb 1953 | |
41 | 19 | Youth Week, 1954, Jan-Feb 1954 | |
41 | 20 | Youth Week, 1955, Jan-Feb 1955 | |
41 | 21 | Youth Week, 1956, July 1954-Feb 1956 | |
41 | 22 | Youth Week, 1957, Jan-Feb 1957 | |
41 | 23 | Youth Week, 1958, Jan-Feb 1958 | |
41 | 24 | Youth Week, 1959, Jan-May 1959 | |
41 | 25 | Youth Week, 1960, Nov 1958-Sept 1960; n.d. | |
41 | 26 | Youth Week, 1961, Feb 1960-April 1961 | |
41 | 27 | Youth Week, 1962, Sept 1959-Feb 1962 | |
41 | 28 | Youth Week, 1962, March 1962-1964; n.d. | |
41 | 29 | Youth Week, 1963, Feb 1962-March 1963 | |
41 | 30 | Youth Week, 1964, Jan-Feb 1964 | |
41 | 31 | Youth Week Emphases, Sept 1959 | |
41 | 32 | Youth Week Hymns, 1955-1959 | |
41 | 33 | Youth Week Study Committee, July 1962 | |
41 | 34 | Youth Work Institutes, June 1953-July 1954; n.d. | |
41 | 35 | United Fellowship of Protestants, April 1953-April 1955; n.d. | |
41 | 36 | United Student Christian Council, Oct 1951; n.d. | |
41 | 37 | Vocational Guidance, Feb-Aug 1957 | |
41 | 38 | Voluntary Service for Senior Highs Consultation, Feb 1956-March 1958; n.d. | |
41 | 39 | "Why a Youth Program?" Dec 1958 | |
41 | 40 | Workshop on Conferences, Jan 1955-Oct 1957; n.d. | |
41 | 41 | World Order Study Conference, June-Nov 1958 | |
41 | 42 | World Order Study Conference, Nov 1958 | |
41 | 43 | World Student Christian Federation, Feb 1961-April 1964 | |
41 | 44 | World Student Christian Federation, Expenditures, Dec 1961-April 1963 | |
42 | 1 | World Student Christian Federation, Income (Participant Accounts), Jan 1961-Dec 1962 | |
42 | 2 | World Student Christian Federation, Income (Scholarships), Jan 1961-May 1962 | |
42 | 3 | Young Adult Council, Correspondence and Reports, March 1957-1958 | |
42 | 4 | Young Adult Council, Correspondence and Reports, Jan 1959-Sept 1963 | |
42 | 5 | Young Adult Council, Minutes, June 1957-March 1960 | |
42 | 6 | Young Churchman's Conference, July 1958 | |
42 | 7 | Youth Audio-Visual Committee, Feb 1952-Jan 1955; n.d. | |
42 | 8 | Youth Audio-Visual Kit, March 1952-1953; n.d. | |
42 | 9 | Youth and the Mission of the Church in Today's World, Aug 1958 | |
42 | 10 | Youth Evangelism Committee, Sept 1950-Dec 1954; n.d. | |
42 | 11 | Youth Exploration, Feb-Oct 1963 | |
42 | 12 | Youth in the USSR, Dec 1959-March 1960 | |
42 | 13 | Youth Laboratory Work, Dec 1961 | |
42 | 14 | Youth Ministry Consultation on Race, Oct 1963-Jan 1964 | |
42 | 15 | Youth Ministry Consultation on Race, Feb-May 1964; n.d. | |
42 | 16 | Executive Committee, Feb 1952-Oct 1957; n.d. | |
42 | 17 | Minutes, Feb 1951-Feb 1952 | |
42 | 18 | Minutes, Oct 1952 | |
42 | 19 | Minutes, Feb 1953-Oct 1954 | |
42 | 20 | Minutes, Feb 1955-Feb 1956 | |
42 | 21 | Minutes, Sept 1956-Oct 1958 | |
42 | 22 | Minutes, Oct 1959-Sept 1964 | |
42 | 23 | Workbooks, Oct 1963-Oct 1964 | |
42 | 24 | Youth Work Retreats, March 1959 | |
42 | 25 | Youth Work Section, Feb 1951-1953 | |
42 | 26 | Youth Work Section, Feb 1954-1959 | |
42 | 27 | Youth Work Section, Feb 1960-1964; n.d. | |
43 | 1 | Administration and Leadership, Dec 1964-March 1965; n.d. | |
43 | 2 | Adult Education, Oct 1964-Feb 1966; n.d. | |
43 | 3 | Annual Meeting; Correspondence, Jan 1965-Feb 1968 | |
43 | 4 | Annual Meeting, Staff Committees, Jan 1965-Dec 1966 | |
43 | 5 | Army Chaplains Workshop, Oct 1965-Feb 1966 | |
43 | 6 | Association of Council Secretaries Conferences, Jan 1965-June 1967; n.d. | |
43 | 7 | Atlanta Retreat, March-July 1964 | |
43 | 8 | Auburn Library Project, April 1964-June 1965; n.d. | |
43 | 9 | "The Bible Quiz," Sept 1964-Feb 1965 | |
43 | 10 | "The Bible Speaks," Jan 1965-April 1969 | |
43 | 11 | Book Lists for Children's Workers, Jan 1966 | |
43 | 12 | Camping Out of Doors, Oct 1964-March 1969 | |
43 | 13 | Mailings, March 1964-July 1966 | |
43 | 14 | Minutes, March 1965-March 1966 | |
43 | 15 | National Training Sessions, July-Nov 1966; n.d. | |
43 | 16 | Regional Consultations on Camps and Conferences, Aug 1962-Dec 1966 | |
43 | 17 | Regional Consultations on Camps and Conferences, [1966?]-Feb 1967 | |
43 | 18 | Regional Consultations on Camps and Conferences; March-Nov 1967 | |
43 | 19 | Regional Consultations on Camps and Conferences, [1967?]; n.d. | |
43 | 20 | Exhibits, July 1968-Feb 1969; n.d. | |
43 | 21 | Films, Filmstrips, and Records, Dec 1968-Feb 1969; n.d. | |
43 | 22 | Miscellaneous, Jan-May 1969 | |
43 | 23 | Opening Luncheon, Jan-March 1969 | |
43 | 24 | American Friends Service Committee, Nov 1968-March 1969 | |
43 | 25 | Association for Childhood Education International, 1963-March 1970; n.d. | |
43 | 26 | Bible Toys, Nov-Dec 1967 | |
43 | 27 | Child Study Association of America, 1966-Sept 1970; n.d. | |
43 | 28 | Church Nursery Schools, Dec 1961 | |
43 | 29 | Day Care Information, 1960-May 1965 | |
43 | 30 | Day Care Information, 1965-May 1969; n.d. | |
43 | 31 | Head Start Project, Sept 1965-June 1966; n.d. | |
43 | 32 | National Association for Nursery Education, 1955; n.d. | |
43 | 33 | National Association for the Education of Young Children, Oct 1964-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
43 | 34 | National Committee for the Day Care of Children, Inc., May 1962-April 1966; n.d. | |
43 | 35 | National Intergroup Council for Young Children, April 1964-Feb 1967 | |
43 | 36 | National Kindergarten Association, 1957; n.d. | |
43 | 37 | New York City Religious Groups, Jan-June 1966 | |
43 | 38 | OMEP (World Organization for Early Childhood Education), Jan 1965-May 1966 | |
43 | 39 | Project Committee on Ministry with Children Under Six, May 1955-[1967?] | |
43 | 40 | Project Committee on Ministry with Children Under Six, March 1968-March 1969; n.d. | |
43 | 41 | Resources on Young Children, March 1969-1970; n.d. | |
43 | 42 | Children's Education, March 1965-June 1966; n.d. | |
43 | 43 | Children's Education Commission, Executive Committee, Feb 1965-Feb 1966 | |
44 | 1 | Children's Education Commission, Mailings, Jan-June 1965 | |
44 | 2 | Children's Education Commission, Mailings, July 1965-Aug 1966; n.d. | |
44 | 3 | Children's Education Commission, Minutes, Sept 1965 | |
44 | 4 | Children's Regional Conferences, May 1964-April 1966 | |
44 | 5 | Children's Television Committee, Jan 1964-April 1967 | |
44 | 6 | Children's Work Publications, 1966-1971; n.d. | |
44 | 7 | Addresses, June 1965; n.d. | |
44 | 8 | Annual Meeting, Correspondence, Feb 1968-Nov 1969; n.d. | |
44 | 9 | Annual Meeting, Dallas, 1967, March 1966-May 1967 | |
44 | 10 | Annual Meeting, Dallas, 1968, Feb 1967-1968 | |
44 | 11 | Annual Meeting, Program Booklets, Feb 1965-Feb 1967 | |
44 | 12 | Attendance, May 1965-1966 | |
44 | 13 | Books for Children/Books for Leaders, 1965-1967 | |
44 | 14 | Committees, Feb 1965-[1967?]; n.d. | |
44 | 15 | Evaluations, 1965-1966 | |
44 | 16 | Exhibit Materials, 1966 | |
44 | 17 | Exhibit Materials, 1966 | |
44 | 18 | Mailing Lists, April 1968; n.d. | |
44 | 19 | Officers, Feb-Sept 1965 | |
44 | 20 | Packet of Materials, 1967 | |
44 | 21 | Program Highlights, Feb 1966 | |
44 | 22 | Christian Methodist Episcopal Youth Conference, Dec 1963-July 1964; n.d. | |
44 | 23 | Church and Public Education, Feb 1963-April 1966; n.d. | |
44 | 24 | Church Center for the United Nations, Seminar Report, Nov 1968 | |
44 | 25 | The Church's Educational Ministry: A Curriculum Plan, Oct 1966-April 1967 | |
44 | 26 | Citations, Sept 1966 | |
44 | 27 | Abortion Statements, Undated | |
44 | 28 | Black Families, Jan 1973 | |
44 | 29 | Caribbean Family Ministries, 1969 | |
44 | 30 | Family Week, 1965-1966 | |
44 | 31 | General Assembly Material, Dec 1966 | |
44 | 32 | Minutes, May-Oct 1965 | |
44 | 33 | North American Conference on Church and Family Life, May-June 1966 | |
44 | 34 | Printed Matter, June 1966-1968; n.d. | |
44 | 35 | Commissions Report, Sept 1966 | |
44 | 36 | Changes in the Annual Meeting, Feb 1965-1969; n.d. | |
44 | 37 | Executive Committee, Oct 1966-March 1969 | |
44 | 38 | Minutes, April 1966-Sept 1968 | |
44 | 39 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1967-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
44 | 40 | Study Committee, Sept 1966 | |
44 | 41 | Communication of World Affairs within and by American Churches, Oct 1969 | |
45 | 1 | Constituency Conference on Early Childhood Education, 1967-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
45 | 2 | Consultation on the Place of Evaluation in Program Development, 1967-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
45 | 3 | Consultation on Educational Implications of Black Economic Development, June 1964-Nov 1969 | |
45 | 4 | Consultation on Educational Implications of Black Economic Development, Dec 1969-Jan 1970; n.d. | |
45 | 5 | Committee on Cooperative Articles, Jan 1965-July 1970 | |
45 | 6 | Instructions to Supervising Editors, Oct 1966 | |
45 | 7 | Manuscripts, March 1965-May 1969 | |
45 | 8 | Names and Addresses of Editors, Oct 1966 | |
45 | 9 | Request Forms, Jan 1965-1966 | |
45 | 10 | Request Forms, Jan 1967-March 1971 | |
45 | 11 | Specifications for Writers, Oct 1966 | |
45 | 12 | Tentative Schedules, Jan 1965-March 1970; n.d. | |
45 | 13 | Working Descriptions on Cooperative Articles, 1965-1969 | |
45 | 14 | Cooperative Publication Association, Minutes, Nov 1965-Dec 1968 | |
45 | 15 | Committee on Cooperative Service Projects, Nov 1965-1968; n.d. | |
45 | 16 | Coordinating Committee on Children's Work, Jan 1950-March 1965 | |
45 | 17 | Recommended Service Project Packets, April 1963-Jan 1966 | |
45 | 18 | Recommended Service Project Packets, Undated | |
45 | 19 | Council of Churches Consultation, July 1969-March 1970; n.d. | |
45 | 20 | Crisis in the Nation, Feb-March 1968 | |
45 | 21 | Denominational Directors Fellowships, Jan 1957 | |
45 | 22 | Director's Section, Budget, Jan 1966-1968 | |
45 | 23 | Director's Section, Correspondence, Feb 1960-[1967?] | |
45 | 24 | Director's Section, Correspondence, Jan 1968-Sept 1969; n.d. | |
45 | 25 | Director's Section, Meetings, Nov 1965-March 1968 | |
45 | 26 | Director's Section, Meetings, April 1968-Feb 1969 | |
45 | 27 | Display Cases, Oct-Dec 1969; n.d. | |
45 | 28 | Division of Christian Unity, March-Sept 1964; n.d. | |
45 | 29 | DM - DED Conversations, June 1967 | |
45 | 30 | DocuDrama (Philip C. Lewis), 1960-Aug 1968 | |
45 | 31 | DocuDrama (Philip C. Lewis), Jan 1969-Oct 1970; n.d. | |
45 | 32 | Editors Associated Section, Jan 1966-Sept 1970 | |
45 | 33 | Education and Poverty Task Force, Feb 1965-April 1966; n.d. | |
45 | 34 | Educational Media, Sept 1959-Aug 1965; n.d. | |
45 | 35 | Appalachia, Sept-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
45 | 36 | Appalachia, Presbyterian Church, Feb-April 1968 | |
46 | 1 | Appalachia, Presbyterian Church, June-Sept 1968 | |
46 | 2 | Appalachia, Presbyterian Church, Sept 1968 | |
46 | 3 | Appalachia, Presbyterian Church, Nov 1968 | |
46 | 4 | The Arts and the Disadvantaged, April 1969; n.d. | |
46 | 5 | Conversations, Correspondence, Feb-Sept 1968 | |
46 | 6 | Conversations, Summaries of Information, May 1968; n.d. | |
46 | 7 | Curriculum Materials, Denominational Replies, March-July 1969; n.d. | |
46 | 8 | Denominational Interest Charts, July-Nov 1969; n.d. | |
46 | 9 | The Disadvantaged, Sept 1967-Jan 1970; n.d. | |
46 | 10 | Encyclopedia Article on Religious Education for Special Groups, Dec 1968- March 1970; n.d. | |
46 | 11 | Follow-up Committee on Conversations, July-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
46 | 12 | Hunger, Feb-Oct 1969; n.d. | |
46 | 13 | Indians, American, Undated | |
46 | 14 | Migrants, April 1966-1969; n.d. | |
46 | 15 | Miscellaneous Papers from Denominations, Oct 1967-Jan 1970; n.d. | |
46 | 16 | Nuevo Vida en Cristo, Materials, April 1970; n.d. | |
46 | 17 | Nuevo Vida en Cristo, Questionnaire, Oct 1969-Oct 1971; n.d. | |
46 | 18 | Spanish-American, 1963-1966 | |
46 | 19 | Spanish-Americans, May 1967-1968 | |
46 | 20 | Spanish-Americans, March-Nov 1969; n.d. | |
46 | 21 | Spanish Curriculum Work Group, Aug-Nov 1969; n.d. | |
46 | 22 | Spanish Materials Advisory Group, Nov 1968-June 1970 | |
46 | 23 | Special Groups Resources, March 1969; n.d. | |
46 | 24 | Statistics from Charts, Undated | |
46 | 25 | Task Force on Special Settings, Nov 1968-June 1969 | |
46 | 26 | Vacation Church School, Review of Materials, Sept 1968-Aug 1969; n.d. | |
46 | 27 | Exceptional Persons, June 1964-July 1965; n.d. | |
46 | 28 | Executive Committee, Feb 1965-May 1966 | |
46 | 29 | Executive Committee, Dec 1966-May 1967 | |
46 | 30 | Executive Committee, Nov 1967-Oct 1969 | |
46 | 31 | Executive Salary Study, Nov 1956-April 1962 | |
46 | 32 | Evaluation Committee, 1952-[1965?] | |
47 | 1 | Evaluation Committee, Jan-June 1966; n.d. | |
47 | 2 | Fall Meetings, March 1966-Sept 1967 | |
47 | 3 | File Manual, Nov 1969 | |
47 | 4 | Future Environment of a Democracy Conference, June-July 1967 | |
47 | 5 | General Director's Reports, April 1960-Feb 1966 | |
47 | 6 | Geneva Point Committee, Sept 1969 | |
47 | 7 | Goals for Mission Workbook, Undated | |
47 | 8 | Group Process Materials, 1960; n.d. | |
47 | 9 | Human Development Institute, Inc., Relationship Improvement Programs, 1963 | |
47 | 10 | Human Development Study and Christian Education, March 1965-Aug 1966; n.d. | |
47 | 11 | Information Network Proposal, Undated | |
47 | 12 | Inner City Bibliography, March 1966 | |
47 | 13 | Activity Sheets, Undated | |
47 | 14 | Atlantic City Consultations, Dec 1964-Sept 1965; n.d. | |
47 | 15 | Denver Inner City Work, Sept 1965-Feb 1966 | |
47 | 16 | God Speaks, Curriculum for Church Federation of Greater Chicago, 1966 | |
47 | 17 | God Speaks Through the Churches, Undated | |
47 | 18 | God Speaks... To a Broken-Hearted People, Undated | |
47 | 19 | "If I Could Make the World Over," 1963; n.d. | |
47 | 20 | Inner City Problems, May 1956-1966; n.d. | |
47 | 21 | Inner City Resources, 1965 | |
47 | 22 | New York Study, Sept 1960 | |
47 | 23 | Workshop on Serving Children and Youth in the Inner City, Nov 1963 | |
47 | 24 | Church and State, May 1962-1963 | |
47 | 25 | Church and State, Feb 1964-Feb 1965; n.d. | |
47 | 26 | Ford Foundation Proposal Development, May 1964-May 1965; n.d. | |
47 | 27 | Leisure Time Study, April 1961-July 1965; n.d. | |
47 | 28 | Peace Corps Office, March-Sept 1964; n.d. | |
47 | 29 | Religion and the Arts, May 1963-Jan 1964; n.d. | |
47 | 30 | International Affairs Education Project, Dec 1967-April 1970 | |
47 | 31 | International Bible Lesson Column, Jan 1965-Dec 1967 | |
47 | 32 | International Bible Lesson Column, Jan 1968-March 1969 | |
47 | 33 | Joint Committee for the Associated Sections, Minutes, Feb 1965-April 1966 | |
47 | 34 | Joint Committee for the Associated Sections, Study Committee, Feb 1963-Jan 1967; n.d. | |
47 | 35 | Kindergarten, 1967 | |
47 | 36 | Kirkridge Meeting, July-Aug 1965; n.d. | |
47 | 37 | Luncheon Sessions, April-June 1969; n.d. | |
47 | 38 | Manual for Councils of Churches, July 1958-June 1959; n.d. | |
47 | 39 | Marriage and Family Life, April 1958-March 1966; n.d. | |
47 | 40 | Committee on Christian Education with Migrant People, Sept 1960-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
48 | 1 | Kindergarten Project Packet, 1966 | |
48 | 2 | Leader's Packet, Undated | |
48 | 3 | Practices and Procedures for Migrant Child Care Centers, Undated | |
48 | 4 | Primary Project Packet, June 1966 | |
48 | 5 | Printed Matter, 1952-1960; n.d. | |
48 | 6 | Time Together, May 1966 | |
48 | 7 | Working Guide, Undated | |
48 | 8 | Working with Migrant Children Five and Under, Undated | |
