Guide to the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America Christian Unity Records
Open for research.
The Division of Christian Unity was created in 1965 "in order that there might be, within the National Council of Churches, a major program division whose primary focus is the unity of God's people." The Division's purpose was "to enable Christians in today's world to discover and express their unity in Christ."
The goals of the Division were:
- To help “all in each place” discover and manifest the gift of Christian Unity.
- To strengthen the laity in their life and mission.
- To strengthen ecumenical understanding and responsibility among the member churches of the National Council.
- To continue the development of patterns of ecumenical relationships with nonmember churches.
- To discover and develop a sound relationship with the Jewish people.
- To discern and affirm those communities of hope which point to the fulfillment of the promise that God is gathering the whole of humanity in Christ.
The Division served as an umbrella which drew together organizations and departments which had previously existed outside the divisional structure of the NCC. The exception was the Department of Youth Ministry which had been part of the Division of Christian Education. These departments and organizations were the Department of Faith and Order, the Department for Councils of Churches, the Department of Youth Ministry, United Church Men, United Church Women (later called the Department of Women's Relations), and the British-American Preachers Exchange.
In June 1970 the General Board of NCC voted to abolish the Division of Christian Unity. The Department of Faith and Order became the Commission on Faith and Order. The Department for Councils of Churches became the Commission on Local and Regional Ecumenism. The Department of Women's Relations assumed its original name of United Church Women and became an independent related movement of NCC. United Church Men ceased to exist as did the Department of Youth Ministry and its affiliated organization, United Christian Youth Movement.
Series I: General Administration:
The duties of the associate general secretary of the Division of Christian Unity are defined in the following manner:
He directs the staff of the Division and is responsible for the planning, administration, and interpretation of its programs. He serves as staff executive to the Program Board for Christian Unity and its Executive Committee. He is responsible for acting as staff executive to all other standing committees of the Program Board or for delegating this task. These include the Committee on Local Ecumenical Development and the Committee on Laity and the Cooperation of Men and Women. He is responsible for the cultivation and coordination of relations with non-member churches, although direct administration of this area is delegated to the Associate Secretary of the Division.
In addition the associate general secretary "advises the General Secretary primarily with respect to matters of Christian unity, inter-church relations, relationships to other councils and ecumenical bodies, but also serves as one of his senior advisors on general matters. He participates as a member both of the General Secretariat and the Program Cabinet. Because of the DCU's close tie to find operations he is called upon for a large amount of Council interpretation through speaking and writing."
Assisting the associate general secretary was the associate secretary of the Division of Christian Unity, who also served as director of ecumenical affairs. The associate secretary has "primary responsibility for developing and administering the program of Ecumenical Affairs. This involves establishing relationships with churches which are not members of the Council, and devising ways in which these relationships may be structured to the benefit of the Council, its member communions and other churches involved. He is responsible for continuous analysis of trends which are of ecumenical significance. Proposals for further ecumenical advance can be expected to result from his work." The associate secretary "serves as the channel through which information about non-member churches --their structure, practices, policies, personnel -- may be made known to the member communions and units of the Council, and information about the Council and its members made available to non -member churches. He is also charged with developing methods --conferences, publications, etc.--through which member and non-member churches may come to know one another and keep informed about developments within the life of the various churches. He also carries responsibility for giving special attention to any member churches of the Council who wish help in participating more fully in the ecumenical movement. He acts as staff executive to the Committee on Ecumenical Affairs, and as assistant staff executive to the Program Board and its Executive Committee.
Cynthia C. Wedel served as associate general secretary of the Division of Christian Unity from 1965 to 1969. Robert C. Dodds was associate secretary and director of ecumenical affairs from 1965 to May 1970. David J. Bowman served as director for Ecumenical Services in 1970.
With the formation of the National Council of Churches in 1950 the Central Department of Field Administration was created. In May 1954 this department became the Office for Councils of Churches. When the NCC was reorganized in 1965 this office became the Department for Councils of Churches within the Division of Christian Unity.
The purpose of the Department for Councils of Churches was "to develop communication and to strengthen relations between councils of churches and the National Council." In order to achieve this goal the Department worked "to strengthen and enlarge the conciliar movement by encouraging and assisting in the formation of new councils of churches, and by providing counsel and services to existing councils, especially concerning structure and organization; finance; programming; and personnel policies, recruitment, placement, and training."
The Department coordinated ‘National Council mailings to other councils,” encouraged “state, metropolitan, and local council involvement and participation in NCC programs,” channeled “the needs of state, metropolitan, and local councils to appropriate NCC program units,” prepared “‘guidelines’ for appropriate council structures at various levels,” shared “program plans and directions,” and provided “continuing personnel services to these councils.” In addition the Department provided staff, editorial, and secretarial services to the Association for Council Secretaries.
J. Quinter Miller was executive director of the Central Department for Field Administration and the Office for Councils of Churches from 1951 to 1955. John B. Ketcham was associate executive secretary of the Central Department and the Office from 1951 to 1955. From 1956 to 1964 Ketcham was executive secretary of the Office for Councils of Churches. Ketcham was then executive director of the Department for Councils of Churches from 1965 to 1970. H. Conrad Hoyer was associate executive director of the Department from 1965 to 1970.
In 1970 the Department for Councils of Churches became the Commission on Local and Regional Ecumenism.
The Department of Faith and Order "devotes attention to the theological bases of unity which God has given to mankind through His Church, and particularly to the problems of faith and of church order which underlie the present disunity of the Church." The Department conducted local and regional Faith and Order Conferences, established guidelines for faith and order in councils of churches, prepared resource materials, and sponsored the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, (January 18-25), and World-Wide Communion Sunday, (the first Sunday in October). Beginning in 1966 the Department held annual National Faith and Order Colloquiums. From 1961 to 1964 the Department was known as the Department of Faith and Order Studies. In 1965 it became a part of the Division of Christian Unity where it remained until the demise of the Division in 1970. At this time the Department became the Commission on Faith and Order.
William A. Norgren was executive director of the Department from 1961 to 1971. Richard N. Johnson was associate executive director from 1966 to 1970.
When the Division of Christian Unity was created in 1965, the Department of Youth Ministry, which had been part of the Division of Christian Education, was transferred to the new division. The defined purposes of the reorganized Department of Youth Ministry were:
- To keep before the churches and all units of the NCC the special needs, interests, and problems of the younger generation.
- To maintain a continuing study of the youth culture and make the findings known to those concerned in churches and councils.
- To help young people find a way to participate in the life of the church, community, nation, and world.
- To act as an “advocate” for youth in areas of tension and misunderstanding, such as student protests, the draft, etc.
- To mobilize youth in the United States to share with youth around the world in combating poverty and injustice.
- To work with Roman Catholic youth leaders on joint programs and action.
The Department gathered resources for its ministry "through discussion of major issues and questions facing the younger generation and the churches; through consultation with professional youth workers and young people on the subject of youth culture." The Department produced periodicals such as FOLIO, Youth Notes, and Youth Week. It also published RISK, Alert, and Invest Your Summer. In addition, the Department prepared study papers and monographs "to undergird the church's ministry with a substantial framework."
John S. Wood was executive director of the Department from 1965 to February 1969. During 1970 Russel Claussen served as acting executive director. In 1970 the Department of Youth Ministry ceased to exist.
Another major activity of the Department was Ecumenical Voluntary Service (EVS), successor to the Commission on Ecumenical Voluntary Service Projects of the Department of Higher Education. EVS provided young people with the opportunity to participate in summer work projects in the United States and overseas.
United Church Men was created in December 1950 by the new National Council of Churches. In October 1951 its program was officially inaugurated at a meeting in Cincinnati. The stated purpose of United Church Men was "to unite the men of the churches in giving practical expression of their allegiance to their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."
The standing rules of United Church Men defined the organization's responsibilities as:
- Sponsor consultations and engage in studies directed to the strengthening of work among laymen in the constituent Communions of the Council.
- Assist in the development and strengthening of programs of cooperative men’s work throughout the United States and in the presentation of this work of an effective united Christian witness.
- Promote cooperation and correlation between ecumenical church men’s groups through the United States and councils of churches, church women, and church youth.
- Study ways in which concerned lay men can respond to the call of mission in daily life and participate more effectively in the many aspects of the work of their churches and the ecumenical movement.
- Work with other units within the Division and with the other divisions in the development of the laity, and the cooperation of men and women in church and society.
- Represent the Council in its relationships with men’s work in other nations of the world.
From its creation in 1950 until 1965 United Church Men existed as a general department of the NCC. In 1965 the organization was placed within the structure of the new Division of Christian Unity. In 1970 for all purposes United Church Men ceased to exist; however, it theoretically continued into 1971 when the Listening to Lay People project was completed.
E. Urner Goodman was general director of United Church Men from 1950 to 1954. He was replaced by Edwin W. Parsons who served in the position from 1954 to 1958. S.J. Patterson was general director from 1958 to 1962. Donald Calame was general director from 1962 to 1966. From 1966 to 1970 there appears to have been no official director.
The exchange of British and American preachers (Series VI) began after World War I under the auspices of the Federal Council of Churches. In 1950 the program became a cooperative effort of the National Council of Churches and the British Council of Churches. From 1951 to 1958 the Exchange was administered by the Central Department of Ecumenical Relations. In January 1958 the program was assigned to the office of the assistant general secretary for field operations. In 1965 the exchange was placed under the direction of the Division of Christian Unity. The program appears to have ended in 1970. The Exchange operated through the Committee on the British-American Preachers Exchange, whose responsibilities included "the appointment of ministers within the United States to share in the annual British-American Preachers Exchange program; to certify each appointee to the British Council of Churches; to review and evaluate the program; to arrange a reception and serve as hosts to the British participants at an appropriate time each summer; and to advise the staff of the Program Board of the Division [of Christian Unity] concerning the operation of the program."
The papers of the Division of Christian Unity, 1935-1973, detail the history, organization, and activities of the Division and its various departments and committees. Although the papers extend from the years 1935 to 1973, they date primarily from 1965 to 1970.
The papers are organized in six series according to the departments which existed within the organizational structure of the Division of Christian Unity. The papers of United Church Women are not found in this record group, as the group retained its files when it became an independent organization in 1970.
In each series the papers are arranged alphabetically by subject category. Items within the subject files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day. Partially dated documents are placed at the end of the month or year; undated items are placed after all dated material. Enclosures are placed after their letter of transmittal. Newspaper clippings, unless enclosed with correspondence, are placed at the end of subject files.
The papers of the Division of Christian Unity, 1935-1973, are arranged in the following series:
Series I: General Administration: 1935-1971
Series II: Department for Councils of Churches, 1947-1971
Series III: Department of Faith and Order, 1954-1973
Series IV: Department of Youth Ministry, 1955-1971
Series V: United Church Men, 1951-1972
Series VI: British-American Preachers Exchange, 1952-1970
The General Administration, 1935-1971, Series I files date primarily from 1965 to 1969. The series represents the combined files of Cynthia C. Wedel and Robert C. Dodds with a small amount of material from David J. Bowman.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, or name of organization. Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated material is placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, agenda, financial statements, press releases, questionnaires, newsletters, reprints, directories, programs, pamphlets, leaflets, and newspaper clippings.
The documents reflect the activities and concerns of the Division. There are materials concerning the Committee on the Laity and Cooperation of Men and Women; the Special Committee on Cooperation of Men and Women in Church, Family, and Society; the Task Force on the Role of Women; the Local Ecumenical Development Committee; and the Ecumenical Affairs Committee, as well as the various departments of the Division.
A major subject of the files is the ecumenical movement. An example of this material is seen in the "Bilateral Conversations." These files contain documents relating to Roman Catholic conversations with American Baptists, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, and Jews. There are also materials from Presbyterian conversations with Christian Scientists, Latter Day Saints, and Jews.
A large group of files within this series details "Roman Catholic/NCC Relations." The files contain correspondence, reports, minutes, questionnaires, press releases, and printed matter. These documents relate to subjects such as the Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, the Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program, the Living Room Dialogues, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, the National Workshop on Christian Unity, Vatican Council II, and various cooperative endeavors and discussions of the NCC and the Roman Catholic Church.
The Department for Councils of Churches, 1947-1971, files date primarily from 1965 to 1970. The files are chiefly those of John B. Ketcham. There is additional material from the files of J. Quinter Miller and H. Conrad Hoyer. The files also include the papers of Don F. Pielstick, who was director of Church Planning and Adjustment from 1952 to 1954. The files pertaining to the Southern Office consist primarily of the papers of its executive director from 1953 to 1965, J. Edward Lantz. There are also the papers of Ernest J. Arnold who was executive director of the Southern Office from February 1951 to April 1953.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, name of organization, and geographic location. A general file for each letter of the alphabet precedes subject files for the same letter of the alphabet (i.e., "A" precedes "American Association of Retired Persons"). Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated material is placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, agenda, constitutions, bylaws, budgets, financial statements, press releases, questionnaires, directories, programs, newsletters, pamphlets, leaflets, and newspaper clippings.
The files concern various subjects such as the draft, financial counseling, ecumenical cooperation, and Roman Catholic relations with councils of churches. The files also concern the Department's relations with various organizations including LAOS, Inc.; the American Christian Palestine Committee; the Boy Scouts of America; and the Council and Publishers Club as well as several denominations.
The bulk of the files in this series contain materials relating to councils of churches. These files are arranged by state and then by city or county. They contain correspondence, reports, minutes, constitutions, bylaws, newsletters, and printed matter.
There are a number of files from the Southern Office dating from 1951 to 1965. The Southern Office was originally a part of general administration under the direction of J. Quinter Miller. In January 1965 it became a unit of the Department for Councils of Churches, but by the end of the year it had been discontinued. The Southern Office assisted state and local councils in the region and interpreted the policies and activities of the NCC to the regional churches and councils of churches. The files of the Southern Office contain correspondence, memoranda, reports, minutes, agenda, press releases, newsletters, constitutions, programs, pamphlets, leaflets, and newspaper clippings.
