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Deforestation and Covid-19

Many of you may be asking yourself what this  Covid-19 pandemic is attempting to teach us about the state of Mother Nature and the ways in which we relate to her?


While acknowledging that people all over the world are suffering from lost employment, diminished incomes and uncertainty, we  are seeing that in slowing down, and reducing our activity, we are providing nature a much-needed reprieve from human activity. The Covid-19 pandemic has also been an opportunity to breathe, repair and recover.

Unfortunately, this is only a temporary change and not sustainable if we continue the same destructive lifestyles once economies reopen for business.

Eileen Schuhmann, Mission Specialist for International Hunger Concerns with the Presbyterian Hunger Program, recently shared her thoughts on this in her recent post Deforestation and Covid-19 on the Together for Justice Blog. Read it here.

The work of the Presbyterian Hunger Program is possible thanks to your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing.


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Topics: Creation, Current Affairs, Eco-Justice, Environment, Joining Hands, Justice, Sustainability
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