48 | 9 | Ministers' Conference, Montreat, North Carolina, 1961-April 1965; n.d. | |
48 | 10 | Ministry in the City with Children and Youth, Jan 1966 | |
48 | 11 | Miscellaneous, Jan-March 1969; n.d. | |
48 | 12 | Mission in the '70s, May 1969; n.d. | |
48 | 13 | Newspaper Lesson Syndication Committee, Feb 1965-Feb 1969 | |
48 | 14 | Ohio Council of Churches Consultation, Dec 1965-Jan 1966 | |
48 | 15 | Outdoor Education for Senior Adults, Dec 1965-Sept 1971; n.d. | |
48 | 16 | Plan of Organization for Department of Educational Development, Sept 1964- June 1966 | |
48 | 17 | "Prayer for Today," Jan 1965-Jan 1968 | |
48 | 18 | "Prayer for Today," Jan 1968-March 1969 | |
48 | 19 | Presbyterian Division of Field Service Retreat, July 1964-March 1965 | |
48 | 20 | Preschool Bibliography, June 1967 | |
48 | 21 | Pre-White House Conference on Civil Rights, Jan-May 1966; n.d. | |
48 | 22 | Professors and Research Section, 1965-Jan 1967 | |
48 | 23 | Program Board, Sept 1966-Feb 1970 | |
48 | 24 | Program Planning, Jan 1966-Feb 1969; n.d. | |
48 | 25 | A Programmed Case Course, 1962 | |
48 | 26 | Project Committees Reports, Sept 1966-Nov 1967 | |
48 | 27 | Drama Workshops, Feb 1965-1968 | |
48 | 28 | Drama Workshops, March-May 1969; n.d. | |
48 | 29 | Education and Poverty, Sept 1965-Jan 1966; n.d. | |
48 | 30 | Education for Emotionally Disturbed, April 1966-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
48 | 31 | Education of the Mentally Retarded, Sept 1965-Jan 1969; n.d. | |
48 | 32 | Education with Migrant People, April 1967-June 1966; n.d. | |
48 | 33 | Ministry with Children Under Six, April 1966-April 1969 | |
48 | 34 | Protestant Laboratory Training, Oct 1962-Aug 1969; n.d. | |
48 | 35 | Regional Workshops on Teaching Religion in the Public School, Sept 1966-Feb 1969; n.d. | |
48 | 36 | The Uniform Series, Feb 1966-Aug 1970; n.d. | |
48 | 37 | Vacation Church School Curriculum, Nov 1965-Oct 1970; n.d. | |
48 | 38 | Protestant Committee on Scouting, Oct 1952-Feb 1965; n.d. | |
49 | 1 | Protestant Training Laboratory, April-May 1966 | |
49 | 2 | Protestant Training Laboratory, April-May 1967 | |
49 | 3 | Protestant Training Laboratory, April-May 1968 | |
49 | 4 | Publishers' Associated Section Proceedings, Feb 1965-Feb 1967 | |
49 | 5 | Quarterly Planning Reports, April 1968; n.d. | |
49 | 6 | Refinement of Structures, May-Dec 1968 | |
49 | 7 | Correspondence, June 1964-Sept 1968 | |
49 | 8 | Data Digest, Jan-Nov 1965 | |
49 | 9 | Guidebooks, May 1964-Aug 1966 | |
49 | 10 | Information from Regionals, Alaska to Oregon, Sept 1965-June 1966; n.d. | |
49 | 11 | Information from Regionals, Pennsylvania to Virginia, Oct 1965-April 1966 | |
49 | 12 | Minutes, June 1966-Jan 1968 | |
49 | 13 | Newsletters, May 1965-Feb 1966 | |
49 | 14 | Reports, Nov 1967; n.d. | |
49 | 15 | Summary of Information from Regionals, May 1966 | |
49 | 16 | Summary and Answers to Suggestionaire, Oct 1966-Feb 1967; n.d. | |
49 | 17 | Boy Scouts, Feb-Sept 1957; n.d. | |
49 | 18 | Camp Fire Girls, [1963?]-Oct 1967 | |
49 | 19 | Children and Youth Not Served by Churches and Agencies, Nov 1963 | |
49 | 20 | The Church and Agencies Serving Children and Youth, 1954-March 1961 | |
49 | 21 | Committee on Church and Agency Relationships, Oct 1965 | |
49 | 22 | Girl Scouts, Printed Matter, 1957-Oct 1967; n.d. | |
49 | 23 | Girl Scouts Award Study, May 1955-May 1966; n.d. | |
49 | 24 | Girl Scouts Research Study, Nov 1956-Jan 1957 | |
49 | 25 | Studies of Boys, Jan 1960-1964 | |
49 | 26 | Commission on Children's Education Questionnaire, May-July 1967 | |
49 | 27 | Commission on Children's Education Questionnaire, Aug 1967; n.d. | |
49 | 28 | Curriculum Study on Prejudice, Sept 1965 | |
49 | 29 | Maryland Workshops in Human Development, Nov 1960-July 1966; n.d. | |
49 | 30 | Research, Miscellaneous, Feb 1957-July 1965; n.d. | |
49 | 31 | Restructuring, Commission on General Christian Education, Jan 1964-Feb 1966 | |
49 | 32 | Restructuring, Division of Christian Education, April-Dec 1964; n.d. | |
49 | 33 | Restructuring, National Council of Churches, Sept 1963-Jan 1965 | |
49 | 34 | Restructuring, Youth Work in the NCC Structure, Dec 1963-June 1965; n.d. | |
49 | 35 | Richmond and Nashville Meetings, Nov 1964-Jan 1965 | |
49 | 36 | Sex Education Film, Dec 1965-April 1967 | |
49 | 37 | Special Education Report, March 1969 | |
50 | 1 | Staff Meetings, Sept 1968-March 1970; n.d. | |
50 | 2 | Staff Organization, Jan 1957-June 1961 | |
50 | 3 | Standing Rules and Organization Plan, April 1966-1968; n.d. | |
50 | 4 | State and City Councils, March 1964-Aug 1966 | |
50 | 5 | Study, Research, and Experimentation Committee, Nov 1963-[1965?]; n.d. | |
50 | 6 | Study, Research, Experimentation, and Evaluation Panel, Jan 1966-Oct 1967 | |
50 | 7 | Study, Research, Experimentation, and Evaluation Panel, March 1968-April 1969; n.d. | |
50 | 8 | Trainers Seminar, 1961-April 1964; n.d. | |
50 | 9 | United States Conference on Church and Society, Nov 1966-Oct 1967; n.d. | |
50 | 10 | Urban Education Folder, Undated | |
50 | 11 | Vacation Church School Curriculum, May 1967-Jan 1968 | |
50 | 12 | Vacation Church School Curriculum, Undated | |
50 | 13 | Vacation Church School Curriculum, Cooperative Series, Jan 1968-1970 | |
50 | 14 | Vacation Church School Curriculum Consultation, Dec 1965 | |
50 | 15 | What Child Is This?, Undated | |
50 | 16 | Workshop on Planning Conference Learning Experience, Jan 1968 | |
50 | 17 | World Conference on Church and Society, Sept 1964-July 1965 | |
50 | 18 | Youth Education, Oct 1963-Oct 1965 | |
50 | 19 | Youth Work Section, 1966 | |
51 | 1 | Administrative Committee, Feb 1951-Feb 1956 | |
51 | 2 | Administrative Committee, Jan 1957-June 1961 | |
51 | 3 | Administrative Committee, June 1962-June 1963 | |
51 | 4 | Advisory Council to the General Director, April 1956-March 1957 | |
51 | 5 | Akers, Milburn P., April-Dec 1956 | |
51 | 6 | American College Public Relations Officers Conferences, July 1956-June 1957; n.d. | |
51 | 7 | Annual Meetings, Dec 1950-[1956?] | |
51 | 8 | Annual Meetings, Feb 1957-Dec 1959 | |
51 | 9 | Annual Meetings, Feb 1960-July 1964 | |
51 | 10 | Annual Reports, Feb 1957-1968; n.d. | |
51 | 11 | Association of American Colleges, April 1956-[1957?] | |
51 | 12 | Association of Protestant Colleges Proposal, Undated | |
51 | 13 | Beloit College, Feb 1957-Oct 1958 | |
51 | 14 | Board Secretaries for Higher Education, Sept 1953-1968; n.d. | |
51 | 15 | Boards of Higher Education Meeting, Feb 1953 | |
51 | 16 | Breen, Quirinus, March 1963-Feb 1964 Folder 16 | |
51 | 17 | British Student Christian Movement, May 1966-May 1970; n.d. | |
51 | 18 | Budget, Aug 1952-May 1953 | |
51 | 19 | Bylaws and Standing Rules, March 1956-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
51 | 20 | Budget and Finance, March 1956-1958 | |
51 | 21 | Consultation on Department of Campus Christian Life, Dec 1952-March 1953; n.d. | |
51 | 22 | Cooperative Projects Directors' Conferences, July 1955-Nov 1959 | |
51 | 23 | Correspondence, June 1950-[1953?] | |
51 | 24 | Director's Reports, Oct 1954-1958 | |
51 | 25 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Nov 1954-April 1960 | |
51 | 26 | General Committee, Membership, Feb 1956-Feb 1959; n.d. | |
51 | 27 | General Committee, Minutes, Feb 1954-Feb 1960 | |
51 | 28 | Miscellaneous, 1952-April 1956; n.d. | |
51 | 29 | Provisional Committee, Dec 1950-Nov 1953 | |
51 | 30 | Rules of Procedure, March 1953-Nov 1959; n.d. | |
51 | 31 | Strategy and Projects Committee, Sept 1954-Nov 1959; n.d. | |
51 | 32 | Personnel Policies and Procedures, Jan 1953-Dec 1959; n.d. | |
51 | 33 | Principles, Policies, and Procedures for Disciples of Christ Student Work, Feb 1954 | |
51 | 34 | Protestant Councils on University Campuses, Feb 1962; n.d. | |
51 | 35 | The Task of the Campus Minister, Undated | |
51 | 36 | Canadian Student Christian Movement, Nov 1966-May 1969 | |
51 | 37 | Christian Faith and Higher Education, Aug 1961-Jan 1962 | |
52 | 1 | Annual Reports, 1958-1959 | |
52 | 2 | Budgets, Oct 1957-1965 | |
52 | 3 | Budgets, Jan 1966-Jan 1968; n.d. | |
52 | 4 | Copyright Information, May 1956-March 1967; n.d. | |
52 | 5 | Correspondence, May 1952-Oct 1962 | |
52 | 6 | Correspondence, Jan 1963-Dec 1964 | |
52 | 7 | Correspondence, Jan 1965-Nov 1966 | |
52 | 8 | Correspondence, Jan 1967-May 1972; n.d. | |
52 | 9 | Foundation Proposals, Jan 1960-Oct 1961 | |
52 | 10 | Income Reports, Feb 1965-Feb 1968 | |
52 | 11 | Index, 1953-1965; n.d. | |
52 | 12 | Microfilm and Backstock Agreements, Dec 1959-June 1972 | |
52 | 13 | Minutes, Nov 1952-March 1967 | |
52 | 14 | Permissions to Quote from The Christian Scholar, Jan 1965-Dec 1970 | |
52 | 15 | Printed Matter, Dec 1939-March 1967; n.d. | |
52 | 16 | Procedures and Agreements Other Than NCC, Jan 1959-April 1971; n.d. | |
52 | 17 | Procedures and Agreements with Purchasing and Distribution, Jan 1960-Dec 1967; n.d. | |
52 | 18 | The Church, the University and Urban Society, Sept 1970 | |
52 | 19 | Church Related Colleges, Small College Proposal, Dec 1951-June 1961; n.d. | |
52 | 20 | The Churches and Higher Education, March 1963 July 1964; n.d. | |
52 | |||
52 | 21 | College Opportunities for Disadvantaged Students, April 1964-[1965?] | |
52 | 22 | College Presidents Chicago Dinner, Feb-April 1951 | |
52 | 23 | College Presidents Meeting, June 1956-June 1957; n.d. | |
52 | 24 | Acknowledgements of Colloquium Letters, Sept-Nov 1967 | |
52 | 25 | Approaches to Denominations, Jan 1968-Jan 1969 | |
52 | 26 | Approaches to Foundations, Sept-Dec 1967 | |
52 | 27 | Approaches to Foundations, Jan-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
52 | 28 | Budget, March 1966-1969 | |
52 | 29 | Budget, April 1970-1971; n.d. | |
52 | 30 | Center for Research and Development, Oct 1967 | |
52 | 31 | Central Committee, Nov 1967-Oct 1968 | |
52 | 32 | Chairmen and Staff, Jan 1967-Oct 1968 | |
52 | 33 | Church Board Secretaries, Aug 1966-Aug 1969 | |
52 | 34 | Communication, Oct 1967-Feb 1968 | |
52 | 35 | Correspondence, April 1966-April 1967 | |
52 | 36 | Correspondence, May-Nov 1967 | |
53 | 1 | Correspondence, Dec 1967-[1968?] | |
53 | 2 | Correspondence, Undated | |
53 | 3 | Denver Consultation, Sept-Nov 1968 | |
53 | 4 | General Board, June 1966-April 1967 | |
53 | 5 | General Inquiry, Feb 1967-May 1968 | |
53 | 6 | Interpretation and Communication, Feb 1968-Aug 1969 | |
53 | 7 | Mailing List, Dec 1967-Feb 1968 | |
53 | 8 | Master List of Files, Undated | |
53 | 9 | Memoranda, Jan-May 1968 | |
53 | 10 | Miscellaneous, March 1966-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
53 | 11 | Multiple Commissions, March-April 1968 | |
53 | 12 | Phasing Out of General Colloquium, Oct-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
53 | 13 | Planning Committee, Sept 1966-Feb 1969; n.d. | |
53 | 14 | Planning Committee Meetings, Dec 1966-March 1968 | |
53 | 15 | Preliminary Documents and Publicity, Aug 1966-Dec 1967 | |
53 | 16 | Projects, Nov 1968-Jan 1970 | |
53 | 17 | Request for Colloquium Study, Commission Members, Jan 1967-Jan 1968 | |
53 | 18 | Responses, Study Commission Members, April-Oct 1967; n.d. | |
53 | 19 | Sloan Foundation, Jan 1968-March 1969; n.d. | |
53 | 20 | Study Commissions, March 1965-[1967?]; n.d. | |
53 | 21 | Study Commission I, June 1965-[1967?] | |
53 | 22 | Study Commission I, Jan-July 1968; n.d. | |
53 | 23 | Study Commission II, Jan 1966-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
53 | 24 | Study Commission III, 1964-April 1969; n.d. | |
53 | 25 | Study Commission IV, Nov 1965-[1969?] | |
53 | 26 | Study Commission IV, Undated | |
53 | 27 | Study Commission V, Oct 1964-[1967?] | |
53 | 28 | Study Commission V, May-July 1968; n.d. | |
53 | 29 | Study Commission VI, Oct 1965-Nov 1966 | |
53 | 30 | Study Commission VI, Feb-Nov 1967 | |
53 | 31 | Study Commission VI, Jan-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
53 | 32 | Study Commission VII, Aug 1966-May 1967 | |
53 | 33 | Study Commission VIII, July 1966-May 1967; n.d. | |
54 | 1 | Application Forms, A, 1952-1965 | |
54 | 2 | Application Forms, Ba-Be, 1952-1965 | |
54 | 3 | Application Forms, Bi-Bo, 1952-1965 | |
54 | 4 | Application Forms, Br-Bz, 1951-1965 | |
54 | 5 | Application Forms, Ca-Ci, 1951-1965 | |
54 | 6 | Application Forms, Cl-Cz, 1952-1965 | |
54 | 7 | Application Forms, D, 1951-1965 | |
54 | 8 | Application Forms, E, 1951-1964 | |
54 | 9 | Application Forms, F, 1951-1964 | |
54 | 10 | Application Forms, G, 1951-1965 | |
54 | 11 | Application Forms, Ha-He, 1951-1965 | |
54 | 12 | Application Forms, Hi-Hy, 1951-1965 | |
54 | 13 | Application Forms, I-J, 1951-1965 | |
54 | 14 | Application Forms, K, 1951-1965 | |
54 | 15 | Application Forms, L, 1951-1965 | |
54 | 16 | Application Forms, Ma-Mc, 1951-1964 | |
54 | 17 | Application Forms, Me-My, 1951-1964 | |
54 | 18 | Application Forms, N-O, 1951-1965 | |
55 | 1 | Application Forms, Pa-Pf, 1952-1965 | |
55 | 2 | Application Forms, Ph-Q, 1951-1965 | |
55 | 3 | Application Forms, Ra-Ri, 1951-1965 | |
55 | 4 | Application Forms, Ro-Ry, 1951-1965 | |
55 | 5 | Application Forms, Sa-Sh, 1951-1965 | |
55 | 6 | Application Forms, Si-So, 1951-1965 | |
55 | 7 | Application Forms, Sp-Sw, 1951-1965 | |
55 | 8 | Application Forms, T, 1951-1965 | |
55 | 9 | Application Forms, U -V, 1951-1964 | |
55 | 10 | Application Forms, Wa-Wh, 1951-1964 | |
55 | 11 | Application Forms, Wi-Wy, 1951-1965 | |
55 | 12 | Application Forms, X-Z, 1951-1964 | |
55 | 13 | Atlanta Consultation, April-Oct 1963 | |
55 | 14 | Brochures, 1951-1964; n.d. | |
55 | 15 | Clippings, Feb 1951-Aug 1964; n.d. | |
55 | 16 | Consultation on Work Camps for Senior High, May-Oct 1960; n.d. | |
55 | 17 | Council on Student Travel, Correspondence, Oct 1960-1961 | |
55 | 18 | Council on Student Travel, Correspondence, Jan 1962-Oct 1963; n.d. | |
55 | 19 | Council on Student Travel, Minutes, Sept 1959-Nov 1960 | |
55 | 20 | Council on Student Travel, Minutes, Jan 1961-Feb 1963 | |
55 | 21 | Council on Student Travel, Minutes, May-Nov 1963 | |
55 | 22 | Ecumenical Youth Visitors, July 1957-1963 | |
55 | 23 | Evaluation of Voluntary Service Portfolio, May 1963 | |
55 | 24 | Finances, June 1952-1964 | |
55 | 25 | Geneva Correspondence, Oct 1956-Dec 1960 | |
55 | 26 | Historical Statements, Oct 1959-Dec 1964 | |
56 | 1 | Insurance Claims, Aug 1960-Sept 1961 | |
56 | 2 | Insurance Claims, Oct 1961-May 1963 | |
56 | 3 | International Voluntary Services, Inc., 1965-Oct 1966; n.d. | |
56 | 4 | "An Introduction to Ecumenical Voluntary Service," Undated | |
56 | 5 | Latin America, Feb 1962-May 1963; n.d. | |
56 | 6 | Leaders' Training Packets, March 1958-1959; n.d. | |
56 | 7 | Leadership Conferences, April 1962-1964 | |
56 | 8 | Leadership Training Committee, April 1962-Sept 1964 | |
56 | 9 | Meetings and Conferences, July 1957-March 1964 | |
56 | 10 | Membership, Oct 1961-Oct 1964 | |
56 | 11 | Minutes, Oct 1954-Oct 1959 | |
56 | 12 | Minutes, Oct 1960-May 1965 | |
56 | 13 | Miscellaneous, May 1954-July 1966 | |
56 | 14 | Miscellaneous, Sept 1966-1967; n.d. | |
56 | 15 | National Student Christian Federation, 1956-Feb 1964 | |
56 | 16 | National Student YMCA and YWCA, 1967; n.d. | |
56 | 17 | National Teachers Corps, 1966; n.d. | |
56 | 18 | New York Travel Service, Sept 1960-Oct 1962 | |
56 | 19 | Newsletter, Jan 1957-June 1964 | |
56 | 20 | Orientation Materials, May 1953-Sept 1956 | |
56 | 21 | Orientation Materials, Oct 1956-1957 | |
56 | 22 | Participant Accounts, (A-Y), 1962 | |