Because of the close relationship of the staff of the Department with the Association of Council Secretaries, the researcher is referred to the files of the Association.
The Department of Faith and Order, 1954-1973, series III files date primarily from 1960 to 1970. The files are chiefly those of William A. Norgren. There is a small amount of material of Richard N. Johnson.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, and name of organization. Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated documents are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda, reports, press releases, addresses, bibliographies, pamphlets, leaflets, and newspaper clippings.
The files concern various subjects including baptism, the ecumenical movement, World Communion Sunday, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and the Church of New Jerusalem. There are files concerning studies conducted by the Department such as the Ecclesiological Significance of Councils of Churches; the Eucharist and the Ecumenical Movement; and Communicatio in Sacris, which studied common worship between different communions.
There are files concerning relations between the National Council and the Roman Catholic Church. Included in this material are copies of the Living Room Dialogues, informal discussions designed to promote understanding between Protestants and Roman Catholics.
Files detail the National Faith and Order Colloquia from 1966 to 1970. The colloquia concentrated on various subjects including "The Meanings and Practices of Conversion," "Evangelism in a Pluralistic Society," "Salvation and Man's Hopes," "Salvation and Life," and "Salvation and Community." These files contain correspondence, addresses, and printed matter.
The Department of Youth Ministry, 1955-1971, series IV files date primarily from 1966 to 1968. The papers are the combined files of John S. Wood, executive director; Robert L. Pierce, associate executive director (1965-1968); Harry Gorman, administrative assistant (1967-1970); Jane C. Leiper, director of Ecumenical Voluntary Service (1966-1967); and Adrian J. DuMont, program assistant of Ecumenical Voluntary Service.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, or name of organization. Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated items are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda, reports, financial statements, application forms, newsletters, membership lists, programs, questionnaires, pamphlets, leaflets, and broadsides.
Documents within the files concern various subjects including baptism, the ecumenical movement, the draft, international economic justice, food and development, leadership training, Youth Week, and youth culture.
A number of folders concern the Crisis in the Nation project. This project was the Department's response to the racial unrest of the mid-1960s and was carried out primarily through community action projects. These files contain correspondence, memoranda, reports, budgets, financial statements, and printed matter.
The extensive materials relating to Ecumenical Voluntary Service (EVS) include correspondence, minutes, agenda, application forms, and leaflets.
The researcher should note that material concerning the youth ministry of the NCC prior to 1965 may be found in the files of the Commission on General Christian Education of the Division of Christian Education.
The United Church Men, 1951-1972, Series V files date primarily from the 1960s. The series consists of the combined files of E. Urner Goodman, Edwin W. Parsons, S.J. Patterson, and Donald Calame. There are also papers of Cameron P. Hall, director of the Listening to Lay People project.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, or name of organization. Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated material is placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda, reports, financial statements, budgets, speeches, press releases, invoices, warrants, receipts, membership lists, newsletters, leaflets, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings.
Items within the files concern various activities of United Church Men including Churchmen's Week, Laymen's Sunday, religion in industry, clerical-lay relations, Key City meetings, church- related colleges, and the Daily Bible Reading Fellowship. The files also detail relations with organizations such as the Conference of Men's Work Secretaries; the German Kirchentag; the European Conference of Men's Work Secretaries; American Leprosy Missions, Inc.; the National Council of Catholic Men; and the National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods.
A major group of files within this series concerns the Listening to Lay People project. The project, which began in October 1968 and concluded in 1971, conducted discussion groups around the United States to learn what lay people viewed as the purposes and responsibilities of the churches. The project, directed by Cameron P. Hall, for budgetary reasons was placed under United Church Men which also provided it with staff and office space. The files concerning the project contain correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda, and staff and community reports.
There are also a number of files concerning state and local organizations of United Church Men. The files, arranged alphabetically by state, contain correspondence, reports, and newsletters.
The files of the British-American Preachers Exchange, 1952-1970, are the combined files of Robert C. Dodds, associate general secretary of the Division of Christian Unity, and J. Quinter Miller, assistant general secretary for field operations. There is also a small amount of material of Robbins W. Barstow, executive director of the Department of Ecumenical Relations.
The files are arranged alphabetically by subject, name of individual, or name of organization. Items within the files are arranged chronologically by year, month, and day; undated documents are placed after all dated material.
The files consist of incoming and outgoing correspondence, memoranda, form letters, reports, minutes, agenda, biographies, application forms, press releases, itineraries, financial statements, leaflets, and newspaper clippings. The majority of the files are arranged under the headings of "American Preachers" and "British Preachers." These files contain correspondence, biographies, and itineraries concerning the various individuals who took part in the Exchange.
The archives of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America were processed in 1980-1984 through two grants awarded to the Presbyterian Historical Society by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Work under the first grant was performed by Dr. Alan Thomson and under the second grant by Donald L. Haggerty.
The archives of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America have been dated from 1950 to 1972; however, there is material dating from before and after this time period. Documents from the predecessor organizations date from as early as 1839. There is also a small amount of material found in the files from as late as 1975. The year 1972 was selected as a cutoff date for the archives because of the major reorganization which the NCC underwent at this time. The archives are arranged in the following record groups:
NCC RG 1: Planning Committee for the NCC, 1941-1951
NCC RG 2: General Assemblies, 1952-1972
NCC RG 3: General Board, 1950-1972
NCC RG 4: General Secretary, 1950-1973
NCC RG 5: Deputy General Secretary, 1947-1975
NCC RG 6: Division of Christian Life and Mission, 1945-1973
NCC RG 7: Division of Home Missions, 1950-1964
NCC RG 8: Division of Overseas Ministries, 1914-1972
NCC RG 9: Division of Christian Education, 1897-1974
NCC RG 10: Division of Christian Unity, 1935-1973
NCC RG 11: Office of Administration, 1938-1973
NCC RG 12: Assistant General Secretary for Executive Operations, 1950-1966
NCC RG 13: Washington Office, 1951-1966
NCC RG 14: Office of Planning and Program, 1943-1973
NCC RG 15: Department of Information, 1951-1974
NCC RG 16: Broadcasting and Film Commission, 1923-1974
NCC RG 17: Special Topics, 1951-1970
NCC RG 18: Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America, 1894-1952
NCC RG 19: International Council of Religious Education, 1839-1953
NCC RG 20: Missionary Education Movement of the United States and Canada, 1901-1952
NCC RG 21: National Protestant Council of Higher Education, 1911-1951
NCC RG 22: United Stewardship Council, 1917-1950
NCC RG 23: Inter-Council Field Department, 1935-1950
NCC RG 24: Association of Council Secretaries, 1915-1971
NCC RG 25: Church Executive Development Board, 1960-1974
NCC RG 26: Home Missions Council of North America, 1903-1951
NCC RG 27: Foreign Missions Conference of North America, 1887-1951
NCC RG 28: Scrapbooks, 1915-1963
Catalog Note
In the society's electronic catalog, all 28 NCC record groups are cataloged together as the records of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
Box | Folder | Description | |
1 | 1 | Guide to NCC RG 10 | |
1 | 2 | "Africa: The Challenge of Islam," Feb 1962 | |
1 | 3 | American Council of Christian Churches, May 1965 | |
1 | 4 | American Lutheran Church, Sept 1965-Oct 1969 | |
1 | 5 | Amish, Feb 1966 | |
1 | 6 | Annual Report, 1965-1966 | |
1 | 7 | Assemblies of God, Jan 1966 | |
1 | 8 | Balkam, Robert, Sept 1968-July 1969; n.d. | |
1 | 9 | Miscellaneous, Dec 1966-Oct 1970; n.d. | |
1 | 10 | Presbyterian-Christian Scientist, Sept 1967-June 1968 | |
1 | 11 | Presbyterian-Jewish, Jan 1967-Feb 1969; n.d. | |
1 | 12 | Presbyterian-Latter Day Saints, Jan-March 1967 | |
1 | 13 | Roman Catholic-American Baptist, 1967 | |
1 | 14 | Roman Catholic-Episcopal, May 1966-[1967?] | |
1 | 15 | Roman Catholic-Episcopal, Jan 1968-July 1970; n.d. | |
1 | 16 | Roman Catholic-Jewish, March 1967-Feb 1968; n.d. | |
1 | 17 | Roman Catholic-Lutheran, Nov 1966-Sept 1969 | |
1 | 18 | Roman Catholic-Methodist, Dec 1966-Feb 1970; n.d. | |
1 | 19 | Roman Catholic-Presbyterian and Reformed, 1964-Dec 1966; n.d. | |
1 | 20 | Bowman, David J., May-Aug 1969 | |
1 | 21 | British Churches, May 1964-1965 | |
1 | 22 | British-American Preachers Exchange, May 1966-[1968?] | |
1 | 23 | Brotherhood in Action, May 1966 | |
1 | 24 | Budget and Finance Committee, Nov 1967; n.d. | |
1 | 25 | Canada, Anglican and United Churches, 1965 | |
1 | 26 | Christian-Marxist Dialogues, Jan 1969; n.d. | |
1 | 27 | The Church Woman, July 1967-Sept 1968 | |
1 | 28 | Church Women United, Jan 1967-Oct 1968 | |
1 | 29 | Church Women United, Nov 1968-June 1969 | |
1 | 30 | Citizens for New Priorities, June-July 1969 | |
1 | 31 | Committee on Division of Christian Unity, March-April 1964 | |
1 | 32 | Committee on the Laity and Cooperation of Men and Women, April 1961-Feb 1966 | |
1 | 33 | Committee on the Laity and Cooperation of Men and Women, March 1966-Nov 1968 | |
1 | 34 | Conference on the Concept of the Believers' Church, Oct 1966-July 1967; n.d. | |
