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Earth Day Sunday 2020: The Fierce Urgency of Now

PC(USA) is a founding member of the ecumenical Creation Justice Ministries. Rev. Rebecca Barnes, Presbyterian Hunger Program Coordinator, is the president of the board, and Christian Brooks, Domestic Policy Analyst for the Office of Public Witness, is also a board member. The Presbyterian Hunger Program is a proud supporter of Earth Day Sunday, with its gift made possible by the One Great Hour of Sharing.

Each year, Creation Justice Ministries offers Christian education materials to equip faith communities to protect, restore, and more rightly share God's creation. The resource is written to be useful year-round. Earth Day falls on Wednesday, April 22. This year, Earth Day Sunday can be celebrated April 19, April 26, or another day convenient for your faith community.

The 2020 theme is "The Fierce Urgency of Now." Our Christian education and action resources will feature stories of congregations taking climate action, liturgical resources, and faith-rooted interpretation of recently released dire Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports. Download the resource here. 

For past year themes and resources, and to learn more see



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Topics: Climate Change, Eco-Justice, Environment, Justice, Uncategorized
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