56 | 23 | Participant Forms, Nov 1956-1959 | |
56 | 24 | Participant Forms, Jan 1960-[1964?] | |
56 | 25 | Participant Income, Jan-Sept 1962; n.d. | |
56 | 26 | Participant Lists, 1951-1964 | |
56 | 27 | Participant Packets, 1960-1961 | |
56 | 28 | Participant Packets, March 1964-1965 | |
56 | 29 | Physical Examination Reports (A-Y), 1962 | |
56 | 30 | Project Forms, Nov 1956-1960 | |
56 | 31 | Projects, June 1962-June 1965 | |
57 | 1 | Promotion, July 1957-1961 | |
57 | 2 | Publicity Displays, Undated | |
57 | 3 | Receipts, April-June 1962; n.d. | |
57 | 4 | Reports, July 1956-July 1964 | |
57 | 5 | Saar Accident, May 1958-June 1959; n.d. | |
57 | 6 | Scholarships, May-Sept 1962; n.d. | |
57 | 7 | Travel Agencies, March-Aug 1962; n.d. | |
57 | 8 | Travel Forms, April-June 1962; n.d. | |
57 | 9 | United States-USSR Exchange, [1958?]-1964 | |
57 | 10 | World Council of Churches, Nov 1948-1964; n.d. | |
57 | 11 | Conferences, May 1951-Oct 1964 | |
57 | 12 | Consultation on Voluntary Service, Oct 1966 | |
57 | 13 | Invest Your Summer, 1951-1965 | |
57 | 14 | Minutes, April 1954-Feb 1965 | |
57 | 15 | Miscellaneous, Oct 1951-Oct 1963; n.d. | |
57 | 16 | Questionnaire, June 1953; n.d. | |
57 | 17 | Survey, Sept 1958 | |
57 | 18 | Conference of Higher Education Staff, Oct-Nov 1958 | |
57 | 19 | Consultation of Philosophers and Theologians, Jan 1959-Feb 1962; n.d. | |
57 | 20 | Consultation on Institutional Change, Nov 1968-April 1969 | |
57 | 21 | Consultation on Institutional Change, May-July 1969 | |
57 | 22 | Consultation on Institutional Change, Aug-Sept 1969 | |
57 | 23 | Consultation on Institutional Change, Oct 1969 | |
57 | 24 | Consultation on Institutional Change, Nov-Dec 1969 | |
57 | 25 | Consultation on Institutional Change, [1969?]-March 1970 | |
57 | 26 | Consultation on Internationalization in Higher Education and the Church's Ministry, Oct 1967 | |
57 | 27 | Consultation on Loans and Scholarships, March 1960-Sept 1963 | |
57 | 28 | Correspondence, Sept 1966-Feb 1967 | |
57 | 29 | Finances, May-June 1966 | |
57 | 30 | Program, Jan 1967 | |
57 | 31 | Publicity and Reprints, Jan-Oct 1967; n.d. | |
57 | 32 | Report, 1967 | |
57 | 33 | Report, Copyright, Oct 1967; n.d. | |
57 | 34 | Report, Preparatory Material, 1963-March 1967 | |
57 | 35 | Report, Preparatory Material, April-Aug 1967 | |
57 | 36 | Report, Preparatory Material, Undated | |
57 | 37 | Report, Preparatory Material, Undated | |
57 | 38 | Roster, Jan 1967 | |
57 | 39 | Theological Study and Teaching Committee, Feb 1965-Jan 1968; n.d. | |
57 | 40 | Working Groups, Assignments, Jan 1967 | |
57 | 41 | Working Groups, Correspondence, Sept 1966-Oct 1967 | |
57 | 42 | Working Papers, Jan 1967 | |
58 | 1 | Council for Financial Aid to Education, July 1955-May 1961 | |
58 | 2 | Annual Meetings, Jan 1959-Jan 1964 | |
58 | 3 | Annual Meetings, Jan 1965-Dec 1967 | |
58 | 4 | Annual Meetings, Jan 1968-Jan 1971 | |
58 | 5 | Association of American Colleges-Catholic-Protestant Conference, Jan-April 1959 | |
58 | 6 | Averill, Lloyd, March 1963-Aug 1968 | |
58 | 7 | Board of Directors, Jan 1963-1967 | |
58 | 8 | Board of Directors, Jan 1968-March 1969 | |
58 | 9 | Board of Directors, Oct-Dec 1969 | |
58 | 10 | Chalmers, A. Burns, July 1966-Aug 1967 | |
58 | 11 | The Christian College and World Affairs, March 1964-March 1965 | |
58 | 12 | Church-State Relations, June 1961-Sept 1966 | |
58 | 13 | Committee on Education in World Affairs, April 1961-Aug 1965 | |
58 | 14 | Constitution and Bylaws, Sept 1958-Dec 1963; n.d. | |
58 | 15 | Continuing Committee, Nov 1957-Jan 1959; n.d. | |
58 | 16 | Correspondence, Feb 1954-[1959?] | |
58 | 17 | Correspondence, Jan 1960-Dec 1966 | |
58 | 18 | Correspondence, Jan 1967-Dec 1969; n.d. | |
58 | 19 | Cuninggim, Merrimon, Dec 1955-Jan 1960 | |
58 | 20 | Degree Mills, Sept 1959-Sept 1962 | |
58 | 21 | Executive Committee, Nov 1957-Oct 1961 | |
58 | 22 | Executive Committee, Jan 1962-Oct 1963 | |
58 | 23 | Five Year Plan, June 1960-Feb 1962; n.d. | |
58 | 24 | Ford Foundation, Study of Protestant Colleges, Feb 1959-July 1961; n.d. | |
58 | 25 | Godard, James, April 1959-July 1966; n.d. | |
58 | 26 | Headquarters and Office Space, Sept 1958-Aug 1967 | |
58 | 27 | Higher Education and the Federal Government, April 1961 | |
58 | 28 | Inaugural Dinner, Sept 1958-Jan 1959 | |
58 | 29 | Inaugural Meeting, July 1958-Jan 1959; n.d. | |
58 | 30 | James Foundation Request, Jan-July 1959; n.d. | |
58 | 31 | Legislative Committee, Sept 1959-Jan 1960; n.d. | |
58 | 32 | Long-Range Planning Committee, Oct-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
58 | 33 | Magill, Samuel, July 1969-Jan 1970 | |
58 | 34 | Membership, March 1960-Oct 1969 | |
58 | 35 | Nominations, Nov 1963-Dec 1969; n.d. | |
58 | 36 | Personnel, July 1958-March 1968; n.d. | |
58 | 37 | Printed Matter, Jan 1967-[1969?]; n.d. | |
58 | 38 | Public Relations Committee, Nov 1958-Oct 1960 | |
59 | 1 | Public Relations Committee, Nov 1960-[1965?]; n.d. | |
59 | 2 | Relationship with Department of Higher Education, Jan 1968-May 1969; n.d. | |
59 | 3 | Special Information, Oct 1961-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
59 | 4 | Upton, Miller, May 1960-Jan 1961 | |
59 | 5 | Woodson, Marshall S., May 1959-Jan 1960; n.d. | |
59 | 6 | Committee on Relations with Councils of Churches, May 1955-March 1962; n.d. | |
59 | 7 | Connecticut, Hartford, March 1956-Sept 1959; n.d. | |
59 | 8 | Illinois, March 1956-Nov 1959; n.d. | |
59 | 9 | Indiana, July 1956-March 1958 | |
59 | 10 | Iowa, June 1956-March 1959; n.d. | |
59 | 11 | Maine, Feb-April 1959 | |
59 | 12 | Michigan, May 1955-March 1962 | |
59 | 13 | Miscellaneous, Feb 1956-Oct 1962; n.d. | |
59 | 14 | Missouri, June 1957-Sept 1958 | |
59 | 15 | Nebraska, Sept 1959-Jan 1960 | |
59 | 16 | New Hampshire, March-Dec 1961 | |
59 | 17 | New Jersey, Feb 1956-March 1961 | |
59 | 18 | New York, Albany, March 1956-June 1961 | |
59 | 19 | New York, Rochester, Jan 1963-June 1964 | |
59 | 20 | New York, Syracuse, March 1959 | |
59 | 21 | Ohio, May 1958-June 1959 | |
59 | 22 | Oklahoma, April 1959 | |
59 | 23 | Oregon, Sept 1956-April 1959 | |
59 | 24 | Pennsylvania, Feb 1960-Nov 1962 | |
59 | 25 | Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, May 1956-Nov 1959 | |
59 | 19 | Questionnaire, Aug-Dec 1960; n.d. | |
59 | 20 | Questionnaire, Undated | |
59 | 21 | West Virginia, Oct 1956-July 1959 | |
59 | 22 | Department of Christian Institutions, Feb 1951-July 1956 | |
59 | 23 | Department of Christian Institutions, Sept 1956-Jan 1958 | |
59 | 24 | Administrative Committee, Nov 1961-May 1964 | |
59 | 25 | Alabama, Montgomery, March 1963 | |
59 | 26 | California, Terminal Island, June 1962-Feb 1963 | |
59 | 27 | Clergy Compensation Project, Budget and Finance, Sept 1960-July 1962; n.d. | |
59 | 28 | Clergy Compensation Project, Correspondence, April 1951-[1957?] | |
59 | 29 | Clergy Compensation Project, Correspondence, Jan-May 1958 | |
59 | 30 | Clergy Compensation Project, Correspondence, June-Oct 1958 | |
59 | 31 | Clergy Compensation Project, Correspondence, Jan 1959-Aug 1960 | |
59 | 32 | Clergy Compensation Project, Correspondence, Sept-Oct 1960 | |
59 | 33 | Clergy Compensation Project, Correspondence, Nov 1960-Jan 1961 | |
60 | 1 | Clergy Compensation Project, Correspondence, Feb-Oct 1961 | |
60 | 2 | Clergy Compensation Project, Correspondence, Nov 1961-April 1962 | |
60 | 3 | The Clergy Compensation System Report, April 1960 | |
60 | 4 | Consultation on Continuing Education for the Ministry, Nov 1964 | |
60 | 5 | Developments and Trends Among the Churches in Vocation and Ministry, March 1961 | |
60 | 6 | District of Columbia, Washington, Jan 1951-Oct 1960 | |
60 | 7 | Executive Committee, Feb 1960 -May 1964 | |
60 | 8 | Florida, Tallahassee, Feb 1951-Dec 1953 | |
60 | 9 | Florida, Tallahassee, Jan 1954-Nov 1957 | |
60 | 10 | Florida, Tallahassee, Jan 1958-Jan 1963 | |
60 | 11 | Indiana, Terre Haute, Feb 1951-Dec 1960 | |
60 | 12 | Indiana, Terre Haute, Jan 1961-Feb 1963 | |
60 | 13 | Michigan, Milan, Feb 1951-Dec 1955 | |
60 | 14 | Michigan, Milan, Jan 1956-Dec 1958 | |
60 | 15 | Michigan, Milan, Feb 1959-Jan 1963; n.d. | |
60 | 16 | Minnesota, Sandstone, Jan 1961-April 1963 | |
60 | 17 | Miscellaneous, Sept 1955-Dec 1959; n.d. | |
60 | 18 | Missouri, Springfield, Jan 1951-Jan 1963 | |
60 | 19 | Texas, Seagoville, Sept 1951-Dec 1957 | |
60 | 20 | Texas, Seagoville, Jan 1958-April 1962 | |
60 | 21 | Texas, Seagoville, July 1962-Feb 1963; n.d. | |
60 | 22 | Texas, Texarkana, Jan 1959-May 1962 | |
60 | 23 | Texas, Texarkana, June 1962-March 1963 | |
60 | 24 | Tilden, Paul L., Visitation Reports, Nov 1952 | |
60 | 25 | Virginia, Petersburg, March 1951-Dec 1957 | |
60 | 26 | Virginia, Petersburg, March 1958-Jan 1963 | |
60 | 27 | Development of Department of Higher Education, Dec 1965-1968; n.d. | |
60 | 28 | Dirks, J. Edward, April 1955-Nov 1956 | |
60 | 29 | The Draft, March 1951 | |
61 | 1 | Executive Committee, Nov 1950-Dec 1954 | |
61 | 2 | Executive Committee, Jan 1956-Nov 1961 | |
61 | 3 | Executive Committee, March 1962-Oct 1967 | |
61 | 4 | Faculty Advisory Committee, Nov 1968-April 1971; n.d. | |
61 | 5 | Allenberry Conference on Teacher Education, March 1957 | |
61 | 6 | An Annotated Bibliography, Undated | |
61 | 7 | Asian University Teachers Conference, May 1964 | |
61 | 8 | Budgets, March 1956-1966 | |
61 | 9 | Bulletin, Jan 1956-1961 | |
61 | 10 | Christian Theology and Ethics of Man-Nature-Resources, Oct 1966; n.d. | |
61 | 11 | Consultation on Intellectual Freedom, 1951-March 1954; n.d. | |
61 | 12 | The Contemporary Challenge to the Christian Scholar-Teacher, Undated | |
61 | 13 | Correspondence, Oct 1952-1960 | |
61 | 14 | Correspondence, July 1961-Nov 1965; n.d. | |
61 | 15 | Correspondence, Undated | |
61 | 16 | Department of Higher Education, March 1964-May 1965; n.d. | |
61 | 17 | Director's Reports, 1955-Jan 1964; n.d. | |
61 | 18 | Executive Committee, Nov 1951-Oct 1962 | |
61 | 19 | Executive Committee, Jan 1963-June 1964; n.d. | |
61 | 20 | Faculty Institutes for Theological Literacy, Oct 1960-Nov 1964 | |
61 | 21 | Faculty Selection in Colleges Related to the United Presbyterian Church, June 1966 | |
61 | 22 | Faith and Learning in the University Conference, June 1962-Nov 1964 | |
61 | 23 | Faith and Learning in the University Conference, Undated | |
61 | 24 | General Committee, Feb 1959-May 1965 | |
61 | 25 | Hazen Foundation Application, March 1957 | |
61 | 26 | Howard University Consultation, Oct 1954 | |
61 | 27 | Kutztown Publishing Company, Oct 1963-Sept 1965 | |
61 | 28 | Lutheran Faculty Conferences, Aug 1958 | |
61 | 29 | Memorandum on Work Among the Faculty Together with Thoughts on a University Christian Movement, Undated | |
61 | 30 | Missouri Conferences, March 1957-April 1966 | |
61 | 31 | North Central Area Conferences, Dec 1958-Sept 1966; n.d. | |
61 | 32 | Pacific Northwest Faculty Conference, Oct 1964-Nov 1965 | |
61 | 33 | Papers on Faculty Groups and Programs, June 1953-Aug 1954; n.d. | |
61 | 34 | Papers on the Faculty Christian Fellowship by Region, July 1953-March 1954; n.d. | |
61 | 35 | Printed Matter, [1954?]-1958; n.d. | |
61 | 36 | Psychology Research Committee, March 1960-Nov 1963 | |
61 | 37 | Psychology Research Committee, May 1964; n.d. | |
61 | 38 | Regional Ecumenical Conferences, April 1964 | |
61 | 39 | Reorganization Discussions, Feb 1960-[1965?]; n.d. | |
62 | 1 | The Responsibility of the Christian Professor in the Academic Community, Conference, April-July 1953; n.d. | |
62 | 2 | Sociology Research Committee, April 1953-Nov 1964; n.d. | |
62 | 3 | Southern States Faculty Conference, April 1962-March 1965 | |
62 | 4 | Southwest Faculty Conferences, Oct 1952-June 1966; n.d. | |
62 | 5 | Study Guides, 1953-1959 | |
62 | 6 | Study Guides, Oct 1960-Aug 1963; n.d. | |
62 | 7 | University Commission Consultation Report, Aug 1954 | |
62 | 8 | Faculty Enlistment and Placement, Dec 1957-March 1958 | |
62 | 9 | Faculty Interests Committee, Sept 1963-[1966?] | |
62 | 10 | Faculty Interests Committee, Jan-Dec 1967 | |
62 | 11 | Faculty Interests Committee, Jan-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
62 | 12 | Fellowship Dinner, Columbus, May 1950-Feb 1951 | |
62 | 13 | Finance, Jan 1951-May 1955 | |
62 | 14 | Foster, Laurence, July 1951-Dec 1956 | |
62 | 15 | General Board Meeting, Aug-Sept 1951 | |
62 | 16 | Green Lake Conference, Feb-June 1951 | |
62 | 17 | Green Lake Conference, 1952, Oct 1951-Aug 1952 | |
62 | 18 | Handbook for Trustees, 1957 | |
62 | 19 | AGORA, Aug 1959-April 1960; n.d. | |
62 | 20 | All-India Theological Students' Conference, Feb 1955 | |
62 | 21 | American Association of Theological Schools, Dec 1951-Nov 1958 | |
62 | 22 | Annual Reports, April 1939-[1958?]; n.d. | |
62 | 23 | Articles, Feb 1951-Feb 1956; n.d. | |
62 | 24 | Bangkok Theological Students Conference, March-Sept 1955 | |
62 | 25 | A Brief History of the Interseminary Movement by William R. Hogg, Jan 1945 | |
62 | 26 | Budget and Finance, Sept 1939-[1953?] | |
62 | 27 | Budget and Finance, Feb 1954-1960; n.d. | |
62 | 28 | Bylaws, June-Sept 1950; n.d. | |
62 | 29 | Campbell, E. Fay, April 1945-July 1951 | |
62 | 30 | Christianity and the Law, April 1956-1959 | |
62 | 31 | Commission on Higher Education, Sept 1959-Jan 1961 | |
62 | 32 | Contact People, Undated | |
62 | 33 | Craig, Clarence T., Nov 1950-Oct 1953 | |
62 | 34 | Ecumenical Evangelism, March 1948; n.d. | |
62 | 35 | Ecumenical Institute, Bossey, Switzerland, Sept 1949-1958 | |
62 | 36 | Ecumenical Scholarship Exchange, Nov 1954-1960; n.d. | Digital |
62 | 37 | Ellis, Alfred, Sept 1948-1949; n.d. | |
62 | 38 | Espy, R.H. Edwin, Oct 1948 | |
62 | 39 | Essay Contest, May-June 1952 | |
62 | 40 | Faculty Consultations, March 1954-Jan 1958; n.d. | |
62 | 41 | Correspondence, April 1946-Dec 1953 | |
62 | 42 | Correspondence, March 1954-Nov 1957; n.d. | |
62 | 43 | Lists of Representatives, Sept 1948-1954 | |
63 | 1 | Training Conferences, 1946-Sept 1956; n.d. | |
63 | 2 | Gallop, Walter, May 1958-June 1960; n.d. | |
63 | 3 | Heaton, Richard L., July 1953-Oct 1959; n.d. | |
63 | 4 | The Interseminarian, Dec 1929-Nov 1956 | |
63 | 5 | Correspondence, Dec 1940-Sept 1959; n.d. | |
63 | 6 | Minutes, April 1940-April 1948 | |
63 | 7 | Minutes, Oct 1948-May 1953 | |
63 | 8 | Minutes, Oct 1953-Dec 1955 | |
63 | 9 | Minutes, April 1956-Sept 1961; n.d. | |
63 | 10 | The Interseminary Movement: An Historical Analysis by Robert E. Clark, March 1954 Folder 10 | |
63 | 11 | Interseminary Newsletter, Undated | |
63 | 12 | Correspondence, Jan 1945-July 1958; n.d. | |
63 | 13 | Reviews, Aug 1946-Feb 1948 | |
63 | 14 | Reviews, March 1948-Jan 1949; n.d. | |
63 | 15 | Study Guide, Nov 1946-Jan 1947 | |
63 | 16 | Volume I (first draft), Undated | |
63 | 17 | Volume II (first draft), Undated | |
63 | 18 | Volume III (first draft), Undated | |
63 | 19 | Volume IV (first draft), Undated | |
63 | 20 | Volume I (manuscript), 1946 | |
63 | 21 | Volume II (manuscript), 1946 | |
63 | 22 | Volume III (manuscript), 1946 | |
63 | 23 | Volume III (manuscript), 1946 | |
63 | 24 | Volume IV (manuscript), 1946 | |
63 | 25 | Volume IV (manuscript), 1946 | |
64 | 1 | Lehman, Paul, Oct 1955-Nov 1957 | |
64 | 2 | Leiper, Henry Smith, March 1939-April 1942 | |
64 | 3 | Lilly Endowment, Inc., Oct-Dec 1957 | |
64 | 4 | Literature, 1955-1957; n.d. | |
64 | 5 | Local Interseminary Committee, Dec 1948-Dec 1960; n.d. | |
64 | 6 | McClain, Raymond F., Aug 1951-May 1954 | |