1 | 35 | Conservative Evangelicals, Nov 1960-Aug 1969; n.d. | |
1 | 36 | Consultation of Denominational Staff Working with Laity, Dec 1967 | |
1 | 37 | Consultation of Lay Men's Work, Jan 1967 | |
1 | 38 | Consultation on Lay Training, Feb-Sept 1966; n.d. | |
1 | 39 | Consultation on the Changing Relationships of Men and Women in Church, Family and Society, March 1961-Sept 1963; n.d. | |
1 | 40 | Consultation on Volunteers, March-May 1966 | |
1 | 41 | Cumberland Presbyterian Church, April 1965-Nov 1966 | |
1 | 42 | Department of Youth Ministry, Committee of Twenty, March 1968-Oct 1969; n.d. | |
1 | 43 | Department of Youth Ministry, Correspondence, March 1966–[1968?] | |
1 | 44 | Department of Youth Ministry, Correspondence, Jan-May 1969 | |
1 | 45 | Dirks, J. Edward, April-June 1966 | |
1 | 46 | Disciples of Christ, Dec 1962-Jan 1967; n.d. | |
1 | 47 | Correspondence, Feb-June 1966 | |
1 | 48 | Correspondence, July-Nov 1966 | |
1 | 49 | Correspondence, Dec 1966-April 1967 | |
2 | 1 | Correspondence, May-Nov 1967 | |
2 | 2 | Correspondence, Dec 1967-March 1968 | |
2 | 3 | Correspondence, April-Sept 1968 | |
2 | 4 | Correspondence, Oct 1968-May 1969 | |
2 | 5 | Correspondence, June-Dec 1969 | |
2 | 6 | Correspondence, Jan-May 1970 | |
2 | 7 | Ecumenical Affairs, 1967-July 1968 | |
2 | 8 | Ecumenical Affairs Committee, May 1965-Aug 1969 | |
2 | 9 | Ecumenical Center in Rome, May 1965-Oct 1968 | |
2 | 10 | Ecumenical Officers, Sept 1968-Sept 1970; n.d. | |
2 | 11 | Ecumenical Research Center, May 1965-Nov 1967 | |
2 | 12 | Ecumenical Voluntary Service, Dec 1964-Jan 1969; n.d. | |
2 | 13 | Elective Staff Study, April-Dec 1965 | |
2 | 14 | Executive Committee, March 1965-Jan 1969 | |
2 | 15 | Finance, May 1965-Nov 1968 | |
2 | 16 | Finance, Dec 1968-1970 | |
2 | 17 | Friends United Meeting, May 1965-Jan 1967 | |
2 | 18 | General Board of the NCC, Jan 1965-Feb 1970 | |
2 | 19 | Gibbs, Mark (Audenshaw Foundation), June 1966-1969 | |
2 | 20 | Iliff School of Theology, July-Aug 1968 | |
2 | 21 | Interreligion Committee, June-Nov 1969 | |
2 | 22 | Interseminary Movement, Dec 1967-April 1968 | |
2 | 23 | Jewish-Christian-Muslim Trilogue, Sept 1967-May 1968 | |
2 | 24 | Jewish-Christian Staff Group, March 1965-March 1969 | |
2 | 25 | Kirk, David, Jan-June 1968 | |
2 | 26 | Laymen's Training Centers, July 1966 | |
2 | 27 | Local Ecumenical Development Committee, Nov 1964-March 1969, n.d. | |
2 | 28 | Local Ecumenicity Committee, June 1950-July 1964 | |
2 | 29 | Local Ecumenicity Committee, Oct-Dec 1964; n.d. | |
3 | 1 | Long Range Strategy and Race, May 1963 | |
3 | 2 | Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, Feb 1966-July 1967 | |
3 | 3 | Lutheran Church in America, Jan 1965-Feb 1968 | |
3 | 4 | Mathews, James K., March 1961-May 1969 | |
3 | 5 | Mennonites, July 1967 | |
3 | 6 | Methodist Church, June-Nov 1965 | |
3 | 7 | Ministry of the Laity, Oct 1951-Sept 1957 | |
3 | 8 | Ministry of the Laity, Nov 1957-Nov 1960; n.d. | |
3 | 9 | Miscellaneous, April 1962-June 1970; n.d. | |
3 | 10 | Mormons, July 1965-June 1966 | |
3 | 11 | Muslim Materials, Feb 1966-July 1967 | |
3 | 12 | Nominating Committee, 1965-Feb 1969; n.d. | |
3 | 13 | Nonbelievers, March-April 1965 | |
3 | 14 | North American Conference on the Ministry of the Laity in the World, July 1964 -Jan 1966 | |
3 | 15 | Orthodox Project, April-Oct 1965; n.d. | |
3 | 16 | Orthodox Relationships, March 1967-Nov 1969 | |
3 | 17 | Pentacostalists, June 1965-March 1969; n.d. | |
3 | 18 | Planning Committee, Sept 1961-Sept 1962 | |
3 | 19 | Planning Committee, Dec 1962-Feb 1964 | |
3 | 20 | Presbyterian Church in the United States, 1935-April 1964, n.d. | |
3 | 21 | Program and Budget Outlines, Nov 1966-Sept 1967 | |
3 | 22 | Program Board, Correspondence, Dec 1964-June 1968 | |
3 | 23 | Program Board, Correspondence, July 1968-May 1969; n.d. | |
3 | 24 | Program Board, Minutes, Feb 1965-April 1969; n.d. | |
3 | 25 | Program Planning, Jan 1966-April 1968; n.d. | |
3 | 26 | Protestant Episcopal Church, Sept 1964-March 1971 | |
3 | 27 | Radical Protestants, March 1967-Jan 1968; n.d. | |
3 | 28 | Reformed and Presbyterian Plan of Union, Aug 1968 | |
3 | 29 | The Role of Conscience, Conference, March 1967-March 1968 | |
3 | 30 | The Role of Men and Women in Contemporary Culture, June 1965 | |
3 | 31 | America, March 1966-July 1969 | |
3 | 32 | Andreula, Peter A., Feb-Dec 1966; n.d. | |
3 | 33 | Anti-Roman Catholic Material, May-Dec 1967; n.d. | |
3 | 34 | Associations of Professional Missions, June 1964 | |
3 | 35 | Assumptionist Fathers, June | |
3 | 36 | Ave Maria, April-May 1966 | |
3 | 37 | Baum, William W., Dec 1964-April 1970 | |
3 | 38 | Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, Nov 1968-May 1969; n.d. | |
3 | 39 | Bordelon, Marvin, July 1967-June 1969 | |
3 | 40 | Catholic Guidelines on Relations with the Jews, March 1967-Nov 1969 | |
3 | 41 | Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program (CICOP), Dec 1964-1967 | |
3 | 42 | Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program (CICOP), Jan-April 1968 | |
3 | 43 | Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), Oct 1965-Jan 1966; n.d. | |
3 | 44 | Centro Intercultural de Documentation (CIDOC), Sept-Nov 1969 | |
3 | 45 | Dearden, John F., Dec 1966-Jan 1967 | |
3 | 46 | Fondazione S. Paolo Apostolo, Nov 1965 | |
3 | 47 | Gallagher, Joseph V., July 1967-June 1969 | |
3 | 48 | Graymoor Ecumenical Institute, March-May 1969 | |
3 | 49 | Gremillion, Joseph, Sept 1965-Dec 1967 | |
3 | 50 | Guild of Catholic Lawyers, Jan 1967-Nov 1968 | |
3 | 51 | Helmsing, Charles H., Nov-Dec 1969 | |
3 | 52 | I-DOC, Dec 1968-Feb 1969 | |
3 | 53 | John Carroll University, April 1967-Feb 1968 | |
3 | 54 | John LaFarge Institute, July 1964-Dec 1968 | |
3 | 55 | Law, Bernard, Nov 1968-May 1970 | |
4 | 1 | Living Room Dialogues, March 1965-June 1966 | |
4 | 2 | Living Room Dialogues, July 1966-March 1967 | |
4 | 3 | Living Room Dialogues, April-Oct 1967 | |
4 | 4 | Living Room Dialogues, Nov-Dec 1967 | |
4 | 5 | Living Room Dialogues, [1967?] | |
4 | 6 | Living Room Dialogues, Jan-Dec 1968 | |
4 | 7 | Living Room Dialogues, Jan-May 1969 | |
4 | 8 | Ministry of Parish Priests, March-April 1967 | |
4 | 9 | Miscellaneous, Nov 1963-Dec 1967 | |
4 | 10 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1968-Dec 1969; n.d. | |
4 | 11 | NCC Contacts with Roman Catholics, April-Oct 1965; n.d. | |
4 | 12 | National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Nov [1966?]-Jan 1970; n.d. | |
4 | 13 | National Conference of Catholic Charities, 1967; n.d. | |
4 | 14 | National Workshop on Christian Unity, May 1966-June 1969 | |
4 | 15 | Papal Visit, Sept-Oct 1965; n.d. | |
4 | 16 | Paulists, March 1966-Nov 1967 | |
4 | 17 | Peace, June 1966-June 1967 | |
4 | 18 | Printed Matter, Feb 1961-Dec 1969; n.d. | |
4 | 19 | Questionaire on "Counterpart Staff," Feb-June 1970; n.d. | |
4 | 20 | Report on the Roman Catholic Church and the NCC, Oct-Nov 1967 | |
4 | 21 | Roman Catholic Church and Stewardship and Benevolence, Jan-Aug 1969 | |
4 | 22 | Roman Catholic Participation on Boards and Committees of the NCC, Oct 1967- March 1969; n.d. | |
4 | 23 | Roman Catholic Publications, Sept-Nov 1968 | |
4 | 24 | Roman Catholic Relations with Councils of Churches, Dec 1966-Feb 1970 | |
4 | 25 | Roman Catholics and Ecumenism, Norgren Report, Jan 1965 | |
4 | 26 | St. Louis University Divinity School, May 1969; n.d. | |
4 | 27 | Scope and Content of Common Ecumenical Concerns, March 1965 | |
4 | 28 | Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, March 1967-June 1968 | |
4 | 29 | Society of Jesus, Dec 1965-Oct 1969; n.d. | |
4 | 30 | Some Aspects of Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox Relations in the U.S.A. by John E. McCaw, June 1967; n.d. | |
4 | 31 | Staff Conversations on the Roman Catholic Church, June 1962-Jan 1966 | |
4 | 32 | Staff Questionnaire on NCC-Roman Catholic Relations, March-Oct 1967 | |
4 | 33 | Staff Questionnaire on NCC-Roman Catholic Relations, Nov 1967; n.d. | |
4 | 34 | Staff Questionnaire on United States Catholic Conference, April-May 1970; n.d. | |
4 | 35 | Steering Committee, June 1966-[1968?] | |
4 | 36 | Study Committee, Jan-Dec 1969 | |
5 | 1 | Study Committee, Jan 1970 | |
5 | 2 | Study Committee, Feb-June 1970; n.d. | |
5 | 3 | Task Force on Education, Feb 1959-[1968?]; n.d. | |
5 | 4 | Task Force on Mixed Marriages, [Nov 1966?]-Oct 1967 | |
5 | 5 | United States Catholic Conference, 1967-Oct 1969 | |
5 | 6 | Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico, Feb-April 1967 | |
5 | 7 | Vatican Council II, Aug 1962-May 1966; n.d. | |
5 | 8 | Vatican Observers' Reunion, May 1968-Aug 1969; n.d. | |
5 | 9 | Vatican Visit, Jan-June 1969; n.d. | |
5 | 10 | Working Group, Jan 1965-April 1966 | |
5 | 11 | Working Group, May-Oct 1966 | |
5 | 12 | Working Group, Nov 1966-May 1967 | |
5 | 13 | Working Group, July 1967-May 1968 | |
5 | 14 | Working Group, June-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
5 | 15 | St. Mark's Vestry Committee Report on the NCC, Jan 1965 | |
5 | 16 | Southern Baptists, Jan 1966-Aug 1967; n.d. | |
5 | 17 | Special Committee on Cooperation of Men and Women in Church, Family and Society, Aug 1954-Feb 1961 | |
5 | 18 | Special Committee on Cooperation of Men and Women in Church, Family and Society, March-Nov 1961 | |
5 | 19 | Special Committee on Cooperation of Men and Women in Church, Family and Society, Jan-Dec 1962 | |
5 | 20 | Special Committee on Cooperation of Men and Women in Church, Family and Society, Jan 1963-Nov 1965; n.d. | |
5 | 21 | Staff Meetings, Nov 1964-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
5 | 22 | Staff Memoranda, March 1965-May 1969 | |
5 | 23 | Standing Rules, Feb 1965 | |
5 | 24 | Study on Cooperation of Men and Women, March 1962-1963; n.d. | |
5 | 25 | Task Force on the Role of Women, Feb-Sept 1967; n.d. | |
5 | 26 | Temple of Understanding, Sept 1966-June 1969; n.d. | |
5 | 27 | Thorne, London K., May 1966 | |
6 | 1 | Unitarian Universalist Association, Jan 1963-1968 | |
6 | 2 | Unitarian Universalist Association, May-Sept 1969 | |
6 | 3 | United Church Men, Correspondence, June 1967-Feb 1969 | |
6 | 4 | United Church Men, Correspondence, March-May 1969 | |
6 | 5 | United Church of Christ, Nov 1964-July 1968; n.d. | |
6 | 6 | United Presbyterian Church in the USA, COEMAR, Jan 1964-April 1967 | |
6 | 7 | United Presbyterian Church in the USA, Institute of Strategic Studies, Oct 1967- Oct 1968 | |
6 | 8 | United Presbyterian Church in the USA, Long Range Planning, March 1965-Jan 1966; n.d. | |
6 | 9 | United Presbyterian Church in the USA, Seminar on Ecumenicity, 1964-1966 | |
6 | 10 | The Urgency of United Mission, Feb 1966 | |
6 | 11 | Visiting Scholars, June-July 1967 | |
6 | 12 | Wingspread Meeting, Nov 1964 | |
6 | 13 | Women's Status in the Church, May 1952-Jan 1963; n.d. | |
6 | 14 | World Center for Liturgical Studies, Jan 1963-Sept 1967; n.d. | |
6 | 15 | World Religions, May 1968 | |
7 | 1 | A, Dec 1964-Dec 1970 | |
7 | 2 | American Association of Retired Persons, Jan-May 1967 | |
7 | 3 | American Christian Palestine Committee, Jan-Oct 1953 | |
7 | 4 | American Friends Service Committee, May 1953-Oct 1955 | |
7 | 5 | American Jewish Committee, July 1966-June 1970 | |
7 | 6 | American Lutheran Church, Sept 1968-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
7 | 7 | Anti -Defamation League, July 1967 | |
7 | 8 | Archives of the NCC, March 1966-Nov 1967 | |
7 | 9 | Association of Council Secretaries, May 1958-March 1971 | |
7 | 10 | Association Press, May 1966-Feb 1969 | |
7 | 11 | Audio -Visual Material, Aug -Sept 1969 | |
7 | 12 | B, July 1962-Sept 1970 | |
7 | 13 | Boy Scouts of America, Jan 1964-Dec 1970 | |
7 | 14 | Brent Conference on Church Vocations for Ex-Service Personnel, Jan 1961 | |
7 | 15 | Broadcasting and Film Commission, May 1966-Sept 1970 | |
7 | 16 | Budget, June 1970; n.d. | |
7 | 17 | Bundy, Edgar C. (Church League of America), Jan-May 1970 | |
7 | 18 | Business Services Department, June 1967-July 1970 | |
7 | 19 | C, Sept 1964-Dec 1970 | |
7 | 20 | Board of Managers, Dec 1950-Nov 1952 | |
7 | 21 | Board of Managers, April 1953-March 1954 | |
7 | 22 | Executive Committee, June 1953-March 1954 | |
7 | 23 | Handbook, 1952 | |
7 | 24 | Miscellaneous, Dec 1951-Nov 1954; n.d. | |
7 | 25 | Staff Meetings, Jan 1951-March 1953 | |
7 | 26 | Centralized Calendar, July 1967-March 1970 | |
7 | 27 | Chicago, Report by John S. Wood, Sept 1968 | |
7 | 28 | Christian Education Division, July 1951-April 1969; n.d. | |
7 | 29 | Christian Life and Mission, Oct 1967 | |
7 | 30 | Christian Rural Overseas Program (CROP), Dec 1967; n.d. | |
7 | 31 | Christmas Letter, Dec 1967-Dec 1970 | |
7 | 32 | Church and Economic Life, Aug 1961-April 1963 | |
7 | 33 | Church of God, Oct 1952-April 1954 | |
7 | 34 | Church of the Brethren, June 1953 | |
7 | 35 | Church Renewal, March-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
7 | 36 | Church Women United, April 1968-Oct 1971; n.d. | |
7 | 37 | Church World Service, April 1967-April 1970; n.d. | |
7 | 38 | The Churchman Overseas, 1967 | |
7 | 39 | Commission on Local and Regional Ecumenism (CORLE), May-Nov 1970 | |
7 | 40 | Committee Membership, June 1967; n.d. | |
7 | 41 | Communication and Interpretation Staff Council, May 1967-July 1969 | |
7 | 42 | Communications Network, Inc., May 1968-June 1969 | |
7 | 43 | Consortia of Churches, Nov 1966-April 1969; n.d. | |
7 | 44 | Constitutions for Councils of Churches, Nov 1959-Aug 1967 | |
7 | 45 | Consultation on Christian Cooperation in Our Southern Region, Dec 1964-April 1965 | |
7 | 46 | Council Executives, Correspondence, Aug 1967-Aug 1968 | |
7 | 47 | Councils and Publishers Club, Oct 1951-Aug 1966 | |
7 | 48 | Alabama, Feb 1965 | |
7 | 49 | Alaska, Jan 1965 | |
7 | 50 | Arizona, Nov 1964-March 1965 | |
7 | 51 | Arkansas, Nov 1964-April 1968 | |
7 | 52 | California, Jan 1952-1964 | |
7 | 53 | California, Jan 1965 | |
7 | 54 | California, Feb 1965-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
7 | 55 | California, Redlands, April 1951-March 1955; n.d. | |
7 | 56 | Colorado, April 1951-Jan 1965 | |
7 | 57 | Colorado, April 1965-Dec 1967; n.d. | |
7 | 58 | Connecticut, Jan 1951-Feb 1965 | |
8 | 1 | Connecticut, March 1965-April 1968; n.d. | |
8 | 2 | Delaware, March 1953-Jan 1965 | |
8 | 3 | District of Columbia, March 1951-March 1967; n.d. | |
8 | 4 | Florida, May 1952-Nov 1965; n.d. | |
8 | 5 | Georgia, Feb 1962-March 1967 | |
8 | 6 | Hawaii, May 1965-May 1966 | |
8 | 7 | Idaho, Jan 1965 | |
8 | 8 | Illinois, Oct 1951-June 1965 | |
8 | 9 | Illinois, Chicago, Jan 1951-April 1952 | |
8 | 10 | Illinois, Chicago, May 1952-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
8 | 11 | Illinois, Decatur, May 1954-April 1967 | |
8 | 12 | Illinois, Elgin, Feb 1951-Jan 1965 | |
8 | 13 | Illinois, Evanston, Jan 1953-Jan 1965; n.d. | |
8 | 14 | Illinois, Oak Park, Jan 1951-March 1964 | |
8 | 15 | Illinois, Peoria, March 1951-May 1969 | |
8 | 16 | Illinois, Springfield, Nov 1951-May 1965 | |
8 | 17 | Indiana, Oct 1951-March 1969; n.d. | |
8 | 18 | Indiana, Indianapolis, 1951-April 1967 | |
8 | 19 | Indiana, St. Joseph County, April 1951-March 1964 | |
8 | 20 | Iowa, Nov 1951-Jan 1969 | |
8 | 21 | Kansas, March 1951-May 1966; n.d. | |
8 | 22 | Kansas, Topeka, Feb 1951-April 1961 | |
8 | 23 | Kansas, Wichita, 1951-Jan 1968 | |
8 | 24 | Kentucky, Jan 1951-Dec 1965 | |
8 | 25 | Louisiana, Jan 1960-Nov 1967 | |
8 | 26 | Maine, Oct 1953-June 1967; n.d. | |
8 | 27 | Maryland, Dec 1964-Feb 1968 | |
8 | 28 | Massachusetts, Feb 1953-1959 | |
8 | 29 | Massachusetts, Sept 1961-Jan 1965 | |
8 | 30 | Massachusetts, Feb -June 1965 | |
8 | 31 | Massachusetts, 1965-Jan 1968 | |
8 | 32 | Massachusetts, Springfield, May 1951-May 1966 | |
8 | 33 | Michigan, Jan 1951-Feb 1964 | |
9 | 1 | Michigan, Jan 1965 | |
9 | 2 | Michigan, Feb 1965-March 1969 | |
9 | 3 | Michigan, Bay County, 1952-May 1965 | |
9 | 4 | Michigan, Berrien County, Feb 1953-July 1966 | |
9 | 5 | Michigan, Detroit, Jan 1951-March 1965 | |
9 | 6 | Minnesota, Feb 1953-1969; n.d. | |
9 | 7 | Missouri, Jan 1951-Dec 1954 | |
9 | 8 | Missouri, March 1961-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
9 | 9 | Missouri, St. Joseph, March 1952-May 1965 | |
9 | 10 | Missouri, St. Louis, Jan 1952-Jan 1965; n.d. | |
9 | 11 | Montana, [1953?]-Jan 1966 | |
9 | 12 | Nebraska, Jan 1951-1967; n.d. | |
9 | 13 | Nebraska, Omaha, Jan 1951-Feb 1967 | |
9 | 14 | New Hampshire, March 1952-May 1965; n.d. | |
9 | 15 | New Jersey, Jan 1951-Oct 1952 | |
9 | 16 | New Jersey, Nov 1952-1964 | |
9 | 17 | New Jersey, Feb-May 1965 | |
9 | 18 | New Jersey, June 1965-Sept 1969; n.d. | |
9 | 19 | New Mexico, April-Oct 1967 | |
9 | 20 | New York, Jan 1951-May 1963 | |
9 | 21 | New York, 1964-May 1965 | |
9 | 22 | New York, June 1965-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
9 | 23 | New York, Brooklyn, Jan 1951-1964 | |
9 | 24 | New York, Buffalo and Erie County, June 1951-Feb 1965; n.d. | |
9 | 25 | New York, Mount Vernon, May 1952-May 1955 | |
9 | 26 | New York, New York, Dec 1951-Jan 1955 | |
9 | 27 | New York, New York, 1964-Aug 1967; n.d. | |
9 | 28 | New York, Queens, Jan 1951-Feb 1965 | |
9 | 29 | New York, Rochester, May 1951-June 1965 | |
10 | 1 | North Carolina, Jan 1953-Aug 1968 | |
10 | 2 | North Dakota, Feb 1951-Feb 1965; n.d. | |
10 | 3 | Ohio, Feb 1951-June 1965 | |
10 | 4 | Ohio, Dec 1965-1968 | |
10 | 5 | Ohio, Akron, March 1951-Jan 1961 | |
10 | 6 | Ohio, Cincinnati, Feb 1951-1965 | |
10 | 7 | Ohio, Cleveland, Aug 1951-Dec 1966 | |
10 | 8 | Ohio, Columbus, June 1951-July 1967; n.d. | |
10 | 9 | Ohio, Dayton, 1951-May 1965 | |
10 | 10 | Ohio, Toledo, Jan 1951-Oct 1966 | |
10 | 11 | Ohio, Youngstown, March 1951-April 1963 | |
10 | 12 | Oklahoma, 1951-March 1966 | |
10 | 13 | Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Jan 1951-July 1966 | |
10 | 14 | Oklahoma, Tulsa, Feb 1951-April 1961 | |
10 | 15 | Oregon, April 1951-Nov 1966; n.d. | |
10 | 16 | Oregon, Portland, March 1951-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
10 | 17 | Pennsylvania, Feb 1951-1954 | |
10 | 18 | Pennsylvania, Jan 1955-Nov 1964 | |
10 | 19 | Pennsylvania, Jan 1965-March 1969; n.d. | |
10 | 20 | Pennsylvania, Erie, April 1952-Jan 1966 | |
10 | 21 | Pennsylvania, Harrisburg and Dauphin County, Feb 1951-Jan 1965 | |
10 | 22 | Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Nov 1952-April 1966; n.d. | |
10 | 23 | Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, Jan 1951-May 1961; n.d. | |
10 | 24 | Pennsylvania, Wyoming Valley, 1953-May 1965 | |
10 | 25 | Rhode Island, June 1963-Jan 1965 | |
10 | 26 | South Carolina, Oct 1958-April 1968 | |
10 | 27 | South Dakota, Jan 1951-Nov 1965 | |
10 | 28 | Tennessee, 1952-1955; n.d. | |
10 | 29 | Texas, April 1951-July 1968; n.d. | |
10 | 30 | Utah, Dec 1964 | |
10 | 31 | Vermont, Jan 1951-Feb 1969 | |
10 | 32 | Virginia, March 1951-Feb 1965 | |
10 | 33 | Washington, May 1951-1964 | |
11 | 1 | West Virginia, March 1951-[1955?] | |
11 | 2 | West Virginia, Nov 1960-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
11 | 3 | West Virginia, Wheeling, Jan 1951-1955; n.d. | |
11 | 4 | Wisconsin, April 1951-May 1969; n.d. | |
11 | 5 | Criteria for Self Evaluation and Measurement by Councils of Churches, Oct 1955 -Sept 1962 | |
11 | 6 | Criticism of the NCC, June 1952-Jan 1964; n.d. | |
11 | 7 | D, Oct 1963-[1970?] | |
11 | 8 | Dateline, May 1965-Dec 1969 | |
11 | 9 | Denominational Interviews, Dec 1960-June 1961; n.d. | |
11 | 10 | Department for Councils of Churches, Minutes, May 1965-Aug 1966 | |
11 | 11 | Department for Councils of Churches, Minutes, May 1967-March 1970 | |
11 | 12 | Department of Ministry, Jan 1968 | |
11 | 13 | Directory of American Cooperative Christianity, April-Dec 1951 | |
11 | 14 | Miscellaneous, June 1958-Nov 1966; n.d. | |
11 | 15 | Reappraisal, Oct 1969-March 1970; n.d. | |
11 | 16 | Staff, April 1969-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
11 | 17 | Triennial Report, July-Oct 1969; n.d. | |
11 | 18 | The Draft, Feb 1970; n.d. | |
11 | 19 | E, July 1965-Dec 1970 | |
11 | 20 | Ecumenical Cooperation in Metropolitan Areas, Dec 1966 | |
11 | 21 | Evangelical United Brethren, Nov 1952-1953 | |
11 | 22 | F, May 1964-Dec 1970 | |
11 | 23 | Financial Counseling, March 1953-Dec 1954 | |
11 | 24 | Financial Counseling, Aug 1955-Aug 1962 | |
11 | 25 | Financial Development Department, Sept 1967-Sept 1968 | |
11 | 26 | Friendship Press, Jan 1970 | |
11 | 27 | Fry, Franklin C., June 1968 | |
11 | 28 | G, Jan 1963-Nov 1970 | |
11 | 29 | General Board, Feb 1967-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
11 | 30 | Giffen, Robert B., April-Nov 1955 | |
11 | 31 | H, Dec 1963-Aug 1970 | |
11 | 32 | Hoyer, H. Conrad, Correspondence, Jan-Oct 1970 | |
11 | 33 | Hoyer, H. Conrad, Correspondence, Nov-Dec 1970 | |
11 | 34 | I, May 1966-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
11 | 35 | "Imperatives of Peace and Responsibilities of Power," April-May 1968; n.d. | |
11 | 36 | Information Department, Feb 1968-June 1970 | |
11 | 37 | Information Service, Nov 1967-May 1969 | |
11 | 38 | International Affairs, Sept 1967-May 1970; n.d. | |
11 | 39 | Isler, Richard D., June 1954-June 1969; n.d. | |
11 | 40 | J, May 1965-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
11 | 41 | Junior Chamber of Commerce, Aug 1952; n.d. | |
11 | 42 | K, May 1964-Dec 1970 | |
11 | 43 | Ketcham, John B., Correspondence, May-Sept 1970 | |
11 | 44 | Ketcham, John B., Correspondence, Oct-Dec 1970 | |
11 | 45 | Laity Information Panel, Sept-Nov 1970 | |
11 | 46 | LAOS, Inc., Jan 1967-Jan 1969; n.d. | |
11 | 47 | Latin America Department, Oct 1968 | |
11 | 48 | Local Ecumenical Development, Dec 1968-Feb 1969 | |
11 | 49 | Local Inter-Parish Cooperation, Jan 1965-March 1969; n.d. | |
11 | 50 | Long Range Planning, Oct 1968-July 1969 | |
11 | 51 | M, March 1966-Feb 1969 | |
11 | 52 | Meetings, Dec 1965-March 1970 | |