64 | 7 | Methodist Scholarship Travel Seminar, June-Sept 1962 | |
64 | 8 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1938-[1955?] | |
64 | 9 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1956-May 1963; n.d. | |
64 | 10 | Mission and Unity, Oct 1954-Oct 1956; n.d. | |
64 | 11 | Mott, John R., Oct 1944-March 1947 | |
64 | 12 | National Council of Churches, Sept 1949-Dec 1952; n.d. | |
64 | 13 | National Interseminary News, Undated | |
64 | 14 | National Interseminary Student Assembly, May 1951-1952 | |
64 | 15 | National Student Christian Federation, General Assembly, July-Aug 1959 | |
64 | 16 | National Student Christian Federation, Merger, Oct 1955-Jan 1958; n.d | |
64 | 17 | The Nature of the Ministry We Seek, Aug-Sept 1957 | |
64 | 18 | Nelson, J. Robert, Jan 1957-Sept 1961 | |
64 | 19 | Nelson, John Oliver, Feb 1953-March 1958 | |
64 | 20 | Nominating Committee, July 1957-Dec 1958; n.d. | |
64 | 21 | North American Interseminary Student Assembly, March-Sept 1948; n.d. | |
64 | 22 | Parsons, William B., Feb 1948-May 1949; n.d. | |
64 | 23 | Pope, Liston, Dec 1954-Nov 1957 | |
64 | 24 | Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, Jan 1945-June 1946 | |
64 | 25 | Printed Matter, [1935?]-[1960?]; n.d. | |
64 | 26 | Racial Segregation, 1949-June 1955; n.d. | |
64 | 27 | Recruiting for the Ministry, Dec 1947-Sept 1948; n.d. | |
64 | 28 | Refugee Students, April 1948-Feb 1957; n.d. | |
64 | 29 | Regional Conferences, Sept 1948-1959; n.d. | |
64 | 30 | Kentucky-Tennessee Region, May 1946-April 1953 | |
64 | 31 | Kentucky-Tennessee Region, May 1953-May 1961; n.d. | |
64 | 32 | Mid-Atlantic Region, April 1946-[1949?] | |
64 | 33 | Mid-Atlantic Region, Jan 1950-[1953?] | |
64 | 34 | Mid-Atlantic Region, Jan 1954-1955 | |
64 | 35 | Mid-Atlantic Region, Jan 1956-Jan 1959; n.d. | |
64 | 36 | Midwest Region, Feb 1947-May 1953 | |
64 | 37 | Midwest Region, June 1953-1954 | |
65 | 1 | Midwest Region, Jan-Dec 1955 | |
65 | 2 | Midwest Region, Jan 1956-March 1959; n.d. | |
65 | 3 | Miscellaneous, Nov 1953-Nov 1959; n.d. | |
65 | 4 | New England Region, Nov 1945-Dec 1948 | |
65 | 5 | New England Region, Jan 1949-May 1954 | |
65 | 6 | New England Region, Nov 1955-July 1959; n.d. | |
65 | 7 | Ohio Region, May 1946-[1950?] | |
65 | 8 | Ohio Region, March 1951-Feb 1954 | |
65 | 9 | Ohio Region, March 1954-March 1956 | |
65 | 10 | Ohio Region, April 1956-Jan 1959; n.d. | |
65 | 11 | Pacific Northwest Region, Nov-Dec 1959 | |
65 | 12 | Southeastern Region, June 1946-Sept 1952 | |
65 | 13 | Southeastern Region, Oct 1952-Feb 1956 | |
65 | 14 | Southeastern Region, March 1956-Jan 1959; n.d. | |
65 | 15 | Southwest Region, May 1946-1953 | |
65 | 16 | Southwest Region, Jan 1954-May 1959; n.d. | |
65 | 17 | West Coast Region, June 1946-Dec 1954 | |
65 | 18 | West Coast Region, Jan 1955-Feb 1959; n.d. | |
65 | 19 | Rural Life Movement, Dec 1954-Feb 1955 | |
65 | 20 | "Seminarians Speak," Oct 1958-Dec 1961 | |
65 | 21 | Seminaries Participating, Sept 1952-July 1960; n.d. | |
65 | 22 | Seminary Year Abroad, Jan 1959-Jan 1961; n.d. | |
65 | 23 | Sixty-five Years in the Seminaries: A History of the Interseminary Movement by William R. Hogg, Aug 1945-Feb 1946; n.d. | |
65 | 24 | Student Christian Movement of Canada, Jan 1954-Oct 1955 | |
65 | 25 | Theological Education, April 1961; n.d. | |
65 | 26 | Theological Education in America, Feb 1954-April 1956 | |
65 | 27 | Theological Scholarships, May 1946 | |
65 | 28 | Tobias, Robert, May-June 1960 | |
65 | 29 | Tomkins, Floyd, May 1957; n.d. | |
65 | 30 | Commission IA, May 1945-April 1946; n.d. | |
65 | 31 | Commission IB, March 1945-May 1947; n.d. | |
66 | 1 | Commission II, April 1945-March 1948 | |
66 | 2 | Commission III, April 1945-Sept 1946; n.d. | |
66 | 3 | Conference Report, March-Sept 1947; n.d. | |
66 | 4 | Discussion Groups, June-July 1947; n.d. | |
66 | 5 | Discussion Groups, Undated | |
66 | 6 | Miscellaneous, 1945-Sept 1947; n.d. | |
66 | 7 | Planning, March 1945-Jan 1947; n.d. | |
66 | 8 | Publicity and Promotion, Feb 1946-June 1947; n.d. | |
66 | 9 | Speakers, June 1946-June 1947 | |
66 | 10 | Correspondence, Jan 1949-Jan 1950; n.d. | |
66 | 11 | Discussion Groups, Dec 1949-June 1950; n.d. | |
66 | 12 | Miscellaneous, Dec 1949; n.d. | |
66 | 13 | Planning, Nov 1948-Oct 1949; n.d. | |
66 | 14 | Publicity, Feb 1949-Jan 1950; n.d. | |
66 | 15 | Triennial Interseminary Conference (3rd, 1954), March 1952-Jan 1955 | |
66 | 16 | Triennial Interseminary Conference (4th, 1957), Dec 1955-Sept 1957; n.d. | |
66 | 17 | Triennial Interseminary Conference (5th, 1960), Jan 1958-1960; n.d. | |
66 | 18 | Van Dusen, Henry P., March 1940-Feb 1955; n.d. | |
66 | 19 | Vocation and Enlistment Consultation, May-Dec 1960 | |
66 | 20 | World Council of Churches, Feb 1949-Sept 1957; n.d. | |
66 | 21 | World Student Christian Federation, Feb 1950-April 1960; n.d. | |
66 | 22 | Inventory of NCC Property, Dec 1950-July 1951 | |
66 | 23 | Joint Department of Christian Vocations, 1947-May 1951 | |
66 | 24 | Joint Department of Christian Vocations, June 1951-1953 | |
66 | 25 | Joint Department of Christian Vocations, Jan 1954-[1956?]; n.d. | |
66 | 26 | Joint Strategy Committee for Church Colleges, June 1953-Feb 1956; n.d. | |
66 | 27 | Ministers Research Foundation (Good Shepherd Foundation), May-Sept 1957 | |
66 | 28 | Miscellaneous, Dec 1952-March 1967; n.d. | |
66 | 29 | Mousolite, Peter S., Dec 1966; n.d. | |
66 | 30 | National Christian College Day, Jan 1955-Jan 1957 | |
66 | 31 | National Committee of Churchmen for Church Colleges, Dec 1955-June 1956 | |
66 | 32 | National Committee of Churchmen for Church Colleges, July 1956-April 1959; n.d. | |
67 | 1 | Correspondence and Memoranda, [Feb 1960?]-1963 | |
67 | 2 | Correspondence and Memoranda, April 1964-Nov 1966 | |
67 | 3 | Correspondence and Memoranda, Jan 1967-Nov 1968 | |
67 | 4 | Filing System, June 1966 | |
67 | 5 | Listings of National Staff, Feb 1959-Jan 1969; n.d. | |
67 | 6 | Meetings, June 1961-[1966?] | |
67 | 7 | Meetings, Jan-Oct 1967 | |
67 | 8 | Meetings, Nov-Dec 1967 | |
67 | 9 | Meetings, Jan-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
67 | 10 | Miscellaneous, Undated | |
67 | 11 | National Staff Development, May 1965-[1967?]; n.d. | |
67 | 12 | New Staff Training Seminars, June 1965-June 1967 | |
67 | 13 | Revision of National and Regional Staff Listings, July 1966-Dec 1967 | |
67 | 14 | Revision of National and Regional Staff Listings, Jan 1968-July 1969 | |
67 | 15 | Urban Ministries, Jan-May 1967 | |
67 | 16 | Budget and Finance, Jan 1959-April 1966 | |
67 | 17 | Central Committee, March 1960-Aug 1966 | |
67 | 18 | Commission on Ecumenical Voluntary Service, Feb 1963-March 1965 | |
67 | 19 | Commission on World Mission, Oct 1962-March 1966; n.d. | |
67 | 20 | Constitution and Bylaws, May 1953-[1962?]; n.d. | |
67 | 21 | Ecumenical Development Among Christian Students, 1960 | |
67 | 22 | Executive Committee Meeting, April 1960 | |
67 | 23 | General Assembly I, Sept 1959-Feb 1960; n.d. | |
67 | 24 | General Assembly II, July-Sept 1960; n.d. | |
67 | 25 | General Assembly VII, Sept 1965 | |
67 | 26 | General Assembly VIII, April-Sept 1966; n.d. | |
67 | 27 | Interseminary Movement Discussion, Dec 1962-June 1963; n.d. | |
68 | 1 | Merger of Interseminary Committee, Student Volunteer Movement and United Student Christian Council, May 1957-June 1959; n.d. | |
68 | 2 | Miscellaneous, Oct 1959-1962; n.d. | |
68 | 3 | Peace Corps, March 1961-[1964?]; n.d. | |
68 | 4 | Personnel Committee, Sept 1959-Feb 1961; n.d. | |
68 | 5 | Preliminary Documents, Sept 1952-March 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 6 | Racial Issues, Feb-May 1960 | |
68 | 7 | Student Orthodox Work, Jan-March 1960; n.d. | |
68 | 8 | Vanderbilt University, Racial Issues, May-June 1960; n.d. | |
68 | 9 | Working Committee, Dec 1958-April 1960; n.d. | |
68 | 10 | Correspondence, Denominations, March-May 1966; n.d. | |
68 | 11 | Correspondence, Individuals, Feb-Oct 1966 | |
68 | 12 | Miscellaneous, Feb 1966-1968; n.d. | |
68 | 13 | Nominating Committee, May-Nov 1957 | |
68 | 14 | North American Faculty-Staff Conference, June-July 1963 | |
68 | 15 | Policy Committee, Feb 1958-April 1967; n.d. | |
68 | 16 | Policy Committee, Danforth Foundation Request, Oct 1958-July 1959 | |
68 | 17 | Policy Statement, 1969 | |
68 | 18 | Princeton Consultation, Oct 1956 | |
68 | 19 | Printed Matter, March 1952-1969; n.d. | |
68 | 20 | Program Objectives, Priorities, Reviews and Policy Statements, Oct 1951-March 1971; n.d. | |
68 | 21 | Protestant Philosophy of Education, Sept 1959-May 1961; n.d. | |
68 | 22 | Protestantism and Higher Education, June 1960-June 1961; n.d. | |
68 | 23 | Public Relations Committee, Feb 1957-July 1959 | |
68 | 24 | Quadrennial Convocation, 1954, Oct 1952-April 1954 | |
68 | 25 | Quadrennial Convocation, 1954, May 1954-Dec 1955 | |
68 | 26 | Quadrennial Convocation, 1954, Undated | |
68 | 27 | Arrangements Committee, April 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 28 | Biographical Material, June 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 29 | Books, Feb-June 1958 | |
68 | 30 | Case Study Plan, Undated | |
68 | 31 | Chicago Committee Meeting, Sept-Nov 1957; n.d. | |
68 | 32 | College Promotion, Dec 1957-Aug 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 33 | Correspondence, Feb 1956-July 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 34 | Denominational Promotion, Jan-June 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 35 | Executive Committee, Sept 1957-Jan 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 36 | Exhibits, March-April 1958 | |
68 | 37 | Films, Feb-Dec 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 38 | Finance, Feb 1957-1953 | |
68 | 39 | Lists and Statistics, June 1958 | |
68 | 40 | Literature, Jan 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 41 | Miscellaneous, June 1958 | |
68 | 42 | Personnel, July-Dec 1957; n.d. | |
68 | 43 | Personnel Committee, April-May 1957; n.d. | |
68 | 44 | Planning Committee, Feb-Oct 1957; n.d. | |
68 | 45 | Promotion, Miscellaneous, Nov 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 46 | Promotion Committee, June 1954 | |
68 | 47 | Public Relations and Publicity, Oct 1957-July 1958 | |
68 | 48 | Registration and Hospitality Committee, June 1958; n.d. | |
68 | 49 | Resource Leaders, April-May 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 1 | Section I: The Theological Foundations of the Christian College, Oct 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 2 | Section II: The Relation of the Church and Campus, Sept 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 3 | Section III: The Responsible Christian Intellectual Community, Oct 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 4 | Section IV: The Responsibility of the Christian College for Personal and Social Values, Sept 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 5 | Section V: The Christian College and the World Mission of the Church, Sept 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 6 | Section VI: The On-Going Role of the Christian College, Oct 1957-June 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 7 | Section Leaders, April-July 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 8 | Speakers, April 1957-Oct 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 9 | Special Features Committee, Sept 1957-1958; n.d. | |
69 | 10 | State Promotion, Jan-March 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 11 | Quadrennial Convocation, 1962, Aug 1960-May 1962 | |
69 | 12 | Quadrennial Convocation, 1962, June 1962 | |
69 | 13 | Quadrennial Convocation, 1962, July-Aug 1962; n.d. | |
69 | 14 | Quadrennial Convocation, 1966, March 1965-Feb 1967; n.d. | |
69 | 15 | Alabama, Auburn, Dec 1956-March 1957 | |
69 | 15 | Alabama, Birmingham, Sept 1955-Feb 1956 | |
69 | 16 | Alaska, Oct 1960-March 1963 | |
69 | 17 | California, 1962 | |
69 | 17 | California, Fresno, July 1954-March 1963; n.d. | |
69 | 17 | California, Pasadena, June-Oct 1960 | |
69 | 17 | California, San Jose, Oct 1953-April 1957; n.d. | |
69 | 18 | Colorado, Boulder, March 1960-Nov 1961 | |
69 | 18 | Colorado, Denver, Jan-April 1960 | |
69 | 18 | Colorado, Denver-Greely, July 1956-Dec 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 18 | Colorado, Greely, Aug 1957-Oct 1958; n.d. | |
69 | 19 | Connecticut, Storrs, April 1957-July 1962 | |
69 | 20 | Hawaii, Honolulu, Feb-April 1963 | |
69 | 21 | Idaho, Caldwell, Oct-Dec 1956 | |
69 | 21 | Idaho, Moscow, April 1961-Feb 1963 | |
69 | 21 | Idaho, Pocatello, May-Dec 1956 | |
69 | 22 | Illinois, Carbondale, April 1955-Dec 1963; n.d. | |
69 | 22 | Illinois, Charleston, Feb-July 1956 | |
69 | 22 | Illinois, Chicago, Illinois Institute of Technology, March 1960-Jan 1963; n.d. | |
69 | 23 | Illinois, Chicago, University of Chicago, Jan 1964; n.d. | |
69 | 23 | Illinois, De Kalb, July-Oct 1961 | |
69 | 24 | Illinois, Edwardsville, March 1961-Aug 1962 | |
69 | 24 | Illinois, Macomb, 1954-Oct 1962; n.d. | |
69 | 24 | Illinois, Peoria, May 1957-June 1959; n.d. | |
69 | 25 | Indiana, Fort Wayne, Dec 1961-Feb 1962 | |
69 | 26 | Iowa, Iowa City, April 1954-Feb 1955 | |
69 | 27 | Kansas, Emporia, Sept 1961-Jan 1963 | |
69 | 27 | Kansas, Hays, Dec 1961 | |
69 | 27 | Kansas, Highland, April 1963 | |
69 | 27 | Kansas, Pittsburg, March-Dec 1962 | |
69 | 27 | Kansas, Topeka, Feb 1959 -Oct 1962 | |
69 | 27 | Kansas, Wichita, Sept 1960 - April 1961 | |
69 | 28 | Kentucky, Bowling Green, Aug-Dec 1956 | |
69 | 29 | Louisiana, Baton Rouge, Dec 1959 | |
69 | 30 | Maine, Orono, Dec 1958 | |
69 | 31 | Maryland, April 1961-March 1964 | |
69 | 32 | Massachusetts, Amherst, Aug 1957; n.d. | |
69 | 32 | Massachusetts, Springfield, May-Aug 1956; n.d. | |
69 | 33 | Michigan, Ann Arbor, Feb 1956 | |
69 | 33 | Michigan, Detroit, Nov 1954-Feb 1957; n.d. | |
69 | 33 | Michigan, East Lansing, April 1955-May 1962; n.d. | |
69 | 33 | Michigan, Flint, March 1955-Oct 1958 | |
69 | 33 | Michigan, Kalamazoo, Feb 1955-April 1956; n.d. | |
69 | 33 | Michigan, Oakland, Oct 1960-Dec 1962; n.d. | |
69 | 34 | Minnesota, Mankato, Jan 1956 | |
69 | 35 | Missouri, St. Louis, May 1958 | |
69 | 36 | Montana, Bozeman, May 1956-1959; n.d. | |
69 | 36 | Montana, Missoula, Montana School of Religion, Dec 1960-Jan 1964; n.d. | |
69 | 36 | Montana, Missoula, Montana State University, Nov 1953-May 1963; n.d. | |
69 | 37 | Nebraska, Omaha, Nov 1958-Oct 1962 | |
69 | 38 | Nevada, Reno, Dec 1949-April 1950 | |
69 | 39 | New Hampshire, Durham, April 1955-Jan 1963; n.d. | |
69 | 40 | New Jersey, Camden, May-June 1959 | |
69 | 40 | New Jersey, Hoboken, Dec 1956-July 1962; n.d. | |
69 | 40 | New Jersey, New Brunswick Jan 1955-March 1964; n.d. | |
69 | 40 | New Jersey, Verona, June 1959 | |
69 | 41 | New Mexico, Albuquerque, April 1955-June 1961 | |
69 | 42 | New York, Alfred, May 1955-April 1956; n.d. | |
69 | 43 | New York, Buffalo, Oct 1957-[1963?]; n.d. | |
70 | 1 | New York, Cortland, April 1954-Nov 1961 | |
70 | 1 | New York, Freedonia, April 1955-March 1961 | |
70 | 1 | New York, Nassau County, June 1952-May 1963 | |
70 | 1 | New York, New York, Metropolitan Survey, Oct 1961-March 1963 | |
70 | 2 | New York, New York, Columbia University, Oct 1955-[1962?]; n.d. | |
70 | 3 | New York, New York, New York University, June 1954-Feb 1964; n.d. | |
70 | 4 | New York, Rochester, April 1955-Jan 1963; n.d. | |
70 | 4 | New York, Saratoga Springs, May-July 1959 | |