11 | 53 | Methodist Church, Nov 1951-Nov 1953; n.d. | |
12 | 1 | Metropolitan Area Church Board, May 1967-1970; n.d. | |
12 | 2 | Miscellaneous, 1952-Aug 1969; n.d. | |
12 | 3 | Moravian Church in America, March 1954-1957 | |
12 | 4 | National Association of Evangelicals, April 1954 | |
12 | 5 | National Laymen's Council, May-July 1951 | |
12 | 6 | Advisory Committee, Correspondence, Feb 1959-Aug 1963 | |
12 | 7 | Advisory Committee, Membership, Feb 1955-Aug 1963; n.d. | |
12 | 8 | Advisory Committee, Minutes, July 1955-June 1960 | |
12 | 9 | Advisory Committee, Minutes, Sept 1961-Dec 1962 | |
12 | 10 | Functions, May 1958-Nov 1964 | |
12 | 11 | Organizations, Jan 1951-Jan 1954; n.d. | |
12 | 12 | Panel Representatives of the Cooperative Work of the Churches, Feb 1959-Nov 1960 | |
12 | 13 | Panel Representatives of the Cooperative Work of the Churches, 1960-[1962?] | |
12 | 14 | Panel Representatives of the Cooperative Work of the Churches, [1962?]-June 1965 | |
12 | 15 | Panel Representatives of the Cooperative Work of the Churches, July 1965-Feb 1968 | |
12 | 16 | Panel Representatives of the Cooperative Work of the Churches, March-July 1968 | |
12 | 17 | Panel Representatives of the Cooperative Work of the Churches, Aug-Dec 1968 | |
12 | 18 | Panel Representatives of the Cooperative Work of the Churches, Jan 1969-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
12 | 19 | Pielstick, Don F., July 1947-July 1955 | |
12 | 20 | Budget and Finance, Jan 1951-1952 | |
12 | 21 | Church Extension Dollar, Jan-Oct 1952; n.d. | |
12 | 22 | Comity, Dec 1950-May 1952; n.d. | |
12 | 23 | Lists of Members, April 1951-Jan 1952 | |
12 | 24 | Literature, Feb 1951-March 1952; n.d. | |
12 | 25 | Minutes, Nov 1951-April 1952 | |
12 | 26 | Miscellaneous, Feb 1951-July 1955 | |
12 | 27 | Rules and Procedures, Nov 1951; n.d. | |
12 | 28 | Southern Appalachian Survey, Undated | |
12 | 29 | States, Arkansas-Maine, Feb 1951-Feb 1954; n.d. | |
12 | 30 | States, Massachusetts-New Jersey, Feb 1951-Nov 1953; n.d. | |
12 | 31 | States, New York-North Dakota, Jan 1951-April 1954; n.d. | |
12 | 32 | States, Ohio-Wisconsin, March 1951-March 1954; n.d. | |
12 | 33 | Study Guide, April 1951-Sept 1952 | |
12 | 34 | United Church Plans, Feb 1951-Nov 1952 | |
12 | 35 | Zoning, Nov 1951-Jan 1952 | |
13 | 1 | Presbyterian Church in the United States, April 1952-Dec 1954; n.d. | |
13 | 2 | R, July-Dec 1969 | |
13 | 3 | Religion in American Life, 1952-1955 | |
13 | 4 | Roman Catholic Membership in Councils of Churches, June 1964-April 1969; n.d. | |
13 | 5 | Roman Catholic-Protestant Dialogues, July 1965; n.d. | |
13 | 6 | Roman Catholic Relations with Councils of Churches, March 1966-March 1970 | |
13 | 7 | Roman Catholic Relations with Councils of Churches, Information Inquiry, Cities, March-Sept 1967; n.d. | |
13 | 8 | Roman Catholic Relations with Councils of Churches, Information Inquiry, State, April 1967; n.d. | |
13 | 9 | Roman Catholic Relations with Councils of Churches, Information Inquiry, Volunteer, March-Oct 1967; n.d. | |
13 | 10 | S, Feb 1967-Feb 1969 | |
13 | 11 | St. Mark's Episcopal Church Report on the NCC, Feb-April 1961; n.d. | |
13 | 12 | St. Mark's Episcopal Church Report on the NCC, Undated | |
13 | 13 | Correspondence, March 1955-July 1965 | |
13 | 14 | Membership, 1953-1966; n.d. | |
13 | 15 | Minutes, Jan 1955-Nov 1960 | |
13 | 16 | Minutes, April 1961-May 1965 | |
13 | 17 | Arnold, Ernest J., March 1951-April 1952; n.d. | |
13 | 18 | Association of Council Secretaries, March 1961-March 1963 | |
13 | 19 | Barr, Thomas C., June-July 1963 | |
13 | 20 | Brabham, McKay, Jr., March 1956-March 1961 | |
13 | 21 | CROP Subcommittee, May 1960-Nov 1965; n.d. | |
13 | 22 | Communication Office, Feb-Sept 1965 | |
13 | 23 | Consultation on Christian Cooperation, Jan 1965 | |
13 | 24 | Cook, W. Norman, Jan-Nov 1965 | |
13 | 25 | Councils of Churches, Dec 1951-May 1956; n.d. | |
13 | 26 | Dabbs, Edith M., Feb 1952-May 1954 | |
13 | 27 | Department for Councils of Churches, Dec 1964-May 1965 | |
13 | 28 | Ecumenical Institutes, Sept 1956-July 1958 | |
13 | 29 | Ecumenical Institutes, July 1959-June 1961 | |
13 | 30 | Ecumenical Institutes, July 1962-July 1963 | |
13 | 31 | Evangelism Department, Jan 1965 | |
13 | 32 | Financial Reports, Jan 1964-Nov 1965 | |
13 | 33 | General Board, Southern Meeting Places, Feb 1958-March 1961 | |
13 | 34 | Hoes for the Congo Project, Dec 1962-April 1963 | |
13 | 35 | Hoyer, H. Conrad, Dec 1964-Aug 1965 | |
13 | 36 | Igarashi, Isaac, May 1963-July 1964 | |
13 | 37 | Installation Service, March-April 1955 | |
13 | 38 | Ketcham, John B., Oct 1964-Oct 1965; n.d. | |
13 | 39 | Key, Carl R., Sept 1959-Oct 1962 | |
13 | 40 | Miller, Minor C., March 1951-June 1953 | |
13 | 41 | Miscellaneous, April 1958-March 1965; n.d. | |
13 | 42 | Personnel, March 1955-Dec 1965; n.d. | |
13 | 43 | Roher, Harry, Oct 1962-April 1963 | |
13 | 44 | Southeastern Convocation of Churches, May-Dec 1951 | |
13 | 45 | Southern Baptists, May 1957-April 1962 | |
13 | 46 | Southern Committee on the Education of Children, June 1961-Jan 1965; n.d. | |
13 | 47 | Southern Committee on the Use and Understanding of the Bible, Nov 1956-June 1963; n.d. | |
13 | 48 | Southern Regional Council, Oct 1951-Dec 1953; n.d. | |
14 | 1 | Spike, Robert, July 1963-March 1965 | |
14 | 2 | Alabama, May 1960-June 1964 | |
14 | 3 | Alabama, July 1964-Nov 1965; n.d. | |
14 | 4 | Arkansas, Feb 1953-[1957?] | |
14 | 5 | Arkansas, Jan 1958-April 1965 | |
14 | 6 | Florida, June 1961-July 1965; n.d. | |
14 | 7 | Georgia, Nov 1952-Oct 1965; n.d. | |
14 | 8 | Kentucky, March 1951-June 1965 | |
14 | 9 | Louisiana, Aug 1954-Feb 1962 | |
14 | 10 | Louisiana, April 1962-Sept 1965; n.d. | |
14 | 11 | Mississippi, March 1956-June 1965; n.d. | |
14 | 12 | North Carolina, Aug 1951-March 1965 | |
14 | 13 | South Carolina, March 1951-Feb 1957 | |
14 | 14 | South Carolina, March 1957-Feb 1965; n.d. | |
14 | 15 | Tennessee, July 1951-Nov 1959 | |
14 | 16 | Tennessee, Nov 1961-March 1964 | |
14 | 17 | Tennessee, April 1964-Sept 1965; n.d. | |
14 | 18 | Virginia, March 1951-May 1957 | |
14 | 19 | West Virginia, March 1951-July 1965; n.d. | |
14 | 20 | Town and Country Committee, Jan 1959-Oct 1964; n.d. | |
14 | 21 | Wedel, Cynthia, Jan 1965 | |
14 | 22 | Wyker, James D., Mrs., Jan-March 1965 | |
14 | 23 | The Spiritualist Episcopal Church, Aug 1953 | |
14 | 24 | W, Oct 196-Nov 1968 | |
14 | 25 | Wells Fund Raising, July 1953-March 1954 | |
14 | 26 | World Council of Churches, Feb 1953-Sept 1954; n.d. | |
14 | 27 | World Neighbors, Inc., May 1953 | |
15 | 1 | Advisory Committee, Minutes, Oct 1959-Oct 1961 | |
15 | 2 | Advisory Committee, Minutes, April 1962-Dec 1963 | |
15 | 3 | Advisory Committee, Minutes, June 1964 | |
15 | 4 | Association for a United Church, Feb 1960-Feb 1961 | |
15 | 5 | Assumptions and Viewpoints, 1954 | |
15 | 6 | Australian Council of Churches, March 1961 | |
15 | 7 | Baptism, July-Sept 1965; n.d. | |
15 | 8 | Baptism/Confirmation... implications for the younger generation, 1967 | |
15 | 9 | Bibliography, Ecumenical, April 1960-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
15 | 10 | Bridston, Keith, 1959 | |
15 | 11 | Canadian Council of Churches, Oct 1959-Dec 1965 | |
15 | 12 | Christian Education and Ecumenism, March 1955-March 1968 | |
15 | 13 | Christian Science, April-July 1964 | |
15 | 14 | Church of the Brethren, Nov 1964-Feb 1967 | |
15 | 15 | Church of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian) Conversations, Oct 1965 | |
15 | 16 | Columbia, Maryland, City Project, 1964-Aug 1965 | |
15 | 17 | Commission on Local and Regional Ecumenism, Jan 1963-Nov 1971; n.d. | |
15 | 18 | Communicatio in Sacris, June 1960-Sept 1966 | |
15 | 19 | Communicatio in Sacris, Jan 1967-Feb 1970 | |
15 | 20 | Conservative Evangelicals, July 1967 | |
15 | 21 | Consultation on Ecumenical Planning for Clergy Training, May 1967 | |
15 | 22 | Correspondence, Nov 1967-Dec 1968 | |
15 | 23 | Correspondence, Jan-Dec 1969 | |
15 | 24 | DeGroot, A.T., Oct 1962-Feb 1967; n.d. | |
15 | 25 | Division of Christian Unity, Jan 1964-June 1970; n.d. | |
15 | 26 | Division of Christian Unity, Staff Meetings, March 1965-Nov 1968 | |
15 | 27 | Dodds, Robert C., Feb 1964-Jan 1970 | |
15 | 28 | The Ecclesiological Significance of Councils of Churches, March-Oct 1960 | |
15 | 29 | The Ecclesiological Significance of Councils of Churches, April-Nov 1961 | |
15 | 30 | The Ecclesiological Significance of Councils of Churches, March 1962-Feb 1965 | |
15 | 31 | Ecumenical House of Studies in Rome, Dec 1965-June 1968; n.d. | |
15 | 32 | The Ecumenical Movement and the Local Church, June 1961-March 1962 | |
15 | 33 | The Ecumenical Movement in Bibliographical Outline, 1965-1969 | |
15 | 34 | Ecumenical Officers, Jan 1966-Sept 1972 | |
15 | 35 | Ecumenical Research Center, June 1964-[1967?]; n.d. | |
15 | 36 | Education for Ecumenism, [1964?] | |
15 | 37 | Espy, R.H. Edwin, June 1962-July 1971 | |
15 | 38 | The Eucharist and the Ecumenical Movement, Feb 1969-Feb 1973 | |
16 | 1 | Executive Committee, Sept 1964-Oct 1969 | |
16 | 2 | Executive Committee, May 1970-Oct 1972 | |
16 | 3 | Faith and Order Committee, Minutes, June 1965-June 1966 | |
16 | 4 | Faith and Order Committee, Minutes, Jan 1967-Feb 1968 | |
16 | 5 | Faith and Order Committee, Minutes, Feb 1969-Feb 1970 | |
16 | 6 | Faith and Order Task Force, Aug 1971-Jan 1972 | |
16 | 7 | Faith and Order Trends, Dec 1960-June 1967 | |
16 | 8 | Friends, April 1967 | |
16 | 9 | General Assembly of NCC, April 1960-[1963?] | |
16 | 10 | General Assembly of NCC, [1963?]-April 1964 | |
16 | 11 | General Board of NCC, Nov 1969-Feb 1972 | |
16 | 12 | Information Documentation on the Conciliar Church, Jan-Feb 1968 | |
16 | 13 | Interseminary Movement, Aug 1961-Oct 1970 | |
16 | 14 | Kentucky Faith and Order Conference, May 1967; n.d. | |
16 | 15 | Lay Study and Conference Centers, April 1959-March 1968 | |
16 | 16 | Laymen's School of Religion, March 1963 | |
16 | 17 | Living Room Dialogues, 1965-1967 | |
16 | 18 | Living Room Dialogues, 1970 | |
16 | 19 | Living Room Dialogues, Correspondence, Sept 1965-Aug 1970; n.d. | |
16 | 20 | Local Ecumenicity, 1955-Aug 1969; n.d. | |
16 | 21 | Local Ecumenical Development Committee, Feb 1962-Oct 1966; n.d. | |
16 | 22 | Long Range Planning, 1960-April 1967; n.d. | |
16 | 23 | Lutheran Consultations, April 1965; n.d. | |
16 | 24 | Marriage and Family Life in the United States, April 1966-Feb 1967 | |
16 | 25 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1965-May 1971; n.d. | |
16 | 26 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1966 | |
16 | 27 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1966 | |
16 | 28 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1967 | |
16 | 29 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1967 | |
16 | 30 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1968 | |
16 | 31 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1968 | |
16 | 32 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1969 | |
16 | 33 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1969 | |
16 | 34 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1969 | |
16 | 35 | National Faith and Order Colloquium, 1970 | |
16 | 36 | National Workshop for Christian Unity, April 1967-June 1968 | |
16 | 37 | New York Experimental Panel, Feb 1969-Sept 1970 | |
16 | 38 | New York State Council of Churches, Sept 1961-Feb 1967 | |
16 | 39 | New Zealand Council of Churches, Feb 1967 | |
17 | 1 | North American Academy of Ecumenists, Nov 1964-Jan 1970 | |
17 | 2 | North American Consultation on Faith and Order Issues, April-May 1963 | |
17 | 3 | North American Faith and Order Study Conference, Oberlin, Sept 1957-1963 | |
17 | 4 | Order and Organization Study, Jan 1962-[1969?] | |
17 | 5 | "A Perspective on the Needs of the World That Confront the Church," Feb 1960 | |
17 | 6 | Printed Matter, 1960-1967; n.d. | |
17 | 7 | Protestant Communions in America, May 1966 | |
17 | 8 | Restructure in the NCC, March 1962-Jan 1965 | |
17 | 9 | Role of Conscience Conference, June 1966-Jan 1968 | |
17 | 10 | Roman Catholic/NCC Relations, Oct 1955-March 1965 | |
17 | 11 | Roman Catholic/NCC Relations, April 1965-March 1969 | |
17 | 12 | Roman Catholic/NCC Relations, Study Committee, April 1969-June 1971; n.d. | |
17 | 13 | Roman Catholic/NCC Relations, Working Group, Sept 1964-May 1966 | |
17 | 14 | Roman Catholic/NCC Relations, Working Group, June 1966-June 1968 | |
17 | 15 | Roman Catholic Church, Recommendations on Ecumenical Affairs for the Use of the Diocesan Ecumenical Communities, Sept 1965-March 1966; n.d. | |
17 | 16 | Roman Catholic Church, Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, 1959-1971 | |
17 | 17 | Unity, May 1953-Aug 1968 | |
17 | 18 | Unity trends, Nov 1967-Dec 1968 | |
17 | 19 | Unity trends, Jan-Dec 1969 | |
17 | 20 | Vischer, Lukas, Sept 1961-July 1971 | |
17 | 21 | Wedel, Cynthia, Jan 1964-May 1969 | |
17 | 22 | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, March 1961-Dec 1965 | |
17 | 23 | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Jan-Aug 1966 | |
17 | 24 | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Sept 1966-1967 | |
17 | 25 | Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Jan 1968-Jan 1969 | |
17 | 26 | World Communion Sunday, Oct 1961-1969 | |
18 | 1 | Adolescents and Coalescence Amid the Great American Society, 1966 | |
18 | 2 | Appeals and Contributions, April 1965-Nov 1966 | |
18 | 3 | Appeals and Contributions, Dec 1966-Dec 1967 | |
18 | 4 | Baptism, March 1965; n.d. | |
18 | 5 | Budget, Monthly Reports, Feb 1965-1966 | |
18 | 6 | Budget, Monthly Reports, Feb 1967-Aug 1970 | |
18 | 7 | Budget and Finance, June 1964-Nov 1966 | |
18 | 8 | Budget and Finance, Dec 1966-1967 | |
18 | 9 | Budget and Finance, Jan 1968-1970; n.d. | |
18 | 10 | Chicago Consultation, Oct 1966; n.d. | |
18 | 11 | Christian Unity, Undated | |
18 | 12 | Committee to Investigate New Forms of Engagement of Youth in Society, July 1964-Sept 1965; n.d. | |
18 | 13 | Crisis in the Ecumenical Movement, Undated | |
18 | 14 | Budget, April-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 15 | Chicago, April-May 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 16 | Clippings, May-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 17 | Community and Project Profiles, May-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 18 | Community and Project Profiles, Undated | |
18 | 19 | Contact People, Jan-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 20 | Core Staff Meetings, April-July 1968 | |
18 | 21 | Correspondence, March-July 1968 | |
18 | 22 | Correspondence, Aug 1968-Feb 1970; n.d. | |
18 | 23 | Curriculum Materials, July 1966-1968; n.d. | |
18 | 24 | Dayton, Summer in the City, Jan-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 25 | Evaluation Component, April-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 26 | Film Information, Sept 1967-June 1968 | |
18 | 27 | Film Information, Aug-Sept 1968 | |
18 | 28 | Film Information, 1968 | |
18 | 29 | Film Information, Undated | |
18 | 30 | Internal Evaluation, Aug 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 31 | Local Networks, March-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 32 | Meetings, April 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 33 | Minnesota, April-June 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 34 | Miscellaneous, Feb-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 35 | Mobile Resource Team, May-Dec 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 36 | New York City Area Projects, May-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
18 | 37 | New York Conference of United Church of Christ, Dec 1968 | |
19 | 1 | Newark, New Jersey, Nov 1967-April 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 2 | The Organizer, May-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 3 | People Against Racism, March-June 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 4 | Progress Reports, June-Aug 1968 | |
19 | 5 | Project Descriptions, Jan-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 6 | Projects in Various Cities, Jan-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 7 | Scarsdale, New York, Ma-Oct 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 8 | Seminarians Organized for Racial Justice, May-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 9 | Spivey, Charles, Feb-Sept 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 10 | Statistics and Surveys, Undated | |
19 | 11 | Technical Assistance and Training, April 1968-June 1969; n.d. | |
19 | 12 | White Racism Packet, June 1968 | |
19 | 13 | White Racism Packet, Requests, Sept 1968-May 1970 | |
19 | 14 | Work Study, Nov 1965-April 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 15 | Directory of Denominational Boards, Sept 1968 | |
19 | 16 | The Draft, Sept 1966; n.d. | |
19 | 17 | Division of Christian Unity, Standing Rules, Undated | |
19 | 18 | Ecumenical Research Center, Feb-Oct 1967 | |
19 | 19 | American Baptist Convention, April 1968 | |
19 | 20 | Christmas Letters, Dec 1964-Jan 1966 | |
19 | 21 | Church of the Brethren, June 1968 | |
19 | 22 | Commission on Youth Service Projects, Oct 1966-April 1967 | |
19 | 23 | Committee Memberships, Dec 1965-Oct 1967; n.d. | |
19 | 24 | Consultation on Service, April-May 1967; n.d. | |
19 | 25 | Consultation on Volunteers, April-May 1968 | |
19 | 26 | Council on Student Travel, Jan 1966-1967 | |
19 | 27 | Ecumenical Voluntary Service Center, Aug 1966-July 1967; n.d. | |
19 | 28 | Executive Committee, June 1965-June 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 29 | Finance, July 1966-Jan 1968 | |
19 | 30 | General Committee, May 1965-Oct 1966 | |
19 | 31 | General Committee, Jan 1967-Jan 1968 | |
19 | 32 | Historical Statement, Undated | |
19 | 33 | Insurance, March 1967-Jan 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 34 | Leader's Notebook, 1966 | |
19 | 35 | Leadership Training, Dec 1965-April 1967 | |
19 | 36 | Membership, May 1965-[1967?] | |
19 | 37 | Methodist Church, Feb-June 1968 | |
19 | 38 | Miscellaneous, Jan 1965-May 1968; n.d. | |
19 | 39 | National Student Christian Federation, April-Sept 1966 | |
19 | 40 | Overseas Employment, [1967?] | |
19 | 41 | Participant Lists, 1965-1967 | |
19 | 42 | Participant, Allen, Robert C., April-June 1968 | |
19 | 43 | Participant, Baldwin, Frank C., March-May 1968 | |
19 | 44 | Participant, Barham, Rosalind L., Feb-Sept 1968 | |
19 | 45 | Participant, Behan, Warren W., Feb-June 1968 | |
19 | 46 | Participant, Borthwick, Katherine A., March-May 1968 | |
19 | 47 | Participant, Breedlove, Nancy L., Feb-Sept 1968 | |
19 | 48 | Participant, Clark, Loretta, June-Oct 1968 | |
19 | 49 | Participant, Clark, Rose, April 1968 | |
19 | 50 | Participant, Craig, Carol, April-May 1968 | |
19 | 51 | Participant, Ditmer, Elizabeth A., March-May 1968 | |
19 | 52 | Participant, Erickson, Jenanne I., March-May 1968 | |
19 | 53 | Participant, Gates, Constance E., March-June 1968 | |
19 | 54 | Participant, Greider, Gretchen A., March-June 1968 | |
19 | 55 | Participant, Gustafson, Joan E., Feb-June 1968 | |
19 | 56 | Participant, Hersey, James C., April-Aug 1968 | |
19 | 57 | Participant, Hess, Cinda R., Feb-June 1968 | |
19 | 58 | Participant, Hindelang, Ronald, April-July 1968 | |
19 | 59 | Participant, Hoffman, Elizabeth G., March-Aug 1968 | |
19 | 60 | Participant, Holowaty, Christina, Feb-July 1968 | |
19 | 61 | Participant, Immler, Kathy, April-May 1968 | |
19 | 62 | Participant, Kaczmarek, Peter, May 1968 | |
19 | 63 | Participant, Kemppainen, Sandra, July 1968 | |
19 | 64 | Participant, Keretes, Michal J., April-Sept 1968 | |
19 | 65 | Participant, Kimball, Wendy, [1968?] | |
19 | 66 | Participant, Larson, Laura, May-July 1968 | |
19 | 67 | Participant, Mikkelsen, Lawrence K., April-May 1968 | |
19 | 68 | Participant, Mitchell, Raymond W., March-July 1968 | |
19 | 69 | Participant, Morey, Susan R., March-Sept 1968 | |
19 | 70 | Participant, Morrison, Henry, March-June 1968 | |
19 | 71 | Participant, Mueller, Jane E., March-June 1968 | |
19 | 72 | Participant, Myers, Judith, Feb-June 1968 | |
19 | 73 | Participant, Obwona, John, March 1968 | |
19 | 74 | Participant, O'Connell, Kathleen, March-June 1968 | |
19 | 75 | Participant, Owen, Margaret, April-July 1968 | |
19 | 76 | Participant, Pelsue, Patricia, March-July 1968 | |
19 | 77 | Participant, Pyle, Barbara, March-June 1968 | |
19 | 78 | Participant, Ramsey, Ronald, March-June 1968 | |
19 | 79 | Participant, Schwager, Bruce, 1968 | |
19 | 80 | Participant, Sillaman, Carolyn L., March-June 1968 | |
19 | 81 | Participant, Sperry, Rebecca, Feb-June 1968 | |
19 | 82 | Participant, Stewart, Judith, Feb-July 1968 | |
19 | 83 | Participant, Thomson, Ann, March-June 1968 | |
20 | 1 | Participant, Tuscano, Suzanne, June 1968 | |
20 | 2 | Participant, Wambold, Isabel, March-June 1968 | |
20 | 3 | Participant, Weaver, Jo Ann, Feb 1968 | |
20 | 4 | Participant, Wright, Nancy, April-June 1968 | |
20 | 5 | Participants' Finance Records, 1965 | |
20 | 6 | Presbyterian Church in the United States, Feb-Sept 1968 | |
20 | 7 | Relationship with Department of Youth Ministry, Dec 1966-April 1967; n.d | |
20 | 8 | Scholarship Income, Jan 1967-Aug 1968; n.d. | |
20 | 9 | Screening Committee, Jan-April 1968 | |
20 | 10 | Standing Rules, Undated | |
20 | 11 | Summer Service Opportunities, [1967?] | |
20 | 12 | Transfer to Division of Christian Unity, May 1964-Feb 1965; n.d. | |
20 | 13 | Travel Transactions, Jan-June 1968; n.d. | |
20 | 14 | United Church of Christ, March-Oct 1968 | |
20 | 15 | Work Camp Packet, March-May 1967; n.d. | |
20 | 16 | World Council of Churches, Dec 1967-1968; n.d. | |
20 | 17 | Ecumenical Youth Conferences, July 1965-Oct 1967 | |
20 | 18 | Evangelical Academies and Christian Renewal in Europe, Sept 1965 | |
20 | 19 | Food and Development, 1967; n.d. | |
20 | 20 | Forms, Undated | |