70 | 4 | New York, Stony Brook, April 1961-June 1962; n.d. | |
70 | 4 | New York, Troy, April 1961-May 1963 | |
70 | 5 | North Caroline, Durham, May 1961-April 1964; n.d. | |
70 | 5 | North Carolina, Winston-Salem, June-July 1956 | |
70 | 6 | North Dakota, Fargo, Jan-July 1959 | |
70 | 6 | North Dakota, Grand Forks, Feb 1955-March 1960; n.d. | |
70 | 7 | Ohio, Akron, March 1960-June 1963 | |
70 | 7 | Ohio, Bowling Green, Oct 1954-Jan 1963; n.d. | |
70 | 8 | Ohio, Cleveland, June 1954-Feb 1964; n.d. | |
70 | 8 | Ohio, Kent, June 1954-Jan 1964; n.d. | |
70 | 8 | Ohio, Oxford, Dec 1955 - Nov 1961 | |
70 | 9 | Oregon, Monmouth, May 1960-Dec 1962; n.d. | |
70 | 9 | Oregon, Portland, Jan 1959-Dec 1962; n.d. | |
70 | 10 | Pennsylvania, Lewisburg, May 1958 | |
70 | 10 | Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Drexel University, March 1958-March 1960; n.d. | |
70 | 10 | Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Temple University, June 1954-Nov 1963; n.d. | |
70 | 11 | Pennsylvania, University Park, Oct 1953-May 1963; n.d. | |
70 | 12 | Puerto Rico, April 1958-July 1964; n.d. | |
70 | 13 | Rhode Island, Kingston, April 1955 - 1963 | |
70 | 14 | South Carolina, Orangeburg, March-Dec 1954 | |
70 | 15 | Tennessee, Memphis, Nov 1958-July 1959 | |
70 | 16 | Texas, Beaumont, Sept 1954 | |
70 | 16 | Texas, Kingsville, Sept 1956-1963; n.d. | |
70 | 17 | Utah, Logan, April-Oct 1961 | |
70 | 17 | Utah, Provo, April-June 1960; n.d. | |
70 | 17 | Utah, Salt Lake City, University of Utah, Feb 1950-April 1961; n.d. | |
70 | 17 | Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah Foundation for Protestant Campus Ministry, Aug 1960 -Dec 1962; n.d. | |
70 | 18 | Vermont, Burlington, Aug 1957-June 1959; n.d. | |
70 | 19 | Virginia, Lexington, March 1957 | |
70 | 20 | Washington, Bellingham, July 1954-May 1964; n.d. | |
70 | 20 | Washington, Cheney, April 1961-1964 | |
70 | 20 | Washington, Ellensburg, Jan 1957-Feb 1963 | |
70 | 21 | Washington, DC, George Washington University, May 1957-Feb 1963 | |
70 | 21 | Washington, DC, Howard University, Feb 1963-Sept 1964; n.d. | |
70 | 22 | West Virginia, Charleston, Nov 1956-May 1959; n.d. | |
70 | 22 | West Virginia, Huntington, June 1959-1963; n.d. | |
70 | 22 | West Virginia, Morgantown, July-Aug 1959 | |
70 | 23 | Correspondence, 1962-Aug 1965 | |
70 | 24 | Correspondence, Jan-July 1966 | |
70 | 25 | Correspondence, Jan-April 1967 | |
70 | 26 | Drop Mailings for Foundations, Jan 1964-April 1965; n.d. | |
70 | 27 | Membership Lists, Dec 1964-Jan 1968; n.d. | |
70 | 28 | Middle Atlantic, Clippings, CNS Minutes, May 1954-March 1965; n.d. | |
70 | 29 | Middle Atlantic, Consultation on the Campus Ministry, Feb 1960-Nov 1962 | |
70 | 30 | Middle Atlantic, Consultation on the Campus Ministry, Feb 1963-June 1967; n.d. | |
70 | 31 | Middle Atlantic, Interim Metropolitan Strategy Committee, March 1964-Jan 1966 | |
70 | 32 | Middle Atlantic, Minutes and Correspondence, March 1964-[1966?] | |
71 | 1 | Middle Atlantic, Minutes and Correspondence, Jan 1967-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
71 | 2 | Middle Atlantic, The Protestant Foundation, Feb 1961-June 1964; n.d. | |
71 | 3 | Miscellaneous, July 1955-[1963?]; n.d. | |
71 | 4 | New England, Clippings, CNS Minutes, May 1954-March 1965 | |
71 | 5 | New England, Correspondence, Jan 1954-[1968?]; n.d. | |
71 | 6 | New England, New England Student Christian Movement, April 1962-Sept 1966; n.d. | |
71 | 7 | New England, University of Bridgeport, March 1966-[1968?]; n.d. | |
71 | 8 | North Central, Association for Ecumenical Ministries, Jan 1966-April 1968 | |
71 | 9 | North Central, Clippings, CNS Minutes, May 1954-March 1965; n.d. | |
71 | 10 | North Central, Correspondence, Committee, Feb 1963-Oct 1968 | |
71 | 11 | North Central, Correspondence, General, Sept 1957-1965 | |
71 | 12 | North Central, Correspondence, General, Feb 1966-Nov 1968 | |
71 | 13 | North Central, Correspondence, General, 1969; n.d. | |
71 | 14 | North Central, Jamestown College Religious Life Study, 1967 | |
71 | 15 | North Central, Minutes, Oct 1964-Nov 1968 | |
71 | 16 | Printed Matter, 1961-1963 | |
71 | 17 | South Central, Clippings, CNS Minutes, May 1954-March 1965 | |
71 | 18 | South Central, Correspondence, Oct 1962-[1966?] | |
71 | 19 | South Central, Correspondence, Jan 1967-April 1968; n.d. | |
71 | 20 | South Central, Experimental Campus Ministry, Nov 1965-March 1968 | |
71 | 21 | South Central, Experimental Campus Ministry, June 1968-March 1969 | |
71 | 22 | South Central, Minutes, Jan 1964-Jan 1968 | |
71 | 23 | South Central, Religious Centers, Sept 1955-April 1967; n.d. | |
71 | 24 | Southeast, Bryden's Work Among Negro Colleges, March 1964-July 1965; n.d. | |
71 | 25 | Southeast, Clippings, CNS Minutes, May 1954-June 1963 | |
71 | 26 | Southeast, Correspondence, Committee, Dec 1962-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
71 | 27 | Southeast, Correspondence, General, March 1963-July 1968 | |
71 | 28 | Southeast, Minutes, Nov 1964-Nov 1966 | |
71 | 29 | West Coast, Administration of Committee, May 1961-[1965?] | |
71 | 30 | West Coast, Administration of Committee, April 1966-April 1969; n.d. | |
71 | 31 | West Coast, Clippings, CNS Minutes, May 1954-March 1965; n.d. | |
71 | 32 | West Coast, Conference on Community College and the Church, Oct 1965-Jan 1967 | |
72 | 1 | West Coast, Correspondence, Aug 1961-April 1968 | |
72 | 2 | West Coast, Junior College Interests, Dec 1964-Dec 1966 | |
72 | 3 | West Coast, Meeting (March 28-29, 1967), May 1966-March 1967; n.d. | |
72 | 4 | West Coast, Minutes, Oct 1963-March 1967 | |
72 | 5 | West Coast, Working Document, April 1964-Oct 1965 | |
72 | 6 | Research and Strategy, Nov 1959 | |
72 | 7 | Research Commission, Dec 1950-July 1951 | |
72 | 8 | Restructuring of Department, Feb 1954-Feb 1957 | |
72 | 9 | Restructuring of Department, Jan 1958-Feb 1966 | |
72 | 10 | Restructuring of Department, Undated | |
72 | 11 | Russian Delegation, April-June 1956; n.d. | |
72 | 12 | California, Fresno, April 1956-March 1960 | |
72 | 12 | Florida, Tallahassee, Dec 1957 | |
72 | 12 | Georgia, Atlanta, Jan 1957-Dec 1958; n.d. | |
72 | 12 | Idaho, Moscow, April 1955-1960 | |
72 | 13 | Illinois, Carbondale, July 1951-Nov 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 13 | Illinois, Chicago, March 1956-June 1959 | |
72 | 14 | Illinois, Macomb, March 1954-Aug 1959; n.d. | |
72 | 15 | Iowa, Des Moines, Nov 1956-Feb 1957; n.d. | |
72 | 15 | Kansas, Wichita, Nov 1957-Feb 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 16 | Massachusetts, Cambridge, Oct-Dec 1957; n.d. | |
72 | 16 | Michigan, East Lansing, May 1954-May 1959; n.d. | |
72 | 16 | Michigan, Episcopal Diocese, June-Sept 1958 | |
72 | 16 | Montana, Missoula, Feb 1958-1960; n.d. | |
72 | 16 | New Hampshire, Durham, Jan 1958 May 1960 | |
72 | 17 | New Jersey, New Brunswick, April 1956-1960; n.d. | |
72 | 18 | New York, Brooklyn, 1955-Nov 1956 | |
72 | 18 | New York, Buffalo, June 1954-Oct 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 18 | New York, Cortland, Feb 1957-May 1960 | |
72 | 19 | New York, Freedonia, March 1958-March 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 19 | New York, Ithaca, March-Nov 1958; n.d. | |
72 | 19 | New York, Nassau County, March 1956-March 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 20 | New York, Troy, May 1954-March 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 21 | Ohio, Akron, Sept 1955-June 1960 | |
72 | 22 | Ohio, Bowling Green, April 1957-March 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 22 | Ohio, Cleveland, Sept 1957-Feb 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 23 | Ohio, Kent, March 1954-Feb 1960 | |
72 | 23 | Ohio, Oxford, Feb 1958-June 1959; n.d. | |
72 | 23 | Pennsylvania, Lincoln, June-Sept 1958 | |
72 | 23 | Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, May 1956-June 1959 | |
72 | 23 | Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, June 1955-June 1957 | |
72 | 24 | Personnel Procedures, Oct 1955-Dec 1959; n.d. | |
72 | 25 | Rhode Island, April 1957-May 1960 | |
72 | 26 | Texas, El Paso, Jan 1958 | |
72 | 26 | Texas, Episcopal Diocese, May 1957-May 1958; n.d. | |
72 | 26 | Texas, Kingsville, April 1956-Feb 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 27 | Utah, Salt Lake City, Dec 1957-Nov 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 28 | Washington, Bellingham, March 1957-March 1961; n.d. | |
72 | 28 | Washington, Cheney, April 1954-March 1960; n.d. | |
72 | 29 | Washington, DC, Nov 1956-May 1963 | |
72 | 29 | West Virginia, Oct 1958; n.d. | |
73 | 1 | Staff Meetings and Retreats, March 1953-Sept 1969 | |
73 | 2 | Administrative Committee, Sept 1926-May 1936 | |
73 | 3 | Advisory Council, April 1943-March 1957 | |
73 | 4 | Annual Reports, 1925-Sept 1941 | |
73 | 5 | Board of Directors, May 1941-Oct 1944 | |
73 | 6 | Board of Directors, Feb 1945-Sept 1949 | |
73 | 7 | Board of Directors, May 1950-April 1953 | |
73 | 8 | Board of Directors, Sept 1953-April 1956 | |
73 | 9 | Board of Directors, Oct 1956-April 1958 | |
73 | 10 | Board of Directors, Oct 1958-April 1959 | |
73 | 11 | Board of Trustees, Sept 1923-June 1940 | |
73 | 12 | Borden, William Whiting, Biography, Sept 1913 | Digital |
73 | 13 | Budget and Finance, March 1943-Dec 1948 | |
73 | 14 | Budget and Finance, Jan 1949-April 1954 | |
73 | 15 | Budget and Finance, May 1954-[1958?] | |
73 | 16 | Budget and Finance Committee, Jan 1949-1958 | |
73 | 17 | Business Committee, Jan 1927-May 1933 | |
73 | 18 | Bylaws, April-May 1953; n.d. | |
73 | 19 | Campbell, E. Fay, Jan-May 1951 | |
73 | 20 | Canadian Committee, Dec 1928-Jan 1930; n.d. | |
73 | 21 | Charter and Incorporation, April 1900-June 1952; n.d. | |
73 | 22 | Christian Horizons, Dec 1943-1945 | |
73 | 23 | Committee of Inquiry, Nov-Dec 1925 | |
73 | 24 | Conference-Centered Campus Visits, 1956; n.d. | |
73 | 25 | Corporation Meeting, April 1947-Oct 1962 | |
73 | 26 | Declaration Cards, Undated | |
73 | 27 | Ecumenical Mission Teams, April-June 1956 | |
73 | 28 | Executive Committee, Sept 1913-Dec 1922 | |
73 | 29 | Executive Committee, Feb 1923-Sept 1938 | |
73 | 30 | Executive Committee, May 1939-Nov 1948 | |
74 | 1 | Executive Committee, Jan 1950-March 1952 | |
74 | 2 | Executive Committee, April 1952-Oct 1958 | |
74 | 3 | Field Program Committee, June 1952-1958 | |
74 | 4 | Field Work Committee, April 1950-Dec 1951 | |
74 | 5 | Finance Committee, May 1940-Jan 1949 | |
74 | 6 | Financial Appeal Letters, Jan 1936-Jan 1939 | |
74 | 7 | General Committee, April 1937-Jan 1940 | |
74 | 8 | General Council, Jan-Sept 1926; n.d. | |
74 | 9 | Home Missions Council, Feb-April 1920 | |
74 | 10 | Horizons Abroad, Jan 1942-April 1943; n.d. | |
74 | 11 | Leaflets, Oct 1927-1955; n.d. | |
74 | 12 | Literature Committee, Oct 1948-March 1953 | |
74 | 13 | McClain, Raymond F., Oct-Dec 1951 | |
74 | 14 | Merger with NCC, Feb-April 1953; n.d. | |
74 | 15 | Michigan State Volunteer Union, March 1925-April 1932; n.d. | |
74 | 16 | Miscellaneous, 1897-May 1958; n.d. | |
74 | 17 | Missionary Volunteers, Undated | |
74 | 18 | National Finance Committee, Oct 1929-Oct 1931 | |
74 | 19 | Nominating Committee, Feb 1950-1958 | |
74 | 20 | North American Student Conference on Christian Frontiers, April-Oct 1947 | |
74 | 21 | The North American Student, April 1912-June 1918 | |
74 | 22 | Office Administration, Nov 1945-April 1953; n.d. | |
74 | 23 | Pamphlets, Jan 1920-1938 | |
74 | 24 | Pamphlets, Dec 1939-Aug 1944 | |
74 | 25 | Pamphlets, Oct 1944-[1958?]; n.d. | |
74 | 26 | Personnel Committee, Dec 1939-1958 | |
74 | 27 | "The Physical, Intellectual and Spiritual Life of the Secretary," Undated | |
74 | 28 | Policy Committee, Feb 1948-1958 | |
74 | 29 | Property Committee, March 1949 | |
74 | 30 | Quadrennial Conference Committees, Jan 1927-Sept 1958 | |
74 | 31 | Quadrennial Convention (9th), Indianapolis, Dec 1923-Jan 1924 | |
74 | 32 | Quadrennial Convention (9th), Indianapolis, Dec 1923-Jan 1924 | |
74 | 33 | Quadrennial Convention (11th), Buffalo, Dec 1931-Jan 1932 | |
74 | 34 | Quadrennial Convention (12th), Indianapolis, Dec 1935-Jan 1936 | |
74 | 35 | Relations with National Council of Churches, April 1949-1953 | |
74 | 36 | Southeastern Regional Office, June 1951 | |
74 | 37 | Staff Meetings, April 1952-Nov 1956 | |
74 | 38 | Standing Committee, Nov 1919-March 1926 | |
75 | 1 | "The Student Volunteer Movement for Christian Missions: Her Relationships to Other National Student Organizations," June 1954 | |
75 | 2 | "A Study of the Foreign Missionary Enterprise in the Life of the Student Christian Movement of the United States from 1806 to 1929," 1929 | |
75 | 3 | "A Study of the Nature and Role of the Student Volunteer Movement for Christian Missions," May 1950 | |
75 | 4 | World Mission of the Church, Student Planning Conference, Nov 1938-1943; n.d. | |
75 | 5 | Student Work, Merger Information, Sept 1956-March 1957; n.d. | |
75 | 6 | Theological Reflection on the Church's Task in Higher Education, March 1969 | |
75 | 7 | Theological Training in the Modern World, 1954 | |
75 | 8 | Triennial Report, 1960-1966 | |
75 | 9 | Trustees Conference, Feb 1957-1959 | |
75 | 10 | United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, Dec 1955-March 1958 | |
75 | 11 | United Campus Christian Fellowship, Sept 1959-Aug 1964 | |
75 | 12 | United Ministries in Higher Education, Feb-May 1967 | |
75 | 13 | Address Lists, March 1949-1953; n.d. | |
75 | 14 | Alumni, July 1953 | |
75 | 15 | American Baptist Convention, Nov 1950-March 1957 | |
75 | 16 | Annual Report, 1956-1958 | |
75 | 17 | Annual Report, 1958 | |
75 | 18 | Appeal Letters, Feb 1956-Dec 1957 | |
75 | 19 | Archives, Oct 1950-Dec 1952; n.d. | |
75 | 20 | Budget and Finance, Sept 1947-1954 | |
75 | 21 | Budget and Finance, March 1955-Aug 1957 | |
75 | 22 | Budget and Finance, Sept 1957-May 1959; n.d. | |
75 | 23 | Budget and Finance Committee, Nov 1947-Jan 1958; n.d. | |
75 | 24 | Calendar of Events, June 1956 | |
75 | 25 | Campus Coordinators, Aug 1957 | |
75 | 26 | Campus Strategy Committee, March 1948-Feb 1954; n.d. | |
75 | 27 | Campus Strategy Committee, Undated | |
75 | 28 | Church Student Work--Since 1938, Undated | |
75 | 29 | Church World Service, 1947-Aug 1952 | |
75 | 30 | Commission on Christian Higher Education, Administrative Committee Meeting, Dec 1956-Feb 1957 | |
75 | 31 | Committee on Cooperation in Latin America, Sept 1956-1958; n.d. | |
75 | 32 | Committee Structure, Jan 1949-1954; n.d. | |
75 | 33 | Communique Material, March 1949-Aug 1957; n.d. | |
75 | 34 | Conferences, Dec 1955-Sept 1958 | |
75 | 35 | Constitution and Bylaws, Sept 1944-1956; n.d. | |
75 | 36 | Correspondence, July 1948-[1954?] | |
75 | 37 | Correspondence, May 1955-Oct 1958 | |
75 | 38 | Critical Ratios, Feb-April 1956 | |
75 | 39 | Department of Campus Christian Life, June 1950-1957; n.d. | |
75 | 40 | Deschner, John, Nov 1952 | |
75 | 41 | Dialogue, Feb-March 1955; n.d. | |
75 | 42 | Disciples of Christ, Nov 1950-Sept 1957 | |
75 | 43 | Ecumenical Student Conference, Nov 1947-Dec 1948 | |
76 | 1 | Ecumenical Student Conference, Jan-March 1949; n.d. | |
76 | 2 | Ecumenical Voluntary Service, May 1953-Oct 1958; n.d. | |
76 | 3 | Edinburgh Student Christian Congress, April-July 1958; n.d. | |
76 | 4 | Exchange of Christian Youth Between the USSR and the United States, March- June 1956 | |
76 | 5 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Jan 1946-Feb 1955 | |
76 | 6 | Executive Committee, Minutes, May 1955-Sept 1956 | |
76 | 7 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Nov 1956-Dec 1958 | |
76 | 8 | Executive Committee, Miscellaneous, Oct 1947-May [1959?]; n.d. | |
76 | 9 | Financial Contributors, Undated | |
76 | 10 | General Assembly II, Sept 1945 | |
76 | 11 | General Assembly III, Oct 1946 | |
76 | 12 | General Assembly IV, Sept 1947 | |
76 | 13 | General Assembly V, July-Sept 1948 | |
76 | 14 | General Assembly VI, Aug-Oct 1949 | |
76 | 15 | General Assembly VII, Jan-Sept 1950 | |
76 | 16 | General Assembly VIII, Sept 1951 | |
76 | 17 | General Assembly IX, July-Sept 1952 | |
76 | 18 | General Assembly X, July-Oct 1953 | |
76 | 19 | General Assembly XI, Feb-Sept 1954 | |
76 | 20 | General Assembly XII, July-Sept 1955 | |
76 | 21 | General Assembly XII, Sept 1955 | |
76 | 22 | General Assembly XIII, Sept 1956 | |
76 | 23 | General Assembly XIV, Aug 1956-Aug 1957 | |
76 | 24 | General Assembly XIV, Sept 1957 | |
76 | 25 | General Assembly XV, June-July 1958 | |
76 | 26 | Graduate Student Committee, 1953-[1956?]; n.d. | |
76 | 27 | Hidden Subsidies, Aug-Nov 1956 | |
76 | 28 | Internal Revisions, Dec 1953; n.d. | |
76 | 29 | International Students, Sept 1954-July 1955 | |
76 | 30 | Interseminary Committee, April 1950 - Jan 1959 Folder 30 | |
76 | 31 | Jensen, Herluf M., Articles and Speeches, Nov 1954-Sept 1958; n.d. | |
76 | 32 | Jensen, Herluf M., Engagements, May 1956-Feb 1957 | |
76 | 33 | Jensen, Herluf M., Personal Correspondence, Aug 1953-Jan 1955; n.d. | |
76 | 34 | Kalamazoo Proposals, June 1952-May 1953; n.d. | |
76 | 35 | Lutheran Student Association of America, Nov 1949-March 1957 | |
76 | 36 | Lutheran Student Foundation of New York, May 1958-1959; n.d. | |
76 | 37 | Magazine, Dec 1949-May 1950; n.d. | |
76 | 38 | Medical School Questionnaire, Aug 1956-March 1957; n.d. | |
77 | 1 | Member Movements, Correspondence, Dec 1952-Sept 1956; n.d. | |
77 | 2 | Methodist Church, Oct 1949-June 1957 | |
77 | 3 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1944-[1958?]; n.d. | |
77 | 4 | Miscellaneous, Undated | |
77 | 5 | "A More Than Human Fellowship," Sept 1956; n.d. | |
77 | 6 | NCC Relations, May 1950-1953; n.d. | |
77 | 7 | National Conference of Christians and Jews, Oct 1956 | |
77 | 8 | National Student Christian Consultation, Dec 1944-Feb 1945 | |
77 | 9 | Niles, D.T. Aug 1954-Dec 1957 | |
77 | 10 | North American Conference on Faith and Order, Sept 1957 | |
77 | 11 | Organization Committee, Nov 1946-April 1948 | |
77 | 12 | Personnel Committee, April 1948-1952; n.d. | |
77 | 13 | Personnel Matters, Feb 1955-Dec 1956; n.d. | |
77 | 14 | Political and Social Affairs Commission, April-July 1958 | |
77 | 15 | Political Commission, 1952; n.d. | |
77 | 16 | Presbyterian Church in the United States, March 1950-March 1957 | |
77 | 17 | Presbyterian Church in the USA, Nov 1950-March 1957 | |
77 | 18 | Printed Matter, Jan 1952-1957 | |
77 | 19 | Printed Matter, Jan-Aug 1958 | |
77 | 20 | Printed Matter, 1958-March 1959 | |
77 | 21 | Printed Matter, April-Aug 1959; n.d. | |
77 | 22 | Protestant Episcopal Church, Nov 1950-April 1957 | |
77 | 23 | Publications Committee, April 1948 | |
77 | 24 | Quadrennial Convocation of Christian Colleges, May-June 1954; n.d. | |
77 | 25 | Religion in Higher Education Committee, April 1947-Jan 1956 | |
77 | 26 | "Religious Pluralism on the College Campus," Aug 1955 | |
77 | 27 | Reorganization of Commission on Christian Higher Education, April-Sept 1956; n.d. | |
77 | 28 | Rogers, Bill, May-Aug 1950; n.d. | |
77 | 29 | Small Colleges, Dec 1951-Dec 1953; n.d. | |
77 | 30 | Speaker's List, Feb 1955-Jan 1958 | |
77 | 31 | Staff Meetings, April-June 1956; n.d. | |
77 | 32 | Student Christian Movement of Canada, Oct 1956 | |
77 | 33 | Student Christian Movements, May 1947-April 1958; n.d. | |
77 | 34 | Student Christian Work, March 1948-July 1953; n.d. | |
77 | 35 | Student Volunteer Movement, Dec 1950-April 1954; n.d. | |
77 | 36 | Study Committee, Feb 1951-April 1957 | |
77 | 37 | Study Committee, June 1957-March 1959; n.d. | |
77 | 38 | United Student Fellowship, Sept 1950-March 1957 | |
77 | 39 | Universal Day of Prayer for Students, Oct 1951-Feb 1957 | |
77 | 40 | University Commission, Feb 1956-March 1958; n.d. | |
77 | 41 | Vienna Youth Festival, June-July 1959 | |
77 | 42 | World Student Christian Federation Committee, Oct 1945-June 1954; n.d. | |
77 | 43 | World Student Service Fund, Oct 1950-1951; n.d. | |
77 | 44 | World University Service, Aug 1951-Feb 1957; n.d. | |
77 | 45 | Worship Commission, April 1956-June 1958 Folder 45 | |
77 | 46 | Young Men's Christian Associations, Feb 1945-Aug 1958; n.d. | |
77 | 47 | Young Women's Christian Associations, Sept 1951-April 1957 | |
77 | 48 | University Christian Mission, July 1955-Nov 1958; n.d. | |
77 | 49 | University Christian Mission, Project Reports (2-12), 1960-1961 | |
78 | 1 | Advisory Council, Feb 1967-May 1969; n.d. | |
78 | 2 | Annual Assembly, June 1967-June 1968 | |
78 | 3 | Budget, Jan 1967-Jan 1970 | |
78 | 4 | Dissolution of National Organization, March-June 1969 | |
78 | 5 | Field Staff, Sept 1965-April 1968 | |
78 | 6 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1966-March 1967 | |
78 | 7 | Miscellaneous, April 1967-March 1968 | |
78 | 8 | Miscellaneous, April 1968-Oct 1969; n.d. | |
78 | 9 | Officers Meeting, Sept 1967 | |
78 | 10 | Personnel Committee, Feb-May 1967; n.d. | |
78 | 11 | Process '67, Oct 1966-Jan 1968; n.d. | |
78 | 12 | Publications, Feb 1967-April 1970; n.d. | |
78 | 13 | The University and World Change Consultations, Oct 1965-Aug 1967 | |
78 | 14 | The University and World Change Consultations, Undated | |
78 | 15 | What Is a Christian College?, Aug 1951-Dec 1952; n.d. | |
78 | 16 | Budget and Finance, Jan 1948-1956 | |
78 | 17 | Budget and Finance, Jan 1957-1960 | |
78 | 18 | Cantate Domino, Undated | |
78 | 19 | Directories, 1952-1959 | |
78 | 20 | The Essence of the Ecumenical Movement, Undated | |
78 | 21 | European-North American Consultation, Nov 1965-April 1967; n.d. | |
78 | 22 | Executive Committee, Beirut Meeting, 1969 | |
78 | 23 | Executive Committee, Beirut Meeting, 1969 | |
78 | 24 | Executive Committee, Beirut Meeting, 1969 | |
78 | 25 | Executive Committee, Berlin Meeting, Aug 1958-[1959?]; n.d. | |
78 | 26 | Executive Committee, Helsinki Meeting, Aug 1968 | |
78 | 27 | Executive Committee, Oxford Meeting, March-April 1958 | |
78 | 28 | Executive Committee, Prague Meeting, May 1967 | |
78 | 29 | The Federation in the World War, 1914-1918; 1940 | |
78 | 30 | Foundations and Mission Boards, Dec 1949-July 1952 | |
78 | 31 | General Committee, CĂ©ligny, Switzerland, Meeting, Aug 1946 | |
78 | 32 | General Committee, Tutzing, Germany, Meeting, Aug 1956 | |
79 | 1 | General Committee, Tutzing, Germany, Meeting, Aug 1956 | |
79 | 2 | General Committee, Tutzing, Germany, Meeting, Aug 1956 | |
79 | 3 | General Committee, Tutzing, Germany, Meeting, Aug 1956 | |
79 | 4 | General Committee, Whitby, Canada, Meeting, April-Aug 1949 | |
79 | 5 | General Committee, Whitby, Canada, Meeting, Aug-Nov 1949 | |
79 | 6 | Miscellaneous, Sept 1944-[1968?]; n.d. | |
79 | 7 | Nationalism in the Student World, May 1935 | |
79 | 8 | Papers and Programs, Sept 1962-June 1968; n.d. | |
79 | 9 | Political Commission, Jan-Aug 1951 | |
79 | 10 | Printed Matter, Sept 1938-March 1958; n.d. | |
79 | 11 | The S.C.M. in the Far Eastern Conflict, 1939 | |
79 | 12 | Sanary, France, Officers Meeting, Oct-Nov 1957 | |
79 | 13 | Student Evangelism, May 1935 | |
79 | 14 | Students Find the Truth to Serve, [1935?] | |
79 | 15 | Students, the Church and the Churches, Undated | |
79 | 16 | La Tâche Oecuménique des Associations Chretiennes d'Etudiants, May 1938 | |
79 | 17 | Ten Studies in the Gospel, 1938 | |
79 | 18 | Ut Omnes Unum Sint, Undated | |
79 | 19 | Witnessing to Jesus Christ--The Reconciler, 1956 | |
PART A: SUBJECT FILES, 1950-1974 | |||
80 | 1 | A, April 1959-Feb 1970 | |
80 | 2 | A, March-Dec 1970; n.d. | |
80 | 3 | Abels, Rev., Aug 1967; n.d. | |
80 | 4 | Adkins, Edward T., July 1963-May 1965; n.d. | |
80 | 5 | Adventure Time, March-May 1970 | |
80 | 6 | Adventuring in the Middle East, Oct 1972-April 1973; n.d. | |
80 | 7 | Affluence and Poverty, Aug 1961-June 1965 | |
80 | 8 | Affluence and Poverty, July-Oct 1965 | |
80 | 9 | Affluence and Poverty, Nov 1965-April 1967; n.d. | |
80 | 10 | Affluence and Poverty Articles, Jan-April 1966 | |
80 | 11 | Africa, Dec 1963-March 1969; n.d. | |
80 | 12 | Africa Committee, 1967-April 1969; n.d. | |
80 | 13 | Africa Film, April 1969-Nov 1970 | |
80 | 14 | Agnew, Edith J., June 1954-July 1966; n.d. | |
80 | 15 | Alpenfels, Ethel, Jan 1952-June 1956 | |
80 | 16 | American Bible Society, March-April 1967; n.d. | |
80 | 17 | American Library and Educational Service Company, Feb 1970 | |
80 | 18 | The Americas; How Many Worlds?, Anthology, Dec 1966-April 1969 | |
80 | 19 | The Americas; How Many Worlds?, Anthology, May 1969-March 1970 | |
80 | 20 | The Americas; How Many Worlds?, Basic Book, April 1967-March 1970 | |
80 | 21 | Anderson, Gerald H., Sept 1961-Dec 1970 | |
80 | 22 | Annual Announcement, 1951-1968 | |
80 | 23 | Annual Meeting, March 1955 | |
80 | 24 | Annual Meeting, April 1967 | |
80 | 25 | Annual Reports, 1950-1953 | |
80 | 26 | Annual Reports, 1954-1956 | |
80 | 27 | Annual Reports, 1957-1959 | |
80 | 28 | Annual Reports, 1960-1963 | |
80 | 29 | Annual Reports, 1964-1971 | |
80 | 30 | Archives, Oct 1960-Jan 1961 | |
80 | 31 | Armed Forces Curriculum, Oct 1965 | |
80 | 32 | Artwork Permissions, Aug 1967; n.d. | |
80 | 33 | Audio-Visual Committee, Correspondence, [1958?]-Dec 1968 | |
80 | 34 | Audio-Visual Committee, Minutes, March 1951-Sept 1958 | |
81 | 1 | Audio-Visual Committee, Minutes, Feb 1959-Nov 1965 | |
81 | 2 | Audio-Visual Communication Commission, Correspondence, Feb 1969-Jan 1971 | |
81 | 3 | Audio-Visual Communication Commission, Minutes, April 1970-March 1972 | |
81 | 4 | Audio-Visual Materials, Miscellaneous, June 1951-Sept 1953 | |
81 | 5 | Augsburg, Feb-April 1970 | |
81 | 6 | Authors, Information Forms and Guidelines, April 1961-1968; n.d. | |
81 | 7 | B, April 1959-1968?] | |
81 | 8 | B, Jan 1969-1970 | |
81 | 9 | Baptist Leader, Aug 1969 | |
81 | 10 | Baptist Sunday School Board, April 1970 | |
81 | 11 | Barbieri, Sante U., May 1960-Oct 1961; n.d. | |
81 | 12 | Barndt, Joseph R., Dec 1966-June 1969 | |
81 | 13 | Bash, Ewald, Oct 1970-April 1973 | |
81 | 14 | Beiler, Edna, April 1963-March 1964; n.d. | |
81 | 15 | Bennett, Gordon C., July 1971-Jan 1974; n.d. | |
81 | 16 | Billings, Peggy, June 1961-Feb 1963; n.d. | |
81 | 17 | Biographical Books, Third Series, June 1954-June 1969 | |
81 | 18 | Biographical Books, Third Series, July 1969-Oct 1971 | |
81 | 19 | Blanton, Catherine, May 1961-May 1962 | |
81 | 20 | Board of Managers, Membership, March 1951-March 1972 | |
81 | 21 | Board of Managers, Minutes, Nov 1950-April 1953 | |
81 | 22 | Board of Managers, Minutes, Sept 1953-May 1955 | |
81 | 23 | Board of Managers, Minutes, Sept 1955-Sept 1957 | |
81 | 24 | Board of Managers, Minutes, March 1958-Sept 1959 | |
81 | 25 | Board of Managers, Minutes, March 1960-March 1962 | |
81 | 26 | Board of Managers, Minutes, Oct 1962-April 1967 | |
81 | 27 | Board of Managers, Minutes, Oct 1967-Oct 1969 | |
81 | 28 | Board of Managers, Minutes, March-Oct 1970 | |
81 | 29 | Bonthius, Robert H., Oct 1971-1972; n.d. | |
81 | 30 | Booklist, Aug-Nov 1969 | |
81 | 31 | Bookstore Journal, Jan-April 1970 | |
81 | 32 | Brattain, Miriam, Dec 1965-March 1967; n.d. | |
82 | 1 | Broadcasting and Film Commission, May 1967-April 1970 | |
82 | 2 | Bro - Dart, Inc., Aug 1969-May 1970 | |
82 | 3 | Bryan, Wayne, Jan 1971-Nov 1972; n.d. | |
82 | 4 | Buck Hill Falls Meeting, Jan-March 1962 | |
82 | 5 | Buma, Kyoji, April 1963-March 1967; n.d. | |
82 | 6 | Bylaws, Nov 1950-Feb 1968 | |
82 | 7 | C, July 1954-Dec 1970; n.d. | |
82 | 8 | Canada, Nov 1963-April 1965; n.d. | |
82 | 9 | Catalog, Feb 1971-April 1973; n.d. | |
82 | 10 | Catalog, Undated | |
82 | 11 | Catalog Card Numbers, Undated | |
82 | 12 | Chain, Beverly, May 1961-April 1962; n.d. | |
CHINA | |||
82 | 13 | Bates Symposium, Basic Book, May 1966-May 1968 | |
82 | 14 | Bates Symposium, Basic Book, June 1968-May 1969; n.d. | |
82 | 15 | China Consultation, April 1967-May 1968; n.d. | |
82 | 16 | China Profile, Nov 1968-Jan 1969; n.d. | |
82 | 17 | China Study Packet, March 1967 | |
82 | 18 | Devotional Leaflet, 1953-Aug 1968 | |
82 | 19 | Devotional Leaflet, Sept 1968-April 1969; n.d. | |
82 | 20 | Leader's Guide, Jan 1967-Feb 1969 | |
82 | 21 | Magazine, Feb 1966-May 1969; n.d. | |
82 | 22 | Map, Sept 1967-Jan 1969; n.d. | |
82 | 23 | This Is China Today, June 1967-Feb 1969 | |
82 | 24 | Toward Understanding China and the Chinese People, May 1966-May 1969; n.d. | |
82 | 25 | The Christian, Dec 1969 | |
82 | 26 | Christian Board of Publication, March 1970 | |
82 | 27 | Christian Life Publications, April 1970 | |
82 | 28 | The Chronicle of Higher Education, March 1970 | |
82 | 29 | Cincinnati Public Schools, April 1970 Folder 29 | |
82 | 30 | Cobb, Alice, July 1956 - June 1963; n.d. Folder 30 | |
82 | 31 | Cokesbury, Jan - May 1970; n.d. Folder 31 | |
82 | 32 | Combined Book Exhibit, Sept 1969 - 1970; n.d. Folder 32 | |
82 | 33 | Commission for Adults, Oct 1971 - March 1972 Folder 33 | |
82 | 34 | Commission for Films, Correspondence, April 1966 - July 1969 Folder 34 | |
82 | 35 | Commission for Films, Correspondence, Aug 1969 - Nov 1971; n.d. Folder 35 | |
82 | 36 | Commission for Films, Minutes, March 1966 - April 1970 Folder 36 | |
82 | 37 | Commission for Youth, March 1972 Folder 37 | |
82 | 38 | Committee on the Annual Meeting, Aug 1968 - 1969 Folder 38 | |
82 | 39 | Committee on the Study of Ecumenical Education, Feb - Aug 20, 1955 | |
83 | 1 | Committee on the Study of Ecumenical Education, Aug 22-Sept 1955 | |
83 | 2 | Committee on the Study of Ecumenical Education, Oct 1955-March 1956; n.d. | |
83 | 3 | Cooper, Mattie L., March 1962-May 1963; n.d. | |
83 | 4 | Copland, Margaret L., June 1961-March 1962 | |
83 | 5 | Cramer, Robert F., Jan-March 1968; n.d. | |
83 | 6 | Crane, Emeline, March 1968-Feb 1971 | |
83 | 7 | "Crescendo," Races and Reconciliation, Aug 1965-July 1968 | |
83 | 8 | Currier, Alvin C., July 1968-Nov 1969 | |
83 | 9 | D, June 1962-Jan 1971; n.d. | |
83 | 10 | DPS, May-Dec 1965 | |
83 | 11 | Dahlberg, Edwin T., June 1961-May 1962 | |
83 | 12 | Daniels, George M., Sept 1962-June 1964; n.d. | |
83 | 13 | de Dietrich, Suzanne, 1962-Jan 1965 | |
83 | 14 | Detroit News, April-May 1970 | |
83 | 15 | Devandan, Paul D., April 1962-Aug 1963; n.d. | |
83 | 16 | Dodd, Edward M., April 1959-Dec 1965; n.d. | |
83 | 17 | Dodds, Elisabeth, Dec 1963-[1966?] | |
83 | 18 | Douglass, Bruce, Jan-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
83 | 19 | Drama Committee, Sept 1951-Sept 1959 | |
83 | 20 | Drama Committee, March 1960-1965 | |
83 | 21 | DuKane, 1970 | |
83 | 22 | E, Nov 1964-Dec 1970 | |
83 | 23 | Eastman, Addison J., June 1962-June 1963; n.d. | |
83 | 24 | Eastman, Frances, May-Oct 1959 | |
83 | 25 | Ecumenical World Seminar, Feb-Sept 1969; n.d. | |
83 | 26 | Eden - Heidelberg Bookstore, Feb 1970 | |
83 | 27 | Edinburgh House Press, 1964-April 1967 | |
83 | 28 | Editorial Department, April 1958; n.d. | |
83 | 29 | Editors' Associated Section, Jan 1968-Jan 1969 | |
83 | 30 | Editors' Associated Section, Feb 1969-Feb 1970 | |
83 | 31 | Education for Mission, May-June 1968 | |