20 | 21 | "The Gap" (Coffee House), June 1966-July 1967; n.d. | |
20 | 22 | General Committee, Mailings, Jan-Nov 1969 | |
20 | 23 | General Committee, Membership and Nominations, Jan 1966-April 1970; n.d. | |
20 | 24 | General Committee, Minutes, Sept 1965-Sept 1966 | |
20 | 25 | General Committee, Minutes, Oct 1967-March 1970 | |
20 | 26 | Goals for the 70's, Aug 1968 | |
20 | 27 | Hungry Passengers on the Spaceship Earth, Jan 1968 | |
20 | 28 | International Economic Justice, Nov 1966-Oct 1967; n.d. | |
20 | 29 | Lines of Conflict and Solidarity Between Africa and Europe, Aug 1966 | |
20 | 30 | Litany of the World, Undated | |
20 | 31 | Local Ecumenical Development, Sept 1965 | |
20 | 32 | Marches on Development, June 1968 | |
20 | 33 | Miscellaneous, Dec 1964-March 1971; n.d. | |
20 | 34 | On the Death of the Self-Evident God, Undated | |
20 | 35 | Orthodox Youth Work, Sept 1968 | |
20 | 36 | Personnel, March 1965-Aug 1970 | |
20 | 37 | Pilot Ministries, March-May 1967 | |
20 | 38 | Pilot Penetration Projects, Jan 1965 | |
20 | 39 | Priorities of Youth Ministry, June-Sept 1965 | |
20 | 40 | Program Description, 1968 | |
20 | 41 | Program Planning, June 1966-1967; n.d. | |
20 | 42 | Publication Report, June 1967-Dec 1969 | |
20 | 43 | Purpose of Department of Youth Ministry, Aug 1966 | |
20 | 44 | Reflections from a Sabbatical, Undated | |
20 | 45 | Report, March 1968 | |
20 | 46 | "Seeking Signs of the Remembered Future," March 1967 | |
20 | 47 | Sjaloom (Shalom), April-Nov 1967; n.d. | |
20 | 48 | Task Force to Study Shape and Form of Future Annual Meetings, April-June 1969 | |
20 | 49 | The Temporary Facts of Life, Oct 1967 | |
20 | 50 | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Undated | |
20 | 51 | World Meetings, April-Oct 1966; n.d. | |
20 | 52 | World Youth Projects, April 1965-Feb 1970 | |
20 | 53 | Young Christian Students, Nov 1965-Jan 1969; n.d. | |
20 | 54 | Young Life Movement, July 1955-March 1970; n.d. | |
20 | 55 | Young People in a World of Inter-Related Nations, Undated | |
20 | 56 | Young World Food and Development Project, Sept 1967 | |
20 | 57 | Youth and the Impact of Technology, Undated | |
20 | 58 | Youth and the World Crisis Seminar, Jan 1966-Jan 1970 | |
20 | 59 | Youth Caucus Newsletter, Dec 1969-Feb 1970 | |
20 | 60 | Youth Culture Study, Dec 1964-April 1966; n.d. | |
20 | 61 | Youth Expo, June-Nov 1968 | |
20 | 62 | Youth Franchise Coalition, Inc., Oct 1969 | |
20 | 63 | Youth in Ecumenical Action, Sept 1966 | |
20 | 64 | Youth Leadership Training Program, Valparaiso, Dec 1968 | |
20 | 65 | Youth Leadership Training Seminar, Syracuse, Jan-Nov 1965; n.d. | |
20 | 66 | Youth Ministry Coalition, March-April 1969 | |
20 | 67 | Youth Ministry Consultation, Dec 1965 | |
20 | 68 | Youth Ministry Workshop, Albany, New York, May-Oct 1968 | |
20 | 69 | Youth Notes, 1965-1966 | |
20 | 70 | Youth Participation in General Church Events, Sept 1965 | |
20 | 71 | Youth Week (1962), Feb 1964-Jan 1969 | |
20 | 72 | Youth Week (1965), Feb 1964-Jan 1967; n.d. | |
20 | 73 | Youth Week (1966), Correspondence, April 1963-Nov 1966 | |
20 | 74 | Youth Week (1966), Packet, Jan-Feb 1966 | |
20 | 75 | Youth Week (1967), Correspondence, Sept 1964-Dec 1967; n.d. | |
20 | 76 | Youth Week (1967), Packet, Jan-Feb 1967 | |
20 | 77 | Youth Week (1968), Correspondence, Jan 1967-April 1969; n.d. | |
21 | 1 | Youth Week (1968), Packet, Oct-Nov 1968 | |
21 | 2 | Youth Week (1969), Correspondence, March 1968-April 1970 | |
21 | 3 | Youth Week (1969), Packet, Oct-Nov 1969 | |
21 | 4 | Youth Week (1970), Oct 1969-Sept 1970; n.d. | |
21 | 5 | Youth Week, Future Change, Dec 1965-July 1967 | |
21 | 6 | Youth Week, Inquiry Responses, March-Sept 1966 | |
21 | 7 | Youth Week, Roman Catholic Materials, 1964-1966 | |
21 | 8 | Youth Week, Roman Catholic Materials, 1967-1968 | |
21 | 9 | Youth Work Section, April 1964-Dec 1967 | |
21 | 10 | Youth Work Section, Jan 1968-Jan 1970 | |
21 | 11 | Youth Workers Questionnaire, April-May 1967; n.d. | |
SERIES V: UNITED CHURCH MEN, 1951-1972 | |||
22 | 1 | Administrative Committee, Sept 1953-March 1960 | |
22 | 2 | Adult Work Strategy Conference, July 1959-Dec 1964 | |
22 | 3 | American Laymen Overseas Committee, Oct 1962-Sept 1964 | |
22 | 4 | American Leprosy Missions, Inc., Dec 1960-Jan 1964 | |
22 | 5 | Anti-Poverty Committee, 1960-Dec 1964 | |
22 | 6 | Anti-Poverty Committee, Jan-March 1965 | |
22 | 7 | Anti-Poverty Committee, April-June 1965; n.d. | |
22 | 8 | Between Us (newsletter), Aug 1959-Aug 1962 | |
22 | 9 | Between Us Mailing List, May 1961-Nov 1963; n.d. | |
22 | 10 | Between Us Resource Material, March 1959-[1960?] | |
22 | 11 | Between Us Resource Material, Jan 1961-Sept 1962 | |
22 | 12 | Annual Meeting (Cincinnati, 1951), Oct 1951 | |
22 | 13 | Annual Meeting (Denver, 1952), Dec 1951-Sept 1952 | |
22 | 14 | Annual Meeting (Denver, 1952), Oct 1952 | |
22 | 15 | Annual Meeting (Denver, 1952), Nov 1952 | |
22 | 16 | Annual Meeting (Denver, 1952), Dec 1952 | |
22 | 17 | Annual Meeting (Denver, 1952), Dec 1952-Feb 1953 | |
22 | 18 | Annual Meeting (Detroit, 1953), Sept-Dec 1953 | |
22 | 19 | Annual Meeting (St. Louis, 1954), June 1954-Jan 1955 | |
22 | 20 | Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, 1955), Nov 1955 | |
22 | 21 | Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, 1956), Nov 1956 | |
22 | 22 | Annual Meeting (Washington, 1957), Jan-Dec 1957 | |
22 | 23 | Annual Meeting (Columbus, 1958), Nov 1958 | |
22 | 24 | Annual Meeting (Chicago, 1959), Nov 1959 | |
22 | 25 | Annual Meeting (New York, 1960), Sept-Nov 1960 | |
22 | 26 | Annual Meeting (Toronto, 1961), Nov 1961; n.d. | |
22 | 27 | Annual Meeting (Montreat, 1962), Oct-Nov 1962 | |
22 | 28 | Annual Meeting (Indianapolis, 1963), Nov 1963 | |
22 | 29 | Annual Meeting (Chicago, 1964), Nov 1964 | |
22 | 30 | Annual Meeting (Minneapolis, 1965), Nov 1965 | |
22 | 31 | Annual Meeting (Valley Forge, 1966), July 1965-Nov 1966 | |
22 | 32 | Annual Meeting (Valley Forge, 1966), Dec 1966-Feb 1967 | |
22 | 33 | Annual Meeting (Memphis, 1967), Feb-Nov 1967; n.d. | |
22 | 34 | Annual Meeting (Toronto, 1968), Sept 1967-[1968?] | |
23 | 1 | Annual Meeting (Montreat, 1969), Nov 1968-[1969?] | |
23 | 2 | Annual Meeting (Chicago, 1970), Aug-Dec 1970 | |
23 | 3 | Membership, March 1953-Feb 1967 | |
23 | 4 | Membership, March 1967-Sept 1970; n.d. | |
23 | 5 | Budget and Finance, [1959?]-1971 | |
23 | 6 | Budget Reports, Monthly, Feb 1969-Dec 1970 | |
23 | 7 | Bylaws, Oct 1957-Feb 1960; n.d. | |
23 | 8 | Calame, Donald L., Appointments to Boards and Committees, June 1962-1964; n.d. | |
23 | 9 | "Chain Reaction," Jan-Dec 1961; n.d. | |
23 | 10 | Chaplains' Assistance Committee, March 1961-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
23 | 11 | Church of God, Undated | |
23 | 12 | Church-Related Colleges Committee, Aug 1951-[1954?] | |
23 | 13 | Church-Related Colleges Committee, Jan-Dec 1955 | |
23 | 14 | Church-Related Colleges Committee, Jan 1956-Oct 1957; n.d. | |
23 | 15 | Churchmen's Fellowship, Sept 1958-Feb 1963 | |
23 | 16 | Churchmen's Week, 1952, Feb 1952 | |
23 | 17 | Churchmen's Week, 1953, June-Sept 1953 | |
23 | 18 | Churchmen's Week, 1954, May-Oct 1954 | |
23 | 19 | Churchmen's Week, 1955, June-Oct 1955 | |
23 | 20 | Churchmen's Week, 1956, May 1955-Jan 1957 | |
23 | 21 | Churchmen's Week, 1957, May-Oct 1957; n.d. | |
23 | 22 | Clerical-Lay Relations Committee, Sept 1952-Nov 1954 | |
23 | 23 | Commission on General Christian Education Meeting, April 1959-March 1960 | |
23 | 24 | Committee Memberships, May 1951-1969; n.d. | |
23 | 25 | Communication for the Laity, 1966-Nov 1968; n.d. | |
23 | 26 | Community Services Committee, Dec 1952-March 1955 | |
23 | 27 | Conference of Men's Work Secretaries, Sept 1956- Dec 1960 | |
23 | 28 | Conference of Men's Work Secretaries, Nov 1961-Nov 1962 | |
23 | 29 | Conference of Men's Work Secretaries, Nov 1967-Nov 1970 | |
23 | 30 | Consultation on Lay Schools of Theology, June 1966-Feb 1967; n.d. | |
23 | 31 | Consultation on Youth Employment, 1962-March 1964 | |
23 | 32 | Consultative Committee on Adult Activities, Sept 1961-Jan 1963; n.d. | |
23 | 33 | Cooperative Resources Committee, Nov 1961-Oct 1966; n.d. | |
23 | 34 | Daily Bible Reading Fellowship, 1954-March 1961 | |
23 | 35 | DeLisser, Horace E., July 1957-June 1960; n.d. | |
23 | 36 | Denominational Income Reports, Aug 1969-Oct 1970 | |
23 | 37 | Denominational Leaders Committee, Dec 1952-April 1953; n.d. | |
23 | 38 | Denominational Men's Work Secretaries, Aug 1964; n.d. | |
23 | 39 | Department of Evangelism, March-May 1963 | |
23 | 40 | Detail Ledger Reports, Jan 1969-Dec 1970 | |
23 | 41 | Director's Reports, Nov 195-March 1968; n.d. | |
23 | 42 | Ecumenical Development, [1964?] | |
23 | 43 | European Conference of Men's Work Secretaries, Sept 1958-March 1969 | |
23 | 44 | Evanston Ecumenical Institute, 1963 | |
23 | 45 | Correspondence, Feb 1952-April 1953 | |
23 | 46 | Correspondence, May 1953-March 1970 | |
24 | 1 | Minutes, April 1953-April 1954 | |
24 | 2 | Minutes, April 1956-Feb 1958 | |
24 | 3 | Minutes, April 1958-April 1970 | |
24 | 4 | File Catalog, Aug 1953 | |
24 | 5 | Financial Planning Committee, Sept 1951-1954; n.d. | |
24 | 6 | For the World, Sept-Oct 1965; n.d. | |
24 | 7 | Individual Lay Movements, July-Dec 1961 | |
24 | 8 | General Program, Field and Planning Committee, Oct 1961-May 1964; n.d. | |
24 | 9 | Glance, newsletter, May 1959-Nov 1965 | |
24 | 10 | Governor's Conference on Aging, April-May 1965 | |
24 | 11 | Graham, Walter A., Jan-March 1970 | |
24 | 12 | Inaugural of United Church Men, Oct 1951 | |
24 | 13 | Inner-City Church, March-April 1963 | |
24 | 14 | Interfaith Committee, Feb-March 1955 | |
24 | 15 | Interim Committee, Jan 1953 | |
24 | 16 | International Lay Centers, 1964-Jan 1968 | |
24 | 17 | Japan International Christian University, May 1963-1965 | |
24 | 18 | Joint Assembly of United Church Men and United Church Women, Jan 1963-Feb 1966; n.d. | |
24 | 19 | Budget, May-June 1952 | |
24 | 20 | Correspondence, Dec 1951-April 1952 | |
24 | 21 | Correspondence, May-Oct 1952 | |
24 | 22 | Miscellaneous, Undated | |
24 | 23 | Schedules, March-Aug 1952; n.d. | |
24 | 24 | Speakers, Feb-Aug 1952; n.d. | |
24 | 25 | Key City Meetings Committee, Dec 1952-1953 | |
24 | 26 | Kirchentag Trips, Dec 1964-June 1965 | |
24 | 27 | Kirchentag Trips, July 1965- July 1969; n.d. | |
24 | 28 | Laity Consultation, Buck Hill Falls, March-April 1961 | |
24 | 29 | Laity Luncheon, Feb-Dec 1966 | |
24 | 30 | The Laymen's Movement Review, Sept 1959-Oct 1964 | |
24 | 31 | Laymen's Sunday, 1953, Oct 1953 | |
24 | 32 | Laymen's Sunday, 1954, Oct 1954 | |
24 | 33 | Laymen's Sunday, 1955, Oct 1955 | |
24 | 34 | Laymen's Sunday, 1956, Sept 1955-[1956?] | |
24 | 35 | Laymen's Sunday, 1957, Oct 1955-Aug 1957 | |
24 | 36 | Laymen's Sunday, 1957, Sept 1957 | |
24 | 37 | Laymen's Sunday, 1957, Oct-Nov 1957; n.d. | |
24 | 38 | Laymen's Sunday, 1958, Sept 1957-[1958?] | |