83 | 32 | Education for Mission, Resource Material, March 1957-Jan 1967; n.d. | |
83 | 33 | Edwards, Mary M., July 1963; n.d. | |
83 | 34 | Escourido, Joseph, Nov 1955; n.d. | |
83 | 35 | Everett, Harvey A., April 1960-July 1961; n.d. | |
83 | 36 | Executive Committee, Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1972 | |
83 | 37 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Feb 1951-March 1955 | |
83 | 38 | Executive Committee, Minutes, April 1955-March 1958 | |
83 | 39 | Executive Committee, Minutes, May 1958-Jan 1961 | |
83 | 40 | Executive Committee, Minutes, April 1961-March 1963 | |
83 | 41 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Oct 1963-Oct 1965 | |
83 | 42 | Executive Committee, Minutes, March 1966-Jan 1968 | |
83 | 43 | Executive Committee, Minutes, March 1968-Oct 1969 | |
83 | 44 | Executive Committee, Minutes, Jan-Oct 1972 | |
84 | 1 | F, March 1958-Jan 1971 | |
84 | 2 | Fall Meetings, Sept 1962-Oct 1972 | |
84 | 3 | Fey, Harold E., Nov 1964-April 1966; n.d | |
84 | 4 | Finance Committee, Jan 1951-May 1953 | |
84 | 5 | Finance Committee, Sept 1953-Oct 1958 | |
84 | 6 | Finance Committee, Feb 1959-March 1963 | |
84 | 7 | Finance Committee, May 1963-Nov 1969 | |
84 | 8 | Financial Reports, Feb 1965-Dec 1966 | |
84 | 9 | Financial Reports, Feb 1967-Nov 1971 | |
84 | 10 | Florida Central East Coast Educational Television, June 1970 | |
84 | 11 | Focus: 70's Newsletter, April 1970 | |
84 | 12 | Foreign Policy Association, Jan 1964-1967; n.d. | |
84 | 13 | Foreign Themes Subcommittee, Feb 1954-Oct 1961 | |
84 | 14 | Forman, Charles W., July 1963-April 1964; n.d. | |
84 | 15 | Foster, Virgil, April 1960-Oct 1961; n.d. | |
84 | 16 | Fun and Festival from India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Nepal, Jan-July 1971; n.d. | |
84 | 17 | G, May 1964-Dec 1970 | |
84 | 18 | Garhart, Marjore, Aug 1972 | |
84 | 19 | General Books Program, Dec 1965-March 1967; n.d. | |
84 | 20 | Germany, Charles H., Nov 1965-Oct 1967; n.d. | |
84 | 21 | Gill, Theodore, June 1959-Nov 1962 | |
84 | 22 | Grant, Fern B., March 1959-Aug 1962; n.d. | |
84 | 23 | Green, Dana S., May 19-Feb 1970; n.d. | |
84 | 24 | Grimes, Howard, March 1963-Feb 1965; n.d. | |
84 | 25 | Gripe, Elizabeth, Nov 1968-1971; n.d. | |
84 | 26 | H, May 1954-1968 | |
84 | 27 | H, Jan 1969-Dec 1970 | |
84 | 28 | Hall, Kenneth F., May 1961-Feb 1962; n.d. | |
84 | 29 | Halvorson, Loren E., Sept 1970-June 1971 | |
84 | 30 | Halvorson, Loren E., July 1971-March 1972; n.d. | |
84 | 31 | Harrington, Janette T., June 1961-June 1962; n.d. | |
84 | 32 | Haselden, Kyle, Sept 1963-Oct 1964; n.d. | |
84 | 33 | Hathaway, Lulu, Jan 1963-April 1964; n.d. | |
84 | 34 | Heads Bowed Together, July-Sept 1965 | |
84 | 35 | Heads Bowed Together, Oct 1965-Aug 1966 | |
84 | 36 | Henderson, John, Feb-April 1968 | |
84 | 37 | Herkner, Robert, Sept-Oct 1969 | |
84 | 38 | Hermann, Mildred M., April 1960-Feb 1962; n.d. | |
84 | 39 | Hero, Alfred O., Nov 1969-May 1970; n.d. | |
84 | 40 | Herr, Arba O., Dec 1971-Sept 1972; n.d. | |
85 | 1 | Hill, Marilynne, Oct 1970-March 1972; n.d. | |
85 | 2 | Hilton, Bruce, March 1962-March 1964; n.d. | |
85 | 3 | Hockin, Katharine, June 1961-Dec 1963 | |
85 | 4 | Hogg, Richey, Aug 1959-June 1961 | |
85 | 5 | Home Themes Subcommittee, Feb 1954-Oct 1961 | |
85 | 6 | "Hop, Skip and Oz," 1967 | |
85 | 7 | Horvath, Theodore S., June 1969-May 1971 | |
85 | 8 | How Churches Grow, April 1963-Jan 1968 | |
85 | 9 | How the Word Gets Around, Basic Book, Jan 1967-July 1969 | |
85 | 10 | How the Word Gets Around, Basic Book, Aug 1969-May 1970; n.d. | |
85 | 11 | How the Word Gets Around, Bible Study, Jan 1967-May 1969 | |
85 | 12 | How the Word Gets Around, Bible Study, June 1969-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
85 | 13 | How the Word Gets Around, Film, April-Dec 1969 | |
85 | 14 | How the Word Gets Around, "God Is Mein Fuehrer," Nov 1966-June 1971; n.d. | |
85 | 15 | Howard, Wilbur K., March 1961-July 1962; n.d. | |
85 | 16 | Hull, Eleanor, April 1950-April 1964; n.d. | |
85 | 17 | I, Dec 1960-March 1972 | |
85 | 18 | Ikeler, Bernard C., March 1963-Jan 1965; n.d. | |
85 | 19 | India Film, 1970-Sept 1971; n.d. | |
85 | 20 | India Play, Oct 1970-March 1971; n.d. | |
85 | 21 | Indonesia: Church and Society, April 1967-Nov 1968 | |
85 | 22 | J, June 1961-Dec 1970 | |
85 | 23 | Janssen, Lawrence H., Feb 1962-July 1963; n.d. | |
85 | 24 | Jastram, Jane, Aug 1964; n.d. | |
85 | 25 | Jeffries, Virginia M., April 1960-May 1961; n.d. | |
85 | 26 | Jewish-Christian Dialogues, May 1965-June 1966 | |
85 | 27 | Johnson, Byron L., April 1964-Aug 1967; n.d. | |
85 | 28 | Johnson, Ronald K., Feb 1967-May 1969; n.d. | |
85 | 29 | Joint Committee on Missionary Summer Conferences, Sept 1951-Jan 1955 | |
85 | 30 | Jones, Francis P., 1957-June 1966; n.d. | |
85 | 31 | K, May 1963-Dec 1970 | |
85 | 32 | Kaiser, Ward L., May 1969-Aug 1971 | |
85 | 33 | Karefa-Smart, John and Rena, July-Nov 1958 | |
85 | 34 | Kelsey, Alice G., June 1959-Oct 1964; n.d. | |
85 | 35 | Kepple, Ella H., 1957-June 1961; n.d. | |
85 | 36 | Kimmel, Ted, June-July 1963; n.d. | |
85 | 37 | Kisch, Ernst, April 1953-Feb 1968; n.d. | |
85 | 38 | Kitagawa, Daisuke, April 1963-Aug 1964; n.d. | |
85 | 39 | Kramer, Leonard J., March 1962-Feb 1965 | |
85 | 40 | Krause, Edmund, Sept 1972 | |
85 | 41 | L, March 1962-Dec 1970; n.d. | |
85 | 42 | Latin America, One Hemisphere-Many Cultures, July 1963-June 1969; n.d. | |
85 | 43 | Latin America Committees, Dec 1964-Dec 1966 | |
85 | 44 | Latin America Committees, 1966-June 1969 | |
85 | 45 | Latin America Film, Jan Dec 1969; n.d. | |
85 | 46 | Leadership Training Committee, Minutes, March-Sept 1958 | |
85 | 47 | Leard, G. Earl, March 1962-June 1963 | |
85 | 48 | Lee, Amy, Undated | |
86 | 1 | Levai, Blaise, Nov 1970-Feb 1973; n.d. | |
86 | 2 | Library and Book News, 1969 | |
86 | 3 | Listeners' Club, 1952-1968; n.d. | |
86 | 4 | Liturgy, April 1970 | |
86 | 5 | Living As a Christian, March 1964-1965; n.d. | |
86 | 6 | Living Room Dialogues, Dec 1967-Dec 1969 | |
86 | 7 | Loeffler, Paul, Sept 1964; n.d. | |
86 | 8 | Lutheran Witness, Feb 1970 | |
86 | 9 | Lutterworth Press, March 1966-1969 | |
86 | 10 | M, April 1959-1967 | |
86 | 11 | M, Jan 1968-April 1970 | |
86 | 12 | M, May 1970-Sept 1971; n.d. | |
86 | 13 | "Make and Do," May 1972-March 1973; n.d. | |
86 | 14 | Majorana Mortgage, Jan 1951-April 1953 | |
86 | 15 | Martinez, Rafael, July 1963-Aug 1964; n.d. | |
86 | 16 | Marty, Martin E., April 1963-Jan 1965 | |
86 | 17 | Mate Selection and Courtship Around the World, Undated | |
86 | 18 | Matson, Theodore E., June 1960-July 1961; n.d. | |
86 | 19 | Mays, Benjamin E., June 1956-July 1964 | |
86 | 20 | Maze of Peace, Feb-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
86 | 21 | McCorkle, Henry L., April 1960-June 1961; n.d. | |
86 | 22 | McDonnel, Lois E., July 1956-Jan 1963 | |
86 | 23 | McGavran, Grace W., Aug 1955-July 1966; n.d. | |
86 | 24 | McIntyre, Michael and Ng, David, Dec 1970-Jan 1972 | |
86 | 25 | Michael, Thomas, May-Oct 1969; n.d. | |
86 | 26 | Middle East, Time Bomb in the Middle East, July 1967-1969; n.d. | |
86 | 27 | Middle East Material, Nov 1962-1967 | |
86 | 28 | Middle East Material, July 1968-Oct 1972; n.d. | |
86 | 29 | Mild, Warren, Undated | |
86 | 30 | Millen, Nina, June 1961-Sept 1964; n.d. | |
86 | 31 | Mission Education Section, Feb 1960-April 1969 | |
86 | 32 | Missionary Education of Adults, May 1951-April 1955 | |
86 | 33 | Missionary Education of Adults, Sept 1955-Sept 1957 | |
86 | 34 | Missionary Education of Adults, March 1958-March 1960 | |
86 | 35 | Missionary Education of Adults, Sept 1960-Oct 1963 | |
86 | 36 | Missionary Education of Adults, March 1964-March 1965 | |
86 | 37 | Missionary Education of Children, April 1951-Oct 1952 | |
86 | 38 | Missionary Education of Children, March 1953-Nov 1954 | |
87 | 1 | Missionary Education of Children, March 1955-March 1956 | |
87 | 2 | Missionary Education of Children, Sept 1956-Sept 1957 | |
87 | 3 | Missionary Education of Children, March 1958-April 1959 | |
87 | 4 | Missionary Education of Children, Sept 1959-Sept 1960 | |
87 | 5 | Missionary Education of Children, April 1961-Oct 1962 | |
87 | 6 | Missionary Education of Children, March-Oct 1963 | |
87 | 7 | Missionary Education of Children, March-Sept 1964 | |
87 | 8 | Missionary Education of Children, March-Sept 1965 | |
87 | 9 | Missionary Education of Children, March-Oct 1966 | |
87 | 10 | Missionary Education of Children, March - Oct 1967 | |
87 | 11 | Missionary Education of Children, March 1968-June 1969 | |
87 | 12 | Missionary Education of Children, Oct 1969 | |
87 | 13 | Missionary Education of Young People, April 1951-April 1953 | |
87 | 14 | Missionary Education of Young People, Sept 1953-April 1955 | |
87 | 15 | Missionary Education of Young People, Sept 1955-April 1957 | |
87 | 16 | Missionary Education of Young People, Sept 1957-April 1959 | |
87 | 17 | Missionary Education of Young People, Sept 1959-Sept 1960 | |
87 | 18 | Missionary Education of Young People, April 1961-Oct 1962 | |
87 | 19 | Missionary Education of Young People, March 1963-Oct 1964 | |
88 | 1 | Missionary Education of Young People, March 1965-March 1966 | |
88 | 2 | Missionary Education of Young People, Oct 1966-Oct 1967 | |
88 | 3 | Missionary Education of Young People, March 1968-April 1969 | |
88 | 4 | The Missionary Movement from Britain in Modern History, 1965 | |
88 | 5 | The Missionary Seer, April 1970 | |
88 | 6 | Mississippi Delta Ministry, May 1966 | |
88 | 7 | Moffett, Samuel H., Sept 1952-Nov 1963; n.d. | |
88 | 8 | Moomaw, I.W., Feb-Aug 1963; n.d. | |
88 | 9 | The Moravian, Feb 1970 | |
88 | 10 | N, April 1959-Dec 1970 | |
88 | 11 | National Student Christian Federation, April 1960-1966; n.d. | |
88 | 12 | New Forms of Mission, Film, July 1966-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
88 | 13 | New Forms of Mission, Record, Jan 1967-March 1968 | |
88 | 14 | New Forms of Mission, Study-Action Guide, April 1966-March 1968 | |
88 | 15 | New Forms of Mission, Worship Book, Dec 1963-May 1966 | |
88 | 16 | New Forms of Mission, Worship Book, June 1966-Sept 1967 | |
88 | 17 | New Forms of Mission, Worship Book, Oct 1967-May 1969 | |
88 | 18 | The New Generation in Africa, 1963-Feb 1968 | |
88 | 19 | The New Generation in Africa, March 1968-Jan 1970; n.d. | |
88 | 20 | The New Music and Arts Exchange, March-April 1970 | |
88 | 21 | Ng, David, Sept 1969-May 1972; n.d. | |
88 | 22 | Northfield Missionary Conference, March 1951-1955 | |
88 | 23 | Northwest Conference, Oct 1958-June 1971 | |
88 | 24 | O, Oct 1962-Dec 1970 | |
88 | 25 | Occasional Bulletin, Dec 1965-Dec 1971; n.d. | |
88 | 26 | Operating Statements, Dec 1958-Oct 1966 | |
88 | 27 | Order Department, July 1963-March 1966; n.d. | |
88 | 28 | Overseas Correspondence, Aug 1958-Dec 1970 | |
88 | 29 | P, April 1959-June 1971 | |
88 | 30 | Pandas in the Park, March-April 1972; n.d. | |
88 | 31 | Paton, Alan, Undated | |
88 | 32 | Patterson, Wilbur, Oct 1970-April 1972; n.d. | |
89 | 1 | Personnel, April 1966-[1967?] | |
89 | 2 | Personnel, Jan 1968-March 1970; n.d. | |
89 | 3 | Petersen, Melba, July 1953-Feb 1961 | |
89 | 4 | Philppines, 1968; n.d. | |
89 | 5 | Picture Map of Bible Lands Today, Aug-Oct 1957; n.d. | |
89 | 6 | Points of Entry, June 1971-Aug 1973; n.d. | |
89 | 7 | Policy and Procedure, Oct 1961-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
89 | 8 | Postwar Indochina, Nov 1971-Aug 1972; n.d. | |
89 | 9 | Powell, Devereux, March 1969-June 1970 | |
89 | 10 | Powell, Robert R., May 1962-July 1963; n.d. | |
89 | 11 | The Power Picture, Oct 1969-Dec 1973; n.d. | |
89 | 12 | Prairie Conference, April 1963-Sept 1967 | |
89 | 13 | The Presbyterian Outlook, Feb 1970 | |
89 | 14 | Prichard, Norman and Marianna, July 1956 | |
89 | 15 | Procedures Committee, March 1960-April 1965 | |
89 | 16 | Promotion Budget, Feb 1959-March 1963 | |
89 | 17 | Promotion Committee, March 1958-Oct 1963 | |
89 | 18 | Promotion Materials, 1950-1952 | |
89 | 19 | Promotion Materials, July 1953-1956 | |
89 | 20 | Promotion Materials, 1957-Dec 1960 | |
89 | 21 | Promotion Materials, 1960-1963 | |
89 | 22 | Promotion Materials, March 1964-1968 | |
89 | 23 | Promotion Materials, March 1969-1972 | |
89 | 24 | Promotion Materials, Undated | |
89 | 25 | Promotion Materials, Undated | |
89 | 26 | Promotion Materials, Undated | |
89 | 27 | Protestant Men of the Chapel, 1970 | |
89 | 28 | Protestant Women of the Chapel, Nov 1963-May 1966 | |
89 | 29 | Public Affairs Committee, 1967; n.d. | |
89 | 30 | Publishers' Weekly, Feb-March 1970; n.d. | |
89 | 31 | Punctured Preconceptions, Dec 1971-[1972?] | |
90 | 1 | Publication Records, July 1950-[1952?] | |
90 | 2 | Publication Records, Jan 1953-Dec 1954 | |
90 | 3 | Publication Records, Jan-Dec 1955 | |
90 | 4 | Publication Records, Jan-Dec 1956 | |
90 | 5 | Publication Records, Jan-Dec 1957 | |
90 | 6 | Publication Studies, Dec 1953-Dec 1965; n.d. | |
90 | 7 | Purvis, Juanita, April 1960-May 1961; n.d. | |
90 | 8 | Pyke, James H., Dec 1964-Feb 1969 | |
90 | 9 | R, April 1959-Dec 1970 | |
90 | 10 | Race Relations, Sept 1963-March 1964; n.d. | |
90 | 11 | Ranck, Lee, May 1963-May 1964; n.d. | |
90 | 12 | Ranck Dinner, Feb-April 1967; n.d. | |
90 | 13 | Reconciliation in a Broken World, April 1966-[1967?] | |
90 | 14 | Reconciliation in a Broken World, Jan-Sept 1968 | |
90 | 15 | Reconciliation in a Broken World, Oct 1968-July 1970; n.d. | |
90 | 16 | Reconciliation in a Broken World, Contemporary Art by Afro-Americans, Aug 1967-April 1969; n.d. | |
90 | 17 | Reconciliation in a Broken World, Creative Dramatic Movement, June 1967- April 1969; n.d. | |
90 | 18 | Reconciliation in a Broken World, Ecumenical Drama, Feb 1966-[1968?] | |
90 | 19 | Reconciliation in a Broken World, Dramatic Discussion Starters, June 1967- March 1969; n.d. | |
90 | 20 | Rejected File, Feb 1970 | |
90 | 21 | Religion in American Life, June 1970 | |
90 | 22 | Religion Teacher's Journal, April 1970 | |
90 | 23 | Religious Book Guide, March 1970 | |
90 | 24 | Reprint and Rebind Records, A-F, 1955-1963 | |
90 | 25 | Reprint and Rebind Records, G-M, 1955-1963 | |
90 | 26 | Reprint and Rebind Records, Maps-S, 1955-1963 | |
90 | 27 | Reprint and Rebind Records, T-Y, 1955-1963 | |
90 | 28 | Review Copy Requests, Dec 1969-Feb 1970; n.d. | |
91 | 1 | Rhee, Song Nai, March 1971-April 1973; n.d. | |
91 | 2 | Rice, Richard, April 1964-April 1965 | |
91 | 3 | Rinden, Gertrude J., Feb 1953-June 1963 | |
91 | 4 | Rocky Mountain Conference, April 1960-1963 | |
91 | 5 | Rocky Mountain Conference, Feb 1966-July 1971; n.d. | |
91 | 6 | Root, Robert, June 1956-April 1965; n.d. | |
91 | 7 | Rossman, Vern, Aug 1965-[1966?] | |
91 | 8 | Rowland, Stanley, Dec 1963-Jan 1965; n.d. | |
91 | 9 | Roy, Andrew T., Sept 1960-March 1966; n.d. | |
91 | 10 | Rutenber, Culbert G., Jan-March 1968; n.d. | |
91 | 11 | S, April 1959-Dec 1968 | |
91 | 12 | S, Jan 1969-Dec 1970; n.d. | |
91 | 13 | Sales Reports, Oct 1964-Dec 1966 | |
91 | 14 | Sales Study, March 1966 | |
91 | 15 | Saturday Review, Feb 1970 | |
91 | 16 | Sayre, Leslie C., May 1963-Sept 1964; n.d. | |
91 | 17 | Schell, Mildred, May 1961-Feb 1962 | |
91 | 18 | Scholes, William E., May 1965-Dec 1966 | |
91 | 19 | School Library Journal, Undated | |
91 | 20 | Scottish Institute of Missionary Studies, April 1970 | |
91 | 21 | Scovel, Myra and Ragland, Phillda, March 1962-March 1970; n.d. | |
91 | 22 | Servicenter Pricing Study, Oct 1962 | |