24 | 39 | Laymen's Sunday, 1959, April 1959-Feb 1960 | |
24 | 40 | Laymen's Sunday, 1960, Sept-Oct 1960 | |
24 | 41 | Laymen's Sunday, 1961, Oct 1961 | |
24 | 42 | Laymen's Sunday, 1962, June-Oct 1962 | |
24 | 43 | Laymen's Sunday, 1963, Sept-Oct 1963 | |
24 | 44 | Laymen's Sunday, 1964, Oct 1964 | |
24 | 45 | Laymen's Sunday, 1965, Aug-Nov 1965 | |
24 | 46 | Laymen's Sunday, 1966, Oct 1966 | |
24 | 47 | Laymen's Sunday, 1967, Oct 1967 | |
24 | 48 | Laymen's Sunday, 1968, Oct 1968 | |
24 | 49 | Laymen's Sunday, 1969, March-Nov 1969; n.d. | |
25 | 1 | Laymen's Sunday, 1970, Aug 1969-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
25 | 2 | Laymen's Sunday, 1971, Aug 1970-April 1971 | |
25 | 3 | Laymen's Sunday, Miscellaneous, Jan 1969; n.d. | |
25 | 4 | Leadership Training, April 1962-April 1963 | |
25 | 5 | Atchison County (Westboro), Missouri, July 1969-Jan 1971; n.d. | |
25 | 6 | Alliance, Ohio, Oct 1968-Oct 1969 | |
25 | 7 | Baltimore, Maryland, Oct 1968-Feb 1971; n.d. | |
25 | 8 | Bedford, New York, April 196-Feb 1971; n.d. | |
25 | 9 | Belleville, Ontario, Canada, Nov 1968-Oct 1970; n.d. | |
25 | 10 | Billings, Montana, July 1969-May 1970; n.d. | |
25 | 11 | Biographies, Undated | |
25 | 12 | Boise, Idaho, June-Aug 1969 | |
25 | 13 | Boston, Massachusetts, Nov 1968-July 1969 | |
25 | 14 | Bridgeport, Connecticut, Nov 1968-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
25 | 15 | Burlington, Vermont, Dec 1968-March 1971 | |
25 | 16 | Casper, Wyoming, July 1969-Oct 1970 | |
25 | 17 | Copeland, S. Bruce, July 1969-Feb 1971; n.d. | |
25 | 18 | Correspondence, July 1968-Oct 1969 | |
25 | 19 | Correspondence, Nov 1969-Jan 1970 | |
25 | 20 | Correspondence, Feb-April 1970 | |
25 | 21 | Correspondence, May-July 1970 | |
25 | 22 | Correspondence, Aug-Nov 1970 | |
25 | 23 | Correspondence, Dec 1970-March 1972; n.d. | |
25 | 24 | Critiques of Reports, June 1970 | |
25 | 25 | Dallas, Texas, March 1969-March 1971; n.d. | |
25 | 26 | Denver, Colorado, July 1969-March 1971; n.d. | |
25 | 27 | Des Marais, Louise, Oct 1969-March 1971 | |
25 | 28 | Emporia, Kansas, Oct 1969-April 1970; n.d. | |
25 | 29 | Evansville, Indiana, Oct 1968-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
25 | 30 | Finance, Feb 1969-June 1972; n.d. | |
25 | 31 | Gable, Lee J., Sept 1969-March 1971 | |
25 | 32 | General Board of NCC, June 1970-Jan 1971 | |
25 | 33 | Hayesville, North Carolina, July 1969-Jan 1970 | |
25 | 34 | Hein, Jeanne, Sept 1969-March 1971; n.d. | |
25 | 35 | Houston, Texas, Dec 1968-Oct 1970; n.d. | |
25 | 36 | Indianapolis, Indiana, Feb 1969-March 1971 | |
25 | 37 | Knoxville, Tennessee, July 1969-Sept 1970 | |
25 | 38 | Kuhn, James, Dec 1969-March 1971 | |
25 | 39 | Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Oct 1968-Jan 1971; n.d. | |
25 | 40 | Lansing, Michigan, Oct 1968-June 1970 | |
2525 | 41 | Lawrence, Kansas, Feb 1969-Nov 1970 | |
25 | 42 | Little Rock, Arkansas, Aug 1969-July 1970 | |
25 | 43 | Los Angeles, California, Feb 1969-Feb 1971 | |
25 | 44 | Maness, William, July 1969-March 1971 | |
25 | 45 | Minneapolis, Minnesota, Oct 1968-Feb 1970 | |
25 | 46 | Miscellaneous, June 1967-June 1972; n.d. | |
25 | 47 | Morgantown, West Virginia, July 1969-Feb 1971; n.d. | |
25 | 48 | National Committee, Jan 1969-Oct 1970 | |
26 | 1 | National Committee, Nov 1970-Jan 1971; n.d. | |
26 | 2 | New Orleans, Louisiana, April 1969-July 1970 | |
26 | 3 | New York, New York, Feb 1969-June 1970 | |
26 | 4 | Newark, New Jersey, July 1969-Oct 1970 | |
26 | 5 | Phoenix, Arizona, July 1969-Nov 1970; n.d. | |
26 | 6 | Portland, Oregon, Oct 1968-March 1971 | |
26 | 7 | Presbyterian Church in the United States, Oct 1969 | |
26 | 8 | Raleigh, North Carolina, Feb-April 1969 | |
26 | 9 | Reports, April 1970-1971; n.d. | |
26 | 10 | Richmond, Virginia, Feb-July 1969 | |
26 | 11 | Ridgewood, New Jersey, Nov 1969-May 1970 | |
26 | 12 | Rochester, New York, Oct 1968-Oct 1969 | |
26 | 13 | Rockford, Illinois, Oct 1968-Jan 1971; n.d. | |
26 | 14 | Salina, Kansas, Oct 1969; n.d. | |
26 | 15 | San Antonio, Texas, Feb-Dec 1969 | |
26 | 16 | San Francisco, California, Jan 1969-Feb 1970; n.d. | |
26 | 17 | Santa Clara County (San Jose), California, Oct 1968-Oct 1970; n.d. | |
26 | 18 | Sheridan, Thomas, March-July 1970; n.d. | |
26 | 19 | Staff Advisory Committee, Jan 1969-March 1971; n.d. | |
26 | 20 | Task Force, June 1970-March 1971; n.d. | |
26 | 21 | Travel, Jan 1969-Dec 1970; n.d. | |
26 | 22 | Tulsa, Oklahoma, Feb-Oct 1969 | |
26 | 23 | Wedel, Cynthia, Feb 1968-April 1970; n.d. | |
26 | 24 | World Council of Churches, Dec 1968-May 1970 | |
26 | 25 | Yakima, Washington, Feb 1969-April 1970; n.d. | |
26 | 26 | Long Range Program Committee, April 1951-[1953?] | |
26 | 27 | McKinney Report, Nov 1962-July 1963; n.d. | |
26 | 28 | Men and Missions Sunday, March 1955-Aug 1958; n.d. | |
26 | 29 | Men's Work Study Trends, Jan 1960 | |
26 | 30 | The Methodist Layman, Feb 1959-Dec 1960 | |
26 | 31 | Mental Retardation, Feb-March 1963 | |
26 | 32 | Miscellaneous, April 1952-Feb 1963 | |
26 | 33 | Miscellaneous, Feb 1964-April 1971; n.d. | |
26 | 34 | Mr. and Mrs. Seminar, March 1966-March 1967 | |
26 | 35 | National Committee of Church Men for Church Colleges, Sept 1956-Dec 1958 | |
26 | 36 | National Council of Catholic Men-National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods United Church Men Projects, Feb 1965-Oct 1966 | |
26 | 37 | Newsletters of Men's Organizations, April 1958-Aug 1965 | |
26 | 38 | Nominating Committee, 1953-Sept 1957; n.d. | |
26 | 39 | North American Conference on the Laity, July-Aug 1965 | |
26 | 40 | Outstanding Projects by the Men of the Churches, Undated | |
26 | 41 | Personnel Committee, Dec 1953-Feb 1957 | |
26 | 42 | Planning Committee of the NCC, Nov 1963-May 1964 | |
26 | 43 | Policy and Program Committee, Nov-Dec 1957 | |
26 | 44 | Presbyterian Men's Convention (Miami, 1957), April 1955-Feb 1957 | |
26 | 45 | Presbyterian Men's Convention (Miami, 1957), March 1957-May 1958 | |
26 | 46 | Printed Matter, 1951-Dec 1963; n.d. | |
26 | 47 | Protestant Men of the Chapel, Oct 1958-1971 | |
26 | 48 | Protestant Training Laboratory, Jan 1964 | |
26 | 49 | Publicity and Extension Committee, Sept 1954-Nov 1955 | |
26 | 50 | Religion in American Life, Aug 1962-Feb 1964; n.d. | |
26 | 51 | Religion in Industry Committee, Oct 1952-June 1954 | |
27 | 1 | Religion in Industry Committee, July 1954-May 1958; n.d. | |
27 | 2 | Representation on NCC Units, March 1959-1964 | |
27 | 3 | Research in Best Practices Committee, April 1951-Nov 1955; n.d. | |
27 | 4 | Retardation Project, Dec 1964-Jan 1965 | |
27 | 5 | Speakers Bureau, Oct 1951-Nov 1953 | |
27 | 6 | Staff Association, Sept 1964-March 1966; n.d. | |
27 | 7 | Arizona, Dec 1951-Jan 1956 | |
27 | 8 | Arkansas, Feb 1960 | |
27 | 9 | California, Jan 1952-Oct 1954; n.d. | |
27 | 10 | Colorado, Nov 1951-Dec 1964 | |
27 | 11 | Connecticut, Dec 1951-May 1957 | |
27 | 12 | District of Columbia, May-Sept 1964 | |
27 | 13 | Florida, Sept 1960-Oct 1963; n.d. | |
27 | 14 | Illinois, June 1952-Jan 1966; n.d. | |
27 | 15 | Indiana, Nov 1951-Aug 1966; n.d. | |
27 | 16 | Kentucky, Feb 1960 | |
27 | 17 | Miscellaneous, March 1952-July 1967; n.d. | |
27 | 18 | Missouri, Dec 1957-Jan 1958 | |
27 | 19 | Ohio, Dec 1956-Oct 1962 | |
27 | 20 | Pennsylvania, Feb 1952-June 1968; n.d. | |
27 | 21 | Rhode Island, Jan 1953-March 1966; n.d. | |
27 | 22 | Washington, Oct 1953-May 1966 | |
27 | 23 | West Virginia, June 1952-[Sept?] 1957 | |
27 | 24 | Structure and Organization Committee, Nov 1953-Sept 1956 | |
27 | 25 | Technology and Livelihood Planning Committee, Jan-March 1963 | |
27 | 26 | "Tractors on the Ocean," March 1963-Aug 1968 | |
27 | 27 | Tri-Faith Lay Leaders' Conference, Nov 1965-May 1966; n.d. | |
27 | 28 | United Church Men's Bulletin, April 1952-Feb 1959 | |
27 | 29 | Units Committee, Nov 1951-Sept 1965; n.d. | |
27 | 30 | Visitors to Europe, July-Dec 1961 | |
27 | 31 | "What Changed Charlie," March 1960-Dec 1964; n.d. | |
28 | 1 | Advisory Committee, Correspondence, May 1958-Sept 1970; n.d. | |
28 | 2 | Advisory Committee, Minutes, Sept 1953-Sept 1970 | |
28 | 3 | Alien Income Tax Reports, June 1960-Aug 1970 | |
28 | 4 | American Candidates for Exchange, July 1963-Sept 1969; n.d. | |
28 | 5 | A, Oct 1954-Feb 1970 | |
28 | 6 | B, Dec 1955-April 1968 | |
28 | 7 | C, Aug 1953-1969 | |
28 | 8 | D, Sept 1960-Jan 1970 | |
28 | 9 | E, Dec 1957-Oct 1968 | |
28 | 10 | F, May 1957-Sept 1968 | |
28 | 11 | G, April 1953-March 1970; n.d. | |
28 | 12 | H, April 1953-1969 | |
28 | 13 | I, Nov 1965-Jan 1968 | |
28 | 14 | J, April 1955-Jan 1968 | |
28 | 15 | K, Sept 1953-June 1969 | |
28 | 16 | L, Oct 1953-1966 | |
28 | 17 | M, Oct 1953-1969 | |
28 | 18 | N, Dec 1959-Feb 1970; n.d. | |
28 | 19 | O, Nov 1960-Sept 1967 | |
28 | 20 | P, Sept 1955-Jan 1970 | |
28 | 21 | Phillips, Melvin R., Sept 1960-1969 | |
28 | 22 | R, Sept 1953-1970 | |
28 | 23 | S, Dec 1954-April 1970; n.d. | |
28 | 24 | T, Nov 1953-1970 | |
28 | 25 | V, Oct 1955-1969 | |
28 | 26 | W, Dec 1952-Feb 1970 | |
28 | 27 | X,Y,Z, Feb 1962-Dec 1967 | |
28 | 28 | Zeller, Harry K., Sept 1965-1966 | |
28 | 29 | British Council of Churches, Dec 1953-1959 | |
28 | 30 | British Council of Churches, Jan 1960-Nov 1963 | |
28 | 31 | British Council of Churches, Jan 1964-1969 | |
28 | 32 | A, 1955-1969 | |
28 | 33 | B, March 1954-1968 | |
28 | 34 | C, 1954-1969 | |
28 | 35 | D, 1954-1970 | |
28 | 37 | E, 1954-Sept 1966 | |
29 | 1 | F, 1956-1968; n.d. | |
29 | 2 | G, 1954-1970 | |
29 | 3 | H, 1955-1968 | |
29 | 4 | Inglis, Angus, March-Aug 1968 | |
29 | 5 | J, 1957-1965 | |
29 | 6 | K, 1957-1970 | |
29 | 7 | L, [Dec?] 1957-April 1969 | |
29 | 8 | M, 1954-Aug 1969 | |
29 | 9 | N, 1958-1969 | |
29 | 10 | O, 1961-1963 | |
29 | 11 | P, 1954-1969; n.d. | |
29 | 12 | R, 1954-1970 | |
29 | 13 | S, 1955-1970; n.d. | |
29 | 14 | T, April 1958-1970 | |
29 | 15 | U, 1954 | |
29 | 16 | V, 1965 | |
29 | 17 | W, 1954-1969 | |
29 | 18 | W, Jan-Aug 1970; n.d. | |
29 | 19 | Business and Finance, Oct 1956-Aug 1969; n.d. | |
29 | 20 | Canada, Jan 1958-Feb 1961 | |
29 | 21 | Churches Inviting British Preachers, 1958-1967; n.d. | |
29 | 22 | Continuation of Program, Aug 1956-Sept 1957 | |
29 | 23 | Correspondence, Oct 1957-March 1970 | |
29 | 24 | Correspondence, April-June 1970 | |
29 | 25 | Denominations, Sept 1956-Nov 1966; n.d. | |
29 | 26 | The English-Speaking Union, May 1959-Feb 1966; n.d. | |
29 | 27 | Evaluations, Jan 1957-[1959?] | |
29 | 28 | Evaluations, Jan 1960-Feb 1970 | |
29 | 29 | Form Letters, Aug 1953-Jan 1970; n.d. | |
29 | 30 | Lists of Participants, 1953-1970; n.d. | |
29 | 31 | Luncheons, June 1956-Aug 1968 | |
29 | 32 | Miscellaneous, Feb 1962-1970; n.d. | |
29 | 33 | Parish to Parish Exchange, May 1958-March 1969 | |
29 | 34 | Policy and Strategy Committee Report, Feb-March 1960 | |
29 | 35 | Procedure for Selection of American Team, April 1968 | |
29 | 36 | Publicity Material, March 1955-Jan 1968; n.d. | |
29 | 37 | Schedules of Appointments, 1951-1969; n.d. |