91 | 23 | Setiloane, Gabriel M., Aug 1967-Feb 1970; n.d. | |
91 | 24 | Shearman, John and Kaiser, Ward L., Dec 1965-Jan 1966 | |
91 | 25 | Silver Bay Committee, Jan 1951-Oct 1965 | |
91 | 26 | Silver Bay Conference, Nov 1962-July 1970 | |
91 | 27 | Smalley, William A., Undated | |
91 | 28 | Solon, Gidada, June 1971-Feb 1972 | |
91 | 29 | Southeast Asia, Cultural Expressions Piece, May 1966-1968 | |
91 | 30 | Southeast Asia, Guide, June 1966-Nov 1967 | |
91 | 31 | Southeast Asia, Recording, Oct 1965-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
91 | 32 | Southeast Asia, Symposium, Jan 1966-June 1967 | |
91 | 33 | Southeast Asia, Symposium, July 1967-Feb 1969 | |
91 | 34 | Southwest Conference on the Christian World Mission, Sept 1952-Sept 1960 | |
91 | 35 | Southwest Conference on the Christian World Mission, Jan 1961-June 1969 | |
91 | 36 | Spae, Joseph, Aug 1968-March 1969 | |
91 | 37 | Spencer, Steven and Mary, June 1961-July 1963; n.d. | |
91 | 38 | Stackhouse, Max L., March 1968-[1969?] | |
91 | 39 | Staff Reports and Assignments, Jan 1968-Aug 1969 | |
91 | 40 | Stock Reduction Outlets, Jan-April 1970 | |
91 | 41 | Stokes, Olivia P., March 1967-June 1969 | |
92 | 1 | Stokes Books, Resource Materials, July 1967-Feb 1970; n.d. | |
92 | 2 | Stokes Books, Resource Materials, Undated | |
92 | 3 | Stowe, David M., May 1959-Sept 1963; n.d. | |
92 | 4 | Student Christian Movement Press, Oct 1957-Dec 1970 | |
92 | 5 | Study Themes, Dec 1954-Feb 1972; n.d. | |
92 | 6 | Summer Mission Conferences, 1967-1972; n.d. | |
92 | 7 | T, June 1961-Dec 1970 | |
92 | 8 | Takenaka, Masao, June 1957-April 1967; n.d. | |
92 | 9 | Task Force on Justice, Liberation and Development, Feb 1970-March 1973 | |
92 | 10 | Taylor, Betty Jo, June 1963-June 1964; n.d. | |
92 | 11 | Taylor, Richard W., April 1962-May 1964; n.d. | |
92 | 12 | Technology, Aug 1968-June 1969; n.d. | |
92 | 13 | Technology Committee, April 1967-May 1968; n.d. | |
92 | 14 | Technology Film, May 1969-June 1970 | |
92 | 15 | "Themes for Denominational Use," Articles, April 1961-Oct 1968 | |
92 | 16 | Theology Digest, 1969 | |
92 | 17 | Thomas, M.M., Aug 1954-May 1962 | |
92 | 18 | Tower, Grace, April 1960 | |
92 | 19 | Trade Catalog Copy, Undated | |
92 | 20 | Twentieth Century Americans of Negro Lineage, Nov 1964-May 1969; n.d. | |
92 | 21 | U, Dec 1964-Nov 1970 | |
92 | 22 | United Methodist Church, Jan 1970; n.d. | |
92 | 23 | United States Government, Sept 1958 - Nov 1967 | |
92 | 24 | Unrest on the Campus, Jan-Sept 1969 | |
92 | 25 | Unrest on the Campus, Oct 1969-July 1970 | |
92 | 26 | Update, 1970 | |
92 | 27 | V, Jan 1966-Oct 1971; n.d. | |
92 | 28 | Vander Kolk, Justin, July 1971-April 1972; n.d. | |
92 | 29 | Vaux, Kenneth L., June 1971-[1972?]; n.d. | |
92 | 30 | Voices of Protest and Hope, Aug 1964-Jan 1965 | |
92 | 31 | Voices of Portest and Hope, Feb - July 1965; n.d. | |
92 | 32 | W, Jan 1954-Dec 1969 | |
92 | 33 | W, Jan-Dec 1970 | |
92 | 34 | War Crimes, Jan 1972-June 1973; n.d. | |
92 | 35 | Waugaman, Charles A., Undated | |
92 | 36 | Webb, Muriel S., Dec 1960-May 1962; n.d. | |
92 | 37 | Weeks, Dorothy L., Dec 1967-Nov 1970 | |
92 | 38 | Wilson, J. Christy, May 1956-[1970?]; n.d. | |
92 | 39 | World Council of Churches, March 1956-Dec 1963 | |
93 | 1 | World Council of Churches, Jan 1964-Dec 1967 | |
93 | 2 | World Council of Churches, Jan 1968-Nov 1970 | |
93 | 3 | World Council of Churches, Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Dec 1963 | |
93 | 4 | World Council of Churches, Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, Dec 1963 | |
93 | 5 | World Dominion Press, March 1960-Aug 1966 | |
93 | 6 | Wright, Anna R., April 1961-June 1962; n.d. | |
93 | 7 | Yates, Elizabeth, Aug 1963-Nov 1964; n.d. | |
93 | 8 | Yoder, Howard W., April 1960-May 1961; n.d. | |
PART B: MANUSCRIPTS, 1956-1973 | |||
94 | 1 | Action for Earthcare, March-April 1972; n.d. | |
94 | 2 | "Are You There God" and "Do You See Your Neighbor," How to Use the Recording, Undated | |
94 | 3 | Ask an Indian About India, June-Sept 1971 | |
94 | 4 | Ask an Indian About India, Oct 1971; n.d. | |
94 | 5 | Audio-Visual Resource Guide, 9th Edition, 1972 | |
94 | 6 | Audio-Visual Resource Guide, 9th Edition, 1972 | |
94 | 7 | Audio-Visual Resource Guide, 9th Edition, 1972 | |
94 | 8 | Audio - Visual Resource Guide, 9th Edition, 1972 | |
94 | 9 | The Bible and the Faiths of Men, Aug 1966-1970 | |
94 | 10 | The Bible in Many Lands, 1960-1967 | |
94 | 11 | Call Him a Man, Aug-Oct 1969; n.d. | |
94 | 12 | The Center Forward Died at Dawn, Undated | |
94 | 13 | Chasms in the Americas, June 1969 | |
94 | 14 | Chasms in the Americas, Oct 1969-Feb 1970 | |
94 | 15 | Cheyene Artist, Aug-Oct 1969; n.d. | |
94 | 16 | Children and the Christian Mission Today, Aug 1972-Jan 1973 | |
94 | 17 | Christ and the Crisis in Southeast Asia, Nov 1967; n.d. | |
94 | 18 | Christians and the Responsible Use of Power, May 1972 | |
94 | 19 | Civil Disobedience, May 1968 | |
94 | 20 | Come Inside India, July-Aug 1971 | |
94 | 21 | Come Inside India, Nov-Dec 1971; n.d. | |
95 | 1 | Confronted, Feb-March 1972; n.d. | |
95 | 2 | Contemporary Art by Afro-Americans, Undated | |
95 | 3 | Crisis in the Nation: Hope Through Action, Undated | |
95 | 4 | Crusade Against Hunger, March-April 1971 | |
95 | 5 | Cry Sorrow, Cry Joy!, 1971 | |
95 | 6 | Death of Dialogue and Beyond, Undated | |
95 | 7 | Dignity of Their Own, 1965 | |
95 | 8 | Do You Want to Come See Where I Live?, Undated | |
95 | 9 | Don't Just Sit There Reading, Undated | |
95 | 10 | Down Strange Streets, Nov 1967-1968 | |
95 | 11 | Duty Bound, Undated | |
95 | 12 | Encounter of the Faiths, Nov 1966 | |
95 | 13 | Family Planning, 1972; n.d. | |
95 | 14 | First of All, Persons, 1973; n.d. | |
95 | 15 | First of All, Persons, Undated | |
95 | 16 | The Foolish Old Man Who Moved Mountains, Oct 1968 | |
95 | 17 | For a Time Like This, 1973 | |
95 | 18 | Four Ways from Bethlehem, Undated | |
95 | 19 | From the Church at Nishio, Undated | |
95 | 20 | From Wrecks to Reconciliation, June 1967 | |
95 | 21 | From Wrecks to Reconciliation, March-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
95 | 22 | Fun and Festival from Southeast Asia, 1956-Oct 1967 | |
95 | 23 | Future-Maker in India, Dec 1967-Feb 1968; n.d. | |
95 | 24 | Get Out There and Do Something About Injustice, Nov 1971-Jan 1972; n.d. | |
95 | 25 | Go Free, Jan-Feb 1973 | |
95 | 26 | Grace at Point Zero, Sept 1971-1972 | |
96 | 1 | Guide to Faith and Justice, Dec 1971; n.d. | |
96 | 2 | Guide to India, Jan-Feb 1972; n.d. | |
96 | 3 | A Guide to the Study of Japan, Undated | |
96 | 4 | Homes for All, July 1971-April 1972 | |
96 | 5 | Homes for All, June-Aug 1972; n.d. | |
96 | 6 | How India Feeds the Hungry, Primary Teacher's Guide, Sept-Nov 1971; n.d. | |
96 | 7 | Hunger Fighter in Burma, Undated | |
96 | 8 | Hurt and Healing, July-Oct 1968 | |
96 | 9 | Hurt and Healing, March 1969; n.d. | |
97 | 1 | Illustrated Map of China, Resource Sheet, Nov 1968; n.d. | |
97 | 2 | In the Spring and Other Seasons, Undated | |
97 | 3 | India: The Church Lives by Worship, Junior Teacher's Guide, Jan 1972 | |
97 | 4 | Justice for All People, Junior Teacher's Guide, 1973 | |
97 | 5 | Kimiko of Japan, Undated | |
97 | 6 | Latin America, A Challenge to Christians, Undated | |
97 | 7 | Legends from the Future, Nov-Dec 1970 | |
97 | 8 | Legends from the Future, Undated | |
97 | 9 | Let Faith Be Your Camera, 1972; n.d. | |
97 | 10 | Living As a Christian, Sept 1964 | |
97 | 11 | Man of Two Revolutions, Feb-March 1969 | |
97 | 12 | Mandate for Mercy, May 1972 | |
97 | 13 | Mandate for Mercy, 1972 | |
97 | 14 | Mandate for Mission, Aug-Sept 1967; n.d. | |
97 | 15 | "Mike," A Model and a Map, May 1969 | |
97 | 16 | Missions: "In" or Out?, Sept-Dec 1966 | |
97 | 17 | My Marks and Scars I Carry, July-Sept 1969 | |
97 | 18 | A New Ethic for A New Earth, Undated | |
97 | 19 | Now-Would You Believe?, Nov 1966; n.d. | |
97 | 20 | Our Lives Praise Thee, O God!, Oct 1969 | |
97 | 21 | Out of the Hurt and Hope, April 1969-April 1970; n.d. | |
97 | 22 | Pandas in the Park, July-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
97 | 23 | Peace Keeping or Peace Making?, Feb-March 1968 | |
97 | 24 | Picture Map of Africa, June 1956-July 1957; n.d. | |
97 | 25 | Picture Map of Bible Lands Today, Dec 1957; n.d. | |
97 | 26 | Picture Map of India, May-June 1962; n.d. | |
97 | 27 | Picture Map of North America, Jan 1958; n.d. | |
97 | 28 | Picture Map of Southeast Asia, Undated | |
98 | 1 | Picture Map of the United States, Sept 1958; n.d. | |
98 | 2 | Points of Entry, Sept 1972-Jan 1973; n.d. | |
98 | 3 | Points of Entry, Undated | |
98 | 4 | Political Map of Africa, Jan-Feb 1959; n.d. | |
98 | 5 | The Power Picture, May 1972 | |
98 | 6 | The Power Picture, May 1972; n.d. | |
98 | 7 | The Power Picture, Undated | |
98 | 8 | The Power Picture, Undated | |
98 | 9 | Reconciliation in a Broken World, March-April 1968 | |
98 | 10 | Reconciliation in a Broken World, Oct 1968; n.d. | |
98 | 11 | Resources for Use with Twentieth Century Americans of Negro Lineage, March 1965 | |
98 | 12 | The Second Coming of Mrs. C., Undated | |
98 | 13 | The Secret of the Drumstick Tree, April 1969-May 1971; n.d. | |
98 | 14 | See It! Do It! Your Faith in Action, Nov [1971?]-1972; n.d. | |
98 | 15 | Six Little MK's and How They Grew-up, Feb 1958; n.d. | |
98 | 16 | Six Times True, May 1972-1973; n.d. | |
98 | 17 | Social Welfare Ministries in a Time of Radical Social Change, Undated | |
98 | 18 | Sometimes They Cry, March 1970 | |
98 | 19 | Stations of the Cross, Lema Sabacthani, Guide for Filmstrip, Jan 1969; n.d. | |
98 | 20 | Strangers in Their Own Land, Undated | |
98 | 21 | A Study of the Map "China: Asian Giant," Jan 1969; n.d. | |
98 | 22 | Susan Comes Through the Fire, Aug-Oct 1968 | |
98 | 23 | Throbbing Drums, Nov 1967-Feb 1968; n.d. | |
98 | 24 | To Create a Different Future, May 1972; n.d. | |
99 | 1 | To Create a Different Future, Undated | |
99 | 2 | To Love or to Perish, July-Oct 1972 | |
99 | 3 | To Love or to Perish, Undated | |
99 | 4 | To Love or to Perish, Undated | |
99 | 5 | To Love or to Perish, Undated | |
99 | 6 | To Set Things Right: The Bible Speaks on Faith and Justice, Feb-March 1972; n.d. | |
99 | 7 | Ventures in Mission, Nov 1967-April 1968; n.d. | |
99 | 8 | Walk the Distant Hills, Sept 1968-April 1969; n.d. | |
99 | 9 | Ways of Worship for New Forms of Mission, Feb-April 1968 | |
99 | 10 | Ways to Teach Children Racial Understanding in the 1970s, Nov 1971-Feb 1972; n.d. | |
99 | 11 | Why Black Power, March 1968 | |
99 | 12 | Why the Spider Lives in Corners, Undated | |
99 | 13 | World Friends: In India, Feb 1963; n.d. | |
99 | 14 | World Update, Dec 1971; n.d. | |
99 | 15 | The World's Children in Pictures: Japan, Aug 1966; n.d. | |
99 | 16 | You and the Nation's Priorities, July-Aug 1971; n.d. | |
PART C: FILMSTRIPS, 1957-1963 | |||
100 | 1 | The Bible and Diego Thomson, Undated | |
100 | 2 | The Bible and Diego Thomson, Undated | |
100 | 3 | The Bible and Diego Thomson, Undated | |
100 | 4 | The Bible and Diego Thomson, Undated | |
100 | 5 | The Bible and Diego Thomson, Undated | |
100 | 6 | The Bible and Diego Thomson, Undated | |
100 | 7 | The Bible and Diego Thomson, Undated | |
100 | 8 | The Bible and Diego Thomson, Undated | |
100 | 9 | Crossroad at Cedarmont, Undated | |
100 | 10 | Crossroad at Cedarmont, Undated | |
100 | 11 | Crossroad at Cedarmont, Undated | |
100 | 12 | Crossroad at Cedarmont, Undated | |
100 | 13 | Crossroad at Cedarmont, Undated | |
100 | 14 | Dick's Discovery, Undated | |
100 | 15 | Dick's Discovery, Undated | |
100 | 16 | Dick's Discovery, Undated | |
100 | 17 | Dick's Discovery, Undated | |
100 | 18 | Dick's Discovery, Undated | |
101 | 1 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 2 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 3 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 4 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 5 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 6 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 7 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 8 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 9 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 10 | Growing as World Friends, 1957 | |
101 | 11 | If You Lived in Malaya, Undated | |
101 | 12 | If You Lived in Malaya, Undated | |
101 | 13 | Jimmy Finds City Friends, Undated | |
101 | 14 | Jimmy Finds City Friends, Undated | |
101 | 15 | Jimmy Finds City Friends, Undated | |
101 | 16 | Jimmy Finds City Friends, Undated | |
101 | 17 | Jimmy Finds City Friends, Undated | |
101 | 18 | New Neighbors from Cuba, Undated | |
101 | 19 | New Neighbors from Cuba, Undated | |
101 | 20 | New Neighbors from Cuba, Undated | |
102 | 1 | New Neighbors from Cuba, Undated | |
102 | 2 | New Neighbors from Cuba, Undated | |
102 | 3 | New Neighbors from Cuba, Undated | |
102 | 4 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
102 | 5 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
102 | 6 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
102 | 7 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
102 | 8 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
102 | 9 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
102 | 10 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
102 | 11 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
102 | 12 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
102 | 13 | This Sustaining Bread, 1963 | |
OVSZ | It Happens Every Day, Undated | ||
103 | 1 | Convention (Las Vegas, 1969), April 1968-June 1969 | |
103 | 2 | Convention (New Orleans, 1970), June 1969-June 1970; n.d. | |
103 | 3 | Convention (Atlantic City, 1971), Aug 1970-Aug 1971; n.d. | |
103 | 4 | Convention (Chicago, 1972), Aug 1971-Oct 1972; n.d. | |
103 | 5 | Correspondence, Feb 1971-July 1972 | |
103 | 6 | Correspondence, Sept-Dec 1972; n.d. | |
103 | 7 | The Church and Its Manpower Management, Jan 1966 | |
103 | 8 | The Church and Metropolitan Affairs, 1965 | |
103 | 9 | Quarterly Mailings, Jan-Oct 1969 | |
103 | 10 | Quarterly Mailings, Jan 1970-April 1971 | |
103 | 11 | Quarterly Mailings, July-Oct 1971 | |
103 | 12 | Quarterly Mailings, Jan-July 1972 | |
103 | 13 | Quarterly Mailings, Oct 1972 | |
103 | 14 | Denominational Executive Meeting, March 1967 | |
103 | 15 | How Well Do You Support Your Minister, 1965 | |
103 | 16 | National Consultation on Continuing Education for the Ministry, June 1965 | |
103 | 17 | Braun, Theodore, July 1962-Sept 1965 | |
103 | 18 | Collins, Nonie, March 1965-May 1969 | |
103 | 19 | Kemp, Lilian, Feb-Oct 1965 | |
103 | 20 | McClellan, Graydon E., April 1958-May 1961; n.d. | |
103 | 21 | Payne, Paul C., Jan 1961-Jan 1966 | |
103 | 22 | Peterson, Ralph E., April 1962-Aug 1966 | |
103 | 23 | Sakelli; Maria, Dec 1964-July 1967; n.d. | |
103 | 24 | Sanchez; Lucienne, Now 1959-Sept 1962 | |
103 | 25 | Scherer; Ross, Sept 1964-Aug 1966; n.d. | |
103 | 26 | Shedron, Mark, Nov 1955-April 1960 | |
103 | 27 | Program Board Meeting, March 1968-Sept 1970 | |
103 | 28 | Program Board Meeting, Oct 1970-March 1971 | |
103 | 29 | Program Board Meeting, April-June 1971 | |
103 | 30 | Program Board Meeting, July-Dec 1971 | |
103 | 31 | Program Board Meeting, Jan-March 1972 | |
103 | 32 | Program Board Meeting, April 1972 | |
103 | 33 | Program Board Meeting, May-Sept 1972 | |
103 | 34 | Program Board Meeting, Oct 1972-Jan 1973 |